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A system for quantitative determinations of human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in biological fluids has been obtained, based on the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The immunochemical properties of TPO were studied under variable conditions and a new method for isolating the protein from the microsomes, mitochondria, and cytosol of thyroid glands of patients with diverse thyroid diseases was developed. The procedure involves solubilization of subcellular fractions with detergents, their sonication, two sequential runs of chromatography (on sorbents with immobilized monoclonal antibodies against TPO and goat anti-human immunoglobulin antibodies), treatment with ribonuclease, and dialysis. Highly purified preparations of intact TPO and a product of its limited trypsinolysis are expected to be used as research tools and components of high-sensitivity immunoassays.  相似文献   

Two types of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) against human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) have been obtained, which interact with spatially separated conformational epitopes of the antigen (K a values are in the range 108–109 M?1). The binding site of MAB F8 is in the immunodominant region of the TPO molecule, in the vicinity of the autoantigenic determinants, whereas the epitope specific for MAB A1 lies outside this location. Both MABs retain the ability to form immune complexes after solid-phase immobilization and chemical modification with a biotin derivative. The above properties suggest that MABs A1 and F8 may be used in immunoaffinity chromatography (isolation and purification of TPO from natural sources) and immunoassays for determinations of TPO (in biological fluids) and TPO autoantibodies (in human blood serum).  相似文献   

Two types of monoclonal antibodies (MABs) against human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) have been obtained, which interact with spatially separated conformational epitopes of the antigen (Ka values are in the range 10(8)-10(9) M(-1)). The binding site of MAB F8 is in the immunodominant region of the TPO molecule, in the vicinity of the autoantigenic determinants, whereas the epitope specific for MAB A1 lies outside this location. Both MABs retain the ability to form immune complexes after solid-phase immobilization and chemical modification with a biotin derivative. The above properties suggest that MABs A1 and F8 may be used in immunoaffinity chromatography (isolation and purification of TPO from natural sources) and immunoassays for determinations of TPO (in biological fluids) and TPO autoantibodies (in human blood serum).  相似文献   

A biochemical system of radioimmunoassay of human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) with the use of specific autoantibodies was developed for the first time. This system includes lyophilized preparations of human autoantibodies to TPO, radioiodinated TPO, standards prepared from pure TPO, and the solid-phase protein A as a precipitating agent. An analytical system was used to study the TPO distribution in fractions of thyroid tissue homogenate. Differences in TPO concentrations in mitochondria, microsomes, and supernatant fluid depending on thyroid pathology and tissue storage conditions were found. The behavior of immobilized anti-TPO-autoantibodies in immunoaffinity chromatography of this microsomal antigen was studied.  相似文献   

A peroxidase assay method (Mini assay method) which is applicable for a minute amount (as small as a few mg) of thyroid tissue was developed, employing guaiacol or iodide as the second substrate. This method is a modification of the previous one (Ordinary assay method): the volume of the reaction mixture was reduced to about one-tenth with prior solubilization of the enzyme. The correlation between the Mini assay and Ordinary assay methods, and between the guaiacol and iodide assays by both methods were satisfactorily good, but the iodine content of thyroglobulin was found to be not directly correlated to the peroxidase activities. Protein-based specific activities of peroxidase from normal human thyroid tissue were about 0.030 guaiacol units/mg protein and 0.0066 iodide units/mg protein, which were slightly higher than those of porcine thyroid tissue. The Mini assay method developed in the present study was used for the determination of peroxidase activity in a small amount (1-8 mg) of thyroid tissue obtained by means of a needle biopsy from patients with thyroid disorders. One specimen (goitrous cretinism) showed no peroxidase activity in both the guaiacol and iodide assays, and three specimens (two chronic thyroiditis, one familial nontoxic goiter) possessed no ability to catalyze the oxidation of iodide in spite of the high reactivity towards guaiacol, suggesting the presence of an abnormal peroxidase in these tissues.  相似文献   

This paper reports a comprehensive study of the biological stability of an immunoaffinity purified preparation of human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and provides a reference against which future natural or synthetic preparations may be compared. The stability of the hormone preparation was investigated using the accelerated degradation method. The bioassay of the TSH was carried out in mice using a modified McKenzie method. Analysis of the results showed that the preparation was as stable as other TSH preparations purified by conventional methods.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (30.1.2) to hog thyroid peroxidase was produced, purified, and characterized. The IgG of 30.1.2 formed an immune complex with the peroxidase in a 1:2 or 1:1 molar ratio depending on the IgG to antigen ratio in the incubation mixture. Immune complex formation did not inhibit the peroxidase activity, which was actually activated 2-fold in the 1:1 complex. Studies of the binding of the conjugate of the IgG or its Fab' with horseradish peroxidase to untreated and acetone-treated thyroid microsomes showed that the IgG conjugate could bind to only a very small portion of the total binding sites (thyroid peroxidase) present in untreated microsomes even after prolonged incubation. The binding of the Fab' conjugate to untreated microsomes, on the other hand, increased as the incubation time was increased, reaching 40% of the total sites after 20 h of incubation. These findings indicated that thyroid peroxidase is localized on the inner surface of the microsomal membranes and that the Fab' conjugate, but not the IgG conjugate, can slowly penetrate through the membrane barrier to reach the peroxidase. Immunohistochemical experiments using the Fab' conjugate as a probe revealed that most thyroid peroxidase in the thyroid gland is located in the endoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear cisternae of the follicular cell, although a small amount could occasionally be detected in the apical membrane including microvilli. In contrast to previous reports, no thyroid peroxidase could be found in other cellular structures such as Golgi apparatus and apical vesicles by the immunohistochemical technique employed.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractionation of human brain cortex obtained at autopsy yielded microsomal and synaptosome-rich fractions from the gray matter and microsomal and purified myelin fractions from the white matter. The phospholipids of myelin were high in plasmalogens, and the molar ratio of alkenyl acyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine to diacyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine was 4. The acyl groups of the myelin phosphoglycerides were enriched in monoenes (mainly 18:1 and 20:1) and a tetraene, 22:4(n - 6). The phospholipids in the synaptosome-rich fraction were high in diacyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine, and the molar ratio of the alkenyl acyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine to diacyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine was 0.88. The acyl groups of synaptosomal ethanolamine phosphoglycerides were rich in 22:6(n - 3) but contained a very low amount of 20:1. The lipid composition of microsomes from the gray matter was different from that of microsomes from the white matter but was nearly identical with that of the synaptosome-rich fraction. Except for a slightly lower proportion of alkenyl acyl sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine and sphingomyelin, the lipid composition of microsomes from the white matter was also similar to that of the myelin. There were also species-related differences between the brain lipid composition of human and subhuman primates and that of the rodents. Furthermore, the brain lipid composition in normal human subjects is rather constant and does not seem to be affected much by individual variations.  相似文献   

Proteolipids from adult rat brain subcellular fractions were purified by a one-step procedure involving chromatography through Sephadex LH-60 eluted with an acidified chloroform—methanol mixture.The protein peak was eluted with the void volume and was free of adventitious lipids. The degree of purification was similar to that attained with the neutral—acidified chloroform—methanol dialysis method with the advantage that this new procedure can be carried out in only 3 h, with a recovery of proteins of 95–100%. Samples containing different lipid/protein ratios passed through the gel gave similar elution profiles.When labeled amino acids or palmitic acid were added to myelin total lipid extracts, no radioactivity was eluted with the protein, indicating that the proteolipid apoproteins purified by this method do not adsorb hydrophobic low-molecular-weight compounds.  相似文献   

We intend to purify beta-glucuronidase from human liver in a large quantity in order to facilitate the study of its biochemical structure and pathophysiologic roles in cholelithiasis and carcinogenesis. The initial purification procedure involved: (1) liver homogenization, (2) 25-45% saturated ammonium sulfate fractionation, (3) heat denaturation of protein at 56 degrees C, (4) gel filtration with Bio-Gel P-300 gel, (5) anion exchange chromatography with DEAE agarose, (6) cation exchange chromatography with CM agarose, and (7) hydroxyapatite chromatography (overall yield, 1%; overall purification, 169X). The final product was used to immunize rabbits and BALB/c mice for production of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, respectively. The antibodies, mainly IgG, were purified by using gamma-Protein A agarose column chromatography. The purified IgG, after periodate oxidation, was coupled to hydrazide gel by formation of a stable covalent hydrazone bond linkage. The new purification procedure involved the initial first three steps, followed by (4) polyclonal IgG immunoaffinity chromatography and (5) monoclonal IgG immunoaffinity chromatography (overall yield, 6.1%; overall purification, 3720X). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated minor contaminants in the final product which could be further purified by electroelution. It is concluded that beta-glucuronidase constitutes 0.016 mg per gram of wet liver tissue and can be obtained on a large scale in a highly purified form within a 2-day cycle.  相似文献   

Pure colipase was prepared by immunoaffinity chromatography from porcine and human pancreatic juice. A single form of the porcine colipase was obtained, having the structural and biological properties of previously characterized porcine procolipase A. Two forms of activated colipase (N-terminal Gly) were isolated from human pancreatic juice by the same procedure. The existence of two forms of activated colipase might arise from rapid activation of a precursor form of human colipase during collection of the pancreatic juice.  相似文献   

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