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Lukina  A. P.  Karnachuk  O. V. 《Microbiology》2021,90(3):401-404
Microbiology - Slow-growing, hard-to-cultivate prokaryotes require special conditions for laboratory cultivation. The difficulty in cultivation may often prevent depositing the new isolates in the...  相似文献   

High-throughput genetic screens in model microbial organisms are a primary means of interrogating biological systems. In numerous cases, such screens have identified the genes that underlie a particular phenotype or a set of gene-gene, gene-environment or protein-protein interactions, which are then used to construct highly informative network maps for biological research. However, the potential test space of genes, proteins, or interactions is typically much larger than current screening systems can address. To push the limits of screening technology, we developed an ultra-high-density, 6144-colony arraying system and analysis toolbox. Using budding yeast as a benchmark, we find that these tools boost genetic screening throughput 4-fold and yield significant cost and time reductions at quality levels equal to or better than current methods. Thus, the new ultra-high-density screening tools enable researchers to significantly increase the size and scope of their genetic screens.  相似文献   

Phase transition during annealing in the two-step sequential deposition has drawn intensive attention as its significance in fabricating superior perovskite films. However, previous works have not paid enough attention to the importance of the purified phase transition path in the crystallization process. Herein, different from the mixed paths in the conventional cognition, purified phase transition path for α-FAPbI3 crystallization is achieved by introducing dimethylurea (DMU) into lead iodide (PbI2) precursor solution. The multifunctional molecule is found to design a penetrable porous PbI2 film and fundamentally regulate the perovskite crystallization by forming single phase transition path via the complete δ-phase during annealing of perovskite. The role of DMU in purified transition path for α-FAPbI3 crystallization is unraveled with in situ photoluminescence and grazing incidence wide-angle x-ray scattering (GIWAXS) investigation. The crystal quality of perovskite films is significantly improved, resulting in single crystal-like film. The best-performing perovskite solar cells (PSCs) deliver a power conversion efficiency of 24.75%, resulting from the higher FF of 83.25% and an improved long-term stability up to 3600 h. This work highlights the importance of purified phase transition path for the superior crystal quality toward high-performance perovskite photovoltaics.  相似文献   


New radioimagers, the HRRI (high resolution radioimager) and the Phosphorimager (phosphor screen: PS), apt to display more ample linear dose-response scale than radio-sensitive films, were tested in comparaison with quantitative autoradiography (QA). GnRH receptor saturation experiments were achieved on tissue sections (rat pituitary, rat brain, human ovary) with a iodinate GnRH agonist (125l-[D-Ala6, Des-Gly10]-LH-RH Ethylamide) for determination of affinity constant (Kd). In rat pituitary, comparable results were obtained with the 3 methods (Kd: 0.4 to 0.6 nM). Discrepancies occured in the hippocampus and in the granulosa cell layer of the preovulatory follicle, due to low resolutive (PS) or short linear dose-response (films) performances. In the hippocampus GnRH receptor affinity was under-estimated with PS (Kd: 2.3 vs 0.5 and 0.6 nM for QA and HRRI respectively). In the follicular granulosa cell layer it was over-estimated by QA (0.5 vs 50 nM for the HRRI), while PS did not allow resolution of this thin cell layer. In conclusion, the HRRI is a very powerful tool for the quantification of in situ radioligand binding (binding sites study and in situ hybridization) in very discrete areas.  相似文献   

Water shortage is increasingly limiting the luxury use of water in rice cultivation. In this study, non-flooded mulching cultivation of rice only consumed a fraction of the water that was needed for traditional flooded cultivation and largely maintained the grain yield. We also investigated the growth and development of rice plants and examined grain yield formation when rice was subjected to non-flooded mulching cultivation. One indica hybrid rice combination was grown in a field experiment and three cultivation methods, traditional flooding (TF), non-flooded straw mulching cultivation (SM) and non-flooded plastic mulching cultivation (PM), were conducted during the whole season. Grain yield showed that there was no significant difference between SM and TF rice, but the grain yield of SM cultivation was significantly higher than that of PM. The tiller numbers were inhibited in the early stage under non-flooded mulching cultivation, but the situation was reversed at the later period. Both SM and PM rice reduced dry matter accumulation of shoot, but increased root dry weight, enhanced the remobilization of assimilates from stems to grains and increased the harvest index. During the middle and later grain filling period, mulched plants showed a faster decrease in chlorophyll concentrations, photosynthetic rates of flag leaves and root activity than TF rice, indicating that non-flooded mulching cultivation enhanced plant senescence. In comparison, SM treatment produced higher grain yield and, more dry matter accumulation and panicle numbers than the PM treatment. The overall results suggest that high yield of non-flooded mulching cultivation of rice can be achieved with much improved irrigaUonal water use efficiency.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to increase the solubility of an anti-allergic drug loratadine by making its inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin and to develop it’s thermally triggered mucoadhesive in situ nasal gel so as to overcome first-pass effect and consequently enhance its bioavailability. A total of eight formulations were prepared by cold method and optimized by 23 full factorial design. Independent variables (concentration of poloxamer 407, concentration of carbopol 934 P, and pure drug or its inclusion complex) were optimized in order to achieve desired gelling temperature with sufficient mucoadhesive strength and maximum permeation across experimental nasal membrane. The design was validated by extra design checkpoint formulation (F9) and Pareto charts were used to help eliminate terms that did not have a statistically significant effect. The response surface plots and possible interactions between independent variables were analyzed using Design Expert Software 8.0.2 (Stat Ease, Inc., USA). Faster drug permeation with zero-order kinetics and target flux was achieved with formulation containing drug: β-cyclodextrin complex rather than those made with free drug. The optimized formulation (F8) with a gelling temperature of 28.6 ± 0.47°C and highest mucoadhesive strength of 7,676.0 ± 0.97 dyn/cm2 displayed 97.74 ± 0.87% cumulative drug permeation at 6 h. It was stable for over 3 months and histological examination revealed no remarkable damage to the nasal tissue.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of decomposition site and plant litter species on the colonizing microbial communities. For this, litter bag technique using beech and spruce litter was combined with RNA-based fingerprinting and cloning. Litter bags were incubated for 2 and 8 weeks in the Ah horizon of beech and beech–spruce mixed forest sites. Although sugars and starch were rapidly lost, lignin content increased by more than 40% for beech and more than doubled for spruce litter at both soil sites at the end of the experiment. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S and 18S rRNA RT–PCR products was used for screening of differences between bacterial and fungal communities colonizing the two litter types. Development of the microbial community over time was observed to be specific for each litter type and decomposition site. RT–PCR products from both litter types incubated in beech–spruce mixed forest site were also cloned to identify the bacterial and fungal colonizers. The 16S rRNA clone libraries of beech litter were dominated by γ-proteobacterial members, whereas spruce libraries were mainly composed of α-, β-, and γ-proteobacterial members. Ascomycota members dominated the 18S rRNA clone libraries. Clones similar to Zygomycota were absent from spruce, whereas those similar to Basidiomycota and Glomeromycota were absent from beech libraries. Selective effects of litter quality were observed after 8 weeks. The study provides an insight into the bacterial and fungal communities colonizing beech and spruce litter, and the importance of litter quality and decomposition site as key factors in their development and succession.  相似文献   

Candidosis has been attributed to C. albicans; however, infections caused by non-Candida albicans Candida (NCAC) species are increasingly being recognised. The ability of Candida to grow as a biofilm is an important feature that promotes both infection and persistence in the host. The biofilms’ activity is significant since high activity might be associated with enhanced expression of putative virulence factors, whilst in contrast low activity has previously been suggested as a mechanism for resistance of biofilm cells to antimicrobials. The aim of this study was to determine the metabolic activity of in vitro biofilms formed by different clinical isolates of NCAC species. The in situ total metabolic activity of C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis and C. glabrata biofilms was determined using 2,3-(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulphophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino) carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium hydroxide (XTT) reduction assay, and the number of cultivable cells was also established by CFU (colony forming unit) counts. The biofilm structure was assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that total biofilm metabolic activity was species and strain dependent. C. glabrata exhibited the lowest biofilm metabolic activity despite having the highest number of biofilm cultivable cells. Similarly, the metabolic activity of resuspended C. glabrata biofilm and planktonic cells was lower than that of the other species. This study demonstrates the existence of intrinsic activity differences amongst NCAC species, which could have important implications in terms of species relative virulence. Furthermore, the absence of an obvious correlation, between cultivable cells number and total biofilm activity, raises the question about which parameter is the most appropriate for the in vitro assessment of biofilms and their potential clinical significance.  相似文献   

The use of short, high-affinity probes consisting of a combination of DNA and locked nucleic acid (LNA) has enabled the specific detection of microRNAs (miRNAs) by in situ hybridization (ISH). However, detection of low–copy number miRNAs is still not always possible. Here the authors show that probes consisting of 2′-O-methyl RNAs (2OMe) and LNA at every third base (2:1 ratio), under optimized hybridization conditions, excluding yeast RNA from the hybridization buffer, can provide superior performance in detection of miRNA targets in terms of sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio compared to DNA + LNA probes. Furthermore, they show that hybridizations can be performed in buffers of 4M urea instead of 50% formamide, thereby yielding an equally specific but nontoxic assay. The use of 2OMe + LNA–based probes and the optimized ISH assay enable simple and fast detection of low–copy number miRNA targets, such as miR-130a in mouse brain.  相似文献   

Mixed-halide perovskites have emerged as outstanding light absorbers that enable the fabrication of efficient solar cells; however, their instability hinders the commercialization of such systems. Grain-boundary (GB) defects and lattice tensile strain are critical intrinsic-instability factors in polycrystalline perovskite films. In this study, the light-induced cross-linking of acrylamide (Am) monomers with non-crystalline perovskite films is used to fabricate highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells (PSCs). The Am monomers induce the preferred crystal orientation in the polycrystalline perovskite films, enlarge the perovskite grain size, and cross-link the perovskite grains. Additionally, the liquid properties of Am effectively releases lattice strain during perovskite-film crystallization. The cross-linked interfacial layer functions as an airtight wall that protects the perovskite film from water corrosion. Devices fabricated using the proposed strategy show an excellent power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 24.45% with an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.199 V, which, to date, is the highest VOC reported for hybrid PSCs with electron transport layers (ETLs) comprised of TiO2. Large-area PSC modules fabricated using the proposed strategy show a power conversion efficiency of 20.31% (with a high fill factor of 77.1%) over an active area of 33 cm2, with excellent storage stability.  相似文献   



Although not unusual to find captive relicts of species lost in the wild, rarely are presumed extinct species rediscovered outside of their native range. A recent study detected living descendents of an extinct Galápagos tortoise species (Chelonoidis elephantopus) once endemic to Floreana Island on the neighboring island of Isabela. This finding adds to the growing cryptic diversity detected among these species in the wild. There also exists a large number of Galápagos tortoises in captivity of ambiguous origin. The recently accumulated population-level haplotypic and genotypic data now available for C. elephantopus add a critical reference population to the existing database of 11 extant species for investigating the origin of captive individuals of unknown ancestry.


We reanalyzed mitochondrial DNA control region haplotypes and microsatellite genotypes of 156 captive individuals using an expanded reference database that included all extant Galápagos tortoise species as well as the extinct species from Floreana. Nine individuals (six females and three males) exhibited strong signatures of Floreana ancestry and a high probability of assignment to C. elephantopus as detected by Bayesian assignment and clustering analyses of empirical and simulated data. One male with high assignment probability to C. elephantopus based on microsatellite genotypic data also possessed a “Floreana-like” mitochondrial DNA haplotype.


Historical DNA analysis of museum specimens has provided critical spatial and temporal components to ecological, evolutionary, taxonomic and conservation-related research, but rarely has it informed ex situ species recovery efforts. Here, the availability of population-level genotypic data from the extinct C. elephantopus enabled the identification of nine Galápagos tortoise individuals of substantial conservation value that were previously misassigned to extant species of varying conservation status. As all captive individuals of C. elephantopus ancestry currently reside at a centralized breeding facility on Santa Cruz, these findings permit breeding efforts to commence in support of the reestablishment of this extinct species to its native range.  相似文献   

99Tcm-pertechnetate is concentrated in the thyroid in the same way as iodide but it does not become organically bound. The uptake of 99Tcm is a measure of the thyroid trap, and this measurement is satisfactory as a routine test in the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. The reproducibility of the method is such that suppression tests can be carried out when necessary even when uptake is within the normal range of 0·4-3%. 99Tcm gives a low radiation dose to the thyroid and has certain other advantages over radioactive isotopes of iodine for early thyroid uptake measurements. It is particularly suitable when serial tests of thyroid function are required during treatment with an antithyroid drug.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hybridization in ex situ facilities can undermine the genetic integrity of ex situ collections and potentially contaminate open-pollinated seeds or seedlings destined for the reintroduction of endangered plant species into the wild. In the present study, the potential risk of hybridization between two endangered Chinese endemic species, namely Sinojackia xylocarpa Hu and S. rehderiana Hu, which are naturally allopatric species but were conserved ex situ in Wuhan Botanical Garden (WBG), Wuhan, China, were investigated over three consecutive years from 2003 to 2005. The entire overlapping flowering period of the two species was 14-20 d and the two species shared the same pollinator insects during the entire flowering season in WBG. The floral isolation between the two species was not an issue in the ex sltu collection at WBG. The results suggest an opportunity for pollen transfer between species and a potential risk of genetic Introgression and loss of genetic identity of open-pollinated seeds produced in the ex sltu Collection of these two endangered species. An artificial reciprocal cross between S xylocarpa and S. rehderlana confirmed that the two congener species could readily set seeds, indicating no post-pollination barriers to hybridization and the importance of spatial isolation as a barrier to inter-specific crossing. Therefore, to manage these crossable species with overlapping flowering times and shared pollination vectors in ex situ facilities, spatial isolation should be carefully considered to minimize the possibility of spontaneous hybridization.  相似文献   

A non-radioactive method of in situ hybridization was used to localize transforming growth factor- mRNA in epithelial cells of collecting ducts and tubules in rat kidney tissue sections. The intensity and specificity of staining were assessed under a variety of tissue preparation conditions, including a direct comparison of paraffin against frozen sections. Under optimal conditions, both the signal strength and the cellular localization of the growth factor message were superior in paraffin sections. The staining method could also be used to localize the message in lung tissue, indicating that the procedure is generally applicable to other tissues. Our results indicate that the use of paraffin sections for non-radioactive in situ hybridization affords a number of advantages for the localization of specific messages in tissue sections.  相似文献   

IKKε and TBK1 are noncanonical IKK family members which regulate inflammatory signaling pathways and also play important roles in oncogenesis. However, few inhibitors of these kinases have been identified. While the substrate specificity of IKKε has recently been described, the substrate specificity of TBK1 is unknown, hindering the development of high-throughput screening technologies for inhibitor identification. Here, we describe the optimal substrate phosphorylation motif for TBK1, and show that it is identical to the phosphorylation motif previously described for IKKε. This information enabled the design of an optimal TBK1/IKKε substrate peptide amenable to high-throughput screening and we assayed a 6,006 compound library that included 4,727 kinase-focused compounds to discover in vitro inhibitors of TBK1 and IKKε. 227 compounds in this library inhibited TBK1 at a concentration of 10 μM, while 57 compounds inhibited IKKε. Together, these data describe a new high-throughput screening assay which will facilitate the discovery of small molecule TBK1/IKKε inhibitors possessing therapeutic potential for both inflammatory diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

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