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硫元素是所有生物的基本组成成分,是生物体必需的营养元素之一。硫氧化还原微生物的数量多、分布广、代谢途径多样化,硫化合物之间的平衡依赖于微生物代谢网络中的各种硫转化反应与代谢过程。此外,硫循环与碳、氮循环紧密相关,对地球生态循环起到了至关重要的作用。本文综述了近期微生物硫循环网络的研究进展,包括所涉及的主要微生物、硫循环的生物化学途径、硫循环的环境意义和工业应用潜能等,深入了解自然和人工生态系统中存在的硫循环过程,可为控制工农业生产中硫元素的增减与利用提供理论基础与应用方案。  相似文献   

Evolution of enzymes in metabolism: a network perspective   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several models have been proposed to explain the origin and evolution of enzymes in metabolic pathways. Initially, the retro-evolution model proposed that, as enzymes at the end of pathways depleted their substrates in the primordial soup, there was a pressure for earlier enzymes in pathways to be created, using the later ones as initial template, in order to replenish the pools of depleted metabolites. Later, the recruitment model proposed that initial templates from other pathways could be used as long as those enzymes were similar in chemistry or substrate specificity. These two models have dominated recent studies of enzyme evolution. These studies are constrained by either the small scale of the study or the artificial restrictions imposed by pathway definitions. Here, a network approach is used to study enzyme evolution in fully sequenced genomes, thus removing both constraints. We find that homologous pairs of enzymes are roughly twice as likely to have evolved from enzymes that are less than three steps away from each other in the reaction network than pairs of non-homologous enzymes. These results, together with the conservation of the type of chemical reaction catalyzed by evolutionarily related enzymes, suggest that functional blocks of similar chemistry have evolved within metabolic networks. One possible explanation for these observations is that this local evolution phenomenon is likely to cause less global physiological disruptions in metabolism than evolution of enzymes from other enzymes that are distant from them in the metabolic network.  相似文献   

Metabolism is one of the most complex cellular processes. Connections between biochemical reactions via substrate and product metabolites create complex metabolic networks that may be analyzed using network theory, stoichiometric analysis, and information on protein structure/function and metabolite properties. These frameworks take into consideration different aspects of enzyme chemistry, enzyme structure and metabolite structure, and demonstrate the impact of metabolic biochemistry on the systemic properties of metabolism. The integration of these approaches and the systematic classification of enzyme function and the chemical structure of metabolites will enhance our understanding of metabolism, and could improve our ability to predict enzyme function and novel metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

One fundamental goal of current research is to understand how complex biomolecular networks took the form that we observe today. Cellular metabolism is probably one of the most ancient biological networks and constitutes a good model system for the study of network evolution. While many evolutionary models have been proposed, a substantial body of work suggests metabolic pathways evolve fundamentally by recruitment, in which enzymes are drawn from close or distant regions of the network to perform novel chemistries or use different substrates. Here we review how structural and functional genomics has impacted our knowledge of evolution of modern metabolism and describe some approaches that merge evolutionary and structural genomics with advances in bioinformatics. These include mining the data on structure and function of enzymes for salient patterns of enzyme recruitment. Initial studies suggest modern metabolism originated in enzymes of nucleotide metabolism harboring the P-loop hydrolase fold, probably in pathways linked to the purine metabolic subnetwork. This gateway of recruitment gave rise to pathways related to the synthesis of nucleotides and cofactors for an ancient RNA world. Once the TIM beta/alpha-barrel fold architecture was discovered, it appears metabolic activities were recruited explosively giving rise to subnetworks related to carbohydrate and then amino acid metabolism. Remarkably, recruitment occurred in a layered system reminiscent of Morowitz's prebiotic shells, supporting the notion that modern metabolism represents a palimpsest of ancient metabolic chemistries.  相似文献   

The main goals of biomimetic chemistry have been formulated on the basis of the concept of biochemical organization. Biomimetic chemistry is defined as a science which employs the principles of biochemical organization (i. e., the principles of structural organization, functioning and regulation of biological systems at the levels corresponding to biomacromolecules, supramolecular complexes and subcellular structures) for the construction of artificial systems with predetermined properties or for conferring desired properties on natural biochemical systems with the help of artificial elements. The relationships between biomimetics and biochemical modelling are discussed. As examples of biomimetic systems, some enzymes entrapped into hydrated reverse micelles of a surfactant in an organic solvent and conjugates of proteins with polyalkylene oxidases are considered.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in systems biology is the establishment of the metabolome: a catalogue of the metabolites and biochemical reactions present in a specific organism. Current knowledge of biochemical pathways as stored in public databases such as KEGG, is based on carefully curated genomic evidence for the presence of specific metabolites and enzymes that activate particular biochemical reactions. In this paper, we present an efficient method to build a substantial portion of the artificial chemistry defined by the metabolites and biochemical reactions in a given metabolic pathway, which is based on bidirectional chemical search. Computational results on the pathways stored in KEGG reveal novel biochemical pathways. This work has been partially supported by the Spanish CICYT project TIN2004-07925-C03-01 GRAMMARS, by Spanish DGI projects MTM2006-07773 COMGRIO and MTM2006-15038-C02-01, and by EU project INTAS IT 04-77-7178.  相似文献   

Genome-scale metabolic networks can be reconstructed. The systemic biochemical properties of these networks can now be studied. Here, genome-scale reconstructed metabolic networks were analysed using singular value decomposition (SVD). All the individual biochemical conversions contained in a reconstructed metabolic network are described by a stoichiometric matrix (S). SVD of S led to the definition of the underlying modes that characterize the overall biochemical conversions that take place in a network and rank-ordered their importance. The modes were shown to correspond to systemic biochemical reactions and they could be used to identify the groups and clusters of individual biochemical reactions that drive them. Comparative analysis of the Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, and Helicobacter pylori genome-scale metabolic networks showed that the four dominant modes in all three networks correspond to: (1) the conversion of ATP to ADP, (2) redox metabolism of NADP, (3) proton-motive force, and (4) inorganic phosphate metabolism. The sets of individual metabolic reactions deriving these systemic conversions, however, differed among the three organisms. Thus, we can now define systemic metabolic reactions, or eigen-reactions, for the study of systems biology of metabolism and have a basis for comparing the overall properties of genome-specific metabolic networks.  相似文献   

Today different database systems for molecular structures (genes and proteins) and metabolic pathways are available. All these systems are characterized by the static data representation. For progress in biotechnology the dynamic representation of this data is important. The metabolism can be characterized as a complex biochemical network. Different models for the quantitative simulation of biochemical networks are discussed, but no useful formalization is available. This paper shows that the theory of Petrinets is useful for the quantitative modeling of biochemical networks.  相似文献   

Steuer R 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(16-18):2139-2151
Cellular metabolism is characterized by an intricate network of interactions between biochemical fluxes, metabolic compounds and regulatory interactions. To investigate and eventually understand the emergent global behavior arising from such networks of interaction is not possible by intuitive reasoning alone. This contribution seeks to describe recent computational approaches that aim to asses the topological and functional properties of metabolic networks. In particular, based on a recently proposed method, it is shown that it is possible to acquire a quantitative picture of the possible dynamics of metabolic systems, without assuming detailed knowledge of the underlying enzyme-kinetic rate equations and parameters. Rather, the method builds upon a statistical exploration of the comprehensive parameter space to evaluate the dynamic capabilities of a metabolic system, thus providing a first step towards the transition from topology to function of metabolic pathways. Utilizing this approach, the role of feedback mechanisms in the maintenance of stability is discussed using minimal models of cellular pathways.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to obtain a more detailed insight into poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) metabolism through network-based metabolic pathway analysis. We employ extreme pathways to perform this study, because calculating and interpreting extreme pathways is a promising way for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering. After giving an in silico model of butanoate metabolism of Bacillus thuringiensis 97-27 (btk), extreme pathways were calculated and classified. Furthermore, the type I and II extreme pathways were further classified and analyzed in detail based on their structure and functional capabilities. Besides "historical" biochemical pathways, the results also suggest that there are some novel pathways.  相似文献   

PathMiner: predicting metabolic pathways by heuristic search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Automated methods for biochemical pathway inference are becoming increasingly important for understanding biological processes in living and synthetic systems. With the availability of data on complete genomes and increasing information about enzyme-catalyzed biochemistry it is becoming feasible to approach this problem computationally. In this paper we present PathMiner, a system for automatic metabolic pathway inference. PathMiner predicts metabolic routes by reasoning over transformations using chemical and biological information. RESULTS: We build a biochemical state-space using data from known enzyme-catalyzed transformations in Ligand, including, 2917 unique transformations between 3890 different compounds. To predict metabolic pathways we explore this state-space by developing an informed search algorithm. For this purpose we develop a chemically motivated heuristic to guide the search. Since the algorithm does not depend on predefined pathways, it can efficiently identify plausible routes using known biochemical transformations.  相似文献   

Here we present a metabolic profiling strategy employing direct infusion Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for the monitoring of soybean''s (Glycine max L.) global metabolism regulation in response to Rhizoctonia solani infection in a time-course. Key elements in the approach are the construction of a comprehensive metabolite library for soybean, which accelerates the steps of metabolite identification and biological interpretation of results, and bioinformatics tools for the visualization and analysis of its metabolome. The study of metabolic networks revealed that infection results in the mobilization of carbohydrates, disturbance of the amino acid pool, and activation of isoflavonoid, α-linolenate, and phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways of the plant. Components of these pathways include phytoalexins, coumarins, flavonoids, signaling molecules, and hormones, many of which exhibit antioxidant properties and bioactivity helping the plant to counterattack the pathogen''s invasion. Unraveling the biochemical mechanism operating during soybean-Rhizoctonia interaction, in addition to its significance towards the understanding of the plant''s metabolism regulation under biotic stress, provides valuable insights with potential for applications in biotechnology, crop breeding, and agrochemical and food industries.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling is an essential tool for the comprehensive understanding of cell metabolism and its interactions with the environmental and process conditions. Recent developments in the construction and analysis of stoichiometric models made it possible to define limits on steady-state metabolic behavior using flux balance analysis. However, detailed information on enzyme kinetics and enzyme regulation is needed to formulate kinetic models that can accurately capture the dynamic metabolic responses. The use of mechanistic enzyme kinetics is a difficult task due to uncertainty in the kinetic properties of enzymes. Therefore, the majority of recent works considered only mass action kinetics for reactions in metabolic networks. Herein, we applied the optimization and risk analysis of complex living entities (ORACLE) framework and constructed a large-scale mechanistic kinetic model of optimally grown Escherichia coli. We investigated the complex interplay between stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and kinetics in determining the flexibility and capabilities of metabolism. Our results indicate that enzyme saturation is a necessary consideration in modeling metabolic networks and it extends the feasible ranges of metabolic fluxes and metabolite concentrations. Our results further suggest that enzymes in metabolic networks have evolved to function at different saturation states to ensure greater flexibility and robustness of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Models are of central importance in many scientific contexts. Mathematical and computational modeling of genetic regulatory networks promises to uncover the fundamental principles of living systems. Biological models, such as gene regulatory models, can help us better understand interactions among genes and how cells regulate their production of proteins and enzymes. One feature shared among living systems is their ability to cope with perturbations and remain stable, a property that is the result of evolutionary fine-tuning over many generations. In this study we use random Boolean networks (RBNs) as an abstract model of gene regulatory systems. By applying Differential Evolution (DE), an evolution-based optimization technique, we produce networks with increased stability. DE requires relatively few user-specified parameters, has fast convergence and does not rely on initial conditions to find the global minima within multi-dimensional search spaces.  相似文献   

Motif search in graphs: application to metabolic networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classic view of metabolism as a collection of metabolic pathways is being questioned with the currently available possibility of studying whole networks. Novel ways of decomposing the network into modules and motifs that could be considered as the building blocks of a network are being suggested. In this work, we introduce a new definition of motif in the context of metabolic networks. Unlike in previous works on (other) biochemical networks, this definition is not based only on topological features. We propose instead to use an alternative definition based on the functional nature of the components that form the motif, which we call a reaction motif. After introducing a formal framework motivated by biological considerations, we present complexity results on the problem of searching for all occurrences of a reaction motif in a network and introduce an algorithm that is fast in practice in most situations. We then show an initial application to the study of pathway evolution. Finally, we give some general features of the observed number of occurrences in order to highlight some structural features of metabolic networks  相似文献   

Uncovering the hidden geometry behind metabolic networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metabolism is a fascinating cell machinery underlying life and disease and genome-scale reconstructions provide us with a captivating view of its complexity. However, deciphering the relationship between metabolic structure and function remains a major challenge. In particular, turning observed structural regularities into organizing principles underlying systemic functions is a crucial task that can be significantly addressed after endowing complex network representations of metabolism with the notion of geometric distance. Here, we design a cartographic map of metabolic networks by embedding them into a simple geometry that provides a natural explanation for their observed network topology and that codifies node proximity as a measure of hidden structural similarities. We assume a simple and general connectivity law that gives more probability of interaction to metabolite/reaction pairs which are closer in the hidden space. Remarkably, we find an astonishing congruency between the architecture of E. coli and human cell metabolisms and the underlying geometry. In addition, the formalism unveils a backbone-like structure of connected biochemical pathways on the basis of a quantitative cross-talk. Pathways thus acquire a new perspective which challenges their classical view as self-contained functional units.  相似文献   

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