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The dietary compositions were determined for Acanthopagrus butcheri in four estuaries and a saline, coastal lake, which vary in the extent, if any, of their connection to the sea and amongst which, in spring and summer, their salinities ranged from 2 to 7‰ in an intermittently open estuary to >40‰ in a normally closed estuary. The dietary compositions of A. butcheri in each of the five water bodies were significantly different, which reflected differences in the abundance of different components of the biota in those systems. Biotic differences amongst water bodies thus accounted for the far larger contributions made to the volume of the stomach contents by the macroalgae Cladophora sp. in the Moore River Estuary on the lower west coast of Australia, by amphipods and decapods in the Swan River Estuary 85 km further south and by polychaetes in the landlocked Lake Clifton a further 85 km further south. The diet of A. butcheri in the Nornalup/Walpole Estuary on the south coast of Western Australia contained atypically large volumes of the seagrass Ruppia megacarpa and teleosts, whereas that in the normally closed Wellstead Estuary, 260 km to the east was characterised by large volumes of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha sp. and a tube‐dwelling amphipod. However, there is evidence that A. butcheri selects certain prey, when two or more of the typical prey of A. butcheri are present in the environment, and that it prefers to feed on or above the substratum, rather than within the substratum. The dietary composition of A. butcheri underwent pronounced ontogenetic changes in each water body, these being progressive in estuaries on the lower west coast and abrupt in those on the south coast. Within the upper Swan Estuary, the dietary composition changed in an upstream direction, reflecting changes in the relative abundance of certain benthic macroinvertebrate prey, but did not undergo conspicuous seasonal changes, which is consistent with the lack of any clear cut seasonal changes in the abundance of their major prey.  相似文献   

On Australia's south‐east coast, hybridization between estuary‐restricted black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri Munro and its migratory coastal congener yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) has led to estuarine populations largely composed of hybrids that are most genetically similar to A. butcheri. The fertilization success achieved when ova of estuary‐caught A. butcheri were fertilized with the cryogenically preserved sperm of either ocean‐caught A. australis or estuary‐caught A. butcheri‐like was compared. The experimental crosses, which by chance included both pure parental and hybrid bream, revealed no evidence that gametic incompatibility provides a barrier to fertilization among both pure species and their hybrids.  相似文献   

We have compared the species composition and diversity of the diets of black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri, in three normally closed estuaries on the central south coast of Western Australia, which vary markedly in the extents to which they become hypersaline during dry periods. Although black bream was caught seasonally in Stokes Inlet during this 3-year study, it was obtained from the Hamersley and Culham inlets only during the earlier seasons because salinities in those two estuaries subsequently rose to levels that caused massive mortalities of this sparid. Although a wide range of taxa, including macrophytes, polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans, insects and teleosts, were ingested by A. butcheri in each estuary, the frequencies of ingestion and volumetric dietary contributions of these taxa varied greatly among the fish in these three estuaries. Thus, for example, in comparison with other estuaries, relatively greater contributions were made to the diet by polychaetes and crustaceans in Stokes Inlet, by macrophytes in Hamersley Inlet, and by insects (mainly chironomid larvae) in Culham Inlet. The relatively greater contribution of teleosts to the diets of black bream in the Hamersley and Culham inlets than in Stokes Inlet, and also differences in the main teleost species ingested in the first two estuaries, are consistent with differences in the densities of fish overall and of the main fish species in those estuaries. The diversity of the diet was far greater in Stokes Inlet than in the other two far more variably saline estuaries, presumably reflecting a greater diversity of food. The dietary compositions of black bream in upstream pools in the tributary of Culham Inlet, which offer refuge when salinities increase markedly in the main body of the estuary, differ from those in those downstream regions, further emphasising the opportunistic nature of the feeding behaviour of black bream. The dietary compositions of black bream underwent size-related changes, but the taxa contributing most to those changes varied greatly among estuaries. Size-related changes would be particularly beneficial in reducing intraspecific competition for food in the two estuaries that vary greatly in salinity and would thus be likely to contain a less diverse range of prey.  相似文献   

This study examined the spatio‐temporal reproductive patterns, population structure, maturity and growth of Acanthopagrus hybrid complexes, which comprise mainly black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri and the hybrids they form with yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis, in two Australian estuaries (Coila and Brou Lakes, NSW). There were no differences between pure A. butcheri and hybrids in terms of their population structure, growth and maturity, suggesting that these two breeds have similar life histories and may therefore be managed as single, naturally cohesive units. Sexual variation in size structure was only observed for the complex in Coila Lake. Although there was significant variation in age structure between estuaries, both complexes exhibited dominance of only a few year classes indicating episodic recruitment and high fishing mortality. Acanthopagrus eggs occurred in higher numbers within upstream creek habitats compared to lake habitats, thereby highlighting the need to protect these spawning habitats. Although maturity in the complexes was not influenced by gender or estuary, differences in growth were detected between the genders and estuaries.  相似文献   

Movement patterns and habitat utilization by black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae), an estuarine resident species, were investigated using acoustic telemetry in a small estuary on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. Thirty‐four adult A. butcheri were tracked for periods of up to 187 days between August 2005 and January 2006. Although able to tolerate a wide range of salinities, the fish spent most of the time within the upper and middle regions of the estuary, where brackish conditions dominated. The species exhibited extensive movements linked to tidal cycles, with small‐scale upstream movements during incoming tides and downstream movements during out going tides. The extent of these movements was positively correlated with the tidal height difference between consecutive tidal peaks and troughs. Freshwater inflows and resultant changes in salinity also significantly influenced distribution and movement patterns. Fish moved downstream during the periods of heavy inflows, returning upstream as salinities increased to c. >10. During the peak of spawning period (November to December) fish moved into the upper region of the estuary, where they aggregated to spawn. Periodic increases in freshwater discharge, however, resulted in fish leaving the spawning grounds and moving downstream. Towards the end of the spawning season (January), the fish became more dispersed throughout the entire estuarine system.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of the marine species King George whiting Sillaginodes punctatus and Australian herring Arripis georgianus in three seasonally open estuaries (Broke, Irwin and Wilson Inlets), one permanently open estuary (Oyster Harbour) and one normally closed estuary (Wellstead Estuary) on the south coast of Western Australia have been determined and compared. Sillaginodes punctatus enters the seasonally and permanently open estuaries early in life and reaches total lengths (L(T)) >280 mm at which it can be legally retained and thus contributes to commercial and recreational fisheries in these systems. This sillaginid almost invariably emigrates from these estuaries before reaching its typical size at maturity (L(T50)) and does not return after spawning in marine waters. In contrast, virtually all female A. georgianus (≥ 98%) in the three seasonally open estuaries and the majority in the normally closed (89·5%) and permanently open estuaries (83%) exceeded the L(T50) of this species at maturity, reflecting the fact that the nursery areas of this species are predominantly located much further to the east. Although adult females of A. georgianus in seasonally open and normally closed estuaries had developed mature ovaries by autumn, at which time they were prevented from migrating to the sea by closure of the estuary mouths, this species did not spawn in those estuaries. The oocytes in their ovaries were undergoing extensive atresia, a process that had been incipient prior to oocyte maturation. As the adult females of A. georgianus in the permanently open Oyster Harbour at this time all possessed resting gonads, i.e. their oocytes were all previtellogenic, the adults that were present in that estuary earlier and were destined to spawn in autumn must have emigrated from that permanently open estuary to their marine spawning areas prior to the onset of gonadal recrudescence. The body masses at length of A. georgianus, which were almost invariably higher in summer and autumn than in winter and spring, were greater in the very productive environments of the seasonally open and normally closed estuaries than in the less productive and essentially marine environment of Oyster Harbour and coastal marine waters. In general, the same pattern of differences between water bodies was exhibited by the growth of A. georgianus and by the more restricted data for body mass at L(T) and growth of S. punctatus. Despite an increase in anthropogenic activities in Wilson Inlet over the last two decades, the growth of both species was very similar to that recorded 20 years earlier. The fisheries implications of the results for the two species are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and phylogeny of Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp., P. parawiackowskii n. sp., and P. marinum Dujardin 1841, collected from Hangzhou Bay estuary, China, were investigated using standard methods. Pleuronema binucleatum n. sp. can be identified by possessing about 90–120 × 35–50 μm cell size in vivo, reniform body outline, two macronuclei, six to eight preoral kineties, 32–41 somatic kineties, and posterior end of the anterior fragment of membranelle 2 (M2a) hook‐like. Pleuronema parawiackowskii n. sp. is characterized by the combination of the following characters: body size about 60–90 × 20–40 μm in vivo, elliptical in outline, four to eight preoral kineties, 20–29 somatic kineties, posterior portion of the M2a slightly curved but nonhooked, and single macronucleus sausage‐like. After comparison with other populations of P. marinum, it is suggested that many misidentifications exist in previous studies. And an improved diagnosis of P. marinum was supplied: cell about 95–180 μm long, elliptical in outline; 2–4 preoral kineties and 53–70 somatic kineties; both membranelle 1 and membranelle 3 three‐rowed; posterior end of the M2a straight; single contractile vacuole characteristically positioned near mid‐body. The small subunit rRNA genes of three forms were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the monophyly of the genus Pleuronema is still not supported.  相似文献   

In the low-salinity area of many macrotidal estuaries, through the combination of tidal pumping and estuarine circulation, an estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) develops providing favorable conditions for various organisms. To investigate ecological roles of the ETM in East Asian estuaries, we conducted seasonal observations in the Geum (or Keum) River estuary, one of the representative macrotidal estuaries flowing into the Yellow Sea, from 2007 to 2008. The estuary was frequently filled with high-salinity (>10 PSU) and low-turbidity (<100 NTU) water under small or no freshwater discharge from a dam (ca. 8 km upstream from the river mouth). Brackish water was, however, completely pushed out of the estuary within a few hours after an intensive discharge in summer. Chlorophyll a (up to 50 μg l−1) and pheophytin (up to 80 μg l−1) were concentrated in a low-salinity (<1 PSU) and high-turbidity (up to 1000 NTU) area, indicating that the intensive discharge transported both living phytoplankton and resuspended detritus into the area. In contrast, a phytoplankton bloom (chlorophyll a, up to 100 μg l−1) was observed at low salinities under little discharge in winter. The present study demonstrated an absence of the ETM suitable for estuarine-dependent organisms from the present Geum River estuary, indicating potential importance of adequate control of freshwater discharge for the formation and maintenance of the ETM.  相似文献   

Kelps, seaweeds and seagrasses provide important ecosystem services in coastal areas, and loss of these macrophytes is a global concern. Recent surveys have documented severe declines in populations of the dominant kelp species, Saccharina latissima, along the south coast of Norway. S. latissima is a cold‐temperate species, and increasing seawater temperature has been suggested as one of the major causes of the decline. Several studies have shown that S. latissima can acclimate to a wide range of temperatures. However, local adaptations may render the extrapolation of existing results inappropriate. We investigated the potential for thermal acclimation and heat tolerance in S. latissima collected from three locations along the south coast of Norway. Plants were kept in laboratory cultures at three different growth temperatures (10, 15, and 20°C) for 4–6 weeks, after which their photosynthetic performance, fluorescence parameters, and pigment concentrations were measured. S. latissima obtained almost identical photosynthetic characteristics when grown at 10 and 15°C, indicating thermal acclimation at these temperatures. In contrast, plants grown at 20°C suffered substantial tissue deterioration, and showed reduced net photosynthetic capacity caused by a combination of elevated respiration and reduced gross photosynthesis due to lowered pigment concentrations, altered pigment composition, and reduced functionality of Photo‐system II. Our results support the hypothesis that extraordinarily high temperatures, as observed in 1997, 2002, and 2006, may have initiated the declines in S. latissima populations along the south coast of Norway. However, observations of high mortality in years with low summer temperatures suggest that reduced population resilience or other factors may have contributed to the losses.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is postulated to have colonized North America in the past several 100 years in two waves. Flies from Europe colonized the east coast United States while flies from Africa inhabited the Caribbean, which if true, make the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands a secondary contact zone for African and European D. melanogaster. This scenario has been proposed based on phenotypes and limited genetic data. In our study, we have sequenced individual whole genomes of flies from populations in the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands and examined these populations in conjunction with population sequences from the west coast US, Africa, and Europe. We find that west coast US populations are closely related to the European population, likely reflecting a rapid westward expansion upon first settlements into North America. We also find genomic evidence of African and European admixture in south‐east US and Caribbean populations, with a clinal pattern of decreasing proportions of African ancestry with higher latitude. Our genomic analysis of D. melanogaster populations from the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands provides more evidence for the Caribbean Islands as the source of previously reported novel African alleles found in other east coast US populations. We also find the border between the south‐east US and the Caribbean island to be the admixture hot zone where distinctly African‐like Caribbean flies become genomically more similar to European‐like south‐east US flies. Our findings have important implications for previous studies examining the generation of east coast US clines via selection.  相似文献   

Distribution and density by habitat for age‐0, young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum, 1792), were compared for two Maine estuaries to help define essential fish habitat for this life history stage. Two estuaries (Weskeag River and Penobscot Bay) along Mid‐coast Maine were sampled monthly with daytime 1.0 m2 fixed‐frame throw traps around neap low tide, May–December over two consecutive years (2003–2004). Both eelgrass and adjacent sand/mud (20–60 cm deep) were randomly sampled with equal effort (4–12 samples per month) at two sites in both the Weskeag River and Penobscot Bay. Significantly higher densities of YOY winter flounder (2–9 cm TL) occurred in eelgrass relative to sand/mud. Density increased significantly in both habitats in 2004, and was higher in Penobscot Bay relative to the Weskeag River. YOY densities compared by eelgrass coverage within throw traps were found to be significantly higher in eelgrass that exceeded 30% coverage when compared with adjacent sand/mud areas and eelgrass coverage of 10–20%. YOY occurred in all months sampled (May–December); no density differences existed by month. These results indicate that very shallow (<0.6 m) eelgrass habitat is of key importance to YOY winter flounder in Maine estuaries and should be viewed as essential fish habitat (EFH) for this species and life stage.  相似文献   

This study generates, for the first time, information on the reproductive traits of the simultaneous hermaphrodite Diplectrum radiale. The specimens were captured bimonthly in two distinct ecosystems along the south‐eastern Brazilian coast. The mature ovotestes were removed, preserved in formalin and examined using histological techniques. The results revealed indeterminate fecundity with asynchronous ovarian organization. All spermatogenesis occurs within cysts, and the spermatogonial distribution indicated an unrestricted testicular type. The testicular and ovarian tissues were separated from each other by different ducts, indicating no possibility of internal self‐fertilization. The hydrated oocytes were stored in the accessory reproductive structure for at least 24 hr. The presence of atretic hydrated oocytes within this structure and the positive periodic acid–Schiff reaction of the villi‐like projections revealed the function of the ovary sinus as absorbing unspawned oocytes. The relative batch fecundity ranged from 62 to 209 oocytes/g (126 ± 42) for specimens from the coast and from 52 to 203 oocytes/g (113 ± 57) for those sampled in the estuary. The potential batch fecundity was linearly related to size, weight, and the gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices, revealing that these parameters significantly affect the reproductive potential of D. radiale.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of French ninespined sticklebacks (Pungitius spp.) has long been controversial. To clarify the taxonomy in this group, we use mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (RNF213) sequence markers, as well as morphological data. In France, both genetic markers discriminate three evolutionary lineages. Morphological analysis on fresh and type specimens supports the different lineages and the existence of three species in France. Pungitius pungitius, occurring in the North of France and Rhone basin, is characterized by specimens longer than 35 mm SL, by a flat head with a straight or slightly concave snout, typically 9–10 dorsal spines, 10–11 dorsal soft rays, 9–10 anal soft rays, 0–12 scutes on the caudal peduncle with a keel reaching the last anal‐fin ray, longer pelvic fin, post‐dorsal and caudal peduncle lengths, and a slim caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle depth/length 11.8%–21.9%). Pungitius laevis, occurring in France, in the English Channel basins and Loire drainage, differs from the other species by a head rounded with concave snout in specimens longer than 35 mm SL, accentuating the impression of fleshy lips, 0–4 scutes on the caudal peduncle and a higher caudal peduncle depth/length ratio (15.7%–34.5%). Finally, Pungitius vulgaris, endemic to the Vienne River and rivers of south‐western France as far north as the Garonne estuary, is differentiated by a rounded head with a straight or slightly convex snout, the absence of scutes on the caudal peduncle and by having 11 pectoral‐fin rays. Our data confirm the existence of a hybridization zone in the North of France between P. pungitius and P. laevis. As a result, Pungitius lotharingus is invalid, as it was described based on hybrid specimens. A lectotype for P. laevis was designated because the syntypes included hybrids. This revision provides new perspectives for evolutionary biology studies and will have consequences for Pungitius conservation in France.  相似文献   

Estuaries are dynamic environments at the land–sea interface that are strongly affected by interannual climate variability. Ocean–atmosphere processes propagate into estuaries from the sea, and atmospheric processes over land propagate into estuaries from watersheds. We examined the effects of these two separate climate‐driven processes on pelagic and demersal fish community structure along the salinity gradient in the San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. A 33‐year data set (1980–2012) on pelagic and demersal fishes spanning the freshwater to marine regions of the estuary suggested the existence of five estuarine salinity fish guilds: limnetic (salinity = 0–1), oligohaline (salinity = 1–12), mesohaline (salinity = 6–19), polyhaline (salinity = 19–28), and euhaline (salinity = 29–32). Climatic effects propagating from the adjacent Pacific Ocean, indexed by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), affected demersal and pelagic fish community structure in the euhaline and polyhaline guilds. Climatic effects propagating over land, indexed as freshwater outflow from the watershed (OUT), affected demersal and pelagic fish community structure in the oligohaline, mesohaline, polyhaline, and euhaline guilds. The effects of OUT propagated further down the estuary salinity gradient than the effects of NPGO that propagated up the estuary salinity gradient, exemplifying the role of variable freshwater outflow as an important driver of biotic communities in river‐dominated estuaries. These results illustrate how unique sources of climate variability interact to drive biotic communities and, therefore, that climate change is likely to be an important driver in shaping the future trajectory of biotic communities in estuaries and other transitional habitats.  相似文献   

This study examined inter‐period changes over two to three decades in the fish fauna of an urbanized estuary experiencing rapid population growth and a drying climate (Swan–Canning Estuary, Western Australia). Responses were compared at the fish community level (species composition; 1978–2009 in the shallows and 1993–2009 in deeper waters) and at the population and individual levels of an estuarine indicator species, black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (biomass–abundance and per capita mass at age, respectively; 1993–2009). All three levels showed distinct shifts from earlier to later periods, but their patterns, sensitivity and breadth differed. Community composition changed markedly in the shallows of the lower‐middle estuary between the late 1970s and all later periods and moderately between more disparate periods from 1995 to 2009. Several species trends could be linked to the increasing salinity of the estuary or declining dissolved oxygen levels in its middle–upper reaches. Community changes were, however, small or insignificant in the shallow and deeper waters of the upper estuary and deeper waters of the middle estuary, where environmental perturbations are often most pronounced. This may reflect the resilience of the limited suite of species that typify those reaches and thus their lack of sensitivity in reflecting longer‐term change at the coarser level of mean abundance. One such species, the selected indicator, A. butcheri, did, however, show marked temporal changes at both the population and individual levels. Biomass decreased markedly in deeper waters while increasing in the shallows from earlier to later periods, presumably reflecting an onshore movement of fish, and per capita body mass in the 2+, 3+ and 4+ year classes fell steadily over time. Such changes probably indicate deteriorating habitat quality in the deeper waters. The study outcomes provide support for a multifaceted approach to the biomonitoring of estuaries using fishes and highlight the need for complementary monitoring of relevant stressors to better disentangle cause–effect pathways.  相似文献   

The population structure and growth rate of Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner) in the closed West Kleinemond estuary in south east Africa, from 1971–973, are described. Juvenile R. holubi invade the estuary at a length of 1–2 cm but migrate back to the sea at a length of about 14 cm without attaining maturity in the estuary. Adult R. holubi are rarely encountered in estuaries. The annual growth increment of O group R. holubi was 6 cm, almost all occurring in summer. The growth of Lithognathus lithognathus (Cuvier) was also measured in the same closed estuary and O group fish of this species also grew 6 cm per annum although 1 + fish grew 8 cm per annum.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored how past terrestrial and marine climate changes have interacted to shape the phylogeographic patterns of the intertidal red seaweed Gracilaria caudata, an economically important species exploited for agar production in the Brazilian north‐east. Seven sites were sampled along the north‐east tropical and south‐east sub‐tropical Brazilian coast. The genetic diversity and structure of G. caudata was inferred using a combination of mitochondrial (COI and cox2‐3), chloroplast (rbcL) and 15 nuclear microsatellite markers. A remarkable congruence between nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast data revealed clear separation between the north‐east (from 03° S to 08° S) and the south‐east (from 20° S to 23° S) coast of Brazil. These two clades differ in their demographic histories, with signatures of recent demographic expansions in the north‐east and divergent populations in the south‐east, suggesting the maintenance of several refugia during the last glacial maximum due to sea‐level rise and fall. The Bahia region (around 12° S) occupies an intermediate position between both clades. Microsatellites and mtDNA markers showed additional levels of genetic structure within each sampled site located south of Bahia. The separation between the two main groups in G. caudata is likely recent, probably occurring during the Quaternary glacial cycles. The genetic breaks are concordant with (i) those separating terrestrial refugia, (ii) major river outflows and (iii) frontiers between tropical and subtropical regions. Taken together with previously published eco‐physiological studies that showed differences in the physiological performance of the strains from distinct locations, these results suggest that the divergent clades in G. caudata correspond to distinct ecotypes in the process of incipient speciation and thus should be considered for the management policy of this commercially important species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The distribution of Sarotherodon mossambicus in south east African estuaries is reviewed. It occurs commonly in closed estuaries and coastal lakes but is absent from open tidal estuaries. When a closed estuary opens to the sea the species usually retreats to the upper reaches. It is euryhaline and eurythermal and can feed on a wide variety of foods but experiments indicate that S. mossambicus avoids areas where current speeds exceed 370 m h–1. It is concluded that the distribution of S. mossambicus in estuarine systems is governed by an interplay of the following factors: salinity stability, water currents, suitable breeding sites, presence of marginal vegetation, marine competitors and marine piscivorous fish.  相似文献   

Species belonging to the potentially harmful diatom genus Pseudo‐nitzschia, isolated from 16 localities (31 sampling events) in the coastal waters of south‐eastern Australia, were examined. Clonal isolates were characterized by (i) light and transmission electron microscopy; (ii) phylogenies, based on sequencing of nuclear‐encoded ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) regions and, (iii) domoic acid (DA) production as measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). Ten taxa were unequivocally confirmed as Pseudo‐nitzschia americana, P. arenysensis, P. calliantha, P. cuspidata, P. fraudulenta, P. hasleana, P. micropora, P. multiseries, P. multistriata, and P. pungens. An updated taxonomic key for south‐eastern Australian Pseudo‐nitzschia is presented. The occurrence of two toxigenic species, P. multistriata (maximum concentration 11 pg DA per cell) and P. cuspidata (25.4 pg DA per cell), was documented for the first time in Australia. The Australian strains of P. multiseries, a consistent producer of DA in strains throughout the world, were nontoxic. Data from 5,888 water samples, collected from 31 oyster‐growing estuaries (2,000 km coastline) from 2005 to 2009, revealed 310 regulatory exceedances for “Total Pseudo‐nitzschia,” resulting in six toxic episodes. Further examination of high‐risk estuaries revealed that the “P. seriata group” had highest cell densities in the austral summer, autumn, or spring (species dependent), and lowest cell densities in the austral winter, while the “P. delicatissima group” had highest in winter and spring.  相似文献   

Samples of the foxfish Bodianus frenchii, collected over reefs on the lower west and south coasts of Western Australia, contained individuals ranging up to 78 years old. Although B. frenchii is far smaller than many other species within the Labridae, its maximum age is the greatest yet recorded for this highly speciose family and, together with Achoerodus gouldii, provides an example of a temperate hypsigenyine with exceptional longevity. Length and age compositions of females and males and the histological characteristics of gonads of a wide length range of individuals demonstrated that B. frenchii is a protogynous hermaphrodite. Furthermore, as, on both coasts, the length of the smallest male was greater than that at which all females had become mature, B. frenchii is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite, i.e. all of its males are derived from functional females. Attainment of maturity by females is related more to length than age, whereas the reverse is true for sex change. On the basis of Schnute growth equations and length‐to‐body mass regression equations, the predicted length at age and body mass at length of fish on the south coast were greater than those on the west coast throughout life. Although B. frenchii spawns daily during the main spawning season, which extends from October to February on both coasts, its fecundity at any given length is substantially greater on the south than on the west coast. The more rapid growth of juveniles and earlier attainment of maturity by B. frenchii on the south coast than on the warmer west coast, together with maturation at a similar size on both coasts, run counter to the trends observed in many species and certain ecological theories regarding the relationships between life‐cycle traits and latitude and temperature. The attainment by B. frenchii of a larger body length at age, of greater body mass at length and of greater fecundity at both length and body mass in fish on the south than on the west coast strongly suggests that conditions on the former, cooler coast are more favourable for this labrid, which belongs to a sub‐genus whose other species typically live in cool, deep, temperate waters.  相似文献   

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