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黄腐酸引发软骨细胞产生过氧化氢及硒的抑制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨黄腐酸(FA)能否直接刺激软骨细胞产生活性氧以及硒能否抑制由此产生的活性氧,采用二氯荧光素双酯(DCFH-DA)作为软骨细胞产生过氧化氢的探针,用流式细胞技术定量地检测了在FA作用下软骨细胞产生的过氧化氢,并同时检测了硒存在时的过氧化氢含量.发现FA不但能够刺激软骨细胞产生过氧化氢(P<0.05),并与FA浓度相关,随FA浓度增大,产生过氧化氢增多,当FA浓度为100mg/L时软骨细胞产生过氧化氢达到最大,之后再增大FA浓度,过氧化氢的产生量减少;硒的存在对FA刺激软骨细胞产生过氧化氢有抑制作用.  相似文献   

关于巯基和Mn~(2+)介导豆壳过氧化物酶氧化藜芦醇的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藜芦醇作为非酚型木素模型物具有较高的氧化还原电位,豆壳过氧化物酶(soybeanhullperoxidase,SHP,EC.通过依赖于过氧化氢的正常过氧化物酶催化循环不能氧化藜芦醇,但在还原型谷胱甘肽、Mn2+和有机酸络合剂存在下却可以通过不依赖于过氧化氢的氧化酶反应途径完成对藜芦醇的氧化,产物为藜芦醛,反应最适pH为4.2。动力学研究表明该反应遵循顺规序列反应机制;对藜芦醇的表观KM值为4.3mmol/L,对谷胱甘肽的表观KM值为4.8mmol/L。巯基还原剂二硫苏糖醇、L-半胱氨酸和β-巯基乙醇亦可替代还原型谷胱甘肽促进藜芦醇氧化  相似文献   

目的:探讨小剂量过氧化氢导致的氧化应激对大鼠心肌细胞钙瞬变及细胞凋亡的作用。方法:解剖取出成年大鼠心脏,应用langendorff方法分离心肌细胞,加入fluo-3荧光指示剂后,应用不同浓度的过氧化氢作用于心肌细胞,在共聚焦显微镜下测定心肌细胞内钙瞬变。分离并培养新生大鼠心肌细胞,观察过氧化氢处理心肌细胞后其形态的变化,从而评价小剂量过氧化氢对心肌细胞的凋亡作用。结果:应用0.125 mmol/L、0.25 mmol/L及0.375 mmol/L的过氧化氢作用于心肌细胞后,心肌细胞内钙瞬变幅度明显升高,并呈时间剂量依赖性。在培养的大鼠原代心肌细胞中加入0.25 mmol/L的过氧化氢后,心肌细胞发生凋亡的形态变化。结论:小剂量过氧化氢可开放心肌细胞L-钙通道,明显增加心肌细胞内钙瞬变,并导致心肌细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

Abstract: Homogenates of perfused rat brain generated oxidized glutathione from reduced glutathione during incubation with dopamine or serotonin. This activity was blocked by pargyline. a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, or by catalase, a scavenger of hydrogen peroxide. These results demonstrate formation of hydrogen peroxide by monoamine oxidase and the coupling of the peroxide to glutathione peroxidase activity. Oxidized glutathione was measured fluorometrically via the oxidation of NADPH by glutathione reductase. In the absence of added dopamine or serotonin, a much smaller amount of reduced glutathione was oxidized: this activity was blocked by catalase, but not by pargyline. Therefore, endogenous production of hydrogen peroxide, not linked to monoamine oxidase activity, was present. These results indicate that glutathione peroxidase (linked to hexose monophosphate shunt activity) can function to eliminate hydrogen peroxide generated by monoamine oxidase and other endogenous sources in aminergic neurons.  相似文献   

A membrane preparation of calf heart left ventricle has been used to study the effect of radical stress on the β-adrenoceptor complex. To this end the membranes were incubated for 30 minutes with several concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. This resulted in a dose dependent peroxidation of the membrane lipids. Preincubation with hydrogen peroxide in the concentration range 10--7--10--3M caused an increase in specific (—)-[125I]-Iodocyanopindolol binding. possihly due to a decrease in membrane fluidity as a result of lipid peroxidation, thus making the receptor protein more accessible. Higher concentrations H2O2 reduced the specific (—)-[125I]-lodocyanopindolol binding, which is most likely the effect of deterioration of the receptor protein by the more pronounced radical stress induced by these higher concentrations. Also adenylate cyclase activity was affected by radical stress. Basal cyclic-AMP production and cyclic-AMP production induced by NaF (10--2 M) or guanylylimidodiphosphate (10--4 M), was suppressed after pretreatment with concentrations of H2O2 above 10--4 M. This indicates a higher sensitivity of the adenylate cyclase toward radical stress when compared to the receptor protein. Our results show that radical stress can perturb β-adrenoceptor function considerably in the heart.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated by polyamlne oxidative degradation Is Involved In the development of lateral roots In soybean, the length and the number of lateral roots, the actlvltlea of polyamlne oxldases and dlamlne oxldases, and the endogenous free polyamlne and H2O2 content were analyzed In soybean (Giycine max (Linn.) Merr.) main roots of 2-d-old seedlings after treatments for 2 d with exogenous β-hydroxyethylhydrazine (an Inhibitor of polyamlne oxldases), H202, putresclne, cyclohexylamlne (an Inhibitor of spermidine synthase) or N,N'-dimethylthlourea (a scavenger of hydrogen peroxide).β-hydroxyethylhydrazlne treatment strongly Inhibited the development of lateral roots In soybean seedlings, reduced the activities of polyamine oxldases and dlamlne oxidases, decreased H2O2 levels, and led to the accumulation of endogenous polyamlnes In the main roots. The inhibitory effect of β-hydroxyethylhydrazlne on root development could be alleviated by exogenously applied 10 μmol/L H2O2 (a major product of polyamlne oxidation). Treatment with cyclohexylamlne and putresclne promoted root growth slightly, but treatment with cyclohexylamlne plus N,N'dlmethylthlourea or putresclne plus N,N'-dlmethylthlourea prevented the development of soybean lateral roots. The effects of these treatments on the development of soybean lateral roots were consistent with the changes In endogenous H2O2 levels. These results suggest that the development of soybean lateral roots Is associated with the oxidative degradation of polyamlnes, and that their products, especially H2O2, are likely to play an Important role In the growth of soybean lateral roots.  相似文献   

5-S-cysteinyl-dopa (cysdopa) and 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine (cysdopamine) are oxidized in vitro by soybean lipoxygenase (LOX) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide giving rise to the corresponding pheomelanins. The reaction is activated by caffeic acid and other catechols, suggesting a cofactor role for these compounds. The activating effect is proportional to the concentration of the cofactor, with a saturation profile. The activation extent of the various cofactors is directly related to LOX affinity for the same compounds. The possible implications of the peroxidative action of LOX in Parkinson's disease and in aging are discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction of H(2)O(2) with the recombinant SHa(29-231) prion protein resulted in rapid oxidation of multiple methionine residues. Susceptibility to oxidation of individual residues, assessed by mass spectrometry after digestion with CNBr and lysC, was in general a function of solvent exposure. Met 109 and Met 112, situated in the highly flexible amino terminus, and key residues of the toxic peptide PrP (106-126), showed the greatest susceptibility. Met 129, a residue located in a polymorphic position in human PrP and modulating risk of prion disease, was also easily oxidized, as was Met 134. The structural effect of H(2)O(2)-induced methionine oxidation on PrP was studied by CD spectroscopy. As opposed to copper catalyzed oxidation, which results in extensive aggregation of PrP, this reaction led only to a modest increase in beta-sheet structure. The high number of solvent exposed methionine residues in PrP suggests their possible role as protective endogenous antioxidants.  相似文献   

The degradation of phenanthrene sorbed on soil has been carried out using a H2O2/goethite heterogeneous catalytic oxidation process. The effect of operating variables, such as the goethite concentration, pH, H2O2 concentration, soil organic matter, and bicarbonate ions has been investigated. The reaction followed pseudo-first order kinetics. The rate constants were evaluated and varied between 2.0×10?4 and 1.1×10?3?min?1 depending on the H2O2 concentration. The highest rate of degradation of phenanthrene was observed at a H2O2 concentration of 5?M and 134.0?g/kg goethite. The intermediate product formed during the degradation of phenanthrene was identified to be salicylic acid that finally degraded to CO2 and H2O. H2O2 consumption continued as the OH radical attacked the salicylic acid. More than 80% consumption of the 5?M H2O2 took place within 30?min, and the degradation was almost complete after 3?h of reaction. Neutral pH was found to be effective in the removal of phenanthrene. Both soil organic matter (SOM) and bicarbonate ions in the soil inhibited the oxidation rate of phenanthrene.  相似文献   

免疫反应细胞经呼吸瀑布作用产生的活性氧是巨噬细胞促炎细胞因子和趋化因子表达的信号分子,但目前缺乏过氧化氢(H2O2)刺激巨噬细胞表达促炎细胞因子和趋化因子的直接证据.本研究以离体培养的小鼠RAW264.7巨噬细胞为研究体系,探讨外源H2O2对RAW264.7巨噬细胞促炎因子和趋化因子基因表达和生成的影响.MTT法结合实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)结果显示,RAW264.7细胞在H2O2浓度低于40 μmol/L时不影响RAW264.7细胞的增殖活力.20 μmol/L和40 μmol/L H2O2显著增强RAW264.7细胞TNF-α、IL-1β、MCP-1和MIP-2基因转录和蛋白质生成,并存在剂量依赖效应;而200 U/mL过氧化氢酶预处理则可减弱由H2O2刺激的TNF-α、IL-1β、MCP-1和MIP-2基因表达和蛋白生成.这些结果提示,H2O2是刺激巨噬细胞促炎因子和趋化因子表达或生成的重要因子,对机体炎症反应的发生具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Ascorbate and several polyphenolic compounds have been reported to undergo oxidation in cell culture media to generate hydrogen peroxide (H?0?), but the mechanism underlying this has not been established. We therefore investigated the parameters affecting H?0? production. H?0? gene ration from ascorbate, gallic acid and other phenolic compounds in Dulbecco's Modified Eagles' Medium (DMEM) at 37°C under 95% air - 5% C0? was not significantly inhibited by high (5-10 mM) concentration of EGTA, o-phenanthroline or desferrioxamine, but partial inhibition by EDTA and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) was observed. Incubation of DMEM alone at 37°C led to an upward drift of pH, even under an atmosphere of 95% air - 5% C0?. Prevention of this pH rise by increasing the concentration of N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-ethanesulfonic acid] (Hepes) buffer lowered the levels of H?0? generated by ascorbate and phenolic compounds, but there was still substantial H?0? generated at pH 7.4. Mixtures of ascorbate and phenolic compounds led to less H?0? generation than would be expected from the rates observed with ascorbate or phenolic compounds alone. Ascorbate prevented the loss of gallic acid incubated in DMEM. The role of metal ions and other constituents of the culture medium in promoting H?0? generation is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study we have studied how [Ca2+] i is influenced by H2O2 in collagenase-dispersed mouse pancreatic acinar cells and the mechanism underlying this effect by using a digital microspectrofluorimetric system. In the presence of normal extracellular calcium concentration, perfusion of pancreatic acinar cells with 1 mm H2O2 caused a slow sustained [Ca2+] i increase, reaching a stable plateau after 10–15 min of perfusion. This increase induced by H2O2 was also observed in a nominally calcium-free medium, reflecting the release of calcium from intracellular store(s). Application of 1 mm H2O2 to acinar cells, in which nonmitochondrial agonist-releasable calcium pools had been previously depleted by a maximal concentration of CCK-8 (1 nm) or thapsigargin (0.5 μm) was still able to induce calcium release. Similar results were observed when thapsigargin was substituted for the mitochondrial uncoupler FCCP (0.5 μm). By contrast, simultaneous addition of thapsigargin and FCCP clearly abolished the H2O2-induced calcium increase. Interestingly, co-incubation of intact pancreatic acinar cells with CCK-8 plus thapsigargin and FCCP in the presence of H2O2 did not significantly affect the transient calcium spike induced by the depletion of nonmitochondrial and mitochondrial agonist-releasable calcium pools, but was followed by a sustained increase of [Ca2+] i . In addition, H2O2 was able to block calcium efflux evoked by CCK and thapsigargin. Finally, the transient increase in [Ca2+] i induced by H2O2 was abolished by an addition of 2 mm dithiothreitol (DTT), a sulfhydryl reducing agent. Our results show that H2O2 releases calcium from CCK-8- and thapsigargin-sensitive intracellular stores and from mitochondria. The action of H2O2 is likely mediated by oxidation of sulfhydryl groups of calcium-ATPases. Received: 15 May 2000/Revised: 4 October 2000  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):269-280
The method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to study the reaction of human methaemoglabin (metHb) with hydrogen peroxide. The samples for EPR measurements were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen at different times after H2O2 was added at 3- and 10-fold molar excess to 100 μM metHb in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, 37°C. Precautions were taken to remove all catalase from the haemoglobin preparation and no molecular oxygen evolution was detected during the reaction. On addition of H2O2 the EPR signals (- 196°C) of both high spin and low spin metHb rapidly decreased and free radicals were formed. The low temperature (- 196°C) EPR spectrum of the free radicals formed in the reaction has been deconvoluted into two individual EPR signals, one being an anisotropic signal (g° = 2.035 and g° = 2.0053), and the other an isotropic singlet (g = 2.0042, AH = 20 G). The former signal was assigned to peroxyl radicals. As the kinetic Pehaviour of both peroxyl (ROO*) and nonperoxyl (P*) free radicals were similar, we concluded that ROO* radicals are not formed from P* radicals by addition of O2. The time courses for both radicals showed a steady state during the time required for H2O2 to decompose. Once all peroxide was consumed, the radical decayed with a first order rate constant of 1.42 ± 10-3 s-1 (1:3 molar ratio). The level of the steady state was higher and its duration shorter at lower initial concentration of H2O2. The formation of the rhombic Fe(III) non-haemcentres with g = 4.35 was found. Their yield was proportional to the H2O2 concentration used and the centers were ascribed to haem degradation products. The reaction was also monitored by EPR spectroscopy at room temperature. The kinetics of the free radicals measured in the reaction mixture at room temperature was similar to that observed when the fast freezing method and EPR measurement at —196°C were used.  相似文献   

An analysis of hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous extract of cigarette smoke, which contains many redox-active compounds, requires a method with high selectivity. An aqueous extract of the particulate phase of cigarette smoke was analyzed by HPLC with an electrochemical detector (ECD). Samples were prepared by collecting the particulate phase of the cigarette smoke on a glass fiber filter and extracting it with a phosphate buffer. The obtained solution was purified by using a Waters Oasis MCX cation-exchange cartridge, and then analyzed by an HPLC-ECD system with a Shodex KS-801 mixed-mode resin column. Pre-injecting hydrogen peroxide at a high concentration into the HPLC instrument stabilized the analytical results. The recovery of hydrogen peroxide by using an extract of the particulate phase of the cigarette smoke was more than 80%. An increase in the amount of hydrogen peroxide was observed during extraction with the phosphate buffer at higher pH values. In contrast, extraction with phosphoric acid did not increase the amount of hydrogen peroxide during extraction.  相似文献   

目的:探讨川芎嗪(Tetramethylpyrazine,TMP)对PC12细胞氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖损伤后细胞内抗超氧阴离子能力和过氧化氢(H2O2)的影响.方法:建立PC12细胞氧糖剥夺(Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation,OGD)模型,复氧复糖给予不同浓度(0.01、0.02、0.04、0.08、0.16、0.32、0.64、1.28、2.56、5.12、10.24 μmol/L)的川芎嗪,培养24 h后行MTT和LDH的检测.采用四甲基偶氮唑(Methyl Thiazolyl Tetrazolium,MTT)比色检测细胞生存率,并检测细胞内抗超氧阴离子能力和过氧化氢.结果:氧糖剥夺可明显降低PC12细胞活性(55.05%),而川芎嗪可以显著提高PC12细胞活性,其作用呈现一定的剂量—效应相关性.复氧复糖后给予0.16 μmol/L川芎嗪可以提高PC12细胞的活性到75.38%.氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖后6h、24h,TMP组(川芎嗪组)抗超氧阴离子能力明显高于OGD组(模型组)(P<0.05),而H2O2的含量TMP组明显低于OGD组(P<0.05).结论:川芎嗪可能提高抗超氧阴离子能力,减少H2O2的产生,从而减轻PC12细胞氧糖剥夺/复氧复糖损伤,具有较好的治疗作用.  相似文献   

黄芪总黄酮对DNA损伤防护作用的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用DNA解旋荧光检测法(FADU)研究了黄芪总黄酮(TFA)对γ射线和H2O2所致V79细胞DNA链断裂的防护作用. 结果表明TFA对这两种损伤因子所致的DNA损伤均有不同程度的防护作用, 当TFA浓度达到0.4g/L和0.6g/L时, 分别对H2O2和γ射线所致的损伤有保护作用(P<0.05), 而浓度增至0.8g/L和1.2g/L时, 分别对两种因素所致的DNA链断裂损伤有非常显著的防护效果(P<0.01), 对H2O2的防护效果优于对γ射线.  相似文献   

This study investigated the functional and structural effects of bovine Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD) oxidation by the myeloperoxidase (MPO)/hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 )/chloride system and reagent hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Exposure to HOCl led to a fast inactivation accompanied by structural alterations. The residual SOD activity depended on the reactants concentration ratio and on the exposure time. The concomitant high consumption of HOCl indicated the presence of multiple targets on the protein. As assessed by SDS/PAGE, HOCl caused the dissociation of the protein into protomers at 16 kDa stable to both SDS and reducing conditions. Results from isoelectric focusing gels showed that exposure to HOCl induced the formation of modified protein derivatives, with a more acidic net electric charge than the parent molecule, consistent with the presence of additional ions observed in the electrospray ionization mass spectra. The reaction of protein with HOCl resulted in changes in protein conformation as assessed by the UV fluorescence and oxidation of the unique methionine and tyrosine, chlorination of several lysines with formation of chloramines. There was no significant formation of dityrosine and carbonyl groups. Exposure to high levels of HOCl resulted in complete enzyme inactivation, loss of additional lysine, histidine and arginine residues and coincident detection of weakly bound zinc and copper using 4-pyridylazaresorcinol. Collectively, the results suggest that the decrease of the dismutase activity is probably related to both dissociation into protomers and unfolding due to extensive oxidative modifications of amino acids.  相似文献   

目的:观察麦冬不同提取物对过氧化氢诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)和VEGF、Bcl-2表达的影响。方法:体外培养HUVEC,用过氧化氢(H202)制造HUVEC损伤模型。以四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法检测细胞存活数量,用流式细胞仪检测HUVEC表面ICAM-1的表达量;免疫细胞化学方法检测HUVEC的VEGF、Bcl-2的分布情况。结果:模型组较正常对照组细胞增殖活性明显降低(P<0.01)。与模型组相比,经麦冬水提物、正丁醇提取物处理组细胞增殖活性明显增加(P<0.05,P<0.01)。流式细胞仪检测显示正丁醇提取物可降低过氧化氢增加的ICAM-1基因的表达。Bcl-2的表达,模型组明显低于正常对照组,而正丁醇组表达明显高于模型组(P<0.01)。VEGF的表达,模型组明显高于正常对照组,麦冬水提物、正丁醇提取物处理组高于模型组(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:麦冬提取物具有抗凋亡、促增殖、降低细胞间黏附分子-1表达的作用,尤以正丁醇提取物效果更为显著。  相似文献   

目的:观察麦冬不同提取物对过氧化氢诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)和VEGF、Bcl-2表达的影响。方法:体外培养HUVEC,用过氧化氢(H2O2)制造HUVEC损伤模型。以四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法检测细胞存活数量,用流式细胞仪检测HUVEC表面ICAM-1的表达量;免疫细胞化学方法检测HUVEC的VEGF、Bcl-2的分布情况。结果:模型组较正常对照组细胞增殖活性明显降低(P〈0.01)。与模型组相比,经麦冬水提物、正丁醇提取物处理组细胞增殖活性明显增加(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。流式细胞仪检测显示正丁醇提取物可降低过氧化氢增加的ICAM-1基因的表达。Bcl-2的表达,模型组明显低于正常对照组,而正丁醇组表达明显高于模型组(P〈0.01)。VEGF的表达,模型组明显高于正常对照组,麦冬水提物、正丁醇提取物处理组高于模型纽(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论:麦冬提取物具有抗凋亡、促增殖、降低细胞间黏附分子-1表达的作用,尤以正丁醇提取物效果更为显著。  相似文献   

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