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Mutational analysis of the Rhizobium meliloti nifA promoter.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The acidic Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 plays one or more critical roles in nodule invasion and possibly in nodule development. Two loci, exoR and exoS, that affect the regulation of synthesis of this exopolysaccharide were identified by screening for derivatives of strain Rm1021 that formed mucoid colonies that fluoresced extremely brightly under UV light when grown on medium containing Calcofluor. The exopolysaccharide produced in large quantities by the exoR95::Tn5 and exoS96::Tn5 strains was indistinguishable from that produced by the parental strain Rm1021, and its synthesis required the function of at least the exoA, exoB, and exoF genes. Both the exoR and exoS loci were located on the chromosome, and the exo96::Tn5 mutation was 84% linked to the trp-33 mutation by phi M12 transduction. Synthesis of the Calcofluor-binding exopolysaccharide by strain Rm1021 was greatly stimulated by starvation for ammonia. In contrast, the exoR95::Tn5 mutant produced high levels of exopolysaccharide regardless of the presence or absence of ammonia in the medium. The exoS96::Tn5 mutant produced elevated amounts of exopolysaccharide in the presence of ammonia, but higher amounts were observed after starvation for ammonia. The presence of either mutation increased the level of expression of exoF::TnphoA and exoP::TnphoA fusions (TnphoA is Tn5 IS50L::phoA). Analyses of results obtained when alfalfa seedlings were inoculated with the exoR95::Tn5 strain indicated that the mutant strain could not invade nodules. However, pseudorevertants that retained the original exoR95::Tn5 mutation but acquired unlinked suppressors so that they produced an approximately normal amount of exopolysaccharide were able to invade nodules and fix nitrogens. The exoS95::Tn5 strain formed Fix+ nodules, although some minor variability was observed.  相似文献   

Transfer of an IncP plasmid carrying the Rhizobium meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes to Rhizobium trifolii enabled R. trifolii to nodulate alfalfa (Medicago sativa), the normal host of R. meliloti. Using transposon Tn5-linked mutations and in vitro-constructed deletions of the R. meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes, we showed that R. meliloti nodH was required for R. trifolii to elicit both root hair curling and nodule initiation on alfalfa and that nodH, nodFE, and nodG were required for R. trifolii to elicit infection threads in alfalfa root hairs. Interestingly, the transfer of the R. meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes to R. trifolii prevented R. trifolii from infecting and nodulating its normal host, white clover (Trifolium repens). Experiments with the mutated R. meliloti nodH, nodF, nodE, and nodG genes demonstrated that nodH, nodF, nodE, and possibly nodG have an additive effect in blocking infection and nodulation of clover.  相似文献   

The nifA gene of Rhizobium meliloti is oxygen regulated.   总被引:35,自引:19,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments using plasmid-borne gene fusions and direct RNA measurements have revealed that expression from the nifA gene is induced in Rhizobium meliloti when the external oxygen concentration is reduced to microaerobic levels. Induction occurs in the absence of alfalfa and in the presence of fixed nitrogen and does not require ntrC. The production of functional nifA gene product (NifA) can be demonstrated by its ability to activate the nitrogenase promoter P1. Aerobic induction of nifA can also occur during nitrogen starvation at low pH, but in this case induction is dependent on ntrC and does not lead to P1 activation. The data indicate that reduced oxygen tension is potentially a major trigger for symbiotic activation of nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium species.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the structural gene (nifH) of nitrogenase reductase (Fe protein) from R.meliloti 41 with its flanking ends is reported. The amino acid sequence of nitrogenase reductase was deduced from the DNA sequence. The predicted R.meliloti nitrogenase reductase protein consists of 297 amino acid residues, has a molecular weight of 32,740 daltons and contains 5 cysteine residues. The codon usage in the nifH gene is presented. In the 5' flanking region, sequences resembling to consensus sequences of bacterial control regions were found. Comparison of the R.meliloti nifH nucleotide and amino acid sequences with those from different nitrogen-fixing organisms showed that the amino acid sequences are more conserved than the nucleotide sequences. This structural conservation of nitrogenase reductase may be related to its function and may explain the conservation of the nifH gene during evolution.  相似文献   

The nifA gene has been identified between the fixX and nifB genes in the clover microsymbiont Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii (R.I. bv. trifolii) strain ANU843. Expression of the nifA gene is induced in the symbiotic state and site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicate that nifA expression is essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Interestingly, the predicted R.I. bv. trifolii NifA protein lacks an N-terminal domain that is present in the homologous proteins from R.I. bv. viciae, Rhizobium meliloti, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Klebsiella pneumoniae and all other documented NifA proteins. This indicates that this N-terminal domain is not essential for NifA function in R.I. bv. trifolii.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobium meliloti carry related genetic loci which have important roles in virulence and symbiosis. Previously, it was shown that two virulence loci of A. tumefaciens, chvA and chvB, are related to two R. meliloti symbiosis loci, ndvA and ndvB, respectively (T. Dylan, L. Ielpi, S. Stanfield, L. Kashyap, C. Douglas, M. Yanofsky, E. Nester, D. R. Helinski, and G. Ditta, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:4403-4407, 1986). Here we show that these two phytobacteria possess additional related virulence/symbiosis genes. Results of genetic complementation and DNA hybridization experiments indicate that the pscA virulence locus of A. tumefaciens is structurally and functionally related to the exoC symbiosis locus of R. meliloti. Thus, A. tumefaciens and R. meliloti bear at least three related genetic loci that have crucial roles in establishing the interactions that each bacterium has with its respective host plants.  相似文献   

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