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We isolated 11 independent temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe RanGAP, SpRna1 that have several amino acid changes in the conserved domains of RanGAP. Resulting Sprna1ts showed a strong defect in mitotic chromosome segregation, but did not in nucleocytoplasmic transport and microtubule formation. In addition to Sprna1+ and Spksp1+, the clr4+ (histone H3-K9 methyltransferase), the S. pombe gene, SPAC25A8.01c, designated snf2SR+ (a member of the chromatin remodeling factors, Snf2 family with DNA-dependent ATPase activity), but not the spi1+ (S. pombe Ran homolog), rescued a lethality of Sprna1ts. Both Clr4 and Snf2 were reported to be involved in heterochromatin formation essential for building the centromeres. Consistently, Sprna1ts was defective in gene-silencing at the centromeres. But a silencing at the telomere, another heterochromatic region, was normal in all of Sprna1ts strains, indicating SpRna1 in general did not function for a heterochromatin formation. snf2SR+ rescued a centromeric silencing defect and Deltaclr4+ was synthetic lethal with Sprna1ts. Taken together, SpRna1 was suggested to function for constructing the centromeres, by cooperating with Clr4 and Snf2SR. Loss of SpRna1 activity, therefore, caused chromosome missegregation.  相似文献   

The fission yeast rad31-1 mutant is sensitive to both UV and ionising radiation and exhibits a growth defect at 35 degrees C. In addition, the mutant displays defects in cell morphology and nuclear division at 26 degrees C which are exaggerated at 35 degrees C. We have cloned the rad31 gene and have shown that it is not essential for viability, although cells containing a disrupted rad31 gene grow slowly. The null allele has similar cell and nuclear morphologies to the original allele and displays an extremely high frequency of loss of minichromosomes. rad31 is not required for either the S/M or G2/M checkpoint, however double mutant analysis indicates that rad31 acts in a process which is defective in the checkpoint rad mutants and which involves hus5 . Sequence analysis indicates that rad31 encodes a protein which is related to ubiquitin activating proteins and more particularly to an ORF in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to the Arabidopsis thaliana AXR1 and human APP-BP1 genes. We have isolated the S.cerevisiae sequence, which we have named RHC31 ( ad31homologue in S. erevisiae), since we show that it can complement the slow growth phenotype and radiation sensitivity of S.pombe rad31.  相似文献   

Oh M  Choi IS  Park SD 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(18):4022-4031
The deletion of the top3+ gene leads to defective nuclear division and lethality in Schizosaccharo myces pombe. This lethality is suppressed by concomitant loss of rqh1+, the RecQ helicase. Despite extensive investigation, topoisomerase III function and its relationship with RecQ helicase remain poorly understood. We generated top3 temperature-sensitive (top3-ts) mutants and found these to be defective in nuclear division and cytokinesis and to be sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. A temperature shift of top3-ts cells to 37°C, or treatment with hydroxyurea at the permissive temperature, caused an increase in ‘cut’ (cell untimely torn) cells and elevated rates of minichromosome loss. The viability of top3-ts cells was decreased by a temperature shift during S-phase when compared with a similar treatment in other cell cycle stages. Furthermore, the top3-ts mutant was not sensitive to M-phase specific drugs. These results indicate that topoisomerase III may play an important role in DNA metabolism during DNA replication to ensure proper chromosome segregation. Our data are consistent with Top3 acting downstream of Rqh1 to process the toxic DNA structure produced by Rqh1.  相似文献   

Brown M  Zhu Y  Hemmingsen SM  Xiao W 《DNA Repair》2002,1(11):869-880
DNA postreplication repair (PRR) is a cellular process by which cells survive replication-blocking lesions without removing the lesion. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, MMS2 plays a key role in the error-free PRR pathway: the mms2 null mutant displays an increased spontaneous mutation rate and sensitivity to a variety of DNA damaging agents. In contrast, its human homologs appear to play a different role. In order to address whether the MMS2-mediated PRR pathway is conserved in eukaryotes, we isolated a Schizosaccharomyces pombe cDNA homologous to MMS2, which we named spm2(+). Using spm2(+) as a bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a fission yeast cDNA homologous to UBC13 from various species and named it spu13(+). Two-hybrid analysis confirmed physical interaction between Spm2 and Spu13, and between Spm2 and budding yeast Ubc13. Genetic analysis shows that both spm2(+) and spu13(+) are able to functionally complement the corresponding budding yeast mutants. Furthermore, deletion of either spm2(+), spu13(+) or both genes from fission yeast results in an increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, suggesting that spm2(+) and spu13(+) indeed function in PRR. The fact that the spm2(-) spu13(-) double mutant showed sensitivity similar to that of the single mutant indicates that these two gene products act at the same step. Hence, our data strongly support the hypothesis that the PRR function mediated by UBC13-MMS2 is conserved throughout eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad3 gene which is involved in G2 arrest following DNA damage, and in the dependence of mitosis on the completion of DNA replication. The gene was cloned by complementation of the sensitivity to UV light and gamma rays of the rad3-136 mutant with an Sz. pombe genomic library. Sublocalization of the complementing activity and sequencing of the clone identified an intronless 3210-bp open reading frame capable of encoding a 1070-amino acid protein with an M(r) of 121974. The rad3 gene is a new gene with no homologs in existing sequence databases. The gene is poorly expressed, with a codon bias index of -0.01. A disruption mutant affecting the coding region was only slightly more sensitive to UV light than the original rad3-136 mutant. The rad3 gene was mapped to NotI fragment C on chromosome II.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the most critical types of DNA damage that can leads to chromosomal aberrations, genomic instability and cancer. Several genetic disorders such as Xeroderma pigmentosum are linked with defects in DNA repair. Human Rint1, a TIP1 domain containing protein is involved in membrane trafficking but its role in DNA damage response is elusive. In this study we characterized the role of Drp1 (damage responsive protein 1), a Rint1 family protein during DNA damage response in fission yeast. We identified that Drp1 is an essential protein and indispensable for survival and growth. Using in vitro random mutagenesis approach we isolated a temperature sensitive mutant allele of drp1 gene (drp1-654) that exhibits sensitivity to DNA damaging agents, in particular to alkylation damage and UV associated DNA damage. The drp1-654 mutant cells are also sensitive to double strand break inducing agent bleomycin. Genetic interaction studies identified that Rad50 and Drp1 act in the same pathway during DNA damage response and the physical interaction of Drp1 with Rad50 was unaffected in drp1-654 mutant at permissive as well as non permissive temperature. Furthermore Drp1 was found to be required for the recovery from MMS induced DNA damage. We also demonstrated that the Drp1 protein localized to nucleus and was required to maintain the chromosome stability.  相似文献   

Gómez EB  Nugent RL  Laria S  Forsburg SL 《Genetics》2008,179(2):757-771
Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mst1 is a member of the MYST family of histone acetyltransferases and is the likely ortholog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Esa1 and human Tip60 (KAT5). We have isolated a temperature-sensitive allele of this essential gene. mst1 cells show a pleiotropic phenotype at the restrictive temperature. They are sensitive to a variety of DNA-damaging agents and to the spindle poison thiabendazole. mst1 has an increased frequency of Rad22 repair foci, suggesting endogenous damage. Two-hybrid results show that Mst1 interacts with a number of proteins involved in chromosome integrity and centromere function, including the methyltransferase Skb1, the recombination mediator Rad22 (Sc Rad52), the chromatin assembly factor Hip1 (Sc Hir1), and the Msc1 protein related to a family of histone demethylases. mst1 mutant sensitivity to hydroxyurea suggests a defect in recovery following HU arrest. We conclude that Mst1 plays essential roles in maintenance of genome stability and recovery from DNA damage.  相似文献   

The rad10, rad16, rad20, and swi9 mutants of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, isolated by their radiation sensitivity or abnormal mating-type switching, have been shown previously to be allelic. We have cloned DNA correcting the UV sensitivity or mating-type switching phenotype of these mutants and shown that the correcting DNA is encompassed in a single open reading frame. The gene, which we will refer to as rad16, is approximately 3 kb in length, contains seven introns, and encodes a protein of 892 amino acids. It is not essential for viability of S. pombe. The predicted protein is the homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 protein, which is involved in an early step in excision-repair of UV damage from DNA. The approximately 30% sequence identity between the predicted proteins from the two yeasts is distributed throughout the protein. Two-hybrid experiments indicate a strong protein-protein interaction between the products of the rad16 and swi10 genes of S. pombe, which mirrors that reported for RAD1 and RAD10 in S. cerevisiae. We have identified the mutations in the four alleles of rad16. They mapped to the N-terminal (rad10), central (rad20), and C-terminal (rad16 and swi9) regions. The rad10 and rad20 mutations are in the splice donor sequences of introns 2 and 4, respectively. The plasmid correcting the UV sensitivity of the rad20 mutation was missing the sequence corresponding to the 335 N-terminal amino acids of the predicted protein. Neither smaller nor larger truncations were, however, able to correct its UV sensitivity.  相似文献   

A new Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant (rad32) which is sensitive to gamma and UV irradiation is described. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of DNA from irradiated cells indicates that the rad32 mutant, in comparison to wild type cells, has decreased ability to repair DNA double strand breaks. The mutant also undergoes decreased meiotic recombination and displays reduced stability of minichromosomes. The rad32 gene has been cloned by complementation of the UV sensitive phenotype. The gene, which is not essential for cell viability and is expressed at a moderate level in mitotically dividing cells, has significant homology to the meiotic recombination gene MRE11 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Epistasis analysis indicates that rad32 functions in a pathway which includes the rhp51 gene (the S.pombe homologue to S.cerevisiae RAD51) and that cells deleted for the rad32 gene in conjunction with either the rad3 deletion (a G2 checkpoint mutation) or the rad2 deletion (a chromosome stability and potential nucleotide excision repair mutation) are not viable.  相似文献   

Centromeric DNA in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was isolated by chromosome walking and by field inversion gel electrophoretic fractionation of large genomic DNA restriction fragments. The centromere regions of the three chromosomes were contained on three SalI fragments (120 kilobases [kb], chromosome III; 90 kb, chromosome II; and 50 kb, chromosome I). Each fragment contained several repetitive DNA sequences, including repeat K (6.4 kb), repeat L (6.0 kb), and repeat B, that occurred only in the three centromere regions. On chromosome II, these repeats were organized into a 35-kb inverted repeat that included one copy of K and L in each arm of the repeat. Site-directed integration of a plasmid containing the yeast LEU2 gene into K repeats at each of the centromeres or integration of an intact K repeat into a chromosome arm had no effect on mitotic or meiotic centromere function. The centromeric repeat sequences were not transcribed and possessed many of the properties of constitutive heterochromatin. Thus, S. pombe is an excellent model system for studies on the role of repetitive sequence elements in centromere function.  相似文献   

Tsutsui Y  Morishita T  Iwasaki H  Toh H  Shinagawa H 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1451-1461
To identify Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes involved in recombination repair, we identified seven mutants that were hypersensitive to both methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and gamma-rays and that contained mutations that caused synthetic lethality when combined with a rad2 mutation. One of the mutants was used to clone the corresponding gene from a genomic library by complementation of the MMS-sensitive phenotype. The gene obtained encodes a protein of 354 amino acids whose sequence is 32% identical to that of the Rad57 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An rhp57 (RAD57 homolog of S. pombe) deletion strain was more sensitive to MMS, UV, and gamma-rays than the wild-type strain and showed a reduction in the frequency of mitotic homologous recombination. The MMS sensitivity was more severe at lower temperature and was suppressed by the presence of a multicopy plasmid bearing the rhp51 gene. An rhp51 rhp57 double mutant was as sensitive to UV and gamma-rays as an rhp51 single mutant, indicating that rhp51 function is epistatic to that of rhp57. These characteristics of the rhp57 mutants are very similar to those of S. cerevisiae rad57 mutants. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Rhp57 and Rad57 are evolutionarily closest to human Xrcc3 of the RecA/Rad51 family of proteins.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad8 mutant is sensitive to both UV and gamma irradiation. We have cloned the rad8 gene by complementation of the UV sensitivity of a rad8.190 mutant strain. The gene comprises an open reading frame of 3.4 kb which does not contain any introns and is capable of encoding a 1133 amino acid protein of 129 kDa. Deletion of the gene indicates that it is not essential for cell viability. Recognisable motifs are present for a nuclear localisation signal, a RING finger and helicase domains. The predicted protein is a member of the SNF2 subfamily of proteins and shows particular homology to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD5 protein. Double mutant analysis demonstrated that the rad8 mutant is not epistatic to mutants in the excision repair pathway (rad13) or checkpoint pathway (rad9). Analysis of radiation sensitivity though the cell cycle indicates that, unlike most other rad mutants, rad8 is most sensitive to irradiation during the G1/S period.  相似文献   

We have determined the structural organization and functional roles of centromere-specific DNA sequence repeats in cen1, the centromere region from chromosome I of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. cen1 is composed of various classes of repeated sequences designated K', K"(dgl), L, and B', arranged in a 34-kb inverted repeat surrounding a 4- to 5-kb nonhomologous central core. Artificial chromosomes containing various portions of the cen1 region were constructed and assayed for mitotic and meiotic centromere function in S. pombe. Deleting K' and L from the distal portion of one arm of the inverted repeat had no effect on mitotic centromere function but resulted in greatly increased precocious sister chromatid separation in the first meiotic division. A centromere completely lacking K' and L, but containing the central core, one copy of B' and K" in one arm, and approximately 2.5 kb of the core-proximal portion of B' in the other arm, was also fully functional mitotically but again did not maintain sister chromatid attachment in meiosis I. However, deletion of K" from this minichromosome resulted in complete loss of centromere function. Thus, one copy of at least a portion of the K" (dgl) repeat is absolutely required but is not sufficient for S. pombe centromere function. The long centromeric inverted-repeat region must be relatively intact to maintain sister chromatid attachment in meiosis I.  相似文献   

The fission yeast minichromosome loss mutant mcl1-1 was identified in a screen for mutants defective in chromosome segregation. Missegregation of the chromosomes in mcl1-1 mutant cells results from decreased centromeric cohesion between sister chromatids. mcl1+ encodes a β-transducin-like protein with similarity to a family of eukaryotic proteins that includes Ctf4p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sepB from Aspergillus nidulans, and AND-1 from humans. The previously identified fungal members of this protein family also have chromosome segregation defects, but they primarily affect DNA metabolism. Chromosomes from mcl1-1 cells were heterogeneous in size or structure on pulsed-field electrophoresis gels and had elongated heterogeneous telomeres. mcl1-1 was lethal in combination with the DNA checkpoint mutations rad3Δ and rad26Δ, demonstrating that loss of Mcl1p function leads to DNA damage. mcl1-1 showed an acute sensitivity to DNA damage that affects S-phase progression. It interacts genetically with replication components and causes an S-phase delay when overexpressed. We propose that Mcl1p, like Ctf4p, has a role in regulating DNA replication complexes.  相似文献   

Five mutants were isolated at the all2 gene on the basis of their inability to utilize hypoxanthine as a sole source of nitrogen. These mutants failed to utilize the purines adenine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, uric acid, allantoin and allantoic acid, although they could utilize urea and ammonium. The all2 mutants appeared to be defective in purine induction of uricase, allantoinase, allantoicase and ureidoglycollase activities but retained wild-type activity of the constitutively synthesized urease. The all2 mutations were recessive.  相似文献   

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