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Amphibians utilize lipids, principally triglycerides, storedin abdominal fat bodies and carcass depots for production ofgametes and for metabolic maintenance during dormancy. Storedlipids are maximal in early fall prior to winter dormancy andminimal after breeding in the spring and early summer in mostamphibians. Extirpation experiments show that fat bodies areessential for gonadal maintenance. Patterns of lipid compartmentalizationare discussed and quantified in a representative from the Salientiaand Urodela.  相似文献   

Common property regimes may contribute to environmental conservationand offer a complementary institutional model to state-run protected areas. The potential conservation value of common property management is of particular significance in Mexico, where a large majority of forests are held communally. Systems of common property management often exist in a context of close institutional overlap with state institutions. This project assessed the function of a common property regime nested within Lagunas de Montebello National Park (PNLM) in Chiapas, Mexico. We documented forest status and analyzed common property forest management institutions following severe fires that threatened forest conservation. Forests managed by the common property regime are less intact than federal forests, yet still moderately conserved, and many attributes necessary for common property management are functional, despite the recent fire crisis. Yet external authorities contest common property management by local institutions, resulting in limited joint management by the national park and the community. Formalization and expansion of de facto cooperation between the federal and community institutions may enhance forest conservation within PNLM.  相似文献   

The connection between religion, nature and conservation has become a prominent topic among scholars and conservation practitioners. Numerous studies have shown that spiritual beliefs have contributed to preserving important biodiversity in sacred areas around the world. In Western contexts, however, that link has been underexplored, perhaps due to a common view of Christianity as anti-naturalistic. Here, I rely on a literature review and first-hand observations to identify patterns and trends characterizing Catholic sacred sites in Central Italy. I show that a high proportion of the sites are located in natural areas, and that some types of sites and strands of Catholicism are associated with natural settings more frequently than others. Further, these natural sacred sites often display ecological features that highlight their important conservation role. Greater awareness and consideration of local spiritual heritages are recommended to guarantee more effective and integrated management of the sites.  相似文献   

Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) are an abundant and important component of the coastal ecosystems for the west coast of North America. Current Canadian federal herring management assumes five regional herring populations in British Columbia with a high degree of exchange between units, and few distinct local populations within them. Indigenous traditional knowledge and historic sources, however, suggest that locally adapted, distinct regional herring populations may have been more prevalent in the past. Within the last century, the combined effects of commercial fishing and other anthropogenic factors have resulted in severe declines of herring populations, with contemporary populations potentially reflecting only the remnants of a previously more abundant and genetically diverse metapopulation. Through the analysis of 85 archaeological herring bones, this study attempted to reconstruct the genetic diversity and population structure of ancient herring populations using three different marker systems (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), microsatellites and SNPs). A high success rate (91%) of DNA recovery was obtained from the extremely small herring bone samples (often <10 mg). The ancient herring mtDNA revealed high haplotype diversity comparable to modern populations, although population discrimination was not possible due to the limited power of the mtDNA marker. Ancient microsatellite diversity was also similar to modern samples, but the data quality was compromised by large allele drop-out and stuttering. In contrast, SNPs were found to have low error rates with no evidence for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and simulations indicated high power to detect genetic differentiation if loci under selection are used. This study demonstrates that SNPs may be the most effective and feasible approach to survey genetic population structure in ancient remains, and further efforts should be made to screen for high differentiation markers.This study provides the much needed foundation for wider scale studies on temporal genetic variation in herring, with important implications for herring fisheries management, Aboriginal title rights and herring conservation.  相似文献   

Wang  Xiaofeng  Sun  Yuqiang  Tan  Zeshi  Che  Ningwei  Ji  Anlong  Luo  Xiaodong  Sun  Xu  Li  Xinyu  Yang  Kang  Wang  Guanyu  Luan  Lan  Liu  Yaoling  Wei  Minghai  Yin  Jian 《Neurochemical research》2016,41(4):905-912

Early biomarker-based diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) represents a major clinical challenge. The aim of this study was to identify novel brain microRNAs (miRNAs) in patients with refractory epilepsy and FCD as potential biomarkers. We evaluated serum hsa-miR-4521 as a promising novel biomarker in patients with FCD. Tissue for microarray was obtained from nine patients with temporal lobe refractory epilepsy who underwent surgery to remove epileptic foci identified by cortical video electroencephalogram monitoring. Control tissue was collected from eight patients with hypertension who required emergency surgery to remove an intracranial hematoma. The Affymetrix® GeneChip® Command Console® Software (Affymetrix miRNA 4.0) was used to compare miRNA expression in the cerebral cortex of experimental and control patients. Temporal cortex tissue and serum samples were taken from the same patients for verification of hsa-miR-4521 expression by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The experimental and control patients did not differ significantly in terms of age and gender. 19.4 % (148/764) of the total miRNAs were differentially expressed in experimental and control tissue, which is in agreement with the existing literature. We selected miRNA-4521 for further analysis; the fold-change in expression was 14.4707 and the q value was almost 0, which confirmed up-regulation. Significant up-regulation of hsa-miR-4521 was further validated by RT-qPCR. miRNA microarrays can efficiently and conveniently identify differentially expressed miRNAs in epilepsy brain tissue. This is the first study to identify differential expression of hsa-miR-4521 in brain tissue and serum of refractory epilepsy patients and suggests that serum hsa-miR-4521 may represent a potential diagnostic biomarker for FCD with refractory epilepsy.


Traditionally, biodiversity conservation gap analyses have been focused on governmental protected areas (PAs). However, an increasing number of social initiatives in conservation (SICs) are promoting a new perspective for analysis. SICs include all of the efforts that society implements to conserve biodiversity, such as land protection, from private reserves to community zoning plans some of which have generated community-protected areas. This is the first attempt to analyze the status of conservation in Latin America when some of these social initiatives are included. The analyses were focused on amphibians because they are one of the most threatened groups worldwide. Mexico is not an exception, where more than 60% of its amphibians are endemic. We used a niche model approach to map the potential and real geographical distribution (extracting the transformed areas) of the endemic amphibians. Based on remnant distribution, all the species have suffered some degree of loss, but 36 species have lost more than 50% of their potential distribution. For 50 micro-endemic species we could not model their potential distribution range due to the small number of records per species, therefore the analyses were performed using these records directly. We then evaluated the efficiency of the existing set of governmental protected areas and established the contribution of social initiatives (private and community) for land protection for amphibian conservation. We found that most of the species have some proportion of their potential ecological niche distribution protected, but 20% are not protected at all within governmental PAs. 73% of endemic and 26% of micro-endemic amphibians are represented within SICs. However, 30 micro-endemic species are not represented within either governmental PAs or SICs. This study shows how the role of land conservation through social initiatives is therefore becoming a crucial element for an important number of species not protected by governmental PAs.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography allow us to understand how shared historical circumstances have shaped the formation of lineages, by examining a broad spectrum of co-distributed populations of different taxa. However, these types of studies are scarce in the Neotropics, a region that is characterized by high diversity, complex geology, and poorly understood biogeography. Here, we investigate the diversification patterns of five lineages of amphibians and reptiles, co-distributed across the Choco and Andes ecoregions in northwestern Ecuador. Mitochondrial DNA and occurrence records were used to determine the degree of geographic genetic divergence within species. Our results highlight congruent patterns of parapatric speciation and common geographical barriers for distantly related taxa. These comparisons indicate similar biological and demographic characteristics for the included clades, and reveal the existence of two new species of Pristimantis previously subsumed under P. walkeri, which we describe herein. Our data supports the hypothesis that widely distributed Chocoan taxa may generally experience their greatest opportunities for isolation and parapatric speciation across thermal elevational gradients. Finally, our study provides critical information to predict which unstudied lineages may harbor cryptic diversity, and how geology and climate are likely to have shaped their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Abundance and diversity of gymnamoebae were assessed at monthly intervals for one year in the sediment surface layer of a shallow, highly productive, freshwater pond located in northeastern United States using laboratory culture enumeration techniques. The range in total abundance was 81/ml in January to 1,568/ml in June (spring peak) and 1,813/ml in October (autumn peak). The latter is equivalent to over 1.8 million per liter, one of the highest values reported for gymnamoebae from a freshwater pond. Maximum diversity (H = 3.3) occurred in April, July, and August. The growth potential of the gymnamoebae was determined in laboratory cultures (20° C) containing only the pond water (control culture) and pond water emended with malt-yeast extract and glucose (nutrient culture) using pond water collected in December. The total abundance of gymanmoebae increased from 363/ml in the initial pond water sample to approximately 1,800/ml in each of the culture conditions in the first week. Therafter, abundances reached 5,678/ml (control culture) and 8,016/ml (nutrient culture) by the third week indicating the vigorous growth potential from winter standing stock.  相似文献   

The European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) is a Middle Danubian endemic fish species, which is characterised by isolated populations living mainly in artificial habitats in the centre of its range, in the Carpathian Basin. For their long term preservation, reliable information is needed about the structure of stocks and the level of isolation. The recent distribution pattern, and the population genetic structure within and among regions were investigated to designate the Evolutionary Significant, Conservation and Management Units (ESUs, CUs, MUs) and to explore the conservation biological value of the shrinking populations. In total, eight microsatellite loci were studied in 404 specimens originating from eight regions. The results revealed a pronounced population structure, where strictly limited gene flow was detected among regions, as well as various strengths of connections within regions. Following the results of hierarchical structure analyses, two ESUs were supposed in the Carpathian Basin, corresponding to the Danube and Tisza catchments. Our results recommend designating the borders of CUs in an 80–90km range and 16 clusters should be set up as MUs for the 33 investigated populations. How these genetic findings can be used to better allocate conservation resources for the long term maintenance of the metapopulation structure of this threathened endemic fish is discussed.  相似文献   

A database summarising the relationships between invertebrate species and habitat type could help inform the development of site management plans, the assessment of trends within the wider countryside and the evaluation of site quality. The requirements for such a habitat-based invertebrate assemblage classification system are discussed. For the purposes of nature conservation, it is clear that a system that details both type and quality of any given invertebrate assemblage would be very beneficial. Such a system would clarify biodiversity interest for both entomologists and conservation staff alike. English Nature’s approach to this system is detailed, the basic approach employing a series of broad assemblage types that are sensitive to changes in hydrology and disturbance regimes, and a series of specific assemblage types that can be used to assess changes in site quality. Examples of the current wetland assemblage types are given. This approach is tested using pairwise Bray–Curtis similarity indices. The results are promising, although it is clear that the system requires further work. Finally, the future of the project is outlined, with the expectancy that a fully operational prototype will be ready by 2006.  相似文献   

Disconnected (disco)-interacting protein 2 homolog A is a member of the DIP2 protein family encoded by Dip2a gene. Dip2a expression pattern has never been systematically studied. Functions of Dip2a in embryonic development and adult are not known. To investigate Dip2a gene expression and function in embryo and adult, a Dip2a-LacZ mouse model was generated by insertion of β-Gal cDNA after Dip2a promoter using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Dip2a-LacZ mouse was designed to be a lacZ reporter mouse as well as a Dip2a knockout mouse. Heterozygous mice were used to study endogenous Dip2a expression and homozygotes to study DIP2A-associated structure and function. LacZ staining indicated that Dip2a is broadly expressed in neuronal, reproductive and vascular tissues, as well as in heart, kidney, liver and lung. Results demonstrate that Dip2a is expressed in ectoderm-derived tissues in developing embryos. Adult tissues showed rich staining in neurons, mesenchymal, endothelial, smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes by cell types. The expression pattern highly overlaps with FSTL1 and supports previous report that DIP2A to be potential receptor of FSTL1 and its protective roles of cardiomyocytes. Broad and intense embryonic and adult expression of Dip2a has implied their multiple structural and physiological roles.  相似文献   

In this study, spatial concordance among microcrustaceans, rotifers and testate amoebae was examined in a small pond in Central Brazil. The main goal was to test how consistently different taxonomic groups ordinate 9 sites distributed along the pond's main axis. Microcrustaceans were more abundant during the dry season, characterized by waters with high transparency and dissolved oxygen concentration. An increase in species richness and densities of rotifers and testate amoebae was detected during rainy season, with low values of Secchi disk and concentrations of dissolved oxygen. However, the ordination patterns generated by these groups were different. Concordant patterns across sites were found only between cladocerans and copepods. These results suggest that great care should be taken when ordination patterns based on some taxonomic groups are extrapolated to other groups for detecting environmental changes. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The role of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in bacterial leaching of mineral sulfides is controversial. Much of the controversy is due to the fact that the solution conditions, especially the concentrations of ferric and ferrous ions, change during experiments. The role of the bacteria would be more easily discernible if the concentrations of ferric and ferrous ions were maintained at set values throughout the experimental period. In this paper we report results obtained by using the constant redox potential apparatus described previously (P. I. Harvey and F. K. Crundwell, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63:2586–2592, 1997). This apparatus is designed to control the redox potential in the leaching compartment of an electrolytic cell by reduction or oxidation of dissolved iron. By controlling the redox potential the apparatus maintains the concentrations of ferrous and ferric ions at their initial values. Experiments were conducted in the presence of T. ferrooxidans and under sterile conditions. Analysis of the conversion of zinc sulfide in the absence of the bacteria and analysis of the conversion of zinc sulfate in the presence of the bacteria produced the same results. This indicates that the only role of the bacteria under the conditions used is regeneration of ferric ions in solution. In this work we found no evidence that there is a direct mechanism for bacterial leaching.  相似文献   

Effective management of wetland quantity and quality is crucial for effective conservation of declining amphibian populations. In particular, frogs and toads that employ aggregative breeding strategies may suffer negative population impacts in response to changes in availability of aquatic breeding habitat, including overabundance of suitable habitat, if density of conspecifics attending aggregations is positively correlated with reproductive success. Here we document such a positive relationship, potentially the first example of a component Allee effect in an anuran, in the critically endangered Houston toad (Bufo houstonensis). We assessed the relationship between mean yearly chorus size and reproductive success of males at the pond level using an information theoretic model selection approach and a two-sample t-test. The chosen model contained the single variable of mean yearly chorus size to predict probability of reproduction, as selected using the Akaike Information Criterion corrected for small sample size and Akaike weight. Mean chorus sizes were significantly higher among ponds exhibiting evidence of reproduction than in those that showed no evidence of reproduction. Our results suggest that chorusing alone is a poor proxy for inference of population stability and highlight a need for reassessment of widely-used amphibian monitoring protocols. Further, amphibian conservation efforts should account for potential Allee effects in order to optimize benefits and avoid underestimating critical population thresholds, particularly in species exhibiting rapid population declines.  相似文献   

Ichthyofaunal diversity of the Dianshan lake in Shanghai, China was assessed during the year 2013 from samples of finfish harvested using fleets of gillnets and trawls of different mesh sizes with the aim of generating necessary data that could support sustainable use of finfish in this lake. Morphometric parameters of specimens caught were taken following standard procedures. Totally 21,308 specimens belonging to 40 species, 15 families and 7 orders were encountered throughout the study period. Seasonal abundance was lowest (395 individuals) during March (spring) and highest (4428 individuals) during August (summer). Cyprinidae was the dominant family (22 species) and Coilia ecetenes taihuensis was the most abundant species (30.69%), followed by Acheilognathus taenianalis (17.8618%), Plagiognathops microlepis (16.567%), Carassius auratus (14.492%). The evenness, richness and biodiversity of the faunal assemblage were also evaluated by Shannon–Wiener index (H′), Margalef’s diversity Index (d) and evenness index (J) respectively. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis was the largest and heaviest fish (34.909 cm, FL; 889.355 g, W), the smallest fish in length recorded was Odontamblyopus rubicundus (4.19 cm) while Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (1.1 g) was the lowest in terms of mean weight. The mean condition factor for all fish species was (K = 1.72), showing fish species were generally in ‘good’ condition. Fluctuations in species occurrence and abundance noted in our study may be accounted from the variation in the physico-chemical parameters of the Lake in respect to time. But, under such a situation it is evident that the small fish species increased to a great extent and a few like Coilia ecetenes taihuensis became the dominant.  相似文献   

Lambeck (Conservation Biology 11: 849–856, 1997) proposed a multi-species approach for defining the landscape attributes and management practices required to meet the conservation requirements of biota. The suite of species which are identified as being most sensitive to a range of threats are termed the focal species. The critical requirements with respect to each threat are used to define the amount and configuration of habitats that must be present in the landscape. We briefly review the application of the approach in the temperate agricultural zones of eastern and Western Australia. To date, the application of the approach has generally been limited to a reduced set of threats and primarily one taxonomic group – sedentary woodland and shrubland birds. Insufficient habitat patch size, isolation, lack of connectivity, and degraded patch quality (e.g., loss of understorey) have been the key threatening processes analysed through the focal species approach. The approach has been used to develop spatially explicit revegetation guidelines and landscape enhancement scenarios for various non-government organisations and farmer groups actively involved in management of native vegetation. We conclude that the focal species approach is a useful starting point for nature conservation in that it provides explicit recommendations rather than general principles. The approach allows the transparent and repeatable derivation of spatially explicit predictions for at least a single broad taxon such as sedentary woodland birds. We see the approach as simply one of many tools needed to prioritise and guide conservation efforts at a range of scales.  相似文献   

This study compared the ichthyofaunal assemblages in 10 Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, estuaries to identify whether there were any structural variations between the assemblages and to determine the environmental and physical factors linked to these variations. Species belonging to both the marine migrant and estuarine resident groups, by consistent representation within each estuary grouping, were responsible for the separation of fish assemblage structures between the different types of systems. The data further revealed that fish assemblages in the three main types of estuaries investigated were distinct, linked primarily to estuary mouth status and estuary size.  相似文献   

Zheng JS  Xia JH  He SP  Wang D 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(5-6):307-320
Understanding the population genetic structure is a prerequisite for conservation of a species. The degree of genetic variability characteristic of the mitochondrial DNA control region has been widely exploited in studies of population genetic structure and can be useful in identifying meaningful population subdivisions. To estimate the genetic profile of the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), an endangered freshwater population endemic to China, the complete mtDNA control region was examined in 39 individuals belonging to seven different stocks inhabiting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Very low genetic diversity was found (nucleotide diversity 0.0011± 0.0002 and haplotypic diversity 0.65± 0.05). The mtDNA genetic pattern of the Yangtze population appears to indicate a founder event in its evolutionary history and to support the marine origin for this population. Analyses by Fst and Φst yielded statistically significant population genetic structure (Fst = 0.44, P < 0.05; Φst = 0.36, P < 0.05). These results may have significant implications for the management and conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise in the future.  相似文献   

Recent medical advances have made it possible for babies to survive premature birth at increasingly earlier developmental stages. This population requires costly and sophisticated medical care to address the problems associated with immaturity of the respiratory system. In addition to pulmonary complications, respiratory instability and apnea reflecting immaturity of the respiratory control system are major causes of hospitalization and morbidity in this highly vulnerable population. These medical concerns, combined with the curiosity of physiologists, have contributed to the expansion of research in respiratory neurobiology. While most researchers working in this field commonly use rodents as an animal model, recent research using in vitro brainstem preparation from bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) have revealed the technical advantages of this animal model, and shown that the basic principles underlying respiratory control and its ontogeny are very similar between these two groups of vertebrates. The present review highlights the recent advances in the area of research with a focus on intermittent (episodic) breathing and the role of serotonergic and GABAergic modulation of respiratory activity during development.  相似文献   

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