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AimsFire and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition have the potential to influence growth and productivity of forest canopy. However, their impacts on photosynthesis and growth traits of understory plants in forests remain largely unexplored. This study was conducted to examine the effects of burning and N addition on foliar N content, net photosynthesis and growth traits of three dominant shrub species (Vitex negundo,Lindera glaucaandSymplocos chinensis) in a temperate forest in Central China.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) availability is the main constraint on primary production in most Arctic ecosystems, with microbial fixation of atmospheric N as the primary source of N input. However, there are only few reports on N fixation rates in relation to climate change in the Arctic. In order to investigate the effects of anticipated global climate change on N fixation rates in a subarctic moist heath, a field experiment was carried out in Northern Sweden. Warming was induced by plastic tents, and in order to simulate the effects of future increased tree cover, birch litter was added each fall for 9 years before the measurements. We analyzed N fixation rates on both whole‐ecosystem level and specifically on two moss species: Sphagnum warnstorfii and Hylocomium splendens. The whole‐ecosystem N fixation of the warmed plots almost tripled compared with the control plots. However, in the Sphagnum and Hylocomium mosses we observed either no change or occasionally even a decrease in N fixation after warming. Both measured on whole‐ecosystem level and on the two moss species separately, litter addition increased N fixation rates. The results suggest that warming will lead to a general increased ecosystem N input, but also that the N fixation associated to some moss species is likely to decrease. Hence, this study shows that the scale of measurements is crucial when investigating on ecosystem responses to manipulations.  相似文献   

Changes in water and nitrogen (N) availability due to climate change and atmospheric N deposition could have significant effects on soil respiration, a major pathway of carbon (C) loss from terrestrial ecosystems. A manipulative experiment simulating increased precipitation and atmospheric N deposition has been conducted for 9 years (2005–2013) in a semiarid grassland in Mongolian Plateau, China. Increased precipitation and N addition interactively affect soil respiration through the 9 years. The interactions demonstrated that N addition weakened the precipitation‐induced stimulation of soil respiration, whereas increased precipitation exacerbated the negative impacts of N addition. The main effects of increased precipitation and N addition treatment on soil respiration were 15.8% stimulated and 14.2% suppressed, respectively. Moreover, a declining pattern and 2‐year oscillation were observed for soil respiration response to N addition under increased precipitation. The dependence of soil respiration upon gross primary productivity and soil moisture, but not soil temperature, suggests that resources C substrate supply and water availability are more important than temperature in regulating interannual variations of soil C release in semiarid grassland ecosystems. The findings indicate that atmospheric N deposition may have the potential to mitigate soil C loss induced by increased precipitation, and highlight that long‐term and multi‐factor global change studies are critical for predicting the general patterns of terrestrial C cycling in response to global change in the future.  相似文献   

Current global models predict a hotter and drier climate in the southwestern United States with anticipated increases in drought frequency and severity coupled with changes in flash flood regimes. Such changes would likely have important ecological consequences, particularly for stream and riparian ecosystems already subject to frequent hydrologic disturbance. This study assessed the potential response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to interannual variation in hydrology in a spatially intermittent desert stream (Sycamore Creek, AZ). We compiled data on the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities following spring floods, with successional sequences captured 11 times over a 16‐year period (1983–1999). This period encompassed a transition from perennial to intermittent flow in this system, and included a record drought in 1989–1990. Results show that while the size of floods initiating sequences had little explanatory power, changes in macroinvertebrate community structure during postflood succession were closely associated with antecedent flooding and drought. Year‐to‐year differences in benthic communities integrated taxon‐specific responses to antecedent disturbance, including differential resistance to channel drying, use of hyporheic refugia, and variable rates of recovery once stream flow resumed. The long‐term consequences of drying on community structure were only evident during later stages of postflood succession, illustrating an interaction between flood and drought recovery processes in this system. Our observations highlight the potential for predicted climate changes in this region to have marked and long‐lasting consequences for benthic communities in desert streams.  相似文献   

Nitrogen enrichment is pervasive in forest ecosystems, but its influence on understory plant communities and their stoichiometric characteristics is poorly understood. We hypothesize that when forest is enriched with nitrogen (N), the stoichiometric characteristics of plant species explain changes in understory plant diversity. A 13‐year field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of N addition on foliar carbon (C): N: phosphorus (P) stoichiometry, understory plant species richness, and intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) in a subtropical Chinese fir forest. Four levels of N addition were applied: 0, 6, 12, and 24 g m−2 year−1. Individual plant species were categorized into resistant plants, intermediate resistant plants, and sensitive plants based on their response to nitrogen addition. Results showed that N addition significantly decreased the number of species, genera, and families of herbaceous plants. Foliar N:P ratios were greater in sensitive plants than resistant or intermediate resistant plants, while iWUE showed an opposite trend. However, no relationship was detected between soil available N and foliar N, and soil N:P and foliar N:P ratios. Our results indicated that long‐term N addition decreased the diversity of understory plants in a subtropical forest. Through regulating water use efficiency with N addition, sensitive plants change their N:P stoichiometry and have a higher risk of mortality, while resistant plants maintain a stable N:P stoichiometry, which contributes to their survival. These findings suggest that plant N:P stoichiometry plays an important role in understory plant performance in response to environmental change of N.  相似文献   

Understory plants are an important component of the high plant species diversity characteristic of neotropical rain forests. Herbs, shrubs, understory trees, and saplings of canopy trees occupy a broadly uniform environment of abundant rainfall, low light levels, and high humidity. We asked whether this community at the La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica was structured by environmental filters such as soil origin, topographic position, and understory light availability. We used nested quadrats to assess effects of soil origin (recent alluvium, weathered alluvium, residual volcanic soil) and topographic position (ridges, mid‐slopes and flats) on species composition, density, and diversity and measured six edaphic and understory light parameters. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordinations were based on frequency of occurrence in 20 quadrats for 272 species in the shrub size class and 136 species in the small‐tree size class for 17 sites. Three axes were correlated with composite environmental variables produced by principal component analysis representing slope, extractable phosphorus, and light. NMS site positions also reflected soil origin, topographic position, and geographic location. The analyses illustrated a complex community structured by species responses to environmental filters at multiple, interdigitated spatial scales. We suggest that light availability affected by canopy dynamics and dispersal limitation provides additional sources of variation in species distributions, which interact with edaphic patterns in complex ways. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deposition is a component of global change that has considerable impact on belowground carbon (C) dynamics. Plant growth stimulation and alterations of fungal community composition and functions are the main mechanisms driving soil C gains following N deposition in N‐limited temperate forests. In N‐rich tropical forests, however, N deposition generally has minor effects on plant growth; consequently, C storage in soil may strongly depend on the microbial processes that drive litter and soil organic matter decomposition. Here, we investigated how microbial functions in old‐growth tropical forest soil responded to 13 years of N addition at four rates: 0 (Control), 50 (Low‐N), 100 (Medium‐N), and 150 (High‐N) kg N ha?1 year?1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content increased under High‐N, corresponding to a 33% decrease in CO2 efflux, and reductions in relative abundances of bacteria as well as genes responsible for cellulose and chitin degradation. A 113% increase in N2O emission was positively correlated with soil acidification and an increase in the relative abundances of denitrification genes (narG and norB). Soil acidification induced by N addition decreased available P concentrations, and was associated with reductions in the relative abundance of phytase. The decreased relative abundance of bacteria and key functional gene groups for C degradation were related to slower SOC decomposition, indicating the key mechanisms driving SOC accumulation in the tropical forest soil subjected to High‐N addition. However, changes in microbial functional groups associated with N and P cycling led to coincidentally large increases in N2O emissions, and exacerbated soil P deficiency. These two factors partially offset the perceived beneficial effects of N addition on SOC storage in tropical forest soils. These findings suggest a potential to incorporate microbial community and functions into Earth system models considering their effects on greenhouse gas emission, biogeochemical processes, and biodiversity of tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. An integrated analysis of the colonization patterns of forest plant species was carried out in a 34‐ha, mixed deciduous forest in northern Belgium. First, we sought to describe the relationships between land use history and environmental conditions. Land use history and soil type were related and negative correlations between pH and secondary forest age were found. The density of the shrub layer increases with secondary forest age. Litter quantity and cover of Urtica dioica were mainly indirectly influenced by land use history. Litter starts accumulating at low pH values and high shrub density and Urtica dioica grows vigorously on nutrient enriched soils where much light can reach the ground. Next, the importance of these human‐altered environmental conditions for the colonization of forest plant species was assessed relative to the importance of dispersal limitation. Therefore, the distribution of 16 forest species was mapped and species‐specific spatio‐temporal isolation measures were calculated. The analysis revealed that the colonization patterns of the slowly colonizing species (i.e. ‘ancient forest plant species’) are best explained by a combination of spatio‐temporal isolation, soil type, pH and the (non‐)cover of Urtica dioica. By contrast, spatio‐temporal isolation was never a limiting factor for good colonizing forest species. Our results suggest that colonization of ‘ancient forest plant species’ is hampered by a combination of dispersal‐ and recruitment limitation and that the relative importance of both factors is species‐specific.  相似文献   

Methods to quantify plant‐insect interactions in tropical forests may miss many important arthropods and can be time consuming and uneven in capture efficiency. We describe the Amazonas‐trap, a new method that rapidly envelops the target plant for sampling arthropods. We evaluated the efficiency of the Amazonas‐trap by comparing it with two commonly used sampling methods to collect arthropods from plants: the beating tray and manual collection. Samples were collected in 10 permanent plots, in the Ducke forest reserve, Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil). In each plot we sampled 18 plant individuals of Protium sp. (Burseraceae): six by a beating tray, six by manual collection, and six using the Amazonas‐trap. All insects were identified to the family level and those belonging to the order Hymenoptera were identified to the species and morphospecies level. The new method sampled more insect families and more Hymenoptera species than tree beating and manual collection. Of the 75 total families collected, 20 were sampled exclusively by the Amazonas‐trap, seven were only collected with a beating tray, and seven were sampled exclusively with manual collecting. A similar pattern was found for abundance: Amazonas‐trap sampled more individuals, followed by the beating tray and manual collection. Small and winged arthropods were more abundant in Amazonas‐trap, explaining the highest richness of Hymenoptera and insect families sampled with this method. The new method sampled more spiders, wood‐fungi feeders, sap suckers, omnivorous, parasitoids, and insect predators than the other methods, but was equally effective in sampling leaf‐feeders and ants. Amazonas‐trap was more time consuming in the field, but for all diversity parameters evaluated, the new method showed better performance for collecting invertebrates on plants.  相似文献   



Identifying the factors that lead to the success of restoration projects has been a major challenge in ecological restoration. Here we ask which factors, aside from time since restoration began, drive the recovery of tree biomass, density and richness of the understorey in riparian forests undergoing restoration.


Semideciduous Atlantic Forest with tropical climate and deep, fertile soils, southeast Brazil.


We sampled tree basal area (DBH ≥ 5 cm), density and richness of the understorey (DBH < 5 cm) in 26 riparian forests undergoing restoration (a chronosequence spanning 4–53 years). We assessed the following variables as possible factors, besides time, influencing community attributes: (1) planting design: density and richness of seedlings planted; (2) landscape features: proximity index measuring forest cover within a 1.5‐km radius, distance and size of the nearest forest remnant; and (3) environmental factors: invasive grasses, soil fertility, drought, average annual precipitation and proportion of fine particles in the soil. We performed correlation analyses including predictor and response variables, followed by stepwise backward regression (AIC), multiple and simple linear regressions, to investigate the relationships between those factors and the community attributes.


Tree basal area was primarily influenced by the proportion of small particles in the soil (+) and secondarily by rainfall (?). Understorey richness was influenced by the combination of size (+) and distance (?) of the nearest patch, rainfall (?) and soil fertility (+). Understorey density was primarily influenced by the size of the nearest forest remnant (+) and secondarily by invasive grasses (?). No influence of density or richness of the seedlings planted was observed.


Environmental factors and landscape configuration drive the recovery of tree biomass, density and richness in communities undergoing restoration. The most relevant ecological filters influencing restoration success are availability of soil water and nutrients and the distance and size of the nearest remnant of native vegetation. The expected influence of richness and density of seedlings planted, considered for many years as important drivers of forest restoration success, was not confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

Response of plant biodiversity to increased availability of nitrogen (N) has been investigated in temperate and boreal forests, which are typically N‐limited, but little is known in tropical forests. We examined the effects of artificial N additions on plant diversity (species richness, density and cover) of the understory layer in an N saturated old‐growth tropical forest in southern China to test the following hypothesis: N additions decrease plant diversity in N saturated tropical forests primarily from N‐mediated changes in soil properties. Experimental additions of N were administered at the following levels from July 2003 to July 2008: no addition (Control); 50 kg N ha?1 yr?1 (Low‐N); 100 kg N ha?1 yr?1 (Medium‐N), and 150 kg N ha?1 yr?1 (High‐N). Results showed that no understory species exhibited positive growth response to any level of N addition during the study period. Although low‐to‐medium levels of N addition (≤100 kg N ha?1 yr?1) generally did not alter plant diversity through time, high levels of N addition significantly reduced species diversity. This decrease was most closely related to declines within tree seedling and fern functional groups, as well as to significant increases in soil acidity and Al mobility, and decreases in Ca availability and fine‐root biomass. This mechanism for loss of biodiversity provides sharp contrast to competition‐based mechanisms suggested in studies of understory communities in other forests. Our results suggest that high‐N additions can decrease plant diversity in tropical forests, but that this response may vary with rate of N addition.  相似文献   

  • The reproductive characteristics of understory bamboo and the effects of dieback on overstory tree seedlings through temporal changes in the environment at the forest floor have only been examined in a few bamboo species, due to the unpredictable occurrence of flowering events and long intervals between them but provide valuable information on tree regeneration and succession in a forest with dense dwarf bamboo cover.
  • We investigated environmental conditions and assessed seedlings (< 30-cm tall) of the dwarf bamboo Sasa borealis and overstory tree species at 44–50 measurement points during 2016–2021, which included a S. borealis mass flowering event in 2017. We also conducted seed germination tests to determine germination rates and patterns in S. borealis. Environmental factors affecting seedling recruitment of S. borealis and of overstory trees were analysed using spatiotemporal generalized linear mixed models in the Bayesian framework.
  • We observed gradual temporal changes in the environment, including increasing canopy openness and decreasing maximum height of dead S. borealis culms. The seeds germinated slowly and the emergence of current-year S. borealis seedlings peaked in spring–summer in 2019. The tree seedling density after 2019 increased significantly compared to that before the dieback. The model results suggest that tree seedling establishment was enhanced by increased light availability.
  • Continuous field observation beginning before S. borealis dieback revealed gradually enhanced tree recruitment in response to slow decay of the remaining dead culms and slow recovery of S. borealis. The seedling regeneration pattern of understory bamboo partly contributes to a prolonged opportunity for overstory tree regeneration.

物种-生境关联分析有利于更好地理解物种共存理论和群落构建机制.根据秦岭落叶阔叶林25 hm2固定监测样地的调查数据,将树种分为幼苗、幼树和成树3个生活阶段,利用Torus-translation检验方法分析物种与不同生境类型之间的关联性.结果 表明:生境对各物种的影响不同.与高坡显著关联的物种数最多,其中95.7%为负...  相似文献   

Termites are major decomposers in tropical regions and play critical roles in many soil‐related processes. Studies conducted in Asia and the Neotropics suggest that habitat modification can strongly affect termite assemblages, but data on termite communities from forests in Africa, especially West Africa, are scarce. Here, we measured the short‐term impact of slash‐and‐burn agriculture on termite assemblages in an agricultural region of central Côte d'Ivoire. We assessed termite diversity and relative abundance in four habitat types: secondary forest, cleared forest, burned forest, and crop fields. The secondary forest had higher species richness compared with the other habitats, but all habitat types had similar assemblage structures. Fungus‐growing termites were the most abundant feeding group in all habitats. Soil feeders were most abundant in secondary forest, intermediately abundant in cleared and burned forests, and almost entirely absent in crop fields. Wood‐feeding species showed clear responses to burning; their abundances decreased after fire. We conclude that slash‐and‐burn agriculture does not appear to severely erode the diversity of termite assemblages. This could be due to the dominance of ecologically versatile fungus growers or to the relatively long time between clearing and burning. However, forest clearing negatively affects soil feeders, with the Apicotermitinae most affected by canopy loss.  相似文献   

Increases in the emissions and associated atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) have the potential to cause significant changes to the structure and function of N‐limited ecosystems. Here, we present the results of a long‐term (13 year) experiment assessing the impacts of N addition (30 kg ha?1 yr?1) on a UK lowland heathland under a wide range of environmental conditions, including the occurrence of prolonged natural drought episodes and a severe summer fire. Our findings indicate that elevated N deposition results in large, persistent effects on Calluna growth, phenology and chemistry, severe suppression of understorey lichen flora and changes in soil biogeochemistry. Growing season rainfall was found to be a strong driver of inter‐annual variation in Calluna growth and, although interactions between N and rainfall for shoot growth were not significant until the later phase of the experiment, N addition exacerbated the extent of drought injury to Calluna shoots following naturally occurring droughts in 2003 and 2009. Following a severe wildfire at the experimental site in 2006, heathland regeneration dynamics were significantly affected by N, with a greater abundance of pioneering moss species and suppression of the lichen flora in plots receiving N additions. Significant interactions between climate and N were also apparent post fire, with the characteristic stimulation in Calluna growth in +N plots suppressed during dry years. Carbon (C) and N budgets demonstrate large increases in both above‐ and below‐ground stocks of these elements in N‐treated plots prior to the fire, despite higher levels of soil microbial activity and organic matter turnover. Although much of the organic material was removed during the fire, pre‐existing treatment differences were still evident following the burn. Post fire accumulation of below‐ground C and N stocks was increased rapidly in N‐treated plots, highlighting the role of N deposition in ecosystem C sequestration.  相似文献   

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