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苏敏 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3265-3269
景观破碎化和扩散是空间种群模型的重要因素,对生物入侵存在着深远的影响。本章将基于偶对近似模型,探讨由局部和全局宿主-寄生相互作用共同决定的扩散模式对破坏性景观上疾病入侵与传播的影响。其中,生境破坏由生境丧失量与生境破碎化程度来描述。模拟结果显示,宿主和病毒的全局扩散对疾病的入侵与种群密度产生不对称效应:病毒的全局扩散对系统产生的影响较宿主的全局扩散更为显著。不同扩散模式下,生境丧失越高或破碎化程度越低,均将越有害于寄生病毒的入侵;同时,生境的破坏程度也显著地影响了入侵阈值对扩散模式的响应机制。本文研究结果暗示,景观破碎化的空间分布格局以及病毒扩散的限制均可作为物种保护与管理中有效的疾病控制策略。该研究结果在一定意义上丰富和发展了寄生感染理论,为物种保护提供了生态学理论依据。  相似文献   

Jörgen Ripa 《Oikos》2000,89(1):175-187
Population synchrony over various geographical scales is known from a large number of taxa. Three main hypotheses have been put forward as explanations to this phenomenon. First, correlated environmental disturbances (so called Moran effect). Moran showed that at least for linear models, the population synchrony would exactly match that of the corresponding environment. Second, the migration, or dispersal, of individuals is liable to cause population synchrony. Third, nomadic predators have been proposed as a synchronising mechanism. In this paper, I analyse the first two explanations by linearizing a general population model with spatial structure. From this linear approximation I derive an expression for the population synchrony. The major results are: 1) Population synchrony can vary significantly depending on the timing of the population census. 2) The environmental correlation is always important. It sets the 'base level' of synchrony. 3) Dispersal is only an effective synchronising mechanism when the local dynamics are at least close to unstable. 4) These results are valid even in a model with delayed density dependence – with possibly cyclic dynamics. Time lag structure has little effect on synchrony. Some of the predictions presented here are supported by data from the literature.  相似文献   

The mapping of environment, through variation in individuals' life histories, to dynamics can be complex and often poorly known. Consequently, it is not clear how important it is dynamically. To explore this, I incorporated lessons from an empirical system, a soil mite, into an individual-based model. Individuals compete for resource and allocate this according to eight 'genetic' rules that specify investment in growth or reserves (which influences survival or fecundity), size at maturation and reproductive allocation. Density dependence, therefore, emerges from competition for food, limiting individual's growth and fecundity. We use this model to examine the role that genetic and phenotypically plastic variation plays in dynamics, by fixing phenotypes, by allowing phenotypes to vary plastically and by creating genetic variation between individuals. Variation, and how it arises, influences short- and long-run dynamics in a way comparable in magnitude with halving food supply. In particular, by switching variation on and off, it is possible to identify a range of processes necessary to capture the dynamics of the 'full model'. Exercises like this can help identify key processes and parameters, but a concerted effort is needed across many different systems to search for shared understanding of both process and modelling.  相似文献   

The conditional evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) with status-dependent tactics is the most commonly invoked ESS for alternative reproductive tactics within the sexes. Support for this model has recently been criticized as apparent rather than real. We address key predictions of the status-dependent ESS in three populations of the male dimorphic mite Sancassania berlesei. In S. berlesei'fighter' males are characterized by a thickened pair of legs used for killing rivals; 'scramblers' are benign. Most males in each population could be manipulated to become fighters by decreasing density, fulfilling the prediction that males make a 'decision'. There was evidence of genetic covariance between sire status and offspring morph, but also a strong effect of sire morph on offspring morph ratio. This was consistent with considerable genetic variation for the status-dependent switch point as a breeding experiment found no support for single-locus inheritance. We also found evidence that switch points evolve independently of distributions of status. This study supports the current status-dependent ESS model.  相似文献   

张丽梅  高梅香  刘冬  张雪萍  吴东辉 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3951-3959
识别扩散限制和环境筛选在群落物种共存中的相对作用,是土壤动物群落物种共存机制研究的重要内容,然而少有针对地表和地下土壤动物群落的探讨。在三江平原农田生态系统,设置一个50 m×50 m的空间尺度,探讨环境筛选和扩散限制对地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存的调控作用。基于Moran特征向量图(MEMs)和变差分解的方法来区分环境筛选和扩散限制的调控作用;采用偏Mantel检验进一步分析环境距离和空间距离的相对贡献;使用RDA分析环境因子对螨群落物种组成的解释能力。变差分解结果表明,空间变量对地表、地下和地表-地下土壤螨群落具有较大的显著方差解释量,而环境变量和空间环境结构的解释量相对较小且不显著;偏Mantel检验没有发现环境距离或空间距离的显著贡献;RDA分析表明土壤p H值、大豆株高和土壤含水量对土壤螨群落具有显著的解释能力,说明环境变量对螨群落物种组成的重要作用。研究表明,在三江平原农田生态系统,地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存主要受到扩散限制的调控作用,同时环境筛选的调控作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Distinct biotic interactions in multi-species communities are a ubiquitous force in the natural ecosystem, and this force is an essential determinant of community stability and species coexistence outcomes. We conduct numerical simulations and bifurcation analysis of partial differential equations to gain better understanding and ecological insights into how predation (a), predator handling time (h), and local dispersal affect multi-species community dynamics. This system consists of resource-mutualist-exploiter-competitor interactions and local dispersal. From the inspection of our numerical simulations and co-dimension one bifurcation analysis findings, we discover several critical values that correspond to transcritical bifurcation, subcritical and supercritical Hopf bifurcations. This occurs as we vary the bifurcation parameters a and h in this complex ecological system under symmetric and asymmetric dispersal scenarios. Furthermore, the interplay between these local bifurcation points results in an exciting co-dimension two bifurcations, i.e., Bogdanov-Takens and cusp bifurcation points, respectively, which act as the synchronization points in this complex ecological system. From an ecological viewpoint, we find that (i) the effect of the no-dispersal scenario supports the maintenance of species biodiversity when the predation strength is moderate; (ii) symmetric dispersal induces both subcritical and supercritical Hopf bifurcation and support species diversity for moderate predation strength; and (iii) asymmetric dispersal promotes species diversity as it simplifies the bifurcation changes in dynamics by eliminating the subcritical bifurcations that trigger uncertainty, and this dispersal mechanism mediates species coexistence outcomes. Fundamentally, stable limit cycles have been reported as predator handling time varies in some ecological models; however, we observed in our bifurcation analysis the emergence of the unstable limit cycle as predator handling time changes. We discover that intense predator handling time destabilizes this complex ecological community. In general, our results demonstrate the influential roles of predation, predator handling time, and local dispersal in determining this system’s coexistence dynamics. This knowledge provides a better understanding of species conservation and biological control management.  相似文献   

A weakly nonlinear analysis relevant to the formation of one-dimensional spatial patterns generated by diffusive instabilities is performed on a particular interaction-diffusion model for a temperature-dependent predator-prey mite system on fruit trees. The bifurcation from a uniform steady state is of a subcritical nature in a low temperature-low population interval while in a high temperature-high population one there exist temperatures for which it can be supercritical resulting in a family of parallel stripes. The occurrence of such population clumping, caused both by the predator's having a sufficient dispersal advantage and by its strongly stabilizing tendency toward preytactic aggregation lying in some critical range, may help explain the inhomogeneous ecological patterns exhibited by phytophagous arthropods found on uniformly distributed vegetation or on plants grown in monocultures.  相似文献   

Beate Nürnberger 《Oecologia》1996,106(3):325-336
The study illustrates the ecological determinants and evolutionary consequences of dispersal in the pond-living water beetle Dineutus assimilis (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). Over 2 years, local populatiopn dynamics were studied in 51 ponds within a 60-km2 study area. In most of the 31 occupied ponds, and even in large populations, abundances changed dramatically from one year to the next. Nine extinction and nine colonisation events were observed. These temporal patterns show no sign of spatial autocorrelation. Such a habitat distribution should favour high dispersal rates. Indeed, D. assimilis was found to be a very effective coloniser of newly available sites (mean propagule size: 23). A mark-recapture study showed that most dispersal occurred after diapause and over distances ranging from 100 m to at least 20 km. Yet despite frequent movement, the local variability in environmental conditions maintiins a large variance in average reproductive success per pond. Furthermore, immigration rates vary widely within a season. The apparent lack of correlation between these two sources of variation should greatly strengthen the role of drift in this system. A companion paper (Nürnberger and Harrison 1995) documents a non-random distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes due to recent population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effects of patch number and different dispersal patterns on dynamics of local populations and on the level of synchrony between them. Local population renewal is governed by the Ricker model and we also consider asymmetrical dispersal as well as the presence of environmental heterogeneity. Our results show that both population dynamics and the level of synchrony differ markedly between two and a larger number of local populations. For two patches different dispersal rules give very versatile dynamics. However, for a larger number of local populations the dynamics are similar irrespective of the dispersal rule. For example, for the parameter values yielding stable or periodic dynamics in a single population, the dynamics do not change when the patches are coupled with dispersal. High intensity of dispersal does not guarantee synchrony between local populations. The level of synchrony depends also on dispersal rule, the number of local populations, and the intrinsic rate of increase. In our study, the effects of density-independent and density-dependent dispersal rules do not show any consistent difference. The results call for caution when drawing general conclusions from models of only two interacting populations and question the applicability of a large number of theoretical papers dealing with two local populations.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of a parasite depend on species traits, host dynamics and the environment. Those dynamics are reflected in the genetic structure of the population. Habitat fragmentation has a greater impact on parasites than on their hosts because resource distribution is increasingly fragmented for species at higher trophic levels. This could lead to either more or less genetic structure than the host, depending on the relative dispersal rates of species. We examined the spatial genetic structure of the parasitoid wasp Hyposoter horticola, and how it was influenced by dispersal, host population dynamics and habitat fragmentation. The host, the Glanville fritillary butterfly, lives as a metapopulation in a fragmented landscape in the Åland Islands, Finland. We collected wasps throughout the 50 by 70 km archipelago and determined the genetic diversity, spatial population structure and genetic differentiation using 14 neutral DNA microsatellite loci. We compared the genetic structure of the wasp with that of the host butterfly using published genetic data collected over the shared landscape. Using maternity assignment, we also identified full‐siblings among the sampled parasitoids to estimate the dispersal range of individual females. We found that because the parasitoid is dispersive, it has low genetic structure, is not very sensitive to habitat fragmentation and has less spatial genetic structure than its butterfly host. The wasp is sensitive to regional rather than local host dynamics, and there is a geographic mosaic landscape for antagonistic co‐evolution of host resistance and parasite virulence.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors limiting population growth is crucial for species management and conservation. We assessed the effects of seed and microsite limitation, along with climate variables, on Helianthemum squamatum, a gypsum soil specialist, in two sites in central Spain. We evaluated the effects of experimental seed addition and soil crust disturbance on H. squamatum vital rates (survival, growth and reproduction) across four years. We used this information to build integral projection models (IPMs) for each combination of management (seed addition or soil disturbance), site and year. We examined differences in population growth rate (λ) due to management using life table response experiments. Soil crust disturbance increased survival of mid to large size individuals and germination. Contributions to λ of positive individual growth (progression) and negative individual growth (retrogression) due to managements varied among years and sites. Soil crust disturbance increased λ in the site with the highest plant density, and seed addition had a moderate positive effect on λ in the site with lowest plant density. Population growth rate (λ) decreased by half in the driest year. Differences in management effects between sites may represent a shift from seed to microsite limitation at increasing densities. This shift underscores the importance of considering what factors limit population growth when selecting a management strategy.  相似文献   

It is accepted that accurate estimation of risk of population extinction, or persistence time, requires prediction of the effect of fluctuations in the environment on population dynamics. Generally, the greater the magnitude, or variance, of environmental stochasticity, the greater the risk of population extinction. Another characteristic of environmental stochasticity, its colour, has been found to affect population persistence. This is important because real environmental variables, such as temperature, are reddened or positively temporally autocorrelated. However, recent work has disagreed about the effect of reddening environmental stochasticity. Ripa and Lundberg (1996) found increasing temporal autocorrelation (reddening) decreased the risk of extinction, whereas a simple and powerful intuitive argument (Lawton 1988) predicts increased risk of extinction with reddening. This study resolves the apparent contradiction, in two ways, first, by altering the dynamic behaviour of the population models. Overcompensatory dynamics result in persistence times increasing with increased temporal autocorrelation; undercompensatory dynamics result in persistence times decreasing with increased temporal autocorrelation. Secondly, in a spatially subdivided population, with a reasonable degree of spatial heterogeneity in patch quality, increasing temporal autocorrelation in the environment results in decreasing persistence time for both types of competition. Thus, the inclusion of coloured noise into ecological models can have subtle interactions with population dynamics.  相似文献   

Dispersal and natural selection are key evolutionary processes shaping the distribution of phenotypic and genetic diversity. For species inhabiting complex spatial environments however, it is unclear how the balance between gene flow and selection may be influenced by landscape heterogeneity and environmental variation. Here, we evaluated the effects of dendritic landscape structure and the selective forces of hydroclimatic variation on population genomic parameters for the Murray River rainbowfish, Melanotaenia fluviatilis across the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. We genotyped 249 rainbowfish at 17,503 high‐quality SNP loci and integrated these with models of network connectivity and high‐resolution environmental data within a riverscape genomics framework. We tested competing models of gene flow before using multivariate genotype–environment association (GEA) analysis to test for signals of adaptive divergence associated with hydroclimatic variation. Patterns of neutral genetic variation were consistent with expectations based on the stream hierarchy model and M. fluviatilis’ moderate dispersal ability. Models incorporating dendritic network structure suggested that landscape heterogeneity is a more important factor determining connectivity and gene flow than waterway distance. Extending these results, we also introduce a novel approach to controlling for the unique effects of dendritic network structure in GEA analyses of populations of aquatic species. We identified 146 candidate loci potentially underlying a polygenic adaptive response to seasonal fluctuations in stream flow and variation in the relative timing of temperature and precipitation extremes. Our findings underscore an emerging predominant role for seasonal variation in hydroclimatic conditions driving local adaptation and are relevant for informing proactive conservation management.  相似文献   

高梅香  刘冬  张雪萍  吴东辉 《生态学报》2016,36(6):1782-1792
地表和地下土壤动物群落空间格局及其与环境因子的空间作用关系,是揭示地表-地下生态系统格局与过程及生物多样性维持机制的重要基础。于2011年在三江平原农田生态系统,在50m×50m的空间尺度内,基于地统计空间分析方法,揭示地表和地下土壤螨群落及不同螨类物种丰富度的空间格局,并分析这种空间格局与土壤含水量、土壤p H值及大豆株高空间格局的空间关联性。半方差函数和普通克里格插值表明,8月份地表、地下和10月份地下螨群落及这些群落内大部分螨类物种在特定空间尺度内形成集群,表现为空间异质性特征,且这种空间分异多由结构性因素或结构性因素和随机性因素共同调控。交叉方差函数表明,土壤螨群落和不同螨类物种的空间格局与环境因子的空间格局在多种尺度上表现出复杂的空间关联性(正的或负的)。但简单Mantel检验仅发现8月份地表中气门亚目未定种1(Mesostigmata unidentified sp.1)和大豆株高存在明显的正的空间关联性。研究结果表明地下螨群落和生长季节的地表螨群落具有明显的空间异质性结构,地表和地下螨群落及大多数螨类物种丰富度与土壤含水量、土壤p H值及大豆株高的空间关联性并不显著。促进地表-地下生态系统土壤动物群落空间格局研究,为地表-地下格局与过程研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Munguia P  Mackie C  Levitan DR 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):533-541
In metapopulations, the maintenance of local populations can depend on source–sink dynamics, where populations with positive growth rate seed populations with negative growth rate. The pattern and probability of successful dispersal among habitats can therefore be crucial in determining whether local populations will become rare or increase in abundance. We present here data on the dispersal strategy and population dynamics of three marine amphipods living in pen shells (Atrina rigida) in the Gulf of Mexico. The three amphipod species in this study disperse at different life stages. Neomegamphopus hiatus and Melita nitida disperse as adults, while Bemlos unicornis disperses as juveniles. The two species that disperse as adults have the highest initial population sizes when a new shell becomes available, likely caused by the arriving females releasing their brood into these recently occupied shells. This dispersal pattern results in initially higher population growth, but fewer occupied shells, as noted by their clumped distribution. In contrast, the species that disperses as juveniles accumulates more slowly and more evenly across habitats, eventually dominating the other two in terms of numerical abundance. The metapopulation dynamics of the three species seems to be highly dependent on the life history stage involved in dispersal. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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