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Confluaria multistriata (Rudolphi, 1810) is redescribed on the basis of specimens from Tachybaptus ruficollis from the material of Rudolphi and Dollfus and new specimens from the same host species from Bulgaria. The types of C. japonica (Yamaguti, 1935) from T. ruficollis are also redescribed and figured. A single specimen from the collection of Krabbe, described as Taenia multistriata, is re-examined and recognised as belonging to a different species of Confluaria, the status of which remains to be established. Criteria for distinguishing the three species are proposed. In view of the present results, some of the previous records of C. multistriata and C. japonica are re-evaluated. The synonymy of the genera Colymbilepis Spasskaya, 1966 and Confluaria Ablasov in Spasskaya, 1966 is confirmed.  相似文献   

Four species of actinosporeans are described from marine oligochaetes (all Tubificidae) from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. They developed in the coelom of the oligochaete and produced spores in groups of eight in the pansporocysts. The new genus Endocapsa is proposed within the family Sphaeractinomyxidae Janiszewska, 1957 on the basis that mature spores have small valve cell processes and non-protruding polar capsules. The type-species, Endocapsa rosulata n. sp., has three valve cell processes, which resemble a rosette, and submerged polar capsules. It infected Heterodrilus cf. keenani from Heron Island and morphologically similar parasites occurred in Thalassodrilides cf. gurwitschi and Heronidrilus sp. from Lizard Island. E. stepheni n. sp. has asymmetrical valve cell processes and submerged polar capsules. It was found in H. cf. keenani and H. queenslandicus from Heron Island. Sphaeractinomyxon leptocapsula n. sp. has thin widely spaced polar capsules and is described from Heronidrilus sp. from Lizard Island. S. ersei Hallett, O'Donoghue & Lester, 1998 infected Tubificidae gen. sp. from Heron Island and S. cf. ersei occurred in Bathydrilus sp., Thalassodrilides cf. gurwitschi and Limnodriloides lateroporus from Lizard Island.  相似文献   

Two species of Tatria Kowalewski, 1904 are redescribed from grebes in Bulgaria: T. biremis Kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from Podiceps nigricollis) and T. minor Kowalewski, 1904 (specimens from P. cristatus and P. nigricollis). T. mircia Gulyaev, 1990 is synonymised with T. minor. The previous records of T. biremis, T. minor and T. mircia are critically analysed in view of the present results. T. gulyaevi n. sp. is described from P. nigricollis from Bulgaria and the Czech Republic and from an unidentified grebe species from Turkey. Some of the previous records of T. minor and T. biremis are recognised as belonging to T. gulyaevi. One specimen illustrated by Kowalewski (1904) is designated as a lectotype of T. minor in order to stabilise the nomenclatural standing of this species.  相似文献   

Calixolepis thuli n. g., n. sp. is described and figured on the basis of the specimens from the wood duck Aix sponsa (L.) (Anseriformes: Anatidae) from Cuba and the USA. The tapeworm is characterised by: (1) strobila of medium size; (2) deep genital atrium; (3) external accessory sac; (4) unilateral genital pores, with female genital ducts situated anterior to male ducts; and (5) the following characteristic structure of the male and female terminal genitalia: the genital pouch has a stylet and a goblet-like structure, the calix; a cirrus is absent; and the thick-walled copulatory part of the vagina forms vaginal vestibule distally which may open through a vaginal papilla into the genital atrium. Other morphological structures indicate a relationship with species of the genus Sobolevicanthus Spasskii & Spasskaya, 1954 or with Cladogynia Baer, 1938 (Hymenolepididae). The differences between the tapeworms from Cuba and the USA suggest the possible occurrence of various morphological forms of Calixolepis.  相似文献   

Paranoplocephala aquatica n. sp. is described from Arvicola terrestris and Ondatra zibethica (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in Bulgaria. The new species is characterised by a band-like strobila, a uterus forming a fine reticulate structure in the early stages of development, numerous testes (approximately 92) situated mainly aporally to the ovary in both the median and the aporal lateral fields, few testes positioned anterior to the ovary and genital ducts, the prominent asymmetrical situation of the female organs, the length of the vagina c. 0.65–0.68 of the length of the cirrus-sac, and the external seminal vesicle covered by a cellular sleeve. The new species is distinguished from P. ondatrae, P. macrocephala, P. dasymidis and P. sciuri. The specimens from O. zibethica reported as P. ondatrae by Tenora & Murai (1980) and as Aprostatandrya macrocephala by Spasskii et al. (1951) are believed to belong to P. aquatica. The type-series of P. ondatrae and P. macrocephala are redescribed and figured; metric data and an illustration of the holotype of P. sciuri are presented. The genus Paranoplocephala sensu Tenora et al. (1986) is regarded as a heterogeneous group because of the two patterns of uterine development in the species studied. Taxonomic criteria used for distinguishing the genera Andrya and Paranoplocephala, and some criteria applicable at the species level, are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Wardium canarisi n. sp. (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae), an intestinal parasite of Arenaria melanocephala (Aves: Charadrii) from Alaska, characterised by a strobila 20–40 mm long, 10 aploparaksoid hooks 19–21 m long, a short cylindrical cirrus (40 m) covered with very minute spines (0.2 m), and a short (8–18 m) and extremely narrow (1 m) copulatory vagina. These characters have no equivalent, even approximate, among the 27 species of Wardium parasitic in the Charadrii which are reviewed. The genus Debrosia Spassky, 1987 appears to be justified.  相似文献   

The following rodents and marsupials from the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea have been examined for helminths: Anisomys imitator, Melomys spp., Pogonomelomys ruemmleri, Rattus spp., Echymipera kalubu and Peroryctes raffrayanus. Two new species and a number of new host records are reported. Echinostoma echymiperae n. sp., a digenean from the intestine of Echymipera kalubu, is characterised by the number of collar spines, the body armature and the shape and position of the gonads. Vampirolepis peroryctis n. sp., a cestode from the intestine of Peroryctes raffrayanus, is characterised by the length of the rostellar hooks, the shape of the ovary, the arrangement of the testes in a triangle and the extent of the cirrus-sac. Hymenolepis aklei, H. bradleyi, H. antechini, H. bettongiae, H. cercarteti, H. isoodontis and H. potoroi are transferred to Vampirolepis as new combinations. E. kalubu is a new host for Linstowia semoni and Pogonomelomys ruemmleri is a new host for Hymenolepis diminuta. V. peroryctis is the first platyhelminth to be reported from Peroryctes raffrayanus and Raillietina (Raillietina) sp. the second to be reported from the genus Melomys.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - This paper presents a review of host specificity among cestodes collected from Soricidae mammals in Europe and a revision of cestodes preserved in formalin in the...  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two species of Joyeuxilepis Spassky, 1947 with 14 rostellar hooks are redescribed: J.&;nbsp;acanthorhyncha (Wedl, 1855) on the basis of specimens from Tachybaptus...  相似文献   

Nadejdolepis bealli n. sp. a parasite from Calidris alpina in Alaska (USA), is described and illustrated. It is 3-4 cm long and has: rostral nitiduloid hooks 95-96 m long, with the blade a little longer than the handle; three testes in a symmetrical triangle; a cirrus-sac 175 m long, not crossing the median line; a cirrus borne on an unarmed basal bulb, 25 m long when evaginated, and armed with numerous, compact and very thin spines 1 m long; a short (25 m) membranous and tubular vagina with neither a sclerotinoid section nor a sphincter; and a pyriform seminal receptacle. The species is differentiated from the other species of the genus with rostral hooks of comparable length by the configuration of the male and female genital ducts; they have no equivalent particularly in the shortness of the evaginated cirrus and the type of spines with which it is armed. Mention is also made of the presence of Nadejdolepis paranitidulans (Golikova, 1959) and Wardium amphitricha (Rudolphi, 1819) from the same host in Alaska.  相似文献   

Aploparaksis kornyushini n. sp. is described from a woodcock Scolopax rusticola L. from Lithuania, Russia (Tver' Region) and the Ukraine. Initially, one specimen of this tapeworm was described and figured by Kornyushin (1975) as A. scolopacis Yamaguti, 1935 together with another specimens belonging to the latter species. A. kornyushini n. sp. and A. scolopacis are morphologically very similar species. They can be distinguished by the slightly different length of the rostellar hooks and by the shape of the cirrus, which lacks basal bulbus in the new species. A. kornyushini can be readily distinguished from the remaining species of Aploparaksis Clerc, 1903 from woodcocks by the structure of its fully-developed embryophore, which has polar thickenings and two large or a few smaller lateral projection; this combination of characters is unknown for embryophores other Aploparaksis spp. (except for A. scolopacis). The life-cycle of A. kornyushini was studied under experimental conditions in Lithuania. The metacestodes were located under the chlorogogenous tissue of the intestine of Dendrobaena octaedra (Lumbricidae). The metacestode exhibits a pattern of postembryonal development typical for the cysticercoid modification termed an 'ovoid diplocyst'.  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Helicoductus thulakoceras n. g., n. sp., a parasite of Charadrius marginatus (Aves: Charadrii) from South Africa. This hymenolepidid cestode is 1.5-3 mm long, with a rostellum armed with 10 diorchoid hooks 75-80 m long (mean 77 m) and anomalous terminal genital ducts. One spine (10-15 m long) is inserted at the ventral extremity of the male genital pouch. An invaginated cirrus is absent. A non-retractable and non-invaginable external tube, 25-30 × 4-2.5 m, appears as a spiral, sclerotinised, spinous canal, which is non-retractable, non-invaginable and directed dorso-ventrally from the genital pouch to a second ventral canal parallel with the male genital pouch; the second canal is thin and spine-like (15-20 × 1.5 m) with a thick hyaline muff. These peculiar anatomical structures are discussed. They are considered to justify the erection of a new genus.  相似文献   

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