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Trends in Dissolved Organic Carbon in UK Rivers and Lakes   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
Several studies have highlighted an increase in DOC concentration in streams and lakes of UK upland catchments though the causal mechanisms controlling the increase have yet to be fully explained. This study, compiles a comprehensive data set of DOC concentration records for UK catchments to evaluate trends and test whether observed increases are ubiquitous over time and space. The study analysed monthly DOC time series from 198 sites, including 29 lakes, 8 water supply reservoirs and 161 rivers. The records vary in length from 8 to 42 years going back as far as 1961. Of the 198 sites, 153 (77%) show an upward trend in DOC concentration significant at the 95% level, the remaining 45 (23%) show no significant trend and no sites show a significant decrease in DOC concentration. The average annual increase in DOC concentration was 0.17 mg C/l/year. The dataset shows: (i) a spatial consistent upward trend in the DOC concentration independent of regional effects of rainfall, acid and nitrogen deposition, and local effects of land-use change; (ii) a temporally consistent increase in DOC concentration for period back as far as the 1960s; (iii) the increase in DOC concentration means an estimated DOC flux from the UK as 0.86 Mt C for the year 2002 and is increasing at 0.02 Mt C/year. Possible reasons for the increasing DOC concentration are discussed.  相似文献   

Planktonic bacterial utilization of 14C-labelled glucose and acetate was monitored by kinetic measurements throughout an annual period in a small lake. Resulting kinetic uptake data have shown that from 1–15% of the total dissolved organic carbon pool was removed chemo-organotrophically per day during the year by bacteria capable of metabolizing these substrates. The kinetic uptake of nine selected organic compounds was measured in a second small lake during summer thermal stratification. Metabolism of glucose, acetate, and glycollate was preferred. Respiration rates of the nine compounds varied generally between 20–60% of the total uptake. The uptake of these compounds accounted for removal of 3–8% of the total dissolved organic carbon pool per day.  相似文献   

Here, we explore the interaction between hydrology and the reactivity of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon (DOCalloch) in determining the potential of DOCalloch to generate CO2 through biological and photo-chemical mineralization in boreal lakes. We developed a mechanistic model that integrates the reactivity continuum (RC) concept to reconstruct in-lake mineralization of DOCalloch under variable hydrologic conditions using empirical measurements of DOCalloch concentrations and reactivity as model inputs. The model predicts lake DOCalloch concentration (L-DOCalloch) and its average overall reactivity \( \left( {\bar{K}_{\text{alloch}} } \right) \), which integrates the distribution of DOCalloch ages within the lake as a function of the DOC loading (DOCin), the initial reactivity of this DOCin (k 0), and the lake water residence time (WRT). The modeled DOCalloch mineralization rates and concentrations were in agreement with expectations based on observed and published values of ambient lake DOC concentrations and reactivity. Results from this modeling exercise reveal that the interaction between WRT and k 0 is a key determinant of the ambient concentration and reactivity of lake DOCalloch, which represents the bulk of DOC in most of these lakes. The steady-state \( \left( {\bar{K}_{\text{alloch}} } \right) \) also represents the proportion of CO2 that can be extracted from DOCalloch during its transit through lakes, and partly explains the patterns in surface water pCO2 oversaturation that have been observed across gradients of lake size and volume. We estimate that in-lake DOCalloch mineralization could potentially contribute on average 30–40% of the observed surface carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) across northern lakes. Applying the RC framework to in-lake DOCalloch dynamics improves our understanding of DOCalloch transformation and fate along the aquatic network, and results in a predictable mosaic of DOC reactivity and potential CO2 emissions across lakes within a landscape.  相似文献   

Given the importance of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) for the structure and function of lake ecosystems, a method that could estimate the amount of CDOM in lake waters over large geographic areas would be highly desirable. Satellite remote sensing has the potential to resolve this problem. We carried out model simulations to evaluate the suitability of different satellite sensors (Landsat, IKONOS, and the Advanced land Imager [ALI]) to map the amount of CDOM in concentration ranges that occur in boreal lakes of the Nordic countries. The results showed that the 8-bit radiometric resolution of Landsat 7 is not adequate when absorption by CDOM at 420 nm is higher than 3 m−1. On the other hand, the 16-bit radiometric resolution of ALI, a prototype of the next generation of Landsat, is suitable for mapping CDOM in a wider range of concentrations. An ALI image of southern Finland was acquired on 14, July 2002 and in situ measurements were carried out in 15 lakes (18 stations). The results showed that there is a high correlation (R2 = 0.84) between the 565 nm/660 nm ALI band ratio and the CDOM absorption coefficient in lakes. Analysis of 245 lakes in the acquired satellite image showed a normal distribution of CDOM concentration among the lakes. However, the size distribution of lakes was highly skewed toward small lakes, resulting in the CDOM concentration per unit lake area being skewed toward high values. We showed that remote sensing enables synoptic monitoring of the CDOM concentration in a large number of lakes and thus enables scaling up to the level of large ecosystems and biomes.  相似文献   

Increased color in surface waters, or browning, can alter lake ecological function, lake thermal stratification and pose difficulties for drinking water treatment. Mechanisms suggested to cause browning include increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron concentrations, as well as a shift to more colored DOC. While browning of surface waters is widespread and well documented, little is known about why some lakes resist it. Here, we present a comprehensive study of Mälaren, the third largest lake in Sweden. In Mälaren, the vast majority of water and DOC enters a western lake basin, and after approximately 2.8 years, drains from an eastern basin. Despite 40 years of increased terrestrial inputs of colored substances to western lake basins, the eastern basin has resisted browning over this time period. Here we find the half-life of iron was far shorter (0.6 years) than colored organic matter (A420 ; 1.7 years) and DOC as a whole (6.1 years). We found changes in filtered iron concentrations relate strongly to the observed loss of color in the western basins. In addition, we observed a substantial shift from colored DOC of terrestrial origin, to less colored autochthonous sources, with a substantial decrease in aromaticity (-17%) across the lake. We suggest that rapid losses of iron and colored DOC caused the limited browning observed in eastern lake basins. Across a wider dataset of 69 Swedish lakes, we observed greatest browning in acidic lakes with shorter retention times (< 1.5 years). These findings suggest that water residence time, along with iron, pH and colored DOC may be of central importance when modeling and projecting changes in brownification on broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental factors and bacterial communities were investigated in 41 freshwater lakes located in mountainous regions of eastern Japan. Bacterioplankton community composition (BCC) was determined by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the 16S rRNA gene and then evaluated on the basis of physicochemical and biological variables of the lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that BCC of oligotrophic lakes was significantly influenced by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, but its effect was not apparent in the analysis covering all lakes including mesotrophic and eutrophic ones. The generalized linear model showed the negative association of DOC on the taxon richness of bacterioplankton communities. DOC was positively correlated with the catchment area per lake volume, suggesting that a large fraction of DOC supplied to the lake was derived from terrestrial sources. These results suggest that allochthonous DOC has a significant effect on bacterioplankton communities especially in oligotrophic lakes. The genus Polynucleobacter was detected most frequently. The occurrence of Polynucleobacter species was positively associated with DOC and negatively associated with total phosphorus (TP) levels. In addition, TP had a stronger effect than DOC, suggesting that oligotrophy is the most important factor on the occurrence of this genus.  相似文献   

Absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in aquatic ecosystems is primarily controlled by dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The role of iron (Fe) has also been suggested to contribute to UVR attenuation either directly or by interactions with DOC. Here we present findings from three laboratory manipulations of Fe and DOC on changes to the dissolved UVR absorption (ad,320) in a mid-latitude, dimictic, humic lake. In a laboratory simulation of lake turnover where anoxic, hypolimnetic water was oxygenated ad,320 significantly increased from 23.3 to 81.7 m−1 (p<0.0001). In a second laboratory experiment, addition of ferrous Fe to deoxygenated lake water increased ad,320 upon reoxygenation up to a concentration of 1.0 mg l−1 Fe, where a solubility saturation threshold may have been reached. In situ lake experiments were designed to simulate release of UV absorbing substances from anoxic sediments by placing 20-l carboys (open at the bottom, sealed at the top) onto the lake bottom. UV absorption at 320 nm increased over time for samples from within the experimental carboys. Finally, samples from several lake profiles and sediment experiments were analyzed for ad,320, total Fe, and DOC. UV absorption of dissolved substances at 320 nm and total Fe concentration both increased with depth, however DOC remained relatively constant over depth. Furthermore, total Fe and spectral slope showed tight coupling up to 1 mg l−1 total Fe in our survey analysis. Our results provide evidence for the importance of anoxic sediments as a source of ferrous iron and UV absorbing substances and suggest a role for ferric iron in increasing UVR and PAR absorption in lake water. We suggest that as this ferrous Fe oxidizes, its absorptive properties increase, and it may bind with dissolved organic matter, enabling it to remain in solution and thus increasing the dissolved absorption of lake water for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been studied for more than two decades. Usually, laboratory or “in-situ” experiments are used to determine photodegradation variables. A common problem with these experiments is that the photodegradation experiments are done at higher than ambient temperature. Five laboratory experiments were done to determine the effect of temperature on photochemical degradation of DOM. Experimental results showed strong dependence of photodegradation on temperature. Mathematical modeling of processes revealed that two different pathways engaged in photochemical transformation of DOM to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) strongly depend on temperature. Direct oxidation of DOM to DIC dominated at low temperatures while conversion of DOM to intermediate particulate organic carbon (POC) prior to oxidation to DIC dominated at high temperatures. It is necessary to consider this strong dependence when the results of laboratory experiments are interpreted in regard to natural processes. Photodegradation experiments done at higher than ambient temperature will necessitate correction of rate constants.  相似文献   

Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha–1 y–1). Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha–1 y–1 below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha–1 y–1 between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experiments to quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3). The dominance of NO3 relative to the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3 is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited.  相似文献   

To identify the controls on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production, we incubated soils from 18 sites, a mixture of 52 forest floor and peats and 41 upper mineral soil samples, at three temperatures (3, 10, and 22°C) for over a year and measured DOC concentration in the leachate and carbon dioxide (CO2) production from the samples. Concentrations of DOC in the leachate were in the range encountered in field soils (<2 to >50 mg l−1). There was a decline in DOC production during the incubation, with initial rates averaging 0.03–0.06 mg DOC g−1 soil C day−1, falling to averages of 0.01 mg g−1 soil C day−1; the rate of decline was not strongly related to temperature. Cumulative DOC production rates over the 395 days ranged from less than 0.01 to 0.12 mg g−1 soil C day−1 (0.5–47.6 mg g−1 soil C), with an average of 0.021 mg g−1 soil C day−1 (8.2 mg g−1 soil C). DOC production rate was weakly related to temperature, equivalent to Q10 values of 0.9 to 1.2 for mineral samples and 1.2 to 1.9 for organic samples. Rates of DOC production in the organic samples were correlated with cellulose (positively) and lignin (negatively) proportion in the organic matter, whereas in the mineral samples C and nitrogen (N) provided positive correlations. The partitioning of C released into CO2–C and DOC showed a quotient (CO2–C:DOC) that varied widely among the samples, from 1 to 146. The regression coefficient of CO2–C:DOC production (log10 transformed) ranged from 0.3 to 0.7, all significantly less than 1. At high rates of DOC production, a smaller proportion of CO2 is produced. The CO2–C:DOC quotient was dependent on incubation temperature: in the organic soil samples, the CO2–C:DOC quotient rose from an average of 6 at 3 to 16 at 22°C and in the mineral samples the rise was from 7 to 27. The CO2–C:DOC quotient was related to soil pH in the organic samples and C and N forms in the mineral samples.  相似文献   

Dissolved Organic Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Synthesis and a Model   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
The movement of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) through soils is an important process for the transport of carbon within ecosystems and the formation of soil organic matter. In some cases, DOC fluxes may also contribute to the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems; in most ecosystems, they are an important source of energy, carbon, and nutrient transfers from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems. Despite their importance for terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemistry, these fluxes are rarely represented in conceptual or numerical models of terrestrial biogeochemistry. In part, this is due to the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the suite of processes that control DOC dynamics in soils. In this article, we synthesize information on the geochemical and biological factors that control DOC fluxes through soils. We focus on conceptual issues and quantitative evaluations of key process rates to present a general numerical model of DOC dynamics. We then test the sensitivity of the model to variation in the controlling parameters to highlight both the significance of DOC fluxes to terrestrial carbon processes and the key uncertainties that require additional experiments and data. Simulation model results indicate the importance of representing both root carbon inputs and soluble carbon fluxes to predict the quantity and distribution of soil carbon in soil layers. For a test case in a temperate forest, DOC contributed 25% of the total soil profile carbon, whereas roots provided the remainder. The analysis also shows that physical factors—most notably, sorption dynamics and hydrology—play the dominant role in regulating DOC losses from terrestrial ecosystems but that interactions between hydrology and microbial–DOC relationships are important in regulating the fluxes of DOC in the litter and surface soil horizons. The model also indicates that DOC fluxes to deeper soil layers can support a large fraction (up to 30%) of microbial activity below 40 cm. Received 14 January 2000; accepted 6 September 2000  相似文献   

With the ongoing commercialization of nanotechnology products, the increasing use of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) could lead potentially to environmental risks. This study investigated the dynamic influences of three iron-based NPs (Fe0, Fe3O4, and Fe2O3) applied into a red soil (RS) and a Wushan soil (WS) with different application rates (2 to 6 g kg?1) on soil physicochemical properties such as pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), available ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N), available phosphorus (AP), and enzymatic activities. The results showed that the addition of Fe0 NPs increased DOC and available NH4 +-N, but significantly decreased AP, while Fe3O4 and Fe2O3 NPs slightly reduced soil pH in both soils and significantly declined available NH4 +-N in the WS and AP in the RS. No significant difference was observed between the effects of Fe3O4 and Fe2O3 NPs on soil properties except AP in the RS. All iron-based NPs decreased the activities of urease and acid phosphatase in both soils. The effects on soil physicochemical properties, especially available NH4 +-N and AP induced by iron-based NPs, varied greatly with soil types. These results implied that cautions should be paid for the environmental application of iron-based NPs, especially iron oxide NPs in soils.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) loading to a small urban stream during baseflow and stormflow. We hypothesized that lower DOC and TDN contributions from impervious surfaces would dilute natural hydrologic flowpath (i.e., riparian) contributions during storm events in an urban watershed, resulting in lower concentrations of DOC and TDN during storms. We tested these hypotheses in a small urban watershed in Portland, Oregon, over a 3-month period during the spring of 2003. We compared baseflow and stormflow chemistry using Mann–Whitney tests (significant at p<0.05). We also applied a mass balance to the stream to compare the relative significance of impervious surface contributions versus riparian contributions of DOC and TDN. Results showed a significant increase in stream DOC concentrations during stormflows (median baseflow DOC = 2.00 mg l−1 vs. median stormflow DOC = 3.46 mg l−1). TDN streamwater concentrations, however, significantly decreased with stormflow (median baseflow TDN = 0.75 mg l−1 vs. median stormflow TDN = 0.56 mg l−1). During storms, remnant riparian areas contributed 70–74% of DOC export and 38–35% of TDN export to the stream. The observed pattern of increased DOC concentrations during stormflows in this urban watershed was similar to patterns found in previous studies of forested watersheds. Results for TDN indicated that there were relatively high baseflow nitrogen concentrations in the lower watershed that may have partially masked the remnant riparian signal during stormflows. Remnant riparian areas were a major source of DOC and TDN to the stream during storms. These results suggest the importance of preserving near-stream riparian areas in cities to maintain ambient carbon and nitrogen source contributions to urban streams.  相似文献   

Determination of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon in waters is of particular importance for the water treatment industry. A simple method for determining biodegradable dissolved organic carbon which is applicable to surface and drinking water is proposed. It consists of sterilizing the water sample, inoculating it with autochthonous bacteria, and measuring the decrease in dissolved organic carbon concentration due to the carbon oxidization by bacteria. The detailed experimental procedure is discussed, and validation of the method is presented. The method has been used for studying river waters and for drinking water treatment plant design.  相似文献   

Leaf Litter as a Source of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Streams   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an abundant form of organic matter in stream ecosystems. Most research has focused on the watershed as the source of DOC in streams, but DOC also comes from leaching of organic matter stored in the stream channel. We used a whole-ecosystem experimental approach to assess the significance of leaching of organic matter in the channel as a source of DOC in a headwater stream. Inputs of leaf litter were excluded from a forested Appalachian headwater stream for 3 years. Stream-water concentration, export, and instream generation of DOC were reduced in the litter-excluded stream as compared with a nearby untreated reference stream. The proportion of high molecular weight (HMW) DOC (more than 10,000 daltons) in stream water was not altered by litter exclusion. Mean DOC concentration in stream water was directly related to benthic leaf-litter standing stock. Instream generation of DOC from leaf litter stored in the stream channel contributes approximately 30% of daily DOC exports in this forested headwater stream. This source of DOC is greatest during autumn and winter and least during spring and summer. It is higher during increasing discharge than during base flow. We conclude that elimination of litter inputs from a forested headwater stream has altered the biogeochemistry of DOC in this ecosystem. Received 2 September 1997; accepted 27 January 1998.  相似文献   

Anderson  N. J.  Appleby  P. G.  Bindler  R.  Renberg  I.  Conley  D. J.  Fritz  S. C.  Jones  V. J.  Whiteford  E. J.  Yang  H. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(8):1706-1720
Ecosystems - Lakes are a key feature of arctic landscapes and can be an important component of regional organic carbon (OC) budgets, but C burial rates are not well estimated. 210Pb-dated sediment...  相似文献   

Hypolimnetic oxygen content in lentic ecosystems has traditionally been modeled as a function of variables measured at the epilimnion, or that are supposed to drive epilimnetic processes, like total phosphorus load. However, in man-made reservoirs the river inflow can plunge into deep layers, directly linking the hypolimnion with the surrounding watershed. In these circumstances, organic matter carried by the river can influence the hypolimnetic oxygen content without important intervention of epilimnetic processes. Taking long-term data from two reservoirs in Spain, we applied an empirical regression approach to show that the dissolved organic matter carried by the river is the main driver shaping the hypolimnetic oxygen content. By contrast, typical variables commonly included in the modeling of the oxygen content in the hypolimnion (nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a, and dissolved organic carbon measured in the water column) did not show any significant correlation. Interpretations from this regression approach were supported by a comparison between the monthly oxygen consumption in the hypolimnion and the monthly dissolved organic carbon load from the river inflow. We also revisited the prediction of the year-to-year variability of the Nürnberg’s anoxic factor in four reservoirs from Spain and the USA, explicitly including the allochthonous sources in the equations. These sources were significant predictors of the anoxic factor, especially in those systems subject to relatively high human impact. Thus, effects of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon should always be considered in empirical modeling and management of reservoir hypolimnetic processes related to oxygen content (for example, anoxia, nutrient internal loading, or phosphorus cycle resilience).  相似文献   

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