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In hermaphroditic plants, female reproductive success often varies among different positions within an inflorescence. However, few studies have evaluated the relative importance of underlying causes such as pollen limitation, resource limitation or architectural effect, and few have compared male allocation. During a 2-year investigation, we found that female reproductive success of an acropetally flowering species, Corydalis remota Fisch. ex Maxim. var. lineariloba Maxim. was significantly lower in the upper late developing flowers when compared with the lower early flowers. Supplementation with outcross pollen did not improve female reproductive success of the upper flowers, while removal of the lower developing fruits significantly increased female reproductive success of the upper flowers in both years, evidencing resource limitation of the upper flowers. Female production in upper flowers was greatly improved by simultaneous pollen supplementation of the upper flowers and removal of the lower fruits, suggesting that, when resources are abundant, pollen may limit the female reproductive success of the upper flowers. The less seed mass in the upper flowers didn't increase in all treatments due to architecture. In the upper flowers, ovule production was significantly lower and the pollen : ovule ratio was significantly higher. These results suggest that male-biased sex allocation in the upper flowers may lead to increased male reproductive success, whereas the lower flowers have higher female reproductive success.  相似文献   

The phenology, flower morphology, pollination mechanism and reproductive biology of Epidendrum secundum were studied in a semi‐deciduous forest at the Serra do Japi (SJ), and in the Atlantic rain forest of Picinguaba, both natural reserves in the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. E. secundum flowers all year round, with a flowering peak between September and January. This species is either a lithophytic or terrestrial herb in the SJ, whereas, in Picinguaba, it grows mainly in disturbed areas along roadsides. E. secundum is pollinated by several species of diurnal Lepidoptera at both study sites. In Picinguaba, where E. secundum is sympatric with E. fulgens and both share the same pollinators, pollen transference between these two species was recorded. E. secundum is self‐compatible but pollinator‐dependent. It is inter‐compatible with E. fulgens, producing fertile seeds. In contrast to the population of the SJ, in the Picinguaba region, floral morphology is quite variable among plants and some individuals present flowers with characteristics in‐between both sympatric species, suggesting that natural hybridization occasionally occurs. The anthropogenic perturbation is probably the cause of the occurrence of E. secundum in the Picinguaba region, enabling its contact with E. fulgens.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of Przewalskia tangutica Maxim.endemic to China and Hyoscyamus niger L., which belong to the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae), were studied using scanning electron microscope. They have three common characters of floral organ initiation and development: 1) initiation of the floral organs in the two species follows Hofmeister’s rule; 2) the mode of corolla tube development belongs to the “late sympetaly” type; 3) primordia of the floral appendages initiated in a pentamerous pattern and acropetal order. But initiation of the calyx lobe primordia showed different modes in these two species. The calyx lobe primordia of H. niger have simultaneously whorled initiation, while those of P. tangutica have helical initiation, but the five calyx lobe primordia form a ring after all five calyx lobe primordia occur. The systematic significance of the present results in the genera Hyoscyamus and Przewalskia is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

To understand the influence of different floral organs of Kingdonia uniflora to the pollinators and pollination, we divided the flowers into four groups, A, with the sterile stamens removed, B, with the tepals removed, C, with the fertile stamens removed and D, without the remove of any organ. The results showed that the insects visiting frequency were 0.4 time h in group A, 0 time h in group B, 0. 9 time h in group C and 2. 2 time h in group D. The percentage of pollinated flowers was 29.09% in group A, 40. 38% in group B, 70.91% in group C and 91. 67% in group D. The percentage of pollinated carpels was 17.77% in group A, 20.94% in group B, 40.58% in group C and 75.27% in group D respectively. The relationships between the insect visiting frequency and the nectarial secretion of the sterile stamens were observed in the field. To compare with group D, the decrease of the rate of pollinated flower and the carpel was group A > group B>group C. To combine the observation of the relationships between the nectarial secretion of the sterile stamens and the insect visiting frequency, we considered that the sterile stamens with nectar as the reward of the visiting insects play the most important rule for the pollinators and pollination. However, the tepals that could afford the platform of staining and moving of the insects on the flowers are also important for the pollinators. The fertile stamens that could form the chromatic to attract some of the pollinators and supply the pollen grains as the food of some pollinators play less important rule .  相似文献   

The genus Viola is represented by four related species in Brazil belonging to section Leptidium, one of the most primitive sections in the genus. Floral biology and pollination by bees were studied in Viola cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata in high-altitude areas in south-eastern Brazil. Flowers are zygomorphic and spurred. The five stamens are arranged in a cuff around the ovary, and pollen is released by means of apical connective projections, which form a cone surrounding the base of the style. The connective projections of the inferior stamens are elongated and curved to form a hook-shaped structure. Nectar-secreting tissue can occur in the basal connective appendages of the inferior stamens, which project into the spur. Flowers of V. subdimidiata secreted a mean volume of 0.14 micro l nectar over a 24-h period; approx. 40 % of flowers did not secrete any nectar. The main pollinators of these Viola species are female bees belonging to the genus Anthrenoides (Andrenidae), which search mainly for pollen. These bees seem to be oligolectic and obtain large amounts of pollen from Viola by vibrating the flowers or by moving the hook repeatedly back and forth. Males of Anthrenoides patrol Viola clusters and also feed on nectar, acting as secondary pollinators. The basic floral structure in the genus Viola fits that of 'nectar flowers'. The uncommon hook-shaped projections, scanty nectar production, and behaviour of pollinators suggest that V. cerasifolia and V. subdimidiata are shifting their reward for pollinators from nectar to pollen. Based on floral morphology, this shift may be widespread in Viola sect. Leptidium.  相似文献   

Type-I interferons (IFNs) form a large family of cytokines that primarily act to control the early development of viral infections. Typical type-I IFN genes, such as those encoding IFN-α or IFN-β are upregulated by viral infection in many cell types. In contrast, the gene encoding IFN-ε was reported to be constitutively expressed by cells of the female reproductive tract and to contribute to the protection against vaginal infections with herpes simplex virus 2 and Chlamydia muridarum. Our data confirm the lack of induction of IFN-ε expression after viral infection and the constitutive expression of IFN-ε by cells of the female but also of the male reproductive organs. Interestingly, when expressed from transfected expression plasmids in 293T, HeLa or Neuro2A cells, the mouse and human IFN-ε precursors were inefficiently processed and secretion of IFN-ε was minimal. Analysis of chimeric constructs produced between IFN-ε and limitin (IFN-ζ) showed that both the signal peptide and the mature moiety of IFN-ε contribute to poor processing of the precursor. Immunofluorescent detection of FLAG-tagged IFN-ε in transfected cells suggested that IFN-ε and chimeric proteins were defective for progression through the secretory pathway. IFN-ε did not, however, act intracellularly and impart an antiviral state to producing cells. Given the constitutive expression of IFN-ε in specialized cells and the poor processing of IFN-ε precursor in fibroblasts and cell lines, we hypothesize that IFN-ε secretion may require a co-factor specifically expressed in cells of the reproductive organs, that might secure the system against aberrant release of this IFN.  相似文献   

In estuarine wetlands, the daily periodic tidal activity has a profound effect on plant growth and reproduction. We studied the effects of tidal action on pollination and reproductive allocation of Sagittaria graminea. Results showed that the species had very different reproductive allocation in tidal and non-tidal habitats. In the tidal area, seed production was only 9.7% of that in non-tidal habitat, however, plants produced more male flowers and nearly twice the corms compared to those in non-tidal habitat. An experiment showed that the time available for effective pollination determined the pollination rate and pollen deposition in the tidal area. A control experiment suggested that low pollen deposition from low visitation frequency is not the main cause of very low seed sets or seed production in this plant in tidal habitat. The negative effects of tides (water) on pollen germination may surpass the influence of low pollen deposition from low visitation frequency. The length of time from pollen deposition to flower being submerged by water affected pollen germination rate on stigmas; more than three hours is necessary to allow pollen germination and complete fertilization to eliminate the risk of pollen grains being washed away by tidal water.  相似文献   

Blood parasites of breeding American kestrels, Falco sparverius (40 males and 27 females), were investigated to determine their connections to male showiness, mating success and host fitness. The only haematozoan found in the blood films was Haemoproteus tinnunculi (overall prevalence of 74% for females and 53% for males). In adult (+ 1-year-old) males, the subterminal tail band (character apparently used in female mate choice) was wider in infected males than in non-infected males. This was consistent with the Hamilton—Zuk hypothesis of parasite-mediated sexual selection. Our results also suggest that reproductive effort may increase susceptibility to parasitism. In yearling males, the proportion of individuals infected with H. tinnunuli was higher among those tending a large than a small brood at the time of fledging. Hunting effort (proportion of time spent in flight-hunting and wind-hovering) was also higher for males tending large broods than for those tending small broods, and it was higher for yearling than adult males on a given brood size. Reproductive effort may result in greater exposure and/or decreased ability to control chronic latent infections. Parasitic infections, in turn, may have detrimental effects on host fitness.  相似文献   

Arundina graminifolia is an early successional plant on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyus, Japan, where it is endangered. Populations flower for more than half a year, and many inflorescences bloom for one to several months. The nectarless gullet flowers, which open for up to six days, are self-compatible but cannot self-pollinate spontaneously; thus they rely on pollinating agents for capsule production. Field observations at two habitats identified at least six species of bees and wasps, primarily mate-seeking males of Megachile yaeyamaensis and Thyreus takaonis, as legitimate pollinators. Thus, this orchid is a pollinator generalist, probably owing to its long blooming period and simple flower morphology. Carpenter bees, which were previously reported to pollinate this orchid, frequently visited flowers but were too large to crawl into the labellum chamber and never pollinated the flowers. Extrafloral nectaries on inflorescences attracted approximately 40 insect taxa but were not involved with pollination. Fruit-set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally but were generally low (5.2–12.4 %), presumably owing to infrequent flower visits by mate-seeking pollinators and the lack of food rewards to pollinators.  相似文献   

Perkinsus atlanticus is a pathogenic protist that infects the clam Ruditapes decussatus. The recent proposal for the inclusion of the genus Perkinsus in a new phylum, Perkinsozoa, in the infra-kingdom Alveolata, gave rise to controversies whether this genus should form a phylum on its own. Molecular analysis of some conserved nuclear genes shows a closer proximity of the genus Perkinsus to the dinoflagellates than to the apicomplexans. Studies on extranuclear genomes, however, could also be very helpful for a more precise definition of those phyla. In Perkinsozoa, there have been until now no reports about the isolation of mitochondria as well as no conclusive results about the presence of any plastids, therefore a comparison with the data already obtained in Apicomplexa and Dinoflagellata has not yet been possible. In this work, we identify a plastid in Perkinsus atlanticus, using ultrastructural techniques and inhibition growth tests. It will be important to analyze the plastid genome at a molecular level, in order to confirm if the plastid in Perkinsus is more similar to those of Dinoflagellata or Apicomplexa. Such information will doubtless contribute to a more precise determination of the phylogenetic position of the genus Perkinsus.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that circadian variation exists in the response of blood pressure (BP) following a bout of uninterrupted exercise. The usual phenomenon of post‐exercise hypotension was absent or reversed when such exercise was performed between 04:00–08:00 h. Nevertheless, research examining BP changes following bouts of intermittent exercise at different times of the day is scarce, even though this type of activity is probably more popular. Therefore, we aimed to compare post‐exercise BP reductions of continuous (CONT) and intermittent (INT) exercise protocols performed at 08:00 h and 16:00 h. At both of these times of day, eight normotensive males completed 30 min of continuous cycling in the CONT and three 10 min bouts of cycling separated by 10 min of rest in the INT protocol. The exercise intensity was set at 70% V˙O2peak during both protocols. Heart rate, systolic (S) and diastolic (D) BP, and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured 5 min before and 20 min after exercise. Changes from pre‐exercise baseline were analyzed using linear mixed modeling. MAP was 8±1 mm Hg lower following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). SBP and DBP were also significantly lower following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). Diurnal variation in MAP was evident, with attenuated hypotension being observed after morning exercise (p<0.05), although this diurnal variation was less marked following INT compared with CONT exercise (p<0.05). We conclude that intermittent exercise mediates greater post‐exercise hypotension compared with a single continuous bout of equivalent work and that this protocol‐dependent difference is greatest in the afternoon. Therefore, a bout of afternoon exercise that is occasionally interrupted with short rest periods is recommended for lowering BP acutely.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry, in which a palatable organism resembles an unpalatable model, is widespread among taxa. Batesian mimics can be classified based on their level of accuracy (inaccurate or accurate). Using data on defensive strategies in more than 1000 species of spiders I investigated whether inaccurate myrmecomorphy is ancestral to accurate myrmecomorphy. I classified 233 myrmecomorphic species into four accuracy levels based on morphology, from poor inaccurate mimics to very accurate ones. I found that myrmecomorphy has evolved independently in 16 families and 85 genera. On the family‐level phylogeny, the occurrence of myrmecomorphy is confined mainly to families branching later on the tree, from the RTA clade. On the generic‐level phylogenies in Corinnidae and Salticidae, myrmecomorphy is not only of derived origin. Estimated ancestral state was non‐mimetic in Salticidae and poor inaccurate myrmecomorphy in Corinnidae. Thus, inaccurate myrmecomorphic spider mimics seem rather ancestral to accurate but additional analysis on species‐level phylogenies is needed to support this conclusion. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 97–111.  相似文献   

The functional characteristics of prey items (such as hardness and evasiveness) have been linked with cranial morphology and performance in vertebrates. In lizards particularly, species with more robust crania generally feed on harder prey items and possess a greater bite force, whereas those that prey on evasive prey typically have longer snouts. However, the link between dietary niche breadth, morphology, and performance has not been explicitly investigated in lizards. The southern African genus Nucras was used to investigate this link because the species exhibit differing niche breadth values and dietary compositions. A phylogeny for the genus was established using mitochondrial and nuclear markers, and morphological clusters were identified. Dietary data of five Nucras species, as reported previously, were used in correlation analyses between cranial shape (quantified using geometric morphometrics) and dietary niche breadth, and the proportion of hard prey taken and bite force capacity. Dietary niche breadth and the proportion of hard prey eaten were significantly related to cranial shape, although not once phylogeny was accounted for using a phylogenetic generalized least squares regression. The proportion of evasive prey eaten was a significant predictor of forelimb length when phylogeny was taken into account. We conclude that, in Nucras, the percentage of evasive prey taken co‐evolves with forelimb morphology, and dietary niche breadth co‐evolves with cranial shape. However, although head width is correlated with the proportion of hard prey eaten, this appears to be the result of shared ancestry rather than adaptive evolution. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 674–688.  相似文献   

1. To determine if functional cholinergic innervation occurs in the frog duodenum or not, the effects of exogenous acetylcholine and electrical transmural stimulation, the contractile activity of an acid extract from the frog duodenum, and the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the wall of the frog duodenum were investigated.2. Acetylcholine caused non-sustained contraction in a dose-dependent manner (100nM−1 mM). The ed50) value was 17 ± 2.4 μM. Atropine (500 nM) shifted the dose-response curve for acetylcholine parallel to the right.3. Transmural stimulation of the frog duodenum caused frequency-dependent (0.5–50 Hz) contraction which was not decreased by atropine (500 nM) at all.4. The acid extract from the frog duodenum caused contraction of a longitudinal muscle strip of guinea-pig ileum but atropine (500 nM) had no significant effect on the contraction.5. Only a little AChE activity was found in Auerbach's plexus of the frog duodenum compared with that of the rat ileum.6. These results suggest that a cholinergic nerve is present in the frog duodenum but its physiological significance is very small.  相似文献   

The Podostemaceae are sessile hydrophytes restricted to habitats with waterfalls and seasonal flow variability. Mourera fluviatilis belongs to the family and has a disjunct distribution in the Amazon and northeastern Brazil. The following hypotheses were tested: (i) both autogamy and anemophily act on the pollination system of M. fluviatilis, and (ii) the highest reproductive success is achieved by cross-pollination. Natural populations were monitored in the rivers Pirangi and Ipojuca, northeastern Brazil. Floral visitors are the polylectic bees Apis mellifera, Trigona spinipes (Apidae), Augochlora sp. and Augochloropsis sp. (Halictidae), though only the latter three are effective pollinators. In experiments on the reproductive system and pollination there was a high percentage of fruit formation (>86%), both in treatment and control plants. Although the index of self-incompatibility is 0.86, there was a significant difference in the number of seeds produced among reproductive system treatments, and xenogamy produced more seeds. There was no significant difference in the number of penetrated ovules between control and manual cross-pollination (xenogamy) treatments, 24 h after pollination. However, there were differences among treatments, 48 h after pollination, except for the control and xenogamy treatments. The pollen tubes from cross-pollination treatments usually penetrate the micropyle in shorter time and in higher quantity. We found differences among pollination experiments, except for the control and non-emasculated treatments, and between emasculated treatments. In spite of the ambiguity of floral attributes (pedicel, filaments and anthers colors, sweet odor, reduced perianth, absence of nectar, small and dry pollen grains), wind pollination is less important for this species; what predominates instead are first allogamy mediated by bees and second self-pollination at the end of anthesis.  相似文献   

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