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Spores of Bacillus subtilis contain a number of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) which comprise up to 20% of total spore core protein. The multiple α/β-type SASP have been shown to confer resistance to UV radiation, heat, peroxides, and other sporicidal treatments. In this study, SASP-defective mutants of B. subtilis and spores deficient in dacB, a mutation leading to an increased core water content, were used to study the relative contributions of SASP and increased core water content to spore resistance to germicidal 254-nm and simulated environmental UV exposure (280 to 400 nm, 290 to 400 nm, and 320 to 400 nm). Spores of strains carrying mutations in sspA, sspB, and both sspA and sspB (lacking the major SASP-α and/or SASP-β) were significantly more sensitive to 254-nm and all polychromatic UV exposures, whereas the UV resistance of spores of the sspE strain (lacking SASP-γ) was essentially identical to that of the wild type. Spores of the dacB-defective strain were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores. However, spores of the dacB strain were significantly more sensitive than wild-type spores to environmental UV treatments of >280 nm. Air-dried spores of the dacB mutant strain had a significantly higher water content than air-dried wild-type spores. Our results indicate that α/β-type SASP and decreased spore core water content play an essential role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths whereas SASP-γ does not.Spores of Bacillus spp. are highly resistant to inactivation by different physical stresses, such as toxic chemicals and biocidal agents, desiccation, pressure and temperature extremes, and high fluences of UV or ionizing radiation (reviewed in references 33, 34, and 48). Under stressful environmental conditions, cells of Bacillus spp. produce endospores that can stay dormant for extended periods. The reason for the high resistance of bacterial spores to environmental extremes lies in the structure of the spore. Spores possess thick layers of highly cross-linked coat proteins, a modified peptidoglycan spore cortex, a low core water content, and abundant intracellular constituents, such as the calcium chelate of dipicolinic acid and α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (α/β-type SASP), the last two of which protect spore DNA (6, 42, 46, 48, 52). DNA damage accumulated during spore dormancy is also efficiently repaired during spore germination (33, 47, 48). UV-induced DNA photoproducts are repaired by spore photoproduct lyase and nucleotide excision repair, DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by nonhomologous end joining, and oxidative stress-induced apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites by AP endonucleases and base excision repair (15, 26-29, 34, 43, 53, 57).Monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation has been used as an efficient and cost-effective means of disinfecting surfaces, building air, and drinking water supplies (31). Commonly used test organisms for inactivation studies are bacterial spores, usually spores of Bacillus subtilis, due to their high degree of resistance to various sporicidal treatments, reproducible inactivation response, and safety (1, 8, 19, 31, 48). Depending on the Bacillus species analyzed, spores are 10 to 50 times more resistant than growing cells to 254-nm UV radiation. In addition, most of the laboratory studies of spore inactivation and radiation biology have been performed using monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation (33, 34). Although 254-nm UV-C radiation is a convenient germicidal treatment and relevant to disinfection procedures, results obtained by using 254-nm UV-C are not truly representative of results obtained using UV wavelengths that endospores encounter in their natural environments (34, 42, 50, 51, 59). However, sunlight reaching the Earth''s surface is not monochromatic 254-nm radiation but a mixture of UV, visible, and infrared radiation, with the UV portion spanning approximately 290 to 400 nm (33, 34, 36). Thus, our knowledge of spore UV resistance has been constructed largely using a wavelength of UV radiation not normally reaching the Earth''s surface, even though ample evidence exists that both DNA photochemistry and microbial responses to UV are strongly wavelength dependent (2, 30, 33, 36).Of recent interest in our laboratories has been the exploration of factors that confer on B. subtilis spores resistance to environmentally relevant extreme conditions, particularly solar UV radiation and extreme desiccation (23, 28, 30, 34 36, 48, 52). It has been reported that α/β-type SASP but not SASP-γ play a major role in spore resistance to 254-nm UV-C radiation (20, 21) and to wet heat, dry heat, and oxidizing agents (48). In contrast, increased spore water content was reported to affect B. subtilis spore resistance to moist heat and hydrogen peroxide but not to 254-nm UV-C (12, 40, 48). However, the possible roles of SASP-α, -β, and -γ and core water content in spore resistance to environmentally relevant solar UV wavelengths have not been explored. Therefore, in this study, we have used B. subtilis strains carrying mutations in the sspA, sspB, sspE, sspA and sspB, or dacB gene to investigate the contributions of SASP and increased core water content to the resistance of B. subtilis spores to 254-nm UV-C and environmentally relevant polychromatic UV radiation encountered on Earth''s surface.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell (EC) migration, cell-cell adhesion, and the formation of branching point structures are considered hallmarks of angiogenesis; however, the underlying mechanisms of these processes are not well understood. Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 (LPP3) is a recently described p120-catenin-associated integrin ligand localized in adherens junctions (AJs) of ECs. Here, we tested the hypothesis that LPP3 stimulates β-catenin/lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 (β-catenin/LEF-1) to induce EC migration and formation of branching point structures. In subconfluent ECs, LPP3 induced expression of fibronectin via β-catenin/LEF-1 signaling in a phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN)-dependent manner. In confluent ECs, depletion of p120-catenin restored LPP3-mediated β-catenin/LEF-1 signaling. Depletion of LPP3 resulted in destabilization of β-catenin, which in turn reduced fibronectin synthesis and deposition, which resulted in inhibition of EC migration. Accordingly, reexpression of β-catenin but not p120-catenin in LPP3-depleted ECs restored de novo synthesis of fibronectin, which mediated EC migration and formation of branching point structures. In confluent ECs, however, a fraction of p120-catenin associated and colocalized with LPP3 at the plasma membrane, via the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain, thereby limiting the ability of LPP3 to stimulate β-catenin/LEF-1 signaling. Thus, our study identified a key role for LPP3 in orchestrating PTEN-mediated β-catenin/LEF-1 signaling in EC migration, cell-cell adhesion, and formation of branching point structures.Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, involves several well-coordinated cellular processes, including endothelial cell (EC) migration, synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin, cell-cell adhesion, and formation of branching point structures (1-3, 19, 33); however, less is known about the underlying mechanisms of these processes (6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17). For example, adherens junctions (AJs), which mediate cell-cell adhesion between ECs, may be involved in limiting the extent of cell migration (2, 14, 38, 40). VE-cadherin, a protein found in AJs, is a single-pass transmembrane polypeptide responsible for calcium-dependent homophilic interactions through its extracellular domains (2, 38, 40). The VE-cadherin cytoplasmic domain interacts with the Armadillo domain-containing proteins, β-catenin, γ-catenin (plakoglobin), and p120-catenin (p120ctn) (2, 15, 38, 40, 43). Genetic and biochemical evidence documents a crucial role of β-catenin in regulating cell adhesion as well as proliferation secondary to the central position of β-catenin in the Wnt signaling pathway (13, 16, 25, 31, 44). In addition, the juxtamembrane protein p120ctn regulates AJ stability via binding to VE-cadherin (2, 7, 9, 15, 21, 28, 32, 43). The absence of regulation or inappropriate regulation of β-catenin and VE-cadherin functions is linked to cardiovascular disease and tumor progression (2, 6).We previously identified lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 (LPP3), also known as phosphatidic acid phosphatase 2b (PAP2b), in a functional assay of angiogenesis (18, 19, 41, 42). LPP3 not only exhibits lipid phosphatase activity but also functions as a cell-associated integrin ligand (18, 19, 35, 41, 42). The known LPPs (LPP1, LPP2, and LPP3) (20-23) are six transmembrane domain-containing plasma membrane-bound enzymes that dephosphorylate sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and its structural homologues, and thus, these phosphatases generate lipid mediators (4, 5, 23, 35, 39). All LPPs, which contain a single N-glycosylation site and a putative lipid phosphatase motif, are situated such that their N and C termini are within the cell (4, 5, 22, 23, 35, 39). Only the LPP3 isoform contains an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence in the second extracellular loop, and this RGD sequence enables LPP3 to bind integrins (18, 19, 22). Transfection experiments with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged LPP1 and LPP3 showed that LPP1 is apically sorted, whereas LPP3 colocalized with E-cadherin at cell-cell contact sites with other Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (22). Mutagenesis and domain swapping experiments established that LPP1 contains an apical targeting signal sequence (FDKTRL) in its N-terminal segment. In contrast, LPP3 contains a dityrosine (109Y/110Y) basolateral sorting motif (22). Interestingly, conventional deletion of Lpp3 is embryonic lethal, since the Lpp3 gene plays a critical role in extraembryonic vasculogenesis independent of its lipid phosphatase activity (11). In addition, an LPP3-neutralizing antibody was shown to prevent cell-cell interactions (19, 42) and angiogenesis (42). Here, we addressed the hypothesis that LPP3 plays a key role in EC migration, cell-cell adhesion, and formation of branching point structures by stimulating β-catenin/lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 (β-catenin/LEF-1) signaling.  相似文献   

Immunogold localization revealed that OmcS, a cytochrome that is required for Fe(III) oxide reduction by Geobacter sulfurreducens, was localized along the pili. The apparent spacing between OmcS molecules suggests that OmcS facilitates electron transfer from pili to Fe(III) oxides rather than promoting electron conduction along the length of the pili.There are multiple competing/complementary models for extracellular electron transfer in Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms (8, 18, 20, 44). Which mechanisms prevail in different microorganisms or environmental conditions may greatly influence which microorganisms compete most successfully in sedimentary environments or on the surfaces of electrodes and can impact practical decisions on the best strategies to promote Fe(III) reduction for bioremediation applications (18, 19) or to enhance the power output of microbial fuel cells (18, 21).The three most commonly considered mechanisms for electron transfer to extracellular electron acceptors are (i) direct contact between redox-active proteins on the outer surfaces of the cells and the electron acceptor, (ii) electron transfer via soluble electron shuttling molecules, and (iii) the conduction of electrons along pili or other filamentous structures. Evidence for the first mechanism includes the necessity for direct cell-Fe(III) oxide contact in Geobacter species (34) and the finding that intensively studied Fe(III)- and electrode-reducing microorganisms, such as Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, display redox-active proteins on their outer cell surfaces that could have access to extracellular electron acceptors (1, 2, 12, 15, 27, 28, 31-33). Deletion of the genes for these proteins often inhibits Fe(III) reduction (1, 4, 7, 15, 17, 28, 40) and electron transfer to electrodes (5, 7, 11, 33). In some instances, these proteins have been purified and shown to have the capacity to reduce Fe(III) and other potential electron acceptors in vitro (10, 13, 29, 38, 42, 43, 48, 49).Evidence for the second mechanism includes the ability of some microorganisms to reduce Fe(III) that they cannot directly contact, which can be associated with the accumulation of soluble substances that can promote electron shuttling (17, 22, 26, 35, 36, 47). In microbial fuel cell studies, an abundance of planktonic cells and/or the loss of current-producing capacity when the medium is replaced is consistent with the presence of an electron shuttle (3, 14, 26). Furthermore, a soluble electron shuttle is the most likely explanation for the electrochemical signatures of some microorganisms growing on an electrode surface (26, 46).Evidence for the third mechanism is more circumstantial (19). Filaments that have conductive properties have been identified in Shewanella (7) and Geobacter (41) species. To date, conductance has been measured only across the diameter of the filaments, not along the length. The evidence that the conductive filaments were involved in extracellular electron transfer in Shewanella was the finding that deletion of the genes for the c-type cytochromes OmcA and MtrC, which are necessary for extracellular electron transfer, resulted in nonconductive filaments, suggesting that the cytochromes were associated with the filaments (7). However, subsequent studies specifically designed to localize these cytochromes revealed that, although the cytochromes were extracellular, they were attached to the cells or in the exopolymeric matrix and not aligned along the pili (24, 25, 30, 40, 43). Subsequent reviews of electron transfer to Fe(III) in Shewanella oneidensis (44, 45) appear to have dropped the nanowire concept and focused on the first and second mechanisms.Geobacter sulfurreducens has a number of c-type cytochromes (15, 28) and multicopper proteins (12, 27) that have been demonstrated or proposed to be on the outer cell surface and are essential for extracellular electron transfer. Immunolocalization and proteolysis studies demonstrated that the cytochrome OmcB, which is essential for optimal Fe(III) reduction (15) and highly expressed during growth on electrodes (33), is embedded in the outer membrane (39), whereas the multicopper protein OmpB, which is also required for Fe(III) oxide reduction (27), is exposed on the outer cell surface (39).OmcS is one of the most abundant cytochromes that can readily be sheared from the outer surfaces of G. sulfurreducens cells (28). It is essential for the reduction of Fe(III) oxide (28) and for electron transfer to electrodes under some conditions (11). Therefore, the localization of this important protein was further investigated.  相似文献   

The cationic lytic peptide cecropin B (CB), isolated from the giant silk moth (Hyalophora cecropia), has been shown to effectively eliminate Gram-negative and some Gram-positive bacteria. In this study, the effects of chemically synthesized CB on plant pathogens were investigated. The S50s (the peptide concentrations causing 50% survival of a pathogenic bacterium) of CB against two major pathogens of the tomato, Ralstonia solanacearum and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, were 529.6 μg/ml and 0.29 μg/ml, respectively. The CB gene was then fused to the secretory signal peptide (sp) sequence from the barley α-amylase gene, and the new construct, pBI121-spCB, was used for the transformation of tomato plants. Integration of the CB gene into the tomato genome was confirmed by PCR, and its expression was confirmed by Western blot analyses. In vivo studies of the transgenic tomato plant demonstrated significant resistance to bacterial wilt and bacterial spot. The levels of CB expressed in transgenic tomato plants (∼0.05 μg in 50 mg of leaves) were far lower than the S50 determined in vitro. CB transgenic tomatoes could therefore be a new mode of bioprotection against these two plant diseases with significant agricultural applications.Bacterial plant diseases are a source of great losses in the annual yields of most crops (5). The agrochemical methods and conventional breeding commonly used to control these bacterially induced diseases have many drawbacks. Indiscriminate use of agrochemicals has a negative impact on human, as well as animal, health and contributes to environmental pollution. Conventional plant-breeding strategies have limited scope due to the paucity of genes with these traits in the usable gene pools and their time-consuming nature. Consequently, genetic engineering and transformation technology offer better tools to test the efficacies of genes for crop improvement and to provide a better understanding of their mechanisms. One advance is the possibility of creating transgenic plants that overexpress recombinant DNA or novel genes with resistance to pathogens (36). In particular, strengthening the biological defenses of a crop by the production of antibacterial proteins with other origins (not from plants) offers a novel strategy to increase the resistance of crops to diseases (35, 39, 41). These antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) include such peptides as cecropins (2, 15, 20, 23-24, 27, 31, 42, 50), magainins (1, 9, 14, 29, 47), sarcotoxin IA (35, 40), and tachyplesin I (3). The genes encoding these small AMPs in plants have been used in practice to enhance their resistance to bacterial and fungal pathogens (8, 22, 40). The expression of AMPs in vivo (mostly cecropins and a synthetic analog of cecropin and magainin) with either specific or broad-spectrum disease resistance in tobacco (14, 24, 27), potato (17, 42), rice (46), banana (9), and hybrid poplar (32) have been reported. The transgenic plants showed considerably greater resistance to certain pathogens than the wild types (4, 13, 24, 27, 42, 46, 50). However, detailed studies of transgenic tomatoes expressing natural cecropin have not yet been reported.The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables worldwide. The annual yield of tomatoes, however, is severely affected by two common bacterial diseases, bacterial wilt and bacterial spot, which are caused by infection with the Gram-negative bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria, respectively. Currently available pesticides are ineffective against R. solanacearum, and thus bacterial wilt is a serious problem.Cecropins, one of the natural lytic peptides found in the giant silk moth, Hyalophora cecropia (25), are synthesized in lipid bodies as proteins consisting of 31 to 39 amino acid residues. They adopt an α-helical structure on interaction with bacterial membranes, resulting in the formation of ion channels (12). At low concentrations (0.1 μM to 5 μM), cecropins exhibit lytic antibacterial activity against a number of Gram-negative and some Gram-positive bacteria, but not against eukaryotic cells (11, 26, 33), thus making them potentially powerful tools for engineering bacterial resistance in crops. Moreover, cecropin B (CB) shows the strongest activity against Gram-negative bacteria within the cecropin family and therefore has been considered an excellent candidate for transformation into plants to improve their resistance against bacterial diseases.The introduction of genes encoding cecropins and their analogs into tobacco has been reported to have contradictory results regarding resistance against pathogens (20). However, subsequent investigations of these tobacco plants showed that the expression of CB in the plants did not result in accumulation of detectable levels of CB, presumably due to degradation of the peptide by host peptidases (20, 34). Therefore, protection of CB from cellular degradation is considered to be vital for the exploitation of its antibacterial activity in transgenic plants. The secretory sequences of several genes are helpful, because they cooperate with the desired genes to enhance extracellular secretion (24, 40, 46). In the present study, a natural CB gene was successfully transferred into tomatoes. The transgenic plants showed significant resistance to the tomato diseases bacterial wilt and bacterial spot, as well as with a chemically synthesized CB peptide.  相似文献   

In their vertebrate hosts, arboviruses such as Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (Togaviridae) generally counteract innate defenses and trigger cell death. In contrast, in mosquito cells, following an early phase of efficient virus production, a persistent infection with low levels of virus production is established. Whether arboviruses counteract RNA interference (RNAi), which provides an important antiviral defense system in mosquitoes, is an important question. Here we show that in Aedes albopictus-derived mosquito cells, SFV cannot prevent the establishment of an antiviral RNAi response or prevent the spread of protective antiviral double-stranded RNA/small interfering RNA (siRNA) from cell to cell, which can inhibit the replication of incoming virus. The expression of tombusvirus siRNA-binding protein p19 by SFV strongly enhanced virus spread between cultured cells rather than virus replication in initially infected cells. Our results indicate that the spread of the RNAi signal contributes to limiting virus dissemination.In animals, RNA interference (RNAi) was first described for Caenorhabditis elegans (27). The production or introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in cells leads to the degradation of mRNAs containing homologous sequences by sequence-specific cleavage of mRNAs. Central to RNAi is the production of 21- to 26-nucleotide small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) from dsRNA and the assembly of an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), followed by the degradation of the target mRNA (23, 84). RNAi is a known antiviral strategy of plants (3, 53) and insects (21, 39, 51). Study of Drosophila melanogaster in particular has given important insights into RNAi responses against pathogenic viruses and viral RNAi inhibitors (31, 54, 83, 86, 91). RNAi is well characterized for Drosophila, and orthologs of antiviral RNAi genes have been found in Aedes and Culex spp. (13, 63).Arboviruses, or arthropod-borne viruses, are RNA viruses mainly of the families Bunyaviridae, Flaviviridae, and Togaviridae. The genus Alphavirus within the family Togaviridae contains several mosquito-borne pathogens: arboviruses such as Chikungunya virus (16) and equine encephalitis viruses (88). Replication of the prototype Sindbis virus and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) is well understood (44, 71, 74, 79). Their genome consists of a positive-stranded RNA with a 5′ cap and a 3′ poly(A) tail. The 5′ two-thirds encodes the nonstructural polyprotein P1234, which is cleaved into four replicase proteins, nsP1 to nsP4 (47, 58, 60). The structural polyprotein is encoded in the 3′ one-third of the genome and cleaved into capsid and glycoproteins after translation from a subgenomic mRNA (79). Cytoplasmic replication complexes are associated with cellular membranes (71). Viruses mature by budding at the plasma membrane (35).In nature, arboviruses are spread by arthropod vectors (predominantly mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and midges) to vertebrate hosts (87). Little is known about how arthropod cells react to arbovirus infection. In mosquito cell cultures, an acute phase with efficient virus production is generally followed by the establishment of a persistent infection with low levels of virus production (9). This is fundamentally different from the cytolytic events following arbovirus interactions with mammalian cells and pathogenic insect viruses with insect cells. Alphaviruses encode host response antagonists for mammalian cells (2, 7, 34, 38).RNAi has been described for mosquitoes (56) and, when induced before infection, antagonizes arboviruses and their replicons (1, 4, 14, 15, 29, 30, 32, 42, 64, 65). RNAi is also functional in various mosquito cell lines (1, 8, 43, 49, 52). In the absence of RNAi, alphavirus and flavivirus replication and/or dissemination is enhanced in both mosquitoes and Drosophila (14, 17, 31, 45, 72). RNAi inhibitors weakly enhance SFV replicon replication in tick and mosquito cells (5, 33), posing the questions of how, when, and where RNAi interferes with alphavirus infection in mosquito cells.Here we use an A. albopictus-derived mosquito cell line to study RNAi responses to SFV. Using reporter-based assays, we demonstrate that SFV cannot avoid or efficiently inhibit the establishment of an RNAi response. We also demonstrate that the RNAi signal can spread between mosquito cells. SFV cannot inhibit cell-to-cell spread of the RNAi signal, and spread of the virus-induced RNAi signal (dsRNA/siRNA) can inhibit the replication of incoming SFV in neighboring cells. Furthermore, we show that SFV expression of a siRNA-binding protein increases levels of virus replication mainly by enhancing virus spread between cells rather than replication in initially infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel mechanism, cell-to-cell spread of antiviral dsRNA/siRNA, by which RNAi limits SFV dissemination in mosquito cells.  相似文献   

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