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Microarrays enable high-throughput parallel gene expression analysis, and their use has grown exponentially during the past decade. We are now in a position where individual experiments could benefit from using the swelling public data repositories to allow microarrays to progress from being a hypothesis-generating tool to a powerful resource that can be used to test hypothesis about biology. Comparative microarray analysis could better distinguish phenotypes from associated phenotypes; identify valid differentially expressed genes by combining many studies; test new hypothesis; and discover fundamental patterns of gene regulation. This review aims to describe the additional methodology needed for such comparative microarray analysis, and we identify and discuss a number of problems such as loss of published data, lack of annotations, and variable array quality, which need to be solved before comparative microarray analysis can be used in a more systematic and powerful manner.  相似文献   

Keiser MJ  Irwin JJ  Shoichet BK 《Biochemistry》2010,49(48):10267-10276
Molecular biology now dominates pharmacology so thoroughly that it is difficult to recall that only a generation ago the field was very different. To understand drug action today, we characterize the targets through which they act and new drug leads are discovered on the basis of target structure and function. Until the mid-1980s the information often flowed in reverse: investigators began with organic molecules and sought targets, relating receptors not by sequence or structure but by their ligands. Recently, investigators have returned to this chemical view of biology, bringing to it systematic and quantitative methods of relating targets by their ligands. This has allowed the discovery of new targets for established drugs, suggested the bases for their side effects, and predicted the molecular targets underlying phenotypic screens. The bases for these new methods, some of their successes and liabilities, and new opportunities for their use are described.  相似文献   

K R Kennedi 《Parazitologiia》1985,19(5):347-355
The present state of parasite population biology is reviewed with special reference to parasites of fish. Mathematical models have provided a coherent body of theory which is supported by many laboratory investigations. There is nevertheless some disagreement between predictions based on this theory and data obtained from investigations of natural parasite populations. It is suggested that this is partly due to the oversimplifications and limitations of the models, and partly to the unsystematic approach of many field investigations and the resulting shortage of data of the right sort. In freshwater habitats disagreement may also be due to the rapid and extensive changes that are taking place in the habitats themselves as a direct consequence of human activities. Future developments should involve models becoming more realistic, and field investigations being conducted in a more systematic and analytical manner in order to obtain quantitative measurements of the essential population parameters.  相似文献   

Is there a special conservation biology?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reed Noss 《Ecography》1999,22(2):113-122
Conservation biology is special to the extent that it fills useful roles in the scientific and conservation fields that are not being filled by practitioners of other disciplines. The emergence of the “new conservation biology” in the late 1970's and its blossoming in the 1980's and 1990's reflect, to a large degree, a failure of traditional academic ecology and the natural resource disciplines to address modern conservation problems adequately. Yet, to be successful conservation biology, as an interdisciplinary field, must build on the strengths of other disciplines both basic and applied. The new conservation biology grew out of concern over extinction of species, although the field has expanded to include issues about management of several levels of biological organization. I examine four controversial questions of importance to conservation biologists today: 1) are there any robust principles of conservation biology? 2) Is advocacy an appropriate activity of conservation biologists? 3) Are we educating conservation biologists properly? 4) Is conservation biology distinct from other biological and resource management disciplines? I answer three of these questions with a tentative “yes” and one (3) with a regretful “in most cases, no.” I see a need for broader Training for students of conservation biology, more emphasis on collecting basic field data, compelling applications of conservation biology to real problems, increased influence on policy, and expansion of the international scope of the discipline. If all these occur, conservation biology will by truly special.  相似文献   

Systems biology is today such a widespread discipline that it becomes difficult to propose a clear definition of what it really is. For some, it remains restricted to the genomic field. For many, it designates the integrated approach or the corpus of computational methods employed to handle the vast amount of biological or medical data and investigate the complexity of the living. Although defining systems biology might be difficult, on the other hand its purpose is clear: systems biology, with its emerging subfields systems medicine and systems pharmacology, clearly aims at making sense of complex observations/experimental and clinical datasets to improve our understanding of diseases and their treatments without putting aside the context in which they appear and develop. In this short review, we aim to specifically focus on these new subfields with the new theoretical tools and approaches that were developed in the context of cancer. Systems pharmacology and medicine now give hope for major improvements in cancer therapy, making personalized medicine closer to reality. As we will see, the current challenge is to be able to improve the clinical practice according to the paradigm shift of systems sciences.  相似文献   

Different challenges are presented by the variety of malaria transmission environments present in the world today. In each setting, improved control for reduction of morbidity is a necessary first step towards the long-range goal of malaria eradication and a priority for regions where the disease burden is high. For many geographic areas where transmission rates are low to moderate, sustained and well-managed application of currently available tools may be sufficient to achieve local elimination. The research needs for these areas will be to sustain and perhaps improve the effectiveness of currently available tools. For other low-to-moderate transmission regions, notably areas where the vectors exhibit behaviours such as outdoor feeding and resting that are not well targeted by current strategies, new interventions that target predictable features of the biology/ecologies of the local vectors will be required. To achieve elimination in areas where high levels of transmission are sustained by very efficient vector species, radically new interventions that significantly reduce the vectorial capacity of wild populations will be needed. Ideally, such interventions should be implemented with a one-time application with a long-lasting impact, such as genetic modification of the vectorial capacity of the wild vector population.  相似文献   

Sofaer N  Strech D 《Bioethics》2012,26(6):315-328
There are many ethical decisions in the practice of health research and care, and in the creation of policy and guidelines. We argue that those charged with making such decisions need a new genre of review. The new genre is an application of the systematic review, which was developed over decades to inform medical decision-makers about what the totality of studies that investigate links between smoking and cancer, for example, implies about whether smoking causes cancer. We argue that there is a need for similarly inclusive and rigorous reviews of reason-based bioethics, which uses reasoning to address ethical questions. After presenting a brief history of the systematic review, we reject the only existing model for writing a systematic review of reason-based bioethics, which holds that such a review should address an ethical question. We argue that such a systematic review may mislead decision-makers when a literature is incomplete, or when there are mutually incompatible but individually reasonable answers to the ethical question. Furthermore, such a review can be written without identifying all the reasons given when the ethical questions are discussed, their alleged implications for the ethical question, and the attitudes taken to the reasons. The reviews we propose address instead the empirical question of which reasons have been given when addressing a specified ethical question, and present such detailed information on the reasons. We argue that this information is likely to improve decision-making, both directly and indirectly, and also the academic literature. We explain the limitations of our alternative model for systematic reviews.  相似文献   

Point-of-care diagnostic devices present a viable option for the rapid and sensitive detection and analysis of cancer markers. With the growing number of cancer cases being diagnosed worldwide and the increased number of fatalities due to late disease detection, biosensors can play an important role in the early diagnosis of cancer. Molecular profiles of patients are being increasingly studied using new molecular tools such as genomic and proteomic techniques. These methods combined with bioinformatics tools are generating new data which is being employed in the elucidation of new disease biomarkers. As with many disease conditions finding specific and sensitive markers that are associated with only one type of the disease can be difficult. In addition to this, the level of the biomarkers in biological fluids can vary depending on different disease conditions and stages. A number of molecular markers are therefore usually evaluated for cancer diagnosis and these can include proteins, peptides, over/under expression of gene markers and gene mutations. This review provides an overview of the biosensor technology available today, areas which are currently being developed and researched for cancer markers diagnosis—and a consideration of future prospects for the technology.  相似文献   

Numerous aquatic species are threatened with extinction from habitat elimination or modification. One particularly imperilled group is the freshwater gastropod family Pleuroceridae. Pleurocerids reach their greatest diversity in the southeastern United States, and many species are currently considered extinct, endangered or threatened. One issue hindering efforts to implement conservation management plans for imperilled pleurocerid species is that the taxonomy is in an abysmal state. The taxonomy of pleurocerids is currently based on late 19th- and early 20th-century studies, which used a typological or morphospecies concept. Most biologists today doubt the validity of many of the currently recognized species; however, this does not stop them from assigning conservation ranks in an attempt to determine which species are imperilled or currently stable. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the pleurocerid genus Lithasia using morphological and mitochondrial DNA sequence (mtDNA) data in an attempt to delimit species boundaries and test previous taxonomic schemes. We found that the current taxonomy of Lithasia does not reflect species diversity adequately within the genus, with two new undescribed species being discovered. The conservation status ranks of the new, undescribed species are imperilled and would have been overlooked had we relied on the conventional taxonomy. Additionally, the undescribed species' conservation ranks that were previously apparently secure became vulnerable due to being inappropriately assigned as members of formerly widely distributed species instead of the imperilled status they warrant and vice versa, as some taxa that were considered imperilled are now thought to be modestly stable. Our study suggests that conservation ranks should be considered suspect at best in taxonomically poorly known groups until the taxa are reviewed using modern systematic methods.  相似文献   

合成生物学是一个基于生物学和工程学原理的科学领域,其目的是重新设计和重组微生物,以优化或创建具有增强功能的新生物系统。该领域利用分子工具、系统生物学和遗传框架的重编程,从而构建合成途径以获得具有替代功能的微生物。传统上,合成生物学方法通常旨在开发具有成本效益的微生物细胞工厂进而从可再生资源中生产化学物质。然而,近年来合成生物学技术开始在环境保护中发挥着更直接的作用。本综述介绍了基因工程中的合成生物学工具,讨论了基于基因工程的微生物修复策略,强调了合成生物学技术可以通过响应特定污染物进行生物修复来保护环境。其中,规律间隔成簇短回文重复序列(Clustered Regularly Interspersed Short Palindromic Repeats, CRISPR)技术在基因工程细菌和古细菌的生物修复中得到了广泛应用,生物修复领域也出现了很多新的先进技术,包括生物膜工程、人工微生物群落的构建、基因驱动、酶和蛋白质工程等。有了这些新的技术和工具,生物修复将成为当今最好和最有效的污染物去除方式之一。  相似文献   

For thousands of years, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) has served as a cell factory for the production of bread, beer, and wine. In more recent years, this yeast has also served as a cell factory for producing many different fuels, chemicals, food ingredients, and pharmaceuticals. S. cerevisiae, however, has also served as a very important model organism for studying eukaryal biology, and even today many new discoveries, important for the treatment of human diseases, are made using this yeast as a model organism. Here a brief review of the use of S. cerevisiae as a model organism for studying eukaryal biology, its use as a cell factory, and how advances in systems biology underpin developments in both these areas, is provided.  相似文献   

In response to threats from bioweapons, questions are being asked today in some countries about the implications and appropriateness of biological research. Many organizations and governments have suggested that bioscientists adopt what is generally referred to as a "code of conduct" to reduce the security concerns associated with their work. This article examines the potential contribution of such codes. By drawing on past lessons in other areas of professional life, it suggests some key questions, issues, and dilemmas for future consideration. As argued, attempts to establish codes must address demanding questions about their aims and audience--questions whose answers depend on potentially contentious issues regarding arms control, science, ethics, and politics.  相似文献   

The dawn of Darwinian medicine   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
While evolution by natural selection has long been a foundation for biomedical science, it has recently gained new power to explain many aspects of disease. This progress results largely from the disciplined application of what has been called the adaptations program. We show that this increasingly significant research paradigm can predict otherwise unsuspected facets of human biology, and that it provides new insights into the causes of medical disorders, such as those discussed below: 1. Infection. Signs and symptoms of the host-parasite contest can be categorized according to whether they represent adaptations or costs for host or parasite. Some host adaptations may have contributed to fitness in the Stone Age but are obsolete today. Others, such as fever and iron sequestration, have been incorrectly considered harmful. Pathogens, with their large populations and many generations in a single host, can evolve very rapidly. Acquisition of resistance to antibiotics is one example. Another is the recently demonstrated tendency to change virulence levels in predictable ways in response to changed conditions imposed incidentally by human activities. 2. Injuries and toxins. Mechanical injuries or stressful wear and tear are conceptually simpler than infectious diseases because they are not contests between conflicting interests. Plant-herbivore contests may often underlie chemical injury from the defensive secondary compounds of plant tissues. Nausea in pregnancy, and allergy, may be adaptations against such toxins. 3. Genetic factors. Common genetic diseases often result from genes maintained by other beneficial effects in historically normal environments. The diseases of aging are especially likely to be associated with early benefits. 4. Abnormal environments. Human biology is designed for Stone Age conditions. Modern environments may cause many diseases-for example, deficiency syndromes such as scurvy and rickets, the effects of excess consumption of normally scarce nutrients such as fat and salt, developmental diseases such as myopia, and psychological reactions to novel environments. The substantial benefits of evolutionary studies of disease will be realized only if they become central to medical curricula, an advance that may at first require the establishment of one or more research centers dedicated to the further development of Darwinian medicine.  相似文献   

The discovery of drugs used to combat infectious diseases is in the process of constant change to address the ever-worsening problem of antibiotic resistance in pathogens and a lack of recent success in discovering new antibacterial drugs. In the past 2 decades, research in both academia and industry has made use of molecular biology, genetics, and comparative genomics, which has led to the development of key technologies for the discovery of novel antibacterial agents. Genome-scale efforts have led to the identification of numerous molecular targets. Chemical diversity from synthetic combinatorial libraries and natural products is being used to screen for new molecules. A wide variety of approaches are being used in the search for novel antibiotics, and these can be categorized as being either biochemically focused or cell based. The over-riding goal of all methods in use today is to discover new chemical matter with novel mechanisms of action against drug-resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

The ability to read and quantify nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA using sequencing technologies has revolutionized our understanding of life. With the emergence of synthetic biology, these tools are now being put to work in new ways — enabling de novo biological design. Here, we show how sequencing is supporting the creation of a new wave of biological parts and systems, as well as providing the vast data sets needed for the machine learning of design rules for predictive bioengineering. However, we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and end by providing an outlook on recent advances that will likely broaden the role of sequencing in synthetic biology and its deployment in real-world environments.  相似文献   

Those who seek answers to big, broad questions about biology, especially questions emphasizing the organism (taxonomy, evolution and ecology), will soon benefit from an emerging names-based infrastructure. It will draw on the almost universal association of organism names with biological information to index and interconnect information distributed across the Internet. The result will be a virtual data commons, expanding as further data are shared, allowing biology to become more of a 'big science'. Informatics devices will exploit this 'big new biology', revitalizing comparative biology with a broad perspective to reveal previously inaccessible trends and discontinuities, so helping us to reveal unfamiliar biological truths. Here, we review the first components of this freely available, participatory and semantic Global Names Architecture.  相似文献   

Chi  Yong  Chen  Xiangrui  Li  Yuqing  Wang  Chundi  Zhang  Tengteng  Ayoub  Alex  Warren  Alan  Song  Weibo  Wang  Yuanyuan 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2021,64(4):606-620
Heterotrichous ciliates play an important role in aquatic ecosystem energy flow processes and many are model organisms for research in cytology, regenerative biology, and toxicology. In the present study, we combine both morphological and molecular data to infer phylogenetic relationships at family-genus level and propose new evolutionary hypotheses for the class Heterotrichea. The main results include:(1) 96 new ribosomal DNA sequences from 36 populations, representing eight families and 13 genera, including three poorly annotated genera, Folliculinopsis, Ampullofolliculina and Linostomella;(2) the earliest-branching families are Spirostomidae in single-gene trees and Peritromidae in the concatenated tree, but the family Peritromidae probably represents the basal lineage based on its possession of many "primitive" morphological characters;(3) some findings in molecular trees are not supported by morphological evidence, such as the family Blepharismidae is one of the most recent branches and the relationship between Fabreidae and Folliculinidae is very close;(4) the systematic positions of Condylostomatidae, Climacostomidae, and Gruberiidae remain uncertain based either on morphological or molecular data; and(5)the monophyly of each genus included in the present study is supported by the molecular phylogenetic trees, except for Blepharisma in the SSU r DNA tree and Folliculina in the ITS1-5.8 S-ITS2 tree.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics is often described as being in its infancy, but computers emerged as important tools in molecular biology during the early 1960s. A decade before DNA sequencing became feasible, computational biologists focused on the rapidly accumulating data from protein biochemistry. Without the benefits of super computers or computer networks, these scientists laid important conceptual and technical foundations for bioinformatics today.  相似文献   

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