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SUMMARY. 1. Field experiments were conducted to examine the impact of grazing invertebrates on periphyton biomass in twenty-one pools across three northern California coastal streams (U.S.A.): Big Sulphur Creek, the Rice Fork of the Eel River, and Big Canyon Creek. Periphyton accrual on artificial substrate tiles was compared in each stream between two treatments: those elevated slightly above the stream bottom to reduce access by grazers (= platforms) and those placed directly on the stream bottom to allow access by grazers (=controls).
2. Crawling invertebrate grazers (cased caddisflies and snails) were numerically dominant in each stream (86% of all grazers in Big Sulphur Creek, 61% in the Rice Fork, 84% in Big Canyon Creek). Platforms effectively excluded crawling grazers, but were less effective in excluding swimming mayfly grazers (Baetidae).
3. Periphyton biomass (as AFDM) on tiles was significantly lower on controls compared to platforms for the Rice Fork, an open-canopy stream, and Big Sulphur Creek, a stream with a heterogeneous canopy. In contrast, no grazer impact was found for Big Canyon Creek, a densely shaded stream. Here, extremely low periphyton biomass occurred for both treatments throughout the 60 day study.
4. The influence of riparian canopy on periphyton growth (i.e. accrual on platforms), grazer impact on periphyton, and grazer abundance was examined for Big Sulphur Creek. As canopy increased (15–98% cover), periphyton biomass on platforms decreased. In contrast, canopy had little influence on periphyton accrual on controls; apparently, grazers could maintain low periphyton standing crops across the full range of canopy levels. The abundance of one grazer species, the caddisfly Gumaga nigricula , was highest in open, sunlit stream pools; abundance of two other prominent grazers, Helicopsyche borealis (Trichoptera) and Centroptilum convexum (Ephemeroptera), however, was unrelated to canopy.  相似文献   

We examined the larval population densities and biomass of a caddisfly grazer, Micrasema quadriloba, and the abundance and community structures of periphyton at a segment scale (7.4 km with four study sites), along a second-to fourth-order Japanese mountain stream throughout the grazer’s life cycle. In the uppermost riffle of the study segment (site 1), periphyton abundance was kept at low levels when the larvae occurred. The larval distribution spread downstream as larvae developed from first instars in May to fifth instars in January. We performed multiple regression analyses to test the effects of environmental variables and larval biomass on periphyton abundance in both the riffle of site 1 and the study segment; the results revealed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated with periphyton abundance similarly in both the riffle and the study segment. In addition, both the correlation and community analyses showed that the larval biomass was significantly negatively correlated to the relative abundance of large and/or filamentous microalgae, which appeared in the uppermost layer of the periphyton mat, and that larval biomass was significantly positively correlated to the relative abundance of small diatoms, which strongly adhered to the substrate. Thus, the present study implied that the grazing of M. quadriloba larvae would regulate the abundance of periphyton in a riffle and also regulate the abundance and community structure of periphyton at the segment scale with the expansion of their longitudinal distribution.  相似文献   

Several herbivorous insects are known to benefit from feeding in groups; however, little is known about (1) the resource conditions under which herbivorous insects perform group feeding and (2) the optimum population size to get any benefits by group feeding, for example, in terms of growth performance. To test the hypotheses that the benefits from group feeding change with resource level and population size, we performed field investigations and an enclosure experiment using the grazer caddisfly larva Micrasema quadriloba. The field investigations revealed aggregated distributions of larvae (indicator of aggregation, Iδ=4.1±1.55, aggregated density: 12.7±5.3 individuals per 3.1×3.1 cm2 (mean±1 SD)) when periphyton was abundant on stream cobbles and random distributions (Iδ=1.0±0.11) when periphyton was scarce. In the enclosure experiment, the relative growth rate (RGR) of the larvae at each population size showed different tendencies at high and low periphyton abundance levels; RGR with abundant periphyton had a convex curve with a peak at intermediate population size, whereas RGR with scarce periphyton decreased linearly with increasing population size. The benefits from group feeding thus changed with resource level; larvae obtained high growth performance by group feeding behavior only when the resource was sufficiently abundant. The present study revealed not only that the optimum group size of larvae increased their growth performance, but also that this optimum group size occurred frequently in the field. We also discuss the mechanisms and benefits of group feeding by case-bearing caddisfly grazers.  相似文献   

Summary 1. During the low-flow period (April–October) in sunlit pools of Big Sulphur Creek (northern coastal California), the attached algal community predictably changes from an assemblage dominated by lush, upright Cladophora glomerata filaments in spring and early summer to one dominated by epilithic diatoms and blue-green algae (together=microalgae) in late summer through early autumn. Previous studies in this stream indicated that grazing by the caddisflies Helicopsyche borealis and Gumaga nigricula maintain low algal biomass during the latter part of this period. We used a combination of in situ exclusion/enclosure experiments to examine (1) the separate and combined effects of these grazers on Cladophora and microalgal assemblages, and (2) food preferences, growth, and microdistribution patterns of grazers when offered these different algal foods. 2. Grazers exerted strong but divergent effects on algal assemblages. Selective grazing on Cladophora by G. nigricula greatly accelerated the transition from upright Cladophora to epilithic microalgae, whereas selective grazing on microalgae by H. borealis dramatically reduced biomass of these forms. Grazers were largely ineffective at reducing the non-preferred algal food source (i.e. Cladophora by H. borealis, microalgae by G. nigricula). In the case of each grazer, growth was highest on the preferred algal food. Together, the activity of these grazers produced a low-biomass assemblage dominated by microalgal cells. 3. Removal of the Cladophora overstory by G. nigricula resulted in a three-fold increase in the abundance of epilithic microalgae, the preferred food of H. borealis. Elimination of Cladophora by G. nigricula can increase food availability for H. borealis and, in so doing, can indirectly facilitate the growth of this grazer during food-limited conditions. However, microdistribution of G. nigricula shifts from high overlap with H. borealis in spring and early summer when Cladophora is abundant to low overlap in late summer after Cladophora has been eliminated. This may indicate intense competition between these species for limited epilithic algae, and a concomitant movement by G. nigricula to areas in the stream where food resources are more available.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feeding and growth rates of 1–3 wk old herring larvae from four different stocks were compared in laboratory experiments (8°C). For most of the larval groups, feeding rate was saturated at nauplii (Acartia tonsa, nauplii stages 3–5) densities over 301–1 (5 g d.w. 1–1). Specific growth rate increased asymptotically with nauplii density, and reached about 6% d–1 at densities over 120 nauplii 1–1. The growth rates attained in the laboratory were similar to field measured growth rates of similarly aged herring larvae at comparable food densities. Since food particles were homogenously distributed in the laboratory tanks, patches of dense plankton concentrations are, thus, apparently not necessary for larval growth and survival in the sea. Growth efficiency differed between larval groups, with large sized larvae being the most efficient in transforming ingested matter into growth. The difference probably relates to different sizes rather than to the different geographical origins of the larvae.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were performed in Lake Lacawac, PA to determine the importance of potentially limiting nutrients relative to other factors (grazing, depth) in structuring shallow water algal periphyton communities. All three experiments measured periphyton growth (as chlorophyll-a, AFDM or biovolumes of the algal taxa) on artificial clay flower pot substrates which released specified nutrients to their outer surfaces.Control of standing crop by nutrient supply rate vs. grazing was examined in Expt. I. Substrates releasing excess N and P, together with one of 4 levels of C (as bicarbonate) were placed either inside or outside exclosures designed to reduce grazer densities. Chlorophyll-a rose from 1.1–25.6 µg.cm–2, and some dominant taxa (e.g., Oedogonium, Nostoc, Anacystis) were replaced by others (e.g., Scenedesmus, Cryptomonas) as bicarbonate supply increased. Reductions in invertebrate density did not significantly affect chlorophyll-a at any of the nutrient levels.Reasons for the species shift were further evaluated in Expt. II, using a minielectrode to measure the elevation of pH within the periphyton mat through photosynthetic utilization of bicarbonate. The pH adjacent to pots diffusing N, P and large quantities of bicarbonate, and supporting high chlorophyll-a densities of 32 µg cm–2, averaged 10.0 compared to 6.3 in the water column. Pots diffusing only N and P supported 0.7 µg chlorophyll-a cm–2 and elevated pH to 8.2. We suspect that bicarbonate addition favored efficient bicarbonate users (e.g., Scenedesmus), while inhibiting other taxa (e.g., Oedogonium) because of the attendant high pH.Expt. III was designed to test effects of depth (0.1 m vs. 0.5 m) and N (NH4 + vs. NO3 ) upon the growth response to bicarbonate observed in Expts. I and II. Similar standing crop and species composition were noted on pots at 0.1 m vs. 0.5 m. Enrichment with NH4 + vs. NO3 also appeared to have little effect upon the periphyton community.Shallow water periphyton communities in Lake Lacawac, when supplied with sufficient N and P, appear to show a distinctive response to increasing bicarbonate concentration and pH which is robust to moderate variation in grazer densities, distance from the water surface, and the form of N enrichment.  相似文献   

Periphyton development was studied on microscopic glass slides and leaves of Zostera noltii Hornem. in an intertidal area in the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania). The effects of shading, tidal depth and grazing activities by the fiddler crab Uca tangeri Eydoux were evaluated. For all experiments, periphyton ash content was high (52–93%) and ash-free dry weight ranged between 0.10–0.63 mg cm–2. Slides accumulated more periphyton than leaves.Artificial shading (62–99%) for 13 days had no effect on periphyton densities on leaves. Increased tidal depth resulted in higher ash-free dry weight on slides, but in lower ash-free dry weight on leaves. Significant variation along the coastline also existed. The effect of fiddler crabs was studied using exclosures. Presence of fiddler crabs reduced periphyton density on slides, whereas light transmittance was increased. On leaves, no significant fiddler crab effect was found. This difference between leaves and slides was probably caused by a storm at the day before the end of the experiment, and by the higher periphyton density on slides as compared with leaves. As visual inspection during the experiment showed clear differences in appearance of leaves inside and outside the exclosures, the storm probably sloughed off mainly the older leaves, i.e. those on which the differences in periphyton cover were the highest.It is hypothesized that periphyton accumulation is higher with increased tidal depth, whereas fiddler crab grazing pressure also increases in this direction. The result is a decreased periphyton density with increased tidal depth.The presently found light extinction coefficients (mean 0.8 m–1) and periphyton light attenuance (up to 25%) in Banc d'Arguin are not likely to affect seagrass leaf growth.  相似文献   

The midge Chironomus tentans Fabricius is a commonly used freshwater invertebrate in sediment toxicity tests. Rigorous laboratory culturing techniques are needed to provide organisms of uniform quality and known age for use in testing and for the continuation of the culture itself. This study was conducted to determine the effect of initial culture stocking density on: (1) post-hatch (larval) dry weight, body length and head-capsule width at 10 and 20 days; (2) time to emergence; (3) number and sex of emergent adults; (4) number of larvae and pupae at test termination (day 42 post hatch); and (5) adult dry weight. Three egg stocking densities were used 690 (1.1 eggs cm–2), 1043 (1.7 eggs cm–2) and 1463 (2.4 eggs cm–2). Mean weight of larvae at 10 days in high density tanks (0.13 mg/organism) was significantly higher (P=0.003) than both the medium and low density tanks (0.10 and 0.09 mg/organism, respectively). No significant differences between the three stocking densities were observed for the body length or head-capsule width at either 10 or 20 days post-hatch. Although not statistically significant, larval dry weight decreased with increased stocking density at day 20. A significantly (P=0.02) greater number of females (173±28) emerged from the low stocking density compared to both the medium and high stocking densities (123±45 and 118±54, respectively). Peak adult emergence for the low and medium stocking densities occurred between days 22 and 25 post-hatch, whereas peak adult emergence occurred between days 30 and 33 for the high stocking density. Survival relative to the initial number of eggs stocked was significantly greater (P=0.007) in the low density treatment compared to that in either the medium or the high density treatments. Mean adult weight exhibited an inverse relationship with initial stocking densities. At test end, there was not a significant difference in the mean number of organisms surviving and emerging in the three density levels. The central tendency for number of organisms surviving for all three treatments was 504 organisms per tank (0.82 organisms cm–2). The results of this experiment suggest that an optimal egg stocking density of 1.0 egg cm–2 (600 eggs/tank) be used with the feeding rate identified. This would ensure uniform larvae at the appropriate developmental stage (2nd–3rd instar) needed for toxicological research/testing (e.g. 10 days post-hatch), as well as producing sufficient emergence of males and females for future culture establishment.  相似文献   

1. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to describe the genetic structure of Helicopsyche borealis caddisflies collected from three sites in each of three streams in northern California, U.S.A.: the Rice Fork of the Eel River; Big Sulphur Creek; and Alameda Creek. Between 7 and 11km separated adjacent sites within these three streams. Helicopsyche borealis from three additional streams in eastern North America (Christiana Creek, Indiana; Byrd's Mill Creek, Oklahoma; Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania) were also analysed electrophoretically to address taxonomic questions that arose during the study. 2. Four genetically distinct groups of individuals were identified (i.e. Helicopsyche types A, B, C, and D). Lack of interbreeding between sympatric groups (as evidenced by fixed allelic differences) and large genetic differences (mean Nei's genetic distances = 0.396–0.693) indicate that these four groups of Helicopsyche were actually reproductively isolated species rather than genetic variants of a single species. 3. Occurrence of Helicopsyche type A at multiple sites permitted an analysis of spatial variation in genetic structure. Within a drainage basin, small differences in allele frequencies were observed among sites in the Rice Fork and Big Sulphur Creek, but not in Alameda Creek. Larger genetic differences were found among sites in separate drainage basins. Genetic distances (Nei's) between Helicopsyche type A from California and from eastern North America sites (mean = 0.236) were greater than interpopulation differences commonly observed for insects, which suggests that Helicopsyche type A from California may represent a different species than Helicopsyche type A from eastern North America. 4. Geographical and taxonomic differences observed in this study underscore the importance of understanding both population structure and genetic relationships among populations in the design and interpretation of stream faunal studies.  相似文献   

Glyptotendipes paripes larvae were reared in wells of tissue culture plates, in groups of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 (representing densities of about 1,300, 2,600, 5,200, 10,400, and 20,800 larvae per m2, respectively). Larval groups were supplied with one of two concentrations (low or high) of food and larvae were individually observed to evaluate the effects of density on mortality, growth, development, behavior, and adult body size. Increased larval densities resulted in higher mortality, as well as slower larval growth and development. The distribution of developmental time became flatter at higher density, with a wider range of values, or even became bimodal. This was a consequence of the most rapidly developing individuals at higher densities emerging as adults sooner than the fastest developing individuals at lower densities, although overall mean developmental time was longer at higher densities. At higher densities, growth and development of smaller larvae were slowed, based on the relative difference in body length between competitors. When larger competitors emerged as adults or died, the growth of smaller larvae may have accelerated, resulting in increased variability of developmental times. The effect of larval density on adult body size was complex, with the largest body size found at the lowest density and a second peak of adult size at high-middle densities, with smaller adult body sizes found at low-middle, and high densities. Similarly, as with developmental time, the range of body size increased with increasing density. Examined food concentrations had no effect on larval mortality, but significantly affected developmental time, growth rate, and adult body size. At higher densities, larvae spent more time gathering food and were engaged in aggressive or antagonistic behaviors.  相似文献   

Alan D. Steinman 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):163-170
Summary Irradiance level and grazer density were manipulated in a factorial design to examine the relative effects of biotic and abiotic factors on periphyton biomass, productivity, and taxonomic structure in a heavily grazed, woodland stream. Irradiance levels were increased from 0.26 to 12.42 mol quanta/m2/d by placing metal halide lamps over the stream. The major grazer in this system was the prosobranch snail Elimia clavaeformis. Its densities were reduced from ca. 750 individuals/m2 to near zero by raising platforms off the stream bottom. Experimental treatments were maintained for 48 days. Biomass-specific carbon fixation rates increased significantly in response to higher light levels, indicating that periphyton communities were light-limited at this time of year. However, positive effects of irradiance on areal-specific carbon fixation and biomass were detected only when grazer density was reduced. Basal cells of the chlorophyte Stigeoclonium dominated communities exposed either to low light or high grazing pressure. When light was increased and grazer density reduced, large or upright diatoms became more abundant. Results from this study indicated that limitation of periphyton photosynthesis could be mitigated by increasing the levels of an abiotic resource (light) to this system, but that periphyton biomass was controlled by biotic interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that an algivorous grazing minnow (Campostoma anomalum) is the major herbivore in Brier Creek, a hardwater stream in south central Oklahoma. In summer and autumn schools of Campostoma virtually eliminate algae from substrate surfaces in deeper areas of some pools. The pool-to-pool distributions of algae and Campostoma reported for this stream could occur if nutrient limitation permits grazing by Campostoma to outrun algal growth. To test this hypothesis, mesh pens were built to exclude Campostoma from substrates in each of four typical Campostoma pools. N+P+K lawn fertilizer was added daily to two of the four pools; the other two, which received no fertilizer additions and which were not visibly affected by fertilizer transported downstream from the pools enriched with nutrients, served as controls. Algae accumulated rapidly on natural substrates and on unglazed ceramic tiles in grazer-exclusion pens in pools receiving N+P+K additions and more slowly in pens in both control pools. Periphyton biomass on grazed substrates in all four pools remained low throughout the experiment. Hence, Campostoma at normal densities were able to outrun algal growth even when nutrients were added. Eleven days after the experiment started, I determined biomass, biomass-specific net primary productivity, and areal net primary productivity of periphyton on substrates exposed to all combinations of grazer (+,0) and nutrient (+,0) treatments. Grazing increased biomass-specific primary productivity, prevented accumulation of biomass, and decreased areal primary productivity of periphyton. Additions of N+P+K increased biomass-specific net primary productivity of grazed and ungrazed periphyton and markedly increased biomass of periphyton on substrates protected from Campostoma. Although food supply for Campostoma appeared to be greater with nutrient additions, condition of Campostoma in pools receiving N+P+K was not significantly different from Campostoma collected from control pools 35 days after the experiment started. I conclude that although nutrient supply limits biomass-specific primary productivity of periphyton in Brier Creek, nutrient limitation in this stream exacerbates, rather than causes, the visually conspicuous pool-to-pool complimentary distribution of algae and Campostoma: in this stream, grazing by Campostoma at natural densities can outrun periphyton growth even when nutrients are added.  相似文献   

Nakamura  Kazuyo  Wada  Shinpei  Hatai  Kishio  Sugimoto  Takashi 《Mycoscience》1994,35(1):99-104
A fungal infection occurred in juvenile coonstripe shrimps,Pandalus hypsinotus, cultured at Hokkaido Institute of Mariculture, Hokkaido, Japan. The fungus was identified asLagenidium myophilum, the same fungus that had previously been isolated from the abdominal muscle of adult northern shrimps,Pandalus borealis, and larvae of the coonstripe shrimp. Histopathologically, numerous nonseptate hyphae were observed in the lesions, and melanized hemocytes were present within the blackened areas. The optimum temperature for growth of the present strain was 25–30°C, and the optimum NaCl concentration for growth was 0.5–1.0%. Its biological characteristics were compared with those ofLagenidium myophilum isolated from diseased larval coonstripe shrimp and adult northern shrimp. The fungus was pathogenic toward shrimps of the genusPandalus, which live in deep sea areas. The fungus could infect shrimps at various stages, from larva to adult.  相似文献   

We conducted a seasonal survey of the swimming behaviour of Chironomus acerbiphilus larvae in volcanic Lake Katanuma from April 1998 to December 2001. Swimming C. acerbiphilus density was much higher than other chironomid species in lakes. All C. acerbiphilus larvae (1st through 4th instars) swam, but the earlier instars (especially the 1st) had the greatest densities and fluctuations. First instars were never found in the benthic population. This result indicates that the 1st-instar larvae are planktonic. Low water temperature (below about 10 °C) resulted in the seasonal disappearance of swimming chironomid larvae. Chemical factors – oxygen depletion or presence of hydrogen sulfide – also restricted the distribution of swimming and benthic larvae. Larvae were distributed only in the oxygen-rich part of the lake bottom and swam only in the oxygen-rich layer of the water column. The density of older swimming C. acerbiphilus (3rd and 4th instars) tended to increase with increasing benthic larval densities. The chemical stress of oxygen depletion or presence of hydrogen sulfide during holomixis within and after the stratification period leads to conspicuous swimming behaviour of benthic C. acerbiphilus larvae. Almost all C. acerbiphilus larvae died on this occasion.  相似文献   

In this study we determined grazing effects of the South Andean endemic mayfly Meridialaris chiloeensis on periphyton at different stages of successional development. Grazing effects were studied through a two‐factor experimental design (colonization stages X grazer density) in a stream‐side channel in spring and winter. Our results showed an absence of proportionality between grazer density and periphyton decline in response to grazers at low and intermediate levels of periphytic biomass; however, when periphyton biomass was high a direct inverse relationship was observed between post‐grazing biomass and grazer density. The relationship between periphytic algae (chlorophyll a concentration) and periphyton (total periphytic ash‐free dry mass) (C/OM index) was used as an estimation of the autotrophic fraction in the total periphyton matrix. Grazing did not alter the C/OM index indicating that both autotrophic and heterotrophic fractions of the periphyton components were reduced in the same proportion. Ordination of samples using the relative abundance of diatom species showed that herbivore effect was less evident at intermediate and late stage of colonization than at early one. These results support the statement that the outcome of the herbivore‐periphyton interaction may depend on the successional stage of the periphyton community. In spring Fragilaria pinnata relative abundance, on the basis of cell counts, was reduced by grazing and Nitzschia palea was enhanced. In the winter experiment, grazing decreased Achnanthes minutissima relative abundance. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Ola M. Fincke 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):118-127
The relative importance of intraspecific, interspecific, and seasonal causes of larval mortality were investigated for aquatic larvae of the giant damselfly Megaloprepus coerulatus in Panama. These larvae live in water-filled holes in fallen and living trees, where they and three other common odonate species are the top predators. By mid wet season, M. coerulatus larvae were found in nearly half of all tree holes that harbored odonates. Although M. coerulatus were typically, but not always, eliminated from holes inhabited by larger hetero-specifics, M. coerulatus were more likely to encounter conspecifics than other odonate species. Hole with less than 11 of water rarely contained more than a single larva. In large holes where M. coerulatus was the only odonate species present, multiple larvae coexisted at a density of one larva per 1–21 of water. There the absence of 2–4 of the 5 larval size classes, despite a continuous input of eggs, suggested that cannibalism was a common cause of mortality. The size of the final instar, which determined adult body size, was correlated positively with tree hole volume for male, but not female, larvae. Experiments showed that when two larvae were placed together in 0.4–1 holes with abundant tadpole prey, the larger larva killed the smaller one. Often the larva that was killed was not eaten. Small larvae were more tolerant of each other than were pairs of medium or large larvae. Before killing occurred, the presence of larger larvae reduced the growth of smaller individuals, relative to controls. Obligate killing was density-dependent. In 3.0–1 holes with ad libitum prey, conspecific killing occurred until the larval density stabilized at one larva per 1–1.5 I, similar to the density found in large holes under field conditions, For M. coerulatus, cannibalism functions to reduce the number of potential competitors for food in addition to providing nutrition. When interactions between paired larvae in small holes were experimentally prevented, competition for food reduced the growth of one or both larvae relative to controls. Holes that were watered during the dry season supported larval densities similar to those in the wet season. Thus, dry season mortality could not be attributed to a decrease in available prey. Rather, M. coerulatus larvae could not survive more than 1 month of complete drying. Because the dry season typically lasts more than 6 weeks, habitat drying is a secondary source of mortality, affecting second- or third-generation larvae that fail to emerge before tree holes dry out completely.  相似文献   

Greenhouse studies were conducted to investigate plant-mediated interactions between an above-ground and a below-ground herbivore when sharing a common host plant, rice (Oryza sativa L). Two common pests of rice were used: the rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, as the root herbivore, and the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) as the foliage-feeding herbivore. Rice water weevil larval performance was assessed by measuring larval density and average weight in response to different levels of defoliation by FAW larvae. The reciprocal experiment was done to evaluate FAW performance (growth rate) in response to RWW feeding. Severe defoliation by FAW decreased RWW densities by 32% and reduced larval weights by 48% compared to larvae on roots of non-defoliated plants. Effects in the converse experiments were not as strong. FAW growth rates were reduced 9–37% when feeding on rice leaves from plants damaged by RWW compared to larvae feed leaves from the no damage treatment. These reciprocal negative effects show that RWW and FAW are potential competitors when sharing a rice plant. Because RWW and FAW did not interact directly, competition was plant-mediated.  相似文献   

幼虫密度对甜菜夜蛾生长发育与繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了研究甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)幼虫的密度对其发育及繁殖的影响,本实验观察了5种幼虫密度下(1,5,10,20,30头/瓶),幼虫发育和成虫繁殖情况。结果表明:幼虫和蛹历期、存活率和蛹重均差异显著。幼虫和蛹历期均以20头/瓶的最短,1头/瓶的最长,其余随幼虫密度增加而延长;幼虫至蛹存活率以10头/瓶的最高,其余随幼虫密度增加而降低;1头/瓶的蛹最重,显著高于其他密度的,其余随幼虫密度增加而下降。尽管密度间成虫羽化率和产卵前期均无显著差异,但成虫产卵量、寿命和畸形率差异显著。1头/瓶的产卵量最多,其次为10头/瓶的,其余随幼虫密度增加而减少,30头/瓶的产卵量显著少于其他密度的; 密度在1~20头/瓶范围内,雌蛾寿命均较短,显著短于30头/瓶的,而雄蛾寿命以5头/瓶的最短,显著短于其他密度的(10头/瓶除外),10头/瓶的次之,其余密度间差异不显著;不同幼虫密度下羽化的成虫畸形率差异显著,10头/瓶的最低,其余随幼虫密度增加而升高; 生命表结果表明甜菜夜蛾在10头/瓶下世代存活率和种群增长指数均最高,幼虫密度过低或过高均不利于种群增长;世代存活率(S)和种群增长指数(I)与幼虫密度之间的关系均呈抛物线关系:S =-0.2087x2+2.5694x+211.52 (R2=0.88),I=-0.0552x2+0.9166x+54.168 (R2=0.95)。结果提示幼虫密度影响甜菜夜蛾种群动态的重要生态因子之一。  相似文献   

The independent and interactive effects of nutrient concentration and epiphyte grazers on epiphyte biomass and macrophyte growth and production were examined in Zostera marina L. (eelgrass) microcosms. Experiments were conducted during early summer, late summer, fall, and spring in a greenhouse on the York River estuary of Chesapeake Bay. Nutrient treatments consisted of ambient or enriched (3× ambient) concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium nitrate) and phosphate. Grazer treatments consisted of the presence or absence of field densities of isopods, amphipods, and gastropods. epiphyte biomass increased with both grazer removal and nutrient enrichment during summer and spring experiments. The effect of grazers was stronger than that of nutrients. There was little epiphyte response to treatment during the fall, a result possibly of high ambient nutrient concentrations and low grazing pressure. Under low grazer densities of early summer, macrophyte production (g m–2 d–1) was reduced by grazer removal and nutrient enrichment independently. Under high grazer densities of late summer, macrophyte production was reduced by enrichment only with grazers absent. During spring and fall there were no macrophyte responses to treatment. The relative influence of epiphytes on macrophyte production may have been related to seasonally changing water temperature and macrophyte requirements for light and inorganic carbon.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the growth and survival of Horabagrus brachysoma larvae at different stocking densities (3, 7, 13, 20, 27 and 33 larvae L?1) during their hatchery phase. Total length and wet weight of the larvae consistently decreased (P < 0.05) at the end of 14 and 28 days of rearing as the density increased. The specific growth rate was significantly (P < 0.05) highest at three larvae L?1 compared to the other five densities. The percent weight gain and survival of larvae was also highest at lowest density. The observation corroborates that catfish larvae can be reared at low densities in stagnant water conditions. Considering the value of larval growth, survival and overall weight gain, the stocking density of seven larvae L?1 has been identified as the maximum for larval rearing of H.  brachysoma under hatchery conditions.  相似文献   

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