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粪便样品中大肠杆菌多态性分子研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以粪便样品中分离到的大肠杆菌为研究对象,比较了3种不同方法在分离鉴定大肠杆菌过程中的应用。首先,通过传统方法从粪便样品中分离,筛选和确定了一批大肠杆菌疑似菌株,再用现代分子生物学方法对待鉴定的大肠杆菌疑似菌株,已知大肠杆菌MG1655以及几种其它细菌进行ARDRA(AmplifiedRibosomalDNARestrictionAnalysis)分析,最后利用ERIC-PCR技术在个体水平上分析菌株的多样性。结果表明,所有由传统方法确定的大肠杆菌疑似菌株和MG1655都属于同一ARDRA型,并与其它细菌的ARDRA条码型不同。这说明ARDRA分析得到的结果与传统分析方法的结果吻合,利用ARDRA分析可以区分大肠杆菌和其它肠道细菌。但是在本实验中ARDRA分析不能反映大肠杆菌中不同菌株之间的多样性,ERIC-PCR则可以区分它们。  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the abilities of 105 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and 103 avian faecal commensal E. coli (AFEC) to form biofilms on a plastic surface and to investigate the possible association of biofilm formation with the phylotype of these isolates. METHODS AND RESULTS: Biofilm production was assessed in 96-well microtitre plates using three different media, namely, M63 minimal medium supplemented with glucose and casamino acids, brain-heart infusion broth, and diluted tryptic soy broth. Avian E. coli are highly variable in their ability to form biofilms. In fact, no strain produced a strong biofilm in all three types of media; however, most (75.7% AFEC and 55.2% APEC) were able to form a moderate or strong biofilm in at least one medium. Biofilm formation in APEC seems to be mostly limited to nutrient deplete media; whereas, AFEC are able to form biofilms in both nutrient deplete and replete media. Also, biofilm formation in E. coli from phylogenetic groups B2, D and B1 was induced by nutrient deplete conditions; whereas, biofilm formation by members of phylogenetic group A was strongest in a rich medium. CONCLUSIONS: Biofilm formation by APEC and phylotypes B2, D and B1 is induced by nutrient deplete conditions, while AFEC are able to form biofilms in both nutrient rich and deplete media. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study to investigate biofilm formation by a large sample of avian E. coli isolates, and it provides insight into the conditions that induce biofilm formation in relation to the source (APEC or AFEC) and phylogenetic group (A, B1, B2 and D) of an isolate.  相似文献   

AIMS: To confirm the presence of Iss and Bor on the outer membrane of Escherichia coli using Western blots of outer membrane protein (OMP) preparations and fluorescence microscopy, and explore the use of fluorescence microscopy for the detection of avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and diagnosis of avian colibacillosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Knockout mutants of iss and bor were created using a one-step recombination of target genes with PCR-generated antibiotic resistance cassettes. Anti-Iss monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) that cross-react with Bor protein were used to study the mutants relative to the wild-type organism. These Mabs were used as reagents to study OMP preparations of the mutants with Western blotting and intact E. coli cells with fluorescence microscopy. Iss and Bor were detected in Western blots of OMP preparations of the wild type. Also, Iss was detected on Deltabor mutants, and Bor was detected on Deltaiss mutants. Iss and Bor were also detected on the surface of the intact, wild-type cells and mutants using fluorescence microscopy. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that Bor and Iss are exposed on E. coli's outer membrane where they may be recognized by the host's immune system. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To our knowledge, this is the first report confirming Iss' location in the outer membrane of an E. coli isolate. Such surface exposure has implications for the use of these Mabs for APEC detection and colibacillosis control.  相似文献   

菌蜕(Bacterial ghosts)是一种只含有细菌内、外膜结构的细菌空壳,可作为新型疫苗和传递载体。本研究通过3种方式制备禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian pathogenicity Escherichia coli,APEC)分离株DE17的菌蜕,评价不同的菌蜕制备方法。结果表明,利用噬菌体Phi X174的裂解基因E构建的溶菌质粒pBV220-E制备DE17菌蜕,对DE17菌株裂解率可达99.9%,扫描电镜观测结果表明,在DE17两端或中部形成可见的跨膜孔道,呈现典型的菌蜕结构。利用合成的细胞穿透肽MAP(KLALKLALKALKAALKLA)作用于DE17制备菌蜕,结果表明,10μmol/L的MAP可实现对OD_(600)=0.1的DE17完全灭活,扫描电镜虽未看到明显的跨膜孔道,但细菌的膜结构呈现沟壑状,而构建的可表达MAP的溶菌质粒pBV220-MAP并不能实现对DE17的裂解作用。本研究通过比较分析不同APEC菌蜕的制备方式,为进一步研究菌蜕疫苗和提高菌蜕疫苗的生物安全性提供参考。  相似文献   

Aims:  To identify, clone and sequence the iss (increased serum survival) gene from E. coli strain χ1378 isolated from Iranian poultry and to predict its protein product, Iss.
Methods and Results:  The iss gene from E. coli strain χ1378 was amplified and cloned into the pTZ57R/T vector and sequenced. From the DNA sequence, the Iss predictive protein was evaluated using bioinformatics. Iss from strain χ1378 had 100% identity with other E. coli serotypes and isolates from different origins and also 98% identity with E. coli O157:H7 Iss protein. Phylogenetic analysis showed no significant different phylogenic groups among E. coli strains.
Conclusions:  The strong association of predicted Iss protein among different E. coli strains suggests that it could be a good antigen to control and detect avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC).
Significance and Impact of the study:  Because the exact pathogenesis and the role of virulence factors are unknown, the Iss protein could be used as a target for vaccination in the future, but further research is required.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify the involvement of tetracycline usage in resistance rates against other antimicrobials. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was carried out on 545 porcine Escherichia coli isolates throughout Japan. As the result of analyzing by regions, resistance rates against kanamycin, oxytetracycline and trimethoprim in the Kanto/Koshinetu district were higher than those in some other districts. High resistance rates against kanamycin or trimethoprim in oxytetracycline-resistant isolates were also observed in the Kanto/Koshinetu district. The prevalence of multi-antimicrobial resistance through co-selection of resistances against kanamycin or trimethoprim by tetracycline usage could be the cause of regional differences in these resistances in porcine E. coli. By a communicative surveillance, kanamycin- and trimethoprim-resistance rates were likely to be elevated with tetracycline usage. Thus, usage of specific antimicrobial(s) is a remarkable viewpoint to control antimicrobial resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

[目的]检测禽致病性大肠杆菌IMT5155自分泌黏附素基因等具有代表性的疑似毒力基因在不同来源大肠杆菌中的分布,为进一步研究其致病机理提供依据.[方法]采用PCR和Dot blot,检测疑似毒力基因在不同地区(101株大肠杆菌中国分离株和121株大肠杆菌德国分离株)、不同来源(人源、禽源及猪源)大肠杆菌中的分布,并分析其和大肠杆菌系统进化分群的关系.[结果]自分泌黏附素基因B11等11个疑似毒力基因在禽致病性大肠杆菌中分布率较高,阳性率分别为:A1 36.4%(32/88)、A8 53.4%(47/88)、A1063.6%(56/88)、B1137.5%(33/88)、F3 59.1%(52/88)等,且疑似毒力基因主要存在于大肠杆菌B2进化群中.值得注意的是,D1、E9和F11基因片段在新生儿脑膜炎大肠杆菌中有较高的分布率,分别为60%(6/10)、80%(8/10)和90%(9/10),而在新生儿脑膜炎大肠杆菌中未检测到B11基因.[结论]自分泌黏附素B11等疑似毒力基因与禽致病性大肠杆菌关系密切,但疑似毒力基因D1、E9和F11与新生儿脑膜炎大肠杆菌密切相关,提示禽致病性大肠杆菌可能是新生儿脑膜炎大肠杆菌的毒力基因储库.  相似文献   

[目的]研究禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli,APEC)江苏、安徽分离株的优势血清型,并分析其生物学特性.[方法]对分离自病禽的细菌进行鉴定,采用玻片凝集法测定禽致病性大肠杆菌的血清型,PCR方法检测14种毒力基因的分布,采用美国临床和实验室标准化研究所的方法进行药物敏感性检测,改良结晶紫半定量法检测分离细菌的生物被膜形成能力. [结果]共分离到禽致病性大肠杆菌56株,血清型检测结果表明,O78血清型占64.29%,为主要血清型.毒力基因检测显示,fimC、pfs、ompA和luxS的阳性率超过90%.药物敏感性检测显示,58.93%的菌株对8种以上的药物耐受.生物被膜检测显示,有16株细菌生物被膜形成能力为中等以上,其中68.75%的菌株耐8种以上的药物.[结论]O78为主要流行的血清型.fimC、pfs、ompA和luxS基因为APEC保守基因.多重耐药性仍很普遍,细菌生物被膜与耐药性具有相关性.  相似文献   

[目的]探究毒力基因aerobactin与sit操纵子与禽致病性大肠杆菌E058株致病作用的相关性.[方法]利用Red同源重组方法,构建APEC E058株aerobactin与sit操纵子基因缺失株E058Δvir,并通过一系列的体内及体外试验对其生物学特性进行研究.[结果]生长曲线测定、细菌侵袭试验及体外竞争等试验结果表明,突变株与亲本株差异不显著;体内动态分布试验结果显示,突变株E058Δvir在5个被检脏器中均极显著地低于亲本株(P<0.001).[结论]aerobactin与sit操纵子与禽致病性大肠杆菌E058株的致病性相关,是其重要的致病因子.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe the occurrence and virulence gene pattern of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) in healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir, India. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 220 E. coli strains belonging to 60 different 'O' serogroups was isolated from 206 local (nonmigratory) and 69 migratory goats. All the 220 strains were screened for the presence of stx(1), stx(2), eaeA and hlyA genes. Twenty-eight E. coli (75.6%) strains from local and nine (24.3%) strains from migratory goats belonging to 18 different serogroups showed at least presence of one virulence gene studied. Twenty-eight strains (16.47%) (belonging to 13 different serogroups) from local goats carried stx(1) gene alone or in combination with stx(2) gene, while as only one strain (2%) from migratory goats possessed stx(2) gene alone. Interestingly in the present study none of the STEC strains carried eaeA gene. Similarly, none of the strains from local goats possessed eaeA and none of the migratory goats possessed stx(1) gene. Eight strains (16%) (belonging to four different serogroups) from migratory goats carried eaeA gene. Twenty-five (14.7%) and seven (14%) strains from local and migratory goats harboured hlyA gene respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Healthy goats of Jammu and Kashmir state serve as a reservoir of STEC and EPEC. Further studies in this direction are needed to work out whether or not they are transmitted to humans in this part of world. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is the first report of isolation of STEC and EPEC strains from healthy goats in Jammu and Kashmir State of India, which could be a source of infection to humans.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate phenotypic and genotypic aspects of sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting Escherichia coli, suspected to belong to O157 serogroup, isolated in Italy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Milk samples originating from goats and cows were screened for the presence of E. coli O157 with cultural methods. Sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting strains were subjected to phenotypic characterization, antibiotic resistance profiles, PCR reactions for detection of toxins (stx(1) and stx(2)) and intimin (eae(GEN) and eae(O157)) genes and clustering by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Only one strain revealed to be O157. Susceptibility to 11 antibiotics highlighted the high resistance to tetracycline (50%), sulfonamide and streptomycin (33%). The stx(2) gene was detected in two strains; only the strain identified as O157 exhibited an amplicon for both eae genes. PFGE identified seven distinct XbaI macrorestriction patterns at a similarity level of 41%. CONCLUSIONS: The use of sorbitol fermentation as cultural method is not sufficient for STEC discrimination while PCR assay proved to be a valuable method. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study reports presence of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in raw milk, signalling a potential risk for humans.  相似文献   

[背景]猪源肠外致病性大肠埃希氏菌(extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli,ExPEc)是一种严重危害养猪业的病原菌,有关其生物膜形成能力与耐药性的研究报道很少。[目的]探讨从病猪肺脏中分离鉴定的3株ExPEc的生物膜形成能力及耐药性,为从抗生物膜形成角度防治猪肠外大肠埃希氏菌病提供参考。[方法]采用96孔板结晶紫染色法结合正交实验优化猪源ExPEc分离株的生物膜形成最佳条件与成膜能力;通过扫描电镜观察各菌株生物膜的形态结构;利用PCR方法检测其携带的生物膜形成相关基因;采用微量肉汤稀释法测定抗生素对生物膜态与浮游态下猪源ExPEc分离株的最小抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC)。[结果]3株猪源ExPEc的最佳成膜条件并不一致,但在各自最佳条件下均能形成很强的生物被膜且同时携带10个生物膜形成相关基因(pgaA,pgaB,pgaC,pgaD,luxS,fimA,hipA,iha,flhC,flhD)。扫描电镜观察显示,菌株SE-1聚集后可形成片状生物膜,菌株SE-2和SE-3聚集后可形成多...  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the prevalence and characteristics of CTEC among diarrheal children in Japan during a year-long surveillance study. A PCR-RFLP assay for the detection and differentiation of five types of E. coli cdtB gene (types I through V) was developed, and 362 stool specimens collected from patients reporting to pediatric departments in two hospitals were analyzed. Of the 35 samples (9.7%) that were positive for the cdtB gene, 21 were positive for cdt-I , three for cdt-II , four for cdt-III , three for cdt-IV and four samples were positive for cdt-V , as determined by different molecular techniques. The recovery of CTEC having cdt alleles was a little less, which included 19 with cdt-I , one cdt-II , three cdt-III, three cdt-IV and four with cdt-V . Among 30 CTEC strains isolated, the majority of them (43%) belonged to serogroup O2. The other virulence genes such as astA , cnf1 , eaeA , cnf2 and bfpA genes were detected in 14 (47%), 11 (37%), four (13%), three (10%) and one (3.3%) strains of CTEC, respectively. However, the other common virulence-associated genes specific for DEC were not detected in these strains. Interestingly, an untypable cdt gene was detected by PCR-RFLP in Providencia alcalifaciens . Our data indicate that CTEC may be associated with diarrheal children in Japan and most of them do not belong to a conventional enteropathogenic pathovar and thus differ from strains isolated in developing countries.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Escherichia coli remains important etiological agent of infantile diarrhea in Bangladesh. Previous studies have focused mostly on clinical strains, but very little is known about their presence in aquatic environments. The present study was designed to characterize potentially pathogenic E. coli isolated between November 2001 and December 2003 from aquatic environments of 13 districts of Bangladesh. Serotyping of 96 randomly selected strains revealed O161 to be the predominant serotype (19%), followed by O55 and O44 (12% each), and 11% untypable. Serotype-based pathotyping of the E. coli strains revealed 47%, 30%, and 6% to belong to EPEC, ETEC, and EHEC pathotypes, respectively. The majority of the 160 strains tested were resistant to commonly used antimicrobial agents. Plasmid pro-filing showed a total of 17 different bands ranging from 1.3 to 40 kb. However, 35% of the strains did not contain any detectable plasmid, implying no correlation between plasmid and drug resistance. Although virulence gene profiling revealed 97 (61%) of the strains to harbor the gene encoding heat-stable enterotoxin (ST), 2 for the gene encoding Shiga toxin (Stx), and none for the gene for heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), serotype-based pathotyping of E. coli was not fully supported by this gene profiling. A dendrogram derived from the PFGE patterns of 22 strains of three predominant serogroups indicated two major clusters, one containing mainly serogroup O55 and the other O8. Three strains of identical PFGE profiles belonging to serogroup O55 were isolated from three distinct areas, which may be of epidemiological significance. Finally, it may be concluded that serotype-based pathotyping may be useful for E. coli strains of clinical origin; however, it is not precise enough for reliably identifying environmental strains as diarrheagenic.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel verocytotoxin named VT2y was described which belongs to the STx family and is produced by Escherichia coli isolated from domestic poultry with swollen head syndrome (SHS). The VT2y toxin induced apoptosis in Vero, HeLa, CHO, CEF (primary chicken embryo fibroblast) and PCK (primary chicken kidney) cell lines. Morphological evidence (nuclear shrinkage, chromatin condensation and blebbing of the plasma membrane) of apoptosis could be distinguished in 15 min and was maximal at 1 h after treatment with VT2y. This was confirmed by the terminal dUTP nick-end-labeling (TUNEL) method.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to detect the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) in 706 isolates of Escherichia coli, largely from outpatients (75.2%). The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS)-recommended disk diffusion procedure was used to detect ESBL presence; the VITEK 2 system (bioMérieux, Marcy L’Etoile, France) was used to determine the susceptibility to antibiotics of clinical interest, and the ESBLs were characterized by biochemical study, determining the isoelectric point, and by molecular study with PCR. Clonal distribution was studied in eight hospital isolates. There were 115 ESBL-producing isolates (16.3%), with a predominance of CTX-M9 type (58.3%). We draw attention to the high resistance to quinolones (>70%) in CTX-M9 and SHV enzyme producing isolates and the lower aminoglycoside activity in the latter.  相似文献   

Abstract As part of a surveillance programme of the prevalence of antibiotic resistance, the faecal bacteria of healthy people ( n = 1348) were examined, and the antibiotic resistance of the Escherichia coli strains determined. One strain out of 142 amoxycillin-resistant isolates, E. coli strain 1662, was also resistant to piperacillin-tazobactam but susceptible to amoxycillin-clavulanic acid. The piperacillin-tazobactam resistance determinant was transferable to standard E. coli strains by conjugation. However, the strain produced a β-lactamase with several characteristics very similar to those of the TEM-1 β-lactamase, i.e. p I of 5.4, an M r value of 22 000 and a comparable substrate profile. The enzyme was as efficiently inhibited by clavulanic acid and tazobactam as the TEM-1 and TEM-2 β-lactamases but more than the amoxycillin-clavulanic acid-resistant TRC-1 enzyme. The transferable resistance to piperacillin-tazobactam appears to be mediated by a novel resistance mechanism that has previously not been described.  相似文献   

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