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The culmination of the morphogenesis of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum involves complex cell movements which transform a mound of cells into a globule of spores on a slender stalk. We show that cyclic AMP signalling and differential adhesion, combined with cell differentiation and slime production, are sufficient to produce the morphogenetic cell movements which lead to culmination. We have simulated the process of culmination using a hybrid cellular automata/partial differential equation model. With our model we have been able to reproduce the main features that occur during culmination, namely the straight downward elongation of the stalk, its anchoring to the substratum and the formation of the long thin stalk topped by the spore head. We conclude that the cyclic AMP signalling system is responsible for the elongation and anchoring of the stalk, but in a roundabout way: pressure waves that are induced by the chemotaxis towards cyclic AMP squeeze the stalk through the cell mass. This mechanism forces the stalk to elongate precisely in the direction opposite to that of the chemotactically moving cells. The process turns out to be ‘guided’ by inactive ‘pathfinder’ cells, which form the tip of the stalk. We show that the entire development is enacted by means of the aforementioned building blocks. This means that no global gradients or different modes of chemotaxis are needed to complete the culmination. MPEG movies of the simulations are available on-line: http://www-binf.bio. uu.nl/stan/bmb.  相似文献   

Ammonia has been shown to function as a morphogen at multiple steps during the development of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum; however, it is largely unknown how intracellular ammonia levels are controlled. In the Dictyostelium genome, there are five genes that encode putative ammonium transporters: amtA, amtB, amtC, rhgA, and rhgB. Here, we show that AmtA regulates ammonia homeostasis during growth and development. We found that cells lacking amtA had increased levels of ammonia/ammonium, whereas their extracellular ammonia/ammonium levels were highly decreased. These results suggest that AmtA mediates the excretion of ammonium. In support of a role for AmtA in ammonia homeostasis, AmtA mRNA is expressed throughout the life cycle, and its expression level increases during development. Importantly, AmtA-mediated ammonia homeostasis is critical for many developmental processes. amtA(-) cells are more sensitive to NH(4)Cl than wild-type cells in inhibition of chemotaxis toward cyclic AMP and of formation of multicellular aggregates. Furthermore, even in the absence of exogenously added ammonia, we found that amtA(-) cells produced many small fruiting bodies and that the viability and germination of amtA(-) spores were dramatically compromised. Taken together, our data clearly demonstrate that AmtA regulates ammonia homeostasis and plays important roles in multiple developmental processes in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Ammonia is an important signaling molecule involved in the regulation of development in Dictyostelium. During aggregation, ammonia gradients are established, and the ammonia concentration in the immediate environment or within a particular cell throughout development may vary. This is due to the rate of cellular ammonia production, its rate of loss by evaporation to the atmosphere or by diffusion into the substratum, and perhaps to cellular transport by ammonium transporters (AMTs). Recent efforts in genome and cDNA sequencing have identified three ammonium transporters in Dictyostelium. In addition to physically altering the levels of ammonia within cells, AMTs also may play a role in ammonia signaling. As an initial step in identifying such a function, the temporal and spatial expression of the three amt genes is examined. RT-PCR demonstrates that each of the three amt mRNAs is present and relatively constant throughout growth and development. The spatial expression of these three amt genes is examined during multiple stages of Dictyostelium development using in situ hybridization. A distinct and dynamic pattern of expression is seen for the three genes. In general, amtA is expressed heavily in pre-stalk cells in a dynamic way, while amtB and amtC are expressed in pre-spore regions consistently throughout development. AmtC also is expressed in the most anterior tip of fingers and slugs, corresponding to cells that mediate ammonia's effect on the choice between slug migration and culmination. Indeed, amtC null cells have a slugger phenotype, suggesting AmtC functions in the signaling pathway underlying the mechanics of this choice.  相似文献   

During culmination of Dictyostelium fruiting bodies, prespore and prestalk cells undergo terminal differentiation to form spores and a cellular stalk. A genomic fragment was isolated by random cloning that hybridizes to a 1.4-kb mRNA present during culmination. Cell type separations at culmination showed that the mRNA is present in prespore cells and spores, but not in prestalk or stalk cells. After genomic mapping, an additional 3 kb of DNA surrounding the original 1-kb fragment was cloned. The gene was sequenced and named Dd31 after the size of the predicted protein product in kilodaltons. Accumulation of Dd31 mRNA occurs immediately prior to sporulation. Addition of 20 mM 8-Br-cAMP to cells dissociated from Mexican hat stage culminants induced sporulation and the accumulation of Dd31 mRNA, while 20 mM cAMP did not. Dd31 mRNA does not accumulate in the homeotic mutant stalky in which prespore cells are converted to stalk cells rather than spores. Characterization of Dd31 extends the known temporal dependent sequence of molecular differentiations to sporulation.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins have been known to be glutathione-dependent oxidoreductases that participate in the redox regulation of various cellular processes. To understand the role of glutaredoxins in the development, we examined glutaredoxin 1 (Grx1) of Dictyostelium discoideum. Its mRNA was highly accumulated at the mound and the culmination stages. When Grx1-overexpressing cells were developed, their culmination was delayed, and the expression of marker genes for prespore and spore decreased. Interestingly, they had about 1.5-fold higher amount of reduced glutathione (GSH) compared with parental cells and their prolonged migration was repressed by the oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide. To confirm the effect of GSH on the culmination, glutathione reductase (Gsr) was overexpressed or underexpressed. Similar to Grx1-overexpressing cells, Gsr-overexpressing cells contained about 1.5-fold higher amount of GSH and exhibited the delayed culmination. In contrast, the knockdown mutant of Gsr had nearly 50% lower amount of GSH and showed accelerated culmination. Taken together, these data suggest that the culmination of Dictyostelium is controlled by GSH. In addition, the cells having higher GSH levels showed a prestalk tendency in the chimeric slugs with parental cells, indicating that the difference in the amount of GSH may affect the determination of cell fate.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle regulation of center initiation in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The center-initiating behavior of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae in various cell-cycle phases was investigated. Small populations of synchronized AX-2 cells were seeded 1 in 1000 into cultures of a nonsignaling mutant (NP160) incapable of initiating centers. The ability of the wild-type AX-2 cells to initiate centers among mutant amoebae displayed cell-cycle regulation. Approximately 50% of a population of S-phase cells initiated centers while only 7.5% of a population of late G2-phase cells resulted in center formation. The timing of center formation also varied with cycle position. Synchronous cultures containing only AX-2 S-phase amoebae (no NP160) displayed the initial signs of aggregation after 4.5 hr of starvation and streaming into the aggregate was complete after 6 hr. In contrast, cultures of late G2-phase amoebae initiated aggregation centers after 5.5 hr of starvation and did not complete streaming until 7.5 hr. In addition, the number of aggregates formed by these synchronous cultures of AX-2 cells also varied with cycle position. In general, these results suggest a cell-cycle modulation of the autonomous signaling responsible for center initiation.  相似文献   

When starved, the amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum initiate a developmental process that results in the formation of fruiting bodies in which stalks support balls of spores. The nutrients and energy necessary for development are provided by autophagy. Atg1 is a protein kinase that regulates the induction of autophagy in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition to a conserved kinase domain, Dictyostelium Atg1 has a C-terminal region that has significant homology to the Caenorhabditis elegans and mammalian Atg1 homologues but not to the budding yeast Atg1. We investigated the function of the kinase and conserved C-terminal domains of D. discoideum Atg1 (DdAtg1) and showed that these domains are essential for autophagy and development. Kinase-negative DdAtg1 acts in a dominant-negative fashion, resulting in a mutant phenotype when expressed in the wild-type cells. Green fluorescent protein-tagged kinase-negative DdAtg1 colocalizes with red fluorescent protein (RFP)-tagged DdAtg8, a marker of preautophagosomal structures and autophagosomes. The conserved C-terminal region is essential for localization of kinase-negative DdAtg1 to autophagosomes labeled with RFP-tagged Dictyostelium Atg8. The dominant-negative effect of the kinase-defective mutant also depends on the C-terminal domain. In cells expressing dominant-negative DdAtg1, autophagosomes are formed and accumulate but seem not to be functional. By using a temperature-sensitive DdAtg1, we showed that DdAtg1 is required throughout development; development halts when the cells are shifted to the restrictive temperature, but resumes when cells are returned to the permissive temperature.  相似文献   

The thioredoxin system, consisting of thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase and NADPH, has been well established to be critical for the redox regulation of protein function and signalling. To investigate the role of thioredoxin reductase (Trr) in Dictyostelium discoideum, we generated mutant cells that underexpress or overexpress Trr. Trr-underexpressing cells exhibited severe defects in axenic growth and development. Trr-overexpressing (TrrOE) cells formed very tiny plaques on a bacterial lawn and had a lower rate of bacterial uptake. When developed in the dark, TrrOE cells exhibited a slugger phenotype, defined by a prolonged migrating slug stage. Like other slugger mutants, they were hypersensitive to ammonia, which has been known to inhibit culmination by raising the pH of intracellular acidic compartments. Interestingly, TrrOE cells showed defective acidification of intracellular compartments and decreased activity of vacuolar H+-ATPase which functions in the acidification of intracellular compartments. Moreover, biochemical studies revealed that the thioredoxin system can directly reduce the catalytic subunit of vacuolar H+-ATPase whose activity is regulated by reversible disulphide bond formation. Taken together, these results suggest that Dictyostelium Trr may be essential for growth and play a role in regulation of phagocytosis and culmination, possibly through the modulation of vacuolar H+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum has served as a model for development and differentiation for over 70 years. Also regulated in Dictyostelium is the process of dedifferentiation, which consists of multiple cellular events that are separately regulated, providing an excellent model system for studying the return of partially differentiated cells to a more pluripotent state. An interesting aspect of Dictyostelium development is the plasticity between growth and development. Reversibility of the processes of differentiation and dedifferentiation exist, allowing Dictyostelium to adjust to changing conditions by reverting to the growth phase during differentiation or reinitiating development during dedifferentiation. This ability of cells to respond to environmental cues is mediated by the checkpoint-like events "commitment" and "erasure," which occur during differentiation and dedifferentiation, respectively. Our review will discuss the current state of knowledge regarding dedifferentiation and the plasticity of the developmental process in both the forward and reverse directions.  相似文献   

Eleven marker enzymes which accumulate during discrete stages of development in Dictyostelium discoideum were followed in two independent temperature-sensitive mutant strains. Strain TS2 has a temperature-sensitive period during aggregation and remains as a smooth lawn at the nonpermissive temperature (27°C). It develops normally at 22°C. Strain DTS6 has a temperature-sensitive lesion in the post-aggregation stage and fails to form slugs at 27°C. Early enzymes accumulate in these strains at the nonpermissive temperature but late stage-specific enzymes fail to accumulate at 27°C. The pattern of accumulation of specific enzymes in these and other morphological mutants defines a linear dependent pathway of at least eight steps which determines temporal differentiation in this organism. Development in Dictyostelium is also dependent on environmental cues which determine the onset of differentiation and the preparation for culmination.  相似文献   

The avian retroviral v-myb gene and its cellular homologues throughout the animal and plant kingdoms contain a conserved DNA binding domain. We have isolated an insertional mutant of Dictyostelium unable to switch from slug migration to fruiting body formation i.e. unable to culminate. The gene that is disrupted, mybC, codes for a protein with a myb-like domain that is recognized by an antibody against the v-myb repeat domain. During development of myb+ cells, mybC is expressed only in prestalk cells. When developed together with wild-type cells mybC- cells are able to form both spores and stalk cells very efficiently. Their developmental defect is also bypassed by overexpressing cAMP-dependent protein kinase. However even when their defect is bypassed, mybC null slugs and culminates produce little if any of the intercellular signalling peptides SDF-1 and SDF-2 that are believed to be released by prestalk cells at culmination. We propose that the mybC gene product is required for an intercellular signaling process controlling maturation of stalk cells and spores and that SDF-1 and/or SDF-2 may be implicated in this process.  相似文献   

Mutations causing rapid development of Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R H Kessin 《Cell》1977,10(4):703-708
A mutation affecting the speed of slime mold development has been genetically analyzed. Strain FR17 carries a recessive mutation on linkage group IV. A selection procedure for isolating more mutants of this type has been developed and new mutations have been tested for complementation. The aberrant morphology of these strains can be partially corrected by development in the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

We recently isolated from Dictyostelium discoideum cells a DNA-binding protein, CbfA, that interacts in vitro with a regulatory element in retrotransposon TRE5-A. We have generated a mutant strain that expresses CbfA at <5% of the wild-type level to characterize the consequences for D. discoideum cell physiology. We found that the multicellular development program leading to fruiting body formation is highly compromised in the mutant. The cells cannot aggregate and stay as a monolayer almost indefinitely. The cells respond properly to prestarvation conditions by expressing discoidin in a cell density-dependent manner. A genomewide microarray-assisted expression analysis combined with Northern blot analyses revealed a failure of CbfA-depleted cells to induce the gene encoding aggregation-specific adenylyl cyclase ACA and other genes required for cyclic AMP (cAMP) signal relay, which is necessary for aggregation and subsequent multicellular development. However, the cbfA mutant aggregated efficiently when mixed with as few as 5% wild-type cells. Moreover, pulsing cbfA mutant cells developing in suspension with nanomolar levels of cAMP resulted in induction of acaA and other early developmental genes. Although the response was less efficient and slower than in wild-type cells, it showed that cells depleted of CbfA are able to initiate development if given exogenous cAMP signals. Ectopic expression of the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A restored multicellular development of the mutant. We conclude that sensing of cell density and starvation are independent of CbfA, whereas CbfA is essential for the pattern of gene expression which establishes the genetic network leading to aggregation and multicellular development of D. discoideum.  相似文献   

Genetics of early Dictyostelium discoideum development.   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

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