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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) remains a major public health problem, with an effective vaccine continuing to prove elusive. Progress in vaccination strategies has been hampered by a lack of appreciation of the bacterium''s response to dynamic changes in the host immune environment. Here, we utilize reporter Mtb strains that respond to specific host immune stresses such as hypoxia and nitric oxide (hspX′::GFP), and phagosomal maturation (rv2390c′::GFP), to investigate vaccine-induced alterations in the environmental niche during experimental murine infections. While vaccination undoubtedly decreased bacterial burden, we found that it also appeared to accelerate Mtb''s adoption of a phenotype better equipped to survive in its host. We subsequently utilized a novel replication reporter strain of Mtb to demonstrate that, in addition to these alterations in host stress response, there is a decreased percentage of actively replicating Mtb in vaccinated hosts. This observation was supported by the differential sensitivity of recovered bacteria to the front-line drug isoniazid. Our study documents the natural history of the impact that vaccination has on Mtb''s physiology and replication and highlights the value of reporter Mtb strains for probing heterogeneous Mtb populations in the context of a complex, whole animal model.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immune responses are known to be critical for control of mycobacterial infections whereas the role of B cells and humoral immunity is unclear. B cells can modulate immune responses by secretion of immunoglobulin, production of cytokines and antigen-presentation. To define the impact of B cells in the absence of secreted immunoglobulin, we analyzed the progression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection in mice that have B cells but which lack secretory immunoglobulin (AID−/−µS−/−mice). AID−/−µS−/− mice accumulated a population of activated B cells in the lungs when infected and were more susceptible to aerosol Mtb when compared to wild type (C57BL/6) mice or indeed mice that totally lack B cells. The enhanced susceptibility of AID−/−µS−/− mice was not associated with defective T cell activation or expression of a type 1 immune response. While delivery of normal serum to AID−/−µS−/− mice did not reverse susceptibility, susceptibility in the spleen was dependent upon the presence of B cells and susceptibility in the lungs of AID−/−µS−/−mice was associated with elevated expression of the cytokines IL-6, GM-CSF, IL-10 and molecules made by alternatively activated macrophages. Blocking of IL-10 signaling resulted in reversal of susceptibility in the spleens and lungs of AID−/−µS−/− mice. These data support the hypothesis that B cells can modulate immunity to Mtb in an organ specific manner via the modulation of cytokine production and macrophage activation.  相似文献   

Buruli Ulcer (BU) is a necrotizing skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. BU is characterized by a wide range of clinical forms, including non-ulcerative cutaneous lesions that can evolve into severe ulcers if left untreated. Nevertheless, spontaneous healing has been reported to occur, although knowledge on this process is scarce both in naturally infected humans and experimental models of infection. Animal models are useful since they mimic different spectrums of human BU disease and have the potential to elucidate the pathogenic/protective pathway(s) involved in disease/healing. In this time-lapsed study, we characterized the guinea pig, an animal model of resistance to M. ulcerans, focusing on the macroscopic, microbiological and histological evolution throughout the entire experimental infectious process. Subcutaneous infection of guinea pigs with a virulent strain of M. ulcerans led to early localized swelling, which evolved into small well defined ulcers. These macroscopic observations correlated with the presence of necrosis, acute inflammatory infiltrate and an abundant bacterial load. By the end of the infectious process when ulcerative lesions healed, M. ulcerans viability decreased and the subcutaneous tissue organization returned to its normal state after a process of continuous healing characterized by tissue granulation and reepethelialization. In conclusion, we show that the experimental M. ulcerans infection of the guinea pig mimics the process of spontaneous healing described in BU patients, displaying the potential to uncover correlates of protection against BU, which can ultimately contribute to the development of new prophylactic and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

At sub-bactericidal concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, Mycobacterium tuberculosis was killed by hydrogen peroxide/peroxidase/halide microbicidal systems. The halide cofactor could be either iodide or, with much lower efficiency, chloride. Omission of any one of the reactants eliminated the tuberculocidal effect. Differences in susceptibility between different strains of M. tuberculosis did not correlate with virulence differences. The observations are discussed in the context of host defence mechanisms against tuberculosis.  相似文献   

吡嗪酰胺(pyrazinamide,PZA)是重要的一线抗结核药物,与异烟肼、利福平和乙胺丁醇构成治疗方案的核心。因其疗效较好,被广泛应用于结核病的治疗过程。然而,近年来随着耐多药结核病的出现,PZA耐药导致部分患者治疗失败,因此常规开展PZA药物敏感性试验对于减少耐药性的发生显得极为重要。由于PZA在酸性条件下才能发挥作用,而结核分枝杆菌在酸性环境下生长不良,故PZA耐药性检测一直是临床中的难题。本文结合国内外最新研究进展,就结核分枝杆菌PZA耐药性检测方法的研究进行阐述,期望能为更有效地诊治结核病提供新思路。  相似文献   

三个品种豚鼠血液蛋白多态性的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较分析白毛黑眼(WHBE)豚鼠和DHP豚鼠、花色豚鼠三个品种豚鼠在13个血液蛋白位点上的多态性。方法采用垂直板浓度和pH均不连续的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对WHBE豚鼠、DHP豚鼠和花色豚鼠的66只个体的后白蛋白(Po)、前转铁蛋白1(Prt1)、前转铁蛋白2(Prt2)、转铁蛋白1(Tf1)、转铁蛋白2(Tf2)、后转铁蛋白(Ptf)、慢α球蛋白(Sag)、红细胞酯酶(Es)、血清酯酶1(Est1)、血清酯酶3(Est3)、血红蛋白α(Hbα)、血红蛋白β(Hbβ)和白蛋白(Alb)共13个蛋白位点进行了电泳及染色,再利用电泳图谱对各蛋白位点基因频率、平均杂合度和遗传距离进行计算,然后结合聚类分析。结果 Tf1、Tf2、Ptf、Est1和Es在三个豚鼠品种中表现为多态,其中Tf1可作为识别WHBE豚鼠的遗传标记。Po、Prt1、Prt2、Sag、Est3、Hbα、Hbβ和Alb等位点在三个豚鼠品种中的表型一致。Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态分析表明,Es为DHP豚鼠的高度不平衡位点。Ptf为花色豚鼠的高度不平衡位点。在WHBE豚鼠中,Tf1为高度不平衡位点,Est1为不平衡位点。在三个豚鼠品种中,所检测的13个蛋白位点的平均杂合度的排列顺序为:花色豚鼠(0.350 1)〉WHBE豚鼠(0.339 0)〉DHP豚鼠(0.313 5)。聚类分析结果表明,花色豚鼠和WHBE豚鼠的遗传遗传距离最近(0.064 3),DHP豚鼠与花色豚鼠的遗传距离最远(0.179 2)。结论利用这些蛋白位点可以有效鉴别WHBE豚鼠、DHP豚鼠和花色豚鼠血液蛋白的遗传多态性。  相似文献   



Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a major threat for global tuberculosis control. The W-Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotype has been associated with drug resistance. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying this epidemiological finding may have an important role in the control of MDR-TB. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fitness of drug-susceptible and MDR M. tuberculosis strains of the W-Beijing genotype compared with that of Non-W-Beijing strains.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Fitness of M. tuberculosis strains was determined by evaluating the difference in the growth curves obtained in the MGIT960 automated system and assessing the competitive growth capacity between W-Beijing and non-W-Beijing strains. The W-Beijing MDR strains had a significant longer lag phase duration compared to the other strains but did not present a significant fitness cost. When grown in competition they had an advantage only in medium containing 0.1% Tween 80.


It was not possible to confirm a selective advantage of W-Beijing strains to grow, except for differences in their resistance to Tween 80. Further studies are needed to elucidate the putative advantage of W-Beijing strains compared to other genotypes.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is responsible for nearly 1.4 million deaths globally every year and continues to remain a serious threat to human health. The problem is further complicated by the growing incidence of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB), emphasizing the need for the development of new drugs against this disease. Phagosomal maturation arrest is an important strategy employed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis to evade the host immune system. Secretory acid phosphatase (SapM) of M.tuberculosis is known to dephosphorylate phosphotidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) present on phagosomes. However, there have been divergent reports on the involvement of SapM in phagosomal maturation arrest in mycobacteria. This study was aimed at reascertaining the involvement of SapM in phagosomal maturation arrest in M.tuberculosis. Further, for the first time, we have also studied whether SapM is essential for the pathogenesis of M.tuberculosis. By deleting the sapM gene of M.tuberculosis, we demonstrate that MtbΔsapM is defective in the arrest of phagosomal maturation as well as for growth in human THP-1 macrophages. We further show that MtbΔsapM is severely attenuated for growth in the lungs and spleen of guinea pigs and has a significantly reduced ability to cause pathological damage in the host when compared with the parental strain. Also, the guinea pigs infected with MtbΔsapM exhibited a significantly enhanced survival when compared with M.tuberculosis infected animals. The importance of SapM in phagosomal maturation arrest as well as in the pathogenesis of M.tuberculosis establishes it as an attractive target for the development of new therapeutic molecules against tuberculosis.  相似文献   

两个品系豚鼠对化学介质诱导产生气道反应的差异性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究新育成的Zmu 1∶DHP豚鼠气道对外界化学介质诱导产生的反应性。为研究哮喘选择和提供具有较高敏感性的速发型过敏性动物模型。方法 采用雾化气体吸入法 ,按递增浓度 ,让动物吸入组胺及乙酰胆碱气体 ,记录豚鼠到达哮喘发作时的介质浓度和呼吸频率及幅度 ,评定对化学介质的敏感程度 ,同时用DHP品系豚鼠进行对照。结果 当 0 2 %组胺浓度雾化吸入时 ,Zmu 1∶DHP豚鼠哮喘发作的呼吸频率及每分钟通气量 ,显著大于DHP豚鼠 (P <0 0 5 ) ;当 0 4 %浓度时 ,前者的潮气量及每分钟通气量 ,比后者有增高的趋势 (P <0 0 5 ) ;当0 6 %浓度时 ,前者的潮气量及每分钟通气量 ,显著小于后者 (P <0 0 5 )。二个品系豚鼠吸入乙酰胆碱雾化气体后 ,无明显差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 在低浓度组胺雾化吸入时 ,Zmu 1∶DHP品系豚鼠产生哮喘的敏感性显著高于DHP豚鼠 ;高浓度时 ,气道可能因失敏而降低反应性  相似文献   

Tuberculosis associates with a wide spectrum of disease outcomes. The Beijing (Bj) lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is suggested to be more virulent than other Mtb lineages and prone to elicit non-protective immune responses. However, highly heterogeneous immune responses were reported upon infection of innate immune cells with Bj strains or stimulation with their glycolipids. Using both in vitro and in vivo mouse models of infection, we here report that the molecular mechanism for this heterogeneity may be related to distinct TLR activations. Among this Mtb lineage, we found strains that preferentially activate TLR2, and others that also activate TLR4. Recognition of Mtb strains by TLR4 resulted in a distinct cytokine profile in vitro and in vivo, with specific production of type I IFN. We also uncover a novel protective role for TLR4 activation in vivo. Thus, our findings contribute to the knowledge of the molecular basis underlying how host innate immune cells handle different Mtb strains, in particular the intricate host-pathogen interaction with strains of the Mtb Bj lineage.  相似文献   

Our aim was to analyze the difference between methods for genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates. We collected genotyping results from Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Units - Variable Numbers of Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR) in a geographically limited area (Stockholm) during a period of three years. The number and proportion of isolates belonging to clusters was reduced by 45 and 35% respectively when combining the two methods compared with using RFLP or MIRU-VNTR only. The mean size of the clusters was smaller when combining methods and smaller with RFLP compared to MIRU-VNTR. In clusters with confirmed epidemiological links RFLP coincided slightly better than MIRU-VNTR but where there was a difference, the variation in MIRU-VNTR pattern was only in a single locus. In isolates with few IS6110 bands in RFLP, MIRU-VNTR differentiated the isolates more, dividing the RFLP clusters. Since MIRU-VNTR is faster and less labour-intensive it is the method of choice for routine genotyping. In most cases it will be sufficient for epidemiological purposes but true clustering might still be considered if there are epidemiological links and the MIRU-VNTR results differ in only one of its 24 loci.  相似文献   

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