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Hsp31 protein, belonging to the DJ-1/ThiJ/PfpI superfamily, increases the survival of Escherichia coli under various stresses. While it was reported as a holding chaperone, Hsp31 was also shown to exhibit the glyoxalase III activity in subsequent study. Here, we describe our finding that Hsp31 undergoes a Zn+ 2-mediated multimerization (HMWZinc), resulting in an enhanced chaperone activity. Furthermore, it was shown that the formation of HMWZinc is reversible such that the oligomer dissociates into the native dimer by EDTA incubation. We attempted to determine the structural change involving the transition between the native dimer and HMWZinc by adding Ni+ 2, which is Zn+ 2-mimetic, producing a potential intermediate structure. An analysis of this intermediate revealed a structure with hydrophobic interior exposed, due to an unfolding of the N-terminal loop and the C-terminal β-to-α region. A treatment with hydrogen peroxide accelerated HMWZinc formation, so that the Hsp31C185E mutant rendered the formation of HMWZinc even at 45 °C. However, the presence of Zn+ 2 in the catalytic site antagonizes the oxidation of C185, implying a negative role. Our results suggest an unprecedented mechanism of the enhancing chaperone activity by Hsp31, in which the reversible formation of HMWZinc occurs in the presence of heat and Zn+ 2 ion.  相似文献   

玉米胚乳细胞中纯化的细胞质Hsp70蛋白有低水平的ATPase 活性,它在50 ℃、pH5 .8 、20 mmol/L的KCl 条件下活性最高,Ca2+和Mg2+ 抑制其活性。大肠杆菌DnaJ蛋白能将玉米细胞质Hsp70 的ATPase 活性提高6倍,而GrpE 蛋白对其影响很小。8 种不同的人工合成多肽均能刺激该蛋白的ATPase 活性,增加幅度从2 .5 倍到10 倍不等。亲水性不同的氨基酸对Hsp70 的ATPase 活性影响不同。玉米细胞质Hsp70 是一个三磷酸核苷酸酶,除ATP 外,它还能催化UTP、GTP、CTP和ITP的水解  相似文献   

Hsp90 is a conformationally dynamic molecular chaperone known to promote the folding and activation of a broad array of protein substrates (“clients”). Hsp90 is believed to preferentially interact with partially folded substrates, and it has been hypothesized that the chaperone can significantly alter substrate structure as a mechanism to alter the substrate functional state. However, critically testing the mechanism of substrate recognition and remodeling by Hsp90 has been challenging. Using a partially folded protein as a model system, we find that the bacterial Hsp90 adapts its conformation to the substrate, forming a binding site that spans the middle and C-terminal domains of the chaperone. Cross-linking and NMR measurements indicate that Hsp90 binds to a large partially folded region of the substrate and significantly alters both its local and long-range structure. These findings implicate Hsp90's conformational dynamics in its ability to bind and remodel partially folded proteins. Moreover, native-state hydrogen exchange indicates that Hsp90 can also interact with partially folded states only transiently populated from within a thermodynamically stable, native-state ensemble. These results suggest a general mechanism by which Hsp90 can recognize and remodel native proteins by binding and remodeling partially folded states that are transiently sampled from within the native ensemble.  相似文献   

The preproteins targeted to the mitochondria are transported through the translocase of the outer membrane complex. Tom70/Tom71 is a major surface receptor of the translocase of the outer membrane complex for mitochondrial preproteins. The preproteins are escorted to Tom70/Tom71 by molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90. Here we present the high resolution crystal structures of Tom71 and the protein complexes between Tom71 and the Hsp70/Hsp90 C terminus. The crystal structures indicate that Tom70/Tom71 may exhibit two distinct states. In the closed state, the N-terminal domain of Tom70/Tom71 partially blocks the preprotein-binding pocket. In the open state, the N-terminal domain moves away, and the preprotein-binding pocket is fully exposed. The complex formation between the C-terminal EEVD motif of Hsp70/Hsp90 and Tom71 could lock Tom71 in the open state where the preprotein-binding pocket of Tom71 is ready to receive preproteins. The interactions between Hsp70/Hsp90 and Tom71 N-terminal domain generate conformational changes that may increase the volume of the preprotein-binding pocket. The complex formation of Hsp70/Hsp90 and Tom71 also generates significant domain rearrangement within Tom71, which may position the preprotein-binding pocket closer to Hsp70/Hsp90 to facilitate the preprotein transfer from the molecular chaperone to Tom71. Therefore, molecular chaperone Hsp70/Hsp90 may function to prepare the mitochondrial outer membrane receptor Tom71 for preprotein loading.The mitochondrion plays important roles in cell physiology. The mitochondrion functions as the “cellular power house” by generating most of the supply of ATP for the cell. In addition, the mitochondrion is involved in a number of critical cellular processes including the synthesis of metabolites, lipid metabolism, free radical production, and metal ion homeostasis. The mitochondrion consists of four compartments, the outer membrane, the inner membrane, the intermembrane space, and the mitochondrial matrix. The mitochondrion contains a large number of proteins (1), but only a few of these are translated within the mitochondrion (2). Therefore, the majority of the mitochondrial proteins are synthesized in the cytosol and translocated into the mitochondrion.The mitochondrial preproteins contain specific targeting signals to reach the correct compartments within the mitochondria. The mitochondrial matrix preproteins contain N-terminal targeting sequences that form the short amphipathic helices (26). On the other hand, some mitochondrial proteins of the inner and outer membrane contain internal targeting signals within the mature proteins (7). The mitochondrion has developed a set of delicate translocons to transport the preproteins into the mitochondrial compartments, one translocase of the outer membrane (TOM)2 and two translocases of the inner membrane (TIM23 and TIM22) (4, 5, 8). The TOM complex has two surface receptors, Tom20 and Tom70 (9, 10). Tom20 recognizes the N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signals from the preproteins, whereas Tom70 binds to internal targeting sequences of preproteins such as the multi-transmembrane carrier proteins residing in the mitochondrial membranes (912). The crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tom70 revealed that Tom70 contained 11 TPR motifs, and the TPR motifs were clustered into two domains. The three TPR motifs in the N-terminal domain of Tom70p form a peptide-binding groove for the C-terminal EEVD motif of Hsp70/Hsp90, whereas the C-terminal domain of Tom70p contains a large preprotein-binding pocket (13).Molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90 play important roles in targeting the preproteins to TOM complex (14). Hsp70 and Hsp90 can protect these preproteins from aggregation in the cytosol (15). The C-terminal EEVD motifs of Hsp70/Hsp90 may interact directly with the N-terminal domain of Tom70p to target the preproteins to TOM complex (13, 14, 16). The C-terminal EEVD motif of Hsp70/Hsp90 has been indicated to bind several proteins containing TPR motifs including Hop and CHIP. The complex structures for the Hsp70/Hsp90 EEVD motif and Hop and CHIP TPR regions have been determined (1721).Tom71 (also known as Tom72) was identified as a homologue with Tom70 with high amino acid sequence identity (>50%) (22). Tom71 shares overlapping functions with Tom70 to transfer the preproteins and maintain the mitochondrial morphology (23, 24). In this study, we have determined the crystal structures of S. cerevisiae Tom71 and the complexes of Tom71 and Hsp70/Hsp90 C-terminal EEVD motifs. These structures suggest that the Hsp70/Hsp90 binding to Tom70/Tom71 may keep Tom70/Tom71 in the open state for receiving preproteins. The Hsp70/Hsp90 interactions may also increase the volume of the preprotein-binding pocket of Tom70/Tom71 and prepare Tom70/Tom71 for preprotein loading.  相似文献   

Hsp100 family chaperones of microorganisms and plants cooperate with the Hsp70/Hsp40/NEF system to resolubilize and reactivate stress-denatured proteins. In yeast this machinery also promotes propagation of prions by fragmenting prion polymers. We previously showed the bacterial Hsp100 machinery cooperates with the yeast Hsp40 Ydj1 to support yeast thermotolerance and with the yeast Hsp40 Sis1 to propagate [PSI+] prions. Here we find these Hsp40s similarly directed specific activities of the yeast Hsp104-based machinery. By assessing the ability of Ydj1-Sis1 hybrid proteins to complement Ydj1 and Sis1 functions we show their C-terminal substrate-binding domains determined distinctions in these and other cellular functions of Ydj1 and Sis1. We find propagation of [URE3] prions was acutely sensitive to alterations in Sis1 activity, while that of [PIN+] prions was less sensitive than [URE3], but more sensitive than [PSI+]. These findings support the ideas that overexpressing Ydj1 cures [URE3] by competing with Sis1 for interaction with the Hsp104-based disaggregation machine, and that different prions rely differently on activity of this machinery, which can explain the various ways they respond to alterations in chaperone function.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is a dimeric molecular chaperone that undergoes an essential and highly regulated open‐to‐closed‐to‐open conformational cycle upon ATP binding and hydrolysis. Although it has been established that a large energy barrier to closure is responsible for Hsp90's low ATP hydrolysis rate, the specific molecular contacts that create this energy barrier are not known. Here we discover that bacterial Hsp90 (HtpG) has a pH‐dependent ATPase activity that is unique among other Hsp90 homologs. The underlying mechanism is a conformation‐specific electrostatic interaction between a single histidine, H255, and bound ATP. H255 stabilizes ATP only while HtpG adopts a catalytically inactive open configuration, resulting in a striking anti‐correlation between nucleotide binding affinity and chaperone activity over a wide range of pH. Linkage analysis reveals that the H255‐ATP salt bridge contributes 1.5 kcal/mol to the energy barrier of closure. This energetic contribution is structurally asymmetric, whereby only one H255‐ATP salt‐bridge per dimer of HtpG controls ATPase activation. We find that a similar electrostatic mechanism regulates the ATPase of the endoplasmic reticulum Hsp90, and that pH‐dependent activity can be engineered into eukaryotic cytosolic Hsp90. These results reveal site‐specific energetic information about an evolutionarily conserved conformational landscape that controls Hsp90 ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp90 is required for the folding and activation of a large number of substrate proteins. These are involved in essential cellular processes ranging from signal transduction to viral replication. For the activation of its substrates, Hsp90 binds and hydrolyzes ATP, which is the key driving force for conformational conversions within the dimeric chaperone. Dimerization of Hsp90 is mediated by a C-terminal dimerization site. In addition, there is a transient ATP-induced dimerization of the two N-terminal ATP-binding domains. The resulting ring-like structure is thought to be the ATPase-active conformation. Hsp90 is a slow ATPase with a turnover number of 1 ATP/min for the yeast protein. A key question for understanding the molecular mechanism of Hsp90 is how ATP hydrolysis is regulated and linked to conformational changes. In this study, we analyzed the activation process structurally and biochemically with a view to identify the conformational limitations of the ATPase reaction cycle. We showed that the first 24 amino acids stabilize the N-terminal domain in a rigid state. Their removal confers flexibility specifically to the region between amino acids 98 and 120. Most surprisingly, the deletion of this structure results in the complete loss of ATPase activity and in increased N-terminal dimerization. Complementation assays using heterodimeric Hsp90 show that this rigid lid acts as an intrinsic kinetic inhibitor of the Hsp90 ATPase cycle preventing N-terminal dimerization in the ground state. On the other hand, this structure acts, in concert with the 24 N-terminal amino acids of the other N-terminal domain, to form an activated ATPase and thus regulates the turnover number of Hsp90.  相似文献   

Maintenance of protein homeostasis by molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90 requires their spatial and functional coordination. The cooperation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 is influenced by their interaction with the network of co-chaperone proteins, some of which contain tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains. Critical to these interactions are TPR domains that target co-chaperone binding to the EEVD-COOH motif that terminates Hsp70/Hsp90. Recently, the two-TPR domain-containing protein, Tomm34, was reported to bind both Hsp70 and Hsp90. Here we characterize the structural basis of Tomm34-Hsp70/Hsp90 interactions. Using multiple methods, including pull-down assays, fluorescence polarization, hydrogen/deuterium exchange, and site-directed mutagenesis, we defined the binding activities and specificities of Tomm34 TPR domains toward Hsp70 and Hsp90. We found that Tomm34 TPR1 domain specifically binds Hsp70. This interaction is partly mediated by a non-canonical TPR1 two-carboxylate clamp and is strengthened by so far unidentified additional intermolecular contacts. The two-carboxylate clamp of the isolated TPR2 domain has affinity for both chaperones, but as part of the full-length Tomm34 protein, the TPR2 domain binds specifically Hsp90. These binding properties of Tomm34 TPR domains thus enable simultaneous binding of Hsp70 and Hsp90. Importantly, we provide evidence for the existence of an Hsp70-Tomm34-Hsp90 tripartite complex. In addition, we defined the basic conformational demands of the Tomm34-Hsp90 interaction. These results suggest that Tomm34 represents a novel scaffolding co-chaperone of Hsp70 and Hsp90, which may facilitate Hsp70/Hsp90 cooperation during protein folding.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is a molecular chaperone essential for protein folding and activation in normal homeostasis and stress response. ATP binding and hydrolysis facilitate Hsp90 conformational changes required for client activation. Hsp90 plays an important role in disease states, particularly in cancer, where chaperoning of the mutated and overexpressed oncoproteins is important for function. Recent studies have illuminated mechanisms related to the chaperone function. However, an atomic resolution view of Hsp90 conformational dynamics, determined by the presence of different binding partners, is critical to define communication pathways between remote residues in different domains intimately affecting the chaperone cycle. Here, we present a computational analysis of signal propagation and long-range communication pathways in Hsp90. We carried out molecular dynamics simulations of the full-length Hsp90 dimer, combined with essential dynamics, correlation analysis, and a signal propagation model. All-atom MD simulations with timescales of 70 ns have been performed for complexes with the natural substrates ATP and ADP and for the unliganded dimer. We elucidate the mechanisms of signal propagation and determine “hot spots” involved in interdomain communication pathways from the nucleotide-binding site to the C-terminal domain interface. A comprehensive computational analysis of the Hsp90 communication pathways and dynamics at atomic resolution has revealed the role of the nucleotide in effecting conformational changes, elucidating the mechanisms of signal propagation. Functionally important residues and secondary structure elements emerge as effective mediators of communication between the nucleotide-binding site and the C-terminal interface. Furthermore, we show that specific interdomain signal propagation pathways may be activated as a function of the ligand. Our results support a “conformational selection model” of the Hsp90 mechanism, whereby the protein may exist in a dynamic equilibrium between different conformational states available on the energy landscape and binding of a specific partner can bias the equilibrium toward functionally relevant complexes.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported a useful assay for the determination of yeast Hsp90 ATPase activity. Using this assay, high-throughput screening of approximately 10,000 compounds was performed to determine the feasibility of this assay on large scale. Results from high-throughput screening indicated that the assay was reproducible (av Z-factor = 0.80) and identified 0.57% of the compounds as Hsp90 inhibitors that exhibited IC50s less than 20 microM. The structures of several of these inhibitory scaffolds are reported along with their IC50 values.  相似文献   

真核细胞中近100种蛋白质都受Hsp90的调节。这些蛋白质多与信号转导作用有关,它们与Hsp90一起进入一个以Hsp90/Hsp70为主的伴侣复合体,在复合体内完成信号转导作用。Hsp90除了和蛋白质的伴侣位点结合以外,还在其他位点与辅助因子连接,这是Hsp90能与蛋白质及辅助因子组装成复合体,并进而调节其信号作用的结构基础。类固醇受体等蛋白质的信号转导作用是在Hsp70、Hsp90为基础的5种蛋白质(Hsp90,Hsp70,Hop,Hsp40和p23)组成的复合体中进行的。这个系统可以帮助理解在真核细胞中,Hsp70和Hsp90怎样联合作用,改变底物蛋白构象,以及怎样应答信号作用。  相似文献   

Human heat shock protein of 90 kDa (hHsp90) is a homodimer that has an essential role in facilitating malignant transformation at the molecular level. Inhibiting hHsp90 function is a validated approach for treating different types of tumors. Inhibiting the dimerization of hHsp90 via its C-terminal domain (CTD) should provide a novel way to therapeutically interfere with hHsp90 function. Here, we predicted hot spot residues that cluster in the CTD dimerization interface by a structural decomposition of the effective energy of binding computed by the MM-GBSA approach and confirmed these predictions using in silico alanine scanning with DrugScorePPI. Mutation of these residues to alanine caused a significant decrease in the melting temperature according to differential scanning fluorimetry experiments, indicating a reduced stability of the mutant hHsp90 complexes. Size exclusion chromatography and multi-angle light scattering studies demonstrate that the reduced stability of the mutant hHsp90 correlates with a lower complex stoichiometry due to the disruption of the dimerization interface. These results suggest that the identified hot spot residues can be used as a pharmacophoric template for identifying and designing small-molecule inhibitors of hHsp90 dimerization.  相似文献   

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