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The present paper reports on a first attempt at resolving the taxonomy of Chilean Pycnogonida using a combination of DNA sequence and morphological data. In a subproject of the Marine Barcode of Life (MarBoL) campaign we analysed a fragment (about 657 base pairs) of the mitochondrial protein-coding gene COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) from 76 Chilean/Subantarctic pycnogonids. Since most molecular data on pycnogonids are from the Antarctic region, the new information constitutes a significant extension. The phylogenetic consensus tree displays 10 distinct, well-supported branches corresponding to the studied species, namely Achelia assimilis (Haswell, 1885), Ammothea spinosa (Hodgson, 1907), Tanystylum cavidorsum Stock, 1957, T. neorhetum Marcus, 1940 Marcus, E. 1940. Os Pantopoda brasileiros e os demais sul-americanos. Boletin da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo, Ser. 4, Zoologie, 19: 1179.  [Google Scholar], Colossendeis macerrima Wilson, 1881, C. megalonyx Hoek, 1881, C. scoresbii Gordon, 1932 Gordon, I. 1932. Pycnogonida. – Discovery Reports Vol. VI., 1137. London: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar] , Callipallene margarita (Gordon, 1932 Gordon, I. 1932. Pycnogonida. – Discovery Reports Vol. VI., 1137. London: Cambridge University Press.  [Google Scholar]), Pallenopsis patagonica (Hoek, 1881), and Anoplodactylus californicus Hall, 1912. These represent four superfamilies, and five of the 11 existing pycnogonid families (Bamber & El Nagar, 2011 Bamber, R. N. and El Nagar, A., eds. 2011. Pycnobase: World Pycnogonida Database http://www.marinespecies.org/pycnobase, accessed June 2012 [Google Scholar]): Ammotheidae Dohrn, 1881, Colossendeidae Hoek, 1881, Callipallenidae Hilton, 1942, Pallenopsidae Fry, 1978 and Phoxichilidiidae Sars, 1891. Within Achelia assimilis, four distinct subbranches correspond to the different geographic regions represented in our samples. While these include a total of 11 distinct haplotypes, the morphological differences among the corresponding specimens lie well within the variation described in the literature for this cosmopolitan species. Therefore, the four branches of A. assimilis might represent geographically limited subspecies rather than cryptic species. Repeated drastic glaciation of the fjord region during the Cenozoic resulting in alternating extinction and recolonization phases and the holobenthic lifecycle of sea spiders are discussed as the main factors resulting in the observed phylogeographic pattern. Standard barcoding sequences are confirmed as a suitable tool in addition to morphology for taxonomic analyses in Pycnogonida. The corresponding haplotype distribution patterns allow inferences on the biogeographical history of the relatively unexplored Chilean fjord region.  相似文献   


Sperm ultrastructure is described for the nudibranch gastropod Cadlinella ornatissima, type species of the genus Cadlinella (Thiele). Although C. ornatissima exhibits most of the sperm features characteristic of other Opisthobranchia and the Pulmonata (a small, rounded acrosomal vesicle, a complex, helical, mitochondrial derivative—partially paracrystalline, coarse fibres associated with the axoneme), it also possesses a number of previously undescribed and possibly unique features (a longitudinally inrolled acrosomal pedestal, an axial structure within the cavity of the acrosomal pedestal, an electron-dense collar at the anterior region of the acrosomal pedestal, the presence of crystalloid bodies within the glycogen helices of the mitochondrial derivative). To our knowledge this is the first report of crystalloid bodies in mature sperm of any mollusc. Collectively this evidence raises questions concerning the affinities and systematic position of Cadlinella within the Nudibranchia. The peculiar nature of the sperm differences, in comparison with other investigated nudibranchs, suggest that Cadlinella is not easily linked to either the Cadlinidae or Chromodorididae, and should be considered incertae sedis.  相似文献   

A mediterranean-type climate exists in five widely separated regions; the Mediterranean basin, parts of western North America, parts of western and southern Australia, southwestern South Africa and parts of central Chile. Streams in these regions feature seasonal disturbances of contrasting hydrology with high predictability of the timing of flooding and drying but low constancy. We would expect fish living in these streams to avoid scouring flow and breed after cessation of the flood period. The aim of the present study was to examine the adaptation of the Yarqon bleak, Acanthobrama telavivensis, an endemic cyprinid in the coastal streams of Israel, to mediterranean-type stream (mediterranean—written with a small m, is used in connection with climate or ecological region and is distinguished from Mediterranean that is used in a geographical context, referring to the Mediterranean basin.) conditions. For that we studied its reproductive strategy (age at maturity and life span, gonad activity, oocyte maturation, spawning activity and habitats, appearance of juveniles), in a major costal stream (Yarqon). Our findings show that the Yarqon bleak exhibits life history traits attuned with a mediterranean-climate hydrologic regime. It breeds in late winter and early spring, a window of opportunity between flash floods and habitat desiccation. Being a multiple spawner allows the fish to compensate for the potential loss of part of its reproductive output due to scouring flows of late floods. The ability of the Yarqon bleak to spawn on different substrate-types enables it to take advantage of different stream conditions that pertain in different years. The fish attains pre-adult size (ca. 33–42 mm) within the first year, prior to drying out of most stream reaches, and matures by the beginning of the second year (males >41; females >42 mm). The cost of these tactics is a short life span (4–5 age groups). The reproductive strategy of the Yarqon bleak falls into the category of in-channel breeding but, unlike the case suggested by a low flow recruitment model, the fish breed during the period of flood cessation, a transitional time between high and low flows, rather than at the time of low flow. Breeding at this time of the year in mediterranean-type streams puts early stages somewhat at risk of being washed away by late floods, but gains them a longer period of growth under favorable conditions. We suggest an additional positive tradeoff that should be investigated: the reduced competition with age 0 of other fish that breed later in the season. This suggested model of recruitment during the period of flood cessation seems appropriate for fish in streams with seasonal contrasting flows of high predictability but low constancy.  相似文献   

Chromosomal analyses in lymphocytes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis were carried out before, during and after Azathioprine (Aza) therapy. Only a higher incidence of gaps was found in treated patients than in a group of healthy persons but not in comparison with untreated patients. Similarly, no significant clastogenic effect was observed in vitro after short-term and long-term treatment of unstimulated and stimulated lymphocytes with concentrations of 1--100 microgram Aza per ml. Treatment of cultures with 0.0001--4.0 microgram/ml did not yield increased SCE frequencies. The absence of any significant clastogenic effect of therapeutic doses of Aza on human somatic cells is deduced from an evaluation of previously published data and from the present results.  相似文献   

Chromosomal analyses in lymphocytes of 28 patients with multiple sclerosis were carried out before, during and after Azathioprine (Aza) therapy. Only a higher incidence of gaps was found in treated patients than in a group of healthy persons but not in comparison with untreated patients. Similarly, no significant clastogenic effect was observed in vitro after short-term and long-term treatment of unstimulated and stimulated lymphocytes with concentrations of 1–100 μg Aza per ml. Treatment of cultures with 0.0001–4.0 μg/ml did not yield increased SCE frequencies. The absence of any significant clastogenic effect of therapeutic doses of Aza on human somatic cells is deduced from an evaluation of previously published data and from the present results.  相似文献   

The first results are presented of an aerobiological analysis of the atmosphere of the town of Almería, carried out between November 1995 and October 1996. A Lanzoni volumetric spore trap was used for sample collection. The composition and seasonal evolution of the pollen spectrum were determined over a 1-year period in relation to the vegetation and climatic conditions of the study area. Twenty-six pollen types were identified as accounting for >0.05% of the total pollen collected. The main sources of airborne pollen were Palmae (17.76%),Olea (16.10%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (13.99%), Urticaceae (10.18%) and Poaceae (8.64%). The annual pollen variation presented a period of maximum emission from March to June, with a subsequent, less intensive period from August to November. The minimum pollen values were obtained from December to February. The highest concentrations occurred in May, which was also the month which presented the highest pollen diversity, whereas the lowest values were observed in January.  相似文献   

People’s Belief in a Just World (BJW) plays an important role in coping with misfortune and unfairness. This paper demonstrates that understanding of the BJW concept, and its consequences for behavior, is enhanced if we specify what (or who) the source of justice might be. We introduce a new scale, the 5-Dimensional Belief in a Just Treatment Scale (BJT5), which distinguishes five causal dimensions of BJW (God, Nature, Other People, Self, Chance). We confirm the 5-factor structure of the BJT5. We then address whether the BJW should be considered a uni- and/or multi-dimensional construct and find support for our multi-dimensional approach. Finally, we demonstrate convergent and discriminant validity with respect to important correlates of BJW as well as action in response to important negative life events and societal attitudes. This work illustrates the importance of distinguishing causal dimensions with regard to who distributes justice.  相似文献   

Two species of Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea), Caveana senuri sp. n. and Lecithocera dondavisi sp. n., are described from Taiwan. The monotypic Caveana Park was described from Thailand, based on Caveana diemseoki Park, 2011. Lecithocera Herrich-Schäffer, 1853 is the most diverse genus of the family, comprising more than 300 species worldwide. Lecithocera dondavisi sp. n. is the largest species of the genus so far, and closely resembles the Indian species, Lecithocera praeses Meyrick, 1919. A revised check list of the family in Taiwan is provided.  相似文献   



To investigate the impact of early combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) on inflammation biomarkers and immune activation during acute and early chronic HIV-1 infection.


We included 12 acute (AHI), 11 early chronic (EcHI), and 18 late chronic HIV-1-infected (LcHI) individuals who were treated with cART and 18 HIV-1-uninfected (HIV-neg) individuals. Plasmatic levels of inflammation biomarkers, CD8+CD38+HLA-DR+ T cell frequencies, CD4 T cell counts, CD4/CD8 ratio, total HIV-1 DNA and plasmatic viral load were evaluated. Mann–Whitney test, Pearson and Spearman correlation, and linear regression models were used for statistical analyses.


IP-10, IL-18, and sCD163 were significantly elevated at pre-ART in the AHI and EcHI groups, showing a significant reduction after 6 months of cART in the AHI group, achieving similar levels to the HIV-neg group. For the EcHI group, the IP-10 and sCD163 levels were also significantly reduced on M6-ART; however, IP-10 levels remained higher than in the HIV-neg group, and no significant reduction of IL-18 levels was observed. The CD8+ T cell activation levels were elevated in the AHI and EcHI groups at pre-ART and showed a significant reduction on M6-ART, but they were similar to levels seen for HIV-neg only after 12 months of cART. At pre-ART, IP-10 levels but not IL-18 levels were positively correlated with HIV-1 viral load in the AHI group.


Early initiation of cART in HIV infection can reduce systemic inflammation, but the earlier normalization of the inflammation markers was only observed when cART was initiated in the acute phase of infection. A slower dynamic of reduction was observed for CD8+ T cell activation.

A marine sea slug, Elysia chlorotica, has acquired the ability to carry out photosynthesis as a result of forming an intracellular symbiotic association with chloroplasts of the chromophytic alga, Vaucheria litorea. The symbiont chloroplasts (kleptoplasts) are functional, i.e. they evolve oxygen and fix CO2 and actively transcribe and translate proteins for several months in the sea slug cytosol. Considering the dependency of plastid function on nuclear genes, the level of kleptoplast activity observed in the animal cell is quite remarkable. Possible factors contributing to this long-lasting functional association that are considered here include: the presence of an algal nuclear genome in the sea slug, autonomous chloroplasts, unusual chloroplast/protein stability, re-directing of animal proteins to the kleptoplast, and lateral gene transfer. Based on our current understanding, the acquisition and incorporation of intact algal plastids by E. chlorotica is aided by the robustness of the plastids and the long-term functional activity of the kleptoplasts appears to be supported by both plastid and protein stability and contributions from the sea slug.  相似文献   

Chloroplast movement in response to light has been known more than 100 years. Chloroplasts move towards weak light and move away from strong light. Dark-induced relocation, called dark positioning, has also been shown. However, the effects of other stimuli on chloroplast movement have not been well characterized. Here we studied low temperature-induced chloroplast relocation (termed cold positioning) in prothallial cells of the gametophytes of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris. Under weak light chloroplasts in prothallial cells accumulated along the periclinal wall at 25 degrees C, but they moved towards anticlinal walls when the prothalli were subsequently transferred to 4 degrees C. A temperature shift from 25 degrees to 10 degrees C or lower was enough to induce cold positioning, and high-intensity light enhanced the response. Nuclei also relocated from the periclinal position (a position along periclinal walls) to the anticlinal position (a position along anticlinal walls) under cold temperature, whereas mitochondria did not. Cold positioning was not observed in mutant fern gametophytes defective of the blue light photoreceptor, phototropin 2.  相似文献   

This study surveyed several locations at depths between 50 and 140 m within the Au’au Channel, Hawaii to characterize the deep reef habitat and determine the depth distribution and relative abundance of the dominant, habitat forming megabenthic taxa. In the Au’au Channel, the depth distribution of megabenthic taxa exhibited a pattern of vertical zonation with relatively few taxa dominating each zone. Macroalgae particularly Halimeda spp. and to a lesser extent scleractinian corals Leptoseris spp. were dominant between 50 and 80 m; Leptoseris spp. were dominant between 80 and 90 m as macroalgae decreased in abundance; the invasive octocoral Carijoa riisei was dominant between 90 and 100 m primarily on rugose features; Antipathes spp. and Leptoseris spp. were dominant between 100 and 120 m on exposed fossil reef; and small wire corals were dominant between 120 and 140 m. In general, the percentage of live benthic cover decreased with depth, particularly below 90 m where a large majority of the area was uncolonized, soft substrata. The gradient of downwelling light intensity appears to play a major role in regulating the depth distribution of photosynthetic organisms, skilophilous organisms, and other benthic fauna, which compete for space with dominant photosynthetic species. The depth of the seasonal thermocline also appears to play an important role in limiting the distribution of tropical benthic species.  相似文献   

Dactylis glomerata was grown hydroponically in a controlled environment at ambient (360 μl l−1) or elevated (680 μl l−1) CO2 and four concentrations of nitrogen (0.15, 0.6, 1.5 and 6.0 m M NO3), to test the hypothesis that reduction of photosynthetic capacity at elevated [CO2] is dependent on N availability and mediated by a build-up of non-structural carbohydrates. Photosynthetic capacity of the youngest fully expanded leaf (leaf 5, 2 days after full expansion) was reduced in CO2-enriched plants at low, but not high N supply and so the stimulation of net photosynthesis by CO2 enhancement was less at low than at high N supply. CO2 enrichment resulted in a decrease in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content on a leaf area basis at 0.6 and 1.5 m M NO3, but not at 0.15 and 6.0 m M NO3, and had no effect on the total N content of the leaf on an area basis. However, decreases in Rubisco content could be primarily accounted for by a decrease in total N content of leaves, independent of [CO2]. A doubling of the Rubisco content by increasing the N supply beyond 0.6 m M had only a marginal effect on the maximum carboxylation velocity in vivo, suggesting that the fraction of inactive Rubisco increased with increasing N supply. Although CO2-enriched plants accumulated more non-structural carbohydrates in the leaf, the reduction of photosynthetic capacity at low N supply was not mediated simply by a build-up of carbohydrates. In D . glomerata , the photosynthetic capacity was mainly determined by the total N content of the leaf.  相似文献   

We explored a benthic community living on stones in an acidic (pH2) stream of active volcanic origin from Patagonia, Argentina, by combining in situ measurements (temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen), photosynthesis of intact biofilms (measured with microsensors by the light–dark shift method), pure-culture experiments on isolated algae, and confocal laser scanning microscopy on the biofilms. The epilithon of the Agrio River was dominated (99% of total biomass) by one species: Gloeochrysis (Chrysophyceae). This species was observed as brown, mucilaginous, 200-m-thick films on stones, growing in clumps in a dense matrix of fungal hyphae, bacteria, and inorganic particles held together by extracellular polymeric substances. Gloeochrysis was isolated and cultivated. The photosynthetic rate measured at saturation irradiance was 120 mol oxygen (mg chlorophyll a)–1h–1 under laboratory conditions, and the saturation rate of photosynthesis by carbon dioxide was 90 mol oxygen (mg chlorophyll a)–1 h–1 for oxygen evolution. Photosynthetic activity of the biofilm was light-dependent and saturated above 200 mol photons m–2 s–1. In the dark, the stone surface became anoxic. Our data suggest that primary production in the Agrio River was not limited by light, carbon, or phosphorus but instead, nitrogen-limited.  相似文献   

This paper explores food and daily activities in domestic areas at the archaeological site of Cardonal, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. It is based on archaeobotanical carpological macro remains recovered by flotation techniques in a residential compound. A set of five taxa including wild plants such as Geoffroea decorticans (chañar), Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus (wild bean), Prosopis sp. (algarrobo) and the crops P. vulgaris var. vulgaris (domesticated bean) and Zea mays (maize) were identified. These well-known staples of ancient communities in this area suggest that the Cardonal people combined agriculture with foraging practices, taking advantage of a diversified environment and extensive social networks. The most abundant plant food remains were bean cotyledons and maize cupules, which were densely concentrated in the “kitchen”, near the hearth. Conversely, chañar endocarps, algarrobo seeds and also Chenopodium sp. seeds were almost exclusively confined to the “patio”, in the hearth area. As a result, two distinct food-related activity areas could be identified, defined by the relative density of plant remains, occurrence of plant taxa and the different practices of processing and consumption which they evoke.  相似文献   

Potamodromous fishes require safe migration routes between spawning, feeding and wintering habitats to complete their life cycle. As knowledge on asp migrations is restricted, this work investigated the movements of adult asp tagged with acoustic transmitters for 3 years in the large Peipsi-Emajõgi-Võrtsjärv lake–river system, Estonia, which is free of migration barriers. Asp showed complex migration patterns, moving between and within different waterbodies (lakes, river, tributaries) in all seasons, but with a tendency to repeat habitat use patterns between years. Lakes were mainly used for feeding during spring and summer (after spawning 65% of the fish migrated to Lake Peipsi), and more so by large fish. The majority (80–96%) of the fish spent the winter in the rivers, mostly close to their subsequent spawning area. Spawning areas were in swift-flowing waters in tributaries and the main river. The results indicate that asp may benefit from an extensive and diverse complex of habitats, and any migration barrier during any season may restrict the natural habitat use by asp. Maintenance and restoration of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity is critical to protect behaviourally diverse fish populations and increase resilience in rivers negatively impacted by various human activities.  相似文献   

Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene have been shown to be useful for species identification in various groups of animals. However, the DNA barcoding approach has never been tested on African fruit bats of the family Pteropodidae (Mammalia, Chiroptera). In this study, the COI gene was sequenced from 120 bats collected in the Central African Republic and belonging to either Epomophorus?gambianus or Micropteropus?pusillus, two species easily diagnosed on the basis of morphological characters, such as body size, skull shape and palatal ridges. Two additional molecular markers were used for comparisons: the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the intron 7 of the nuclear β-fibrinogen (FGB) gene. Our results reveal an unexpected discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The nuclear FGB signal agrees with our morphological identifications, as the three alleles detected for E.?gambianus are divergent from the fourteen alleles found for M.?pusillus. By contrast, this taxonomic distinction is not recovered with the analyses of mitochondrial genes, which support rather a polyphyletic pattern for both species. The conflict between molecular markers is explained by multiple mtDNA introgression events from M.?pusillus into E.?gambianus or, alternatively, by incomplete lineage sorting of mtDNA haplotypes associated with positive selection on FGB alleles of M.?pusillus. Our work shows the failure of DNA barcoding to discriminate between two morphologically distinct fruit bat species and highlights the importance of using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers for taxonomic identification.  相似文献   

In metapopulations of butterflies inhabiting transient forest openings, the dynamic character of biotopes prevents unequivocal delimitation of habitat patches, complicating analyses of inter-patch dispersal. We analyse mobility of one such metapopulation, using mark-recapture data on an endangered butterfly, the scarce fritillary Euphydryas maturna , at its last site in the Czech Republic. The butterfly inhabits woodland clearings, its population numbered 190 individuals in 2002. We modelled movements in eight habitat patchworks delimited according to different criteria and superimposed over the forest, using the Virtual Migration model. Resulting mobility parameters were generally robust against patchwork definitions, the main distinction was between patchworks based on presence of adults and consisting of small patches and patchworks based on distributions of larval nests and consisting of large patches. Emigration constant decreased towards the latter, whereas males suffered higher migration mortality than females in the former. Patchworks delimited according to presence of adults performed better than patchworks based on distribution of larval nests. A comparison of our parameters with those found for the species in Finland showed that the Czech butterflies were more prone to leave individual patches and suffered higher migration mortality, which combined into considerably shorter survival. We conclude that transferring dispersal parameters among different regions and populations is more risky than using less suitable definitions of habitat patches within single region.  相似文献   

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