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Abies 325 faberi 15 forrestii 325 Ias‘ocorPa 327 Pi”dro即327 ‘aehal‘”e”s‘5 327 口eitehi玄327Aeaeia co”f.sa 369 riehi‘281Aeoly夕ha 205 a.‘tral‘5 205 broehy‘tochya 205 gog.epoi.i‘205 hete阳stoehyo 205 hisPiba 205 206 k口rrii 205 Iaeei 205 “ame”515 205 口ilkesia”。205 206 var.明arg亡”ota 206ACantbaCeae 374Aea”thoPo”o二 eoodiaefolfos 266Acer 111 eaPPadoe‘cum subsP.tr“”eat“m 225 Vst.51月iC”明17 eataIP‘folf‘。17 caudat“杭 var.Pratt“17 dat,fdi‘16 e阴eie”se 17 eria… 相似文献
虎纹捕鸟蛛常作为实验动物用于毒素等领域的研究。关于该种的行为学、生态学等方面的研究工作,也常见于国内各刊物。但在诸多的文献中,该种的拉丁学名写法不一,造成一些误解,也不便于检索。实际上,该种通用的拉丁学名是Haplopelma huwenum(Wang,Peng&Xie,1993)。 相似文献
中国外来入侵植物的学名考证 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于中国外来入侵植物的相关报道和文献,发现一些入侵植物的学名使用比较混乱,一个物种存在两个或两个以上的名称。依据最新植物志资料,对国内30种外来人侵植物学名进行了考证,包括中名、基名(若存在)、异名、原产地以及在中国的分布等。 相似文献
《经济线虫学》是本关于植物寄生线虫的教学、研究参考书;中译本为笔者所译。全书52万字,内有各种线虫名称近300个。关于植物寄生线虫学名的汉译,该书“译者的话”中有所议论。最近接读者来信,要求就那个思路,把有关问题进一步说清楚。 (一)植物寄生线虫,和其他各类动物一样,通常有两种名称,即俗名(普通名称)和学名。俗名是约定俗成的,不受任何法规约束和保护可用任何文字书写。学名则不同,其命定、修订和使用,必须遵守《国际动物学命名法规》。依法规,学名必须用拉丁文书写。这种学名, 相似文献
基于中国外来入侵植物的相关报道与文献,发现一些入侵植物的学名使用比较混乱:不同时期、不同地区、不同作者在报道同一外来物种时使用不同的学名,或因中文名相近,而将其他植物作为外来入侵植物报道。依据最新资料,对国内报道的16种外来入侵植物学名进行了考证,包括中文名、英文名、异名、原产地及其在国内外的分布情况。 相似文献
报道中国外来入侵植物的文献众多,然而不少物种的学名使用混乱。不同时期、不同地区的不同作者在报道同一物种时,使用不同的学名,或因中文名相近,将其他物种作为外来入侵植物报道,从而给入侵植物的研究造成混乱。依据最新植物志等权威资料,对国内文献报道的20种入侵植物的学名进行了考证,包括中名、异名,原产地及其在国内外的扩散情况以及必要的讨论等。 相似文献
《中国外来植物》,何家庆著,ISBN: 978-7-5478-0780-4,2012 年 1 月上海科技出版社出版,定价: 230 元。全书 185 万字,16 +724 页,包括 52 页的 4 个附录: 植物分类检索表; 植物科属索引;植物拉丁学名索引; 植物中文名索引。 相似文献
黍稷的名实考证及规范 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
黍稷是起源于中国最古老的作物,糯者为黍,粳者为稷。长期以来对黍稷的称谓一直不能统一,特别是对稷的称谓在农史界一直争论不休,难以定论。本文从黍稷的起源演化过程、细胞学和遗传学的研究、黍稷是人类最早驯化的作物、我国甲骨文和古农书的记载等方面,论证了黍稷的起源早于粟。并以此为据,进一步辩证了稷不是粟,同时指出将黍稷称为软糜和硬糜、糜黍、糜子、黍子等不同称谓的不足之处,进而认为以黍稷作为规范称谓为好。 相似文献
植物学类科技期刊插图的优化与规范化编排 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
作者结合自己的实践,详细叙述了科技期刊插图的分类与规范化要求,就如何优化插图、确保质量提出了精选插图、认真审读图稿的全部内容、精心标注的方法,并阐述了插图的编辑加工和技术处理,探讨了统一格式、规范化编排插图的具体做法:即合成、压缩或删除、分解、缩放、调整、重新设计等手段,以及精心描绘和认真校对。 相似文献
为了使科技论文摘要写作进一步规范化、标准化, 以期提高科技论文的质量, 针对植物学论文摘要中存在的一些问题, 就其内容、结构、写作格式等进行了分析, 论述了科技论文摘要规范化与标准化写作的重要意义, 并就如何加强科技论文摘要规范化写作以及科技期刊编辑的标准化意识进行了探讨。 相似文献
Valentina Colistro Patricia Mut Pedro C. Hidalgo Angel Carracedo Ins Quintela Augusto Rojas-Martínez Mnica Sans 《Genetics and molecular biology》2020,43(4)
Genome-wide association studies focused on searching genes responsible for several diseases. Admixture mapping studies proposed a more efficient alternative capable of detecting polymorphisms contributing with a small effect on the disease risk. This method focuses on the higher values of linkage disequilibrium in admixed populations. To test this, we analyzed 10 genomic regions previously defined as related with colorectal cancer among nine populations and studied the variation pattern of haplotypic structures and heterozygosity values on seven categories of SNPs. Both analyses showed differences among chromosomal regions and studied populations. Admixed Latin-American samples generally show intermediate values. Heterozygosity of the SNPs grouped in categories varies more in each gene than in each population. African related populations have more blocks per chromosomal region, coherently with their antiquity. In sum, some similarities were found among Latin American populations, but each chromosomal region showed a particular behavior, despite the fact that the study refers to genes and regions related with one particular complex disease. This study strongly suggests the necessity of developing statistical methods to deal with di- or tri-hybrid populations, as well as to carefully analyze the different historic and demographic scenarios, and the different characteristics of particular chromosomal regions and evolutionary forces. 相似文献
María A. Bausero 《Cell stress & chaperones》2015,20(5):759-766
The First Conference of the Latin America Chapter of the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI) organized by CSSI was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on March 11–14, 2014. The Latin America Chapter of the CSSI (LAC-CSSI) was established at the Workshop on the Molecular Biology of the Stress Response, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 2012. The chapter’s first meeting took place in the beautiful city of Montevideo and was chaired by the first (LAC-CSSI) elected president Professor María Bausero. Forty-two invited speakers presented their work to more than 100 scientists. The first day of the conference was dedicated to an introductory program for students, young investigators, and participants new to the field of molecular chaperones and the stress response. These seminars were held in the Pasteur Institute of Montevideo and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic. These institutions were carefully selected to give foreign participants a broad view of the diversity of students and institutions doing research in Uruguay, as well as an opportunity for direct interaction with our scientists and students. Invited speakers for the seminar series were Dr. Wolfgang Schumann, Dr. Cristina Bonorino, Dr. Antonio De Maio, Dr. Ian Brown, Dr. Rafael Radi, Dr. Daniel Ciocca, and Dr. Celia Quijano. The remaining days of the conference took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Montevideo, and the scientific sessions are discussed below. 相似文献
The genotypes of Mycobacterium leprae isolates originating from Mexico, Peru and Paraguay were analysed for the polymorphism of short tandem repeats in the rpoT gene. The genotype with four copies of the six-base tandem repeats in the rpoT gene was prominently predominant in Mexico, but the genotype of all isolates from Peru and Paraguay contained three copies of the six-base tandem repeats. These obvious different distributions might reflect the spread of leprosy by the different strains of M. leprae harboured by the various human races that moved to the American continent, as has been demonstrated in other infectious diseases. 相似文献