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The occurrence of insulin-degrading activity in the liver of the obese hyperglycemic mouse (ob/ob) and its litter mate has been studied. The trichloroacetic acid-soluble product formed from insulin upon incubation with liver homogenate was identified as the A chain of insulin. In Ouchterlony double-diffusion experiments with antibody to purified rat liver glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase, mouse liver homogenate and the microsomal fraction each gave a single precipitation band of identity with the purified rat liver enzyme. These results indicate that the insulin-degrading activity present in the mouse liver is, in fact, glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase. Subcellular distribution studies of glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase and marker enzymes indicate that the transhydrogenase is located primarily in the microsomal fraction of mouse liver homogenate. The ob/ob mouse, which is a genetic mutant characterized by obesity, hyperinsulinism and resistance to the hypoglycemic action of insulin, contains hepatic glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase activity (per mg microsomal protein) markedly higher (40--60%) than its lean litter mates. However, a major portion of the increased hepatic enzyme in the ob/ob mouse occurs in a latent state; the increased amount of enzyme either is unavailable or is nonfunctional, although the ob/ob mouse still contains more of the functional form than the lean mouse. Thus, the results are consistent with the suggestion that the hepatic glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase is probably under a feedback control by circulating insulin.  相似文献   

Features of the reproductive axis in the genetically hypogonadal, obese mouse (genotype, ob/ob) were examined at 5-8 months of age and compared with those of wild-type litter mates. Hypothalamic concentrations of dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine were normal. Those of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, noradrenaline and LH-RH were raised. LH-RH was biologically active. Pituitary concentration of LH was normal, but that of FSH was raised. Serum concentrations of LH and FSH, compared with those of wild-type animals, were normal and low, respectively. Gonad and accessory sex organs weights were reduced. These findings suggest that the release of FSH but not LH is defective in the ob/ob mouse. Preliminary in-vitro experiments indicated that the pituitary gland responded normally or even supernormally towards LH-RH in its release of LH. The defect in the reproductive axis of the obese mouse may be due to inadequate release of LH-RH although an insensitivity of the pituitary gland towards LH-RH in its release of FSH cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The results presented in this study indicate that the defect in catecholamine-stimulated adenylate-cyclase which is characteristic of the ob/ob mouse is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of the system to guanine nucleotides (guanosine 5'-[beta gamma-imido]triphosphate and guanosine 5'-triphosphate). No difference in the beta-adrenergic receptor activity was found between the lean and obese mice on the basis of their capacity to bind the beta-adrenergic antagonist [3H]dihydroalprenolol. The data suggest that a defect in the activation of the adenylate cyclase by beta-adrenergic agents may reside in the guanyl nucleotide binding site(s).  相似文献   

The lipid transport system of 3-month-old male C57BL/6J obese (ob/ob) mice was investigated. Serum lipoproteins were separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation and characterized by their chemical and electrophoretic properties as well as their relative apolipoprotein contents, defined according to molecular weight and charge. Obese, ob/ob mice exhibited a marked hyperlipoproteinemia resulting from large increases in low-density lipoproteins (LDL, d 1.021-1.058 g/ml) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL, d 1.058-1.137 g/ml), particularly, the HDL2 subclass (d 1.058-1.109 g/ml). This increase in lipoproteins was entirely responsible for their hypercholesterolemia and hyperphospholipidemia. By contrast, these obese mice had a net decrease in very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL, d less than 1.016 g/ml) and intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL, d 1.016-1.021 g/ml), which accounted for their moderate hypotriglyceridemia. The chemical composition of heterogeneous light LDL (d 1.021-1.040 g/ml and dense LDL (d 1.040-1.058 g/ml) overlapped by HDL-like particles was highly modified. These modifications consisted of increases in the percentages of cholesteryl ester and phospholipid and decreases in that of triacylglycerol. There were also marked changes in the relative values of the apolipoproteins of VLDL, but principally, IDL and LDL. IDL and light LDL were poorer in apolipoproteins BH (Mr 340,000-320,000) and eventually in apolipoprotein BL (Mr 220,000-200,000) and enriched in apolipoproteins E (Mr 37,000-35,000) and C-A-II (Mr approximately equal to 12,000). A similar and very significant change occurred in VLDL for both the apolipoproteins BL and C-A-II. Dense LDL, mainly poorer in apolipoprotein BH and enriched in apolipoprotein A-I (Mr 28,000-27,000), closely resembled HDL2 in all the groups, and were enriched in apolipoproteins C-A-II in only the obese mice. We suggest that ob/ob mice are probably protected against atheromata because of the low VLDL and IDL levels, and the increase in HDL2.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the insulin resistance of the obese hyperglycemic mouse (ob/ob) was found to be associated with decreased insulin binding to liver, fat, and lymphocytes. The present study demonstrates that the insulin receptors in the liver membranes of the ob/ob mouse are decreased in number, but are indistinguishable from normal by other criteria including affinity, kinetics of association and dissociation, temperature dependence of binding, and biological specificity of the binding reaction. The receptor in liver membranes of the ob/ob mouse is also indistinguishable with respect to insulin receptor site-site interactions. Degradation of both insulin and of receptor sites was studied and did not account for differences observed in binding. We conclude that the insulin receptor from the ob/ob mouse is a functionally normal receptor and that its presence in diminished number accounts for the observed decrease in insulin binding to liver plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The genetically obese (ob/ob) mouse is a useful model for the study of the diabetogenic action of growth hormone (GH), because treatment of these animals with GH results in decreased responsiveness of their adipose tissue to insulin in vitro. Studies of the mechanisms involved in GH-induced insulin resistance using isolated adipocytes of ob/ob mice have not been possible, however, because of their extreme fragility and the lack of an adequate system for the maintenance of these cells. This study describes a new method for the isolation of ob/ob mouse adipocytes. The isolated cells are stable, viable and metabolically responsive to insulin. In addition, these adipocytes have been maintained in primary culture, in serum-free medium, for up to 3 days. During culture, the cells exhibit large increases in 125I-hGH binding (10-20-fold) and porcine 125I-insulin binding (5-10-fold). The induction of insulin resistance by GH has also been demonstrated in these freshly isolated ob/ob mouse adipocytes. The studies to date indicate that the ob/ob mouse adipocyte system should provide a useful model for detailed studies of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of GH induced insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The activation of brown adipose tissue adenylate cyclase by catecholamines was studied in genetically obese (ob/ob) and lean mice. In obese mice, the maximum activation of the enzyme by several beta-adrenergic agonists was only two-thirds that in lean mice and, as an activator, noradrenaline was only one-eighth as potent. The adenylate cyclase was also less responsive to guanine nucleotides. In these respects, the defect in catecholamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase was similar in both white and brown adipose tissue of the obese mouse. The enzyme in brown adipose tissue differed from that in white adipose tissue in its sensitivity to other beta-adrenergic agonists and in its requirement for Mg2+. It is suggested that this abnormal catecholamine-activated adenylate cyclase in brown adipose tissue may be relate to the thermoregulatory defect of the obese mouse and hence may contribute to the obesity syndrome.  相似文献   

The rapid stimulation of insulin release by a perifusate from the pituitary neurointermediate lobe of the obob mouse has been demonstrated by perifusing collagenase prepared mouse islets maintained for 48 hours in tissue culture. The maximal stimulation occurred in about 2 minutes and insulin secretion remained slightly above basal levels for 10 minutes. Freshly prepared collagenase islets showed no response to the pituitary factor and after 24 or 72 hours in culture there was a significant but reduced response compared to the 48 hour cultured islets.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of isolated adipocytes from obese mice is described. Similar yields of adipocytes (50--60%), as judged by several criteria, are obtained from obese mice and lean controls. Few fat-globules and no free nuclei were observed in cell preparations, which are metabolically active, respond to hormonal control and appear to be representative of intact adipose tissue. Noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis was inhibited by insulin, equally in adipocytes from lean and obese mice. Inhibition in obese cells required exogenous glucose, and the insulin dose--response curve was shifted to the right. Basal lipogenesis from glucose was higher in adipocytes from obese mice, and the stimulatory effect of insulin was greater in cells from obese mice compared with lean controls. A rightward shift in the insulin dose--response curve was again observed with cells from obese animals. This suggests that adipose tissue from obese mice is insulin-sensitive at the high blood insulin concentrations found in vivo. The resistance of obese mice to the hypoglycaemic effect of exogenous insulin and their impaired tolerance to glucose loading appear to be associated with an impaired insulin response by muscle rather than by adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc supplementation (20 mM ZnCl2 from the drinking water for eight weeks) on plasma glucose and insulin levels, as well as its in vitro effect on lipogenesis and lipolysis in adipocytes were studied in genetically obese (ob/ob) mice and their lean controls (+/?). Zinc supplementation reduced the fasting plasma glucose levels in both obese and lean mice by 21 and 25%, respectively (p < 0.05). Fasting plasma insulin levels were significantly decreased by 42% in obese mice after zinc treatment. In obese mice, zinc supplementation also attenuated the glycemic response by 34% after the glucose load. The insulin-like effect of zinc on lipogenesis in adipocytes was significantly increased by 80% in lean mice. However, the increment of 74% on lipogenesis in obese mice was observed only when the zinc plus insulin treatment was given. This study reveals that zinc supplementation alleviated the hyperglycemia of ob/ob mice, which may be related to its effect on the enhancement of insulin activity.  相似文献   

The development of glucose intolerance in Aston ob/ob mice showed a gross exaggeration of the age-related changes of glucose tolerance in lean (+/+) mice. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance in ob/ob mice was poor at 5 weeks, improved by 10 weeks, but markedly worsened by 20 weeks. A 24 hour fast further exaggerated the glucose intolerance of ob/ob mice. Unlike lean mice, tolerance improved in ob/ob mice at 40 weeks. Alterations of insulin sensitivity and the plasma insulin response to glucose accounted in part for these observations. Insulin sensitivity deteriorated until 20 weeks, but improved at 40 weeks in both fed and 24 hour fasted ob/ob mice. A positive plasma insulin response to glucose was lost after 5 weeks in fed ob/ob mice. The severity of this abnormality corresponded with the extent of the basal hyperinsulinaemia. A 24 hour fast reduced plasma insulin concentrations and restored a positive plasma insulin response to glucose in ob/ob mice. The results suggest that the plasma insulin response to glucose in ob/ob mice is related to the secretory activity of the B-cells prior to stimulation. Furthermore, it is evident that factors in addition to insulin insensitivity and the impaired plasma insulin response to glucose contribute to the development of glucose intolerance in these mice.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of adrenal hormones in the development of hyperinsulinaemia and impaired glucose homeostasis in genetically obese hyperglycaemic C57BL/6J ob/ob mice. Lean (+/?) and obese mice were bilaterally adrenalectomised or sham operated at 5 weeks of age, and glucose tolerance was examined after 7 and 14 days. Adrenalectomy temporarily reduced food intake and body weight gain in lean mice, and improved glucose tolerance without a significant change in plasma insulin concentrations at both intervals studied. In obese mice adrenalectomy permanently reduced body weight gain and food intake to values comparable with lean mice. Glucose tolerance was improved in adrenalectomised obese mice at both intervals studied, resulting in plasma glucose concentrations similar to adrenalectomised lean mice. Plasma insulin concentrations during the tolerance tests were reduced in adrenalectomised obese mice, but remained higher than in lean mice. Adrenalectomy did not improve the poor insulin response to parenteral glucose in obese mice. The results indicate that adrenal hormones play an important role in the development of glucose intolerance and contribute to the hyperinsulinaemia in obese (ob/ob) mice, in part by promoting hyperphagia.  相似文献   

Examination of the glucose tolerance in younger (3 month) and older (6 month) obese mice revealed that most of their postinjection hyperglycemia arises from the disproportionately large glucose responses to the injection/bleeding procedures rather than from the added glucose. Simultaneous measurements of circulating glucagon, corticosterone and insulin indicated that simple differences in the levels of these hormones, in their circulating ratios, or in the magnitude of the hormone responses to stimulation did not fully account for the "stress"-induced hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

Exposure of a normal lean mouse to cold (14 degrees C) for 12 h increases the activity of thyroxine 5'-deiodinase in brown adipose tissue 26-fold. In contrast, exposure of the genetically obese, ob/ob, mouse to cold results in little more than a doubling of thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity. The physiological significance of endogenous 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine production in brown adipose tissue is not understood. However, it seems likely that defective cold-induced stimulation of the 5'-deiodinase in brown adipose tissue of the ob/ob mouse might cause a relatively hypothyroid state of the tissue. Thyroid hormone is known to be required for a normal thermogenic response of brown adipose tissue to noradrenaline. It is suggested that the defect in the response of the 5'-deiodinase in the ob/ob mouse could contribute to the defective thermogenic response of brown adipose tissue to cold-exposure and to noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Kidney post-nuclear supernatants from genetically lean and obese mice were subjected to subcellular fractionation by dual centrifugation through sucrose gradients in B XIV zonal rotors. Considerable purification of peroxisomes was achieved which allowed the demonstration of acyl-CoA beta-oxidation enzymes and carnitine acyltransferases in these organelles. Comparison of kidney peroxisome-enriched fractions from obese and lean mice indicated a likely relative depression in beta-oxidation enzymes in the obese animal. Measurement of catalase, acyl-CoA oxidase and carnitine octanoyltransferase in whole homogenate of liver and kidney of obese and lean mice revealed significantly reduced levels (to approximately 2/3) of these peroxisomal enzymes in the kidney of ob/ob mice. In contrast the specific activity of catalase and acyl-CoA oxidase was significantly raised in the liver of obese mice.  相似文献   

We have examined the protein content and gene expression of three superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes in eight tissues from obese ob/ob mice, particularly placing the focus on extracellular-SOD (EC-SOD) in the white adipose tissue (WAT). Obesity significantly increased EC-SOD level in liver, kidney, testis, gastrocnemius muscle, WAT, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and plasma, but significantly decreased the isoenzyme level in lung. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta contents in WAT were significantly higher in obese mice than in lean control mice. Immunohistochemically, both WAT and BAT from obese mice could be stained deeply with anti-mouse EC-SOD antibody compared with those from lean mice. Each primary culture per se almost time-dependently enhanced EC-SOD production, and overtly expressed its mRNA. The loss of heparin-binding affinity of EC-SOD type C with high affinity for heparin occurred in kidney of obese mice. These results suggest that the physiological importance of this SOD isoenzyme in WAT may be a compensatory adaptation to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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