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Summary Arthropods and xerophilic fungi in dust from 5 mattresses and air-borne fungi were identified and counted every 4 weeks from January 1976 to October 1977.The arthropod fauna consisted mainly of the pyroglyphid mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (58%) and Euroglyphus maynei (30%). The fungal flora consisted of Aspergillus restrictus (48%), A. glaucus (16%), Wallemia sebi (3%) and Penicillium spp. (25%). Air-borne fungi belonged to the same taxa but in different frequencies, 30, 7, 21 and 27%, respectively. Mattresses differed in quantities of mites and Penicillium.In July 1977, the highest population density of pyroglyphid mites was encountered: 69 specimens/g of dust. In the same month the numbers of A. restrictus rose significantly, reaching a maximum of 3.8×104 diaspores/g of dust. Most air-borne fungi were isolated in the winter period of 1976/1977. No positive correlation was found between the numbers of air-borne and mattress-dust fungi. The summer of 1976 was exceptionally dry resulting in both a premature decline of the mite populations and a low level of A. restrictus diaspores.The seasonal peaks of A. restrictus and pyroglyphid mites correspond and suggest a synergistic cooperation which may result in an increased house-dust allergen production in the environment of asthmatic patients.Supported by grant no. 230 of the Dutch Asthma Foundation  相似文献   

For the first time in Rome, house-dust mite infestation was studied in 90 randomly selected houses. In each house, mite infestation was assessed in three sites: mattress, bedroom and living room. In total, 87.8% of the sampled houses were positive for dust mites. In the houses infested, 11.4% showed densities of >100 mites/g of dust, 15.2% registered densities between 50 and 99, and in the remaining houses (73.4%), the densities were between 1 and 49 mites/g dust. The percentages of infested houses were positively correlated with the relative humidity (RH) values (r=0.89,P=0.02). At the lowest range of RH (between 46 and 50), the infestation was 50% and at the highest range of RH (between 73 and 78) it was 100%. The mattress was significantly the most infested (71.1%) of the tested sites. Only wool and spring mattresses were infested, and they did not show any significant differences in mite concentrations.Dermatophagoides farinae was the most abundant species (53.1%), followed byGlycyphagus domesticus (34.5%),D. pteronyssinus (5.2%), andEuroglyphus maynei (0.2%);D. farinae was also the most frequent species (56.9%). The remaining specimens (7.0%) were predator species commonly found in houses. The prevalence ofD. farinae in Rome is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the question of what effect exposure to light might play in determining the vertical distribution of house-dust mites in carpet, and the degree to which light penetrates worn and unworn carpets of different pile conformation (loop- versus cut-pile), height and colour. The effect on population increase of a diurnal lighting cycle versus continual darkness was also investigated. It was found that the penetration of light into carpets was largely unaffected by pile colour or conformation. Pile height was an important factor, however, and for a given height within the pile, light intensity was higher in carpets subjected to a greater degree of wear. This corresponded to the reduction in effective pile height that occurs with carpet use. Whilst the differences observed were sometimes large (up to two-fold for a given height within the pile), Petri dish studies suggested no mite preference for habitation of areas of low light intensity compared to high intensity. Additionally, culturing mites under a diurnal light cycle was shown to be no more efficient than culturing in complete darkness. These results suggest that exposure to light is not an important determinant of house-dust mite behaviour, or their ability to colonise textile substrates.  相似文献   

Since many bats used in research are wild-caught, dealing with mite infestation can present a unique challenge to the animal care staff. The authors tested the efficacy of fipronil spray for eliminating mites from a bat colony.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a fungicidal preparation, natamycin, for the effective control ofDermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart), was determined at different concentrations on mattress-dust microsites, including ticking. One treatment with the commercially available natamycin concentration (Tymasil) resulted in a 65% reduction of house-dust mite populations within 4 weeks of treatment. The acaricidal control could be proven despite the protective role of mattress fibres such as ticking. However, mite fecundity was much more affected after treatment with twice the commercial concentration, which then assured a long-term control. Concentrations below the commercially available one were not effective. In a maritime climate, six sequential treatments three times a year would be effective for an adequate long-term control because of the high growth of house-dust fungi and the close interaction between the mite and the mouldAspergillus penicilloides.  相似文献   

Limited data are currently available on the concentrations of airborne bacteria, fungi, and endotoxins in indoor environments. The levels of aerial bacteria and fungi were measured at several microenvironments within a well-ventilated residential apartment in Singapore including the living room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet, and at a workplace environment by sampling indoor air onto culture medium plates using the 6-stage Andersen sampler. Total microbial counts were determined by collecting the air samples in water with the Andersen sampler, staining the resultant extracts with a fluorescent dye, acridine orange, and counting the microbes using a fluorescent microscope. The levels of airborne endotoxins were also determined by sampling the airborne microorganisms onto 0.4?μm polycarbonate membrane filter using the MiniVol sampler at 5?l/min for 20?h with a PM2.5 cut-off device. The aerial bacterial and fungal concentrations were found to be in the ranges of 117–2,873?CFU/m3 and 160–1,897?CFU/m3, respectively. The total microbial levels ranged from 49,000 to 218,000?microbes/m3. The predominant fungi occurring in the apartment were Aspergillus and Penicillium while the predominant bacterial strains appeared to be Staphylococcus and Micrococcus. The average indoor endotoxin level was detectable in the range of 6–39?EU/m3. The amount of ventilation and the types of human activities carried out in the indoor environment appeared to be important factors affecting the level of these airborne biological contaminants.  相似文献   

Previous studies on frequency-dependent food selection (changing food preferences in response to changes in relative food abundance) have focused on predators and parasitoids. These organisms utilize several victims during their lifetime. We introduce the case of parasites which, having accepted a host, do not change it. We propose two alternative models to explain the biased occurrence of parasites on different host types: (1) through the option of rejecting less-preferred hosts prior to accepting one of them; (2) by differential parasite survival on different host types. These models predict that host rejection, but not differential survival, can create frequency-dependent parasitism (FDP). Unlike previously described factors responsible for frequency dependence of food selection, which act through changing the foraging behaviour of individual predators or parasitoids, FDP involves no adjustment of parasite foraging strategy according to previous feeding experience. The mite Hemisarcoptes coccophagus is an obligate parasite of armoured scale insects (Homptera: Diaspididae). Our field data show that H. coccophagus is found more frequently on ovipositing than on young host females. Our model, combining the effects of host rejection and differential survival, is used to estimate the relative contribution of these factors to parasite biased occurrence on different hosts. The contribution of differential survival was dominant in H. coccophagus, and overode any effect of host rejection. Nevertheless, our prediction that FDP may be found in parasites is supported by literature data about a parasitic water mite.  相似文献   

Problems caused by indoor microbial, especially fungal growth, have been further exaggerated by the increased incidence of water intrusions, condensation from air-conditioning system, and other factors. While fungal contamination in a building can be one of the indicators of indoor air quality (IAQ), air quality assessment and remediation should be considered as important and should be carried out systematically. This study reports the incidence and remediation of an excessive fungal growth in a building in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Acting on an official report by the building owner and occupants, an immediate walk-through investigation was carried out between June and December 2009. A thorough sampling comprising swab and spore impactor techniques showed that the colony-forming unit per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3) levels were far above those in the guidelines of most developed countries. Thus, the building was declared a ‘sick building’ and closed to the publics. However, through immediate action with recommended methods to overcome the problem, the premise has been pronounced safe. This is a good example of successful teamwork that involved a continuous investigation by a team of experts along with comprehensive action taken by the occupants and other authorities responsible for the building.  相似文献   

Pyroglyphid house dust mites are a major source of allergens in house dust. Mite allergens sensitize and induce asthma, rhinitis, and eczema in a large portion of patients with allergic diseases. Here, the crystal structure of a major mite allergen, Derf 2, derived from Dermatophagoides farinae was solved by single isomorphous replacement method with anomalous scattering (SIRAS) at 2.1A resolution. The present study also demonstrated that the conformation of the allergen was critical in the determination of Th1/Th2 shift based on physicochemical and immunological analyses. This indicates that rigidly folded and singly dispersed structure is essentially required for the generation of Th2 type cells by the allergen, while conformational variant protein leads to Th1 skewing, irrespective of the same amino acid sequence. This structure/function relationship may allow us to develop a novel strategy for hyposensitization therapy in patients with allergic diseases triggered by house dust mite allergens.  相似文献   

The Basidiomycotine fungi Meira geulakonigii, Meira argovae and Acaromyces ingoldii were assayed in the laboratory against five species of herbivorous mites: Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Eriophyidae), Panonychus citri, Eutetranychus orientalis, Tetranychus urticae and Tetranychus cinnabarinus (all four Tetranychidae). All fungi caused significantly high mortality rates (as compared to controls) after 14 days, some after 1 week. Phyllocoptruta oleivora was the most susceptible, showing >80% mortality even after 1 week. In a field trial, grapefruits sprayed either once a month or once a season with M. geulakonigii had significantly fewer P. oleivora and less damage than unsprayed fruit. These results suggest that M. geulakonigii may protect grapefruits against the injurious P. oleivora.  相似文献   

Summary The present work aims at the elucidation of the effect of either cotton dust and its components or 2,4-D on the relative vigours of the three pathogenic fungi namely,Fusarium solani, Sclerotium bataticola andBotrytis fabae. Botrytis mycelial growth was found to be comparatively more sensitive to cotton dust thanFusarium andSclerotium. The elucidation of the effect of individual cotton dust components has shown that Gammexane is the most effective inhibitory component while sulphur and DDT caused slight inhibition. This inhibitory effect of Gammexane is more pronounced when mixed with DDT than with sulphur. 500 p.p.m. 2,4-D concentration inhibitedBotrytis growth more thanFusarium orSclerotium, 1 % 2,4-D concentration was proved to be fungicidal. 2,4-D suppressed the germinative potentialities ofFusarium andBotrytis conidia.
Zusammenfassung Die jetzige Arbeit trachtet nach der Aufklärung der Wirkung des Baumwollstaubes und seiner Bestandteile, und des 2,4-D auf die relative Widerstandsfähigkeit von drei pathogen Pilzen, nämlich,Fusarium solani, Sclerotium bataticola undBotrytis fabae. Mycelium-Wachstum vonBotrytis war vergleichsweise empfindlicher gegen Baumwollstaub als vonFusarium undSclerotium. Die Aufklärung der Wirkung der individuellen Komponenten des Baumwollstaubes zeigte, daß Gammexane der wirksamste, verzögernde Bestandteil ist, während Sulfur und DDT nur eine geringfügige Verzögerung verursachten. Die verzögernde Wirkung von Gammexane ist ausgesprochener, wenn es mit DDT als mit Sulfur gemischt ist. Die Konzentration von fünfhundert Teilen in 1 Million von 2,4-D unterdrückt das Wachstum vonBotrytis mehr als das vonFusarium oderSclerotium, die Konzentration von 1 % des 2,4-D war pilztötend. 2,4-D unterdrückte die Keimungsmöglichkeit vonFusarium undBotrytis Conidia.

Parasites and other symbionts are crucial components of ecosystems, regulating host populations and supporting food webs. However, most symbiont systems, especially those involving commensals and mutualists, are relatively poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the nature of the symbiotic relationship between birds and their most abundant and diverse ectosymbionts: the vane‐dwelling feather mites. For this purpose, we studied the diet of feather mites using two complementary methods. First, we used light microscopy to examine the gut contents of 1,300 individual feather mites representing 100 mite genera (18 families) from 190 bird species belonging to 72 families and 19 orders. Second, we used high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) and DNA metabarcoding to determine gut contents from 1,833 individual mites of 18 species inhabiting 18 bird species. Results showed fungi and potentially bacteria as the main food resources for feather mites (apart from potential bird uropygial gland oil). Diatoms and plant matter appeared as rare food resources for feather mites. Importantly, we did not find any evidence of feather mites feeding upon bird resources (e.g., blood, skin) other than potentially uropygial gland oil. In addition, we found a high prevalence of both keratinophilic and pathogenic fungal taxa in the feather mite species examined. Altogether, our results shed light on the long‐standing question of the nature of the relationship between birds and their vane‐dwelling feather mites, supporting previous evidence for a commensalistic–mutualistic role of feather mites, which are revealed as likely fungivore–microbivore–detritivore symbionts of bird feathers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the development of an experimental trauma centre and regional trauma system on the survival of patients with major trauma. DESIGN: Controlled before and after study examining outcomes between 1990 and 1993, spanning the introduction of the system in 1991-2. SETTING: Trauma centre in North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary and five associated district general hospitals in the North West Midlands regional trauma system, and two control regions in Lancashire and Humberside. SUBJECTS: All trauma patients taken by the ambulance services serving the regions or arriving other than by ambulance with injury severity scores > 15, whether or not they had vital signs on arrival at hospital. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Survival rates standardised for age, severity of injury, and revised trauma score. RESULTS: In 1990, 33% of major trauma patients in the experimental region were taken to the trauma centre, and by 1993 this had risen to only 39%. Crude death rates changed by the same amount in the control regions (46.5% in 1990-1 to 44.4% in 1992-3) as in the experimental region (44.8% to 41.3%). After standardisation, the estimated change in the probability of dying in the experimental region compared with the control regions was -0.8% per year (95% confidence interval -3.6% to 2.2%); for out of hours care, the change was 1.6% per year (-2.3% to 5.6%), and, for multiply injured patients, the change was -1.6% (-6.1% to 2.6%). CONCLUSION: Any reductions in mortality from regionalising major trauma care in shire areas of England would probably be modest compared with reports from the United States.  相似文献   

Endophytes fungi have been widely bioprospected to find new drugs and drug leads including antimicrobial agents and antifungals. However, an important role in host plant protection has been suggested for their presence and their metabolites. Therefore, nematicidal and insecticidal effects of their metabolites should be expected. In this review, the literature data available on insecicidal and nematicidal compounds identified from fungal endophytes are presented. Additionally we present a recent study on the endophytic biodiversity of a unique paleoflora, the Macaronesian laurel forest, in the light of their role in plant protection.  相似文献   

A high incidence of sensitization to Blomia tropicalis, the predominant house dust mite species in tropical regions, is strongly associated with allergic diseases in Singapore, Malaysia, and Brazil. IgE binding to the group 5 allergen, Blo t 5, is found to be the most prevalent among all B. tropicalis allergens. The NMR structure of Blo t 5 determined represents a novel helical bundle structure consisting of three antiparallel alpha-helices. Based on the structure and sequence alignment with other known group 5 dust mite allergens, surface-exposed charged residues have been identified for site-directed mutagenesis and IgE binding assays. Four charged residues, Glu76, Asp81, Glu86, and Glu91 at around the turn region connecting helices alpha2 and alpha3 have been identified to be involved in the IgE binding. Using overlapping peptides, we have confirmed that these charged residues are located on a major putative linear IgE epitope of Blo t 5 from residues 76-91 comprising the sequence ELKRTDLNILERFNYE. Triple and quadruple mutants have been generated and found to exhibit significantly lower IgE binding and reduced responses in skin prick tests. The mutants induced similar PBMC proliferation as the wild-type protein but with reduced Th2:Th1 cytokines ratio. Mass screening on a quadruple mutant showed a 40% reduction in IgE binding in 35 of 42 sera of atopic individuals. Findings in this study further stressed the importance of surface-charged residues on IgE binding and have implications in the cross-reactivity and use of Blo t 5 mutants as a hypoallergen for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the common house mite (Dermatophagoides sp.) Der p 2 allergen was solved at 2.15 A resolution using the MAD phasing technique, and refined to an R-factor of 0.209. The refined atomic model, which reveals an immunoglobulin-like tertiary fold, differs in important ways from the previously described NMR structure, because the two beta-sheets are significantly further apart and create an internal cavity, which is occupied by a hydrophobic ligand. This interaction is structurally reminiscent of the binding of a prenyl group by a regulatory protein, the Rho guanine nucleotide exchange inhibitor. The crystal structure suggests that binding of non-polar molecules may be essential to the physiological function of the Der p 2 protein.  相似文献   

Citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), is a major pest of citrus in Israel. Five species of predatory mites: Amblyseius herbicolus Chant, Euseius victoriensis (Womersley), Euseius elinae (Schicha), Typhlodromus rickeri Chant and Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot), were imported to improve the biological control of the pest. Mite rearing and sampling methods were developed and improved, and the predators were released. Recovery in some citrus orchards was recorded, but only E. victoriensis became established in the north of Israel.  相似文献   

高梅香  朱家祺  刘爽  程鑫  刘冬  李彦胜 《生态学报》2023,43(16):6862-6877
土壤动物学面临以全新知识体系为科学研究框架的变革时期,其核心内容是以数据驱动为主要特征的人工智能技术方法。目前广泛应用的基于数据库的数据处理分析方法,面临着数据多源异构、快速增长和处理能力不足之间的矛盾。基于快速发展的大数据科学和人工智能技术的数据挖掘方法在解决前述矛盾中有突出优势,但需要依赖一个强大的领域知识库,然而土壤动物领域知识图谱的研究十分匮乏。土壤动物知识图谱是一个具有有向图结构的知识库,其中图的节点代表与土壤动物相关的实体或概念,图的边代表实体或概念之间的各种语义关系。提出了土壤动物知识图谱的定义、内涵、理论模型和构建方法,以浙江天目山土壤螨类多样性为例,分析了构建山地土壤动物知识图谱的技术方法;以土壤动物多样性研究关注的物种分布、物种共存、环境条件对物种的影响作用为例,探讨了基于山地土壤动物知识图谱可以解决的相关科学问题。研究表明,土壤动物知识图谱在解决生物多样性重要科学问题方面具有独特的潜力和优势,有力推动了土壤动物学、信息科学和数据科学交叉的土壤动物信息学的发展。  相似文献   

Results of ultrastructural investigations (SEM and TEM) of the formation and structure of eggshells in the water mite, Limnochares aquatica , are presented. The material of the vitelline envelope is secreted in two stages by the oocyte commencing vitellogenesis. The vitelline envelope is later transformed into endochorion and during the passage through the reproductive tract it becomes covered with exochorion, produced by the female reproductive accessory gland. The exochorion swells in water to acquire a foamy structure.  相似文献   

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