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Togay, a locality from Ol’khon Island, Baykal Lake, Russia, has yielded a fauna of snakes of Late Middle or early Late Miocene age. It is located in a broad area from which no Neogene snake has been reported; therefore, it represents an important landmark. The fauna includes a non-erycine boid, two or three colubrids, a viperid of the ‘oriental complex’ of Vipera, and perhaps another viperid. This assemblage is astonishingly reminiscent of the snake faunas from the late Early and early Middle Miocene from western and central Europe, it being understood that Miocene faunas are practically unknown in the geographically intermediary area. It may be entertained whether a homogenous snake fauna inhabited Eurasia (except the southern part of the continent) during the Miocene.  相似文献   

This paper discusses whether acquiring genetically modified animals or embryos from an existing strain, as opposed to generating a new founder, is to be preferred, with respect to animal use and animal distress. To address this question, the results of an inventory performed in 17 Dutch research institutes are presented. It is argued that the acquisition of embryos is to be preferred to the acquisition or generation of animals. Furthermore, it is argued that patenting may lead to the generation of already existing strains.  相似文献   

The present investigation primarily focussed on evaluating the efficacy of exogenous proline on the flower longevity of Dianthus chinensis L. Floral buds were harvested at the paint brush stage (i.e., a day prior to anthesis) and divided into 6 sets, with one set of buds (i.e., control) held in distilled water and rest of the 5 sets were supplemented with various concentrations of proline, viz., 10 mM, 20 mM, 30 mM, 40 mM and 50 mM. The application of proline at 40 mM concentration proved out to be most effective in improving the longevity of the flowers by about 4 days as compared to the control. The ameliorated longevity coincided with enhanced floral diameter, fresh mass, dry mass and water content. The flowers with delayed senescence also maintained higher soluble proteins, sugars and phenols. The results suggest that exogenous proline effectively alleviates oxidative stress in the petal tissue, as evident by a relatively lower maloendialdehyde content, which is manifested in the form of reduced lipid peroxidation (LPO). Reduced LPO was commensurate with increased membrane stability, quantified by membrane stability index. Moreover, the flowers with improved longevity exhibited a decline in lipoxygenase activity and significant augmentation of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase.  相似文献   

Eleven day-old grass pea plants (Lathyrus sativus L.) were grown hydroponically for 96 h in the presence of 0.5 mM lead nitrate (Pb(NO(3))(2)). The survival rate was 100%. The mean lead content (measured by ICP-OES) in root tissues was 153 mg Pb g(-1) dry matter. Over three quarters of the lead was not labile. Compared with control plants, lead-exposed plants showed a six-fold, two-fold and three and a half-fold reduction in their root calcium, zinc and copper contents, respectively. Together, these results suggested that Lathyrus sativus L. was tolerant to a deficiency in essential nutrients and able to store large amounts of lead in its root tissues. Therefore, it could be used for the development of new rhizofiltration systems.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In vitro studies demonstrated the presence of the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) in the dorsal body complex, ovotestis and buccal ganglia of Helix pomatia.
  • 2.2. Results of incubations with tritiated pregnenolone and tritiated dehydroepiandrosterone indicate substrate specificity of the 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
  • 3.3. The activity of the two 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases vary independently of each other during different physiological states of the animal.
  • 4.4. Before oviposition the conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone into androstenedione in all tissues investigated exceeds that of pregnenolone into progesterone. On the contrary, after oviposition this is reversed for the ovotestis.
  • 5.5. The relative importance of the pathways in steroidogenesis followed in the organs studied is discussed.

The number of scale insect species (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) known from Hungary has increased in the last 10 years by 39 (16.6 %), to a total of 274 species belonging to 112 genera in10 families. The family Pseudococcidae is the most species rich, with 101 species in 34 genera; Diaspididae contains 59 species in 27 genera; Coccidae contains 54 species in 27 genera; and the Eriococcidae contains 33 species in 8 genera. The other 6 coccoid families each contain only a few species: Asterolecaniidae (7 species in 3 genera); Ortheziidae (7 species in 4 genera); Margarodidae sensu lato (5 species in 5 genera); Cryptococcidae (3 species in 2 genera); Kermesidae (4 species in 1genus); and Cerococcidae (1 species). Of the species in the check list, 224 were found in outdoor conditions, while 50 species occurred only in indoor conditions. This paper contains 22 species recorded for the first time in the Hungarian fauna.  相似文献   


The normal sequence of spermatogenesis in Fasciola hepatica has been established. The single-celled primary spermatogonium—after three mitotic divisons and one meiotic division, accompanied by incomplete cytokinesis—gives rise to a rosette of 32 spermatid cells from which the spermatozoa differentiate. Rosette formation begins to develop at the tertiary spermatogonial stage and leads to individual cells being joined together via a central “cytophore”. As revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), spermatogenesis is readily disrupted by the active sulphoxide metabolite of triclabendazole (TCBZSX), a relatively new benzimidazole anthelmintic. Following short incubation times in this drug (3 h onwards), the spermatogonial stages become mitotically inactive and detached from their normal position close to the wall of the tubule. The rosette stages become increasingly disrupted, with fragmentation of the cytoplasmic cytophore. After longer time periods (12–24 h) the testis tubules were almost completely empty with few spermatogenic stages or mature spermatozoa present. The ultrastructural effects of TCBZ-SX bear some resemblance to those observed after treatment with tubulozole, a potent microtubule inhibitor. The results with the two drugs are discussed in relation to the mode of action of triclabendazole, which at present is unknown.  相似文献   

By the end of 1990s when China initiated a 10-year mangrove reforestation project, the mangrove forest area had decreased from 250,000 to 15,000 ha. Over 80% of current Chinese mangroves are degraded secondary forests or plantations. As an initial restoration and reforestation effort, Sonneratia apetala, a native of India, Bengal and Sri Lanka, was introduced in 1985 to Dong Zhaigang Mangrove Nature Reserve in Hainan Island from Bengal. It has then been introduced into other places since 1991. However, the further use of the species is becoming increasingly controversial as there are emerging signs that it may become invasive in certain locations. A comprehensive evaluation of the species’ condition in China regarding benefits and risks is critically needed. Here, we map the introduction and dispersal routes and monitor the growth of S. apetala in China from 1985 to 2006. S. apetala grows fast and performs well in the introduced 2300 ha muddy beaches area. It greatly improves the soil fertility and shows a suite of suitable characteristics as a pioneer restoration species. Currently, no natural invasion of S. apetala has been observed in the northern mangrove area. However, invasion into natural forests does occur in southerly locations such as Shenzhen, Zhanjiang and Dong Zhaigang. In these locations, S. apetala exhibits invasive characteristics such as overgrowth and high spreading ability that evidently affects local mangrove ecosystem structure and function. While the species clearly offers some benefits at some locations where it cannot naturally invade, it appears harmful to other native mangrove species, posing a major practical problem to both ecologists and land managers. This situation will be similar to previously imported non-native and invasive intertidal wetland species, Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass), with similar results and problems.  相似文献   

Tibor Benedek 《Mycopathologia》1956,7(3-4):251-256
Summary Mycelial forms in the parasitic life cycle ofC. immitis have been reported several times. These observations are confirmed by the findings of the author. Mycelia and coremium formation of the mycelia (this latter never reported before) of C. immitis were found in the pus of a huge abscess in a patient suffering for many years from coccidioidal granuloma of the lungs. Mycelia were also present in the serum of a cantharides blister, a proof of their presence in the circulation. The development of mycelial forms in the animal tissue must be, thus, considered as an established fact.Budding in the life cycle ofC. immitis in vivo and in vitro have also been reported before. The author, from his own observation, can confirm the correctness of this finding beyond doubt. Thus, budding of the organism in the animal tissue cannot any longer be considered as a cardinal difference between B, dermatitidis and C, immitis.  相似文献   

Studying the distribution of parasitic helminth body size across a population of definitive hosts can advance our understanding of parasite population biology. Body size is typically correlated with egg production. Consequently, inequalities in body size have been frequently measured to infer variation in reproductive success (VRS). Body size is also related to parasite age (time since entering the definitive host) and potentially provides valuable information on the mode of acquisition and establishment of immature (larval) parasites within the host: whether parasites tend to establish singly or in aggregates. The mode of acquisition of soil-transmitted helminths has been a theoretical consideration in the parasitological literature but has eluded data-driven investigation. In this paper, we analyse individual Ascaris lumbricoides weight data collected from a cohort of human hosts before and after re-infection following curative treatment, and explore its distribution within and among individuals in the population. Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients indicate that levels of weight inequality (a proxy for VRS) in A. lumbricoides are lower than other published estimates from animal-helminth systems. We explore levels of intra-host weight aggregation using statistical models to estimate the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) while adjusting for covariates using a flexible fractional polynomial transformation approach capable of handling non-linear functional relationships. The estimated ICCs indicate that weights are aggregated within hosts both at equilibrium and after re-infection, suggesting that parasites may establish within the host in clumps. The implications of a clumped infection process are discussed in terms of ascariasis transmission dynamics, control and anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

R Padmanabhan 《Acta anatomica》1991,141(2):182-192
Exencephaly is said to precede anencephaly resulting from failure of the rostral neuropore closure. In order to verify if the exencephaly induced after neural tube closure would also lead to anencephaly, exencephaly was induced in rat fetuses by maternal administration of a single dose (15 mg/kg) of cyclophosphamide on day 12 of gestation and pregnancy was prolonged by uterine ligation until postconception (PC) day 24. Fetal death was found to increase with prolongation of gestation and no sign of recovery from growth retardation was observed. Alizarin red-S-stained skeletal preparations substantiated the persistence of skull malformations in the exencephalic fetuses. Histological observations of the mesenchyme and the brain indicated degenerative changes that were intensifying with time. The ventricular system expanded progressively; the ependyma was denuded and neural mass lay free in the ventricle. The choroid plexus appeared to be elaborate and extensive. The haemorrhagic capillary network around the brain tissue was highly proliferative and appeared to penetrate the former from the exterior. Tissue necrosis seemed to progress unabated. Cystic spaces appeared beneath the base of the brain and became progressively large and it appeared as if the brain was being pushed out of the shallow cranial fossae. By PC day 24, most of the brain tissue had degenerated, thus giving clearly the appearance of the anencephalic condition.  相似文献   

A new coccidian species of the genus Caryospora Léger, 1904 (Protozoa, Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae) is reported from the colubrid snake host Philodryas olfersii Lichtenstein at a coastal area in the State of Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. Oöcysts of Caryospora olfersii n. sp. are spherical to sub-spherical, 33.1 × 31.2 μm, with smooth, colourless, three-layered wall, c.1.4; middle layer lightly striated. Micropyle, oöcyst residuum and polar granule are all absent. Sporocysts are ovoid, 22.9 × 17.4 μm on average, with one extremity in the shape of a short neck. Stieda body present, 3.2 × 1.3 μm, sub-Stieda body present, homogeneous, larger than Stieda body, 4.5 × 1.7 μm. Sporozoites are inserted in a bulky sporocyst residuum.  相似文献   

Azoxymethane (AOM) is a methylating agent capable of inducing mutations in DNA by forming adducts with DNA bases. It has been used to understand the mechanisms involved in colon carcinogenesis. Of the adducts formed in response to AOM, O(6)-methyl-2'-deoxy-guanosine (O(6)-mdGua) is the most mutagenic. Based on studies in rodents of the abundance and persistence of DNA adducts in various tissues after treatment with alkylating agents, previous results suggest, as a generalization, that the longer O(6)-mdGua adducts remain unrepaired in the cells of a tissue, the greater the risk for tumorigenesis. To test this hypothesis, we have built on these studies, expanding the number of tissues in which O(6)-mdGua abundance and persistence were examined and correlating these data with tumour distribution and abundance in rats maintained for 26 weeks after the treatment with AOM. Our study revealed firstly the existence of groups of tissues that developed relatively large amounts (proximal and distal colon, proximal small intestine (SI), liver and kidney) and relatively low levels (stomach, distal SI, bladder, spleen, blood and lung) of O(6)-mdGua after AOM exposure. Secondly, while all tissues showed an increase in adduct levels at 6h after mutagen treatment and most showed a significant drop in adduct levels between 6h and 48h (stomach, proximal and distal SI, liver, spleen, blood and lung), one group of tissues displayed O(6)-mdGua levels that did not decrease at 48h (proximal and distal colon, kidney and bladder). Predictably, the colon displayed tumours 26 weeks after treatment. Interestingly, however, the proximal SI also displayed significant tumour formation at that time. Our findings demonstrate (1) a direct association between exposure to O(6)-mdGua and tumours of the distal colon and (2) a dissociation of the relationship between adduct clearance and tumorigenesis in the SI. This diversity of response in the gastrointestinal tract warrants further analysis.  相似文献   

Was synthesis by Gené's organ, the egg waxing organ of ticks, is disrupted by precocene treatment of engorged femaleBoophilus microplus, resulting in desiccated nonviable eggs due to the absence of a waterproofing wax layer. Electron microscopy shows that precocene has a destructive effect on the glandular cells of Gené's organ. The precocene also inhibited in vitro was synthesis by the gland cells, indicating a selective cytotoxic effect. Oogenesis and oviposition were otherwise unaffected, also suggesting that precocene affects the gland cells directly, rather than indirectly by antagonism of juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead and iron were determined in whole soft parts of mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.), and in growing tips of the alga Fucus vesiculosus (L.) from a total of 20 locations in the area of the Sound between Sweden and Denmark. Pollution profiles produced for each metal were similar in any one of the species studied but the profiles for metals in M. edulis were distinct from those for metals in F. vesiculosus. Results for mussels agreed broadly with those reported previously for this region, indicating a northward decrease in available metal concentrations. By contrast, results for algae showed few differences in metal availability throughout the study area, although some local effects were evident.The differences in the pollution profiles exhibited by these two organisms depend on their response to different portions of the total trace metal load of ambient waters. Results from the alga agree well with available data on the concentrations of trace metals in solution in waters of the Sound. The alga thus appears to be responding only to metals in solution, as suggested by previous authors. By contrast, the major proportion of the total body load of metals in mussels is derived from ingested phytoplankton. The pollution profiles exhibited by mussels may be explained if phytoplankton from the Baltic Sea contain higher concentrations of trace metals than do those from Kattegat. Possible mechanisms for the production of such differences in the metal contents of the two phytoplankton populations, and the ecological implications of these differences, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of the FPF1 gene in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) showed a strong effect on wood formation but no effect on flowering time. Gene expression studies showed that activity of flowering time genes PtFT1, PtCO2, and PtFUL was not increased in FPF1 transgenic plants. However, the SOC1/TM3 class gene PTM5, which has been related to wood formation and flowering time, showed a strong activity in stems of all transgenic lines studied. Wood density was lower in transgenic plants, despite significantly reduced vessel frequency which was overcompensated by thinner fibre cell walls. Chemical screening of the wood by pyrolysis GC/MS showed that FPF1 transgenics have higher fractions of cellulose and glucomannan products as well as lower lignin content. The latter observation was confirmed by UV microspectrophotometry on a cellular level. Topochemical lignin distribution revealed a slower increase of lignin incorporation in the developing xylem of the transgenics when compared with the wild-type plants. In line with the reduced wood density, micromechanical wood properties such as stiffness and ultimate stress were also significantly reduced in all transgenic lines. Thus, we provide evidence that FPF1 class genes may play a regulatory role in both wood formation and flowering in poplar.  相似文献   

In 1925, Wilson listed, in his classic third edition of Cell in Development and Heredity, four theories for the morphological and physiological characteristics of cytoplasm; each theory provided some sort of explanation as to the mechanism(s) of organelle translocations. During the past twenty years, cell biologists have focused their attentions on the cell's cytoskeleton, microtrabecular lattice, and associated mechanochemical motors which drive organelles along cytoskeletal tracks. A number of cell types have been used to study organelle translocations, but chromatophores, pigment cells, from cold-blooded vertebrates have been one of the more popular models. This article reviews some of the research findings during the past twenty years, particularly those involving cytoplasmic elements: i.e, microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules, and mechanochemical motors. In addition, it contrasts the proposed involvement of these elements in organelle translocations with the endoplasmic reticulum, a tubulovesicular organelle, which we recently demonstrated is responsible, through its elongation or retraction, for the translocations of carotenoid droplets in goldfish xanthophores and swordtail fish erythrophores. Here, the carotenoid droplets are not free in the cytoplasm and do not translocate via cytoskeletal tracks, but instead are attached to or are a part of the endoplasmic reticulum. On the other hand, carotenoid droplets of squirrel fish erythrophores are free in the cytoplasm and appear to translocate via microtubules. Finally, the rates of pigmentary organelle translocations are reviewed in light of the participation of the cytoskeletal elements with the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The planthopper genus Lacusa Stål, 1862 is reviewed. All species are illustrated and male genital characters are provided, and including two new species: L. digitata sp. n. and L. producta sp. n. from Yunnan Province, China. The species L. orientalis Liang, 2000 is removed from this genus based on the frons with median carina and fore femur and tibia flattened but not foliaceous. A key to species is also given. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China (GUGC).  相似文献   

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