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We present a case of a 25-year-old woman with multiple blackouts and no structural heart disease, with abnormal T-U waves and borderline QT interval on her resting electrocardiogram. During emotional stress she developed frequent monomorphic ventricular premature beats, with characteristic changes of the sinus complexes immediately following the premature beats, namely augmentation and greater degree of merging of the T and U waves and QTc interval prolongation. The changes alert about the possibility of congenital long QT syndrome, specifically genotype 2 or 1.  相似文献   

IKs channels are voltage dependent and K+ selective. They influence cardiac action potential duration through their contribution to myocyte repolarization. Assembled from minK and KvLQT1 subunits, IKs channels are notable for a heteromeric ion conduction pathway in which both subunit types contribute to pore formation. This study was undertaken to assess the effects of minK on pore function. We first characterized the properties of wild-type human IKs channels and channels formed only of KvLQT1 subunits. Channels were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes or Chinese hamster ovary cells and currents recorded in excised membrane patches or whole-cell mode. Unitary conductance estimates were dependent on bandwidth due to rapid channel “flicker.” At 25 kHz in symmetrical 100-mM KCl, the single-channel conductance of IKs channels was ∼16 pS (corresponding to ∼0.8 pA at 50 mV) as judged by noise-variance analysis; this was fourfold greater than the estimated conductance of homomeric KvLQT1 channels. Mutant IKs channels formed with D76N and S74L minK subunits are associated with long QT syndrome. When compared with wild type, mutant channels showed lower unitary currents and diminished open probabilities with only minor changes in ion permeabilities. Apparently, the mutations altered single-channel currents at a site in the pore distinct from the ion selectivity apparatus. Patients carrying these mutant minK genes are expected to manifest decreased K+ flux through IKs channels due to lowered single-channel conductance and altered gating.  相似文献   

短QT综合征(short QT syndrome,SQTS)是以心电图QT间期、心室和心房不应期明显缩短为主要显性特征,并伴有晕厥、高发心源性猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD)和恶性心律失常风险的一类遗传性心肌离子通道病.据目前资料信息,关于SQTS致病机理的报道比较多,而对SQTS药物治疗的报道罕见.为了揭示在SQTS下的药物作用,本文通过计算机仿真构建人体心室细胞和组织的药物作用模型,利用该模型,从亚细胞、细胞、组织三个尺度,模拟SQT1、SQT2和SQT3下的普罗帕酮药物作用过程,并仿真心电图的变化情况.仿真结果表明:在SQT1下普罗帕酮延长了动作电位时程(action potential duration,APD)和心电图QT间期,并降低T波幅值;相反,在SQT2和SQT3下普罗帕酮缩短了APD和QT间期.计算使用药物前后细胞间膜电压和APD空间离散度的变化,定量分析了普罗帕酮降低T波振幅的原因.总之,对SQT1,普罗帕酮有效;对SQT2和SQT3,普罗帕酮没有改变其致心律失常的危险.仿真结果为普罗帕酮用于临床治疗SQTS提供理论参考.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a patient with long QT syndrome and recurrent ventricular fibrillation, triggered by premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) with a left bundle branch block pattern and inferior axis of the QRS. Activation mapping demonstrated the origin of the PVCs to be in the right ventricular outflow tract. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) was successfully treated by catheter ablation of the triggering PVCs and there has been no recurrence of VF during a follow-up period of 14 months.  相似文献   

The assessment of risk in the asymptomatic patient with long QT syndrome can often be a challenging task, particularly when the available evidence is limited to relatively small retrospective registries, not to mention the need to consider the effect of individual patient factors which are often difficult to quantitate. We describe the relatively uncommon case of a man with a long-standing diagnosis of Long QT 2 syndrome who suffered his first cardiac event in his late 60''s, likely precipitated by the development of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. A brief review of the available literature on risk assessment in adults with genetically confirmed long QT syndrome who have remained asymptomatic late into adulthood will follow the case.  相似文献   

Patient‐specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) will assist research on genetic cardiac maladies if the disease phenotype is recapitulated in vitro. However, genetic background variations may confound disease traits, especially for disorders with incomplete penetrance, such as long‐QT syndromes (LQTS). To study the LQT2‐associated c.A2987T (N996I) KCNH2 mutation under genetically defined conditions, we derived iPSCs from a patient carrying this mutation and corrected it. Furthermore, we introduced the same point mutation in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), generating two genetically distinct isogenic pairs of LQTS and control lines. Correction of the mutation normalized the current (IKr) conducted by the HERG channel and the action potential (AP) duration in iPSC‐derived cardiomyocytes (CMs). Introduction of the same mutation reduced IKr and prolonged the AP duration in hESC‐derived CMs. Further characterization of N996I‐HERG pathogenesis revealed a trafficking defect. Our results demonstrated that the c.A2987T KCNH2 mutation is the primary cause of the LQTS phenotype. Precise genetic modification of pluripotent stem cells provided a physiologically and functionally relevant human cellular context to reveal the pathogenic mechanism underlying this specific disease phenotype.  相似文献   

Pacemaker syndrome represents the clinical consequences of the haemodynamic adverse effects of atrioventricular asynchrony during pacing. Patients suffering from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may be particularly sensitive to these effects because of the importance of atrial systolic contribution to left ventricular diastolic filling. In this case report, we describe the symptoms and cause of pacemaker syndrome in a patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   



Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an inheritable arrhythmic disorder which is linked to at least 17 genes. The clinical characteristics and genetic mutations may be variable among different population groups and they have not yet been studied in Thai population.


Clinical characteristics were retrospectively reviewed from children and young adults with congenital long QT syndrome whose blood samples were sent for genotyping during 1998–2017. Sangers sequencing was used to sequentially identify KCNQ1 or KCNH2 genetic variants. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was used to identify variants in all other known LQTS genes.


Of the 20 subjects (17 families), 45% were male, mean QTc was 550.3?±?68.8?msec?(range 470–731 msec) and total Schwartz's score was 5.6?±?1.2 points (range 3–8 points). Fifty percent of patients had events at rest, 30% had symptoms after adrenergic mediated events, and 20% were asymptomatic. We discovered pathogenic and likely pathogenic genetic variants in KCNQ1, KCNH2, and SCN5A in 6 (35%), 4 (24%), and 2 (12%) families, respectively. One additional patient had variance of unknown significance (VUS) in KCNH2 and another one in ANK2. No pathogenic genetic variant was found in 3 patients (18%). Most patients received beta-blocker and 9 (45%) had ICD implanted. LQT1 patients were either asymptomatic or had stress-induced arrhythmia. Most of the LQT2 and LQT3 patients developed symptoms at rest or during sleep.


Our patients with LQTS were mostly symptomatic at presentation. The genetic mutations were predominantly in LQT1, LQT2, and LQT3 genes.  相似文献   

汪红平  任颖 《生物磁学》2012,(8):1572-1575
研究发现,慢性心力衰竭时常伴甲状腺功能紊乱,主要表现为"低T3综合征",而甲状腺激素代谢紊乱的严重程度与心衰患者病情发展、预后及远期生存率关系密切,本文着重就心衰伴"低T3综合征"的临床现状及治疗策略的最新研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

研究发现,慢性心力衰竭时常伴甲状腺功能紊乱,主要表现为"低T3综合征",而甲状腺激素代谢紊乱的严重程度与心衰患者病情发展、预后及远期生存率关系密切,本文着重就心衰伴"低T3综合征"的临床现状及治疗策略的最新研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been complicated by coagulopathy and thrombotic events including venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, and arterial thrombus at a rate higher than has traditionally been seen with sepsis-induced coagulopathy or disseminated intravascular coagulation leading most centers to treat hospitalized patients with prophylactic anticoagulation. We present a case of a patient with thoracic outlet syndrome who presents with brachial artery thrombosis in the setting of infection with COVID-19. Both thoracic outlet syndrome and COVID-19 infection are independently associated with increased risk of thrombotic events. The induced hypercoagulable state from COVID-19 infection may result in acute arterial thrombosis in patients with predisposing anatomic differences consistent with thoracic outlet syndrome.Level of Evidence: V  相似文献   

Mink相关蛋白1(MiRP1)是由KCNE基因家族成员KCNE2编码的具有一个跨膜结构的小分子蛋白质,发生在KCNE2上的相关突变能够引起遗传性长QT间期综合症(long QT syn&ome,LQT6),但其机制不明.以往的工作表明,MiRP1调节瞬间外向钾电流(transient outward current,Ito)的功能,对维持心电稳定性具有重要的调节作用.在哺乳细胞系COS-7表达系统利用膜片钳全细胞记录方式,研究了两种LQT6相关的突变体157T和V65M对Kv4.3通道功能的影响,从MiRP1对Ito功能调控的改变探讨LQT6引起心律失常的电生理机制.结果表明,KCNE2与Kv4.3共表达后对通道功能具有明显的调控作用,使通道的激活和失活明显减慢,电压依赖性失活发生正向移位,同时加快Kv4.3通道从失活中的恢复.157T与Kv4.3共表达的通道,门控动力学以及通道的恢复特性更接近Kv4.3单独表达的通道,表现为丧失KCNE2的功能—“loss of function”,而V65M的作用则与之刚好相反,对Kv4.3门控动力学和恢复特性的调节较KCNE2更强,同时,使通道电流密度明显降低,表现为增强KCNE2的功能——“gain of function”.由此推论,KCNE2对k功能有重要的调节作用,发生在KCNE2基因上的突变,无论是增强(V65M)还是减弱(157T)KCNE2的功能都可能通过改变Ito在心脏电稳定性中的贡献,从而使心脏在某些条件下发生心律失常.  相似文献   

MinK subdomains that mediate modulation of and association with KvLQT1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
KvLQT1 is a voltage-gated potassium channel expressed in cardiac cells that is critical for myocardial repolarization. When expressed alone in heterologous expression systems, KvLQT1 channels exhibit a rapidly activating potassium current that slowly deactivates. MinK, a 129 amino acid protein containing one transmembrane-spanning domain modulates KvLQT1, greatly slowing activation, increasing current amplitude, and removing inactivation. Using deletion and chimeric analysis, we have examined the structural determinants of MinK effects on gating modulation and subunit association. Coexpression of KvLQT1 with a MinK COOH-terminus deletion mutant (MinK DeltaCterm) in Xenopus oocytes resulted in a rapidly activated potassium current closely resembling currents recorded from oocytes expressing KvLQT1 alone, indicating that this region is necessary for modulation. To determine whether MinK DeltaCterm was associated with KvLQT1, a functional tag (G55C) that confers susceptibility to partial block by external cadmium was engineered into the transmembrane domain of MinK DeltaCterm. Currents derived from coexpression of KvLQT1 with MinK DeltaCterm were cadmium sensitive, suggesting that MinK DeltaCterm does associate with KvLQT1, but does not modulate gating. To determine which MinK regions are sufficient for KvLQT1 association and modulation, chimeras were generated between MinK and the Na(+) channel beta1 subunit. Chimeras between MinK and beta1 could only modulate KvLQT1 if they contained both the MinK transmembrane domain and COOH terminus, suggesting that the MinK COOH terminus alone is not sufficient for KvLQT1 modulation, and requires an additional, possibly associative interaction between the MinK transmembrane domain and KvLQT1. To identify the MinK subdomains necessary for gating modulation, deletion mutants were designed and coexpressed with KvLQT1. A MinK construct with amino acid residues 94-129 deleted retained the ability to modulate KvLQT1 gating, identifying the COOH-terminal region critical for gating modulation. Finally, MinK/MiRP1 (MinK related protein-1) chimeras were generated to investigate the difference between these two closely related subunits in their ability to modulate KvLQT1. The results from this analysis indicate that MiRP1 cannot modulate KvLQT1 due to differences within the transmembrane domain. Our results allow us to identify the MinK subdomains that mediate KvLQT1 association and modulation.  相似文献   

Potassium channels encoded by hERG (human ether-à-go-go-related gene) underlie the cardiac rapid delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr) and hERG mutations underpin clinically important repolarization disorders. Virtually all electrophysiological investigations of hERG mutations have studied exclusively the hERG1a isoform; however, recent evidence indicates that native IKr channels may be comprised of hERG1a together with the hERG1b variant, which has a shorter N-terminus. Here, for the first time, electrophysiological effects were studied of a gain-of-function hERG mutation (N588K; responsible for the ‘SQT1’ variant of the short QT syndrome) on current (IhERG1a/1b) carried by co-expressed hERG1a/1b channels. There were no significant effects of N588K on IhERG1a/1b activation or deactivation, but N588K IhERG1a/1b showed little inactivation up to highly positive voltages (?+80 mV), a more marked effect than seen for hERG1a expressed alone. IhERG1a/1b under action potential voltage-clamp, and the effects on this of the N588K mutation, also showed differences from those previously reported for hERG1a. The amplified attenuation of IhERG inactivation for the N588K mutation reported here indicates that the study of co-expressed hERG1a/1b channels should be considered when investigating clinically relevant hERG channel mutations, even if these reside outside of the N-terminus region.  相似文献   

Idiopathic short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a recently identified, genetically heterogeneous condition characterised by abbreviated QT intervals and an increased susceptibility to arrhythmia and sudden death. This simulation study identifies mechanisms by which cellular electrophysiological changes in the SQT2 (slow delayed rectifier, IKs, -linked) SQTS variant increases arrhythmia risk. The channel kinetics of the V307L mutation of the KCNQ1 subunit of the IKs channel were incorporated into human ventricular action potential (AP) models and into 1D and 2D transmural tissue simulations. Incorporating the V307L mutation into simulations reproduced defining features of the SQTS: abbreviation of the QT interval, and increases in T wave amplitude and TpeakTend duration. In the single-cell model, the V307L mutation abbreviated ventricular cell AP duration at 90% repolarisation (APD90) and increased the maximal transmural voltage heterogeneity (δV) during APs; this resulted in augmented transmural heterogeneity of APD90 and of the effective refractory period (ERP). In the intact tissue model, the vulnerable window for unidirectional conduction block was also increased. In 2D tissue the V307L mutation facilitated and maintained reentrant excitation. Thus, in SQT2 increases in transmural heterogeneity of APD, δV, ERP and an increased vulnerable window for unidirectional conduction block generate an electrical substrate favourable to reentrant arrhythmia.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨高频超声联合剪切波弹性成像对于上肢神经卡压综合征的诊断价值。方法:收集2017年1月-2022年11月于我院收治的行手术治疗的66例上肢神经卡压综合征患者作为观察组,并将其按照疾病严重程度分为轻度组、中重度组,其中腕管综合征43例、轻度组18例、中重度组25例,肘管综合征23例、轻度组12例、中重度组11例,选取同时期66例健康人群作为对照组。所有受试者均行常规超声及剪切波弹性成像检查,在豌豆骨及肘管入口水平分别测量正中神经及尺神经前后径、左右径、横截面面积、杨氏模量。比较各个测量指标在各组间的差异。以临床诊断为金标准,分析高频超声及高频超声联合剪切波弹性成像对上肢神经卡压综合征临床分型价值。结果:观察组正中神经横截面积、杨氏模量均显著高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组尺神经左右径、横截面积、杨氏模量均显著高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);中重度组正中神经、尺神经杨氏模量均显著高于轻度组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);高频超声、高频超声联合剪切波弹性成像对腕管综合征临床分型的准确率为65.12%、81.40%,敏感度为61.11%、83.33%,特异度为68.0%、80.0%,精确度为57.89%、75.0%;高频超声、高频超声联合剪切波弹性成像对肘管综合征临床分型的准确率为52.17%、78.26%、敏感度为58.33%、83.33%、特异度为45.45%、72.73%、精确度为53.85%、76.92%。结论:高频超声联合剪切波弹性成像对上肢神经卡压综合征表现出较好的诊断价值,可实现以无创的方式对该疾病做出准确诊断。  相似文献   

兴安落叶松结实规律与长短枝习性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年5月,大兴安岭林区发生的特大森林火灾,实属世界罕见,火灾面积达1.0×10~6ha 多。大量的火烧迹地亟待更新、无论是人工更新还是人工促进天然更新,其中关键的问题之一是种子的来源,在大兴安岭地区,兴  相似文献   

目的:旨在探讨血清脂肪因子chemerin水平与代谢综合征患者合并冠心病的相关性。方法:共纳入116名代谢综合征患者,将所有患者分为两组,合并冠心病组(CAD+,n=47)及未合并冠心病组(CAD-,n=69),使用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法测量每组血清的血清chemerin水平。结果:CAD+组患者的血清chemerin水平较CAD-组患者显著升高(129.83±29.18 vs 94.01±23.54 ng/mL;P<0.01),多元Logistic回归分析结果显示血清chemerin水平与代谢综合征患者合并冠心病存在独立相关性(优势比1.565,95%可信区间1.104-2.876;P<0.05)。结论:血清chemerin水平是代谢综合征患者合并冠心病的独立危险因子,血清chemerin可能是预测代谢综合征患者发生冠心病风险的重要的生物学标记物。  相似文献   

Long QT syndrome (LQTS) 1 is the most common type of inherited LQTS and is linked to mutations in the KCNQ1 gene. We identified a KCNQ1 missense mutation, KCNQ1 G325R, in an asymptomatic patient presenting with significant QT prolongation (QTc, 448–600 ms). Prior clinical reports revealed phenotypic variability ranging from the absence of symptoms to syncope among KCNQ1 G325R mutation carriers. The present study was designed to determine the G325R ion channel phenotype and its association with the clinical LQTS presentation. Electrophysiological testing was performed using the Xenopus oocyte expression system. KCNQ1 G325R channels were non-functional and suppressed wild type (WT) currents by 71.1%. In the presence of the native cardiac regulatory ß-subunit, KCNE1, currents conducted by G325R and WT KCNQ1 were reduced by 52.9%. Co-expression of G325R and WT KCNQ1 with KCNE1 shifted the voltage-dependence of IKs activation by 12.0 mV, indicating co-assembly of mutant and WT subunits. The dysfunctional biophysical phenotype validates the pathogenicity of the KCNQ1 G325R mutation and corresponds well with the severe clinical presentation revealed in some reports. However, the index patient and other mutation carriers were asymptomatic, highlighting potential limitations of risk assessment schemes based on ion channel data.  相似文献   

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