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MLLE (previously known as PABC) is a peptide-binding domain that is found in poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) and EDD (E3 isolated by differential display), a HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase also known as HYD (hyperplastic discs tumor suppressor) or UBR5. The MLLE domain from PABP recruits various regulatory proteins and translation factors to poly(A) mRNAs through binding of a conserved 12 amino acid peptide motif called PAM2 (for PABP-interacting motif 2). Here, we determined crystal structures of the MLLE domain from PABP alone and in complex with PAM2 peptides from PABP-interacting protein 2. The structures provide a detailed view of hydrophobic determinants of the MLLE binding coded by PAM2 positions 3, 5, 7, 10, and 12 and reveal novel intermolecular polar contacts. In particular, the side chain of the invariant MLLE residue K580 forms hydrogen bonds with the backbone of PAM2 residues 5 and 7. The structures also show that peptide residues outside of the conserved PAM2 motif contribute to binding. Altogether, the structures provide a significant advance in understanding the molecular basis for the binding of PABP by PAM2-containing proteins involved in translational control, mRNA deadenylation, and other cellular processes.  相似文献   

Many enteroviruses, members of the family Picornaviridae, cause a rapid and drastic inhibition of host cell protein synthesis during infection, a process referred to as host cell shutoff. Poliovirus, one of the best-studied enteroviruses, causes marked inhibition of host cell translation while preferentially allowing translation of its own genomic mRNA. An abundance of experimental evidence has accumulated to indicate that cleavage of an essential translation initiation factor, eIF4G, during infection is responsible at least in part for this shutoff. However, evidence from inhibitors of viral replication suggests that an additional event is necessary for the complete translational shutoff observed during productive infection. This report examines the effect of poliovirus infection on a recently characterized 3′ end translational stimulatory protein, poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). PABP is involved in stimulating translation initiation in lower eukaryotes by its interaction with the poly(A) tail on mRNAs and has been proposed to facilitate 5′-end–3′-end interactions in the context of the closed-loop translational model. Here, we show that PABP is specifically degraded during poliovirus infection and that it is cleaved in vitro by both poliovirus 2A and 3C proteases and coxsackievirus B3 2A protease. Further, PABP cleavage by 2A protease is accompanied by concurrent loss of translational activity in an in vitro-translation assay. Similar loss of translational activity also occurs simultaneously with partial 3C protease-mediated cleavage of PABP in translation assays. Further, PABP is not degraded during infections in the presence of guanidine-HCl, which blocks the complete development of host translation shutoff. These results provide preliminary evidence that cleavage of PABP may contribute to inhibition of host translation in infected HeLa cells, and they are consistent with the hypothesis that PABP plays a role in facilitating translation initiation in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

YL Su  SC Wang  PY Chiang  NY Lin  YF Shen  GD Chang  CJ Chang 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41313


Tristetraprolin binds mRNA AU-rich elements and thereby facilitates the destabilization of mature mRNA in the cytosol.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To understand how tristetraprolin mechanistically functions, we biopanned with a phage-display library for proteins that interact with tristetraprolin and retrieved, among others, a fragment of poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1, which assists in the 3''-polyadenylation of mRNA by binding to immature poly(A) tails and thereby increases the activity of poly(A) polymerase, which is directly responsible for polyadenylation. The tristetraprolin/poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 interaction was characterized using tristetraprolin and poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 deletion mutants in pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Tristetraprolin interacted with the carboxyl-terminal region of poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 via its tandem zinc finger domain and another region. Although tristetraprolin and poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 are located in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, they interacted in vivo in only the nucleus. In vitro, tristetraprolin bound both poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 and poly(A) polymerase and thereby inhibited polyadenylation of AU-rich element–containing mRNAs encoding tumor necrosis factor α, GM-CSF, and interleukin-10. A tandem zinc finger domain–deleted tristetraprolin mutant was a less effective inhibitor. Expression of a tristetraprolin mutant restricted to the nucleus resulted in downregulation of an AU-rich element–containing tumor necrosis factor α/luciferase mRNA construct.


In addition to its known cytosolic mRNA–degrading function, tristetraprolin inhibits poly(A) tail synthesis by interacting with poly(A)-binding protein nuclear 1 in the nucleus to regulate expression of AU-rich element–containing mRNA.  相似文献   

The stable globin mRNAs provide an ideal system for studying the mechanism governing mammalian mRNA turnover. alpha-Globin mRNA stability is dictated by sequences in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) which form a specific ribonucleoprotein complex (alpha-complex) whose presence correlates with mRNA stability. One of the major protein components within this complex is a family of two polycytidylate-binding proteins, alphaCP1 and alphaCP2. Using an in vitro-transcribed and polyadenylated alpha-globin 3'UTR, we have devised an in vitro mRNA decay assay which reproduces the alpha-complex-dependent mRNA stability observed in cells. Incubation of the RNA with erythroleukemia K562 cytosolic extract results in deadenylation with distinct intermediates containing a periodicity of approximately 30 nucleotides, which is consistent with the binding of poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) monomers. Disruption of the alpha-complex by sequestration of alphaCP1 and alphaCP2 enhances deadenylation and decay of the mRNA, while reconstitution of the alpha-complex stabilizes the mRNA. Similarly, PABP is also essential for the stability of mRNA in vitro, since rapid deadenylation resulted upon its depletion. An RNA-dependent interaction between alphaCP1 and alphaCP2 with PABP suggests that the alpha-complex can directly interact with PABP. Therefore, the alpha-complex is an mRNA stability complex in vitro which could function at least in part by interacting with PABP.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) is an essential modifier conserved in all eukaryotes from yeast to human. Phospholipase A2-activating protein (PLAA), a mammalian homolog of yeast DOA1/UFD3, has been proposed to be able to bind with Ub, which plays important roles in endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation, vesicle formation, and DNA damage response. We have identified a core domain from the PLAA family ubiquitin-binding region of human PLAA (residues 386–465, namely PFUC) that can bind Ub and elucidated its solution structure and Ub-binding mode by NMR approaches. The PFUC domain possesses equal population of two conformers in solution by cis/trans-isomerization, whereas the two isomers exhibit almost equivalent Ub binding abilities. This domain structure takes a novel fold consisting of four β-strands and two α-helices, and the Ub-binding site on PFUC locates in the surface of α2-helix, which is to some extent analogous to those of UBA, CUE, and UIM domains. This study provides structural basis and biochemical information for Ub recognition of the novel PFU domain from a PLAA family protein that may connect ubiquitination and degradation in endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation.The eukaryotic secreted proteins are translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum after synthesis in cytosol. Misfolded or abnormally assembled proteins should be targeted for degradation through the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD)3 pathway (1, 2). This pathway involves many molecular steps: unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen, retrotranslocation back into the cytosol, ubiquitin (Ub) conjugation, delivery of ubiquitinated proteins to proteasome, and degradation of the substrates by proteases (3, 4).A yeast protein DOA1/UFD3 has been shown to bind to CDC48 by both indirect and direct ways (57), suggesting that DOA1 may be involved in ERAD. Evidence indicates that DOA1 directly competes with UFD2 at the same docking site on CDC48, which determines whether a substrate is multiubiquitinated and routed to the proteasome for degradation or deubiquitinated and released for other purposes (8). The direct interaction between DOA1 and Ub was suggested by recent studies (7, 9). Moreover, DOA1 also plays roles in the monoubiquitination of histone H2B and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (10) and in sorting ubiquitinated membrane proteins into multivesicular bodies (11).The mammalian homolog of DOA1 is called phospholipase A2-activating protein (PLAA), which can bind to P97/VCP (a CDC48 homolog) with its C-terminal domain PUL (7). Having high sequence similarity (31% identity) with DOA1, PLAA is proposed to possess similar function of DOA1. Like DOA1, PLAA has an N-terminal WD40 domain with yet unknown function. The central region of PLAA contains a putative PLAA family ubiquitin-binding (PFU) domain, which is supposed to bind with Ub as observed in yeast DOA1 (7). Although the mechanism underlying the function of PLAA remains unclear, Ub binding of PLAA might be the central role that connects ubiquitination and degradation in ERAD. Thus, elucidating the molecular mechanism for specific binding of PLAA with Ub is prerequisite for understanding the function of PLAA as well as DOA1. To further understand the Ub-binding mechanism by which PLAA functions in ERAD pathway, we identified a small Ub-binding domain from human PLAA (12) and elucidated the domain structure and Ub-binding properties by NMR and mutagenesis approaches.  相似文献   

Recognition and repair of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSB) involves the targeted recruitment of BRCA tumor suppressors to damage foci through binding of both ubiquitin (Ub) and the Ub-like modifier SUMO. RAP80 is a component of the BRCA1 A complex, and plays a key role in the recruitment process through the binding of Lys63-linked poly-Ub chains by tandem Ub interacting motifs (UIM). RAP80 also contains a SUMO interacting motif (SIM) just upstream of the tandem UIMs that has been shown to specifically bind the SUMO-2 isoform. The RAP80 tandem UIMs and SIM function collectively for optimal recruitment of BRCA1 to DSBs, although the molecular basis of this process is not well understood. Using NMR spectroscopy, we demonstrate that the RAP80 SIM binds SUMO-2, and that both specificity and affinity are enhanced through phosphorylation of the canonical CK2 site within the SIM. The affinity increase results from an enhancement of electrostatic interactions between the phosphoserines of RAP80 and the SIM recognition module within SUMO-2. The NMR structure of the SUMO-2·phospho-RAP80 complex reveals that the molecular basis for SUMO-2 specificity is due to isoform-specific sequence differences in electrostatic SIM recognition modules.  相似文献   

The proteins of the Bcl-2 family are important regulators of apoptosis, or programmed cell death. These proteins regulate this fundamental biological process via the formation of heterodimers involving both pro- and anti-apoptotic family members. Disruption of the balance between anti- and pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins is the cause of numerous pathologies. Bcl-xl, an anti-apoptotic protein of this family, is known to form heterodimers with multiple pro-apoptotic proteins, such as Bad, Bim, Bak, and Bid. To elucidate the molecular basis of this recognition process, we used molecular dynamics simulations coupled with the Molecular Mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area approach to identify the amino acids that make significant energetic contributions to the binding free energy of four complexes formed between Bcl-xl and pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homology 3 peptides. A fifth protein-peptide complex composed of another anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-w, in complex with the peptide from Bim was also studied. The results identified amino acids of both the anti-apoptotic proteins as well as the Bcl-2 homology 3 (BH3) domains of the pro-apoptotic proteins that make strong, recurrent interactions in the protein complexes. The calculations show that the two anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-xl and Bcl-w, share a similar recognition mechanism. Our results provide insight into the molecular basis for the promiscuous nature of this molecular recognition process by members of the Bcl-2 protein family. These amino acids could be targeted in the design of new mimetics that serve as scaffolds for new antitumoral molecules.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN13, also known as PTP-BL in mice, represents a large multi-domain non-transmembrane scaffolding protein that contains five consecutive PDZ domains. Here, we report the solution structures of the extended murine PTPN13 PDZ3 domain in its apo form and in complex with its physiological ligand, the carboxy-terminus of protein kinase C-related kinase-2 (PRK2), determined by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Both in its ligand-free state and when complexed to PRK2, PDZ3 of PTPN13 adopts the classical compact, globular D/E fold. PDZ3 of PTPN13 binds five carboxy-terminal amino acids of PRK2 via a groove located between the EB-strand and the DB-helix. The PRK2 peptide resides in the canonical PDZ3 binding cleft in an elongated manner and the amino acid side chains in position P0 and P-2, cysteine and aspartate, of the ligand face the groove between EB-strand and DB-helix, whereas the PRK2 side chains of tryptophan and alanine located in position P-1 and P-3 point away from the binding cleft. These structures are rare examples of selective class III ligand recognition by a PDZ domain and now provide a basis for the detailed structural investigation of the promiscuous interaction between the PDZ domains of PTPN13 and their ligands. They will also lead to a better understanding of the proposed scaffolding function of these domains in multi-protein complexes assembled by PTPN13 and could ultimately contribute to low molecular weight antagonists that might even act on the PRK2 signaling pathway to modulate rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Npro is a multifunctional autoprotease unique to pestiviruses. The interacting partners of the Npro protein of classical swine fever virus (CSFV), a swine pestivirus, have been insufficiently defined. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified poly(C)-binding protein 1 (PCBP1) as a novel interacting partner of the CSFV Npro protein and confirmed this by coimmunoprecipitation, glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown, and confocal assays. Knockdown of PCBP1 by small interfering RNA suppressed CSFV growth, while overexpression of PCBP1 promoted CSFV growth. Furthermore, we showed that type I interferon was downregulated by PCBP1, as well as Npro. Our results suggest that cellular PCBP1 positively modulates CSFV growth.  相似文献   

The poly(A) tail of an mRNA is believed to influence the initiation of translation, and the rate at which the poly(A) tail is removed is thought to determine how fast an mRNA is degraded. One key factor associated with this 3′-end structure is the poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1p) encoded by the PAB1 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In an effort to learn more about the functional role of this protein, we used a two-hybrid screen to determine the factor(s) with which it interacts. We identified five genes encoding factors that specifically interact with the carboxy terminus of Pab1p. Of a total of 44 specific clones identified, PBP1 (for Pab1p-binding protein) was isolated 38 times. Of the putative interacting genes examined, PBP1 promoted the highest level of resistance to 3-aminotriazole (>100 mM) in constructs in which HIS3 was used as a reporter. We determined that a fraction of Pbp1p cosediments with polysomes in sucrose gradients and that its distribution is very similar to that of Pab1p. Disruption of PBP1 showed that it is not essential for viability but can suppress the lethality associated with a PAB1 deletion. The suppression of pab1Δ by pbp1Δ appears to be different from that mediated by other pab1 suppressors, since disruption of PBP1 does not alter translation rates, affect accumulation of ribosomal subunits, change mRNA poly(A) tail lengths, or result in a defect in mRNA decay. Rather, Pbp1p appears to function in the nucleus to promote proper polyadenylation. In the absence of Pbp1p, 3′ termini of pre-mRNAs are properly cleaved but lack full-length poly(A) tails. These effects suggest that Pbp1p may act to repress the ability of Pab1p to negatively regulate polyadenylation.  相似文献   

猪精子中与卵透明带糖蛋白ZP3结合的蛋白质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依次经PSL-Sepharose亲和层析柱和纤维素CM-52离子交换层析柱,从猪精子的CHAPS抽提液分离得4个蛋白质组分。用固相透明带精蛋白结合试验(IZPGBA)检测;表明精子蛋白SP1和SP2具有结合透明带糖蛋白ZP3的活性,SP2并显示凝集血球的活性。精子蛋白SP1与卵预温育明显抑制精卵结合,抑制活性与加入的精子蛋白的浓度呈正相关。用生物素标记的ZP3和蛋白质印迹技术,证明SP1中的68kD精子蛋白与ZP3结合,提示68kD精子蛋白参与精卵结合。  相似文献   

蛋白质空间结构研究是分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物化学以及药物设计等领域的重要课题.折叠类型反映了蛋白质核心结构的拓扑模式,对折叠类型的识别是蛋白质序列与结构关系研究的重要内容.选取LIFCA数据库中样本量较大的53种折叠类型,应用功能域组分方法进行折叠识别.将Astral 1.65中序列一致性小于95%的样本作为检验集,全库检验结果中平均敏感性为96.42%,特异性为99.91%,马修相关系数(MCC)为0.91,各项统计结果表明:功能域组分方法可以很好地应用在蛋白质折叠识别中,LIFCA相对简单的分类规则可以很好地集中蛋白质的大部分功能特性,反映了结构与功能的对应关系.  相似文献   

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