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Caprines include all bovids related to sheep and goat. The composition of the group is controversial and inter-generic relationships have been widely debated. Here, we analysed 2469 characters draw from three distinct molecular markers, i.e. two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA) and one nuclear fragment (exon 4 of the κ -casein gene). The taxonomic sampling includes all genera putatively described as caprines, as well as several other bovid genera in order to elucidate the position of caprines within the family Bovidae, and to determine the exact composition of the group. Phylogenetic analyses confirm firstly that Pseudoryx and Saiga do not belong to caprines, and secondly, that all tribes classically defined in the literature are not monophyletic, supporting the inclusion of all caprine species into a unique enlarged tribe Caprini sensu lato . Our results are in contradiction with previous investigations suggesting a sister-group relationship between Ovis (sheep and mouflons) and Budorcas (takins). By using a molecular calibration point at 18.5 Mya for the first appearance of bovids, we estimated divergence times with our molecular data. We also performed biogeographic inferences to better understand the origin and diversification of caprines during the Neogene. Our analyses suggest that caprines shared a common ancestor with Alcelaphini and Hippotragini in the middle-late Miocene (13.37 ± 0.70 Mya). Our results also indicate that the extant generic diversity of caprines resulted from a rapid adaptive radiation during the late Miocene, at 10.96 ± 0.73 Mya. We propose that this adaptive radiation resulted from the acquisition of reduced metacarpals, a key innovation which occurred during the late Miocene as a consequence of insularity isolation in the mountainous mega-archipelago between Mediterranean and Paratethys Seas.  相似文献   

王雪芹  宋卫武  马飞龙  高文静  赵妍 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1805-1813
该研究利用GenBank数据库已公开发表的玄参科及相关类群的107属129个物种的质体基因组数据对广义玄参科的系统发育关系进行了分析。该文利用蛋白质编码基因构建了矩阵,并采用最大似然法及贝叶斯推断重建系统发育树。基于两种分析方法获得的系统发育树的拓扑结构完全一致且分辨率及支持率较高。在ML树中,总分支数为129个,其中支持率≥70%的分支数目为123个。结果表明:(1)广义玄参科不是一个单系类群,隶属于广义玄参科的51个物种(37属)分散于列当科、泡桐科、美丽桐科、通泉草科、母草科、狭义玄参科和车前科。(2)狭义玄参科为单系类群,除原隶属于广义玄参科的Bontia、Calamphoreus、Diocirea、Eremophila、Glycocystis、Leucophyllum、玄参属和毛蕊花属外,还包括了原隶属于马钱科的醉鱼草属和原隶属于苦槛蓝科的苦槛蓝属。(3)唇形目为一个单系,目下共形成了14个支持率高的单系分支,对应于14个科(其中美丽桐科和胡麻科仅包括一个物种,不包括在内),科间关系得到较好的解决,木犀科为最早分化出来的类群,其余的类群共同组成核心唇形目。在核心唇形目中,类群...  相似文献   

轮叶蒲桃(Syzygium grijsii)系桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)蒲桃属(Syzygium)常绿灌木,其开发前景较好,但其叶绿体基因组特征及系统发育关系尚未有相关报道。为弥补轮叶蒲桃基因组学方面的空缺,该文对轮叶蒲桃的叶绿体基因组进行了系统的研究。运用Illumina高通量测序,并在GetOrganelle平台进行完整组装,同时利用组装好的数据分析轮叶蒲桃叶绿体基因组的结构特征和系统发育关系,其中包括轮叶蒲桃叶绿体基因组结构、功能及特征、密码子偏好性分析、叶绿体基因组的比较分析和系统发育的分析。结果表明:(1)轮叶蒲桃叶绿体基因组大小为158 591 bp,包含129个基因。其中,rRNA基因8个,tRNA基因37个,蛋白编码基因84个。分析检测到39个重复序列和84个SSR位点。(2)密码子偏好性分析发现轮叶蒲桃叶绿体基因组中末端存在对A/U的偏性,使用最多的是编码亮氨酸的密码子。(3)与近缘种比较,轮叶蒲桃的边界长度保守,边界处的基因种类与多个蒲桃属物种相似;轮叶蒲桃叶绿体基因组在LSC和SSC区变异度较大,有45处0.010i<0....  相似文献   

We first report the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of Fritillaria taipaiensis and determine its characteristics, sequence divergence and phylogenetic relationships by comparing it with complete cp genomes of Liliaceae s.l. (including e.g. Nartheciaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Asparagaceae) species obtained from NCBI Genbank. We show that the ycf1, ycf15 and infA genes have become pseudogenes or are lost in some of the seventeen Liliaceae species, and that dispersed repeats are prevailing among the four types of repeats (dispersed, palindromic, complement and tandem repeats). The number of simple sequence repeats ranged from 53 to 84 in the seventeen species, with mononucleotide repeats being the most abundant, followed by dinucleotides. A total of nine genes with positive selection sites were identified (atpB, atpE, ndhF, ndhH, petB, rpl2, rpl20, rpl22 and ycf2). Furthermore, we examined 19 mutational hotspot regions, including three coding regions (rps16, infA and rpl22) and sixteen non-coding regions. A phylogenetic analysis of the complete cp genomes and protein-coding sequences showed that Fritillaria is most closely related to Lilium. Moreover, Asparagus and Polygonatum, Hosta and Yucca are closely related to the Liliaceae. These results will contribute to further study of evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic relationships in Liliaceae s.l.  相似文献   

四合木(Tetraena mongolica)是我国特有的蒺藜科(Zygophyllaceae)强旱生小灌木,因其起源古老、抗逆性强,所以可作为生物多样性起源和环境演变研究的理想对象,具有重要的学术研究价值。本研究采用Illumina双末端测序技术对四合木叶绿体基因组进行建库测序和分析。选取蒺藜目及牻牛儿苗目共计30个物种叶绿体基因组,与四合木进行系统发育关系分析探讨。结果表明:四合木叶绿体基因组长度为106259bp,其中反向重复区(IR区中)有7种基因,包括4种PCG基因,3种tRNA基因。叶绿体基因组共编码98种基因,包括65种蛋白编码基因、29种tRNA基因与4种rRNA基因。生物信息学表明,在四合木中共搜到92个SSR位点,其中包括74个单核苷酸重复基序,7个二核苷酸重复基序,1个三核苷酸重复基序,9个四核苷酸重复基序和1个五核苷酸基序。没有发现六核苷酸,其中单核苷酸重复在四合木的叶绿体基因组SSR中占比为80.1%。通过MEGA软件采用近邻结合法(neighbor-joining,NJ)对四合木等31个物种的叶绿体基因组进行聚类分析,发现四合木与蒺藜科三齿拉雷亚灌木为最近的姐妹种,其次为牻牛儿苗科智利白桦植物亲缘关系较近,与牻牛儿苗科天竺葵属和牻牛儿苗科高桂花属亲缘关系最远,说明四合木属于蒺藜科物种,这对于四合木的研究等具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The aphid subfamily Hormaphidinae is a good candidate for the study of the evolution of insect – plant relationships. Most hormaphidine species depend on woody primary host plants and woody or herbaceous secondary host plants, and represent high host specificity, especially to their primary hosts. No detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae has been reported, and the taxonomic positions of some taxa in this group remain unclear. To reconstruct major phylogenetic relationships and to understand the evolution of host association patterns for major lineages, we present the first detailed molecular phylogeny of Hormaphidinae, as inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. The monophyly of Hormaphidinae and its three traditional tribes was supported, and a sister relationship between Hormaphidini and Nipponaphidini was suggested. Most inner relationships within tribes were also supported, and some novel relationships were revealed. Two subtribes of Cerataphidini are proposed. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian approach indicate that tribal diversifications occurred during the Late Cretaceous and were coincident with the appearance of their primary host plants. The current pattern of secondary host association for the three tribes may have evolved in different time ranges. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 73–87.  相似文献   

In order to construct a molecular phylogeny of Indonesian Dipterocarpoideae (Dipterocarpaceae), PCR-RFLP of the chloroplast regions rbcL, petB, psbA, psaA, and trnL-F was performed with seven restriction enzymes in 129 samples including 58 species from nine genera. In the strict consensus tree with Monotes kerstingii as outgroup Indonesian Dipterocarpaceae were divided into two major clades. One clade (bootstrap value=71) consisted of Upuna, Cotylelobium, Anisoptera, Vatica, Dipterocarpus (tribe Dipterocarpeae, bootstrap value=83) and Dryobalanops (tribe Shoreae, bootstrap value=99) in a basal position. The second clade consisted of Hopea, Parashorea, and Shorea (tribe Shoreae) with 95% bootstrap support. Tribe Dipterocarpeae is monophyletic, tribe Shoreae is polyphyletic since Dryobalanops is sister to tribe Dipterocarpeae. In the neighbour-joining tree the sister group position of Dryobalanops to tribe Dipterocarpeae is not supported by the bootstrap analysis. Alternatively, we used Upuna borneensis as outgroup. The effect of outgroup selection on tree topology, taxonomic classification and the interpretation of character evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Palaeoenvironments and former climates are typically inferred from pollen and macrofossil records. This approach is time-consuming and suffers from low taxonomic resolution and biased taxon sampling. Here, we test an alternative DNA-based approach utilizing the P6 loop in the chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron; a short (13–158 bp) and variable region with highly conserved flanking sequences. For taxonomic reference, a whole trnL intron sequence database was constructed from recently collected material of 842 species, representing all widespread and/or ecologically important taxa of the species-poor arctic flora. The P6 loop alone allowed identification of all families, most genera (>75%) and one-third of the species, thus providing much higher taxonomic resolution than pollen records. The suitability of the P6 loop for analysis of samples containing degraded ancient DNA from a mixture of species is demonstrated by high-throughput parallel pyrosequencing of permafrost-preserved DNA and reconstruction of two plant communities from the last glacial period. Our approach opens new possibilities for DNA-based assessment of ancient as well as modern biodiversity of many groups of organisms using environmental samples.  相似文献   

The complete sequenced genomes of chloroplast have provided much information on the origin and evolution of this organelle. In this paper we attempt to use these sequences to test a novel approach for phylogenetic analysis of complete genomes based on correlation analysis of compositional vectors. All protein sequences from 21 complete chloroplast genomes are analyzed in comparison with selected archaea, eubacteria, and eukaryotes. The distance-based analysis shows that the chloroplast genomes are most closely related to cyanobacteria, consistent with the endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts. The chloroplast genomes are separated to two major clades corresponding to chlorophytes (green plants) s.l. and rhodophytes (red algae) s.l. The interrelationships among the chloroplasts are largely in agreement with the current understanding on chloroplast evolution. For instance, the analysis places the chloroplasts of two chromophytes (Guillardia and Odontella) within the rhodophyte lineage, supporting secondary endosymbiosis as the source of these chloroplasts. The relationships among the green algae and land plants in our tree also agree with results from traditional phylogenetic analyses. Thus, this study establishes the value of our simple correlation analysis in elucidating the evolutionary relationships among genomes. It is hoped that this approach will provide insights on comparative genome analysis.  相似文献   

The genes for testis-specific protein Y (TSPY) were sequenced from chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), and baboon (Papio hamadryas). The sequences were compared with each other and with the published human sequence. Substitutions were detected at 144 of the 755 nucleotide positions compared. In overviewing five sequences, one deletion in human, four successive nucleotide insertions in orangutan, and seven deletions/insertions in baboon sequence were noted. The present sequences differed from that of human by 1.9% (chimpanzee), 4.0% (gorilla), 8.2% (orangutan), and 16.8% (baboon), respectively. The phylogenetic tree constructed by the neighbor-joining method suggests that human and chimpanzee are more closely related to each other than either of them is to gorilla, and this result is also supported by maximum likelihood and strict consensus maximum parsimony trees. The number of nucleotide substitutions per site between human and chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan for TSPY intron were 0.024, 0.048, and 0.094, respectively. The rates of nucleotide substitutions per site per year were higher in the TSPY intron than in the TSPY exon, and higher in the TSPY intron than in the ZFY (Zinc Finger Y) intron in human and apes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

刘菲  张大治  郑哲民 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):201-204
以昆虫mtDNA的Cytb基因作为分子遗传标记,用其特异性引物进行PCR扩增及DNA测序,共获得蜻蜓目束翅亚目色蟌科4属5种及1外群的Cytb基因部分序列(576bp),该片段中碱基T,C,A,G的平均含量分别为31.6,21.6,31.4和15.4%,A+T平均含量为63%,明显高于G+C含量(37%)。密码子第3位点的A+T平均含量较高,为66.4%。碱基替换多发生在密码子的第3位点。以巨齿尾溪蟌Bayadera melanopteryx作为外群构建系统发育树,结果显示,绿色蟌属Mnais和单脉色蟌属Matrona是单系群,绿色蟌属是单脉色属、细色蟌属Vestalis及艳色蟌属Neurobasis的姐妹群,是较早分化出来的一个类群。  相似文献   

Abstract More than 190 plastid genomes have been completely sequenced during the past two decades due to advances in DNA sequencing technologies. Based on this unprecedented abundance of data, extensive genomic changes have been revealed in the plastid genomes. Inversion is the most common mechanism that leads to gene order changes. Several inversion events have been recognized as informative phylogenetic markers, such as a 30‐kb inversion found in all living vascular plants minus lycopsids and two short inversions putatively shared by all ferns. Gene loss is a common event throughout plastid genome evolution. Many genes were independently lost or transferred to the nuclear genome in multiple plant lineages. The trnR‐CCG gene was lost in some clades of lycophytes, ferns, and seed plants, and all the ndh genes were absent in parasitic plants, gnetophytes, Pinaceae, and the Taiwan moth orchid. Certain parasitic plants have, in particular, lost plastid genes related to photosynthesis because of the relaxation of functional constraint. The dramatic growth of plastid genome sequences has also promoted the use of whole plastid sequences and genomic features to solve phylogenetic problems. Chloroplast phylogenomics has provided additional evidence for deep‐level phylogenetic relationships as well as increased phylogenetic resolutions at low taxonomic levels. However, chloroplast phylogenomics is still in its infant stage and rigorous analysis methodology has yet to be developed.  相似文献   

More than 190 plastid genomes have been completely sequenced during the past two decades due to advances in DNA sequencing technologies.Based on this unprecedented abundance of data,extensive genomic changes have been revealed in the plastid genomes.Inversion is the most common mechanism that leads to gene order changes.Several inversion events have been recognized as informative phylogenetic markers,such as a 30-kb inversion found in all living vascular plants minus lycopsids and two short inversions putat...  相似文献   

Native grasslands are one of the most endangered ecosystems in North America. In this study, we examined the ecological and evolutionary roles of endangered and threatened (e/t) grasses by establishing robust evolutionary relationships with other nonthreatened native and introduced grass species of the community. We hypothesized that the phylogenomic distribution of e/t species of grasses in Illinois would be phylogenetically clustered because closely related species would be vulnerable to the same threats and have similar requirements for survival. This study presents the first time a phylogeny based on complete plastome DNA of Poaceae was analyzed by phylogenetic diversity analysis. To avoid the disturbance of e/t populations, DNA was extracted from herbarium specimens. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) techniques were used to sequence DNA of plastid genomes (plastomes). The resulting phylogenomic tree was analyzed by phylogenetic diversity metrics. The extracted DNA successfully produced complete plastomes demonstrating that herbarium material is a practical source of DNA for genomic studies. The phylogenomic tree was strongly supported and defined Dichanthelium as a separate clade from Panicum. The phylogenetic metrics revealed phylogenetic clustering of e/t species, confirming our hypothesis.  相似文献   

The traditional knowledge in textbooks indicated that cephalochordates were the closest relatives to vertebrates among all extant organisms. However, this opinion was challenged by several recent phylogenetic studies using hundreds of nuclear genes. The researchers suggested that urochordates, but not cephalochordates, should be the closest living relatives to vertebrates. In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes). Our results firmly demonstrate that each of extant deuterostome phyla and chordate subphyla is monophyletic. But the results present several alternative phylogenetic trees depending on different sequence datasets used in the analysis. Although no clear phylogenetic relationships are obtained, those trees indicate that the ancient common ancestor diversified rapidly soon after their appearance in the early Cambrian and generated all major deuterostome lineages during a short historical period, which is consistent with "Cambrian explosion" revealed by paleontologists. It was the 520-million-year's evolution that obscured the phylogenetic relationships of extant deuterostomes. Thus, we conclude that an integrative analysis approach rather than simply using more DNA sequences should be employed to address the distant evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   

Ophichthidae fishes limit to continental shelf of all tropical and subtropical oceans and contain more than 350 species, representing the greatest specialization diversity in the order Anguiliformes. In the present study, we conducted a genome survey sequencing (GSS) analysis of Ophichthus evermanni by Illumina sequencing platform to briefly reveal its genomic characteristics and phylogenetic relationship. The first de novo assembled 1.97 Gb draft genome of O. evermanni was predicted based on K-mer analysis without obvious nucleotide bias. The heterozygosity ratio was 0.70%, and the sequence repeat ratio was calculated to be 43.30%. A total of 9016 putative coding genes were successfully predicted, in which 3587 unigenes were identified by gene ontology (GO) analysis and 4375 unigenes were classified into cluster of orthologous groups for enkaryotic complete genomes (KOG) functional categories. About 2,812,813 microsatellite motifs including mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexanucleotide motifs were identified, with an occurrence frequency of 23.32%. The most abundant type was dinucleotide repeat motifs, accounting for 49.19% of the total repeat types. The mitochondrial genome, as a byproduct of GSS, was assembled to investigate the evolutionary relationships between O. evermanni and its relatives. Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic tree inferring from concatenated 12 protein-coding genes (PCGs) showed complicated relationships among Ophichthidae species, indicating a polyphyletic origin of the family. The results would achieve more thorough genetic information of snake eels and provide a theoretical basis and reference for further genome-wide analysis of O. evermanni.  相似文献   

中国广义当归属及其相关类群的叶柄结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国38种广义当归属及其相关类群植物的叶柄进行了比较解剖学研究,考察了其横切面形状、髓腔的有无、周缘变化、厚角组织的形状和数目,以及维管束的数目和排列等基本特征,为该类群的分类鉴定和系统进化研究提供解剖学依据。结果表明:上述特征呈现出丰富的多样性和良好的种内稳定性,说明叶柄解剖学特征具有重要的分类学意义。综合上述特征,将广义当归属植物及其相关类群的叶柄划分为4个类型:中空环状类型(Ⅰ)、Φ形维管束型(Ⅱ)、U/V形维管束型(Ⅲ)、同心圆形维管束型(Ⅳ)。依据各类型的结构特点,认为该类群叶柄结构可能的演化关系为:实心叶柄是次生类型,中空环形叶柄(单轮环形维管束)相对原始,Φ形维管束型叶柄是过渡类型,而U/V形维管束型和同心圆形维管束型叶柄是相对高级的演化类型。  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome contains information that is applicable in many scientific fields, such as plant systematics, phylogenetic reconstruction and biotechnology, because its features are highly conserved among species. To date, several complete green algal chloroplast genomes have been sequenced and assembled. In this study, the nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) of Chlorella sorokiniana SAG 211-8k is reported and compared for the first time to the chloroplast genomes of 10 Chlorellaceae. The recently updated Chlorella sorokiniana cpDNA sequence, assembled as a circular map of 109?811 bp, encodes 113 genes. Similar to other Chlorella strains, this chloroplast genome does not show a quadripartite structure and lacks the large rRNA operon-encoding Inverted Repeat (IR). The Chlorella sorokiniana plastid encodes the tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase (tilS), which is responsible for modifying the CAU anticodon of a unique tRNA. Gene ordering and clustering highlight the close relationships among Chlorella clade members and the preservation of crucial gene clusters in photosynthetic strains. The features of Chlorella sorokiniana presented here reinforce the monophyletic character of Chlorellaceae and provide important information that sheds light on chloroplast genome evolution among species of Chlorella.  相似文献   

为研究和比较毛茛科和芍药科叶绿体基因组密码子使用模式和系统进化关系,以完成测序的毛茛科33种植物、芍药科7种植物叶绿体基因组为材料,采用分析软件CodonW在线软件CUSP和R软件对叶绿体基因进行密码子特征分析。用MAFFT软件,MEGA软件进行系统发育分析。研究结果表明芍药科植物叶绿体基因组和毛茛科植物(耧斗菜属除外)叶绿体基因组高频密码子一致性高,具有29个高频密码子,基本偏向与于A/U结尾,但最优密码子存在差异。毛茛科和芍药科叶绿体基因组密码子偏好性的形成因素主要受自然选择的影响,且芍药科叶绿体基因组密码子偏好性受自然选择的影响大于毛茛科。基于叶绿体基因组全序列和基于叶绿体基因组CDS序列的系统进化关系表明,芍药科基于叶绿体基因组全序列和基于叶绿体基因组CDS序列的系统进化关系虽然部分不同,但都可以被划分为芍药组和牡丹组。毛茛科基于叶绿体基因组的系统进化关系不符合中国植物志分类关系,但支持把毛茛科划分为4亚科14族。系统进化分析结果也支持芍药科独立于毛茛科和毛茛目,被划分到虎耳草目,同时证明了叶绿体基因组作为超级DNA条形码的可行性。  相似文献   

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