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Exposure to formaldehyde brings about small but readily detectable changes in the staining behaviour of collagen fibrils. These changes can be interpreted in chemical terms by comparing fibril staining patterns with artificial patterns computer-generated from sequence data. Positive staining with phosphotung-state (where heavy metal is confined to anions), shows that most of the lysyl and hydroxylysyl side-chains lose their charge character as a result of formaldehyde treatment and cease to take up staining ions. The charge character of arginyl (and probably histidyl) residues is unaltered and these residues continue to react with stain. Acidic residues are also unaffected. These results accord with biochemical evidence that the initial reaction between proteins and formaldehyde leading to subsequent cross-linking involves modification of ε-amino (and α-amino) groups. They show too that the secondary condensation producing the actual cross-link does not alter the charge character of the second group, at least when it is on an arginyl (or histidyl) side-chain.Formaldehyde-induced changes in stain deposition can also be detected after negative staining, although they are slight compared with those brought about by glutaraldehyde. Unlike glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde introduces no bulky polymeric adducts into the fibril structure, and the conspicuous stain-excluding bands seen in negative staining patterns following glutaraldehyde fixation are absent after exposure to formaldehyde. For this reason, where chemical fixation is used to stabilize macromolecules and supramolecular aggregates prior to negative staining and high resolution electron optical imaging, formaldehyde would seem to be preferable to glutaraldehyde. Data from fibril staining patterns and from thermal stability measurements (made on collagen gels) show that formaldehyde fixation does not preclude a subsequent reaction with glutaraldehyde.As with other fixatives, there is reduced accessibility to stain after formaldehyde treatment. Accessibility is least in the overlap zone where the denser packing of collagen molecules provides greater opportunities for intermolecular cross-linking. Gel electrophoresis confirms that formaldehyde-induced cross-links in fibrils are predominantly intermolecular.  相似文献   

Collagen is used as a model system to study the structural effects of the fixative dimethylsuberimidate (DMS) on a protein. Using reconstituted fibrils of type I calf skin collagen(of known amino acid sequence), electron-optical data from positive staining patterns were compared with chemical data by a computer-aided correlation procedure. The results show that, under the conditions used, the reaction between DMS and collagen is specific for the ϵ-amino groups of lysyl and hydroxylysyl residues and that no reaction takes place between DMS and arginyl residues. Other evidence suggests that (unlike glutaraldehyde) no polymerization of the DMS occurs and that a cross-link between the two ϵ-amino groups can only form when they are sufficiently close to be bridged by the DMS monomer.  相似文献   

The effects of the fixative dimethylsuberimidate (DMS) on negative staining patterns were studied using reconstituted fibrils of type I calf skin collagen (of known amino acid sequence) as a model system and comparing electron-optical data and chemical data by a computer-aided correlation procedure. The results show that the ‘bulkiness’ (average cross-sectional area or ‘plumpness’) of amino acid side chains is the dominant factor in determining the stain-excluding property of a DMS-fixed negatively stained collagen fibril as it is in unfixed collagen. Some contribution of positive staining can also be demonstrated after DMS-fixation by partial correlation analysis. Other evidence suggests that (unlike glutaraldehyde) DMS does not produce any morphological alterations to the negative staining pattern.  相似文献   

The effect of saccadic eye movements on threshold perception is investigated theoretically. The proposed model considers eye movements by taking into account the shifting of the stimulus pattern on the retina during the occurrence of an eye movement. Saccades are characterized by high velocity and short duration. These motions cause overshoots in the response of linear filters to certain stimulus patterns. Therefore, the model predicts facilitation effects of saccades in the perception of low spatial frequency patterns and patterns flickering with high temporal frequencies. These results agree with experimentally obtained data presented in a subsequent paper. A simple approach is formulated which approximates the complex shifting function of a saccade by a switching of the pattern.  相似文献   

Simulated negative staining patterns of collagen fibrils were prepared for visual display by a graphical procedure in which amino acid side-chains along the staggered molecules were weighted according to their stain-excluding capacity. The simulated patterns were then compared directly with electron-optical images of collagen fibrils negatively stained with sodium phosphotungstate or lithium tungstate. These visual comparisons confirm previous observations that satisfactory matching occurs when side-chains are weighted according to their ‘bulkiness’ (average cross-sectional area or ‘plumpness’). Optimal matching at the edges of the overlap zones occurred when a hairpin-like conformation was assumed for the N-terminal telopeptides and a condensed conformation for the hydrophobic part of the C-terminal telopeptides. The negative staining pattern is known to include some element of positive staining; visual matching suggests that this additional uptake of positive staining ions occurs predominantly in the more accessible gap zone in a fibril D-period. A slight mismatching between observed and simulated patterns can be understood if the gap zone suffers greater axial shrinkage than the overlap zone when specimens are prepared for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A hyaluronic acid-protein complex was embedded into agar gel. This gel complex resembles in some respects the physiological situation in connective tissue, but still permits precise physicochemical measurements to be made. The diffusion coefficient of caffeine into and from such gels has been measured as a function of both agar and hyaluronate concentration. The value for the diffusion coefficient of caffeine was also measured by using a Gouy type diffusiometer. From both types of measurement the value for D (Fick) for caffeine when extrapolated to zero caffeine and agar concentrations agreed at (6.79+/-0.01)x10(-6)cm(2).s(-1) at 25 degrees C. Although agar concentration had only a small effect on caffeine diffusion, hyaluronic acid caused a large decrease in caffeine diffusion co-efficient. The presence of the hyaluronic acid-protein complex within the gel tended to oppose gel syneresis, a concentration of 1.7mg/ml abolishing the effect and higher concentrations reversing it. The possible physiological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Wu YG  Liu Y  Zhou P  Lan GC  Han D  Miao DQ  Tan JH 《Cell research》2007,17(8):722-731
Selecting oocytes that are most likely to develop is crucial for in vitro fertilization and animal cloning. Brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) staining has been used for oocyte selection in large animals, but its wider utility needs further evaluation. Mouse oocytes were divided into those stained (BCB+) and those unstained (BCB-) according to their ooplasm BCB coloration. Chromatin configurations, cumulus cell apoptosis, cytoplasmic maturity and developmental competence were compared between the BCB+ and BCB- oocytes. The effects of oocyte diameter, sexual maturity and gonadotropin stimulation on the competence of BCB+ oocytes were also analyzed. In the large- and medium-size groups, BCB+ oocytes were larger and showed more surrounded nucleoli (SN) chromatin configurations and higher frequencies of early atresia, and they also gained better cytoplasmic maturity (determined as the intracellular GSH level and pattern of mitochondrial distribution) and higher developmental potential after in vitro maturation (IVM) than the BCB-oocytes. Adult mice produced more BCB+ oocytes with higher competence than the prepubertal mice when not primed with PMSG. PMSG priming increased both proportion and developmental potency of BCB+ oocytes. The BCB+ oocytes in the large-size group showed more SN chromatin configurations, better cytoplasmic maturity and higher developmental potential than their counterparts in the medium-size group. It is concluded that BCB staining can be used as an efficient method for oocyte selection, but that the competence of the BCB+ oocytes may vary with oocyte diameter, animal sexual maturity and gonadotropin stimulation. Taken together, the series of criteria described here would allow for better choices in selecting oocytes for better development.  相似文献   

Summary In the present investigation the ultrastructure of isolated rabbit ovaries, perfused with different media for various time periods, was studied. The steroid hormone production by the perfused ovary was also determined. Perfusion with Medium 199 results in prominent interstitial ovarian oedema which increases with perfusion time. Even after the addition of 6–10 % Dextran T40, oedema appears in the interstitial tissue of the ovary. Perfusion solutions with osmotically active colloid particles of large molecular size (Dextran T70; average molecular weight 70,000 and bovine serum albumin), cause less distortion in the ovarian structure, and ultrastructurally the ovarian tissues appear essentially the same as in the control ovaries.The results indicate that the perfused rabbit ovary, under strictly controlled conditions, can be used as an experimental model for studies of various aspects of ovarian function, including follicular rupture.  相似文献   

Homo- and hetero-aggregates of monopeptide molecules ButCONHCHRCONHPri have been studied by 1H-n.m.r. Two pairing modes of the molecules are found for both types of aggregate, according to the bulkiness of side chains R. Their hydrogen bond patterns are closely related to the interstrand interactions in βa (antiparallel) and βp (parallel) sheets of globular proteins. The pairing mode Γ14 of these molecules, similar to that of the residues in βa-structures, is the most stable disposition if the side-chains are not Cβ or Cγ-branched simultaneously. When both side chains are bulky Cβ or Cγ-branched groups, the pairing mode Γ12 found in βp-structures is favoured. This observation is in agreement with the lower content of βp compared to βa-structure in globular proteins and the preferential occurrence of Cβ and Cγ-branched residues in βp structures.  相似文献   

Collagen is used as a model system to study the mechanism of negative staining. Negative staining patterns from reconstituted fibrils of type I calf skin collagen (of known amino acid sequence) were compared with chemical data by a computer-aided correlation procedure. The stain used was uranyl nitrate, pH 3.2 and 4.9. The results show that the ‘bulkiness’ (average cross-sectional area or ‘plumpness’) of amino acid side chains is the dominant stain-excluding factor determining the small-scale distribution of stain along the collagen fibril. Some contribution of positive staining can also be demonstrated by the analysis described here.  相似文献   

Factors have been investigated which govern the electrophilic reactivity of alkyl halides with thiolate anions in aqueous solution. In the series of alkyl halides studied, some are potential metal-directed affinity labels, while others are frequently used in protein modification. Previous data on the kinetics of this type of alkylation are compared with the present results. The influence of electronic, polar, and steric factors on alkyl halide reactivity is seen. The following order of reactivity for alkyl halides bearing different α substituents was observed: RCH2CH(X)COOCH3 > RCH2CH(X)CONH2 > RCH2CH(X)COOH > RCH2CH2X > RCH2CH(X)CH2OH. The metal-directed affinity labels are imidazole derivatives, some of which have substituents in their imidazole ring. The effect of the imidazole ring and of ring substitution on reactivity is seen. The nucleophilic reactivity of thiols is highly pH dependent since the thiolate anion (RS?) is the reactive species, but only minor differences emerged between different free thiolates.  相似文献   

The type I collagen fibril (for which the axial distribution of amino acid residues is known) has been used as a model system to study the mechanism of negative staining. Negative staining patterns from reconstituted fibrils were compared with chemical data by a computer-aided correlation procedure. Stains used were: phosphotungstic acid, pH 3.2 and 7.0, lithium tungstate, pH 7.2, and methylamine tungstate, pH 6.6. In all cases, the results of the correlation analyses point to the ‘bulkiness’ (average cross-sectional area or ‘plumpness’) of amino acid side chains as the dominant stain-excluding factor determining the small-scale distribution of stain along the collagen fibril. Some preferred uptake of heavy metal ions on charged side chains (a positive staining contribution) can be demonstrated by partial correlation analysis but, under the staining conditions used here, the effect is largely masked by the much greater negative staining component.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoscintigraphic approach could provide a viable non-invasive alternative for the diagnosis of deeply situated tuberculomas. We have evaluated this in a rabbit model constructed to give a characteristic localized tubercular lesion, with complimentary morphological, histological and antigenic profiles. 131I-anti Myobacterium bovis (BCG) antibody was shown to localize at the lesion, where as 131I-bovine serum albumin and 99mTc-red blood cell scans were negative. The clearance of intradermally-injected tuberculous antigen could be traced into ascending lymph nodes using 131I-anti M. bovis (BCG) antibody.  相似文献   

The distribution of serotonin (5-HT) was determined by the application of the prembedding peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique in vibratome and ultrathin sections of the brain stem. The antiserum stained the neuronal groups B1 to B9. Somata, dendrites and axons of multipolar and bipolar neurons were recognized in the usual locations. The most commonly found profiles in the area of the n.raphe dorsalis were dendrites. The search for axon terminals was unsuccesful. The labeled dendrites appear in synaptic contact with unlabeled endings containing round or pleomorphic vesicles, and occasionally some large dense core vesicles. Contacts between two labeled dendrites or processes were not found. Occasionally a dendrodendritic junction between a 5-HT labeled dendrite and an unlabeled dendrite has been found. There are areas of the dendritic membrane free of synaptic junctions and free of glial insulation. Results are discussed in relation with the previously proposed presynaptic role of the dendrites in the neuronal circuitry of then. raphé dorsalis.Special Issue dedicated to Prof. Eduardo De Robertis.Research supported by grants from the CONICET and SECYT, Argentina.  相似文献   

BackgroundRosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is a medicinal herb that presents significant biological properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-depressant activities. Recent findings correlate impaired adult neurogenesis, which is crucial for the maintenance of synaptic plasticity and hippocampal functioning, synaptic regulation with the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). These observations call for the need to developing compounds that promote neurogenesis and alleviates deficits in cognition and synaptic regulation.Purpose and study designThe present study was conducted to determine the proneurogenic effects of R. officinalis and its active compounds (ursolic acid and rosmarinic acid) in comparison to Donepezil in an Aβ1-42-induced mouse model of AD.MethodsBALB/c mice were divided into ten groups. Half were injected with Aβ1-42 in the hippocampus through stereotaxic surgery to generate the disease groups. The other half received control injections. Each set of five groups were administered orally with vehicle, an ethanolic extract of R. officinalis, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid or donepezil. Behavior analysis included the Morris water maze test, the novel object recognition test and the Elevated plus maze. The mice were then sacrificed and the hippocampal tissue was processed for immunohistochemistry and gene expression analysis.ResultsThe results show a protective effect by rosmarinic acid and ursolic acid in reversing the deficits in spatial and recognition memory as well as changes in anxiety induced by Aβ1-42. The neuronal density and the expression levels of neurogenic (Ki67, NeuN and DCX) and synaptic (Syn I, II, III, Synaptophysin and PSD-95) markers were also normalized upon treatment with rosmarinic and ursolic acid.ConclusionOur findings indicate the potential of R. officinalis and its active compounds as therapeutic agents against Aβ1-42-induced neurotoxicity in AD.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,125(2):97-106
We report studies on the interaction of iron(III) and ascorbic acid as a function of pH in pure water, pure methanol and mixtures of these solvents.Mössbauer data indicates the iron(III) is reduced in water at low pH to iron(II). Rapid mixing studies and pH jump investigations using stopped flow spectrophotometry have been used to follow the reactions and show evidence for blue intermediates in the reduction pathway of iron at low pH values. A scheme is proposed to account for the complex reaction between iron and ascorbate in aqueous solvent. Binding constants between iron(III) and ascorbate are given.  相似文献   

Radioiodinated BB5-G1, a parathyroid-specific monoclonal antibody, and its F(ab′)2 and Fab fragments were characterized using a nude mouse model system. Blood clearance studies indicated that the most slowly clearing species was the 125I-BB5-G1 intact antibody, while the most rapidly clearing one was the 125I-Fab fragment. 125I-F(ab′)2 retained its capacity to localize in the human parathyroid tissue implants with the uptake at 24 h being similar to that observed with the intact antibody. Poor localization was observed with the Fab fragment. These results suggest that BB5-G1 or its F(ab′)2 fragment may be useful for parathyroid imaging.  相似文献   

The combination model of cellular automata and multi-agent system were used in this paper for simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of urban expansion and its encroachment on other lands at the regional scale. The human system(contain authorities and residents) and their behavior, the landscape system and its behavior as well as the inter actions between them were all simulated in this paper. The behavior of human system is established based on multi-agent system, the authority agent and the resident agent were both regarded as abstract entities. The cellular automata is embedded into the model for simulating the spontaneous urban growth. The impact of neighbor cells were considered so that the expansion of urban lands can be limited near the existed urban lands. Moreover, the rural residential lands have higher probability to convert to urban lands if they were close to the cities or towns. Simulation of urban expansion is undertaken on the time series from 2000 to 2020 for Tianjin metropolitan region, the largest open coastal city in northern China. The results show that Tianjin’s urban lands focus on the epitaxial expansion around the central city accompanied with the growing exurb expansion distributing in multiple districts and counties. The croplands are taken the most area of the land-use types, 1764.03 km2 are converted to urban lands, and more than one fourth of the rural residential lands are changed to urban lands in 2000–2020. The urban development and the cropland protection should be both taken into account to minimize the threats on food security and ecological environment.  相似文献   

A 191Os→ 191mIr generator has been developed that has higher 191mIr yield and lower 191Os breakthrough than previous designs. These improvements have been realized through the use of the osmium chelate complex trans-dioxobismalonatoosmate(VI) as the parent species on the generator. The new generator provides an initial 191mIr yield of 40%/mL and 191Os breakthrough of 2–3 × 10−3% when eluted with a solution of 0.05 M malonic acid/0.10 M sodium chloride at pH 4. Other advantages of the new design include faster clearance of the 191Os breakthrough products and simpler assembly.  相似文献   

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