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The plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus has two male reproductive morphs, ‘Type I’ and ‘Type II’, which are distinguishable by their physical traits alone. Type I males are eight times larger in body mass than Type II males and have a six-fold larger relative sonic (vocal) muscle mass than Type II males. In contrast, the testicles of Type II males are seven times larger than those of Type I males. This study demonstrates morph-specific patterns of reproduction, including acoustic signals, for Type I and II males. Field censuses of nests showed that only Type 1 males maintained nests. Type II males and females transiently appeared in these nests in association with each other. Infra-red video and hydrophone recordings in aquaria showed that Type I males maintained nests and readily vocalized. Long-duration ‘hums’ and sequences of short-duration ‘grunts’ were produced during advertisement and agonistic contexts, respectively. Humming Type I males attracted females to their nests, pair-spawned, and then guarded egg clutches alone. By contrast, Type II males neither acoustically courted females nor maintained available nest sites, but rather ‘sneak-’ or ‘satellite-spawned’ at the nests of Type I males. Type II males infrequently produced low amplitude, short duration grunts that were similar in spectral, temporal and amplitude characteristics to the grunts of females. Type II males appear to be obligate sexual parasites of the nest-building, mate-calling, and egg-guarding Type I males. The dimorphic body and vocal muscle traits of the two male morphs in the plainfin midshipman are thus paralleled by a divergence in their reproductive tactics and the properties of their acoustic signals.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1458-1468
The plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus , is a nocturnal marine teleost that uses social acoustic signals for communication during the breeding season. Nesting type I males produce multiharmonic advertisement calls by contracting their swim bladder sonic muscles to attract females for courtship and spawning while subsequently attracting cuckholding type II males. Here, we report intra‐ and intersexual dimorphisms of the swim bladder in a vocal teleost fish and detail the swim bladder dimorphisms in the three sexual phenotypes (females, type I and II males) of plainfin midshipman fish. Micro‐computerized tomography revealed that females and type II males have prominent, horn‐like rostral swim bladder extensions that project toward the inner ear end organs (saccule, lagena, and utricle). The rostral swim bladder extensions were longer, and the distance between these swim bladder extensions and each inner‐ear end organ type was significantly shorter in both females and type II males compared to that in type I males. Our results revealed that the normalized swim bladder length of females and type II males was longer than that in type I males while there was no difference in normalized swim bladder width among the three sexual phenotypes. We predict that these intrasexual and intersexual differences in swim bladder morphology among midshipman sexual phenotypes will afford greater sound pressure sensitivity and higher frequency detection in females and type II males and facilitate the detection and localization of conspecifics in shallow water environments, like those in which midshipman breed and nest.  相似文献   

The plainfin midshipman fish Porichthys notatus has both interand intra-sexual dimorphism in the sound-producing (vocal or sonic) muscles attached to the swimbladder wall. The “Type I” and “Type II” male morphs differ in that dramatic structural changes related to sexual maturity occur in the mass, the area of mitochondria-filled sarcoplasm, and the myofiber number of the sonic muscles of Type I males, but not in those of Type II males (nor of females). Androgen implantation for 9 weeks markedly increased the relative sonic muscle size in juvenile males, juvenile females, and Type II males, whereas estradiol or cholesterol treatment did not. The principal androgen effect on myofiber structure was an increase in the area of mitochondria-filled sarcoplasm. The ratio of sarcoplasm area to myofibril area (Sr/Mf) increased by 1.4- to 2-fold in myofibers of all androgen-treated groups, with the greatest structural change occurring in juvenile males. When androgen implants were removed from juvenile males, the muscle mass and Sr/Mf ratio reverted toward the unimplanted juvenile phenotype. Total fiber number in sonic muscle increased significantly in juvenile males following androgen implantation but did not detectably change in juvenile females or Type II males. These results suggest: (1) sonic muscle in Porichthys notatus is an androgen target tissue, (2) fiber structure and fiber number are androgen-sensitive features, and (3) there exist sex- and morph-specific patterns of sonic muscle responsiveness to androgen implants. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) has a caudal hindbrain vocal motor circuit that has been proposed to share a common embryonic origin with the hindbrain vocal networks of other vertebrates. In midshipman, this vocal circuit includes three groups of neurons: sonic motor, pacemaker, and ventral medullary. Here, transneuronal transport of biocytin or neurobiotin was used to delineate the early ontogeny of the three hindbrain vocal nuclei and their pattern of connectivity. The organization of the vocal nuclei was studied in animals beginning soon after hatching until the nuclei have the adult phenotype at the time fish become free-swimming. There is a clear sequence of events whereby motoneurons establish their connections with the sonic muscle prior to establishing connections with premotor neurons; developmental milestones of the vocal pathway parallel those of the sonic muscle. The results also indicate that sexual differentiation of the vocal motor system in midshipman begins early in development, well before any evidence of sexual maturation. Embryonic males and females differ in the relationship between soma size and body length for the three hindbrain nuclei. Males are also more variable than females in body mass, volume of the sonic motor nucleus, and motoneuron cell size.  相似文献   

Midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus, have two male reproductive morphs: type I males generate long duration advertisement calls (“hums”) to attract females to a nest; type II males sneak-spawn and, like females, do not produce mate calls but generate short duration agonistic calls. A vocal pacemaker circuit includes: motoneurons in the caudal brain stem and rostral spinal cord that innervate vocal/sonic muscles; pacemaker neurons that are located ventrolateral to motoneurons and establish their fundamental discharge frequency; and a ventral medullary nucleus that couples the motoneuron-pacemaker circuit bilaterally. Transneuronal biocytin transport identified morph-specific developmental trajectories for the vocal circuit. Among nonreproductive, juvenile type I males, motoneuron soma size and motor nucleus volume increase most during a stage prior to sexual maturation. An additional increase in motoneuron size and nucleus volume is coupled to the greatest increase in pacemaker soma size at a stage coincident with the onset of sexual maturity; ventral medullary neurons show similar growth increments during both stages. Type II males (and females) mature with no or little change in cell size or motor nucleus volume. The results indicate that alternative mating tactics are paralleled by alternative developmental trajectories for the neurons that determine tactic-specific behaviors, in this case vocalizations. Together with aging data based on otolith growth, the results support the hypothesis that alternative male morphs in midshipman fish adopt nonsequential, mutually exclusive life history tactics. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In most taxa with male dimorphisms, some males are large inbody size with exaggerated secondary sexual characters (exaggeratedmorph), whereas other males in the same population are smalland have reduced secondary sexual characters (reduced morph).What selective pressures cause male dimorphisms? Reduced morphologiesmay result when a) some males develop a morphology that, inthe absence of sexual selection pressures for an exaggeratedmorphology, reduces energetic and developmental costs and/orb) some males opt for an alternative morphology that does wellat an alternative behavioral tactic such as cuckoldry. The 2mechanisms could act together, but each alone is theoreticallysufficient to drive dimorphisms. Here, we tested hypothesis"b" (sexual selection for reduced characters) in the plainfinmidshipman fish, Porichthys notatus. Behavioral plasticity betweenterritoriality and cuckoldry in an exaggerated male morph (typeI) allows for a direct comparison of cuckoldry by exaggeratedmorph males to cuckoldry by reduced morph (type II) males. Comparedwith type I cuckolders, type II cuckolders were able to remainnear the nest for longer periods before being chased by theterritorial type I male, suggesting that the reduced type IImorphology allows type II males to prolong the time before attackby territorial males. Combined with other studies showing arole of sexual selection in maintaining the exaggerated morph,the data support the "sexual selection for reduced characters"hypothesis and elucidate how sexual selection can act in differentways on different males to maintain 2 male morphologies withina single species.  相似文献   

Type I male midshipman fish acoustically court females, whereas type II males do not but instead sneak or satellite spawn to compete with type I males for fertilizations. ''Singing'' type I males diverge from type II males and females in the organization of an expansive hindbrain pacemaker–motoneuron circuit that establishes the physical attributes of vocalizations. Here, levels of aromatase activity were determined in homogenates of brain by measuring the conversion of 3H-androstenedione (AE) to 3H-oestrone (E1) and 3H-oestradiol (E2). Levels were highest in the telencephalon–preoptic area and similar for all morphs. Lower levels were in a region including the diencephalon, midbrain and cerebellum, although levels were significantly higher in females compared with type I males. In the vocal hindbrain region, aromatase levels were three- to five-fold higher in type II males and females than in type I males, and in castrated type II males than in castrated type I males. Conversion of testosterone to oestrogen in type II males and females may effectively prevent testosterone-induced maturation of the vocal system that characterizes type I males. Aromatase may thus be a key enzyme regulating the expression of individual-specific brain circuitry and behaviours among members of one sex.  相似文献   

In one species of vocalizing (sonic) fish, the midshipman (Porichthys notatus), there are two classes of sexually mature males--Types I and II--distinguished by a number of traits including body size, gonad size, and reproductive tactic. The larger Type-I males (unlike Type-II males and females) build nests, guard eggs, and generate several types of vocalizations. Sound production by Type-I males is paralleled by a proportionate increase of 600% in their sonic muscle mass. The motor volley from ventral occipital roots innervating the sonic muscles establishes their contraction rate and, in turn, the fundamental frequency of emitted sounds. Electrical stimulation of the midbrain in every male and female elicited a rhythmic sonic discharge as recorded in the occipital roots; however, the fundamental frequency was slightly, but significantly, higher (20%) in Type-I males. Intracellular recording from identified motoneurons and presumed presynaptic "pacemaker" neurons showed their synaptic and action potentials had the same frequency as that of the nerve volley in every male and female. Reconstructions of physiologically identified motoneurons and pacemaker neurons following intracellular horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) filling showed their somata and dendrites to be 100-300% larger in Type-I males. These data unambiguously show that the size of a target muscle is correlated with the size of both the respective motoneurons and their presynaptic afferent neurons. As discussed, this implies that the dramatic increase in neuron size in the sonic motor system of Type-I males is causally dependent upon expansion of the sonic muscle. It is further likely that the more modest sex difference in the rhythmic central discharge is established by the intrinsic membrane properties of sonic neurons. These results also corroborate, at a number of behavioral, morphological, and neurophysiological levels, that the sonic motor system of "sneak spawning" Type-II males is similar to that of females. Thus, unlike the vocalizing Type-I males, sexual differentiation of the reproductive system in Type-II males is not linked to concomitant changes in the neurophysiological and morphological features of the sonic motor circuit.  相似文献   

Morphometric changes in body condition, liver, sonic muscle and gonadal development associated with the annual reproductive cycle and behaviour of the intertidal-nesting male plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus were investigated. Body condition of type I males rapidly increased during the pre-nesting (PN) period, peaked at the beginning of the summer nesting cycle and then gradually declined to lowest levels during the non-reproductive (NR) period. The gonado-somatic index of type I males peaked during PN and then declined during the summer nesting cycle to lowest levels at the end of the nest cycle and during NR. Indices of sonic muscle and liver of type I males were lowest during NR, gradually increased during PN and then peaked during the summer nesting cycle. Results indicate that body condition and fecundity of type I males were positively correlated with body mass at the end of the nest cycle. These findings as they relate to the annual reproductive cycle and behaviour of the type I male P. notatus are discussed.  相似文献   

The plainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatus, generates acoustic communication signals through the rapid contraction of a pair of vocal (sonic) muscles attached to the walls of the swimbladder. Light and electron microscopic methods were used to study two aspects of sonic muscle ontogeny: (1) the development and transformation of myotubes into muscle fibers and (2) innervation, including the formation of sonic neuromuscular junctions and the myelination of sonic motor axons. Sonic motor axons are associated with sonic mesenchyme during its initial migration away from occipital somites. However, myofibrillogenesis, the formation of neuromuscular junctions, and axon myelination do not occur until sonic mesenchyme reaches its final destination (i.e., the swimbladder). A continuum of developing myotubes is present rather than two temporally distinct populations of primary and secondary myotubes as observed for skeletal muscles in mammalian and avian species. Potential reasons for the lack of primary and secondary myotubes are considered, including the functional homogeneity of the sonic motor system and the sonic muscle's unique architecture, namely its direct attachment to the wall of the swim-bladder. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between plasma steroid hormone levels and the expression ofpaternal behavior in the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus), where males may simultaneously care for multiple clutches in different stages of development. Blood samples were collected from free-living parental males during that part of the breeding season when males may be found in various stages of parental care. Plasma 11-ketotestosterone levels were significantly higher in males with empty nests and nests containing only eggs than in males with nests containing embryos. All males with nests containing embryos had undetectable testosterone levels, whereas testosterone levels were detectable in many males with empty nests or nests containing only eggs. Estradiol levels were detectable in only a few males from nests with no eggs or nests containing only eggs. Cortisol levels were not correlated with stage of paternal care or with handling time. These results follow the frequently reported vertebrate pattern of declining androgen levels over the course of the breeding season or during the period of parental care. However, many male midshipman guarding nests containing only eggs had androgen levels similar to those of males whose nests contained no offspring. Thus the pattern of androgen levels exhibited by reproductively active parental male midshipman may reflect a compromise between investment in paternal care versus courtship and/or territoriality.  相似文献   

As in many anurans, males of the totally aquatic species, Xenopus laevis, advertise their sexual receptivity using vocalizations. Unusually for anurans, X. laevis females also advertise producing a fertility call that results in courtship duets between partners. Although all X. laevis calls consist of repetitive click trains, male and female calls exhibit sex-specific acoustic features that might convey sexual identity. We tested the significance of the carrier frequency and the temporal pattern of calls using underwater playback experiments in which modified calls were used to evoke vocal responses in males. Since males respond differently to male and female calls, the modification of a key component of sexual identity in calls should change the male's response. We found that a female-like slow call rhythm triggers more vocal activity than a male-like fast rhythm. A call containing both a female-like temporal pattern and a female-like carrier frequency elicits higher levels of courtship display than either feature alone. In contrast, a male-like temporal pattern is sufficient to trigger typical male-male encounter vocalizations regardless of spectral cues. Thus, our evidence supports a role for temporal acoustic cues in sexual identity recognition and for spectral acoustic cues in conveying female attractiveness in X. laevis.  相似文献   

Although teleost fishes have the highest levels of brain aromatase (estrogen synthase) compared to other vertebrates, little is known of its regulation and function in specific brain areas. Previously, we characterized the distribution of aromatase in the brain of midshipman fish, a model system for identifying the neural and endocrine basis of vocal-acoustic communication and alternative male reproductive tactics. Here, we quantified seasonal changes in brain aromatase mRNA expression in the inter- and intrasexually dimorphic sonic motor nucleus (SMN) and in the preoptic area (POA) in males and females in relation to seasonal changes in circulating steroid hormone levels and reproductive behaviors. Aromatase mRNA expression was compared within each sex throughout non-reproductive, pre-nesting, and nesting periods as well as between sexes within each season. Intrasexual (male) differences were also compared within the nesting period. Females had higher mRNA levels in the pre-nesting period when their steroid levels peaked, while acoustically courting (type I) males had highest expression during the nesting period when their steroid levels peaked. Females had significantly higher levels of expression than type I males in all brain areas, but only during the pre-nesting period. During the nesting period, non-courting type II males had significantly higher levels of aromatase mRNA in the SMN but equivalent levels in the POA compared to type I males and females. These results demonstrate seasonal and sex differences in brain aromatase mRNA expression in a teleost fish and suggest a role for aromatase in the expression of vocal-acoustic and alternative male reproductive phenotypes.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals from the bird wrasse Gomphosus varius and saddle wrasse Thalassoma duperrey were recorded on coral reefs in Hawaii. Terminal phase males in both species emit two types of pulse trains (type I and type II). Type I pulses were produced during spawning and courtship, while type II pulses were associated only with courtship behaviours. Gomphosus varius type I pulses were of lower frequency than T. duperrey type I pulses (271 v. 840 Hz) and were of narrower band. Discriminant function analyses revealed interspecific differences between type I pulse trains and individual pulses of both types. This study is the first documentation of courtship and spawning sounds in sympatric labrids and shows divergence in acoustic signals.  相似文献   

Expression of the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogens, is known to be regulated by gonadal steroids in brain areas linked to reproduction and related behaviors in several groups of vertebrates. Previously, we demonstrated in a vocal fish, the plainfin midshipman, that both males and females undergo seasonal changes in brain aromatase mRNA expression in the preoptic area (POA) and the dimorphic sonic/vocal motor nucleus (SMN) that parallel seasonal variation in circulating steroid levels and reproductive behavior. We tested the hypothesis that steroids are directly responsible for seasonal modulation of aromatase in females because they show the most dramatic fluctuations of testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E2) throughout the year. Adult female midshipmen were ovariectomized and administered T, E2, or blank (control) implants. We then quantified aromatase mRNA expression within the POA and SMN by in situ hybridization. Both T- and E2-treated females had elevated mRNA expression levels in both brain areas compared to controls. T affected aromatase expression in a level-dependent manner, whereas E2 showed a decreased effect at higher circulating levels. This study demonstrates that seasonal differences in brain aromatase expression in female midshipman fish may be explained, in part, by changes in levels of circulating steroids.  相似文献   

Males of the dimorphic jumping spider (Maevia inclemens) differ in both their morphologies and courtship displays (i.e. phase I).The tufted morph stilts and waves from an average distance of 9 cm from a female, whereas the grey morph crouches and sidles from an average distance of 3 cm from a female. The objective of this study was to determine the significance of the different courtship displays using computeranimated versions of males performing phase I courtship in a Y-maze where first male movement and then the distance of the stimulus was controlled. Females selected the first male that they orientated to at the close distance of 4 cm and at the far distance of 16cm. However, there was no preference for the first male at the intermediate distance of 8 cm or the furthest distance of 24 cm. In addition, males have morph-specific advantages regarding the time it takes to attract female attention. Grey males attracted female attention in less time than tufted males at 4 and 8 cm. However, tufted males attracted female attention in less time than grey males at 16 cm. These results suggest a mechanism for the evolution of two different courtship displays whereby each morph has an advantage at different distances from the female.  相似文献   

Coexistence of female colour morphs in animal populations is often considered the result of sexual conflict, where polymorphic females benefit from reduced male sexual harassment. Mate-searching males easily detect suitable partners when only one type of female is present, but become challenged when multiple female morphs coexist, which may result in frequency-dependent mate preferences. Intriguingly, in damselflies, one female morph often closely resembles the conspecific male in body coloration, which has lead to hypotheses regarding intra-specific male-mimicry. However, few studies have quantitatively evaluated the correspondence between colour reflectance spectra from males and male-like females, relying instead on qualitative visual assessments of coloration. Using colour analyses of reflectance spectra, we compared characteristics of the body coloration of ontogenetic male and female colour morphs of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. In addition, we evaluated whether males appear to (1) discriminate between immature and mature female colour morphs, and (2) whether male-like females experience reduced male mating attention and low mating frequencies as predicted from male-mimicry. Spectral reflectance data show that immature female morphs differ substantially in coloration from mature individuals. Mating frequencies were much lower for immature than mature female morphs. For the male-like female morph, measures of colour were statistically indistinguishable from that of both immature and mature conspecific males. Mating frequencies of male-like females were lower than those of other mature female morphs under field and experimental conditions. Together, our results indicate that males may use the observed spectral differences in mate choice decisions. Furthermore, male-like females may be regarded as functional mimics that have reduced attractiveness and lowered rates of sexual harassment by mate-searching males.  相似文献   

South African clawed frogs use sex-specific vocalizations during courtship. In the male, vocalizations are under the control of gonadal androgen. Though females have moderate levels of circulating androgen, they do not give male-typical mate calls. Both muscles of the vocal organ and neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) vocal pathway are sexually dimorphic and androgen-sensitive. Recent studies suggest that the failure of androgen to masculinize adult females results from a male-specific, androgen-regulated developmental program. At metamorphosis the larynx is sexually monomorphic and feminine in morphology, muscle fiber number and androgen receptor content. During the next six months, under the influence of increasing androgen titers and high receptor levels, myoblasts proliferate in the male and muscle fibers increase at an average rate of 100/day. Females have much lower hormone levels, receptor values decline and they display no net addition of fibers. At metamorphosis, both males and females have approximately 4000 muscle fibers. By adulthood, males have eight times the female fiber number. In the CNS, adult laryngeal motor neurons are more numerous with larger somata and dendritic trees in males than in females. Certain connections of neurons in the vocal pathway are also less robust in females. Unlike the periphery, motor neuron number does not appear to be established by androgen-induced proliferation. Our current hypothesis is that androgen acts at the level of laryngeal muscle to produce more muscle fibers and thus provide more target for motor neurons in the male. This process could regulate cell number by ontogenetic cell death. In the CNS, androgen-target neurons become capable of accumulating hormone shortly before metamorphosis. Androgen receptor in laryngeal motor neurons may permit the dendritic growth characteristic of males by increasing sensitivity to afferent stimuli. Such a process could account for the observed differences in CNS vocal "circuitry" in X. laevis and thus behavioral differences between the sexes.  相似文献   

The histochemical pattern of muscle fiber types of the longissimus dorsi and biceps femoris muscles was investigated in normal and splaylegged piglets at birth and seven days later. Only slight differences between the muscle fibers at birth were found using histochemical reactions for alkaline adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), phosphorylase (PH) activities, and for the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. With the method for acid-preincubated ATPase activity, high activity was observed in Type I muscle fibers and low activity in Type II muscle fibers in animals of both groups investigated. However, a higher number of Type I fibers was found in muscles of normal piglets, suggesting a faster and more advanced process of transformation of Type II into Type I muscle fibers in unaffected animals. Thus the histochemical conversion appears to be retarded in muscles of splaylegged animals, which have a histochemical pattern similar to that of normal prenatal animals. Cholinesterase activity in motor endplates was well developed; its staining revealed smaller sized and irregularly arranged endplates in muscles of affected piglets. Fiber type differentiation in muscles of animals which recovered from splayleg becomes fully developed and comparable to normal piglets seven days after birth. The number of fibers which became converted from Type II to Type I was increased; the fiber types were differentiated with regard to the PAS reaction and to their ATPase, SDH and PH activities. Morphological features of motor endplates in muscles of normal and surviving splaylegged piglets are similar. Histochemical investigation of the fiber type differentiation thus suggests that full recovery occurs within the first week of postnatal life in muscles affected by pathological changes accompanying splayleg.  相似文献   

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