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1. When pancreatic islets are preincubated for 20h in the presence of glucose (83.3mM) and thereafter transferred to a glucose-free medium, theophylline (1.4mM) provokes a dramatic stimulation of insulin release. This phenomenon does not occur when the islets are preincubated for either 20h at low glucose concentration (5.6mM) or only 30 min at the high glucose concentration (83.3mM). 2. The insulinotropic action of theophylline cannot be attributed to contamination of the islets with exogenous glucose and is not suppressed by mannoheptulose. 3. The secretory response to theophylline is an immediate phenomenon, but disappears after 60min of exposure to the drug. 4. The release of insulin evoked by theophylline is abolished in calcium-depleted media containing EGTA. Theophylline enhances the net uptake of 45Ca by the islets. 5. Glycogen accumulates in the islets during the preincubation period, as judged by both ultrastructural and biochemical criteria. Theophylline significantly increases the rate of glycogenolysis during the final incubation in the glucose-free medium. 6. The theophylline-induced increase in glycogenolysis coincides with a higher rate of both lactate output and oxidation of endogenous 14C-labelled substrates. 7. These data suggest that stimulation of glycolysis from endogenous stores of glycogen is sufficient to provoke insulin release even in glucose-deprived islets, as if the binding of extracellular glucose to hypothetical plasma-membrane glucoreceptors is not an essential feature of the stimulus-secretion coupling process.  相似文献   

1. In isolated pancreatic islets, pyruvate causes a shift to the left of the sigmoidal curve relating the rate of insulin release to the ambient glucose concentration. The magnitude of this effect is related to the concentration of pyruvate (5--90 mM) and, at a 30 mM concentration, is equivalent to that evoked by 2 mM-glucose. Pyruvate also enhances insulin release in the presence of fructose, leucine and 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoate. 2. In the presence of glucose 8 mM), the secretory response to pyruvate is an immediate process, displaying a biphasic pattern. 3. The insulinotropic action of pyruvate coincides with an inhibition of 45Ca efflux and a stimulation of 45Ca net uptake. The relationship between 45Ca uptake and insulin release displays its usual pattern in the presence of pyruvate. 4. Exogenous pyruvate rapidly accumulates in the islets in amounts close to those derived from the metabolism of glucose. The oxidation of [2-14C]pyruvate represents 64% of the rate of [1-14C]pyruvate decarboxylation and, at a 30 mM concentration, is comparable with that of 8 mM-[U-14C]glucose. 5. When corrected for the conversion of pyruvate into lactate, the oxidation of 30 mM-pyruvate corresponds to a net generation of about 314 pmol of reducing equivalents/120 min per islet. 6. Pyruvate does not affect the rate of glycolysis, but inhibits the oxidation of glucose. Glucose does not affect pyruvate oxidation. 7. Pyruvate (30 mM) does not affect the concentration of ATP, ADP and AMP in the islet cells. 8. Pyruvate (30 mM) increases the concentration of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the presence but not in the absence of glucose. A close correlation is seen between the concentration of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides and the net uptake of 45Ca. Menadione inhibits the effect of pyruvate on insulin release, without altering its rate of oxidation. 9. Pyruvate, like glucose, modestly stimulates lipogenesis. 10. Pyruvate, in contrast with glucose, markedly inhibits the oxidation of endogenous nutrients. The latter effect accounts for the apparent discrepancy between the rate of pyruvate oxidation and the magnitude of its insulinotropic action. 11. Dichloroacetate fails to affect glucose oxidation and glucose-stimulated insulin release. 12. It is concluded that the effect of pyruvate to stimulate insulin release depends on its ability to increase the concentration of reduced nicotinamide nucleotides in the islet cells.  相似文献   

Pancreatic islets contain an enzyme system which catalyzes the donation of hydrogen from NAD(P)H to menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone). In high concentrations (20 to 50 micrometer), menadione, in addition to lowering the concentration of reduced pyridine nucleotides in the islets, also impairs glycolysis and glucose oxidation, decreases ATP concentration, and inhibits proinsulin biosynthesis. However, at a 10 micrometer concentration, menadione fails to affect the concentration of adenine nucleotides, the utilization of glucose, the production of lactate and pyruvate, the oxidation of [6-14C]glucose and the synthesis of proinsulin; whereas the metabolism of glucose through the pentose shunt is markedly increased. The sole inhibitory effect of menadione 10 micrometer upon metabolic parameters is to reduce the concentration of both NADH and NADPH, such an effect being noticed in islets exposed to glucose 11.1 mM but not in those incubated at a higher glucose level (27.8 mM). Since, in the presence of glucose 11.1 mM, menadione 10 micrometer also severely decreases glucose-stimulated45 calcium net uptake and subsequent insulin release, it is concluded that the availability of reduced pyridine nucleotides may play an essential role in the secretory sequence by coupling metabolic to cationic events. Thus, when insulinotropic nutrients are oxidized in the B-cell, the increased availability of reduced pyridine nucleotides could modify the affinity for cations of native ionophoretic systems, eventually leading to the accumulation of calcium up to a level sufficient to trigger insulin release.  相似文献   

In isolated rat pancreatic islets, valinomycin (0.01 to 1.0 μm) caused a dose-related facilitation of 86Rb+ outflow and a dose-related inhibition of the glucose-induced changes in both outflow and net uptake of 86Rb+. At high concentrations (0.1–1.0 μm), the ionophore also inhibited the oxidation of glucose and endogenous nutrients, decreased the adenylate charge, and lowered the concentration of reduced pyridine nucleotides in the islet cells. However, as little at 1.0 to 10.0 nm valinomycin caused anomalies in the handling of 45Ca2+ (suppression of the early inhibitory effect of glucose upon 45Ca2+ efflux, and reduction in the amount of 45Ca2+ recovered in the islets after an extensive washing procedure) and inhibition of insulin release. Moreover, when the effect of glucose upon K+ conductance was abolished by high concentrations of valinomycin (0.1–1.0 μm), the glucose-induced secondary rise in 45Ca2+ efflux was still observed. These findings suggest that the effects of glucose upon 86Rb+ and 45Ca2+ handling, respectively, although normally concomitant with one another, can be dissociated, in part at least, from one another. It is concluded that the glucose-induced reduction in K+ outflow may be unnecessary for the sugar to cause a partial remodeling of Ca2+ fluxes in the islet cells.  相似文献   

Rat ovarian luteinizing hormone/human choriogonadotropin binding sites were labelled with 125I-choriogonadotropin in vivo, and the resulting 125I-choriogonadotropin-receptor complexes were solubilized by Triton X-100 and purified by use of antibodies to choriogonadotropin immobilized to agarose. The purified 125I-choriogonadotropin-receptor complex was treated with glutaraldehyde to crosslink radiolabelled hormone to the receptor. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the crosslinked product revealed a labelled Mr 130 000 major band in addition to the hormone and its alpha-subunit, indicating that a single receptor component was linked to the hormone. Unoccupied binding sites for luteinizing hormone were also solubilized by Triton X-100 from pseudopregnant rat ovaries, and attached to choriogonadotropin-agarose. The agarose gel was washed, and eluted with 0.1 M-sodium acetate, pH 4. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of the pH 4 eluate revealed an Mr 90 000 major band which was abolished when ovaries presaturated with choriogonadotropin were used as starting material. These observations suggest that the hormone-binding component of the luteinizing hormone receptor is a polypeptide of Mr 90 000. This polypeptide was isolated and labelled with Na 125I. The labelled polypeptide showed a single band on sucrose density gradient centrifugation and on gel filtration on agarose.  相似文献   

The rate of glucose and fructose 6-phosphate phosphorylation in islet homogenates is reduced by prior fasting of the donor rats. In fed rats, the velocity of glucose phosphorylation at increasing glucose concentrations (0.1 to 100 mM) is compatible with the presence of two enzyme activities. A preferential effect of fasting upon the high Km enzyme activity can be documented either at low ATP concentration which enhances the fractional contribution of the high Km enzyme activity, or in the presence of glucose 6-phosphate, which suppresses the low Km enzyme activity. Islet phosphofructokinase activity was characterized by inhibition by citrate or high ATP concentrations, and relief from ATP inhibition by AMP. Fasting reduces the activity of phosphofructokinase without altering its sensitivity to ATP and AMP. Cyclic AMP fails to overcome the effect of fasting upon phosphofructokinase. The activity of phosphoglucoisomerase is unaffected by fasting. The fasting-induced adaptation of key glycolytic enzymes could account, in part at least, for reduced metabolism of glucose in islets from fasted rats.  相似文献   

Native ionophores extracted from isolated pancreatic islets were able to transport Ca2+ from one aqueous medium into another across an organic immiscible phase. In the presence of a K+, Na+, Li+, or H+ gradient, Ca2+ was transported against its own concentration gradient from the medium of low monovalent-cation concentration to the opposite medium. The transport of Ca2+ was abolished by the organic calcium-antagonist suloctidil. These findings provide a model for the process of Na-Ca countertransport in islet cells and its inhibition in response to the conversion of nutrient secretagogues to their acidic metabolites.  相似文献   

Above a threshold value in excess of 5.6 mM, D-glucose increases the amount of cyclic AMP measured by radioimmunoassay in pancreatic rat islets and their surrounding incubation medium. As judged from the cyclic AMP content of islets exposed to isobutylmethylxanthine (1.0 mM), the glucose-induced increment in the rate of cyclic AMP generation represents a rapid and sustained phenomenon. The stimulant action of glucose on cyclic AMP accumulation is mimicked by L-leucine, and L-glutamine, these amino acids acting synergistically of one another. Trifluoperazine slightly decreases but fails to abolish the effect of glucose. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+, however, the cyclic AMP response to D-glucose, L-leucine and/or L-glutamine is severely impaired. These findings are compatible with the view that an increase in the generation rate of cyclic AMP participates in the process of nutrient-stimulated insulin release. This increase could be secondary to the nutrient-induced accumulation of Ca2+ in the islet cells leading to activation of adenylate cyclase by calmodulin.  相似文献   

1. Menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) inhibits insulin release evoked in the rat endocrine pancreas by glucose or glyceraldehyde, but fails to affect the secretory response to Ca2+, Ba2+, theophylline or gliclazide. The inhibitory effect of menadione upon glucose-induced insulin release is a dose-related, rapid and reversible phenomenon, menadione and glucose acting apparently as competitive antagonists. Menadione affects both the early and late phase of the secretory response to glucose. Menadione also antagonizes in a dose-related fashion the ability of glucose to reduce 86Rb efflux, to provoke 86Rb accumulation, to cause biphasic changes in 45 Ca efflux and to stimulate 45 Ca net uptake in pancreatic islets. 2. It is concluded that menadione impairs the insulinotropic action of glucose and other nutrients by impeding the remodelling of cationic fluxes normally provoked by these secretagogues in islet cells. Menadione, however, does not affect the capacity of divalent cations to activate the effector system which controls the release of secretory granules. Menadione may therefore represent a valuable tool to elucidate the mechanism by which glucose normally modifies the movement of cations in the pancreatic B-cell.  相似文献   

Theophylline increases the synthesis of proinsulin and, to a lesser extent, that of non insulinic peptides in isolated islets of Langerhans. Similar to its stimulant action on 45Ca2+ uptake by insular tissue, the preferential stimulant action of theophylline on proinsulin biosynthesis is most marked at low glucose concentration (4.2 mM). It apparently represents a Ca2+-independent process. Since theophylline does not augment glucose uptake by the isolated islets, the glucose-like enhancing action of theophylline on both 45Ca2+ uptake and proinsulin synthesis could be due, in part at least, to a cyclic AMP-mediated stimulation of glycogenolysis.  相似文献   

A Owen  A Sener  W J Malaisse 《Enzyme》1983,29(1):2-14
Pancreatic islets can be viewed as a fuel-sensor organ. The amount of ATP used by the islet cells for the maintenance of adequate Ca2+ gradients across membranes is not known. An indirect approach to this issue consists in the measurement of Ca-ATPase activity. The kinetics of Ca-ATPase in islet homogenates yielded a Km for ATP close to 0.1 mM and two Km values for Ca2+ close to 0.13 and 4-6 microM, respectively. Within limits, the Ca-ATPase appeared as a distinct entity from Mg-ATPase. Several divalent cations, including Mg2+, inhibited the Ca-ATPase activity. Calmodulin also inhibited, significantly albeit modestly Ca-ATPase. The activity of the enzyme was increased at high pH or in the presence of bicarbonate. The reaction velocity at close-to-physiological concentrations of ATP, Ca2+ and H+ suggests that the consumption of ATP by the Ca-ATPase may account for a major fraction of the overall rate of ATP breakdown in intact islets.  相似文献   

Tranilast, N-(3,4-demethoxycinnamoyl)-anthranilic acid, is an anti-allergic agent identified as an inhibitor of mast cell degranulation. Recently, tranilast was shown to decrease albuminuria in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy and to ameliorate vascular hypertrophy in diabetic rats, suggesting that it may be clinically useful in the treatment of diabetic complications. However, the effects of tranilast on glucose tolerance have not been elucidated. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of tranilast on insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells. Treatment with tranilast significantly suppressed insulin secretion in INS-1E cells and rat islets induced by 16.7 mmol/l glucose. Furthermore, tranilast inhibited tolbutamide-induced insulin secretion. Treatment with tranilast increased (86)Rb (+) efflux from COS-1 cells in which pancreatic beta-cell-type ATP-sensitive K (+) (K (ATP)) channels were reconstructed and suppressed the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio in INS-1E cells. Interestingly, treatment with tranilast enhanced glucose uptake in INS-1E cells. In the present study, we demonstrated that tranilast inhibited glucose- and tolbutamide-induced insulin secretion through the activation of K (ATP) channels in pancreatic beta-cells.  相似文献   

Rat pancreatic beta cells differ in their individual sensitivity to glucose-inducible metabolic changes. The present study examines whether beta cells with a higher metabolic threshold require higher glucose levels for stimulation of their secretory activity. Purified beta cells were distributed according to their metabolic redox state at 7.5 mM glucose; the metabolically responsive (high responsive) and unresponsive (low responsive) subpopulations of comparable size and viability were reaggregated in the presence of [3H]tyrosine and then perfused at 2.8 mM glucose with 10-min pulses of increasing glucose concentration. Glucose elicited first-phase insulin release in both high and low responsive subpopulations from, respectively, 4.2 and 8.3 mM on. The amplitude of both secretory responses increased dose dependently, the rates in the high responsive subpopulation being 2-fold higher than in the low responsive one. At all stimulating glucose levels, fractional release of 3H-labeled insulin was 3- to 4-fold higher than that of immunoreactive insulin. Preferential release of newly formed insulin was already maximally stimulated at 4.2 mM glucose in the high responsive subpopulation, whereas it increased dose-dependently in the low responsive one. These results indicate the existence of intercellular differences in the secretory activity of glucose-exposed beta cells, both in terms of glucose sensitivity and of amplitude. This heterogeneity in beta cell secretory responsiveness parallels that which has been previously described for the cellular metabolic and biosynthetic functions. It is concluded that glucose dose-dependently recruits beta cells into both biosynthetic and secretory activities. Co-existence of inactive and activated cells can explain preferential release of newly synthesized over preformed hormone during glucose stimulation.  相似文献   

Plasma glucose and insulin levels following glucose loading were investigated in adrenalectomized rats. Both oral and intravenous administration of glucose induced an elevation in plasma glucose and insulin level. The increases of plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were significantly higher in the adrenalectomized rats compared with the controls. We conclude, that corticoid hormones are capable of inhibiting glucose-induced insulin release in the rat.  相似文献   

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