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Resonance Raman, absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopic studies of the stable forms of horse heart ferricytochromec in thepH range 6–0.8 and at the lowest possible ionic strengths, in water, and at 30°C are reported. The neutralpH form, state III, changes to the acidicpH form, state I, through a three-step process: state III ? state IIIa ? state II ? state I, with pKa's of 3.6±0.3, 2.7±0.2, and 1.2±0.2, depending on the monitoring probe, respectively. State IIIa ferricytochromec is like state III (i.e., with the Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage and a closed heme crevice) but with a higher degree of folding and a slightly larger porphyrin core. State II ferricytochromec is an unfolded form with an open heme crevice and no Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage. The heme iron is high-spin and hexacoordinated with weak ligand-field groups, water, and nitrogen of the protonated/hydrogen-bonded imidazole of the His-18 residue at the axial positions. The state I form also lacks the Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage and has an open heme crevice like the state II form; however, it is less unfolded and has a high-spin pentacoordinated heme iron, with the nitrogen of the imidazole of His-18 as the axial ligate, which is out of the porphyrin plane by about 0.45 Å.  相似文献   

The absorption, circular dichroism, and resonance Raman spectra of horse heart ferricytochromec in the presence of 0.2 M KCl, 0.1 M NaClO4, and 0.2 M KNO3, in thepH region 7 to 0.5, have been investigated to determine the nature and the course of the processes involved. As in the absence of salts (Myer, Y., and Saturno, A. F. (1990)J. Protein Chem.,9, 379–387), the change from neutral to low acidicpH's in the presence of salts is a three-step process: state III s state III s,a state II s state I s , withpK a 's of 3.5±0.2, 2.2±0.2, and 1.1±0.2, and with two, one, and one number of protons, respectively. The addition of salts at neutralpH's has little or no effect on the protein conformation and the heme-iron configuration (i.e., they remain the same, low-spin hexacoordinated heme iron with a Met-80-Fe-His-18 axial coordination), but such addition does cause a slight tightening of the heme crevice and the enlargement of the porphyrin core. State III s,a is a folded state with about the same degree of folding and with a similar spin state and coordination configuration of iron, but the heme crevice is loosened and the porphyrin core is smaller. Both states II s and I s are also essentially folded forms, but with a smaller degree of protein secondary structure. State II s has a high-spin hexacoordinated heme iron with a water molecule and a protonated and/or hydrogen-bonded imidazole of his-18 as the two axial ligates; and state I s has a high-spin pentacoordinated heme iron, which is about 0.49 Å out of the porphyrin plane, with a protonated and/or hydrogen-bonded imidazole nitrogen as the only axial ligate. The addition of anions causes the stabilization of the protein secondary structures and the state III a state II transition. The mode of effectiveness of anions appears to be nonspecific (i.e., because of electrostatic shielding and/or disruption of salt bridges).  相似文献   

Resonance Raman, absorption and circular dichroism spectroscopic studies of the stable forms of horse heart ferricytochromec in thepH range 6–0.8 and at the lowest possible ionic strengths, in water, and at 30°C are reported. The neutralpH form, state III, changes to the acidicpH form, state I, through a three-step process: state III state IIIa state II state I, with pKa's of 3.6±0.3, 2.7±0.2, and 1.2±0.2, depending on the monitoring probe, respectively. State IIIa ferricytochromec is like state III (i.e., with the Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage and a closed heme crevice) but with a higher degree of folding and a slightly larger porphyrin core. State II ferricytochromec is an unfolded form with an open heme crevice and no Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage. The heme iron is high-spin and hexacoordinated with weak ligand-field groups, water, and nitrogen of the protonated/hydrogen-bonded imidazole of the His-18 residue at the axial positions. The state I form also lacks the Met-80-sulfur-iron linkage and has an open heme crevice like the state II form; however, it is less unfolded and has a high-spin pentacoordinated heme iron, with the nitrogen of the imidazole of His-18 as the axial ligate, which is out of the porphyrin plane by about 0.45 Å.  相似文献   

The two products from the reaction of horse heart ferricytochrome c with Chloramine-T, the FIII and FII CT-cytochromes, contain modification of the methionines to methionine sulfoxides, but they are distinct in their physiological functions. Conformational and heme-configurational characterization of the two CT-cytochromes has been carried out by using absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, proton magnetic resonance, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The pH-absorption spectroscopic behavior, thermal stability, and ionization of the phenolic hydroxyls have also been reported. Spectroscopic studies of the heme c fragment, H8, in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, as a model for CT-cytochrome heme configuration, were also conducted. The ferric and the ferrous CT-cytochromes above pH 7.5 have similar, yet distinct, spectroscopic properties, absorption, CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra, typical of low-spin hexacoordinated hemes, but distinct from those of the unmodified protein. The ferric spectrum lacks the 695-nm band, and the reduced spectrum contains an additional inflection at about 400 nm, a feature also observed in the spectra of ferrous H8-DMSO systems. The CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra are typical of a cytochrome with a loosened heme crevice and altered coordination configuration. The Methionine-80 proton resonances are absent in the uupfield PMR spectra of both the CT-ferricytochromes. The ferrous spectra, on the other hand, contain all the Met-80 resonances, but with smaller upfield shifts than those of the native protein. Both CT-ferric cytochromes are less stable in the acid region and convert to high-spin forms with a two-step transition and with a distinct set of pK a values. The overall conformation is nearly identical to that of the native protein, but it is less stable to thermal unfolding. All the factors differentiating the modified preparations from the unmodified protein are more pronunced in the case of FII, with FIII being the closest to the unmodified form. The two functionally distinct CT-cytochromes are two conformational isomers; conformationally and heme configurationally, they are spectroscopically very similar, yet distinct. Both contain an altered heme iron coordination configuration. The sulfur of Met-80 is repalced by the oxygen of Met-80 sulfoxide of a different configuration, R or S. Both contain a loosened heme crevice and are conformationally less stable than the native protein, FII CT-cytochrome c being the most deranged.  相似文献   

The two products from the reaction of horse heart ferricytochrome c with Chloramine-T, the FIII and FII CT-cytochromes, contain modification of the methionines to methionine sulfoxides, but they are distinct in their physiological functions. Conformational and heme-configurational characterization of the two CT-cytochromes has been carried out by using absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, proton magnetic resonance, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The pH-absorption spectroscopic behavior, thermal stability, and ionization of the phenolic hydroxyls have also been reported. Spectroscopic studies of the heme c fragment, H8, in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, as a model for CT-cytochrome heme configuration, were also conducted. The ferric and the ferrous CT-cytochromes above pH 7.5 have similar, yet distinct, spectroscopic properties, absorption, CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra, typical of low-spin hexacoordinated hemes, but distinct from those of the unmodified protein. The ferric spectrum lacks the 695-nm band, and the reduced spectrum contains an additional inflection at about 400 nm, a feature also observed in the spectra of ferrous H8-DMSO systems. The CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra are typical of a cytochrome with a loosened heme crevice and altered coordination configuration. The Methionine-80 proton resonances are absent in the uupfield PMR spectra of both the CT-ferricytochromes. The ferrous spectra, on the other hand, contain all the Met-80 resonances, but with smaller upfield shifts than those of the native protein. Both CT-ferric cytochromes are less stable in the acid region and convert to high-spin forms with a two-step transition and with a distinct set of pK a values. The overall conformation is nearly identical to that of the native protein, but it is less stable to thermal unfolding. All the factors differentiating the modified preparations from the unmodified protein are more pronunced in the case of FII, with FIII being the closest to the unmodified form. The two functionally distinct CT-cytochromes are two conformational isomers; conformationally and heme configurationally, they are spectroscopically very similar, yet distinct. Both contain an altered heme iron coordination configuration. The sulfur of Met-80 is repalced by the oxygen of Met-80 sulfoxide of a different configuration, R or S. Both contain a loosened heme crevice and are conformationally less stable than the native protein, FII CT-cytochrome c being the most deranged.  相似文献   

Patients with cancer often develop major electrolyte disorders, which are aggravated by radiation therapy and chemotherapy and by the concomitant impairment of the renal function and the development of drug resistance. In addition, tumour cells have membranes with more negative charges than normal eukaryotic cells. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the ability of the Ca(2+) blocker verapamil to mediate the reversal of multidrug resistance (MDR) by interacting with the membrane phospholipids may be correlated with the ionic strength and membrane surface potential in resistant tumours. The permeation properties of verapamil, which is the best-known MDR-modulator, were therefore studied by quantifying its ability to induce the leakage of carboxyfluorescein through unilamellar liposomes containing various mole fractions of phosphatidic acid (x(EPA)=0, 0.1 and 0.3), at four different ionic strengths (I=0.052, 0.124, 0.204 and 0.318 M). The dye leakage induced by verapamil varied greatly with I, depending on x(EPA). The permeation process was a co-operative one (1.3相似文献   

Using the electrophoretical methods applied to this study it is possible to determinate the dissociation constants (pK) of acid glycosaminoglycans containing a carboxylic group. The pK-values of the six acid glycosaminoglycans separated from animal connective tissues determined in this work were: hyaluronic acid (HA), pK = 3.0; chondroitin sulfate A (CS-A), pK = 2.8; chondroitin sulfate C (CS-C), pK = 3.3; dermatan sulfate (CS-B), pK = 3.3; heparatin sulfate (HeS), pK = 3.1 and heparin (HeP), pK = 2.4 and were measured at a constant ionic strength of I = 0.164 (NaCl) and at 10 ± 2°C.Variation of ionic strength showed that physiological conditions seem to be most suitable for the electrophoretic separation of the glycosaminoglycans studied. A decrease of ionic strength causes increasing mobility but less accurate spots. In the case of increasing ionic strength the results are vice versa.The second spot for HA very often appeared when pH values higher than 2 were used for electrophoresis. The spot had the same form as the original, high intensity, but an undecided migration in the pH range near the pK value of HA (3.0).  相似文献   

The use of an affinity chromatography step performed with an immunoadsorbent consisting of anti-horse muscle acylphosphatase antibodies covalently linked to Sepharose 4B allowed us to purify horse heart acylphosphatase in a very rapid and efficient fashion. As in skeletal muscle, also in heart the enzyme is present as both a mixed disulfide with glutathione and a S-S dimer. The abundance of these forms in heart is quite lower than in skeletal muscle. The comparison of the molecular forms so purified with those obtained from horse skeletal muscle showed the same aminoacid composition, tryptic fingerprint, together with strictly similar apparent molecular weight and main kinetic parameters, supporting the conclusion that the acylphosphatase present in heart is the same enzyme as that purified from skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Purine polyribonucleotides poly(A), poly(G), and poly(I) associate reversibly with agarose gels at high NaCl molarities over the pH range 6–10, at 20°?40°C. Pyrimidine polyribonucleotides poly (C) and poly(U) could not be immobilized in agarose gels under the above conditions. However, poly(C) could be immobilized in agarose without precipitation between pH 3.2 and 4.0. Association of poly(G) and poly(I) with agarose appears to decrease progressively with deprotonation of their purine residues, and both polymers interact with the gel very weakly above pH 10 regardless of NaCl concentration. The binding to agarose of these polymers at pH 7.5 is also strongly influenced by temperature in the range 20°?40°C. The association of single-stranded poly(A) is only shifted toward higher NaCl molarities by increased pH; its binding is also little affected by temperature in the above range. At NaCl molarities effecting the saturating retention in agarose and at neutral pH, the immobilization of several polynucleotides could be prevented by urea in a concentration-dependent manner. The corresponding profiles of urea molarity appear to disclose a number of hydrophobic interactions between polynucleotides and agarose, some of which could be relatively strong, especially in the case of poly(A).  相似文献   

Dissociation constants (pKa) of oxalic, iminodiacetic, citric, nitrilotriacetic, ethylenediaminetetraacetic, trans-1,2 diaminocyclohexanetetraacetic acid and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid have been determined potentiometrically using a glass electrode at an ionic strength of 6.60 m (NaClO4) and temperatures of 0-60 °C. The constants of iminodiacetic, nitrilotriacetic and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid were measured at 25 °C at ionic strengths from 0.30 to 6.60 m (NaClO4). The thermodynamic parameters for the dissociation of these carboxylic acids were derived from the temperature dependence of the dissociation constants. The Specific Ion Interaction Theory (SIT) and the Parabolic model successfully described the ionic strength dependencies of the pKa values. The variation of the pKa values at high ionic strengths as a function of the type and concentration of supporting electrolyte is discussed and compared with literature data.  相似文献   

We present new and simple method for formation of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) in high ionic strength solutions, such as phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Mechanoformation method is an alternative method to electroformation method. The advantage of the mechanoformation procedure is that there are no limitations with respect to the ionic strength of the aqueous solutions, because there is no applied electric potential thus no current flow through the formation cell and no electrolysis is induced.  相似文献   

The binding of myo-inositol hexasulfate to an N-terminal truncated 132-amino-acid human acidic fibroblast growth factor form was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. The technique yields values for the enthalpy change and equilibrium constant, from which the Gibbs energy and entropy change can also be calculated. Experiments in different buffers and pH values show that the proton balance in the reaction is negligible. Experiments at pH 7.0 in the presence of 0.2-0.6 M NaCl showed that the enthalpy and Gibbs energy changes parallel behaviour with ionic strength change, with values in the -21 to -11 kJ x mol(-1) range in the first case and in the -31 to -22 kJ x mol(-1) range in the second. No dependence of entropy on ionic strength was found, with a constant value of approximately 35 J x K(-1) x mol(-1) at all ionic strengths studied. The results can be interpreted in molecular terms by a model in which competitive binding of 3-4 chloride ions to the myo-inositol-binding site is assumed. Isothermal titration calorimetry was also performed at different temperatures and yielded a value of -142+/-13 J x K(-1) x mol(-1) for the heat-capacity change at pH 7.0 and 0.4 M NaCl. Using different parametric equations in the literature, changes on ligand binding in the range -100 to -200 A2 in solvent-accessible surface areas, both polar and apolar, were calculated from thermodynamic data. These values suggest a negligible overall conformational change in the protein when the ligand binds and agree closely with calculations performed with NMR structural data, in which it is shown that the most important negative change in total solvent-accessible surface area occurs in the amino acids Ile56, Gln57, Leu58 and Leu149, in the high-affinity receptor-binding region of the protein.  相似文献   

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