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The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana was grown in 1% (wt/vol) gelatin-liquid media singly supplemented with a monosaccharide (glucose or fructose), a disaccharide (maltose or trehalose), a polyol (glycerol, mannitol, or sorbitol), or the amino sugar N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. The relative contributions of the carbohydrate, protein, and water contents in the fungal biomass were determined. Carbohydrates composed 18 to 42% of the mycelial dry weight, and this value was lowest in unsupplemented medium and highest in medium supplemented with glucose, glycerol, or trehalose. Biomass production was highest in liquid cultures supplemented with trehalose. When liquid cultures were grown in medium supplemented with 0 to 1% (wt/vol) glucose, trehalose, or N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, there was an increase in the biomass production and the contribution of carbohydrate to mycelial dry weight. Regardless of the glucose concentration in the culture, water content of the mycelia remained about 77.5% (wt/wt). Mycelial storage carbohydrates were determined by capillary gas chromatography. In gelatin-liquid medium supplemented with 1% (wt/vol) glucose, B. bassiana stored glycogen (12.0%, wt/dry wt) and the polyols mannitol (2.2%), erythritol (1.6%), glycerol (0.4%), and arabitol (0.1%). Without glucose, B. bassiana stored glycogen (5.4%), mannitol (0.8%), glycerol (0.6%), and erythritol (0.6%) but not arabitol. To our knowledge, this is the first report of carbohydrate storage in an entomopathogenic fungus, and the results are discussed in relation to other fungi and the potential implications to commercial formulation and insect-fungus interactions.  相似文献   

Viruses have been discovered in numerous fungal species, but unlike most known animal or plant viruses, they are rarely associated with deleterious effects on their hosts. The knowledge about viruses among entomopathogenic fungi is very limited, although their existence is suspected because of the presence of virus-like double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in isolates of several species. Beauveria bassiana is one of the most-studied species of entomopathogenic fungi; it has a cosmopolitan distribution and is used as a biological control agent against invertebrates in agriculture. We analyzed a collection of 73 isolates obtained at different locations and from different habitats in Spain and Portugal, searching for dsRNA elements indicative of viral infections. The results revealed that the prevalence of viral infections is high; 54.8% of the isolates contained dsRNA elements with viral characteristics. The dsRNA electropherotypes of infected isolates indicated that virus diversity was high in the collection analyzed and that mixed virus infections occurred in fungal isolates. However, a hybridization experiment indicated that dsRNA bands that are similar in size do not always have similar sequences. Particular virus species or dsRNA profiles were not associated with locations or types of habitats, probably because of the ubiquity and efficient dispersion of this fungus as an airborne species. The sequence of one of the most common dsRNA elements corresponded to the 5.2-kbp genome of a previously undescribed member of the Totiviridae family, termed B. bassiana RNA virus 1 (BbRV1).  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy were used to describe the mode of penetration by the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin into corn, Zea mays L. After inoculation with a foliar spray of conidia, germinating hyphae grew randomly across the leaf surface. Often a germ tube formed from a conidium and elongated only a short distance before terminating its growth. Not all developing hyphae on the leaf surface penetrated the cuticle. However, when penetration did occur, the penetration site(s) was randomly located, indicating that B. bassiana does not require specific topographic signals at an appropriate entry site as do some phytopathogenic fungi. Long hyphal structures were observed to follow the leaf apoplast in any direction from the point of penetration. A few hyphae were observed within xylem elements. Because vascular bundles are interconnected throughout the corn plant, this may explain how B. bassiana travels within the plant and ultimately provides overall insecticidal protection. Virulency bioassays demonstrate that B. bassiana does not lose virulence toward the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), once it colonizes corn. This endophytic relationship between an entomopathogenic fungus and a plant suggests possibilities for biological control, including the use of indigenous fungal inocula as insecticides.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana GK2016 grown in a liquid medium incorporating gelatin as the sole carbon and nitrogen source produced an extracellular serine protease (molecular weight, 35,000; pI ca. 10). Without gelatin, B. bassiana could utilize N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (GlcNAc; 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-d-glucose) as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen, and GlcNAc availability increased the storage carbohydrate content in mycelia. Synthesis of protease was repressed in gelatin medium containing GlcNAc at levels of >1.07 mumol mg of fungal dry weight. At levels below this, protease synthesis was initiated; subsequently, free amino nitrogen appeared in the medium and diauxic growth was observed. Slow feeding with GlcNAc (35.34 mug ml h) did not repress protease synthesis nor did GlcNAc accumulate in the medium above 0.5 mg ml. Increasing the rate of release of GlcNAc (83.51 mug ml h) resulted in the accumulation of GlcNAc in the medium to 2.0 mg ml, a 45% increase in growth and a decrease in protease synthesis by about 81%. Free amino acids generated from the hydrolysis of gelatin did not repress protease synthesis. These data are interpreted in terms of known interaction of B. bassiana with insect cuticular components. We suggest that the action of extracellular chitinases synthesized by B. bassiana on insect cuticle, and pursuant release of GlcNAc, may have important consequences on the regulation of other extracellular catabolic enzymes such as the protease.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana GK2016 grown in a medium with gelatin as the sole carbon and nitrogen source produced an extracellular protease. The protease production was highest when the fungus was grown on a semiliquid medium and was purified about 18-fold, with a recovery of 21%. The protease molecular weight was estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be about 35,000. It had an optimum activity at pH 8.5 and 37 degrees C and was rapidly inactivated at 50 degrees C. Its enzymatic activity was that of an endopeptidase which hydrolyzed elastin, casein, and gelatin but was much less active on bovine serum albumin and collagen. No trypsinlike activity was detected on N-alpha-benzoyl-dl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. It was, however, inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, indicating that a serine residue is present in the active site. The protease was unaffected by metal-chelating agents, sulfhydryl reagents, trypsin inhibitor, and chymotrypsin inhibitor.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana produces at least three distinct single-cell propagules, aerial conidia, vegetative cells termed blastospores, and submerged conidia, which can be isolated from agar plates, from rich broth liquid cultures, and under nutrient limitation conditions in submerged cultures, respectively. Fluorescently labeled fungal cells were used to quantify the kinetics of adhesion of these cell types to surfaces having various hydrophobic or hydrophilic properties. Aerial conidia adhered poorly to weakly polar surfaces and rapidly to both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces but could be readily washed off the latter surfaces. In contrast, blastospores bound poorly to hydrophobic surfaces, forming small aggregates, bound rapidly to hydrophilic surfaces, and required a longer incubation time to bind to weakly polar surfaces than to hydrophilic surfaces. Submerged conidia displayed the broadest binding specificity, adhering to hydrophobic, weakly polar, and hydrophilic surfaces. The adhesion of the B. bassiana cell types also differed in sensitivity to glycosidase and protease treatments, pH, and addition of various carbohydrate competitors and detergents. The outer cell wall layer of aerial conidia contained sodium dodecyl sulfate-insoluble, trifluoroacetic acid-soluble proteins (presumably hydrophobins) that were not present on either blastospores or submerged conidia. The variations in the cell surface properties leading to the different adhesion qualities of B. bassiana aerial conidia, blastospores, and submerged conidia could lead to rational design decisions for improving the efficacy and possibly the specificity of entomopathogenic fungi for host targets.  相似文献   

One of the major constraints for banana production in Uganda is the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Investigations were carried out to evaluate the efficacy of maize, soil-based and oil formulations of an indigenous isolate of Beauveria bassiana for the control of the banana weevil. Weekly trapping of weevils over a 9-month monitoring period showed significant reduction in unmarked and marked weevil population in B. bassiana treated plots. Application of maize formulation at 2 ×10 15 conidia ha -1 proved most effective, reducing the weevil populations by 63-72% within 8 weeks after a single application. The soil based formulation at 2 ×10 14 conidia ha -1 was intermediate while the oil formulation at 6 ×10 15 conidial ha -1 was least effective. Trapping efficiency declined in B. bassiana treated and untreated banana plots but was greatest in the latter.  相似文献   

快速提取白僵菌DNA方法的比较与改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Fungal entomopathogens, especially Beauveria bassiana, are often studied within the context of their use in biological pest control; however, there is limited knowledge of their distributions in host plants and soil ecosystem. We examined the distribution of B. bassiana and its influence on rice plants and paddy soils. B. bassiana could only be detected on the foliar surfaces of rice plants within 15 days under Bb-4 (7.5 × 104 conidia/mL) and Bb-7 (7.5 × 107 conidia/mL) treatments. The endophytic colonization of B. bassiana could not be found in stems, roots, or seeds of rice plants under Bb-4 and Bb-7 treatments. The fungus was found only in the leaves of rice plants under Bb-4 and Bb-7 treatments at 15 days after inoculation. Moreover, B. bassiana was absent from paddy soils under Bb-4 and Bb-7 treatments at all times. Enzyme activity (urease and phosphatase) in the paddy soils of Bb-4 and Bb-7 treatments showed no significant difference from the control. It is possible that B. bassiana was not able to colonize paddy soil. Detailed understanding of distribution and ecological interactions of B. bassiana is helpful for understanding and predicting the effects of fungal entomopathogens on host populations, and the interactions among fungal entomopathogens and other organisms in the community.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana is an important entomopathogenic fungus widely used as a biological agent to control insect pests. A gene (B. bassiana JEN1 [BbJEN1]) homologous to JEN1 encoding a carboxylate transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified in a B. bassiana transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertional mutant. Disruption of the gene decreased the carboxylate contents in hyphae, while increasing the conidial yield. However, overexpression of this transporter resulted in significant increases in carboxylates and decreased the conidial yield. BbJEN1 was strongly induced by insect cuticles and highly expressed in the hyphae penetrating insect cuticles not in hyphal bodies, suggesting that this gene is involved in the early stage of pathogenesis of B. bassiana. The bioassay results indicated that disruption of BbJEN1 significantly reduced the virulence of B. bassiana to aphids. Compared to the wild type, ΔBbJEN1 alkalinized the insect cuticle to a reduced extent. The alkalinization of the cuticle is a physiological signal triggering the production of pathogenicity. Therefore, we identified a new factor influencing virulence, which is responsible for the alkalinization of the insect cuticle and the initiation of fungal pathogenesis in insects.Mycoinsecticides are considered promising biological control agents and alternatives or supplements to chemical pesticides (15). However, the dearth of physiological, genetic, and molecular knowledge of entomopathogenic fungi has retarded their widespread application.For mycoinsecticide improvement, greater attention and effort have been given to elucidate the mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis (13, 14, 18, 20, 29, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53). Entomopathogenic fungi, e.g., Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, invade their hosts by direct penetration of the host exoskeleton or cuticle. M. anisopliae and B. bassiana produce hydrophobic spores which contact and adhere to the insect cuticle (12). Once attached, the conidium germinates and the germ tubes differentiate into swollen infection structures called appressoria. The appressoria produce penetration pegs which penetrate the insect cuticle via cuticle-degrading enzymes (11, 19, 46) as well as mechanical pressure (24, 53). Hyphae proliferate within the hemocoel, emerge from inside the insect, and subsequently conidiate on the cadaver (15). However, much remains to be elucidated regarding the mechanisms of insect fungal pathogenesis.To obtain detailed knowledge of the mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis, a pool of B. bassiana transfer DNA (T-DNA) insertional mutants had been generated through an Agrobacterium-mediated-transformation method (21). A mutant, designated T12, characterized by the presence of more conidia, was isolated, and its flanking sequence was obtained by T-DNA tagging. The flanking fragment contained an open reading frame (ORF), which corresponded to a gene termed JEN1, encoding a transporter of carboxylates (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi). Organic acid transportation is important for the metabolism of almost all cells of multicellular organisms and unicellular microorganisms (17, 25, 26). Transport across the plasma membrane is the first step in the metabolism of these substrates, which may affect many aspects of the organism, including regulation of energy metabolism (9, 34) and acid-base equilibrium status (10).JEN1p has been identified in several fungal species, e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, and Kluyveromyces lactis (9, 35, 45), which is a lactate/pyruvate symporter (1, 9, 34). The enzyme imports lactate or some short-chain monocarboxylates across the plasma membrane into cells. Then, the lactate is stereo-specifically oxidized to pyruvate. This reaction is performed by ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase in mitochondria (23, 33) and is tightly connected to the respiratory chain (34). JEN1 was induced by lactic, pyruvic, acetic, and propionic acids and repressed by glucose (2, 9, 35, 45). Nevertheless, for entomopathogenic fungi, the characterization of JEN1p has not been investigated, and its role in infection is still a mystery.For this paper, we studied the functions of a putative carboxylate transport gene, JEN1, in B. bassiana (BbJEN1). Our results demonstrated that BbJEN1 is involved in conidiation of B. bassiana and that the gene is a new factor influencing virulence in entomopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion of diauxotrophic mutants of a Beauveria bassiana entomopathogenic strain (Bb28) and a Beauveria sulfurescens toxinogenic strain (Bs2) produced hybrids which were significantly different from the parents in pathogenicity. Some of the hybrids were hypervirulent and killed insects more quickly than the Bb28 strain, probably because these hybrids had acquired the toxic activity of the Bs2 strain. By using six nuclear genes and a telomeric fingerprint probe, the molecular structures of the hybrids were studied. The results demonstrated the occurrence of parasexual events. Hybrids appeared to be diploid or aneuploid, with portions of the genome being heterozygous. A mitochondrial molecular marker indicated homoplasmy of the hybrids and inheritance of mitochondria from strain Bs2 or Bb28. The pathogenicities and the ploidies of the hybrids remained stable after passage through the host insect, showing that somatic hybridization provides an attractive method for the genetic improvement of biocontrol efficiency in the genus Beauveria.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to elucidate the role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38) in thrombus formation. We used p38α heterozygous (p38α+/?) mice and used ferric chloride (FeCl3)-induced carotid artery injury as a model of thrombus formation. The time to thrombotic occlusion induced by FeCl3 in p38α+/? mice was prolonged compared to that in wild-type (WT) mice. Platelets prepared from p38α+/? mice showed impairment of the aggregatory response to a low concentration of U46619, a thromboxane A2 analogue. Furthermore, platelets prepared from p38α+/? mice and activated by U46619 were poorly bound to fibrinogen compared with those from WT mice. Both the expression and activity of tissue factor induced by FeCl3 in WT mice were higher than those in p38α+/? mice. These results suggest that p38 plays an important role in thrombus formation by regulating platelet function and tissue factor activity.  相似文献   

Exposure of yeast cells to increases in extracellular osmolarity activates the HOG1 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade, which is composed of three tiers of protein kinases: (i) the SSK2, SSK22, and STE11 MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAPKKKs), (ii) the PBS2 MAPKK, and (iii) the HOG1 MAP kinase. Activation of the MAP kinase cascade is mediated by two upstream mechanisms. The SLN1-YPD1-SSK1 two-component osmosensor activates the SSK2 and SSK22 MAPKKKs by direct interaction of the SSK1 response regulator with these MAPKKKs. The second mechanism of HOG1 MAP kinase activation is independent of the two-component osmosensor and involves the SHO1 transmembrane protein and the STE11 MAPKKK. Only PBS2 and HOG1 are common to the two mechanisms. We conducted an exhaustive mutant screening to identify additional elements required for activation of STE11 by osmotic stress. We found that strains with mutations in the STE50 gene, in combination with ssk2Δ ssk22Δ mutations, were unable to induce HOG1 phosphorylation after osmotic stress. Both two-hybrid analyses and coprecipitation assays demonstrated that the N-terminal domain of STE50 binds strongly to the N-terminal domain of STE11. The binding of STE50 to STE11 is constitutive and is not affected by osmotic stress. Furthermore, the two proteins relocalize similarly after osmotic shock. It was concluded that STE50 fulfills an essential role in the activation of the high-osmolarity glycerol response pathway by acting as an integral subunit of the STE11 MAPKKK.  相似文献   

构建了球孢白僵菌不同诱导时间的混合cDNA文库。根据丝氨酸类蛋白酶的保守区域设计引物,以构建cDNA文库同样的mRNA为模板,采用RT-PCR法得到长度为594bp的片段BbP。序列测定表明BbP是球孢白僵菌类枯草杆菌蛋白酶Prl的一部分,以BbP为探针,从上述cDNA文库筛选得到长度为1557bp的克隆CDEP-1。CDEP-1含有一个1134bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码377个氨基酸,分子量为38616、PI=8.302的蛋白酶前体。CEDP-1的核苷酸序列与蛋白酶K、金龟子绿僵菌Prl、球孢白僵菌Prl的同源性分别为:57.9%、54.7%、83.3%。根据cDNA序列扩增到CDEP-1的基因组序列,分析表明其中含有3个内含子。Southern杂交表明CDEP-1在球孢白僵菌是单拷贝。  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells are known to have an inducible or adaptive response that enhances radioresistance after a low priming dose of radiation. This radioadaptive response seems to present a novel cellular defense mechanism. However, its molecular processing and signaling mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we studied the role of protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in the expression of radioadaptive response in cultured mouse cells. Protein immunoblot analysis using isoform-specific antibodies showed an immediate activation of PKC-alpha upon X-irradiation as indicated by a translocation from cytosol to membrane. A low priming dose caused a prolonged translocation, while a nonadaptive high dose dramatically downregulated the total PKC level. Low-dose X-rays also activated the p38 MAPK. The activation of p38 MAPK and resistance to chromosome aberration formation were blocked by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 MAPK, and Calphostin C, an inhibitor of PKC. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that p38 MAPK was physically associated with delta1 isoform of phospholipase C (PLC-delta1), which hydrolyzed phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate into diacylglycerol, an activator of PKC, and that SB203580 also blocked the activation of PKC-alpha. These results indicate the presence of a novel mechanism for coordinated regulation of adaptive response to low-dose X-rays by a nexus of PKC-alpha/p38 MAPK/PLC-delta1 circuitry feedback signaling pathway with its breakage operated by downregulation of labile PKC-alpha at high doses or excess stimuli.  相似文献   

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics - Several ascomycetous entomopathogenic fungi, including species in the genera Beauveria, are plant symbionts/endophytes and are termed as endophytic...  相似文献   

Devi KU  Rao CU 《Mycopathologia》2006,161(6):385-394
Successful infection by Beauveria bassiana as with all other entomopathogenic fungi, is accomplished only at a high conidial dose while, theoretically, a single conidium should be sufficient. Indeed, this is a major deterrent in its use as a biocontrol agent. High pathogen load for infection is required by organisms which display ‘Allee’ effect. In such organisms, a threshold exists for pathogen dose, below which no infection can be caused. B. bassiana has a semelparous life cycle and, therefore, its infection dynamics are expected to conform to the mass action principle with a linear relationship between dose and successful infection observable as mortality of the insect. Whether the need for a high conidial dose to induce insect mortality by B. bassiana is due to the operation of Allee effect was examined. A sample of 34 isolates was bioassayed on Mylabris pustulata (Coleoptera: Meloidae) at four conidial concentrations. With more than half of the isolates in the sample, the lowest dose tested (104 conidia/insect) did not cause insect mortality. Thus, a threshold pathogen load is required to cause successful infection. In these isolates, the dose–mortality relationship was sigmoid. Allee effect is thus identified in the infection dynamics of B. bassianaM. pustulata system. The isolates that induced mortality at the lowest dose tested are concluded to be highly virulent with a lower threshold dose required for successful infection. With some isolates, at high conidial dose, the infection rate decreased either due to a decrease in the proportion of insects showing mycosis, to the speed of death, or both. Such a response could result from intra scramble competition arising from overload of pathogen at very high dose.  相似文献   

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