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Recent studies have shown that morphine modulates the function of glia cells through both opioid receptor dependent and independent mechanisms. However, the mechanism by which morphine regulates neuronal disorders through the alteration of microglia activity remains unclear. In this study, using rat primary mesencephalic neuron-glia cultures, we report that both l-morphine and its synthetic stereoenantiomer, d-morphine, an ineffective opioid receptor agonist, significantly reduced LPS- or 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity with similar efficacy, indicating a nonopioid receptor-mediated effect. In addition, using reconstituted neuron and glia cultures, subpicomolar concentrations of morphine were found to be neuroprotective only in the presence of microglia, and significantly inhibited the production of inflammatory mediators from LPS-stimulated microglia cells. Mechanistic studies showed that both l- and d- morphine failed to protect dopaminergic neurons in cultures from NADPH oxidase (PHOX) knockout mice and significantly reduced LPS-induced PHOX cytosolic subunit p47(phox) translocation to the cell membrane by inhibiting ERK phosphorylation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that morphine, even at subpicomolar concentrations, exerts potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects either through the inhibition of direct microglial activation by LPS or through the inhibition of reactive microgliosis elicited by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. Furthermore, our study reveals that inhibition of PHOX is a novel site of action for the mu-opioid receptor-independent effect of morphine.  相似文献   

Social contexts can have dramatic effects on decisions. When individuals recognize each other as coming from the same social group, they can coordinate their actions towards a common goal. Conversely, information about group differences can lead to conflicts both economic and physical. Understanding how social information shapes decision processes is now a core goal both of behavioural economics and neuroeconomics. Here, we describe the foundations for research that combines the theoretical framework from identity economics with the experimental methods of neuroscience. Research at this intersection would fill important gaps in the literature not addressed by current approaches in either of these disciplines, nor within social neuroscience, psychology or other fields. We set forth a simple taxonomy of social contexts based on the information content they provide. And, we highlight the key questions that would be addressed by a new 'identity neuroeconomics'. Such research could serve as an important and novel link between the social and natural sciences.  相似文献   

Primary obesity and psychotic disorders are similar with respect to the associated changes in energy balance and co-morbidities, including metabolic syndrome. Such similarities do not necessarily demonstrate causal links, but instead suggest that specific causes of and metabolic disturbances associated with obesity play a pathogenic role in the development of co-morbid disorders, potentially even before obesity develops. Metabolomics – the systematic study of metabolites, which are small molecules generated by the process of metabolism – has been important in elucidating the pathways underlying obesity-associated co-morbidities. This review covers how recent metabolomic studies have advanced biomarker discovery and the elucidation of mechanisms underlying obesity and its co-morbidities, with a specific focus on metabolic syndrome and psychotic disorders. The importance of identifying metabolic markers of disease-associated intermediate phenotypes – traits modulated but not encoded by the DNA sequence – is emphasized. Such markers would be applicable as diagnostic tools in a personalized healthcare setting and might also open up novel therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

The very high toxicity of tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) and botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) are related to their nature of zinc metallopeptidases able to selectively cleave small proteins involved in neurotransmitters exocytosis. At this time, there is no efficient and selective therapy towards tetanos and tobulism as well as protection against a possible spreading of the toxins. We have therefore investigated the minimum sequences of TeNT and BoNT substrates allowing an efficient and simple fluorescent dosage of the enzymatic activity to be developed. Using synaptobrevin (93 amino acids) as substrate of TeNT and several fragments synthesised by solid phase method, we have shown that the clostridial neurotoxins behave as allosteric-type enzymes. This is the first example in zinc metallopeptidases. Based on these results a strategy, including the use of combinatorial chemistry, was carried out issuing in the design of the first potent inhibitors of TeNT and BoNT.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of diketone neurotoxicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The important industrial and commercial solvents n-hexane and methyl n-butyl ketone undergo metabolic conversion in experimental animals and man to the neurotoxic gamma-diketone 2,5-hexanedione. Several molecular mechanisms of action have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of gamma-diketone neuropathy. Such a mechanism must account for the target organ specificity, neurofilament accumulation, structure/activity relationships, in vivo covalent binding, and apparent direct axonal toxicity encountered in this syndrome. It has been proposed that the gamma-diketones exert their effects by reaction with sulfhydryl moieties of energy-producing axonal glycolytic enzymes, with resultant disruption of axoplasmic transport. Others have suggested that reaction instead occurs with lysine moieties of axonal cytoskeletal proteins to form alkyl pyrrole adducts, leading to damaging physicochemical changes in these proteins. Additional hypotheses involve inhibition of axonal sterologenesis, alterations in nerve membrane properties, and reduced neurofilament proteolysis within the nerve terminal. Although a comprehensive mechanism of action for the gamma-diketones remains to be demonstrated, much progress has been made toward this goal. Ultimate success awaits elucidation of the interactions of the neurotoxic diketones with axonal components at the molecular level. Previous reviews have addressed the historical, pharmacokinetic, and neuropathological aspects of this neuropathy. The present critique will examine proposed molecular mechanisms for the gamma-diketones with regard to theoretical considerations and experimental evidence.  相似文献   

Biochemical mechanisms of cyclosporine neurotoxicity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proper management of chemotoxicity in transplant patients requires detailed knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms underlying immunosuppressant toxicity. Neurotoxicity is one of the most significant clinical side effects of the immunosuppressive undecapeptide cyclosporine, occurring at some degree in up to 60% of transplant patients. The clinical symptoms of cyclosporine-mediated neurotoxicity consist of decreased responsiveness, hallucinations, delusions, seizures, cortical blindness, and stroke-like episodes that mimic those clinical symptoms of mitochondrial encephalopathy. Clinical computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have revealed a correlation between clinical symptoms of cyclosporine-mediated neurotoxicity and morphological changes in the brain, such as hypodensity of white matter, cerebral edema, metabolic encephalopathy, and hypoxic damages. Paradoxically, in animal models cyclosporine protects the brain from ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Interestingly, cyclosporine appears to mediate both neurotoxicity (under normoxic conditions) and I/R protection across the same range of drug concentration. Both toxicity and protection might arise from the intersection of cyclosporine with mitochondrial energy metabolism. This review addresses basic biochemical mechanisms of: 1) cyclosporine toxicity in normoxic brain, and 2) its protective effects in the same organ during I/R. The marked and unparallel potential of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as a novel quantitative approach to evaluate metabolic drug toxicity is described.  相似文献   

Cancer cachexia is a syndrome characterised by a marked weight loss, anorexia, asthenia and anaemia. In fact, many patients who die with advanced cancer suffer from cancer cachexia. The cachectic state is invariably associated with the presence and growth of the tumour and leads to a malnutrition status due to the induction of anorexia or decreased food intake. In addition, the competition for nutrients between the tumour and the host leads to an accelerated starvation state which promotes severe metabolic disturbances in the host, including hypermetabolism which leads to an increased energetic inefficiency. Although, the search for the cachectic factor(s) started a long time ago, and although many scientific and economic efforts have been devoted to its discovery, we are still a long way from knowing the whole truth. The main aim of the present review is to summarise and evaluate the different catabolic mediators (both humoural and tumoural) involved in cancer cachexia since they may represent targets for future promising clinical investigations.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein-ATPase is an efflux transporter of broad specificity that counteracts passive allocrit influx. Understanding the rate of allocrit transport therefore matters. Generally, the rates of allocrit transport and ATP hydrolysis decrease exponentially with increasing allocrit affinity to the transporter. Here we report unexpectedly strong down-modulation of the P-glycoprotein-ATPase by certain detergents. To elucidate the underlying mechanism, we chose 34 electrically neutral and cationic detergents with different hydrophobic and hydrophilic characteristics. Measurement of the P-glycoprotein-ATPase activity as a function of concentration showed that seven detergents activated the ATPase as expected, whereas 27 closely related detergents reduced it significantly. Assessment of the free energy of detergent partitioning into the lipid membrane and the free energy of detergent binding from the membrane to the transporter revealed that the ratio, q, of the two free energies of binding determined the rate of ATP hydrolysis. Neutral (cationic) detergents with a ratio of q = 2.7 ± 0.2 (q > 3) followed the aforementioned exponential dependence. Small deviations from the optimal ratio strongly reduced the rates of ATP hydrolysis and flopping, respectively, whereas larger deviations led to an absence of interaction with the transporter. P-glycoprotein-ATPase inhibition due to membrane disordering by detergents could be fully excluded using 2H-NMR-spectroscopy. Similar principles apply to modulating drugs.  相似文献   

An unrealized potential to understand the genetic basis of aging in humans, is to consider the immense survival advantage of the rare individuals who live 100 years or more. The Longevity Gene Study was initiated in 1998 at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine to investigate longevity genes in a selected population: the “oldest old” Ashkenazi Jews, 95 years of age and older, and their children. The study proved the principle that some of these subjects are endowed with longevity-promoting genotypes. Here we reason that some of the favorable genotypes act as mechanisms that buffer the deleterious effect of age-related disease genes. As a result, the frequency of deleterious genotypes may increase among individuals with extreme lifespan because their protective genotype allows disease-related genes to accumulate. Thus, studies of genotypic frequencies among different age groups can elucidate the genetic determinants and pathways responsible for longevity. Borrowing from evolutionary theory, we present arguments regarding the differential survival via buffering mechanisms and their target age-related disease genes in searching for aging and longevity genes. Using more than 1,200 subjects between the sixth and eleventh decades of life (at least 140 subjects in each group), we corroborate our hypotheses experimentally. We study 66 common allelic site polymorphism in 36 candidate genes on the basis of their phenotype. Among them we have identified a candidate-buffering mechanism and its candidate age-related disease gene target. Previously, the beneficial effect of an advantageous cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP-VV) genotype on lipoprotein particle size in association with decreased metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as with better cognitive function, have been demonstrated. We report an additional advantageous effect of the CETP-VV (favorable) genotype in neutralizing the deleterious effects of the lipoprotein(a) (LPA) gene. Finally, using literature-based interaction discovery methods, we use the set of longevity genes, buffering genes, and their age-related target disease genes to construct the underlying subnetwork of interacting genes that is expected to be responsible for longevity. Genome wide, high-throughput hypothesis-free analyses are currently being utilized to elucidate unknown genetic pathways in many model organisms, linking observed phenotypes to their underlying genetic mechanisms. The longevity phenotype and its genetic mechanisms, such as our buffering hypothesis, are similar; thus, the experimental corroboration of our hypothesis provides a proof of concept for the utility of high-throughput methods for elucidating such mechanisms. It also provides a framework for developing strategies to prevent some age-related diseases by intervention at the appropriate level.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a genetically programmed cell death that is required for morphogenesis during embryogenic development and for tissue homeostasis in adult organisms. In most cases, apoptosis involves cytochrome c release from mitochondria. In the cytosol, cytochrome c combines with APAF-1 in the presence of ATP to activate caspase-9 that, in turn, activates effectors caspases such as caspase-3. Bcl-2 and related proteins control cytochrome c release from the mitochondria whereas IAP (for Inhibitor of APoptosis) molecules modulate the activity of caspases. Plasma membrane receptors such as Fas (CD95, APO-1), characterized by a so-called "death domain" in their cytoplasmic domain, can activate the caspase cascade through adaptator molecules such as FADD (Fas-Associated protein with a Death Domain). Dysregulation of the apoptotic machinery plays a role in the pathogenesis of various diseases and molecules involved in cell death pathways are potential therapeutic targets in immunologic, neurologic, cancer, infectious and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely used in agricultural and other settings, resulting in continued human exposure. Pesticide toxicity has been clearly demonstrated to alter a variety of neurological functions. Particularly, there is strong evidence suggesting that pesticide exposure predisposes to neurodegenerative diseases. Epidemiological data have suggested a relationship between pesticide exposure and brain neurodegeneration. However, an increasing debate has aroused regarding this issue. Paraquat is a highly toxic quaternary nitrogen herbicide which has been largely studied as a model for Parkinson's disease providing valuable insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in the toxic effects of pesticides and their role in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. In this work, we review the molecular mechanisms involved in the neurotoxic action of pesticides, with emphasis on the mechanisms associated with the induction of neuronal cell death by paraquat as a model for Parkinsonian neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Aldosterone: a steroid hormone of adrenal cortex, has recently attracted much interest not only due to its great importance in regulation of salt and water balance, but also because of its key role in therapy of cardiovascular and renal pathology. The classical genomic mechanism of molecular action of aldosterone is mediated through interaction with mineral-corticoid receptors. Fast nongenomic pathway of cell signal transduction begins with interaction with hypothetic membrane receptors and includes activation of different kinase cascades. Interference of these two pathways of signal transduction assures abroad spectrum of aldosterone effects depending on the cell type, and also secures multycomponent regulation depending on the need of specific functional and stress situation. This review is dedicated to modern views of mechanisms of aldosterone molecular action, mostly of the level of aldosterone-sensitive segment of kidney nephron.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive loss of memory and cognition. One of the hallmarks of AD is the accumulation of beta-amyloid (Aβ). Although endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress have been implicated in Aβ toxicity, the molecular mechanism(s) of Aβ-induced neurotoxicity are not fully understood. In this study, we present evidence that the glia-derived stress protein metallothionein (MT) attenuates Aβ-induced neurotoxicity by unique mechanisms. MT expression was increased in brain astrocytes of a NSE-APPsw transgenic mouse model of AD. Astrocyte-derived MT protected N2a neuroblastoma cells and primary cortical neurons against Aβ toxicity with concurrent reduction of reactive oxygen species levels. MT reversed Aβ-induced down-regulation of Bcl-2 and survival signaling in neuroblastoma cells. Moreover, MT inhibited Aβ-induced proinflammatory cytokine production from microglia. The neurotoxicity of Aβ-stimulated microglia was significantly attenuated by MT-I. The results indicate that MT released from reactive astrocytes may antagonize Aβ neurotoxicity by direct inhibition of Aβ neurotoxicity and indirect suppression of neurotoxic microglial activation. These findings broaden the understanding of neurotoxic mechanisms of Aβ and the crosstalk between Aβ and MT in AD.  相似文献   

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies or prion related disorders are fatal and infectious neurodegenerative diseases characterized by extensive neuronal apoptosis and accumulation of a misfolded form of the cellular prion protein (PrP), denoted PrP(Sc). Although the mechanism of neurodegeneration and the involvement of PrP(Sc) is far from clear, data indicates that neuronal apoptosis might be related to activation of several signaling pathways, including proteasome dysfunction, alterations in prion maturation pathway and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this article we describe recent studies investigating the molecular mechanism of PrP(Sc) neurotoxicity. We propose a model in which the key step in the pathogenesis of prion disorders, independent on their etiology, is the alteration of ER-homeostasis due to drastic modifications of the physicochemical properties of PrP, leading to the activation of ER-dependent signaling pathways that controls cellular survival.  相似文献   

As organisms have evolved in size and complexity, tubular systems have developed to enable the efficient transport of substances into and out of tissues. These tubular systems are generated using strategies that are based on common elements of cell behaviour, including cell polarization, tube migration to target sites, cell-fate diversification and localization of specialized cells to different regions of the tube system. Using examples from both invertebrate and vertebrate systems, this review highlights progress in understanding these basic principles and briefly discusses the possible evolution of strategies to regulate the morphogenesis of tubular systems.  相似文献   

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a congenital overgrowth condition with an increased risk of developing embryonic tumours, such as Wilms' tumour. The cardinal features are abdominal wall defects, macroglossia and gigantism. BWS is generally sporadic; only 10-15% of cases are familial. A variety of molecular aberrations have been associated with BWS. The only mutations within a gene are loss-of-function mutations in the CDKN1C gene, which codes for an imprinted cell-cycle regulator. CDKN1C mutations appear to be particularly associated with umbilical abnormalities, but not with increased predisposition to Wilms' tumour. In the remaining BWS subgroups, a disturbance of the tight epigenetic regulation of gene expression (patUPD 11p, microdeletions or epimutations) seems to be the cause of the syndrome. Here we describe the clinical presentation of BWS and its dissociation from phenotypically overlapping overgrowth syndromes. We then review the current concepts of causative molecular genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, and discuss future directions of research.  相似文献   

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