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Aim To compare the evolutionary and ecological patterns of two extensively studied island biotas with differing geological histories (the Hawaiian Islands and the Greater Antilles). We evaluated the results from PACT (phylogenetic analysis for comparing trees), an innovative approach that has been proposed to reveal general patterns of biotic expansion (between regions) and in situ (within a region) diversification, as well as species–area relationships (SAR) and the taxon pulse dynamic. Location The Hawaiian Islands and Greater Antilles. Methods We used the PACT algorithm to construct general area cladograms and identified biotic expansion and in situ nodes. We analysed the power‐law SAR and relative contribution of biotic expansion and in situ diversification events using power‐law and linear regression analyses. Results Both biotic expansion and in situ nodes were prevalent throughout the PACT general area cladograms (Greater Antilles, 55.9% biotic expansion, 44.1% in situ; Hawaiian Islands, 40.6% biotic expansion, 59.4% in situ). Of the biotic expansion events, both forward and backward events occurred in both regions (Greater Antilles, 85.1% forward, 14.9% backward; Hawaiian Islands, 65% forward, 35% backward). Additionally, there is a power‐law SAR for the Greater Antilles but not for the Hawaiian Islands. However, exclusion of Hawai'i (the youngest, largest Hawaiian Island) produced a power‐law SAR for the Hawaiian Islands. Main conclusions The prevalence of in situ events as well as forward and backward biotic expansion events reveals that both Hawaiian and Greater Antillean biotas have evolved through alternating episodes of biotic expansion and in situ diversification. These patterns are characteristic of the taxon pulse dynamic, for which few data have previously been recorded on islands. Additionally, our analysis revealed that historical influences on the power‐law SARs are pronounced in both assemblages: old, small islands are relatively species rich and young, large islands are relatively species poor. Thus, our PACT results are consistent with hypotheses of geological influence on the evolution of island biotas and also provide greater insight into the role of the taxon pulse dynamic in the formation of island equilibria.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The vascular‐plant flora of the Hawaiian Islands is characterized by one of the highest rates of species endemism in the world. Among flowering plants, approximately 89% of species are endemic, and among pteridophytes, about 76% are endemic. At the single‐island level, however, rates of species endemism vary dramatically between these two groups with 80% of angiosperms and only 6% of pteridophytes being single‐island endemics. Thus, in many groups of Hawaiian angiosperms, it is possible to link studies of phylogeny, evolution, and biogeographic history at the interspecific and interisland levels. In contrast, the low level of single‐island species endemism among Hawaiian pteridophytes makes similar interspecific and interisland studies nearly impossible. Higher levels of interisland gene flow may account for the different levels of single‐island endemism in Hawaiian pteridophytes relative to angiosperms. The primary question we addressed in the present study was: Can we infer microevolutionary patterns and processes among populations within widespread species of Hawaiian pteridophytes wherein gene flow is probably common? To address this broad question, we conducted a population genetic study of the native Hawaiian colonizing species Odontosoria chinensis. Data from allozyme analyses allowed us to infer: (1) significant genetic differentiation among populations from different islands; (2) historical patterns of dispersal between particular pairs of islands; (3) archipelago‐level patterns of dispersal and colonization; (4) founder effects among populations on the youngest island of Hawaii; and, (5) that this species primarily reproduces via outcrossing, but may possess a mixed‐mating system.  相似文献   

Aim Although the ability to fly confers benefits to most insects, some taxa have become secondarily flightless. Insect flightlessness may be more likely to evolve in environments such as islands and other windswept and alpine areas, but this prediction has rarely been tested while controlling for phylogenetic effects. Here we present a phylogeny for the endemic Hawaiian Lepidoptera genus Thyrocopa, which has two flightless species that occur in alpine areas on Maui and Hawaii islands, in order to determine whether the flightless species are sister to each other or represent separate losses of flight. We also explore divergence times and biogeographic patterns of inter‐island colonization in Thyrocopa, and present the first Hawaiian study to sample a genus from nine islands. Location The Hawaiian Islands. Methods The phylogeny is composed of 70 individuals (including 23 Thyrocopa species and 7 outgroup species) sequenced for portions of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, elongation factor 1α and wingless genes, for a total of 1964 base pairs, and was estimated using both parsimony (paup *) and Bayesian inference (Mr Bayes ). Divergence times were estimated using the beast software package. Results Our results indicate that two independent invasions of alpine habitats with concomitant loss of flight have occurred in Thyrocopa. Based on current taxon sampling, Thyrocopa colonized the Hawaiian Islands slightly before the formation of Kauai. In terms of overall patterns of diversification, subclades generally follow a progression from older to younger islands. The genus has the greatest number of species on Kauai, with species numbers generally decreasing with decreasing island age. Main conclusions Loss of flight ability has evolved twice in a short period of geological time in Thyrocopa, perhaps as a result of low temperatures, high winds and/or a lack of predation pressure. However, several other Thyrocopa species that live on small islands with consistently high winds, such as Necker and Nihoa islands, retain the ability to fly.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetic studies concerning island biogeography have been concentrated in a fraction of the numerous hot‐spot archipelagos contained within the Pacific Ocean. In this study we investigate relationships among island populations of the thomisid spider Misumenops rapaensis Berland, 1934 across the Austral Islands, a remote and rarely examined southern Pacific hot‐spot archipelago. We also assess the phylogenetic position of M. rapaensis in relation to thomisids distributed across multiple Polynesian archipelagos in order to evaluate the proposed hypothesis that thomisid spiders colonized Polynesia from multiple and opposing directions. The data allow an examination of genetic divergence and species accumulation in closely related lineages distributed across four Polynesian archipelagos. Location The study focused on four Polynesian hot‐spot archipelagos: the Austral, Hawaiian, Marquesan and Society islands. Methods Mitochondrial DNA sequences comprising c. 1400 bp (portions of cytochrome oxidase subunit I, ribosomal 16S and NADH dehydrogenase subunit I) were obtained from thomisid spiders (64 specimens, representing 33 species) collected in the Australs, the Hawaiian Islands, the Society Islands, the Marquesas, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand, New Caledonia and North and South America. Phylogenetic analyses using parsimony, maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian approaches were employed to resolve relationships of M. rapaensis to other Polynesian Misumenops and across the Austral Islands. Results Rather than grouping with other Misumenops spp. from the archipelagos of the Society Islands, Marquesas and Hawaiian Islands, M. rapaensis appears more closely related to Diaea spp. from Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand and New Caledonia. Phylogenetic analyses strongly support M. rapaensis as monophyletic across the Austral Islands. Misumenops rapaensis sampled from the two older islands (Rurutu and Tubuai) form reciprocally monophyletic groups, while individuals from the younger islands (Raivavae and Rapa) are paraphyletic. Across the Austral Islands, M. rapaensis exhibits a surprising level of genetic divergence (maximally 11.3%), an amount nearly equivalent to that found across the 16 examined Hawaiian species (14.0%). Main conclusions Although described as a single morphologically recognized species, our results suggest that M. rapaensis comprises multiple genetically distinct lineages restricted to different Austral Islands. Phylogenetic relationships among the island populations are consistent with sequential colonization of this lineage down the Austral archipelago toward younger islands. Analyses support the hypothesis that thomisid spiders colonized the central Pacific multiple times and suggest that M. rapaensis arrived in the Austral Islands from a westward direction, while Misumenops found in neighbouring archipelagos appear to be more closely related to New World congeners to the east. Finally, our data detect asymmetrical rates of morphological evolution and species diversification following colonization of four different Polynesian archipelagos.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian archipelago is often cited as the premier setting to study biological diversification, yet the evolution and phylogeography of much of its biota remain poorly understood. We investigated crab spiders (Thomisidae, Mecaphesa ) that demonstrate contradictory tendencies: (i) dramatic ecological diversity within the Hawaiian Islands, and (ii) accompanying widespread distribution of many species across the archipelago. We used mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data sampled across six islands to generate phylogenetic hypotheses for Mecaphesa species and populations, and included penalized likelihood molecular clock analyses to estimate arrival times on the different islands. We found that 17 of 18 Hawaiian Mecaphesa species were monophyletic and most closely related to thomisids from the Marquesas and Society Islands. Our results indicate that the Hawaiian species evolved from either one or two colonization events to the archipelago. Estimated divergence dates suggested that thomisids may have colonized the Hawaiian Islands as early as ~10 million years ago, but biogeographic analyses implied that the initial diversification of this group was restricted to the younger island of Oahu, followed by back-colonizations to older islands. Within the Hawaiian radiation, our data revealed several well-supported genetically distinct terminal clades corresponding to species previously delimited by morphological taxonomy. Many of these species are codistributed across multiple Hawaiian Islands and some exhibit genetic structure consistent with stepwise colonization of islands following their formation. These results indicate that dispersal has been sufficiently limited to allow extensive ecological diversification, yet frequent enough that interisland migration is more common than speciation.  相似文献   

The seven currently recognized species of Geranium endemic to the Hawaiian Islands are unusual in their shrubby or arborescent habit and unlobed, parallel-veined leaves rather than the palmately cleft or lobed leaves and herbaceous habit typical of the genus. Their placement within the genus and their biogeographic source have been obscured by this morphological distictiveness and the limited resolution of relationships on the basis of morphology in the very speciose subgenus Geranium. Phylogenetic analysis of rbcL gene sequences provides strong support for the monophyly of the Hawaiian group, and indicates that the Hawaiian clade is deeply nested within section Geranium rather than comprising a separate section. The continental relatives studied to date with the greatest similarity in sequence to the Hawaiian group are native to the Americas rather than Asia or the Pacific. The Hawaiian species are extremely similar to one another in rbcL sequence, while the tree topology obtained is consistent with a basal position for Geranium arboreum within the group.  相似文献   

Species occurring in unconnected, but similar habitats and under similar selection pressures often display strikingly comparable morphology, behaviour and life history. On island archipelagos where colonizations and extinctions are common, it is often difficult to separate whether similar traits are a result of in situ diversification or independent colonization without a phylogeny. Here, we use one of Hawaii's most ecologically diverse and explosive endemic species radiations, the Hawaiian fancy case caterpillar genus Hyposmocoma, to test whether in situ diversification resulted in convergence. Specifically, we examine whether similar species utilizing similar microhabitats independently developed largely congruent larval case phenotypes in lineages that are in comparable, but isolated environments. Larvae of these moths are found on all Hawaiian Islands and are characterized by an extraordinary array of ecomorphs and larval case morphology. We focus on the ‘purse cases’, a group that is largely specialized for living within rotting wood. Purse cases were considered a monophyletic group, because morphological, behavioural and ecological traits appeared to be shared among all members. We constructed a phylogeny based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from 38 Hyposmocoma species, including all 14 purse case species and 24 of non‐purse case congeners. Divergence time estimation suggests that purse case lineages evolved independently within dead wood and developed nearly identical case morphology twice: once on the distant Northwest Hawaiian Islands between 15.5 and 9 Ma and once on the younger main Hawaiian Islands around 3.0 Ma. Multiple ecomorphs are usually found on each island, and the ancestral ecomorph of Hyposmocoma appears to have lived on tree bark. Unlike most endemic Hawaiian radiations that follow a clear stepwise progression of colonization, purse case Hyposmocoma do not follow a pattern of colonization from older to younger island. We postulate that the diversity of microhabitats and selection from parasitism/predation from endemic predators may have shaped case architecture in this extraordinary endemic radiation of Hawaiian insects.  相似文献   

Island systems are important models for evolutionary biology because they provide convenient, discrete biogeographic units of study. Continental islands with a history of intermittent dry land connections confound the discrete definitions of islands and have led zoologists to predict (i) little differentiation of terrestrial organisms among continental shelf islands and (ii) extinction, rather than speciation, to be the main cause of differences in community composition among islands. However, few continental island systems have been subjected to well‐sampled phylogeographic studies, leaving these biogeographic assumptions of connectivity largely untested. We analysed nine unlinked loci from shrews of the genus Crocidura from seven mountains and two lowland localities on the Sundaic continental shelf islands of Sumatra and Java. Coalescent species delimitation strongly supported all currently recognized Crocidura species from Sumatra (six species) and Java (five species), as well as one undescribed species endemic to each island. We find that nearly all species of Crocidura in the region are endemic to a single island and several of these have their closest relative(s) on the same island. Intra‐island genetic divergence among allopatric, conspecific populations is often substantial, perhaps indicating species‐level diversity remains underestimated. One recent (Pleistocene) speciation event generated two morphologically distinct, syntopic species on Java, further highlighting the prevalence of within‐island diversification. Our results suggest that both between‐ and within‐island speciation processes generated local endemism in Sundaland, supplementing the traditional view that the region's fauna is relictual and primarily governed by extinction.  相似文献   

Analysis of biogeographic affinities is a key tool to establish and improve the resolution of hierarchical biogeographic systems. We describe patterns of species richness of the marine macroalgal flora across Lusitanian Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, the Salvage Islands and the Canary Islands), and test (i) whether such differences are related to differences in proximity to the nearest continental shore and size among islands. We also explore biogeographic affinities in the composition of macroalgal assemblages (= presence/absence of each taxon in multivariate datasets) to determine (ii) whether each archipelago is a biogeographic unit within this ecoregion and (iii) whether patterns in assemblage composition are related to proximity (i.e. distances) among islands. Presence/absence matrices were created to test and visualize multivariate affinities among archipelagos. A total of 872 taxa were compiled. Species richness peaked at the Canary Islands and decreased towards the Azores; the pattern matched a progressive increase in distance from the nearest continental shores, matching the classical island biogeography theory. Intra-archipelago differences in species richness were largely related to variations in island size. Biogeographic similarities among archipelagos were hierarchically structured. Madeira and the Salvage Islands constituted one biogeographic unit. Floras from the Azores, Madeira and the Salvage Islands were barely separable from each other, but were different from those at the Canary Islands. Such biogeographic similarities among islands were negatively correlated with the geographical separation (i.e. distances) among them. Proximity to nearby continental shores, in conjunction with large- and meso-scale oceanographic patterns, seems to interact to create patterns in richness and composition of algal assemblages across Lusitanian Macaronesia.  相似文献   

Although temperate cave‐adapted fauna may evolve as a result of climatic change, tropical cave dwellers probably colonize caves through adaptive shifts to exploit new resources. The founding populations may have traits that make colonization of underground spaces even more likely. To investigate the process of cave adaptation and the number of times that flightlessness has evolved in a group of reportedly flightless Hawaiian cave moths, we tested the flight ability of 54 Schrankia individuals from seven caves on two islands. Several caves on one island were sampled because separate caves could have been colonized by underground connections after flightlessness had already evolved. A phylogeny based on approximately 1500 bp of mtDNA and nDNA showed that Schrankia howarthi sp. nov. invaded caves on two islands, Maui and Hawaii. Cave‐adapted adults are not consistently flightless but instead are polymorphic for flight ability. Although the new species appears well suited to underground living, some individuals were found living above ground as well. These individuals, which are capable of flight, suggest that this normally cave‐limited species is able to colonize other, geographically separated caves via above‐ground dispersal. This is the first example of an apparently cave‐adapted species that occurs in caves on two separate Hawaiian islands. A revision of the other Hawaiian Schrankia is presented, revealing that Schrankia simplex, Schrankia oxygramma, Schrankia sarothrura, and Schrankia arrhecta are all junior synonyms of Schrankia altivolans. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 114–139.  相似文献   

Aim To determine if Kōko Seamount submerged below sea level before Kure Island and Pearl and Hermes Reef formed, resulting in a period in which there were no extant islands. A period with no islands would eliminate prior terrestrial and shallow marine biotas that could migrate from island to island and require a restart of colonization from distant shores to populate the younger islands of the Hawaiian volcanic chain. Location Emperor Seamount Chain, north‐central Pacific Ocean. Methods We estimate subsidence rates for Kōko Seamount using ages determined from fossil large foraminifera and Sr‐isotopes, and maximum depths using palaeodepth estimates based on coralline algae. These data are combined with palaeolatitude changes as the Pacific Plate moved northwards, sea level variations, and sea surface temperature variations at the seamount through time to reconstruct the time and causes of submergence. Results Rounded carbonate clasts include three facies: zooxanthelate corals, bioclastic packstones to rudstones, and rhodolith floatstones. Two rudstones contain relatively deep‐water, coralline algal rhodoliths and large foraminifera indicative of Aquitanian (20.4–20 Ma) and Burdigalian (20–16 Ma) stages of the Early Miocene, consistent with Sr‐isotope ages of algae and one sample of large foraminifera. Corals grew on Kōko Seamount from c. 50 to 27.1 ± 0.4 Ma, the youngest Sr‐isotope age of a coral sample. These shallow, warm‐water coral reefs came under increasing stress as the volcano subsided at 0.012 ± 0.003 mm yr?1, and migrated northwards, and as global climate cooled. The summit submerged and shallow coral reef growth ceased before 29 Ma, probably around 33 Ma. The volcano continued its slow subsidence, and deep‐water carbonates accumulated until they too were unable to keep pace, dying out at c. 16 Ma. Main conclusions The final submergence of the summit of Kōko Seamount by about 33 Ma confirms that biota on older Hawaiian–Emperor Islands could not have migrated from island to island along the entire chain to eventually colonize the present Hawaiian Islands. There was a period between at least 33 and 29 Ma in which no islands existed, and distant colonization had to repopulate the younger portion of the Hawaiian chain, which began to emerge between about 29 and 23 Ma.  相似文献   

Aim Provide an empirical test of the ‘radiation zone’ hypothesis of the MacArthur–Wilson theory of island biogeography using the taxon‐pulse hypothesis of Erwin and Brooks Parsimony Analysis (BPA) on Simulium (Inseliellum) Rubstov. Location Micronesia, Cook Islands, Austral Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Fiji and New Caledonia. Methods Primary and secondary BPA of the phylogeny of Inseliellum. Results Primary BPA showed that 15% of the taxon area cladogram contained area reticulations. Secondary BPA (invoking the area duplication convention) generated a clear sequence of dispersal for Inseliellum. The sequence follows a Micronesia – Cook Islands – Marquesas Islands – Society Islands dispersal, with a separate dispersal from the Cook Islands to the Austral Islands less than 1 Ma. A radiation in the island of Tahiti (Society Islands) produced numerous dispersals from Tahiti to other islands within the Society Islands system. Islands close to Tahiti (source island) have been colonized from Tahiti more often than islands far from Tahiti, but a higher proportion of those species colonizing distant islands have become distinct species. Main conclusions The dispersal sequence of Inseliellum exhibits both old to young island dispersal and young to old island dispersal. This is due to habitat availability on each island. Inseliellum is a model system in exemplifying the ‘radiation zone’ hypothesis of MacArthur and Wilson. As well, islands close to the source are colonized more often that those far from the source, but colonization of islands far away from the source results in a higher proportion of speciation events than for islands close to the source. The diversification of Inseliellum corresponds to a taxon‐pulse radiation, with a centre of diversification on Tahiti resulting from its large area and abundant freshwater habitats. This study illustrates the utility of BPA in identifying complex scenarios that can be used to test theories about the complementary roles of ecology and phylogeny in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Aim A detailed database of distributions and phylogenetic relationships of native Hawaiian flowering plant species is used to weigh the relative influences of environmental and historical factors on species numbers and endemism. Location The Hawaiian Islands are isolated in the North Pacific Ocean nearly 4000 km from the nearest continent and nearly as distant from the closest high islands, the Marquesas. The range of island sizes, environments, and geological histories within an extremely isolated archipelago make the Hawaiian Islands an ideal system in which to study spatial variation in species distributions and diversity. Because the biota is derived from colonization followed by extensive speciation, the role of evolution in shaping the regional species assemblage can be readily examined. Methods For whole islands and regions of each major habitat, species–area relationships were assessed. Residuals of species–area relationships were subjected to correlation analysis with measures of endemism, isolation, elevation and island age. Putative groups of descendents of each colonist from outside the Hawaiian Islands were considered phylogenetic lineages whose distributions were included in analyses. Results The species–area relationship is a prominent pattern among islands and among regions of each given habitat. Species number in each case correlates positively with number of endemics, number of lineages and number of species per lineage. For mesic and wet habitat regions, island age is more influential than area on species numbers, with older islands having more species, more single‐island endemics, and higher species : lineage ratios than their areas alone would predict. Main conclusions Because species numbers and endemism are closely tied to speciation in the Hawaiian flora, particularly in the most species‐rich phylogenetic lineages, individual islands’ histories are central in shaping their biota. The Maui Nui complex of islands (Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i and Kaho‘olawe), which formed a single large landmass during most of its history, is best viewed in terms of either the age or area of the complex as a whole, rather than the individual islands existing today.  相似文献   

Aim To understand factors that facilitate insular colonization by black flies, we tested six hypotheses related to life‐history traits, phylogeny, symbiotes, island area, and distance from source areas. Location Four northern islands, all within 150 km of the North American mainland, were included in the study: Isle Royale, Magdalen Islands, Prince Edward Island, and Queen Charlotte Islands. Methods Immature black flies and their symbiotes were surveyed in streams on the Magdalen Islands, and the results combined with data from similar surveys on Isle Royale, Prince Edward Island, and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Black flies were analysed chromosomally to ensure that all sibling species were revealed. Tests of independence were used to examine the frequency of life‐history traits and generic representation of black flies on islands vs. source areas. Results A total of 13–20 species was found on each of the islands, but no species was unique to any of the islands. The simuliid faunas of the islands reflected the composition of their source areas in aspects of voltinism (univoltine vs. multivoltine), blood feeding (ornithophily vs. mammalophily), and phylogeny (genus Simulium vs. other genera). Five symbiotic species were found on the most distant island group, the Magdalen Islands, supporting the hypothesis that obligate symbiotes are effectively transported to near‐mainland islands. An inverse relationship existed between the number of species per island and distance from the source. The Queen Charlotte Islands did not conform to the species–area relationship. Main conclusions The lack of precinctive insular species and an absence of life‐history and phylogenetic characteristics related to the presence of black flies on these islands argue for gene flow and dispersal capabilities of black flies over open waters, possibly aided by winds. However, the high frequency of precinctive species on islands 500 km or more from the nearest mainland indicates that at some distance beyond 100 km, open water provides a significant barrier to colonization and gene exchange. An inverse relationship between number of species and distance from the source suggests that as long as suitable habitat is present, distance plays an important role in colonization. Failure of the Queen Charlotte Islands to conform to an area–richness trend suggests that not all resident species have been found.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are recognized as a primary driver of large‐scale changes in global ecosystems. This study addresses ecomorphological variation in head size within and among populations of an ecologically destructive invasive predator, and evaluates the potential roles of environmental components in phenotypic differentiation. We used four size‐corrected measurements of head morphology in Jackson's chameleons, Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus (= 319), collected from multiple Hawaiian Islands to assess phenotypic variation among and within islands. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing chameleon head size (PC1) among islands revealed significant differences (mean difference > 5%) associated with variation in both rainfall and diet composition using Mann–Whitney U‐tests and chi‐squared analyses. These results suggest that morphological differentiation among populations from different islands has occurred over a relatively short ecological timescale, and is likely the result of ecomorphological adaptation to differences in exploited prey hardness. Intra‐island allopatric population variation, however, was also detected in this study. Although we might expect that genetic change is the more likely explanation for differences between islands than within, and that plasticity may be more likely an explanation for the within‐ than the between‐island differences, it is also possible that both within‐ and between‐island patterns are the results of genetic change, or of plasticity.  相似文献   



Here I review phylogenetic studies concerning the biogeography of the Marquesas Islands, an oceanic hotspot archipelago in the Pacific Ocean formed <5.5 Ma, and compare patterns (particularly pertaining to colonization and diversification) within the archipelago to those reported from the Hawaiian and Society Islands.


Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia (Pacific Ocean).


I reviewed 37 phylogenetic studies incorporating Marquesas‐endemic taxa. I asked the following questions: (a) where are the sister‐groups of Marquesas lineages distributed? (b) are Marquesas‐endemic “radiations” monophyletic or polyphyletic? (c) what major between‐island phylogeographic barriers are seen in the Marquesas? (d) what evidence exists for diversification within islands? (e) how old is the Marquesas biota compared to the archipelago's age? Finally, these patterns are compared with those seen in the Society Islands and Hawaii.


Most Marquesan lineages have their closest known relatives on other Pacific plate archipelagos (particularly the Society, Hawaiian, and Austral islands). Most Marquesas‐endemic radiations are found to be monophyletic, and among‐island diversification appears to be common. There is limited evidence for within‐island diversification. Some radiations may be consistent with a weak progression rule in which younger lineages are on younger islands. Crown ages of no Marquesas radiations appear to be older than the age of the archipelago (with one exception).

Main conclusions

Diversification of the Marquesas biota resembles that of the Hawaiian Islands more than that of the Society Islands. Many radiations are monophyletic and some appear to diversify in parallel with the formation of the archipelago.

The tremendous diversity of endemic Hawaiian crickets is thought to have originated primarily through intraisland radiations, in contrast to an interisland mode of diversification in the native Hawaiian Drosophila. The Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala (family Gryllidae) is one of several native genera of flightless crickets found in rain-forest habitat across the Hawaiian archipelago. I examined the phylogenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences sampled from 17 species of Laupala, including the 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (RNA)val and 16S rRNA regions. The distribution of mtDNA variants suggests that species within Laupala are endemic to single islands. The phylogenetic estimate produced from both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony supports the hypothesis that speciation in Laupala occurred mainly within islands. The inferred biogeographical history suggests that diversification in Laupala began on Kauai, the oldest rain-forested Hawaiian island. Subsequently, colonization to younger islands in the archipelago resulted in a radiation of considerable phylogenetic diversity. Phylogenetic patterns in mtDNA are not congruent with prior systematic or taxonomic hypotheses. Hypotheses that may explain the conflict between the phylogenetic patterns of mtDNA variation and the species taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic and morphometric variation was examined in eleven island populations of the horse‐shoe bat, Rhinolophus affinis, at the easterly end of this widespread species’ range and encompassing the Australian–Oriental biogeographic interface. Allozyme variation revealed mean heterozygosity levels within islands of 0.047, which is near the mammalian average. However, heterozygosity tended to decline from west to east as populations approached the periphery of the species’ distribution, and was lowest in those islands that were separated by the greatest sea‐crossing from source populations. There is extensive between‐island genetic differentiation (mean FST = 0.40) and relationships between islands are associated with their arrangement in geographical space; genetic distance is correlated with geographical distance and the genetic arrangement of islands is associated with longitude. The arrangement of islands as indicated by variation in body and skull metrics is also associated with their geographical positions, and the metric and genetic measures are themselves associated. While other taxa in the region have shown genetic‐geographical concordances, R. affinis is the only one that displays concordant patterns in metrical features. These patterns in biological diversity are interpreted as arising from the sequential island population structure and clines in key biogeographic gradients.  相似文献   

Galapagos giant tortoises (Chelonoidis spp.) are a group of large, long-lived reptiles that includes 14 species, 11 of which are extant and threatened by human activities and introductions of non-native species. Here, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of all extant and two extinct species (Chelonoidis abingdonii from the island of Pinta and Chelonoidis niger from the island of Floreana) using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis of complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genomes. We also provide an updated phylogeographic scenario of their colonization of the Galapagos Islands using chrono-phylogenetic and biogeographic approaches. The resulting phylogenetic trees show three major groups of species: one from the southern, central, and western Galapagos Islands; the second from the northwestern islands; and the third group from the northern, central, and eastern Galapagos Islands. The time-calibrated phylogenetic and ancestral area reconstructions generally align with the geologic ages of the islands. The divergence of the Galapagos giant tortoises from their South American ancestor likely occurred in the upper Miocene. Their diversification on the Galapagos adheres to the island progression rule, starting in the Pleistocene with the dispersal of the ancestral form from the two oldest islands (San Cristóbal and Española) to Santa Cruz, Santiago, and Pinta, followed by multiple colonizations from different sources within the archipelago. Our work provides an example of how to reconstruct the history of endangered taxa in spite of extinctions and human-mediated dispersal events and provides a framework for evaluating the contribution of colonization and in situ speciation to the diversity of other Galapagos lineages.  相似文献   

We analyzed long-term winter survey data (1956–2007) for three endangered waterbirds endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, the Hawaiian moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis), Hawaiian coot (Fulica alai), and Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni). Time series were analyzed by species–island combinations using generalized additive models, with alternative models compared using Akaike information criterion (AIC). The best model included three smoothers, one for each species. Our analyses show that all three of the endangered Hawaiian waterbirds have increased in population size over the past three decades. The Hawaiian moorhen increase has been slower in more recent years than earlier in the survey period, but Hawaiian coot and stilt numbers still exhibit steep increases. The patterns of population size increase also varied by island, although this effect was less influential than that between species. In contrast to earlier studies, we found no evidence that rainfall affects counts of the target species. Significant population increases were found on islands where most wetland protection has occurred (Oahu, Kauai), while weak or no increases were found on islands with few wetlands or less protection (Hawaii, Maui). Increased protection and management, especially on Maui where potential is greatest, would likely result in continued population gains, increasing the potential for meeting population recovery goals.  相似文献   

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