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A study of lateral bud dormancy in Actinidia chinensis has shownthat true dormancy can be induced, especially in short daysat warm and constant temperatures This dormancy can be brokenquantitatively by chilling but temperatures as high as 10 °Care effective The dormancy appears to be due to an inhibitor(possibly ABA), apparently stored in the special bud cover aspecial structure in Kiwi fruit which may represent fused stipulesRemoval of the cover also admits oxygen and light, both of whichhave promoting effects on bud break Application of ABA enhancesdormancy (as do crude extracts tentatively identified as ABA)while GA3 application enhances dormancy before chilling andpromotes bud break only after chilling Actinidia chinensis, Kiwi fruit, dormancy, abscissic acid, gibberellic acid, chilling  相似文献   

This paper deals with early embryogenesis of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis. 1. Ovary superior consists of 34—45 carpels. Each carpel contains 11–45 ovules. The ovule is uni-integument and tenuinucellar. The ovule is anatropous. The archesporium is formed by a single cell, and directly develops into megaspore mother cell. Sometimes the archesporium consists of 2–3 cells, but only one of them develops into megaspore mother cell and the others are degenerated. 2. The mature pollen grain is two-celled and the embryo sac belongs to olygonum type. In most embryo sacs two polar nuclei are fused before fertilization. One of the synergids was destroyed as the pollen tube penetrated into embryo sac the other one disappeared after fertilization. In most cases the antipodal cells became degenerated in fertilization process, only some remained until the first division of primary endosperm nucleus. 3. In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30–72 hours after pollination. In the fertilization one sperm fused with egg nucleus and the other sperm fused with the secondary nucleus as usual. The fusion of the secondary nucleus with sperm was in advance of the fusion of the egg nudeus. 4. The endosperm is cellular type.  相似文献   

以中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)品种‘H-1’为材料,研究有机栽培和生态绿色栽培模式对其可溶性固形物、总糖、总酸、Vc、氨基酸、矿物元素和香气等果实品质性状的影响。结果显示:生态绿色栽培的‘H-1’中,果实可溶性固形物、总糖和Vc含量比有机栽培的果实分别高出15.90%、26.30%和29.25%,其中Vc的差异最为明显;总酸含量与有机栽培种相差不大;有机栽培的‘H-1’中必需氨基酸的含量是生态绿色栽培种的1.69倍,且锌和钙的含量也高于生态绿色栽培,但钾元素含量相差不明显;生态绿色栽培的‘H-1’果实中可检出的果香成分比有机栽培多5种。研究结果表明栽培方式不同,猕猴桃果实品质表现出一定差异,可根据果实鲜食及加工用途的不同选择合适的栽培方式。  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from cotyledon callus line of A14N7 of Actinidia Chinensis Planch. were cultured in the improved NN-69 medium. First division of regenerated cells occurred during 7–10 days of culture, and percentage of the cell division was about 10% at day 20. The best result of protoplast culture was achieved when protoplasts were cukured in liquid medium at a density of 5× 104/ml, About 4 months, procoplast-derived calli were transferred stepwisely onto differentiation media where they developed into green compact calli, from which the perfect plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Plants of watermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Matsum. &Nakai, cv. Early Yates] were grown for up to 3 months aftergermination in controlled environment cabinets, and variousaspects of vegetative growth and fruit development were measured.Effects of light intensity were studied by comparing growthat 8, 16 and 32 klx at constant temperature and daylength (25°C, 14 h). Effects of daylength were studied by comparing8, 14 and 24 h at constant light intensity and temperature (32klx, 25 °C), and effects of tem perature were studied bycomparing 20°, 25°, 30°, 35° and 40 °C atconstant light intensity and day- length (32 klx, 14 h). Withincreasing light intensity and daylength lateral growth waspromoted whereas main shoots were less affected. Increase intemperature above 25 °C resulted in longer main shoots andprolific lateral growth, due both to more and to longer laterals.Environmental differences had little effect on internode lengthbut did affect the size of basal leaves. However, an increasein total leaf area at higher temperatures or with Continuouslight was mainly due to more leaves rather than larger leaves.The presence of developing fruit greatly reduced vegetativegrowth of plants. Main shoot length, lateral growth, numberof leaves, and even size of individual leaves, were all reduced.This reduction did not apply to d. wt of whole plants. Fruitingplants were very efficient, on a leaf area basis, in accumulatingd. wt. At 25 °C at the two higher light intensities with14 h days the presence of one developing fruit was inhibitoryto the setting of any subsequent fruit. With short days or lowlight, more fruits were set but they were small. With continuouslight or high temperature more than one fruit could developand they were large.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the somatic chromosome numbers of 2 varieties of Actinidia chinensis Planch. are counted as follows: A. chinensis var. chinensis 2n=58(2x), A. chinensis var. hispida 2n=ca. 174(6x). Both numbers are reported for the first timefor the species.  相似文献   

用流式细胞仪鉴定中华猕猴桃的多倍体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华猕猴桃叶中酚类物质多而黏性较大,对流式细胞仪检测多有不便。文章参照已有方法,改进细胞核提取液配方和提取方法,建立了快速、准确鉴定秋水仙素诱导中华猕猴桃多倍体的方法,效果较好。  相似文献   

The effects of light and temperature on flowering and pollentube growth were studied in watermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum. and Nakai, cv. Early Yates] plants grown in controlledenvironment cabinets. All female flowers were pollinated inone group of plants; none was pollinated in the other group. Temperature increase from 25 °C to 35 °C with daylengthof 14 h and light intensity of 32 klx caused increase in flowernumber per plant, proportion of male flowers, ovary length anddiameter, ovule number per ovary, rate of pollen tube growthand percentage of penetrated ovules at 24 hand 48 h after pollination.Very few flowers were produced at 40 °C, but there was ahigh proportion of male flowers. Increase in daylength from14 h to 24 h at 25 °C with light intensity of 32 klx alsoincreased number of flowers per plant, ovary length and diameterand number of ovules per ovary but sex expression and rate ofpollen tube growth were unaffected. Reduction in daylength from14 h to 8 hat 25 °C and light intensity of 32 klx and reductionin light intensity from 32 klx to 8 klx at 25 °C and 14h daylength both produced an increase in the percentage of immatureovules. The presence of fruit on the vine resulted in fewerflowers per plant and in reduced ovary legnth and diameter underall conditions tested. The results are discussed in relation to the fruiting responseof the plant.  相似文献   

Movement was followed of K, Ca, Mg, P and N from wood and barkto the developing shoot of kiwi-fruit cuttings held in waterunder growth-room conditions. K, Mg and P moved to the shootfrom both wood and bark. Ca was the least mobile nutrient andreserves in the wood could account for all the Ca subsequentlyfound in the shoot. About 50 per cent of the calcium in thebark was associated with oxalate. Both wood and bark providednitrogen for the shoot. Soluble N increased with protein hydrolysis.Most of the soluble N in reserves was in the form of arginine.The wood should not be disregarded as an important site of nutrientreserves. Macro nutrient reserves, calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Actinidia chinensis Planch., kiwifruit  相似文献   

A comparative observations of the morphology on the stem, winter bud, fruit, pollen grains of A. chinensis Planch. var. chinensis and A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida C. F. Liang have been made and the obvious differences in these aspects are obvious. In stem tissue culture, the frequency of calli induced and plantlets produced of A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida is also higher than that of A. chinensis Planch. chinensis. For this reason we suggest to raise A. chinensis Planch. var. hispida as a newspecies.  相似文献   

以白头翁试管苗叶片为外植体,以MS为基础培养基,探讨不同细胞分裂素和生长素对叶片不定芽诱导、愈伤组织的诱导、增殖、再分化的影响。实验结果表明:细胞分裂素TDZ适合于白头翁叶片培养,与生长素搭配使用使叶片发生分化;2,4-D对愈伤组织的诱导能力相对较强。叶片直接诱导不定芽的激素组合为TDZ0.3mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L;愈伤组织增殖的激素组合为TDZ0.2mg/L+2,4-D0.2mg/L,将愈伤组织转接到TDZ和NAA组合的培养基上时会再分化。  相似文献   

Eleven cultivars of pigeonpea, representing five different maturitygroups, were grown under controlled conditions to determinehow the rate of development from sowing to flower bud initiation(FBI) and sowing to flowering was affected by temperature anddaylength, the two environmental variables thought to have mostinfluence on reproductive development. Both temperature and daylength had substantial effects overthe range 16–32 C and 10–14 h respectively. Comparisonswithin the 12 h daylength treatment showed no consistent patternwith mean temperature. A discrete-rate analysis was used todetermine the effect on development of each of the temperaturesmaking up the various treatment combinations of day and nighttemperature. The rate of development from sowing to FBI varied among cultivars.The responses to temperature were all strongly curvilinear withoptima between 20 and 24 C. The rate of development from sowingto flowering showed a similar pattern. The effect of daylengthon the rate of development was the greatest between sowing andFBI, with the greatest sensitivity between 12 and 14 h. For the range of conditions considered, temperature had at leastas great an influence as daylength on the rates of developmentfrom sowing to FBI and from sowing to flowering. Some of theresponses to time of planting that have previously been attributedto daylength effects may, in fact, have been due to temperature.The responses to temperature of reproductive and vegetativedevelopment are very different. Phenology, Cajanus cajan  相似文献   

猕猴桃是一种营养价值很高的水果,其在食品加工中具有很大的市场开发利用前景。猕猴桃制品营养丰富,风味独特,其鲜果不易贮藏等问题也正在得到解决。猕猴桃制品种类多样,本文从猕猴桃复合饮料,生态特色果酒等以猕猴桃为主要原料的加工产品进行综述,展望了猕猴桃果实的加工利用前景。  相似文献   

Some Effects of Temperature on the Growth of F Pili   总被引:7,自引:12,他引:7  
The effect of temperature on the production of F pili by an F(+) strain of Escherichia coli B/r was studied by electron microscopy and by a technique involving serum-blocking power. The latter method is based on the ability of F pili to adsorb F pili antibody which inhibits male-specific phage infection. The total amount of pili in a sample was estimated by serum-blocking power; the length of F pili and number per cell was determined by electron microscopy. Cell extracts prepared by sonic oscillation lacked serum-blocking power, suggesting that F pili are not present in the cytoplasm. The number of F pili per cell varied with the growth temperature, but the average length of F pili remained constant. Maximum number of pili per cell occurs between 37 and 42 C; below 37 C the number decreases, reaching zero at about 25 C. When cells are grown at 37 C, blended, and resuspended in fresh media at 25 C, they make F pili. These pili are probably assembled from a pool of subunits that were synthesized during growth at 37 C. The rates of assembly at 25 and 37 C, as judged by the rate of increase in length of F pili, are similar. When cells were grown at 25 C and shifted up to 37 C, there was a 30-min lag in pili production followed by a period of rapid outgrowth. When cells were shifted down from 37 to 20 C, outgrowth (assembly) of pili ceased, and approximately 50% of the attached pili were released in 2 min. No release was observed when cells were shifted to 0 C. This suggests that pili may be released from the cell by a mechanism that requires metabolic activity, but not the outgrowth of F pili.  相似文献   

Three varieties of wheat. Thatcher, Falcon and Sunset. were grown under 20. 12 or 8 hour days until the initiation of spikelet primordia on the shoot apex began, and then in natural light until maturity. Phosphorus (100 mg/l P) was applied at 7, 33 or 54 days after sowing, other plants were left without phosphorus. The response of the plants to phosphorus in terms of final leaf number, grain production and number of fertile spikelets was related to time of initiation. When the time of initiation was 52 or more days after sowing there were some responses in grain yield to phosphorus, but they were independent of time of application; for initiation times of 32 days or less the earlier applications of phosphorus tended to give a greater response.  相似文献   

目的:研究外界环境应力刺激对木本植物幼苗根系发育的生物学效应。方法:通过模拟机械振荡刺激中华猕猴桃的试管苗。结果:适度的机械振荡(频率2~3 Hz)可促进猕猴桃试管苗根系的生长发育,根系质膜的通透性降低,根尖活力以及根系总长、分根数等指标明显增加;但当振动强度超过一定值(4Hz)后,根系活力的增强效应就受到明显的抑制。结论:植物根系发育对外界应力刺激有较显著的双向效应;从细胞和分子生物学水平探讨了环境应力影响试管苗根系发育可能的内在机制。  相似文献   

研究了采后钙处理对中华猕猴桃果实的还原性Vc、还原糖、蛋白质及半乳精醛酸酶(PG)活性的影响。果实采后钙处理,能抑制PG酶的活性,延缓果实的衰老,同时保持果实的良好品质。利用中华猕猴桃对钙处理的适宜浓度范围较大的特性,可根据市场不同时期的需求采用不同浓度的钙处理。  相似文献   

声波刺激对猕猴桃愈伤组织ATP含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用单因子实验设计,分别先固定作为交变应力的声波的频率或强度这两个参数中的一个,而改变另一个指标的值,用声波刺激木本植物中华猕猴桃(Actinidiachinensis)茎段的愈伤组织,并测定对比声波处理前后其ATP含量及变化情况。实验结果表明,声波对猕猴桃愈伤组织ATP的含量有着比较明显的增强或抑制的双重效应,适度的声场刺激将有利于提高植物的能量代谢水平,其中,最适的声波频率为1000Hz,最适声强为100dB左右 。  相似文献   

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