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Fires burning the vast grasslands and savannas of Africa significantly influence the global carbon cycle. Projecting the impacts of future climate change on fire‐mediated biogeochemical processes in these dry tropical ecosystems requires understanding of how various climate factors influence regional fire regimes. To examine climate–vegetation–fire linkages in dry savanna, we conducted macroscopic and microscopic charcoal analysis on the sediments of the past 25 000 years from Lake Challa, a deep crater lake in equatorial East Africa. The charcoal‐inferred shifts in local and regional fire regimes were compared with previously published reconstructions of temperature, rainfall, seasonal drought severity, and vegetation dynamics to evaluate millennial‐scale drivers of fire occurrence. Our charcoal data indicate that fire in the dry lowland savanna of southeastern Kenya was not fuel‐limited during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Late Glacial, in contrast to many other regions throughout the world. Fire activity remained high at Lake Challa probably because the relatively high mean‐annual temperature (~22 °C) allowed productive C4 grasses with high water‐use efficiency to dominate the landscape. From the LGM through the middle Holocene, the relative importance of savanna burning in the region varied primarily in response to changes in rainfall and dry‐season length, which were controlled by orbital insolation forcing of tropical monsoon dynamics. The fuel limitation that characterizes the region's fire regime today appears to have begun around 5000–6000 years ago, when warmer interglacial conditions coincided with prolonged seasonal drought. Thus, insolation‐driven variation in the amount and seasonality of rainfall during the past 25 000 years altered the immediate controls on fire occurrence in the grass‐dominated savannas of eastern equatorial Africa. These results show that climatic impacts on dry‐savanna burning are heterogeneous through time, with important implications for efforts to anticipate future shifts in fire‐mediated ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Rainfall controls fire in tropical savanna ecosystems through impacting both the amount and flammability of plant biomass, and consequently, predicted changes in tropical precipitation over the next century are likely to have contrasting effects on the fire regimes of wet and dry savannas. We reconstructed the long‐term dynamics of biomass burning in equatorial East Africa, using fossil charcoal particles from two well‐dated lake‐sediment records in western Uganda and central Kenya. We compared these high‐resolution (5 years/sample) time series of biomass burning, spanning the last 3800 and 1200 years, with independent data on past hydroclimatic variability and vegetation dynamics. In western Uganda, a rapid (<100 years) and permanent increase in burning occurred around 2170 years ago, when climatic drying replaced semideciduous forest by wooded grassland. At the century time scale, biomass burning was inversely related to moisture balance for much of the next two millennia until ca. 1750 ad , when burning increased strongly despite regional climate becoming wetter. A sustained decrease in burning since the mid20th century reflects the intensified modern‐day landscape conversion into cropland and plantations. In contrast, in semiarid central Kenya, biomass burning peaked at intermediate moisture‐balance levels, whereas it was lower both during the wettest and driest multidecadal periods of the last 1200 years. Here, burning steadily increased since the mid20th century, presumably due to more frequent deliberate ignitions for bush clearing and cattle ranching. Both the observed historical trends and regional contrasts in biomass burning are consistent with spatial variability in fire regimes across the African savanna biome today. They demonstrate the strong dependence of East African fire regimes on both climatic moisture balance and vegetation, and the extent to which this dependence is now being overridden by anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Human activity has been widely implicated in the origin and expansion of montane grasslands in East Africa, yet little palaeoecological evidence exists to test whether these grasslands are natural or secondary. Pollen and charcoal data derived from two Holocene records in the Eastern Arc mountains of Tanzania are used as a case study to investigate the supposed secondary nature of montane grasslands in Africa. Fossil pollen data are used to detect vegetation change, and charcoal analysis is used to reconstruct fire history. The pollen data are characterised by stable proportions of local taxa suggesting permanence of grasslands throughout the past ~13,000 years. Recent increases in fire adapted taxa such as Morella point towards the development of a grassland/forest patch mosaic possibly associated with burning. However, robust evidence of human activity is absent from the records, which may be attributed to the late human occupation of the mountains. The records indicate long-term persistence of grasslands which, coupled with a lack of evidence of human activity, suggests that these grasslands are not secondary. These data support the hypothesis that grasslands are an ancient and primary component of montane vegetation in Africa, but that they experienced some expansion during the late Holocene as a result of changing fire regime.  相似文献   

The composition of mammalian communities in Australia's Eucalyptus forests and woodlands is known to be affected by fire. However, there are few published studies that compare mammal assemblages in recently burnt and long‐unburnt forests because there are few areas with long‐term fire history data. Understanding the value of long‐unburnt forest is important because it is becoming rare in fire‐prone regions of the world, such as south‐eastern Australia, partly because of the widespread use of prescribed burning. We deployed wildlife cameras for 28 trap‐nights at each of 81 sites that ranged from 0.5 to at least 96 years since the last fire. We recorded a total of 15 native mammal species. At least one mammal species was recorded at 80 of the 81 sites. Significantly more species were detected at long‐unburnt sites (>96 years since fire) than sites 0.5–12 years since the last fire. Species composition varied significantly between sites 0.5–12 years and >96 years since the last fire but did not vary between sites 0.5–2 years and 6–12 years since the last fire. Although there was not one category of time since fire (i.e. 0.5–2 years, 6–12 years and >96 years) in which all 15 native mammal species were recorded, long‐unburnt sites were significantly more important for the occurrence of seven mammal species; intermediate and recently burnt sites were significantly more important for one species. Our results suggested that, while a diversity of fire ages is important for conserving mammalian diversity, long‐unburnt forests and woodlands (which comprised only 8% of our study area) are disproportionately important for mammal conservation. Our results add to a growing body of the literature from south‐eastern Australia, suggesting that remaining long‐unburnt forest should be afforded protection from fire and more forest should be transitioned to long unburnt.  相似文献   

Aim To provide insights concerning changes in fire regime in north‐eastern Cambodia over the course of the Holocene, and discuss implications of these long‐term data for fire management in the present day. Location Southern Ratanakiri Province, north‐eastern Cambodia. The lake sites sampled here are embedded in a mosaic of mostly open, strongly deciduous dipterocarp forest, with patches of riparian, semi‐evergreen and evergreen forests. Methods Background information on the environmental and cultural setting comes from informal and semi‐structured interviews of local villagers to determine present‐day burning patterns and customs. Primary data come from analysis of changes in charcoal concentration within sediments from small, closed basin lakes. Charcoal data are compared with changes in pollen and sediment physical characteristics, and to present‐day local customs, to infer or speculate on changes in human use of fire. Results Interviews with local people reveal two general types of human‐induced fires, one type for swidden cultivation in denser forests, the other type for clearance of ground layer vegetation in more open forests. A 9300‐year sediment record of microscopic charcoal deposition shows strongest fire activity ending by 8000 years ago, and the remainder of the early Holocene reflecting a strong summer monsoon and low fire activity. Beginning c. 5500 years ago, forest disturbance and fire activity increased. A subtle change in the record at c. 3500 years ago and more marked change at c. 2500 years ago suggest that fire frequency, and maybe human control over fire, became more important during that period and continuing up to the present. Main conclusions With this type of empirical data from only one site, it is impossible to make accurate conclusions about long‐term human impacts from burning. However, this record does show that present‐day charcoal input from fire activity is among the lowest for the last 9300 years. Considered together with other changes in the record and with present‐day customs, there is a suggestion that anthropogenic fire is an adaptation to the monsoonal environment, and may be conservative of forest cover in open forest formations. This long‐term perspective on the role of indigenous land‐use customs in landscape evolution should be considered in forest management and biological conservation, as it differs significantly from the traditional rationale for policies of fire suppression in tropical forests.  相似文献   

The last 7000 years of environmental history for Paoay Lake and its surrounding landscape is examined through the analysis of pollen, diatoms, charcoal, mineral magnetics and AMS dating. Basal sediments contain shells of Cerithiidae and the saline‐tolerant diatom Diploneis indicating that this was an estuarine environment before becoming a freshwater lake after 6000 bp . Pollen analysis shows that submontane forests, characterized by Pinus pollen, underwent a major disturbance around 5000 years ago, recovering to previous levels by 1000 years ago. Charcoal as an indicator of fire is abundant throughout record, although the highest levels occur in the earlier part of the record, between 6500 and 5000 years ago. An aspect of the project was to examine whether there is evidence of land clearance and agricultural development in the region during the late Holocene. While a clear signal of human impact in the record remains equivocal, there appears to be a correspondence between submontane forest decline and mid‐Holocene ocean data that depict warmer and possibly drier conditions for the region. The study highlights the vulnerability of these montane forests to forecasts of a warmer and drier climate in the near future.  相似文献   

Aim Promoting population growth of genetically distinct subpopulations of Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) is crucial to the survival of the subspecies. Several important Cape mountain zebra reserves are dominated by fynbos vegetation, and population growth is limited by a lack of grassland habitat. A fossil ungulate sequence spanning the last c. 18,000 years is examined to understand the long‐term history of this conservation challenge. Location Boomplaas Cave (BPA), South Africa. Methods The fossil sequence from BPA is examined to reconstruct ungulate community dynamics in relation to climate and vegetation change over the last 18,000 years. Results Ungulates from 18,000 to 12,000 years ago suggest an expansion of open grasslands that supported a grazing ecosystem dominated by an extinct caprine antelope and equid remains attributed to E. zebra and E. quagga. At the onset of the Holocene, the grazing ungulate community disappears and small browsers and mixed feeders dominate the assemblage, indicating the loss of open grassland vegetation. Several open‐habitat grazers go extinct at this time, and Equus persists at much lower abundances. This shift can be explained by global climate change across the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Main conclusions The fossil sequence supports contemporary observations indicating that access to open grassland is crucial to maintaining large Cape mountain zebra subpopulations. Although fynbos is abundant throughout the historic range of the Cape mountain zebra, fossil evidence suggests that such vegetation is unlikely to support dense populations. It has been suggested that the acquisition of agricultural lands that were historically converted to open grasslands for livestock could promote Cape mountain zebra population growth. Results presented here support this management option, as the open grasslands in these converted landscapes likely approximate the vegetation structure during latest Pleistocene, when grasslands were widespread and grazing ungulates abundant.  相似文献   

Woody encroachment into grasslands is occurring across the world and is of concern to land managers. Studies of forest–grassland boundaries have informed models describing factors that govern tree establishment and the maintenance and origin of grassland ecosystems. Central to these models is the role of fire relative to ‘bottom up’ resources such as soil and the geological substrate in determining the extent of grassland and forest in the landscape. The view that human lit fires have shaped vegetation across the Australian continent has been bolstered by early 19th century observations of Aboriginal‐set fires in Tasmanian montane grasslands and the documented encroachment of trees into these grasslands in the 20th century. We examined the pattern of lateral encroachment of woolly tea‐tree (Leptospermum lanigerum (Sol. ex Aiton) Sm.) into these grasslands and used tree ring chronologies to investigate (i) past fire activity and (ii) how the geological substrate mediates growth rates of L. lanigerum. Changes in fire regimes inferred from L. lanigerum recruitment were corroborated by historical records. Encroachment (and increases in woody cover) of trees into grasslands was highest on granitic substances, although L. lanigerum growth rates were highest on basalt substrates, followed by conglomerate, granite and Mathinna sediments. Frequent burning up to the 1980s may have stymied the encroachment of trees in grasslands underlain by basalt. Growth rates decreased with increasing distance from the forest edge. This may be due to incremental changes in soil resources, grass competition and/or microclimate. The dynamics between grasslands and forests in montane Tasmania are consistent with tree growth–fire interaction models that highlight the interplay of edaphic factors, growth rates and fire history. Such complexity cautions against generalizations concerning the direct effects of landscape fire in shaping vegetation distribution across Australia.  相似文献   

Plant species richness in central and northern European seminatural grasslands is often more closely linked to past than present habitat configuration, which is indicative of an extinction debt. In this study, we investigate whether signs of historical grassland management can be found in clear‐cuts after at least 80 years as coniferous production forest by comparing floras between clear‐cuts with a history as meadow and as forest in the 1870s in Sweden. Study sites were selected using old land‐use maps and data on present‐day clear‐cuts. Species traits reflecting high capacities for dispersal and persistence were used to explain any possible links between the plants and the historical land use. Clear‐cuts that were formerly meadow had, on average, 36% higher species richness and 35% higher richness of grassland indicator species, as well as a larger overall seed mass and lower anemochory, compared to clear‐cuts with history as forest. We suggest that the plants in former meadows never disappeared after afforestation but survived as remnant populations. Many contemporary forests in Sweden were managed as grasslands in the 1800s. As conservation of remaining grassland fragments will not be enough to reduce the existing extinction debts of the flora, these young forests offer opportunities for grassland restoration at large scales. Our study supports the concept of remnant populations and highlights the importance of considering historical land use for understanding the distribution of grassland plant species in fragmented landscapes, as well as for policy‐making and conservation.  相似文献   

Aim The research aim is to reconstruct last glacial maximum (LGM) and Holocene vegetation history and ecology from fossil beetle assemblages. Location The LGM and Holocene sites are located in the Awatere Valley, which lies in the tectonically active Marlborough Region in the north east of the South Island of New Zealand. Methods Beetle fossils were extracted from silty organic sediment using the standard kerosene flotation method. Fossils were identified by comparisons made to modern species based on morphology and surface features. The ecology and distribution of modern analogues are extrapolated to reconstruct the fossil environment. Results One hundred and forty‐five beetle species belonging to 33 families were identified. The LGM fossil fauna showed the local vegetation was characterized by a forest patch surrounded by an open tussock/grassland landscape. This Nothofagus (southern beech) forest persisted at the site until mid‐Holocene when it was replaced by a podocarp forest that contained high beetle diversity. Herbivores dominate in the early stage of this zone, indicating a relatively new forest environment. Later in the Holocene, the fauna is dominated by detritivores indicating an older more established forest. The late Holocene is characterized by low diversity and the absence of forest species. This fauna indicates that by 500 years ago, the forest was absent and is associated with an almost compete loss of beetle biodiversity. Main conclusions The fossil beetles provide a unique perspective into the past environment in the Awatere Valley on a local scale. The reconstruction supports regional pollen interpretations of Holocene vegetation by identifying a specific forest patch. Fossil beetles are thus a valuable local proxy for vegetation reconstructions.  相似文献   

Aim To use pollen data, numerical analysis and modelling to reconstruct late Quaternary vegetation and climate in a complex, mountainous environment. Location Georgia (Caucasus region). Methods Pollen data were assembled from various sources and used to map: (1) changing frequencies of individual taxa; (2) vegetation changes; and (3) reconstructed climatic parameters for the past 14,000 years. Numerical analyses were performed using two‐way indicator species analysis (twinspan ), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), the modern analogue technique (MAT) and weighted averaging (WA). Results Mapping of pollen taxa showed that Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ephedra were most abundant in the study area during the late‐glacial. Betula and Corylus expanded during the early Holocene, yielding to Abies, Carpinus, Fagus, Quercus and Castanea. Picea, Pinus, Juglans and Ostrya‐type expanded during the late Holocene. Mixed forests grew in the moist, Black Sea refugium throughout the late Quaternary. Elsewhere in Georgia, the Pleistocene–Holocene transition is recorded as a shift from desert‐steppes to oak‐xerophyte communities and mixed forests. This kind of vegetation remained relatively stable until the mid–late Holocene, when coniferous forests and mountain grasslands advanced. DCA showed that rainfall was most strongly correlated with pollen composition in the study area (r2 = 0.55). No temperature signal was detected. A weighted‐averaging transfer function linking pollen percentages to annual precipitation was selected over a MAT model as it performed better when applied to a validation data set. Rainfall reconstructions indicate widespread aridity at the terminal Pleistocene, followed by a gradual increase in precipitation, peaking during the mid Holocene (7000–4000 cal. yr bp ) and generally decreasing thereafter. Main conclusions On a regional scale, the results confirm those from previous studies of palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in Western Asia. On a local scale, reconstructions from individual sites often diverge from the regional trend because of edaphic changes, ecological succession, human impacts and other disturbances. Some of these factors are probably responsible for the increasing heterogeneity of Georgia’s vegetation in the latter half of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Abstract We used differences in soil carbon δ13C values between forested sites and grasslands dominated by the C4 grass Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) to detect the presence of former grasslands in the historical landscape of the coastal sand plain of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Soil δ13C was measured at (1) sites with long‐term forest or grassland vegetation and (2) sites with known histories where forest vegetation invaded grassland and where forest converted to grassland. The δ13C of soil under long‐term grassland was –24.1‰ at 0 to 2 cm depth and –23.4‰ at 2 to 10 cm and was enriched by 3.4‰ and 2.8‰ compared with soil under long‐term forest. In forests that invaded grasslands dominated by S. scoparium, soil δ13C decreased as C derived from trees replaced C from S. scoparium. This decline occurred faster in surface soils and in the light soil organic matter fraction than in the mineral soil. In forests that converted to grasslands, soil δ13C increased and the rate of increase was similar in surface and mineral soil and in the different soil organic matter fractions. Rates of change indicated that soil δ13C could be used to detect changes in vegetation involving the presence or absence of S. scoparium during the last 150 years. Application of this model to a potential grassland restoration site on Martha's Vineyard where the landscape history was not known indicated that the site was previously unoccupied by S. scoparium during this time. The δ13C of surface mineral soil can be useful for detecting the presence of historic S. scoparium grasslands but only in the period well after European settlement of these coastal sand plain landscapes.  相似文献   

In grassland reserves, managed disturbance is often necessary to maintain plant species diversity. We carried out experiments to determine the impact of fire, kangaroo grazing, mowing and disc ploughing on grassland species richness and composition in a nature reserve in semi‐arid eastern Australia. Vegetation response was influenced by winter–spring drought after establishment of the experiments, but moderate rainfall followed in late summer–autumn. Species composition varied greatly between sampling times, and the variability due to rainfall differences between seasons and years was greater than the effects of fire, kangaroo grazing, mowing or disc ploughing. In the fire experiment, species richness and composition recovered more rapidly after spring than autumn burning. Species richness and composition were similar to control sites within 12 months of burning and mowing, suggesting that removal of the dominant grass canopy is unnecessary to enhance plant diversity. Two fires (separated by 3 years) and post‐fire kangaroo grazing had only minor influence on species richness and composition. Even disc ploughing caused only a small reduction in native richness. The minor impact of ploughing was explained by the small areas that were ploughed, the once‐off nature of the treatment, and the high degree of natural movement and cracking in these shrink‐swell soils. Recovery of the composition and richness of these grasslands was rapid because of the high proportion of perennial species that resprout vegetatively after fire and mowing. There appears to be little conservation benefit from fire, mowing or ploughing ungrazed areas, as we could identify no native plant species dependent on frequent disturbance for persistence in this grassland community. However, the ability of the Astrebla‐ and Dichanthium‐dominated grasslands to recover quickly after disturbance, given favourable seasonal conditions, suggests that they are well adapted to natural disturbances (e.g. droughts, fire, flooding and native grazing).  相似文献   

New Zealand forests burn less frequently than tussock grasslands,heath or shrublands. Species composition, past disturbance andstand condition determine inflammability and fuel load, andconsequent fire intensity and spatial extent. Before peoplearrived, fires were ignited by lightning during drought yearson the eastern sides of both islands. Volcanism occurring every300–600 years was associated with fires in the centralNorth Island. A review of radiocarbon-dated charcoal from theeastern South Island, and of evidence for fire in pollen profilesfrom the North Island, provide the basis for an assessment offire frequency. Forest fires have occurred on both New Zealand'sislands throughout the Holocene at least every few centuries,until the last millennium when frequency increased. The ‘returntime’ of fire at any one place in the forested landscapewas probably one or two millennia. Burned areas usually succeededto forest again before the next inflagration. Consequently fireadaptation is infrequent in the New Zealand flora, and Polynesianforest clearance was rapid and largely permanent. There is anindication of an increase in fire frequency in the late Holocene,and a clear signal associated with people approx. 700 yearsBP. Separating the earliest anthropogenic fires from the backgroundlevel of natural burning will be difficult without additionalevidence.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Comapny Fire history, New Zealand, palynology, Maori, climate, volcanism.  相似文献   

Payette  Serge  Pilon  Vanessa  Frégeau  Mathieu  Couillard  Pierre-Luc  Laflamme  Jason 《Ecosystems》2021,24(8):1906-1927

Stand-scale gap-phase dynamics is generally viewed as the main driver of development in mesic deciduous forests of the temperate biome. Soil charcoal of temperate forests in eastern North America are unnoticed in most surveys, thus explaining why fire is undervalued as a driver of forest succession. The extent to which gap-phase, fire, or other processes are responsible for the regeneration and maintenance of mesic deciduous forests is unknown because paleoecological evidence is lacking. We tested the fire-driven succession hypothesis on the development of this major forest type. Based on charcoal 14C dates of two sites, 44 and 55 fires occurred since early Holocene, with a mean interval of 170 to 215 years. The vegetation of both sites followed comparable post-glacial trajectories consisting of three distinct periods. Conifers dominated the two first periods during 5200–6000 years and were replaced by hardwoods–conifers over the last 3500 years. The first period was represented by boreal conifers, whereas the second period, dominated by white pine (Pinus strobus) forests, persisted during 3000–4300 years. The third period marked the development of hardwood (sugar maple, Acer saccharum) forests. Fires occurred continuously on the sites since early Holocene likely under dry conditions during the conifer periods and cooler and moister conditions during the hardwood–conifer period. Recurrent fires appear with climate as key drivers of the long-term dynamics of several temperate forests in eastern North America. Similar studies on other temperate forests should be pursued to test the hypothesis of climate–fire interactions influencing tree composition change.


Genetic studies concerned with the demographic history of wildlife species can help elucidate the role of climate change and other forces such as human activity in shaping patterns of divergence and distribution. The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) declined dramatically during the rinderpest pandemic in the late 1800s, but little is known about the earlier demographic history of the species. We analysed genetic variation at 17 microsatellite loci and a 302‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region to infer past demographic changes in buffalo populations from East Africa. Two Bayesian coalescent‐based methods as well as traditional bottleneck tests were applied to infer detailed dynamics in buffalo demographic history. No clear genetic signature of population declines related to the rinderpest pandemic could be detected. However, Bayesian coalescent modelling detected a strong signal of African buffalo population declines in the order of 75–98%, starting in the mid‐Holocene (approximately 3–7000 years ago). The signature of decline was remarkably consistent using two different coalescent‐based methods and two types of molecular markers. Exploratory analyses involving various prior assumptions did not seriously affect the magnitude or timing of the inferred population decline. Climate data show that tropical Africa experienced a pronounced transition to a drier climate approximately 4500 years ago, concurrent with the buffalo decline. We therefore propose that the mid‐Holocene aridification of East Africa caused a major decline in the effective population size of the buffalo, a species reliant on moist savannah habitat for its existence.  相似文献   

Question: Is the diverse mosaic of forest/grassland (Campos) vegetation on the hills in the Porto Alegre region natural or of anthropogenic origin? What are the best approaches to management and conservation of forest/grassland mosaics in southern Brazil? Location: 280 m a.s.l., Rio Grande do Sul State (30°04′32″S; 51°06′05″W, southern Brazil. Methods: A 50-cm long radiocarbon dated sediment core from a swamp on Morro Santana was analysed for pollen and charcoal, and multivariate data analysis was used to reconstruct past vegetation and fire dynamics. Results: The formation of swamp deposits is related to a change to wetter climatic conditions since 1230 cal yr BP. The diverse forest/grassland mosaic existed already at that time and can be seen as natural in origin as it has been also shown from other studies in southern Brazil. Since 580 cal yr BP, forests expanded continuously. The marked higher occurrence of the pioneer Myrsine during the last 70 years, indicates a change in the disturbance regime. In the past, vegetation has been influenced by mostly anthropogenic fire, set first by Amerindians and later by European settlers. Conclusions: Management for conservation of forest/grassland mosaics should take into account, first, that grasslands are remnants of earlier drier Holocene periods and not a result of deforestation and, second, the history of disturbance by grazing and fire. Suppression of grazing and burning has likely resulted in a trend towards more woody vegetation under modern wet climatic conditions. If management for conservation excludes fire, the present grassland patches will tend to disappear due to forest expansion under the modern humid climate. Maintaining or reintroducing cattle grazing in conservation areas could be an alternative to fire.  相似文献   

The relative effect of past climate fluctuations and anthropogenic activities on current biome distribution is subject to increasing attention, notably in biodiversity hot spots. In Madagascar, where humans arrived in the last ~4 to 5,000 years, the exact causes of the demise of large vertebrates that cohabited with humans are yet unclear. The prevailing narrative holds that Madagascar was covered with forest before human arrival and that the expansion of grasslands was the result of human‐driven deforestation. However, recent studies have shown that vegetation and fauna structure substantially fluctuated during the Holocene. Here, we study the Holocene history of habitat fragmentation in the north of Madagascar using a population genetics approach. To do so, we infer the demographic history of two northern Madagascar neighbouring, congeneric and critically endangered forest dwelling lemur species—Propithecus tattersalli and Propithecus perrieri—using population genetic analyses. Our results highlight the necessity to consider population structure and changes in connectivity in demographic history inferences. We show that both species underwent demographic fluctuations which most likely occurred after the mid‐Holocene transition. While mid‐Holocene climate change probably triggered major demographic changes in the two lemur species range and connectivity, human settlements that expanded over the last four millennia in northern Madagascar likely played a role in the loss and fragmentation of the forest cover.  相似文献   

Most high value grasslands of south‐eastern Australia are restricted to small fragmented areas of public land. However, a significant proportion of native grassland is privately owned, managed with grazing rather than fire and is rarely monitored. Hence, a better understanding of grassland management and conservation on the private estate is required. Eco‐markets are policy instruments that incentivise private landholders to effectively manage and conserve native vegetation. However, short funding cycles restrict the capacity of monitoring programs to assess long‐term vegetation changes. In this study, 17 native grassland remnants on private land managed with livestock grazing were monitored before and during a 4‐year eco‐market and 6 years after it ended to determine how composition had changed over 10 years of monitoring. Numerous grassland attributes were either maintained or improved over the 10‐year period, which coincided with one of the most severe and long‐lasting droughts in recent history (i.e. the Millennium drought). In addition, several threatened species were identified as part of the program. A decline in exotic forb richness, native grass cover and native forb richness suggests there is also some impact of the Millennium drought on plant mortality as evidenced by altered litter dynamics. Inherent variability year‐to‐year for most measures of grassland attributes over the monitoring period indicates that climatic conditions have a strong influence on grassland dynamics. Our ability to determine the driver(s) of grassland composition was limited by monitoring program design. Future eco‐market monitoring programs should have adequate resources allocated to enable effective monitoring designs, that incorporate reference information and control sites, and should aim to be long‐term (i.e. >10 years). This will provide clearer insights into the drivers of grassland dynamics and allow for refinement of management options for conservation of this threatened community.  相似文献   

Six‐lined racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata) is an indicator species of frequently burned Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests. To evaluate how the species responded to forest restoration, we conducted a mark‐recapture study in formerly fire‐suppressed Longleaf pine forests exposed to prescribed fire or fire surrogates (i.e. mechanical or herbicide‐facilitated hardwood removal) as well as in fire‐suppressed control sites and reference sites, which represented the historic condition. After initial treatment, all sites were exposed to over a decade of prescribed burning with an average return interval of approximately 2 years. We used population‐level response of A. sexlineata as an indicator of the effectiveness of the different treatments in restoring habitat. Specifically, we compared mean numbers of marked adults and juveniles at treatment sites to that of reference sites. After 4 years, restoration objectives were met at sites treated with burning alone and at sites treated with mechanical removal of hardwoods followed by fire. After over 10 years of prescribed burning, restoration objectives were met at all treatments. We conclude that prescribed burning alone was sufficient to restore fire‐suppressed Longleaf pine sandhills for A. sexlineata populations.  相似文献   

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