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三叶木通果实生物学特性及营养成分的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李金光  李嘉瑞   《广西植物》1991,11(2):189-192
本文报道了陕西省野生三叶木通果实的生物学特性及营养成分。三叶木通座果率低。落果高峰在5月下旬,以短缩枝结果为主;果实纵横径生长呈双S曲线,食用部分是发达胎座;果实类型有紫红皮和黄褐皮,或随圆形和卵圆形。成熟果实富含矿物质,可溶性糖主要是果糖,有机酸主要是乳酸,蛋白质氨基酸主要是谷氨酸、天门冬氨酸、赖氨酸和亮氨酸。脂肪酸主要是油酸和亚油酸。种子脂肪酸主要是油酸。果实可食率低。  相似文献   

猫儿屎和三叶木通种子油中脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
白成科 《西北植物学报》2007,27(5):1035-1038
采用索氏提取法提取木通科植物猫儿屎和三叶木通种子的脂溶性成分,甲酯化处理后用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分离和鉴定其组成和含量。从猫儿屎种子油中鉴定出9种脂肪酸,占检出物总质量分数的94.67%(其中饱和脂肪酸占12.63%,不饱和脂肪酸占82.04%),主要成分为9-十六烯酸(47.22%)、9-油酸(27.13%)、棕榈酸(10.75%)、亚油酸(7.47%)和硬脂酸(1.61%)。从三叶木通种子油中鉴定出10种脂肪酸,占检出物总质量分数的99.75%(其中饱和脂肪酸占23.39%,不饱和脂肪酸占76.36%),主要成分为11-油酸(47.63%)、亚油酸(27.05%)、棕榈酸(20.14%)、16-甲基-十七烷酸(3.03%)和8-油酸(1.07%)。结果表明,猫儿屎和三叶木通种子油中脂肪酸含量丰富,在食用、医疗保健等方面具有较高的应用潜力和综合开发前景。  相似文献   

三叶木通茎藤及果实性状评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据湖南、湖北两省野生三叶木通9个茎藤及果实性状的广义方差及主成分分析结果,探讨了三叶木通种源质量及优良品种茎藤、果实性状的选择重点。广义方差分析结果表明:湖北省鹤峰产地的野生三叶木通,9个茎藤及果实性状综合评价为最好,其次是湖北省宜昌、湖南省石门、永定、慈利产地的三叶木通。主成分分析结果表明:在三叶木通优良品种茎藤及果实性状选择中,果皮厚度、单果重、籽重、果皮重及茎藤纹理为第一主成分要素,为首选性状;果实容重、茎藤容重、茎藤色泽及果皮率为第二主成分要素,为比较重要的选择性状;适当注重较深茎藤色泽性状的选择,有可能尽量减少果实容重下降。所以,三叶木通茎藤及果实性状的选择,可以考虑3个主选性状:茎藤纹理及单果重为主体的果实性状、茎藤色泽性状和茎藤容重性状。  相似文献   

人工栽培条件下三叶木通座果及果实生长特性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
用栽培三叶木通为试材,研究了其座果及果实生长的特性。结果表明:人工栽培条件下,三叶木通座果(雌花)率可以提高到13.5%,是野生三叶木通的2 100%;以先年第1、2次攀援茎第3 ̄30节位结果为主;3月底开花,花期30d左右。花后第20 ̄50d(4月中旬至5月上旬)花序、雌花及幼果(子房)大量脱落,出现明显的脱落高峰。三叶木通果实纵向生长呈双S曲线布,生长期150d左右,可划分成5个时期:受精结实  相似文献   

为了筛选三叶木通果实成熟过程中最稳定的内参基因,本试验从三叶木通果实转录组数据中搜索出22条候选内参基因,用ge Norm、Normfinder和Bestkeeper三个软件进行分析,分析结果显示RG19(histone h3)与RG5(EF-α)配合使用作为内参基因最稳定。本试验首次提供了在三叶木通果实成熟过程中比较理想的两条内参基因,通过两条内参基因的配合使用,可作为三叶木通果实成熟过程荧光定量试验的稳定参考。  相似文献   

湘西地区木通果实微量元素的测定   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用马弗炉干法灰化消化样品,火馅原子吸收法连续测定白木通Akebia trifoliata var.australis (Cieli._Kehd、三叶木通A.trifoliata(Thumb.)Koidz、木通A.quinata Decne.果实中微量金属元素,检测出K,Ca,Na,Mg,Fe,Zn,Mn,Cu等8种元素含量。3种植物果实中K,Ca,Mg含量较高(>0.1000mg/g),其中K元素远高于其他元素,Na,Cu含量较低(<0.0100mg/g)。Fe,Zn,Mn的含量处于中等水平。白木通果实中K,Me,Zn,Mn 4种矿质元素高于三叶木通和木通。木通果实中Ca,Fe两种元素稍高于白木通、三叶木通。Na,Cu两种微量元素在3种果实中含量基本相拟。  相似文献   

以人工栽培条件下三叶木通(Akebia trifoliata)果实为试材,用80%乙醇分别提取果皮、果肉、种子中的有效成分,经离心过滤后,于旋转蒸发仪上减压蒸馏浓缩,再经真空干燥处理得到三叶木通乙醇提取物。以L-DOPA为底物,熊果苷作阳性对照,分析测定了该提取物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制百分率。结果表明:不同部位的三叶木通果实乙醇提取物对酪氨酸酶活性均有一定的抑制作用,其中果肉对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制作用最佳,中等浓度的果肉乙醇提取物(200μg/mL)与270μg/mL的熊果苷对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制率相当。  相似文献   

以人工栽培条件下三叶木通(Akebia trifoliata)果实为试材,用80%乙醇分别提取果皮、果肉、种子中的有效成分,经离心过滤后,于旋转蒸发仪上减压蒸馏浓缩,再经真空干燥处理得到三叶木通乙醇提取物.以L-DOPA为底物,熊果苷作阳性对照,分析测定了该提取物对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制百分率.结果表明:不同部位的三叶木通果实乙醇提取物对酪氨酸酶活性均有一定的抑制作用,其中果肉对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制作用最佳,中等浓度的果肉乙醇提取物(200 μg/mL)与270 μg/mL的熊果苷对酪氨酸酶活性的抑制率相当.  相似文献   

三叶木通种子脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三叶木通[Akebia trifoliata(Thunb.)Koidz.]为缠绕木质藤本,在中国南部、长江流域及西北地区均有分布,多生长在气候温和湿润、海拔300—2100m的荒野山坡、灌丛及沟谷疏林中,资源蕴藏量丰富。三叶木通果实通常在阴历八月成熟并沿腹缝线开裂,故俗称八月扎(炸)、八月瓜、羊开口,有广泛的保健作用,其种子、茎、叶和根均可入药,民间多用于治疗小便赤涩、妇女经闭、乳汁不通等疾病,并具有消除面部色斑和抗炎抗菌等功效。由于三叶木通果实具有良好的食用品质和丰富的营养,近年来,国内相关机构正在对其进行系统的驯化利用研究,以期能开发成新型水果。  相似文献   

晋南地区三叶木通野生资源的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从三叶木通的生物学特征、化学成分、利用价值以及它的开发利用现状等方面论述了它在晋南地区三叶木通野生资源急需开发的重要性;同时提出了三叶木通野生资源开发利用发展前景及可行性建议.  相似文献   

益母草、白花益母草、紫苏、野紫苏、小鱼仙草、石荠苎和细风轮菜系唇形科常见的药用植物。常生于路旁、沟边及空旷草地 ,民间也有广泛栽培。分布于广东、广西、湖南、湖北、云南、贵州、浙江、安徽、福建等省区。益母草、白花益母草民间全草入药 ,有活血调经、去痰生津的功效 ,果实称茺蔚子。用于月经不调 ,产后子宫出血及复位不全等症 [14 ]。野紫苏和紫苏的果实有镇咳、平喘和祛痰的功效 ,用于治疗咳嗽气喘、肠热便秘等症 [3 ] 。小鱼仙草用于治疗感冒头痛 ,胃炎 ,肾积水等症。石荠苎全草入药 ,用于治疗胃炎 ,慢性气管炎和肺积水等症[1] …  相似文献   

A comparative study of fatty acids from total lipids, and ofthe distribution of the main lipid groups in fruit and leaf,has been accomplished in olive during the development of thefruit. Palmitic, oleic, and especially -linolenic acids arethe main fatty acids of the leaf throughout the cycle. In youngfruits this composition is similar to that of the leaf,; butthe quantity of oleic acid increases and the saturated and polyunsaturatedacids decrease with the time. The incorporation of [1-14C]acetateinto neutral lipids of fruit increases with ripening, whereasthe synthesis of glycolipids decreases. In the leaf an increaseoflabelled glycolipids in the stage of fruit maturity can beobserved, whereas the synthesis of phospholipids reaches maximain the first and last stages studied. All these events suggestthat there is little correlation between leaf and fruit in lipidbiosynthesis.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in adiposity, cardiovascular and liver structure and function, and tissue fatty acid compositions in response to oleic acid-rich macadamia oil, linoleic acid-rich safflower oil and α-linolenic acid-rich flaxseed oil (C18 unsaturated fatty acids) in rats fed either a diet high in simple sugars and mainly saturated fats or a diet high in polysaccharides (cornstarch) and low in fat. The fatty acids induced lipid redistribution away from the abdomen, more pronounced with increasing unsaturation; only oleic acid increased whole-body adiposity. Oleic acid decreased plasma total cholesterol without changing triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids, whereas linoleic and α-linolenic acids decreased plasma triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids but not cholesterol. α-Linolenic acid improved left ventricular structure and function, diastolic stiffness and systolic blood pressure. Neither oleic nor linoleic acid changed the left ventricular remodeling induced by high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, but both induced dilation of the left ventricle and functional deterioration in low fat-diet-fed rats. α-Linolenic acid improved glucose tolerance, while oleic and linoleic acids increased basal plasma glucose concentrations. Oleic and α-linolenic acids, but not linoleic acid, normalized systolic blood pressure. Only oleic acid reduced plasma markers of liver damage. The C18 unsaturated fatty acids reduced trans fatty acids in the heart, liver and skeletal muscle with lowered stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 activity index; linoleic and α-linolenic acids increased accumulation of their C22 elongated products. These results demonstrate different physiological and biochemical responses to primary C18 unsaturated fatty acids in a rat model of human metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Microthrix parvicella, cultivated in a medium with Tween 80 and Casamino acids, utilized only the oleic acid moiety of Tween 80 as carbon and energy source. The cell yield from Tween 80 was about 0.32 g dry weight of cells per g of Tween 80 consumed. As only the oleic acid moiety of Tween 80 was utilized, the cell yield from oleic acid was 1.3 g dry weight of cells per g oleic acid consumed. The amount of carbon produced as CO2 was less than 30% of the oleic acid-carbon and this low value was in agreement with the high cell yield. In batch culture M. parvicella stored large amounts of lipid material during the early growth phase. The fatty acids of the lipid globules were similar to the fatty acids supplied as carbon source. The percentage composition of the biomass changed to give C/N percentage ratios of about 15 during the early growth phase due to the high concentration of internal lipids and the low concentration of protein. The growth rate in batch culture was about 0.016 h-1 but was affected by the concentration of Casamino acids in the medium.  相似文献   

Microbial biohydrogenation of oleic acid to trans isomers in vitro   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ruminant products are significant sources of dietary trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids, including various conjugated linoleic acid isomers, have been shown to act as metabolic modifiers of lipid metabolism. Trans fatty acids originate from biohydrogenation of dietary unsaturated fatty acids by gut microbes; however, the exact synthetic pathways are unclear. It was our goal to examine the biohydrogenation pathway for oleic acid, where oleic acid is hydrogenated directly to stearic acid. Our objective in this study was to trace the time course of appearance of 13C in labeled oleic acid to determine if trans monoenes are formed from the 13C-labeled oleic acid or if the 13C appears only in stearic acid as described in reviews of earlier work. Enrichments were calculated from the mass abundance of 13C in major fatty acid fragments and expressed as a percentage of total carbon isotopomers. Significant 13C enrichment was found in stearic acid, oleic acid, trans-6, trans-7, and in all trans C18:1 in positions 9-16. We concluded that the biohydrogenation of oleic acid by mixed ruminal microbes involves the formation of several positional isomers of trans monoenes rather than only direct biohydrogenation to form stearic acid as previously described.  相似文献   

不同种源山桐子果实脂肪酸组成变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以采自11个种源的山桐子为材料,测定其果实脂肪酸的组成及其变异情况,结果表明:山桐子果实中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,尤以亚油酸含量最高,11个种源的平均值为63.58%,且种源间差异显著,分宜、宜昌种源亚油酸相对含量明显高于其他9个种源;饱和脂肪酸以棕榈酸为主,11个种源山桐子果实棕榈酸差异显著,且以平武种源最高;其余脂肪酸含量均较低,变异幅度较大;种子中棕榈酸和棕榈烯酸含量明显高于果肉,而亚油酸、亚麻酸及硬脂酸含量明显低于果肉,油酸含量相近:果实不饱和脂肪酸含量依次为果肉〉全果〉种子,且变异系数及相对极差均较小,尤以果肉中最小;除硬脂酸外,山桐子果实中其他4种主要脂肪酸组分受海拔等地理环境的影响均较小。  相似文献   

Oils were extracted from fully ripen Pinus pinea L. and Pinus halepensis Mill seeds and fatty acid composition has been established by capillary gas chromatography. Seeds are rich in lipids, 34.63-48.12% on a dry weight basis. Qualitatively, fatty acid composition of both species is identical. For P. halepensis linoleic acid is the major fatty acid (56.06% of total fatty acids) followed by oleic (24.03%) and palmitic (5.23%) acids. For P. pinea, the same fatty acids are found with the proportions 47.28%, 36.56%, and 6.67%, respectively. Extracted fatty acids from both species are mainly unsaturated, respectively, 89.87% and 88.01%. Pinus halepensis cis-5 olefinic acids are more abundant (7.84% compared to 2.24%). Results will be important as a good indication of the potential nutraceutical value of Pinus seeds as new sources of fruit oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and cis-5 olefinic acids.  相似文献   

Entomophthora coronata 1932 and E. conica 1716 are quite different in their fatty acid composition and the unsaturation degree of synthesized lipids. The cultures were used as models to study metabolic transformations of exogenous 14C-labeled acetic, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids as well as to compare the activities of the synthetase and desaturase enzyme complexes. The cultures were capable of transforming exogenous acetic and fatty acids into polyunsaturated arachidonic acid. E. coronata 1932 whose lipids mainly contain fatty acids with a short chain could metabolize unsaturated oleic acid to yield polyene fatty acids. However, this culture metabolized exogenous acids at a far lower rate as compared with E. conica 1716. The high content of saturated fatty acids with a short chain in the lipids might be due to the specific action of the synthetase complex and to the low activity of the desaturation enzymes. It has been demonstrated for the first time that exogenous oleic acid is converted at a high rate by the cells into arachidonic acid, a precursor of prostaglandin compounds.  相似文献   

In vitro incubation of isolated chloroplasts from young olive tree leaves ( Olea europaea L. cv. Marteño) in acetate-1-14C showed a high labelling of saturated fatty acids (palmitic + stearic) and, above all, of the monounsatured ones (oleic); the low biosynthetic rate of α-linolenic acid being noteworthy. These fatty acids are mainly found as free ones, or incorporated in mono-and diglyceride molecules. Phosphoand galactolipids, the most abundant acyl-lipid components of chloroplast lamellae, showed low incorporation rates. The fatty acid synthesis by isolated chloroplasts depends on exogenous CoA, ATP, NADPH and, especially, on added ACP (acyl carrier protein) preparation from Escherichia coli , whereas it was strongly inhibited by Triton X-100.
In vivo experiments with acetate-1-14C infiltration into young excised leaves showed a high labelling of chloroplast phospholipids, but a low 14C incorporation into galactolipids, a remarkable feature because these latter are main components of chloroplast lamellae. The high biosynthetic rate of α-linolenic acid is noteworthy and appears mainly linked to monogalactosyldiglycerides. Also the low incorporation of saturated fatty acids to neutral lipids is remarkable. The low in vitro synthesis of α-linolenic acid in comparison with that of the in vivo conditions, suggests the existence of a cooperation between chloroplasts and other parts of the cell to carry out the synthesis of this compound.  相似文献   

Macrophages are able to produce, export, and transfer fatty acids to lymphocytes in culture. The purpose of this study was to examine if labelled fatty acids could be transferred from macrophages to pancreatic islets in co-culture. We found that after 3 h of co-culture the transfer of fatty acids to pancreatic islets was: arachidonic > oleic > linoleic = palmitic. Substantial amounts of the transferred fatty acids were found in the phospholipid fraction; 87.6% for arachidonic, 59.9% for oleic, 53.1% for palmitic, and 36.9% for linoleic acids. The remaining radioactivity was distributed among the other lipid fractions analysed (namely polar lipids, cholesterol, fatty acids, triacylglycerol and cholesterol ester), varying with the fatty acid used. For linoleic acid, a significant proportion (63.1%) was almost equally distributed in these lipid fractions. Also, it was observed that transfer of fatty acids from macrophages to pancreatic islets is time-dependent up to 24 h, being constant and linear with time for palmitic acid and remaining constant after 12 h for oleic acid. These results lead us to postulate that in addition to the serum, circulating monocytes may also be a source of fatty acids to pancreatic islets, mainly arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

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