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Kenya's Tsavo National Parks are a critical conservation area and the only wilderness corridor through densely populated human-dominated landscapes stretching from the East African coast to Lake Victoria, separating extensive undeveloped grasslands south of the equator from the undeveloped semiarid bushlands to the north. At nearly 21,000 km2, Tsavo is one of four lion strongholds in East Africa and part of Africa's most important populations of all other large African carnivores. To provide baseline data on the status of large carnivores, a track survey was undertaken in 2013. Lions and both hyaena species were widely distributed across both parks, while cheetahs and wild dogs were more patchily distributed. Spotted hyaenas were the most abundant, with an estimated population of 3,903 ± 514 (95% CI), followed by lion (706 ± 201), striped hyaena (679 ± 144), leopard (452 ± 98), cheetah (154 ± 74) and wild dog (111 ± 92). Tsavo's carnivores suffer from bushmeat poaching, illegal grazing and retaliatory killing, and increasing human numbers on its periphery. Given Tsavo's importance as a stronghold for lions and an ecological corridor, increased investment in effective protection is strongly recommended. Evaluating trends will require complementary techniques in light of intensive monitoring requirements.  相似文献   

大熊猫初生幼仔体重较轻,仅为正常母体体重的千分之一,平均144.9±40.59 g(张志和和魏辅文,2006).初生体重在70 g以下的幼仔,常被称之为超轻体重幼仔,初生体重超轻、身体瘦弱活动无力,产后无叫声或叫声小是其主要特点.对于体重超轻初生幼仔的育幼,目前有1993年对一例初生体重为61 g的幼仔,在产后两周内采用胃导管喂母初乳、之后采取人工与母兽交替哺育的方法养育存活以及2000年对一只58 g幼仔进行全人工育幼存活7 d的报道(钟顺龙和何光昕,1997,侯蓉等,2000).2006年成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的一只雌性大熊猫产下一对双胞胎,其中一仔初生体重仅51 g,经人工辅助哺育存活,该幼仔是圈养条件下育成的初生体重最轻的大熊猫.现将该例的育幼情况报道于后,以供参考.  相似文献   

  • 1 For aquatic species with highly dispersive offspring, the addition of new individuals into an area (recruitment) is a key process in determining local population size so understanding the causes of recruitment variability is critical. While three general causative mechanisms have been identified (the supply of individuals, habitat selection and mortality), we have a limited understanding of how variation in each is generated, and the consequences this may have for the spatial and temporal distribution of recruits.
  • 2 We examined whether active habitat selection during settlement could be the cause of variability in populations of two diadromous fish species using a field survey and laboratory‐based choice experiments. If larval behaviour is important, we predicted there would be inter‐specific differences in abundance between sites during the survey, and that larvae would prefer water collected from sites with higher conspecific abundances during the experiments.
  • 3 During the field survey, significant differences were detected between two rivers (the Cumberland and Grey), with one species (Galaxias maculatus) found in higher abundances at one site (the Cumberland River) while comparable numbers of a closely related species (Galaxias brevipinnis) were caught at both sites. Laboratory choice experiments were conducted to determine whether larval preferences during settlement could be the cause of these differences. G. maculatus larvae showed a preference for freshwater over saltwater, indicating that the fish may be responding to reduced salinities around river mouths during settlement. The results of a second experiment were consistent with the notion that larval preferences could be the mechanism driving differences in the populations of the two rivers, with G. maculatus preferring water collected from the Cumberland River while G. brevipinnis did not prefer water from either river.
  • 4 These results demonstrate that active habitat selection may be important in establishing spatial patterns of larvae at settlement, and that multiple cues are likely to be involved. This study also demonstrates that the behaviours exhibited by individuals can strongly influence the structure and dynamics of populations of aquatic species with complex life cycles.

1. Studies of large carnivore populations and, particularly, reliable estimates of population density are necessary for effective conservation management. However, these animals are difficult to study, and direct methods of assessing population size and density are often expensive and time-consuming.
2. Indirect sampling, by counting spoor, could provide repeatable and inexpensive measures of some population parameters. The relationship between true population density and indirect sampling results has seldom been described in large carnivore studies.
3. In northern Namibia the population densities of leopards, lions and wild dogs were measured through recognition of individuals and groups. Spoor counts were then conducted independently, to assess the relationship between true density and the distribution of spoor.
4. Sampling effort, both in terms of the number of roads and total road distance in a sample zone, and the intensity of sampling, had a marked effect on the accuracy and precision of spoor frequency calculations.
5. In a homogeneous habitat, leopard spoor were evenly spread along different roads and spoor frequency was independent of road length. Taking into account very low sample sizes, the spoor density of leopards, lions and wild dogs showed a strong linear correlation with true density. The slope of the regression for leopards was different to that of lions and wild dogs.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine whether the occurrence of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in Uganda can be predicted from habitat characteristics extracted from a vegetation map. We first established the status of the cheetah in Uganda through field-interviews that Gros conducted in 1990. Cheetahs occurred almost exclusively in the Karamoja region where we estimated 53–310 individuals. Based on 216 sightings, the average number of adults in all-adults sightings was 1.65 + SD 0.95 and the average number of cubs in family groups 2.5 + SD 1.65. Compared to Graham and Parker's 1965 East African survey, average adult group size was slightly smaller in 1990 and large family groups were rarer. Comparison with Gros 1990 survey showed considerably lower cub-to-adult ratio and percent of observations with cubs in Uganda than in Kenya. A Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of vegetation structure in areas where cheetahs were observed and in those where none were reported suggested that cheetahs might favor habitats with 25–50% woody cover and grasses of medium height (50–100 cm). A discriminant analysis correctly classified 72.1% of used habitats and 70.4% of no-report habitats. A logistic regression analysis improved the correct allocation of used habitats by 2.2%. Either the discriminant function or the logistic regression, which require only four easily obtainable vegetation characteristics, may help to pinpoint suitable cheetah habitats for conservation purposes. Our approach could be adapted for analyzing habitat suitability for other species of carnivores.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in foraging behavior has been documented across a range of taxonomic groups, yet the energetic consequences of this variation are not well understood for many species. Understanding the effect of behavioral variation on energy expenditure and acquisition is particularly crucial for mammalian carnivores because they have high energy requirements that place considerable pressure on prey populations. To determine the influence of behavior on energy expenditure and balance, we combined simultaneous measurements of at‐sea field metabolic rate (FMR) and foraging behavior in a marine carnivore that exhibits intraspecific behavioral variation, the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Sea lions exhibited variability in at‐sea FMR, with some individuals expending energy at a maximum of twice the rate of others. This variation was in part attributable to differences in diving behavior that may have been reflective of diet; however, this was only true for sea lions using a foraging strategy consisting of epipelagic (<200 m within the water column) and benthic dives. In contrast, sea lions that used a deep‐diving foraging strategy all had similar values of at‐sea FMR that were unrelated to diving behavior. Energy intake did not differ between foraging strategies and was unrelated to energy expenditure. Our findings suggest that energy expenditure in California sea lions may be influenced by interactions between diet and oxygen conservation strategies. There were no apparent energetic trade‐offs between foraging strategies, although there was preliminary evidence that foraging strategies may differ in their variability in energy balance. The energetic consequences of behavioral variation may influence the reproductive success of female sea lions and result in differential impacts of individuals on prey populations. These findings highlight the importance of quantifying the relationships between energy expenditure and foraging behavior in other carnivores for studies addressing fundamental and applied physiological and ecological questions.  相似文献   

Understanding the roles of ecological drivers in shaping biodiversity is fundamental for conservation practice. In this study, we explored the effects of elevation, conservation status, primary productivity, habitat diversity and anthropogenic disturbance (represented by human population density and birding history) on taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional avian diversity in a subtropical landscape in southeastern China. We conducted bird surveys using 1‐km transects across a total of 30 sites, of which 10 sites were located within a natural reserve. Metrics of functional diversity were calculated based on six functional traits (body mass, clutch size, dispersal ratio, sociality, diet and foraging stratum). We built simultaneous autoregression models to assess the association between the ecological factors and diversity of the local avian communities. Local avian diversity generally increased with increasing habitat diversity, human population density and primary productivity. We also detected phylogenetic and functional clustering in these communities, suggesting that the avian assemblages were structured mainly by environmental filtering, rather than interspecific competition. Compared with sites outside the natural reserve, sites within the natural reserve had relatively lower avian diversity but a higher level of phylogenetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A. Acou    A. Legault    P. Laffaille    E. Feunteun 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(9):1985-2001
The influence of environmental factors (mainly the river flow) on the year-to-year variability of European eel Anguilla anguilla fluvial recruitment in a small coastal catchment, the Frémur River (north-west France) was examined. A comprehensive survey of catches from fixed traps at two weirs located at 4·5 km (Pont es Omnes Dam) and 6·0 km (Bois Joli Dam) above the river mouth was carried out between 1997 and 2004. Young pigmented elvers (mean ± s.d. total length, 133·7 ± 29·6 mm) were recruited in eel-passes from February to October, but the main runs followed a modal curve from April to September with a peak centred in May to June. Catches varied greatly between years, from 381 to 26 765 elvers. For each trap, a positive linear relationship between monthly mean river flow that preceded the maximal intensity of captures and annual total catches was observed. These relationships explained 73·1% ( P < 0.01) and 89·0% ( P < 0.001) of the year-to-year variability of the recruitment observed in the Pont es Omnes and Bois Joli traps respectively. A significant increase in river flow at the beginning of the migration peak would thus trigger a greater proportion of A. anguilla settled in the estuary and in the downstream zone of the Fremur River to begin their freshwater colonization. The physicochemical roles of changes in river discharge in stimulating upstream migration are discussed. It is concluded that fluvial recruitment in the Fremur River is mainly determined by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Highly variable patterns in temperature and rainfall events can have pronounced consequences for small mammals in resource-restricted environments. Climatic factors can therefore play a crucial role in determining the fates of small mammal populations. We applied Pradel's temporal symmetry model to a 21-year capture–recapture dataset to study population dynamics of the pinyon mouse (Peromyscus truei) in a semi-arid mixed oak woodland in California, USA. We examined time-, season- and sex-specific variation in realized population growth rate (λ) and its constituent vital rates, apparent survival and recruitment. We also tested the influence of climatic factors on these rates. Overall monthly apparent survival was 0.81 ± 0.004 (estimate ± SE). Survival was generally higher during wetter months (October–May) but varied over time. Monthly recruitment rate was 0.18 ± 0.01, ranging from 0.07 ± 0.01 to 0.63 ± 0.07. Although population growth rate (λ) was highly variable, overall monthly growth rate was close to 1.0, indicating a stable population during the study period (λ ± SE = 0.99 ± 0.01). Average temperature and its variability negatively affected survival, whereas rainfall positively influenced survival and recruitment rates, and thus the population growth rate. Our results suggest that seasonal rainfall and variation in temperature at the local scale, rather than regional climatic patterns, more strongly affected vital rates in this population. Discerning such linkages between species' population dynamics and environmental variability are critical for understanding local and regional impacts of global climate change, and for gauging viability and resilience of populations in resource-restricted environments.  相似文献   

Although mammalian carnivores are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation and require landscape connectivity, their global patterns of fragmentation and connectivity have not been examined. We use recently developed high-resolution habitat suitability models to conduct comparative analyses and to identify global hotspots of fragmentation and connectivity for the world's terrestrial carnivores. Species with less fragmentation (i.e. more interior high-quality habitat) had larger geographical ranges, a greater proportion of habitat within their range, greater habitat connectivity and a lower risk of extinction. Species with higher connectivity (i.e. less habitat isolation) also had a greater proportion of high-quality habitat, but had smaller, not larger, ranges, probably reflecting shorter distances between habitat patches for species with restricted distributions; such species were also more threatened, as would be expected given the negative relationship between range size and extinction risk. Fragmentation and connectivity did not differ among Carnivora families, and body mass was associated with connectivity but not fragmentation. On average, only 54.3 per cent of a species' geographical range comprised high-quality habitat, and more troubling, only 5.2 per cent of the range comprised such habitat within protected areas. Identification of global hotspots of fragmentation and connectivity will help guide strategic priorities for carnivore conservation.  相似文献   

In a conservation context, food supplementation is a management tool used to reverse the decline of food-limited populations by means of positive changes in behaviour and fitness that may be reflected in population parameters. The critically endangered Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus has suffered a dramatic decline primarily because of the severe drop of its main prey, the European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . To reverse this situation, a food supplementation programme has been implemented in Doñana, south-west Spain, since 2002. In this study, we assess the utility of providing artificial food to reduce home-range (HR) size, and to increase productivity, survival and recruitment in a scenario of low lynx density, as compared with reference data from the same population in the absence of extra food. Food supplementation produced a significant contraction of core areas, but not of complete lynx HRs. We did not detect any significant change in productivity or dispersal rates, but supplementation could have helped transient adult lynx to settle down. The positive effects of food supplementation may have been partly countered by factors such as inbreeding, Allee effects and disease outbreaks, whose effects may have been exacerbated in this small lynx population. Food supplementation, however, proved useful to retain individuals, to keep range sizes within their normal range of values, thus maintaining spatial organization, and to allow lynx reproduction and kitten survival in areas with very low prey density. Therefore, we recommend keeping an extensive and intensive supplementary feeding programme until the density of wild rabbits will enable the viability of this endangered lynx population.  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏种子存活和萌发的影响   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
张知彬  王福生 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1761-1768
山杏(Prunus armeniaca)是广布于北京山区阳坡的矮林或灌丛,易生存在土壤贫脊、干旱、或严重退化的山坡、裸地,对于保护生态环境,减少水土流失及促进山区经济发展均具有重要作用。有关鼠类在山杏更新中作用的研究较少,本研究主要是确定影响山杏更新的鼠类种类、鼠类对山杏种子的取食压力、人工埋藏种子及植被因素对种子存活和萌发的影响。于1997年10月3-4日,采用夹捕法同时调查取食花生和山杏种子的鼠类种类及种群密度。于1997年9月24-25日,通过在地表放置山桔种子,调查在鼠类取食下,地表种子消失的速度。于1997年10月20日,作种子埋藏实验,调查种子存活及萌发情况。于1997年10月26日,进行扣网实验,研究网内、外山杏种子存活及萌发情况。结果表明:大林姬鼠(Apodemus speciosus)、社鼠(Rattus confucianus),黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)为取食山杏种子的主要鼠种种类;与取食花生相比,社鼠更偏爱山杏种子,大林姬鼠对山杏种子喜食性略低,黑线姬鼠对二者喜食程度相近;山杏种子放置地表后1、10、20、30d的消失率分别为13.06%,64.46%,90.70%,96.69%;扣网实验说明,山杏在地表的萌发率极低,生长也慢;而埋入土层内可明显提高萌发率和生长率(若除去鼠类的取食,萌发率还要高);人工埋藏实验表明,将山杏种子埋入土层5cm后,能够有效地减少鼠类对种子的取食;通过分析山杏种子萌发与植被的关系,发现山杏易在开阔、阳光充分的草丛中存活和生长,而不易在阴闭的灌丛下存活和生长。  相似文献   

Few studies have validated the use of artificial seagrass to study processes structuring faunal assemblages by comparison with natural seagrass. One metric (fish recruitment) for evaluating the use of artificial seagrass was used in the present study. Settlement and recruitment of juvenile fish was estimated in natural, Zostera capricorni Aschers, and artificial seagrass in Botany Bay, NSW, over 6 consecutive days. Tarwhine, Rhabdosargus sarba, dominated the catch from both habitats, and there was no significant difference in abundance of recruits among the habitats. This was at least partly caused by large spatial and temporal variation in abundance. Daily abundances of R. sarba recruits suggested movement between seagrass beds, but could not be confirmed without tagging individual fish. Rhabdosargus sarba settlers were less abundant than recruits, but were also patchily distributed amongst natural and artificial seagrass beds. Most other species were also found in similar abundance in the two habitats, except stripey, Microcanthus strigatus, which was more abundant in artificial seagrass. Overall, fish assemblages in natural and artificial seagrass were similar. Artificial seagrass may therefore be useful for monitoring settlement and recruitment of juvenile fishes to disturbed habitats, to predict the success of habitat remediation. However, if artificial seagrass is used to model processes occurring in natural seagrass, it is necessary to consider species-specific responses to the artificial habitat.  相似文献   

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