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Bacillus thuringiensis, the entomopathogenic bacteria from the Bacillus cereus group, harbors numerous extrachromosomal molecules whose sizes vary from 2 to more than 200kb. Apart from the genes coding for the biopesticide delta-endotoxins located on large plasmids, little information has been obtained on these plasmids and their contribution to the biology of their host. In this paper, we embarked on a detailed comparison of six small rolling-circle replicating (RCR) plasmids originating from two major B. thuringiensis strains. The complete nucleotide sequences of plasmid pGI1, pGI2, pGI3, pTX14-1, pTX14-2, and pTX14-3 have been obtained and compared. Replication functions, comprising, for each plasmid, the gene encoding the Rep-protein, double-strand origin of replication (dso), single-strand origin of replication (sso), have been identified and analyzed. Two new families, or homology groups, of RCR plasmids originated from the studies of these plasmids (Group VI based on pGI3 and Group VII based on pTX14-3). On five of the six plasmids, loci involved in conjugative mobilization (Mob-genes and origin of transfer (oriT)) were identified. Plasmids pTX14-1, pTX14-2, and pTX14-3 each harbor an ORF encoding a polypeptide containing a central domain with repetitive elements similar to eukaryotic collagen (Gly-X-Y triplets). These genes were termed bcol for Bacillus-collagen-like genes.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israliensis plasmids pTX14-1 and pTX14-3 were cloned and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization for their replication mechanism in Bacillus subtilis. The cloning of pTX14-1 into the replicon deficient vector pBOE335 showed the usual characteristics of single-stranded DNA plasmids, i.e., it generated circular single-stranded DNA and high molecular weight (HMW) multimers. The other plasmid, pTX14-3, behaved differently; it generated neither single-stranded DNA nor HMW multimers. Treatment with rifampicin did not result in the accumulation of single-stranded DNA. However, deletion of an EcoRI-PstI fragment resulted in the accumulation of both single-stranded DNA and HMW multimers. From various deletion derivatives, we have mapped the minus origin and the locus responsible for suppression of HMW multimer formation. Full activity of the minus origin and of the locus suppressing HMW formation was only observed on the native replicon, indicating a coupling to the plus strand synthesis.  相似文献   

We studied the segregational stability of plasmids based on pTB913, a 4.5-kb rolling-circle plasmid derived from the thermophilic Bacillus plasmid pTB19. In Bacillus stearothermophilus the stability of pTB913 derivatives appeared to be strain-dependent. In strain CU21 large amounts of single-stranded pTB913 DNA were found and the plasmid was highly unstable at 57 degrees C. In strain NUB3621, however, very low amounts of single-stranded plasmid DNA were formed and pTB913-based replicons were only slightly unstable at 57 degrees C. The NUB3621/pTB913 host-vector system seems appropriate for molecular cloning. A RepA-based replicon, also derived from pTB19 but replicating by a theta mechanism, was highly unstable in B. stearothermophilus NUB3621.  相似文献   

The replication origins of three large Bacillus thuringiensis plasmids, derived from B. thuringiensis HD263 subsp. kurstaki, have been cloned in Escherichia coli and sequenced. The replication origins, designated ori 43, ori 44, and ori 60, were isolated from plasmids of 43, 44, and 60 MDa, respectively. Each cloned replication origin exhibits incompatibility with the resident B. thuringiensis plasmid from which it was derived. Recombinant plasmids containing the three replication origins varied in their ability to transform strains of B. thuringiensis, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis. Analysis of the derived nucleotide and amino acid sequences indicates that the replication origins are nonhomologous, implying independent derivations. No significant homology was found to published sequences of replication origins derived from the single-stranded DNA plasmids of gram-positive bacteria, and shuttle vectors containing the three replication origins do not appear to generate single-stranded DNA intermediates in B. thuringiensis. The replication origin regions of the large plasmids are each characterized by a single open reading frame whose product is essential for replication in B. thuringiensis. The putative replication protein of ori 60 exhibits partial homology to the RepA protein of the Bacillus stearothermophilus plasmid pTB19. The putative replication protein of ori 43 exhibits weak but extensive homology to the replication proteins of several streptococcal plasmids, including the open reading frame E replication protein of the conjugative plasmid pAM beta 1. The nucleotide sequence of ori 44 and the amino acid sequence of its putative replication protein appear to be nonhomologous to other published replication origin sequences.  相似文献   

目的考察整肠生菌株在传代过程中的遗传稳定性,研究其耐药性与质粒的关系。方法联合使用表型和RAPD测试,对整肠生菌株在传代过程中的遗传稳定性进行分析,对菌株进行抗生素药敏试验和质粒检测,利用溴化乙锭消除质粒,比较消除前后耐药性的改变。结果在传代过程中不同代次的整肠生菌株表型特征和遗传学特性无变化,整肠生菌株无质粒。结论整肠生菌株在25代以内遗传稳定,能安全用于生产,菌株耐药性与质粒无直接相关性。  相似文献   

Plasmids containing two inverted 0.6-kb stretches of human telomeric repeats transform Aspergillus nidulans at frequencies characteristic of autonomously replicating vectors. Transformation frequency is not affected when the plasmids are linearized in vitro prior to transformation by cutting between the inverted repeats. Southern analysis reveals the presence of a homogeneous pool of linear plasmid molecules in mycelium of transformants. Addition of the AMA1 plasmid replicator to the telomere-containing plasmids has only a minor effect on transformation. The phenotypic stability of the transformants is low. However, unlike conventional replicative transformants containing AMA1-bearing plasmids, these transformants are prone to spontaneous stabilization which occurs predominantly by conversion of the mutant chromosomal allele of the marker gene to the plasmid-borne allele. The data strongly suggest that telomeric DNA can act as a plasmid replicator. An alternative interpretation is that autonomous replication of linear DNA fragments, in contrast to covalently closed supercoiled molecules, does not require any special replicator sequences. Received: 13 January 1998 / Accepted: 10 June 1998  相似文献   

Novel Bacillus thuringiensis isolates GS4, GN24 and UP1 were isolated and characterized by determination of serotyping, insecticidal protein by SDS-PAGE, plasmid composition, cry gene content and insect toxicity. Serologically two isolates GS4 and UP1 were allocated to the H3abce which is a new serovar while isolate GN24 was of H3ab type. Isolate GS4 produced flat crystal inclusions while UP1 produced cuboidal crystals. PCR analysis found that both isolates contained cry1 and cry1Ac genes. The major protein bands found of isolate GS4 were of molecular weights 175, 135, 97, 88, 66, 54 and 27 kDa, isolate UP1 were of 85, 60 and 40 kDa and isolate GN24 were of 130, 90, 66 and 45 kDa. Though isolates GS4 and UP1 belonged to a new serovar H3abce, they showed different crystal inclusions and cry gene content. Isolate GS4 was toxic to lepidopteran insect larvae of Helicoverpa armigera but UP1 did not showed any toxicity.  相似文献   

Effects of dnats genes on the replication of plasmids in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An essential region (2.3 kb) for the replication of a low-copy-number plasmid, pBS-2, has been identified and cloned into plasmid pHV60 in Bacillus subtilis. The resultant plasmid, pKW1, and two other plasmids, pC194 (medium copy number) and pTP5 (high copy number), were examined by double radio-labelling and gel electrophoresis to determine which host functions are required for their replication in B. subtilis. Replication of pKW1 requires the functions of most dna genes, in particular dnaB, C, E, F, G and H; pC194 requires only dnaG and H; and pTP5 requires dnaE, F, G and H. Thus dnaG and dnaH are required for the replication of all three plasmids tested, even though each plasmid showed a different spectrum of dependency on other host functions. Because of its greater dependence on host functions and its low copy number, pKW1 should be a useful model with which to investigate the function of host genes in the replication of DNA in B. subtilis. pKW1 should also be a useful shuttle vector for cloning of genes in B. subtilis in cases when high gene dosage might be a problem.  相似文献   

Covalently closed circular DNA from five Staphylococcus aureus plasmids has been introduced into Bacillus subtilis. Four of these plasmids (pUB110, pCM194, pSA2100, and pSA0501) have been selected for further study. These plasmids replicate as multicopy autonomous replicons in both Rec+ and Rec- B. subtilis strains. They may be transduced between B. subtilis strains or transformed at a frequency of 10(4) to 10(5) transformants per microgram of DNA. The molecular weights of these plasmids were estimated, and restriction endonuclease cleavage site maps are presented. Evidence is given that pSA2100, an in vivo recombinant of pSA0501 and pCM194 (S. Iord?nescu, J. Bacteriol. 124:597-601, 1975), arose by a fusion of the latter plasmids, possibly by insertion of one element into another as a translocatable element. Genetic information from three other S. aureus plasmids (pK545, pSH2, and pUB101) has also been introduced into B. subtilis, although no covalently closed circular plasmid DNA was recovered.  相似文献   

Summary The plasmid pBC16 (4.25 kbases), originally isolated from Bacillus cereus, determines tetracycline resistance and can be transformed into competent cells of B. subtilis. A miniplasmid of pBC16 (pBC16-1), 2,7 kb) which has lost an EcoRI fragment of pBC16 retains the replication functions and the tetracycline resistance. This plasmid which carries only one EcoRI site has been joined in vitro to pBS1, a cryptic plasmid previously isolated from B. subtilis and shown to carry also a single EcoRI site (Bernhard et al., 1978). The recombinant plasmid is unstable and dissociates into the plasmid pBS161 (8.2 kb) and the smaller plasmid pBS162 (2.1 kb). Plasmid pBS161 retains the tetracycline resistance. It possesses a single EcoRI site and 6 HindIII sites. The largest HindIII fragment of pBS161 carries the tetracycline resistance gene and the replication function. After circularization in vitro of this fragment a new plasmid, pBS161-1 is generated, which can be used as a HindIII and EcoRI cloning vector in Bacillus subtilis.Hybrid plasmids consisting of the E. coli plasmids pBR322, pWL7 or pAC184 and different HindIII fragments of pBS161 were constructed in vitro. Hybrids containing together with the E. coli plasmid the largest HindIII fragment of pBS161 can replicate in E. coli and B. subtilis. In E. coli only the replicon of the E. coli plasmid part is functioning whereas in B. subtilis replication of the hybrid plasmid is under the control of the Bacillus replicon. The tetracycline resistance of the B. subtilis plasmid is expressed in E. coli, but several antibiotic resistances of the E. coli plasmids (ampicillin, kanamycin and chloramphenicol) are not expressed in B. subtilis. The hybrid plasmids seem to be more unstable in B. subtilis than in E. coli.  相似文献   

The DnaD protein in Gram-positive bacteria is thought to be essential for the initiation step in DNA replication. In the present study, we characterized two Staphylococcus aureus mutants whose temperature-sensitive growth phenotype could be complemented by a plasmid carrying the dnaD gene. These mutants each had a single amino acid substitution in the DnaD protein and showed decreased DNA synthesis at restrictive temperature. Analyses of the origin to terminus ratio by Southern blotting, and of origin numbers per cell by flow cytometry, revealed that, at the restrictive temperature, one mutant continued ongoing DNA replication but failed to initiate DNA replication. The other mutant, in contrast, could not complete ongoing DNA replication and proceeded to degrade the chromosome. However, if protein synthesis was inhibited, the second mutant could complete DNA replication. These results suggest that DnaD protein is necessary not only for the initiation step, but also to avoid replication fork blockage. Moreover, both mutants were sensitive to mitomycin C, a drug that induces DNA damage, suggesting that the DnaD protein is also involved in DNA repair.Communicated by H. Ikeda  相似文献   

To assess to what extent three Bacillus licheniformis plasmids had the same molecular organization a physical map of the 9.34, 8.40 and 7.90 kb plasmids was achieved by using seventeen restriction enzymes. Southern hybridization was performed on plasmids using restriction fragments of the smallest plasmid as probes. Data from different hybridization patterns show a close homology among the three plasmids hypothesizing a similar molecular organization. The lack of plasmid diversity observed, seem to support the hypothesis of a similar phylogeny among these plasmids. This investigation provides more information concerning phylogeny, interrelationships and level of diversity among Bacillus plasmids and a molecular characterization of three plasmids useful for the construction of cloning vectors.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage CP-51, a generalized transducing phage for Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus, and B. thuringiensis, mediates transduction of plasmid DNA. B. cereus GP7 harbors the 2.8-megadalton multicopy tetracycline resistance plasmid, pBC16. B. thuringiensis 4D11A carries pC194, the 1.8-megadalton multicopy chloramphenicol resistance plasmid. When phage CP-51 was propagated on these strains, it transferred the plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistances to the nonvirulent Weybridge (Sterne) strain of B. anthracis, to B. cereus 569, and to strains of several B. thuringiensis subspecies. The frequency of transfer was as high as 10(-5) transductants per PFU. Tetracycline-resistant and chloramphenicol-resistant transductants contained newly acquired plasmid DNA having the same molecular weight as that contained in the donor strain. Antibiotic-resistant transductants derived from any of the three species were effective donors of plasmids to recipients from all three species.  相似文献   

Cloned replication origin regions, derived from both small (4.9-7.5 MDa) and large (43-60 MDa) plasmids of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki strains HD73 and HD263 were used as hybridization probes in a Southern-blot analysis to assess both the size and horizontal distribution of native plasmid replicon groups among different subspecies of B. thuringiensis. In general, resident plasmids hybridizing to the replication origin regions derived from strains HD263 and HD73 were more commonly found in kurstaki strains than in non-kurstaki strains, suggesting a non-random distribution of plasmid incompatibility groups. Replication origin regions derived from the large HD263 plasmids (43-60 MDa) hybridized almost exclusively with large plasmids (greater than 30 MDa) of widely varying sizes. In contrast, replication origin regions derived from small plasmids hybridized exclusively with small plasmids (less than 10 MDa) showing little size variation. These results are consistent with previous observations concerning the relationship between plasmid size, mode of replication, and structural stability.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a microbial pesticide widely used to control crop pests. Its strains have good biocontrol activity against crop insect pest, but lack some desirable characteristics that are found in Bacillus subtilis. An attempt has been made to combine those desirable characteristics; we used a highly effective biocontrol strain of B. thuringiensis in protoplast fusions with a strain of B. subtilis. The fusants were identified through cell culture and stained with crystal violet. The Bt and B. subtilis protoplasts were induced to fuse by PEG 6000. The fusants were produced almost 95% mortality in first instar larvae of Spodoptera litura. The lethal doses (The LC50 and LC90) for mortality of S. litura values were significantly in lower level in the fusant-treated larvae, when compared with Bt and B. subtilis individual treatment. The consumption and digestion of S. litura significantly decreased after treatment with fusant. Also the approximate digestibility of S. litura increased significantly.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of single strand origins (SSOs) of several cryptic Bacillus subtilis plasmids which use the rolling-circle mechanism of replication. The plasmids used in this study involved pTA1015, pTA1020, pTA1030, pTA1040, pTA1050 and pTA1060. The SSO of pTA1015 was isolated by shotgun cloning in a specially designed vector, pWM100, which has no SSO of its own. Sequence analysis revealed that the SSO of pTA1015 is almost identical to formerly described palT type SSOs. Also pTA1020 and pTA1060 were shown to contain SSOs highly homologous to palT. Using Southern hybridization with the palT of pTA1015 as a probe, the SSO of pTA1040 was cloned. Sequence analysis revealed a region of 200 bp which is 77% identical to the palT of pTA1015. The plasmids pTA1030 and pTA1050 contain an SSO which is highly homologous to the SSO of pTA1040. The majority of the SSOs of rolling-circle plasmids from B.subtilis seem to belong to two related families which we denote as palT1 (present on pTA1015, pTA1020 and pTA1060) and palT2 (present on pTA1030, pTA1040 and pTA1050). Both families of SSOs are highly efficient single-strand-conversion signals in B.subtilis.  相似文献   

The ywtD gene, which codes for an enzyme that degrades gamma-polyglutamic acid (PGA), was cloned from Bacillus subtilis IFO16449. The gene is located immediately downstream of ywsC and ywtABC, a PGA operon involved in PGA biosynthesis, and it showed partial similarity to genes coding for DL-endopeptidase, a peptidoglycan-degrading enzyme. The ywtD gene, from which signal sequence is excised, was inserted into pET15b, and the recombinant plasmid was then transformed into Escherichia coli. Histidine-tagged YwtD was purified from sonicated cells of the transformant. The purified YwtD degraded PGA to yield two hydrolyzed products, a high-molecular-mass product (490 kDa with nearly 100% L-glutamic acid) and an 11-kDa product (with D-glutamic acid and L-glutamic acid in an 80:20 ratio). This finding and results of enzymatic analysis of the two products with carboxypeptidase G suggest that YwtD is a novel enzyme cleaving the gamma-glutamyl bond only between D- and L-glutamic acids of PGA, and it may be designated gamma-DL-glutamyl hydrolase.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the discovery and initial characterization of two small plasmids, pCfl and pCf2, in the marine diatomCylindrotheca fusiformis. Extracted diatom DNA separates into two bands in CsCI-Hoechst 33258 dye gradients. Upon agarose gel electrophoresis of a sample of the upper band of the gradient we observed, in addition to high molecular weight (genomic) chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA, pairs of lower molecular weight bands. These bands contained two species of circular plasmid DNA molecules, as shown by electron microscopy. The nucleotide composition of the plasmids, and chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs is similar, as indicated by their co-banding in the gradients. They were cloned, and their restriction maps determined, showing that pCfl is 4.27 and pCf2 4.08 kb in size. By hybridization analysis, we showed that pCfl and pCf2 share regions of similarity, but not identity. Neither plasmid hybridizes with mitochondrial DNA. Both plasmids hybridize with chloroplast DNA, and pCf2 also hybridizes with nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

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