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Intranuclear dynamics of chromosome 6 in nurse cell nuclei of Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was studied. The 3D FISH method was used for the first time to study chromosome territories in highly polyploid nuclei whose chromosomes undergo morphological changes. A considerable change in the intranuclear location of chromosome 6 and a morphological alteration of the chromosome territory in the course of chromatin polytenization were revealed.  相似文献   

Analysis of localization of chromosomes 2, 3, and 6 of Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. in ovarian nurse cell nuclei with different chromatin structure has shown that the regions of DNA probe hybridization reduced with increasing chromatin compaction. Hybridization of DNA probes of chromosomes 3 and 6 to secondary reticular nuclei demonstrated that chromosomes retain their territories in the nuclei when the chromatin acquires a reticular structure. These results suggest regular organization of the chromosomal apparatus at all stages of the endomitotic cycle, including the stage of highly polyploid reticular nuclei. FISH of DNA probe of the chromosome 2 telomeric region to secondary reticular nuclei revealed a peripheral distribution of the signal. Zones of more intensive DNA probe hybridization have been distinguished. These zones probably are the regions of accumulation of telomeric and (or) centromeric chromosome regions.  相似文献   

Multicolor 3D fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to study arrangement of rRNA genes in Calliphora erythrocephala nurse cell nuclei with different levels of polyteny. It has been shown that the rRNA genes are exclusively localized to chromosome 6, suggesting that chromosome 6 is the only C. erythrocephala chromosome responsible for nucleolar formation. We have also described changes in localization of ribosomal genes within the chromosome territory during polytenization, namely, that rDNA signals are detected in the peripheral region of chromosome territory starting from the stage of polytene chromosomes. In addition, it has emerged that large nucleolus associated with chromosome 6 starts to develop in the central nuclear region in the C. erythrocephala nurse cell nuclei at the stage of a primary reticular structure. The central position and nucleolar structure are retained at the stages when chromosome 6 occupies the central position, that is, at the stages of polytene and bloblike chromosomes. When the nucleus restores a reticular structure but at a higher polyteny level, the displacement of chromosome 6 to the nuclear periphery is accompanied by disruption of the large nucleolus into micronucleoli. The micronucleoli are distributed in the nuclear space retaining their association with the nucleolar-organizing regions of chromosome 6. Thus, our data suggest that the large-scale alterations in the organization of chromosome 6 and the nucleolus during polytenization are the correlated processes directly dependent on the rRNA gene activity. The earlier described dynamics of nucleolar-organizing chromosome territory and nucleolus in the nuclear space is likely to be associated with the change in the total expression activity of the nucleus, which complies with the hypothesis on the correlation between spatial nuclear organization and expression regulation of genetic material.  相似文献   

In the germarium of polytrophic ovarioles of Calliphora erythrocephala (Mg.) fly, four mitotic divisions of cystoblasts give rise to 16-cell germ-line cysts. One cell differentiates into an oocyte, while the remaining 15 cells become nurse cells. Concomitantly actin-rich ring canals are formed at the intercellular junctions. The present study considers a mutual arrangement of the ring canals formed after the second to fourth mitoses relative to the ring canal formed after the first mitotic division in different regions of the germarium and egg chambers. During the cyst formation and its movement to the posterior end of the germarium, the ring canals are displaced relative to one another, thereby giving different branching variants of the cyst. The pattern of cell interconnections becomes stable in germarium region 2b and does not change during the cyst movement along the ovariole despite the cyst polarizes and increases in size.  相似文献   

Intranuclear dynamics of chromosome 6 in nurse cell nuclei of Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was studied. The 3D FISH method was used for the first time to study chromosome territories in highly polyploid nuclei whose chromosomes undergo morphological changes. A considerable change in the intranuclear location of chromosome 6 and a morphological alteration of the chromosome territory in the course of chromatin polytenization were revealed.  相似文献   

Summary The haemocytes of larvae and young pupae of Calliphora erythrocephala are studied by phase contrast and electron microscopy and three cell lineages are distinguished: plasmatocytes, thrombocytoids and oenocytoids. The plasmatocytes show important modifications during larval development and at the time of histolysis, which are described and discussed in relation to the function of these cells in the physiology of Calliphora. The thrombocytoids, haemocytes which had not been recorded so far, are characterized by a strong tendency to fragmentation, this process leading to the formation of the anucleated cytoplasmic fragments and the naked nuclei referred to by earlier authors. The ability of the cell fragments, which retain normal cytological characteristics, to agglutinate and form intricate networks, is discussed in relation to haemostasis in Calliphora.The ultrastructural study of the haemocyte accumulations in the vicinity of the posterior part of the dorsal vessel reveals the basic organization of haemocytopoetic tissue, as described recently in orthopteran insects. The functional importance of this tissue in the production of haemocytes is demonstrated by X-irradiation and ligation experiments in larvae of Calliphora.
Résumé L'étude en microscopie en contraste de phase et au microscope électronique permet de distinguer dans le sang circulant de larves et de jeunes pupes de Calliphora erythrocephala trois lignées cellulaires: les plasmatocytes, les thrombocytoïdes et les oenocytoïdes. Les plasmatocytes, numériquement les plus importants, présentent au cours du développement larvaire et chez les pupes des modifications considérables, qui sont décrites et discutées en rapport avec la fonction évidente de ces hémocytes chez Calliphora. Les thrombocytoïdes, inconnus dans la littérature, se caractérisent par une forte tendance à la fragmentation, qui aboutit à la formation des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés» et des «noyaux nus» signalés par divers auteurs. Les phénomènes d'agglutination des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés», dont les caractères cytologiques restent normaux, sont discutés en rapport avec le problème de l'hémostase chez cet insecte.L'étude ultrastructurale des accumulations hémocytaires autour du vaisseau dorsal dans la partie postérieure de l'abdomen montre une organisation de base comparable à celle décrite dans les organes hématopoïétiques des Insectes Orthoptères. L'importance fonctionelle de ce tissu hématopoïétique de Calliphora dans la production des hémocytes au cours de la vie larvaire est démontrée par des irradiations de ce tissu et par des ligatures de la partie postérieure de l'abdomen.

The structure of primary polytene chromosomes and general architecture of nurse cell nuclei was studied in Calliphora erythrocephala using various methods of differential chromosome banding(G-, R-, C-banding; Ag- and DAPI staining), chromospecific DNA probes and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This analysis revealed differential compaction of particular chromosome regions. The localization of material of polytene chromosome 6 is retained after its rearrangement and the formation of the internal reticular structure of the nucleus. Polytene chromosomes of ovarian nurse cells were shown to have blocks of dense compact material; some of them were more intensely stained by AgNO3. The dynamics of the nucleolus formation was traces at all stages of chromosome polytenization in the C. erythrocephala nurse cells.  相似文献   

The structure of primary polytene chromosomes and general architecture of nurse cell nuclei was studied in Calliphora erythrocephala using various methods of differential chromosome banding(G-, R-, C-banding; Ag-, and DAPI staining), chromospecific DNA probes and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This analysis revealed differential compaction of particular chromosome regions. The localization of material of polytene chromosome 6 is retained after its rearrangement and the formation of the internal reticular structure of the nucleus. Polytene chromosomes of ovarian nurse cells were shown to have blocks of dense compact material; some of them were more intensely stained by AgNO3. The dynamics of the nucleolus formation was traces at all stages of chromosome polytenization in the C. erythrocephala nurse cells.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis of Diptera some degenerating larval tissues are phagocytosed by plasmatocytes. I studied here the action of plasmatocytes before phagocytosis on 3 tissues (epidermis, salivary gland and midgut) of Calliphora erythrocephala and on epidermis of Lucilia caesar. In all cases, the plasmatocytes accumulate under the basal lamina of larval tissues. They contact the basal lamina, directly or by means of pseudopodia. In the salivary glands, pseudopodia can be observed passing through the basal lamina. In other tissues a flocculent material is seen at the level of contacts; it is probably composed of enzymes since acid phosphatase activity has been revealed between phagocytes and epidermal larval cells. The basal lamina is then detached from the larval cells and thrown into folds. It is generally broken down due to the activity of the plasmatocytes, which often include its fragments. By this time, the plasmatocytes invade the degenerating larval tissue and phagocytose the fragments of larval cells. These results show that plasmatocytes play an active part in the disruption and phagocytosis of the basal lamina.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101984
Analysis of a possible delay between a person’s death and insect colonization plays a crucial role in forensic entomology and could be affected by numerous factors. Di- (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is an endocrine disruptor with the ability to target various organs, intervene with their normal function and cause harmful impact on organisms. The current paper points out the effects of exposure to DEHP and/or its metabolites on the larval stages of Calliphora vicina. We observed significantly lower larval length of the second instars (p = 0.04) and width of the third instars (p = 0.04) exposed directly by parent DEHP. Length of the first instars on the board of significance (p = 0.057) was also recorded. We found discrepancy in development, but development rate and larval weight did not significantly differ from the control group. In the experiment focusing on the effect of DEHP metabolites throughout mice cadavers exposed to this diester during life, we detected a statistically significantly increased larval weight of the post-feeding third instars in the experimental group (p = 0.04). Hypothetically, our preliminary results indicate a disruptive effect of DEHP and/or its metabolites on the metric parameters of larvae of the forensically important Calliphora vicina species, but further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Mitotic waves during superficial cleavage and early gastrulation were analyzed quantitatively in Calliphora. Three consecutive patterns are present: (1) a monotonic anterioposterior mitotic gradient during early superficial cleavage; (2) a double mitotic gradient from the anterior and posterior poles during superficial cleavage, especially toward the end of the period; and (3) more complicated patterns with intermediate mitotic centers during the last superficial cleavage division and during early gastrulation. Mitotic gradients are absent in many eggs during early superficial cleavage, but they then become ubiquitous. The gradients are longitudinal; no transverse component was detected before gastrulation. Anterior and posterior gradient patterns are not mirror images of each other; mitotic activity always starts earlier anteriorly. The gradients are accompanied by a pronounced increase in interphase length. The mitotic gradients are compared with the morphogenetic gradients predicted in a current model for pattern specification in insect eggs.  相似文献   

Alfred Wisser 《Zoomorphology》1987,106(5):261-268
Summary The blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala rotates its wings, i.e. changes the geometrical angle of attack, generating forces and moments for flight steering. There are two possibile ways to regulate this angle. The mechanisms for these movements are described. (1) The leading edge and the anterior part of the wing — between the costal vein and radial vein 4 — are pronated automatically due to the interaction of the moving parts during the downstroke. They are supinated during the upstroke. This is basic automatic regulation. (2) The posterior part of the wing — behind the anterior cross vein — is pronated and supinated independently of wing-drive. This is wing-drive independent additional regulation.Abbreviations a.c anterior cross vein - a.n anal veins - a.t.l anterior tergal lever - a.w anterior part of the wing - b.z bending zone - co costal vein - cr crossing of the tendons of the posterior notal wing process - c.s cross section - cu cubital vein - f fit or turning point of ventral radial vein 1 - h.a horizontal axis of pterale III - h.c humeral cross vein - h.co head of costal vein - h.r head of radial vein - k Klöppel - l.a longitudinal axis - me median vein - mp middle plate - ms mesoscutum - p anterior process of the anal veins - p.c posterior cross vein - pl pleurum - p.n.w.p posterior notal wing process - p.n.w.p 1–4 muscles 1–4 of the posterior notal wing process - pt I–III pterale I–III - p.t.l posterior tergal lever - p.w. posterior part of the wing - p.w.j pleural wing joint - r 1–4 radial veins 1–4 - r.s. ring stiffenings - sc subcostal vein - s.p semicircular part of the middle plate - s.t subalar tendon - t.c tip cross vein - te tegula - t.st thin strips - t.v.r tooth of ventral radial vein - v.a. vertical axis of pterale III - w wing - III 1–4 muscles 1–4 of pterale III  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the pupal age of Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen) on the reproductive biology (in terms of number, size, developmental time and longevity of progeny) of the parasitoid Melittobia acasta Walker. Melittobia acasta females of uniform size were given five C. erythrocephala pupae from one of four experimental age groups: 17–24 h, 24–48 h, 48–72 h and 72–96 h, for parasitization. The mean number of progeny produced from the experimental age groups for a 24 h period were 2, 7.6, 15.6 and 13.6, respectively. The parasitoids preferred hosts that were 48–72 h old. There were no significant differences in the mean development time (18.2 days) and size of progeny (mean head width = 0.38 ± 0.01 mm) produced from the experimental host age groups. The longevity of progeny from the four host age groups varied (range: 4–39 days), with those from the 48–72 h group living longest (mean = 25 days). The F1 females from the 48–72 h group were reproductively more successful than those from the other groups, producing a mean F2 progeny of 912 individuals when compared with 867, 801 and 757 individuals from the 24–48 h, 72–96 h and 17–24 h age groups, respectively. These findings make significant contributions to our knowledge of the breeding and utilization of this parasitoid for the biological control of dipteran flies in pigsties and poultry houses.  相似文献   

Many insect species can contribute to crop pollination; however, most growers remain highly dependent on the managed honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) for this service. The European Blue Blow Fly Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy, 1830 is one species with potential use as a pollinator. It occurs worldwide and is easy to rear. Caged trials conducted within a hybrid carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed crop found C. vicina to be an effective pollinator. Seed yield (number and weight) from field‐grown carrot plants caged with C. vicina, but excluding all other large flower visitors (body width > 3 mm), was similar to seed yield from uncaged plants in the presence of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and other insects. In contrast, caged plants without C. vicina produced 10‐fold less seed. Under open field conditions, C. vicina spent an average of 71.0 s per umbel compared to 54.4 s for honey bees; however, under caged conditions, C. vicina spent more time on average per umbel (128.9 s). Counts of C. vicina and honey bees on umbels outside of cages and C. vicina inside cages found that honey bees were most abundant on days with maximum temperature > 25°C, while C. vicina was more abundant on cooler days around 20°C. C. vicina may therefore be a useful pollinator of crops grown in isolation cages for plant breeding purposes as well as in open fields when climatic conditions are less favourable for optimal honey bee activity.  相似文献   

G. Walker    A. B. Yulf    J. Ratcliffe 《Journal of Zoology》1985,205(2):297-307
The external morphology of the terminal region of the fifth tarsal segment of the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria (L.) has been studied using light and scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.). The pulvilli, with their numerous tenent hairs of spatulate form projecting from the ventral surface, are responsible for adhesion to smooth surfaces. The two large claws are believed to be important in clinging to irregularities in surfaces. Two footplates, possibly sensory organs, lie in close association with the base of the large ventral seta, the empodium. Blowflies release a non-volatile lipid secretion on to the spatulate ends of the tenent hairs and this secretion is essential to the adhesion process on smooth surfaces. The force of adhesion has been measured for tethered blowflies on glass using both vertical and lateral pulls; lateral pulls gave much greater forces. It is concluded that surface tension of the lipid secretion under tenent hairs is sufficient to enable successful adhesion to smooth surfaces by blowflies.  相似文献   

Avancini  R. M. P.  Mello  M. L. S. 《Genetica》1990,81(1):5-10
Feulgen-DNA values and nuclear areas were evaluated microspectrophotometrically for epithelial cells of the ovarian follicle during oogenesis in Chrysomya putoria. The aim was to investigate whether polyploidization occurred in the cells surrounding the nurse chamber and/or in those around the oocyte as well as whether different DNA amounts were found regarding the cell types considered. Four DNA endoreduplicative cycles could be demonstrated for the epithelial cells regardless of their localization on the follicle, during oogenesis. A small percentage of epithelial cells reaches a 32C degree. The nuclear area, however, did not increase at the same rate in cells covering the oocyte as in those covering the nurse chamber, in some of the oogenesis stages. The meaning of endopolyploidy for these cells is discussed, considering reports on relevance of secretory activities and their maintenance in polyploid cell systems.  相似文献   

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