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We present results from an extensive molecular dynamics simulation study of water hydrating the protein Ribonuclease A, at a series of temperatures in cluster, crystal, and powder environments. The dynamics of protein hydration water appear to be very similar in crystal and powder environments at moderate to high hydration levels. Thus, we contend that experiments performed on powder samples are appropriate for discussing hydration water dynamics in native protein environments. Our analysis reveals that simulations performed on cluster models consisting of proteins surrounded by a finite water shell with free boundaries are not appropriate for the study of the solvent dynamics. Detailed comparison to available x-ray diffraction and inelastic neutron-scattering data shows that current generation force fields are capable of accurately reproducing the structural and dynamical observables. On the time scale of tens of picoseconds, at room temperature and high hydration, significant water translational diffusion and rotational motion occur. At low hydration, the water molecules are translationally confined but display appreciable rotational motion. Below the protein dynamical transition temperature, both translational and rotational motions of the water molecules are essentially arrested. Taken together, these results suggest that water translational motion is necessary for the structural relaxation that permits anharmonic and diffusive motions in proteins. Furthermore, it appears that the exchange of protein-water hydrogen bonds by water rotational/librational motion is not sufficient to permit protein structural relaxation. Rather, the complete exchange of protein-bound water molecules by translational displacement seems to be required.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of location of cavities and surface grooves in proteins is important, as these are potential sites for ligand binding. Several currently available programs for cavity detection are unable to detect cavities near the surface or surface grooves. In the present study, an optimized molecular dynamics based procedure is described for detection and quantification of interior cavities as well as surface pockets. This is based on the observation that the mobility of water in such pockets is significantly lower than that of bulk water. The algorithm efficiently detects surface grooves that are sites of protein-ligand and protein-protein interaction. The algorithm was also used to substantially improve the performance of an automated docking procedure for docking monomers of nonobligate protein-protein complexes. In addition, it was applied to predict key residues involved in the binding of the E. coli toxin CcdB with its inhibitor. Predictions were subsequently validated by mutagenesis experiments.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the NC6.8-antisweet taste ligand complex and the uncomplexed antibody structures display significant differences in the conformations of residues in the combining site. A molecular dynamics method was employed to understand the flexibility and correlated motion of key combining site residues in the uncomplexed antibody. The simulations reveal that residues that show conformational differences between the complex and uncomplexed structures display strong dynamical correlations. Extensive analysis of the dynamics trajectory using time correlation methods is presented.  相似文献   

Many globular proteins unfold when subjected to several kilobars of hydrostatic pressure. This “unfolding‐up‐on‐squeezing” is counter‐intuitive in that one expects mechanical compression of proteins with increasing pressure. Molecular simulations have the potential to provide fundamental understanding of pressure effects on proteins. However, the slow kinetics of unfolding, especially at high pressures, eliminates the possibility of its direct observation by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Motivated by experimental results—that pressure denatured states are water‐swollen, and theoretical results—that water transfer into hydrophobic contacts becomes favorable with increasing pressure, we employ a water insertion method to generate unfolded states of the protein Staphylococcal Nuclease (Snase). Structural characteristics of these unfolded states—their water‐swollen nature, retention of secondary structure, and overall compactness—mimic those observed in experiments. Using conformations of folded and unfolded states, we calculate their partial molar volumes in MD simulations and estimate the pressure‐dependent free energy of unfolding. The volume of unfolding of Snase is negative (approximately ?60 mL/mol at 1 bar) and is relatively insensitive to pressure, leading to its unfolding in the pressure range of 1500–2000 bars. Interestingly, once the protein is sufficiently water swollen, the partial molar volume of the protein appears to be insensitive to further conformational expansion or unfolding. Specifically, water‐swollen structures with relatively low radii of gyration have partial molar volume that are similar to that of significantly more unfolded states. We find that the compressibility change on unfolding is negligible, consistent with experiments. We also analyze hydration shell fluctuations to comment on the hydration contributions to protein compressibility. Our study demonstrates the utility of molecular simulations in estimating volumetric properties and pressure stability of proteins, and can be potentially extended for applications to protein complexes and assemblies. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A simple approximation is developed to account for the dominant effects of solvation in molecular dynamics simulations of biopolymers. A small number of water molecules are included explicitly in the primary hydration shell around the biopolymer. A nonspherical confining potential responding dynamically to the conformational changes of the biopolymer is applied to prevent evaporation and to approximate the conditions of constant pressure of a bulk solution. Simulations of a spherical system of 25 water molecules are lined to adjust the empirical restraining potential to yield a uniform density distribution close to that in the bulk liquid. The primary hydration shell approach is tested with molecular dynamics simulations of simple hydrated peptides. The conformational equilibrium of alanine dipeptide and alanine tripeptide is examined using umbrella sampling calculations. The relative free energies of the C7ax (? = 60, ψ = ?80) and αL (? = 60, ψ = 60) conformations of the alanine dipeptide and the opened and closed conformations of a reversed β-turn modeled with the alanine tripeptide were calculated. The results indicate that the primary hydration shell can reproduce the influence of solvent on small peptides that was observed in simulations involving a much larger number of water molecules. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Linear response theory coupled to molecular dynamics simulations with an explicit solvent representation is used to derive fractional contributions of amino acid residues to the solvation of proteins. The new fractional methods developed here are compared with standard approaches based on empirical 1D and 3D statistical potentials, as well as with estimates obtained from the analysis of classical molecular interaction potentials. The new fractional methods, which have a clear physical basis and explicitly account for the effects due to protein structure and flexibility, provide an accurate picture of the contribution to solvation of different regions of the protein.  相似文献   

Silk materials are receiving significant attention as base materials for various functional nanomaterials and nanodevices, due to its exceptionally high mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and degradable characteristics. Although crystalline silk regions are composed of various repetitive motifs with differing amino acid sequences, how the effect of humidity works differently on each of the motifs and their structural characteristics remains unclear. We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on various silkworm fibroins composed of major motifs (i.e. (GAGAGS)n, (GAGAGA)n, and (GAGAGY)n) at varying degrees of hydration, and reveal how each major motifs of silk fibroins change at each degrees of hydration using MD simulations and their structural properties in mechanical perspective via steered molecular dynamics simulations. Our results explain what effects humidity can have on nanoscale materials and devices consisting of crystalline silk materials.  相似文献   

Hydration layer water molecules play important structural and functional roles in proteins. Despite being a critical component in biomolecular systems, characterizing the properties of hydration water poses a challenge for both experiments and simulations. In this context we investigate the local structure of hydration water molecules as a function of the distance from the protein and water molecules respectively in 188 high resolution protein structures and compare it with those obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. Tetrahedral order parameter of water in proteins calculated from previous and present simulation studies show that the potential of bulk water overestimates the average tetrahedral order parameter compared to those calculated from crystal structures. Hydration waters are found to be more ordered at a distance between the first and second solvation shell from the protein surface. The values of the order parameter decrease sharply when the water molecules are located very near or far away from the protein surface. At small water-water distance, the values of order parameter of water are very low. The average order parameter records a maximum value at a distance equivalent to the first solvation layer with respect to the water-water radial distribution and asymptotically approaches a constant value at large distances. Results from present analysis will help to get a better insight into structure of hydration water around proteins. The analysis will also help to improve the accuracy of water models on the protein surface.  相似文献   

We have performed 128 folding and 45 unfolding molecular dynamics runs of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) with an implicit solvation model for a total simulation time of 0.4 microseconds. Folding requires that the three-dimensional structure of the native state is known. It was simulated at 300 K by supplementing the force field with a harmonic restraint which acts on the root-mean-square deviation and allows to decrease the distance to the target conformation. High temperature and/or the harmonic restraint were used to induce unfolding. Of the 62 folding simulations started from random conformations, 31 reached the native structure, while the success rate was 83% for the 66 trajectories which began from conformations unfolded by high-temperature dynamics. A funnel-like energy landscape is observed for unfolding at 475 K, while the unfolding runs at 300 K and 375 K as well as most of the folding trajectories have an almost flat energy landscape for conformations with less than about 50% of native contacts formed. The sequence of events, i.e., secondary and tertiary structure formation, is similar in all folding and unfolding simulations, despite the diversity of the pathways. Previous unfolding simulations of CI2 performed with different force fields showed a similar sequence of events. These results suggest that the topology of the native state plays an important role in the folding process.  相似文献   

Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is a chemically modified nucleic acid with its sugar ring locked in an RNA-like (C3′-endo) conformation. LNAs show extraordinary thermal stabilities when hybridized with DNA, RNA or LNA itself. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on five isosequential duplexes (LNA–DNA, LNA–LNA, LNA–RNA, RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA) in order to characterize their structure, dynamics and hydration. Structurally, the LNA–DNA and LNA–RNA duplexes are found to be similar to regular RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA duplexes, whereas the LNA–LNA duplex is found to have its helix partly unwound and does not resemble RNA–RNA duplex in a number of properties. Duplexes with an LNA strand have on average longer interstrand phosphate distances compared to RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA duplexes. Furthermore, intrastrand phosphate distances in LNA strands are found to be shorter than in DNA and slightly shorter than in RNA. In case of induced sugar puckering, LNA is found to tune the sugar puckers in partner DNA strand toward C3′-endo conformations more efficiently than RNA. The LNA–LNA duplex has lesser backbone flexibility compared to the RNA–RNA duplex. Finally, LNA is less hydrated compared to DNA or RNA but is found to have a well-organized water structure.  相似文献   

An analysis of a molecular dynamics simulation of metmyoglobin in an explicit solvent environment of 3,128 water molecules has been performed. Both statics and dynamics of the protein-solvent interface are addressed in a comparison with experiment. Three-dimensional density distributions, temperature factors, and occupancy weights are computed for the solvent by using the trajectory coordinates. Analysis of the hydration leads to the localization of more than 500 hydration sites distributed into multiple layers of solvation located between 2.6 and 6.8 Å from the atomic protein surface. After locating the local solvent density maxima or hydration sites we conclude that water molecules of hydration positions and hydration sites are distinct concepts. Both global and detailed properties of the hydration cluster around myoglobin are compared with recent neutron and X-ray data on myoglobin. Questions arising from differences between X-ray and neutron data concerning the locations of the protein-bound water are investigated. Analysis of water site differences found from X-ray and neutron experiments compared with our simulation shows that the simulation gives a way to unify the hydration picture given by the two experiments. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Jiang J 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(9):4148-4156
Electrophoresis of a mixture of NaCl and CaCl2 in a lysozyme crystal is investigated using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Upon exposure to an electric field, the stability of lysozyme is found to decrease slightly. This finding is demonstrated by increases in the root mean-square deviations of the heavy atoms of lysozyme, in the solvent-accessible surface area of hydrophobic residues, and in the number of hydrogen bonds between lysozyme and water. The solvent-accessible surface area of hydrophilic residues changes marginally, and the number of hydrogen bonds between lysozyme molecules decreases. Water molecules tend to align preferentially parallel to the electric field, and the dipole moment along the pore axis increases linearly with increasing field strength. Two pronounced layered structures are observed for Na+ and Ca2+ in the vicinity of protein surface, but only one enriched layer is observed for Cl. The number distributions of all ions are nearly independent of the electric field. The water coordination numbers of all ions are smaller in the crystal than in aqueous bulk solution; however, the reverse is found for the Cl coordination numbers of cations. Both the water and the Cl coordination numbers are insensitive to the electric field. Ion diffusivities in the crystal are ∼2 orders of magnitude smaller than those in aqueous bulk solution. The drift velocities of ions increase proportionally to the electric field, particularly at high strengths, and depend on ionic charge and coordination with oppositely charged ions. Electrical current exhibits a linear relationship with the field strength. The zero-field electrical conductivity is estimated to be 0.56 S/m, which is very close to 0.61 S/m as predicted by the Nernst-Einstein equation.  相似文献   

Drug resistance in gram-negative bacteria may be conferred via efflux through a tripartite complex of an inner membrane pump, an outer membrane pore, and a periplasmic adaptor protein. These are AcrB, TolC, and AcrA, respectively, in Escherichia coli. In Pseudomonas aerugonisa, their homologs are MexB, OprM, and MexA. Defining the interdomain dynamics of the adaptor protein is essential to understanding the mechanism of complex formation. Extended (25 ns) molecular dynamics simulations of MexA have been performed to determine such interdomain dynamics. Analysis of conformational drift demonstrates substantial motions of the three domains of MexA relative to one another. Principal components analysis reveals a hinge-bending motion and rotation of the alpha-helical hairpin relative to the other domains to be the two dominant motions. These two motions provide an element of considerable flexibility which is likely to be exploited in the adaptor function of MexA.  相似文献   

It was recently shown that thymine dimers in the all-thymine oligonucleotide (dT)18 are fully formed in <1 ps after ultraviolet excitation. The speed and low quantum yield of this reaction suggest that only a small fraction of the conformers of this structurally disordered oligonucleotide are in a position to react at the instant of photon absorption. In this work, we explore the hypothesis that conventional molecular dynamics simulations can be used to predict the yield of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in DNA. Conformations obtained from simulations of thymidylyl-(3′-5′)-thymidine in various cosolvents were classified as dimerizable or nondimerizable depending on the distance between the C5-C6 double bonds of the adjacent thymine bases and the torsion angle between them. The quantum yield of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation was calculated as the number of dimerizable conformations divided by the total number of conformations. The experimental quantum yields measured in the different solvents were satisfactorily reproduced using physically reasonable values for the two parameters. The mean dimerizable structure computed by averaging all of the dimerizable cis-syn conformations is structurally similar to the actual cis-syn dimer. Compared to the canonical B-form TT step, the most important structural property of a dimerizable conformation is its reduced helical twist angle of 22°.  相似文献   

Proteins are held together in the native state by hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds and interactions with the surrounding water, whose strength as well as spatial and temporal distribution affects protein flexibility and hence function. We study these effects using 10 ns molecular dynamics simulations of pure water and of two proteins, the glutamate receptor ligand binding domain and barnase. We find that most of the noncovalent interactions flicker on and off over typically nanoseconds, and so we can obtain good statistics from the molecular dynamics simulations. Based on this information, a topological network of rigid bonds corresponding to a protein structure with covalent and noncovalent bonds is constructed, with account being taken of the influence of the flickering hydrogen bonds. We define the duty cycle for the noncovalent interactions as the percentage of time a given interaction is present, which we use as an input to investigate flexibility/rigidity patterns, in the algorithm FIRST which constructs and analyses topological networks.  相似文献   

The flavivirus membrane fusion is triggered by the acid pH of the endosomes after virus endocytosis. The proposed mechanism involves changes in the protonation state of conserved histidine residues of the E protein present in the viral surface that undergoes a series of structural rearrangements that result in the fusion between the endosome and viral bilayers. We studied the pH dependence of E protein rearrangements of dengue virus type 2, used as a model, in the pH range experimented by the virus along the fusion process. We employed a low computational cost scheme to explore the behavior of the E protein by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of complete systems that include the protein, the solvent, and ions. The procedure alternates cyclically the update of the ionization states of the protein residues with common MD steps applied to the new ionization configuration. Important pH-dependent protein structure rearrangements consistent with the changes of the protonation states of conserved histidine residues were observed. The involvement of other conserved residues in the flavivirus in the rearrangements was also identified. The results show interesting correlations with a proposed model for the fusion mechanism, as well as the experimentally identified key residues, contributing to a better understanding of the structural changes in protein E that lead to the fusion process.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of opsin in the ligand-free and the G-protein-interacting states showed two inter-helical openings between transmembrane (TM) helices TM1 and TM7 and between TM5 and TM6 near the extracellular side that were thought to serve as the retinal uptake and release gates. However, it is unclear which opening is for 11-cis-retinal uptake or all-trans-retinal release although speculations have been proposed based on the structural features of opsin and retinal. In this work, we simulated the exit process of all-trans-retinal from the ligand-free opsin structure by the classical molecular dynamics (MD) and random acceleration molecular dynamics (RAMD). In the 64 ns classical MD simulation, retinal remained in the receptor but moved significantly toward the TM5-TM6 opening and almost inserted into the opening after 50 ns. Complete exit was observed in 114 out of 160 RAMD trajectories with the TM5-TM6 opening being the predominant egress gate while egress from the TM1-TM7 opening was observed in only a few trajectories when relatively large acceleration was applied and large structural alteration of the protein resulted. These results suggest that photolyzed all-trans-retinal is likely released through the TM5-TM6 opening. Based on the unidirectional mechanism of retinal exchange suggested by experiment, we speculate that the TM1-TM7 opening serves as the 11-cis-retinal uptake gate. The spatial occupancy maps of retinal computed from the 160 RAMD trajectories further indicated that retinal experienced significant interactions with the receptor during the exit process. The implications of these findings for disease mechanisms of rhodopsin mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

The non-Boltzmann Bennett (NBB) free energy estimator method is applied to 21 molecules from the blind subset of the SAMPL4 challenge. When NBB is applied with the SMD implicit solvent model, and the OLYP/DZP level of quantum chemistry, highly accurate hydration free energy calculations are obtained with respect to experiment (RMSD = 0.89 kcal·mol−1). Other quantum chemical methods are also tested, and the effects of solvent model, density functional, basis set are explored in this benchmarking study, providing a framework for improvements in calculating hydration free energies. We provide a practical guide for using the best QM-NBB protocols that are consistently more accurate than either pure QM or pure MM alone. In situations where high accuracy hydration free energy predictions are needed, the QM-NBB method with SMD implicit solvent should be the first choice of quantum chemists.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins from Gram-negative bacteria possess a common architecture, comprised of two domains linked by a hinge region, a fold which they share with the neurotransmitter-binding domains of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs). Glutamine-binding protein (GlnBP) is one such protein, whose crystal structure has been solved in both open and closed forms. Multi-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations have been used to explore motions about the hinge region and how they are altered by ligand binding. Glutamine binding is seen to significantly reduce inter-domain motions about the hinge region. Essential dynamics analysis of inter-domain motion revealed the presence of both hinge-bending and twisting motions, as has been reported for a related sugar-binding protein. Significantly, the influence of the ligand on GlnBP dynamics is similar to that previously observed in simulations of rat glutamate receptor (GluR2) ligand-binding domain. The essential dynamics analysis of GlnBP also revealed a third class of motion which suggests a mechanism for signal transmission in GluRs.  相似文献   

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