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Mature coconut embryos were germinated in a modified Murashige and Skoog medium and then cultured on BMY3 medium incorporating sucrose in the range of 4 to 8%. -Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was added into the medium at concentrations ranging from 0 to 800 M for periods of 4 to 24 weeks. Application of NAA for 4 weeks stimulated shoot growth, whereas application periods greater than 4 weeks had no significant effect. NAA in the range of 100–300 M stimulated elongation of the primary root and the optimum concentration increased with increases in sucrose levels. Production of adventitious roots was stimulated by the addition of NAA with levels of 200 M and above being the most effective. Increasing the sucrose concentration from 4% through to 8% stimulated root elongation in the absence of NAA and inhibited shoot growth whether NAA was present or absent.Abbreviations IAA indole-acetic acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of α-ketoglutarate on neutrophil (PMN), free α-keto and amino-acid profiles as well as important reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced [superoxide anion (O2 ?), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)] and released myeloperoxidase (MPO) acitivity. Exogenous α-ketoglutarate significantly increased PMN α-ketoglutarate, pyruvate, asparagine, glutamine, asparatate, glutamate, arginine, citrulline, alanine, glycine and serine in a dose as well as duration of exposure dependent manner. Additionally, in parallel with intracellular α-ketoglutarate changes, increases in O2 formation, H2O2-generation and MPO acitivity have also been observed. We therefore believe that α-ketoglutarate is important for affecting PMN “susceptible free amino- and α-keto acid pools” although important mechanisms and backgrounds are not yet completely explored. Moreover, our results also show very clearly that changes in intragranulocytic α-ketoglutarate levels are relevant metabolic determinants in PMN nutrition considerably influencing and modulating the magnitude and quality of the granulocytic host defense capability as well as production of ROS.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the influence of α-tocopherol on zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium concentrations in serum of rats with bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Fourteen Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into two groups of seven animals each. The first group was treated intratracheally with bleomycin hydrochloride (BM group); the second group was also instilled with BM but received injections of α-tocopherol twice a week (BM+E group). The third group was treated in the same manner with saline solution only, acting as controls (C). The zinc concentrations of the BM and BM+E groups were significantly decreased compared to the controls (p<0.05). The iron concentration of the controls was significantly higher than the other two groups. The magnesium concentration in the controls and the BM+E group was significantly higher than that of the BM group. The serum copper, calcium, and potassium concentrations were not found to be statistically different among the three groups. Distinct histopathologic changes were found in the BM group compared to the untreated rats. Less severe fibrotic lesions were also observed in the BM+E group. The results of this study show that lungs of rats treated with bleomycin were seriously damaged and that vitamin E seemed to counteract some of the damage, as indicated by differences in the serum concentrations of major elements.  相似文献   

Capric acid (C10:0), a medium chain fatty acid, was evaluated for its anti-methanogenic activity and its potential to modify the rumen biohydrogenation of linoleic (C18:2n-6) and α-linolenic acids (C18:3n-3). A standard dairy concentrate (0.5 g), supplemented with sunflower oil (10 mg) and linseed oil (10 mg) and increasing doses of capric acid (0, 10, 20 and 30 mg), was incubated with mixed rumen contents and buffer (1 : 4 v/v) for 24 h. The methane inhibitory effect of capric acid was more pronounced at the highest (30 mg) dose compared to the medium (20 mg) (-85% v. -34%), whereas the lower dose (10 mg) did not reduce rumen methanogenesis. A 23% decrease in total short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production was observed, accompanied by shifts towards increased butyrate at 20 mg and increased propionate at 30 mg of capric acid (P < 0.001). Capric acid linearly decreased the extent of biohydrogenation of C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3, by up to 60% and 86%, respectively. This reduction was partially due to a lower extent of lipolysis when capric acid was supplemented. Capric acid at 20 and 30 mg completely inhibited the production of C18:0 (P < 0.001), resulting in an accumulation of biohydrogenation intermediates, mainly C18:1t10 + t11 and C18:2t11c15. In contrast to effects on rumen fermentation (methane production and proportions of SCFA), 30 mg of capric acid did not induce major changes in rumen biohydrogenation as compared to the medium (20 mg) dose. This study revealed the dual action of capric acid, being inhibitory to both methane production and biohydrogenation of C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3.  相似文献   

α-Crystallin is a major protein in the human lens that is perceived to help to maintain the transparency of the lens through its chaperone function. In this study, we demonstrate that many lens proteins including αA-crystallin are acetylated in vivo. We found that K70 and K99 in αA-crystallin and, K92 and K166 in αB-crystallin are acetylated in the human lens. To determine the effect of acetylation on the chaperone function and structural changes, αA-crystallin was acetylated using acetic anhydride. The resulting protein showed strong immunoreactivity against a Nε-acetyllysine antibody, which was directly related to the degree of acetylation. When compared to the unmodified protein, the chaperone function of the in vitro acetylated αA-crystallin was higher against three of the four different client proteins tested. Because a lysine (residue 70; K70) in αA-crystallin is acetylated in vivo, we generated a protein with an acetylation mimic, replacing Lys70 with glutamine (K70Q). The K70Q mutant protein showed increased chaperone function against three client proteins compared to the Wt protein but decreased chaperone function against γ-crystallin. The acetylated protein displayed higher surface hydrophobicity and tryptophan fluorescence, had altered secondary and tertiary structures and displayed decreased thermodynamic stability. Together, our data suggest that acetylation of αA-crystallin occurs in the human lens and that it affects the chaperone function of the protein.  相似文献   

Insect α-amylase inhibiting and/or growth inhibiting activities of proteinaceous inhibitors from red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) were examined. The bean inhibitor was most effectivein vitro against α-amylases from the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) and the confused flour beetle (T. confusum), followed by those from the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) and yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor). The insect enzymes were from two- to 50-fold more susceptible than human salivary α-amylase. When the inhibitors were added at a 1% level to a wheat flour plus germ diet, the growth of red flour beetle larvae was slowed relative to that of the control group of larvae, with the bean inhibitor being more effective than the wheat inhibitor. Development of both the red flour beetle and flat grain beetle (Cryptolestes pusillus) was delayed by 1% bean inhibitor, but development of the sawtoothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis) and lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) was not affected by either the bean or wheat inhibitor at the 1% level. Rice weevil adults fed a diet containing 1% bean or wheat inhibitor exhibited more mortality than weevils fed the control diet. When the wheat amylase inhibitor was combined with a cysteine protease inhibitor, E-64, and fed to red flour beetle larvae, a reduction in the growth rate and an increase in the time required for adult eclosion occurred relative to larvae fed either of the inhibitors separately. The bean inhibitor was just as effective alone as when it was combined with the protease inhibitor. These results demonstrate that plant inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes act as growth inhibitors of insects and possibly as plant defense proteins, and open the way to the use of the genes of these inhibitors for genetically improving the resistance of cereals to storage pests. Cooperative investigation between the Agricultural Research Service, the University of California, San Diego, and the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station (Contribution no. 94-416-J). Supported in part by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science, Spain-Fulbright Program to J.J.P. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the USDA. The USDA is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and all agency services are available without discrimination.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease is characterized by the presence of intracellular aggregates composed primarily of the neuronal protein α-synuclein (αS). Interactions between αS and various cellular membranes are thought to be important to its native function as well as relevant to its role in disease. We use fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to investigate binding of αS to lipid vesicles as a function of the lipid composition and membrane curvature. We determine how these parameters affect the molar partition coefficient of αS, providing a quantitative measure of the binding energy, and calculate the number of lipids required to bind a single protein. Specific anionic lipids have a large effect on the free energy of binding. Lipid chain saturation influences the binding interaction to a lesser extent, with larger partition coefficients measured for gel-phase vesicles than for fluid-phase vesicles, even in the absence of anionic lipid components. Although we observe variability in the binding of the mutant proteins, differences in the free energies of partitioning are less dramatic than with varied lipid compositions. Vesicle curvature has a strong effect on the binding affinity, with a >15-fold increase in affinity for small unilamellar vesicles over large unilamellar vesicles, suggesting that αS may be a curvature-sensing protein. Our findings provide insight into how physical properties of the membrane may modulate interactions of αS with cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Fibrillar aggregates of the α-synuclein (αS) protein are the hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. Characterization of the effects of mutations and post-translational modifications (PTMs) on the αS aggregation rate can provide insight into the mechanism of fibril formation, which remains elusive in spite of intense study. A comprehensive collection (375 examples) of mutant and PTM aggregation rate data measured using the fluorescent probe thioflavin T is presented, as well as a summary of the effects of fluorescent labeling on αS aggregation (20 examples). A curated set of 131 single mutant de novo aggregation experiments are normalized to wild type controls and analyzed in terms of structural data for the monomer and fibrillar forms of αS. These tabulated data serve as a resource to the community to help in interpretation of aggregation experiments and to potentially be used as inputs for computational models of aggregation.  相似文献   

Effects of curcumin and related compounds on product formation in radiolysis of aerated and deaerated ethanol were studied. Ab initio calculations of enthalpy values relating to O-H bond dissociation and H-atom addition to > C = O bonds of the compounds under study have been performed. The obtained data allowed the conclusion that the presence of a 7-carbon chain containing conjugated > C = C < and > C = O bonds in the structures of curcumin and its analogues makes these compounds capable of inhibiting the reactions involving α-hydroxyl-containing carbon-centered radicals. This finding broadens the existing views concerning radical-regulating properties of curcuminoids, and it should be taken into account when practical use of these compounds is envisaged.  相似文献   

The surface pressures of α-tocopherol analogs, fatty acids, and their mixtures were measured in their spread monolayers at an air—water interface. The surface pressure—area isotherms for the mixed monolayers of α-tocopherol and either stearic acid, oleic acid or linoleic acid deviated positively from those calculated on the basis of the additivity rule, and the magnitude depended on the length of the phytyl side chain in α-tocopherol and on the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acid chains. Lysosome membranes of mouse liver were stabilized by addition of α-tocopherol. A decrease in the length of the phytyl side chain in α-tocopherol reduced its ability to stabilize lysosome membranes. A good correlation was obtained between the extent of stabilizing activity of α-tocopherol analogs on lysosome membranes and the degree of positive deviation of the surface pressure for their mixtures with fatty acids.  相似文献   

Recent catastrophic global amphibian declines have been partially linked to increases in UV-B radiation as a consequence of stratospheric ozone depletion. Previous studies have shown that in the presence of other environmental stressors including aquatic pH and temperature and the presence of contaminants or pathogens, the lethal effects of UV-B on amphibian larvae are enhanced due to interactions between the stressors. Little is known about the interactions between UV-B and aquatic hypoxia, a common and significant natural stressor of amphibian larvae. We examined the potential effects of UV-B and aquatic hypoxia in combination on embryonic survival, developmental rate, body mass and locomotor performance of embryos and larvae of the striped marsh frog, Limnodynastes peronii. We found that while both UV-B and hypoxia independently had substantial negative effects on the developing embryos of L. peronii, they did not interact in a multiplicative or antagonistic manner. The effects of the stressors in combination were as might be predicted based on the knowledge of their independent actions alone (i.e. an additive effect). In all cases developing embryos exposed to both UV-B and hypoxia were more severely affected than those exposed to either UV-B or hypoxia alone. The results of this study show the importance of examining both the direct actions of individual stressors and how these may be influenced by the presence of other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that exposure of amphibians, including the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), to potent estrogens at critical times during development results in feminization and/or demasculinization. However, genotyping of X. laevis has only recently become possible, so studies performed in the past were rarely able to make explicit linkages between genetic and phenotypic sex. Therefore, to further characterize this relationship, X. laevis tadpoles were exposed during development to 0.09, 0.84, or 8.81μg/L 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), which is the estrogen analog commonly used in oral contraceptives. Exposure to all concentrations of EE2 tested resulted in significant delays in time to metamorphosis. Genotyping showed that genetic sex ratios were similar among treatments. However, morphological evaluation revealed that a significant number of individuals with a male genotype displayed mixed sex and abnormal phenotypes. Additionally, both genetic males and females exposed to EE2 exhibited greater presence of vitellogenin protein relative to the respective controls. Since estrogens function downstream of the initial molecular signals of sexual differentiation, it is likely that genetic male animals received mixed endogenous male and exogenous female signals that caused disordered sexual development. The production of vitellogenin was probably temporally separated and independent from primary effects on sexual differentiation, and might have contributed to delays in metamorphosis observed in individuals exposed to EE2.  相似文献   

Acquired resistance of cancer cells to various chemotherapeutic agents is known as multidrug resistance, and remains a critical factor in the success of cancer treatment. It is necessary to develop the inhibitors for multidrug resistance. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of eight α-adrenoceptor antagonists on ABCG2/BCRP-mediated resistance and transport. Previously established HeLa/SN100 cells, which overexpress ABCG2/BCRP but not ABCB1/MDR1, were used. The effects of the antagonists on sensitivity to mitoxantrone and the transport activity of Hoehst33342, both substrates for ABCG2/BCRP, were evaluated using the WST-1 assay and cellular kinetics, respectively. ABCG2/BCRP mRNA expression and the cell cycle were also examined by real-time RT-PCR and flow cytometry, respectively. Sensitivity to mitoxantrone was reversed by the α-adrenoceptor antagonists in a concentration-dependent manner, although such effects were also found in the parental HeLa cells. Levels of ABCG2/BCRP mRNA expression were not influenced by the antagonists. The transport activity of Hoechst33342 was decreased by doxazosin and prazosin, but unaffected by the other antagonists. In addition, doxazosin and prazosin increased the proportion of S phase cells in the cultures treated with mitoxantrone, whereas the other α-adrenoceptor antagonists increased the percentage of cells in G(2)/M phase. These findings suggested that doxazosin and prazosin reversed resistance mainly by inhibiting ABCG2/BCRP-mediated transport, but the others affected sensitivity to mitoxantrone via a different mechanism.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(1-2):131-157
α-Bungarotoxin (BuTX; 5 μg/ml) completely blocked the endplate potential and extrajunctional acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity of surface fibers in normal and chronically denervated mammalian muscles, respectively, in about 35 min. A 0.72 ± 0.033 mV amplitude endplate potential returned in normal muscle fibers after 6.5 hr. of washout of α-BuTX, and an ACh sensitivity of 41.02 ± 3.95 mV/nC was recorded in denervated muscle after 6.5 hr of wash (control being 1215 ± 197 mV/nC). A two-step reaction of BuTX with binding sites which may allosterically interact is postulated.

Several pharmacologic differences were noted between the ACh receptors at the normal endplate and those appearing extrajunctionally following denervation. In normal innervated muscles exposed to BuTX in the presence of 20 μM carbamylcholine or decamethonium, washout of both drugs restored twitch to control levels within 2 hr. Endplate potentials large enough to initiate action potentials were also recorded in most surface fibers. In contrast, these agents, in much higher concentrations (50 μM), were almost ineffective in preventing BuTX blockade of ACh sensitivity in denervated muscle. Hexamethonium (10 and 50 mM) depressed neuromuscular transmission and blocked the action of BuTX in normal muscle in a dose-dependent fashion. On the extrajunctional receptors, hexamethonium (50 mM) was ineffective in protecting against BuTX. We may conclude that at the normal endplate region there are two distinct populations of ACh receptors, both of which react with cholinergic ligands and BuTX, but that a small population (representing ± 1% of the total) reacts with BuTX reversibly. Our findings further suggest a clear distinction between ACh receptors located at the normal endplate region and those of the extrajunctional region of the chronically denervated mammalian muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of α-tocopherol on the lipid fluidity of porcine intestinal brush-border membranes was studied using pyrene as a fluorescent probe. Addition of α-tocopherol to the medium decreased fluorescence intensity and lifetime, but increased the fluorescence polarization of pyrene-labeled membranes. β-, γ-, and δ-Tocopherols gave no appreciable effect on the fluorescence intensity and polarization of the complex. The apparent dissociation constant (3.1 ± 0.12 μM) of the interaction of α-tocopherol with the membranes, estimated from the change in the fluorescence intensity with varying concentrations of α-tocopherol, was in good agreement with the concentration required to cause the half-maximal inhibition of lipid peroxidation of the membranes performed by incubation with 100 μM ascorbic acid and 10 μM Fe2+. Decrease of the slope in the thermal Perrin plot of the polarization of pyrene-labeled membranes by α-tocopherol suggests that the movement of pyrene molecules in the membranes is restricted by binding of the tocopherol. This interpretation was confirmed by an increased harmonic mean of the rotational relaxation time of the dye molecules in the membranes from 10.9 ± 0.16 to 18.5 ± 0.51 μs after addition of 25 μM α-tocopherol to the medium. The perturbation of lipid phase in the membranes induced by α-tocopherol was also suggested from a decreased quenching rate constant of pyrene fluorescence in the membranes for Tl+. Based on these results, the effect of α-tocopherol on the lipid fluidity of the membranes is discussed.  相似文献   


Aspergillus niger α-glucosidase (ANG), a member of glycoside hydrolase family 31, catalyzes hydrolysis of α-glucosidic linkages at the non-reducing end. In the presence of high concentrations of maltose, the enzyme also catalyzes the formation of α-(1→6)-glucosyl products by transglucosylation and it is used for production of the industrially useful panose and isomaltooligosaccharides. The initial transglucosylation by wild-type ANG in the presence of 100 mM maltose [Glc(α1–4)Glc] yields both α-(1→6)- and α-(1→4)-glucosidic linkages, the latter constituting ~25% of the total transfer reaction product. The maltotriose [Glc(α1–4)Glc(α1–4)Glc], α-(1→4)-glucosyl product disappears quickly, whereas the α-(1→6)-glucosyl products panose [Glc(α1–6)Glc(α1–4)Glc], isomaltose [Glc(α1–6)Glc], and isomaltotriose [Glc(α1–6)Glc(α1–6)Glc] accumulate. To modify the transglucosylation properties of ANG, residue Asn694, which was predicted to be involved in formation of the plus subsites of ANG, was replaced with Ala, Leu, Phe, and Trp. Except for N694A, the mutations enhanced the initial velocity of the α-(1→4)-transfer reaction to produce maltotriose, which was then degraded at a rate similar to that by wild-type ANG. With increasing reaction time, N694F and N694W mutations led to the accumulation of larger amounts of isomaltose and isomaltotriose than achieved with the wild-type enzyme. In the final stage of the reaction, the major product was panose (N694A and N694L) or isomaltose (N694F and N694W).


Fruits of tomato incorporated [2-14C]mevalonic acid lactone into the steroidal glycoalkaloid α-tomatine. Young fruits showed the greatest alkaloid-synthesizing ability but this decreased as the fruits developed. Analysis of sap exuded from fruit stalks and also application of[4-14C]cholesterol to leaves confirmed that tomatine is not transported into fruits from vegetative organs. Accumulation of this alkaloid in fruits thus appears entirely due to synthesis. Excised fruits of all developmental stages degraded injected [14C]tomatine and rates were directly related to fruit age. The pattern of accumulation/decline in fruit tomatine may be explicable on the basis of changing capacity for synthesis/degradation during development. Label from injected [14C]tomatine was present mainly in chlorophylls and carotenoids where it increased with time as that in tomatine decreased. The significance of the relationship between tomatine disappearance and carotenoid development is briefly discussed. The aglycone tomatidine was not detected in green fruits but a Δ16-5α-pregnenolone-like compound was.  相似文献   

The molecular conformation of proteins is sensitive to the nature of the aqueous environment. In particular, the presence of ions can stabilize or destabilize (denature) protein secondary structure. The underlying mechanisms of these actions are still not fully understood. Here, we combine circular dichroism (CD), single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, and atomistic computer simulations to elucidate salt-specific effects on the structure of three peptides with large α-helical propensity. CD indicates a complex ion-specific destabilization of the α-helix that can be rationalized by using a single salt-free computer simulation in combination with the recently introduced scheme of ion-partitioning between nonpolar and polar peptide surfaces. Simulations including salt provide a molecular underpinning of this partitioning concept. Furthermore, our single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer measurements reveal highly compressed peptide conformations in molar concentrations of NaClO4 in contrast to strong swelling in the presence of GdmCl. The compacted states observed in the presence of NaClO4 originate from a tight ion-backbone network that leads to a highly heterogeneous secondary structure distribution and an overall lower α-helical content that would be estimated from CD. Thus, NaClO4 denatures by inducing a molten globule-like structure that seems completely off-pathway between a fully folded helix and a coil state.  相似文献   

The present study shows that α-MSH facilitates the acquisition and delays the extinction of a Passive Avoidance Response (PAR) in the hypox animals. MSH exacerbates PA-induced defecation in both hypox and sham-hypox animals. Hypox and sham-hypox animals treated with MSH do not differ on PAR or on PA-induced defecation. Melatonin, on the other hand, has no significant effect on PAR in hypox rats, but retards acquisition and facilitates extinction of the PAR in sham-hypox rats. Melatonin also inhibits PA-induced defecation in sham-hypox rats. Sham-hypox and hypox rats treated with Melatonin do not differ on PAR learning, retention (Extinction) and PA-induced defecation. MSH and Melatonin also seem to have opposite effects on plasma 11-OHCS levels measured at the end of PAR extinction. MSH increases plasma 11-OHCS in hypox rats, whereas Melatonin decreases plasma 11-OHCS in sham-hypox rats. Melatonin does not lower further the very low level of plasma 11-OHCS in hypox rats.  相似文献   

Protease stability is a key consideration in the development of peptide-based drugs. A major approach to increase the bioavailability of pharmacologically active peptides is the incorporation of non-natural amino acids. Due to the unique properties of fluorine, fluorinated organic molecules have proven useful in the development of therapeutically active small molecules as well as in materials and crop science. This study presents data on the ability of fluorinated amino acids to influence proteolytic stability when present in peptide sequences that are based on ideal protease substrates. Different model peptides containing fluorinated amino acids or ethylglycine in the P2, P1′or P2′ positions were designed according to the specificities of the serine protease, α-chymotrypsin (EC or the aspartic protease, pepsin (EC The proteolytic stability of the peptides toward these enzymes was determined by an analytical RP-HPLC assay with fluorescence detection and compared to a control sequence. Molecular modeling was used to support the interpretation of the structure–activity relationship based on the analysis of potential ligand-enzyme interactions. Surprisingly, an increase in proteolytic stability was observed only in a few cases. Thus, this systematic study shows that the proteolytic stability of fluorinated peptides is not predictable, but rather is a very complex phenomenon that depends on the particular enzyme, the position of the substitution relative to the cleavage site and the fluorine content of the side chain.  相似文献   

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