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Human consumers of wildlife killed with lead ammunition may be exposed to health risks associated with lead ingestion. This hypothesis is based on published studies showing elevated blood lead concentrations in subsistence hunter populations, retention of ammunition residues in the tissues of hunter-killed animals, and systemic, cognitive, and behavioral disorders associated with human lead body burdens once considered safe. Our objective was to determine the incidence and bioavailability of lead bullet fragments in hunter-killed venison, a widely-eaten food among hunters and their families. We radiographed 30 eviscerated carcasses of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) shot by hunters with standard lead-core, copper-jacketed bullets under normal hunting conditions. All carcasses showed metal fragments (geometric mean = 136 fragments, range = 15–409) and widespread fragment dispersion. We took each carcass to a separate meat processor and fluoroscopically scanned the resulting meat packages; fluoroscopy revealed metal fragments in the ground meat packages of 24 (80%) of the 30 deer; 32% of 234 ground meat packages contained at least one fragment. Fragments were identified as lead by ICP in 93% of 27 samples. Isotope ratios of lead in meat matched the ratios of bullets, and differed from background lead in bone. We fed fragment-containing venison to four pigs to test bioavailability; four controls received venison without fragments from the same deer. Mean blood lead concentrations in pigs peaked at 2.29 µg/dL (maximum 3.8 µg/dL) 2 days following ingestion of fragment-containing venison, significantly higher than the 0.63 µg/dL averaged by controls. We conclude that people risk exposure to bioavailable lead from bullet fragments when they eat venison from deer killed with standard lead-based rifle bullets and processed under normal procedures. At risk in the U.S. are some ten million hunters, their families, and low-income beneficiaries of venison donations.  相似文献   

宠物是多种人兽共患病病原的宿主和传播媒介,由于传统宠物、另类宠物和进口宠物的增多,宠物来源的感染性疾病有了高发的趋势。本文总结了狗、猫、啮齿类、鸟类、鱼和爬行类宠物可能带有的人兽共患病病原,引发的疾病和传播途径。并概括了防控宠物源性感染性疾病的防控措施。  相似文献   

Para-tert-octylphenol (OP) is an important chemical intermediate mainly used for production of phenolic resins and lacquers. OP has weak estrogen-like activity in vitro, with induction of vitellogenin in fish hepatocytes and competitive estrogen receptor binding and estrogen-responsive gene expression in mammalian systems. Induction of vitellogenin in fish plasma and liver, in vivo, has also been measured and weak estrogen-like activity in rodent screening assays occurs but at much lower potency than predicted by the in vitro activity. Conventional aquatic wildlife toxicity testing shows effects on survival, growth and development, and reproduction occurring at concentrations lower than the estrogen-like responses predicted from screening assays. Studies in rodents have provided evidence of metabolic saturation at high doses of OP, and a multigeneration reproductive study confirms the lack of estrogen-like activity below this metabolic saturation as well as the lack of reproductive toxicity. This article reviews the weight of evidence for the aquatic and mammalian data and compares the results of the definitive assays to those of the screening tests. The results show that the estrogen-like activity in screening tests is not predictive of results from definitive testing, and that risk assessment decisions should be made using conventional toxicity endpoints.  相似文献   

Studies suggest hunter discarded viscera of big game animals (i.e., offal) is a source of lead available to scavengers. We investigated the incidence of lead exposure in bald eagles in Wyoming during the big game hunting season, the influx of eagles into our study area during the hunt, the geographic origins of eagles exposed to lead, and the efficacy of using non-lead rifle ammunition to reduce lead in eagles. We tested 81 blood samples from bald eagles before, during and after the big game hunting seasons in 2005–2010, excluding 2008, and found eagles had significantly higher lead levels during the hunt. We found 24% of eagles tested had levels indicating at least clinical exposure (>60 ug/dL) during the hunt while no birds did during the non-hunting seasons. We performed driving surveys from 2009–2010 to measure eagle abundance and found evidence to suggest that eagles are attracted to the study area during the hunt. We fitted 10 eagles with satellite transmitters captured during the hunt and all migrated south after the cessation of the hunt. One returned to our study area while the remaining nine traveled north to summer/breed in Canada. The following fall, 80% returned to our study area for the hunting season, indicating that offal provides a seasonal attractant for eagles. We fitted three local breeding eagles with satellite transmitters and none left their breeding territories to feed on offal during the hunt, indicating that lead ingestion may be affecting migrants to a greater degree. During the 2009 and 2010 hunting seasons we provided non-lead rifle ammunition to local hunters and recorded that 24% and 31% of successful hunters used non-lead ammunition, respectively. We found the use of non-lead ammunition significantly reduced lead exposure in eagles, suggesting this is a viable solution to reduce lead exposure in eagles.  相似文献   

The convergence of data strongly suggests the presence of an estuary-related toxin (pfiesteria piscicida or similar organism) that produces adverse human health effects. A diversity of methodological approaches is necessary to answer important preliminary questions about the clinical syndrome, its immediate public health risk, prioritize ongoing scientific studies and direct future research. These include intensive case and multiple-case studies; case-control studies; and epidemiological cohort studies that are conducted in parallel with basic science research. Findings to date indicate the estuary-related toxin is neurotoxic to persons with high levels of exposure. The most pronounced effects are neurocognitive and include problems with complex attention, memory, and visual contrast sensitivity. The disturbances are detectable with standard neuropsychological procedures. Although the most debilitating effects are reversible, the possibility of a sensitization phenomenon exists. The Estuary Clinical Syndrome joins other well-documented outbreaks of human illness for which the specific toxin agent remains to be identified. The methodological approaches for identifying and investigating this newly identified syndrome in the absence of a known toxin may provide a model for the early investigation of other emerging toxins and related illnesses.  相似文献   

This study evaluated cancer risk and non-cancer human health hazard from exposure to the toxicants such as As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, and CN in water from a southwestern river system in Ghana that drains through gold mining areas, using 108 water samples collected with random sampling techniques and analyzed in accordance with standard methods of chemical analysis outlined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The concentrations of Cu and Zn were within World Health Organization and USEPA guideline values; Mn, free cyanide, As, and Pb values in most cases either exceeded USEPA and WHO values or both. The concentrations of the toxicants were used as input parameters in the cancer and non-cancer study that was conducted in line with USEPA risk assessment guidelines. The results of As cancer health risk revealed higher risk cases in two locations (Potroase and Dominase); non-cancer health risk for As was higher in 10 of the 14 locations, with other metals being of health concern at few locations in the study area. In conclusion, the findings of this study hold several policy implications as residents of mining communities still depend on these water bodies as their source of drinking water.  相似文献   

Due to the high level of biological diversity in the Congo Basin and human population dependence on bushmeat, the DRC represents an ideal location for expanding knowledge on wild animal exposures and thus the potential for transmission of zoonotic pathogens. However, limited information exists on patterns and extent of contact with wildlife in such communities. Using a cross-sectional study, 14 villages in the Sankuru Province of the DRC were surveyed between August and September 2007. Villagers ≥ 1 year of age and at home of the time of the survey were eligible and enrolled to describe and assess factors associated with animal exposures (both activity and type of animal). Among respondents, 91% reported exposure to rodents, 89% to duikers, 78% to non-human primates (NHPs), and 32% reported contact with bats in the month prior to the survey. The most frequently reported activities included eating (95%), cooking (70%), and butchering or skinning of animals (55%). The activities and animals to which subjects had contact varied by sex and age. Moreover, we observed a high correlation of the same activities across animal types. In this and other populations that rely on bushmeat, there is a high frequency of exposure to multiple animal species through various modalities. In the event of future zoonotic disease outbreaks, effective public health interventions and campaigns that mitigate the risk of animal contact during outbreaks need to be broad to include various modes of contact and should be directed to both men and women across all age groups. As available information is limited, further studies are necessary to better understand the complex relationships and exposures individuals have with animals.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to measure the levels of lead, cadmium, and mercury in the muscle tissues of halfbeaks (Hyporhampus affinis) captured at five stations along the East Java coast, Indonesia. This fish is one of the important species and consumed by local people as a cheap source of protein. We evaluated the hazard level posed by the metals in relation to the maximum residual limit for human consumption and to estimate the weekly intake and compare it with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The Pb, Cd, and Hg concentrations in fish at all stations ranged from 0.006 to 0.023 mg/kg, 0.007 to 0.024 mg/kg, and 0.047 to 0.055 mg/kg wet weight, respectively. All samples of halfbeaks collected from this area appear to be safe for human consumption because their metals’ levels are below the permissible limit for human consumption and the maximum weekly intakes are below the recommended values of PTWI.  相似文献   

Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) is a chemical preservative used to treat wood for a variety of outdoor uses, including decks, fencing, and play structures. This article describes a methodology to quantify exposures to arsenic from CCA-treated wood. Exposure was evaluated for ingestion and dermal contact with arsenic-containing residue on treated wood surfaces (dislodgeable arsenic), and ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation of soil containing arsenic originating from treated wood structures. Standard approaches were used to quantify exposures to arsenic in soil. In the absence of standard approaches for exposures to dislodgeable residue, an empirical approach was developed, extrapolating from studies of soil loadings on hands and soil ingestion rates to estimate the amount of dislodgeable residue on hands that is subsequently ingested. Results from animal studies were used to develop relative bioavailability estimates for dislodgeable and soil arsenic. A focused sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the assumptions used regarding hand loading and subsequent incidental ingestion of dislodgeable arsenic had the most significant impact on the results. This assessment indicates low uptake of arsenic into the body, resulting in incremental lifetime cancer risks within USEPA's target risk levels. We compare this approach to other methodologies used to assess exposures to treated wood.  相似文献   

The health hazard associated with the consumption of fish from the Gomti River in India, contaminated with the heavy metals Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn was assessed in terms of target hazard quotients (THQs). The concentrations of metals (mg kg?1, wet weight basis) in the muscle tissues of different fish species Mastacembelus puncalus, Clupisona garua, Cyrinous carpio, Botia lochachata, Channa punctatus, Heteropneustise fossilis, Puntius sofore, and Clarious batrachus ranged as follows: Cr (2.2–21.4), Cu (0.3–14.3), Mn (2.3–5.5), Ni (0.5–10.9), Pb (1.0–3.9), and Zn (12.3–46.9). The accumulation of metals in fish muscle tissue was in the order: Zn > Cr > Ni > Mn > Cu > Pb. THQs indicated a potential health hazard to children due to the consumption of fish contaminated with Ni and Pb; their THQs were greater than 1 for almost all fish species except for Ni in C. garua (THQ, 0.07) and C. carpio (THQ, 0.90). For adults, insignificant health hazard was associated with THQs less than 1 for all metals in the different fish species, but long-term exposure to these metals and subsequent bioaccumulation in the body may require additional investigation.  相似文献   


A duplicate diet study on male and female pensioners in 1970–71 showed mean daily dietary lead intakes of 30 μg and 19 μg respectively. The corresponding cadmium intakes were 10.5μg and 12.9 μg. Analysis of duplicate diets collected during seven consecutive 24-hour periods from 15 women in Stockholm in 1988 showed a mean daily lead intake of 26 μg (range 13–40 μg). The corresponding cadmium intake was 8.5μg (range 5.7–14 μg). Analysis of faeces samples corresponding to the duplicate diets showed similar lead and cadmium contents (mean lead content 24 μg day?1, range 10–41 μg day?1; mean cadmium content 8.9 μg day?1 range 5.5–12 μg day?1). The median lead and cadmium concentrations in human milk collected in Uppsala were 2 μg kg?1 and 0.1 mg kg?1 respectively. The median weekly intakes of lead and cadmium by the breast-fed infants were calculated to be 2 μg kg?1 body weight and 0.1 μg kg?1 body weight. Analysis of seven daily diets, together representing the weekly diet of an adult Swedish male, showed a mean lead content of 26 μg (range 15–45 μg), and a mean cadmium content of 10 μg (range 7–15 μg). The mean daily intakes of lead and cadmium found by analysing market baskets prepared in 1987 were 17μg and 12μg respectively. Calculations based on food balance sheet data and levels of lead and cadmium in individual foods showed mean daily intakes of 30 μg lead and 14 μg cadmium per person.  相似文献   


Lead exposure still represents a matter of health concern especially in Yugoslavia. To assess the exposure of normal urban population to lead and cadmium through food, a preliminary monitoring was performed on a small group of urban population. Lead, cadmium and some essential elements (calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) were analysed in collected duplicate diet samples and compared to similar population in Sweden. We found that dietary exposure to lead and cadmium is similar to other countries although Yugoslav urban population is exposed to much higher concentrations of lead in air than in cities of developed countries, due to high lead in gasoline. However, daily intake of some essential elements was significantly lower.

Also populations living around lead smelters in various parts of Yugoslavia are still exposed to elevated environmental lead and cadmium levels. To assess the exposure of the population living in this area, a cumulative long-term exposure to lead was determined by measuring lead in deciduous teeth. Concentrations of lead and cadmium in vegetables, soil and meals from the same region were also analysed. Values obtained for lead and cadmium in food products grown in exposed and control area were found to be related to respective concentrations of these elements in soil as well as to the distance from the smelter. Meals prepared in this region show the same trend, revealing very high intake particularly of lead.

The influence of nutritional factors, i.e. dietary calcium on lead metabolism, was also studied. Blood lead concentration was determined in two groups of peasant women living in two regions with different dietary calcium intake. Lower blood lead values were found in the higher dietary calcium intake region.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to establish the temporal trend in the daily dietary intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) by the population of Catalonia, Spain. Concentrations of these elements were determined in samples of a number of food items widely consumed in that country. The dietary intake of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb was then estimated for various age–gender groups of population: children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. In the present study, the dietary intakes of As, inorganic As, Cd, Hg, methylmercury, and Pb were 328.37, 16.22, 19.47, 11.39, 10.25, and 101.47 μg/day, respectively, while in a previous (2006) survey, the dietary intakes of As, inorganic As, Cd, Hg, methylmercury, and Pb were 261.01, 33.17, 9.80, 12.61, 11.35, and 45.13 μg/day, respectively. The estimated intakes of Cd, Hg, and Pb are still notably lower than the respective PTWIs, while that of inorganic As is also lower than its BMDL01. In summary, the results of this study indicate that, currently, the dietary intakes of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb should not mean additional health risks for the consumers.  相似文献   


In Stockholm, methods for measuring exposure to lead and cadmium from air, food and beverages were studied in 1988 in a group of 15 non-smoking women, as part of the WHO/UNEP HEAL programme. Airborne particles in the breathing zone air (24-hour samples), duplicate diets (24-hour samples), and faeces (all the stools produced) were collected during 7 consecutive days. Blood was sampled before and immediately after the study period. The results confirmed the need for personal monitoring in the assessment of human exposure to lead and cadmium via air and food. There is need for suitable equipment for 24-hour personal air monitoring. On average, dietary lead (26 μg day?1, SD 7.9) contributed more than 80% of the total lead uptake, while dietary cadmium (8.5 μg day?1 SD 2.1) contributed about 99% of the total cadmium uptake. Occasionally consumed foodstuffs with high levels of lead or cadmium seemed to be responsible for a large part of the total weekly intake of lead and cadmium. Fecal lead and cadmium were found to be useful indicators of the total amounts of these metals ingested. Due to the large day-to-day variation observed in the dietary intake of lead and cadmium, the sampling period for duplicate diets and faeces should be at least 5–6 days.  相似文献   

探讨胃溃疡、胃癌组织中幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)、真菌(Fungi)单纯感染及混合感染的可能性并进行验证。应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术,分别自4例胃溃疡和4例胃癌并伴单纯幽门螺杆菌、真菌及其混合感染病例石蜡包埋组织(FFPE)中扩增Hp及fungi基因特异片段并进行测序分析。成功提取了FF-PE胃组织基因组DNA,并扩增出Hp 16S rRNA及真菌内转录间隔区18S rDNA基因和28S rDNA之间的基因特异条带,测序大小分别为114 bp和357 bp,经在线BLAST比对分析表明所扩增基因与Hp及真菌核苷酸具有高度同源性。胃溃疡、胃癌组织中存在Hp和真菌单纯感染及混合感染。推测Hp与真菌混合感染可能是加重胃溃疡发展和诱发胃癌发生的又一致病因素。积极治疗Hp与真菌混合感染有助于提高胃溃疡的治愈率和减少胃癌的发生。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at estimating the current (2012) dietary intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) by the population of Catalonia, Spain. The temporal trends with respect to previous surveys, performed in 2000, 2005, and 2008, were also determined. For that purpose, metal concentrations were analyzed in a number of widely consumed foodstuffs. A speciation study was also conducted by experimentally determining the levels of inorganic As (InAs) and methylmercury (MeHg) in the same food items. Furthermore, the dietary intake of those metals and species was calculated both deterministically and probabilistically by considering two food consumption surveys: ENCAT and ENIDE, representative of the Catalan and Spanish populations, respectively. An important temporal decrease of the dietary intake was noted for most elements, irrespective of the age-gender population group. Considering data for a male adult, the current dietary intake of As, InAs, Cd, Hg, MeHg, and Pb was estimated in 216, 2.6, 8.7, 10, 7.3, and 8.4 μg/day, respectively, being these values lower than the respective provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWIs) or benchmark dose lower confidence limits (BMDLs). Moreover, new calculations by means of ENIDE survey indicated similar results to those previously obtained by ENCAT, with the exception of MeHg, whose intake exceeded the maximum recommended values for some part of the population. Although our data are similar to those frequently found in other European countries, the important intake of MeHg, which is linked to the high consumption of fish and shellfish, deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the seasonal accumulation of boron and fluoride in different tissues of a common edible fish, Tilapia nilotica, from an Egyptian fish farm as well as their hazard to human health. Among all the determined fish tissues, brain, liver, and bone were the ones that accumulated the highest boron and fluoride contents. Interestingly, flesh tissue showed the lowest boron and fluoride concentrations (0.30 ± 0.06 and 2.50 ± 1.57 μg/g, respectively). Statistical analyses using Pearson correlation matrix and multiple regression procedures indicated that boron accumulation was highest amongst flesh, liver, brain, and bone tissues. Additionally, fluoride content in water affects its abundance in the different fish tissues: flesh, gills, bone, and skin. Human hazard assessment of fluoride and boron from water, sediment, and fish flesh tissue was studied using calculations that considered chronic daily intake from water, sediment, and fish; chronic exposure from dermal contact and ingestion of water; and fish as well as a single acute human dose. These calculations indicated that the consumption of Tilapia nilotica is still safe as regards boron intake, but for fluoride, it may pose a hazard to human health in the long term.  相似文献   

The concentrations of a number of metals were determined in the brain, bone, kidney, liver, and lung of 20 autopsied subjects who had lived, at least 10 years, in the neighborhood of a hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). Results were compared with those obtained in 1998 (baseline survey) and previous surveys (2003 and 2007). Arsenic, Be, Ni, Tl, and V showed concentrations below the corresponding detection limits in all tissues. Cadmium showed the highest levels in the kidney, with a mean value of 21.15 μg/g. However, Cd was found below the detection limit in the brain and bone. Chromium showed similar concentrations in the kidney, brain, and lung (range of mean values, 0.57–0.66 μg/g) and higher in the bone (1.38 μg/g). In turn, Hg was below the detection limit in all tissues with the exception of the kidney, where the mean concentration was 0.15 μg/g (range, <0.05–0.58 μg/g). On the other hand, Mn could be detected in all tissues showing the highest levels in the liver and kidney (1.45 and 1.09 μg/g, respectively). Moreover, Pb showed the highest concentrations in bone (mean, 1.39 μg/g; range, <0.025–4.88 μg/g). Finally, Sn could be detected only in some tissue samples, reaching the highest values in the bone (0.17 μg/g). The current metal levels in human tissues from individuals living near the HWI of Tarragona are comparable and of a similar magnitude to previously reported results corresponding to general populations, as well as those of our previous surveys.  相似文献   

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