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Purification and properties of hydrogenase from Megasphaera elsdenii   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A hydrogenase has been purified to homogeneity from the soluble fraction of the rumen bacterium Megasphaera elsdenii, the overall purification is 200 times with a yield of 14%. The pure enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain with Mr approximately 50 000 which contains 12 atoms of non-haem iron and 12 atoms of acid-labile sulphide. The enzyme is rapidly inactivated by O2 and it is therefore purified under nitrogen and in the presence of sodium dithionite. The optical spectrum of the enzyme, after removal of the dithionite with air, shows a peak at 275 nm (epsilon 275 nm = 143 mM-1 cm-1) and a shoulder between 350 nm and 400 nm (epsilon 400 nm = 46 mM-1 cm-1). The enzyme catalyses hydrogen production from sodium dithionite at a low rate. The rate is greatly enhanced by addition of the electron donors flavodoxin, ferredoxin and methyl viologen. The kinetic data with these three electron donors suggest co-operativity, but no indication of self-association of the enzyme was obtained. Sodium chloride enhances the rate of hydrogen production with methyl viologen semiquinone and changes the kinetic behaviour of the enzyme with this electron donor, but causes inhibition of the reactions mediated by ferredoxin and flavodoxin. Two kinetic models were developed which are consistent with the kinetic data of the three electron donors tested. The apparent co-operativity for the hydrogen production can be fitted with the mathematical form of those models. The identical kinetic behaviour of the hydrogenase with the one-electron donors flavodoxin and methyl viologen semiquinone monomer and the two-electron donor ferredoxin indicates that the hydrogenase accepts two electrons in two separate, independent steps and further indicates that the two (4Fe-4S) clusters of the donor ferredoxin are independent. The interpretation of the kinetic data with methyl viologen semiquinone is complicated by the fact that the semiquinone dimerises, and that the formation of the dimer is enhanced by salt. Taking into account the association of this donor, the activity of the enzyme with methyl viologen semiquinone can be described by the sum of the activities of the enzyme with methyl viologen monomer and methyl viologen dimer. The enzyme catalyses the oxidation of hydrogen gas with methyl and benzyl viologen as electron acceptors to their semiquinone forms; both electron acceptors show Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The hydrogen oxidation activity with both electron acceptors is stimulated by addition of sodium chloride. The kinetic data of the oxidation of hydrogen with the two-electron acceptors used are consistent with the porposed models, if it is assumed that the pathway followed is compulsory. At this moment no choice can be made between the models proposed.  相似文献   

The hydrogenase of Megasphaera elsdenii was purified to a specific activity of 350 units/mg. The hydrogen-tritium exchange assay of Hallahan et al. [Hallahan, D.L., Fernandez, V. M., Hatchikian, E. C. and Hall, D. O. (1986) Biochimie (Paris) 68, 49-54] was adapted to allow its use in the study of the M. elsdenii hydrogenase preparation. Under the assay conditions routinely employed, the enzyme's exchange activity was inhibited by Tris/HCl and MgCl2; it was stimulated by ethylene glycol. Maximal activity in this standard assay occurred at pH 7.1. The effect of the concentration of molecular hydrogen (1H2 plus 3H1H) on the exchange activity was studied. The resulting double-reciprocal plot was linear; its slope and its intercepts on the ordinate and abscissa were pH-dependent. The rate equations for a number of models of the exchange activity were derived. Each model gave rise to a linear double-reciprocal plot at constant pH, but none could explain fully the observed effects of varying pH. The experimental data corresponded most closely to the predictions of models in which protons were treated both as substrates and as regulators of the enzyme's activity.  相似文献   

The value of a three-dimensional (3D) non-selective total correlation/nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (TOCSY-NOESY) spectrum for making sequential resonance assignments in proteins is demonstrated using the relatively large Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin (molecular mass 15 kDa) in the oxidized state. An easy and concise method for the analysis of 3D-NMR spectra and a strategy for the resonance assignment of 3D-NMR protein spectra is introduced. In this context, non-selective TOCSY-NOESY is compared with selective TOCSY-NOESY and non-selective NOESY-TOCSY. Sequential assignments in various secondary structure elements of flavodoxin are made using the method of analysis introduced. NOEs not previously identified in 2D-NMR spectra due to resonance overlap are found in the 3D Clean-TOCSY-NOESY spectrum. Also additional side-chain assignments could be made.  相似文献   

A reserve glucan of Megasphaera elsdenii was studied by methylation analysis before and after treatment with isoamylase. The results of this study indicate that the glucan is of the amylopectin-glycogen type.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase from Megasphaera elsdenii at 450 nm is determined as 14.4 mM-1 X cm-1 in the CoA-free form and 14.2 mM-1 X cm-1 in the CoA-liganded form (both yellow). The latter value is considerably higher than the earlier published estimate. Phenazine ethosulphate offers great advantages over phenazine methosulphate as a coupling dye in the catalytic assay despite giving lower Vmax. values (506 min-1 as compared with 1250 min-1 under the conditions used). The phenazine ethosulphate assay is used to establish a pH optimum of 8.05 for oxidation of 100 microM-butyryl-CoA. The rates of oxidation of a range of straight-chain, branched-chain and alicyclic acyl thioesters are used to provide the following information. Only straight-chain acyl groups containing 4-6 carbon atoms are easily accommodated by the postulated hydrophobic pocket of the enzyme. C-3-substituted acyl-CoA thioesters are not oxidized at a significant rate, suggesting that the C-3 pro-S-hydrogen atom of straight-chain substrates is partially exposed to the solvent. Acyl-CoA thioesters with substitutions at C-2 are oxidized, though at a lower rate than their straight-chain counterparts. This implies that the C-2 pro-S-hydrogen atom of straight-chain substrates is partially exposed to the solvent. Saturated alicyclic carboxylic acyl-CoA thioesters with 4-7 carbon atoms in the ring are oxidized, with maximal activity for the cyclohexane derivative. This implies that optimal oxidation requires a true trans orientation of the two departing hydrogen atoms. The strain imposed by bound unsaturated alicyclic acyl thioesters strikingly perturbs the flavin visible-absorption spectrum, with the exception of the cyclohex-2-ene derivative, which forms a complex with similar spectral properties to those of the crotonyl-CoA complex. In the thiol moiety of thioester substrates the amide bond of N-acetylcysteamine is essential for both binding and catalysis. The adenosine structure contributes substantially to strong binding, but is less important in determining the catalytic rate.  相似文献   

Pulsed electron-spin-resonance techniques were applied to the hydrogenase of the purple photosynthetic bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina, an enzyme which contains nickel and iron-sulphur clusters but no flavin. The linear electric field effect profile of the spectrum in the region of g = 2.01 indicated that the strong ESR signal in the oxidized protein is due to a [3Fe-4S] cluster. The electron spin-echo envelope of this spectrum was modulated by hyperfine interactions with 1H and 14N nuclei, probably from the polypeptide chain. The ESR spectrum of this species shows a complex pattern arising from spin-spin interaction with another paramagnet. When the protein was partially reduced by ascorbate plus phenazine methosulphate, the complexity of the spectrum was abolished but the form of the electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) pattern was unchanged. This indicates that the reversible disappearance of the spin-spin interaction pattern on partial reduction is not due to cluster interconversion to a [4Fe-4S] cluster. In the ESR spectrum of nickel(III), weak hyperfine interactions with 1H and 14N were also observed by ESEEM. The nature of the interacting nuclei is discussed.  相似文献   

Assignments for the 137 amino acid residues of oxidized Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin have been made using the sequential resonance assignment procedure. Great benefit was experienced from assignments of the fully reduced protein. The secondary and tertiary structures of the typical alpha/beta protein remain virtually identical on going from the oxidized to the two-electron-reduced state as judged from two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy. However, functionally important conformation changes in the flavin-binding region do occur on reduction. Considerable reduction-state-dependent chemical shift variations of protons in the immediate vicinity of the isoalloxazine moiety take place. From analysis of these shifts, it can be concluded that ring current effects of the pyrazine part of the flavin diminish on two-electron reduction.  相似文献   

The plasmalogen content of phospholipids isolated from Megasphaera elsdenii ATCC 17752 decreased markedly in cultures passed serially at intervals of 3 to 6 weeks. From the wild-type ratio of vinyl ether to lipid phosphorus of 0.8, clones were isolated with ratios less than 0.05. Clonal analysis, as well as the reproducibility of the phenomenon and the long time course, suggest that the loss of plasmalogens is an adaptive process. Although small variations in cell morphology and ratios of end products of fermentation were detected, plasmalogen-rich and -deficient cells were virtually indistinguishable with respect to growth rates, range of fermentable carbohydrates, activities of selected enzymes, and electrophoretic patterns in both membrane and soluble proteins. Large decreases in saturated fatty acid production accompanied the decline of plasmalogens.  相似文献   

The thermostable hydrogenase from Thiocapsa roseopersicina was examined by low-temperature ESR spectroscopy. Two types of signals were detected, from an oxidized iron-sulphur cluster and a nickel centre (Ni-A). In the oxidized protein additional signals were observed due to spin-spin interaction between the two paramagnetic centres. This interaction could be reversibly abolished by reduction to a redox potential below 105 mV. This implies that an additional redox centre is involved in the interaction, for which an Fe3+ ion is suggested. Reduction with hydrogen induced a second type of nickel ESR signal (Ni-C), corresponding to an intermediate redox state seen in other nickel hydrogenases. The Ni-C species was light-sensitive at cryogenic temperatures. At temperatures near to 4.2 K the Ni-C signal showed evidence of interaction with another paramagnetic centre, presumably a second iron-sulphur cluster. On reoxidation a signal due to a third Ni(III) species, Ni-B, increased in amplitude. These results establish that metal centres in the hydrogenase from T. roseopersicina are closely similar to those of the well-studied hydrogenase from Chromatium vinosum.  相似文献   

The purification of formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa after anaerobic growth on nitrate-containing medium was carried out. The separation of the FDH enzyme from nitrate reductase (NiR), which are found together in a particle fraction and constitute the short respiratory chain of this bacterium, has been followed by optical, magnetic c.d. (m.c.d.) and e.p.r. spectroscopy. These techniques have allowed the haem, iron-sulphur clusters and molybdenum components to be detected and, in part, their nature to be determined. Attempts to extract FDH anaerobically in the absence of sodium dithionite led to loss of activity. Addition of sodium dithionite maintained the activity of the enzyme, even after subsequent exposure to air, in an assay involving formate reduction with Nitro Blue Tetrazolium as reductant. Three preparations of FDH have been examined spectroscopically. The preparations vary in the amount of contaminating nitrate reductase, the amount of cytochrome c present and the concentration of oxidized [3Fe-4S] cluster. Optical spectra and low-temperature m.c.d. spectroscopy show the loss of a cytochrome-containing protohaem IX co-ordinated by methionine and histidine as NiR is separated from the preparation. In its purest state FDH contains one molecule of cytochrome co-ordinated by two histidine ligands in the oxidized state. This cytochrome has an e.p.r. spectrum with gz = 3.77, the band having the unusual ramp shape characteristic of highly anisotropic low-spin ferric haem. It also shows a charge-transfer band of high intensity in the m.c.d. spectrum at 1545 nm. It has recently been shown [Gadsby & Thomson (1986) FEBS Lett. 197, 253-257] that these spectroscopic properties are diagnostic of a bishistidine co-ordinated haem with steric constraint of the axial ligands. The e.p.r. and m.c.d. spectra of the reduced state of FDH reveal the presence of an iron-sulphur cluster of the [4Fe-4S]+ type. The g-values are 2.044, 1.943 and 1.903. An iron-sulphur cluster of the class [3Fe-4S], detected by e.p.r. spectroscopy in the oxidized state and by low-temperature m.c.d. spectroscopy in the reduced state, is purified away with the NiR. Finally, an e.p.r. signal at g = 2.0 with a narrow bandwidth which persists to 80 K is observed in the purest preparation of FDH. This may arise from an organic radical species.  相似文献   

S T Olson  V Massey 《Biochemistry》1979,18(21):4714-4724
A pyridine nucleotide independent D-lactate dehydrogenase has been purified to apparent homogeneity from the anaerobic bacterium Megasphaera elsdenii. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 105 000 by sedimentation equilibrium analysis with a subunit molecular weight of 55 000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and is thus probably a dimer of identical subunits. It contains approximately 1 mol of FAD and 1 g-atom of Zn2+ per mol of protein subunit, and the flavin exhibits a fluorescence 1.7 times that of free FAD. An earlier purification [Brockman, H. L., & Wood, W. A. (1975 J. Bacteriol. 124, 1454--1461] results in substantial loss of the enzyme's zinc, which is required for catalytic activity. The new purification yields greater than 5 times the amount of enzyme previously isolated. The enzyme is specific for D-lactate, and no inhibition is observed with L-lactate. Surprisingly, the enzyme has a significant oxidase activity, which depends on the ionic strength. Vmax values of 190 and 530 min-1 were obtained at a gamma/2 of 0.224 and 0.442, respectively. Except for this atypically high oxygen reactivity, D-lactate dehydrogenase resembles other flavoenzyme dehydrogenases in that the flavin does not react with sulfite, the tryptophan content is low, and a neutral blue semiquinone is formed upon photochemical reduction. The enzyme flavin is reduced either by dithionite, by oxalate plus catalytic 5-deazaflavin in the presence of light, or by D-lactate. Two electrons per flavin were consumed in a dithionite titration, implyine with varying ratios of D-lactate and pyruvate, an Em7 of -0.219 +/- 0.007 V at 20 degrees C was calculated for the flavin. The enzyme requires dithiothreitol for stability. Rapid inactivation results when the enzyme is incubated with a substoichiometric level of Cu2+. This inactivation can be reversed by dithiothreitol. It is proposed that the enzyme possesses a pair of cysteine residues capable of facile disulfide formation.  相似文献   

The soluble hydrogenase (hydrogen:NAD+ oxidoreductase (EC from Alcaligenes eutrophus has been purified to homogeneity by an improved procedure, which includes preparative electrophoresis as final step. The specific activity of 57 mumol H2 oxidized/min per mg protein was achieved and the yield of pure enzyme from 200 g cells (wet weight) was about 16 mg/purification. After removal of non-functional iron, analysis of iron and acid-labile sulphur yielded average values of 11.5 and 12.9 atoms/molecule of enzyme, respectively. p-Chloromercuribenzoate was a strong inhibitor of hydrogenase and apparently competed with NAD not with H2. Chelating agents, CO and O2 failed to inhibit enzyme activity. The oxidized hydrogenase showed an EPR spectrum with a small signal at g = 2.02. On reduction the appearance of a high temperature (50--77 K) signal at g = 2.04, 1.95 and a more complex low temperature (less than 30 K) spectrum at g = 2.04, 2.0, 1.95, 1.93, 1.86 was observed. The pronounced temperature dependence and characteristic lineshape of the signals obtained with hydrogenase in 80--85% dimethylsulphoxide demonstrated that iron-sulphur centres of both the [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] types are present in the enzyme. Quantitation of the EPR signals indicated the existence of two identical centres each of the [4Fe-4S] and of the [2Fe-2S] type. The midpoint redox potentials of the [4Fe-4S] and the [2Fe-2S] centres were determined to be -445 mV and -325 mV, respectively. Spin coupling between two centres, indicated by the split feature of the low temperature spectrum of the native hydrogenase around g = 1.95, 1.93, has been established by power saturation studies. On reduction of the [Fe-4S] centres, the electron spin relaxation rate of the [2Fe-2S] centres was considerably increased. Treatment of hydrogenase with CO caused no change in EPR spectra.  相似文献   

Pulse-radiolysis experiments were performed on solutions containing methyl or benzyl viologen and flavodoxin. Viologen radicals are formed after the pulse. The kinetics of the reaction of these radicals with flavodoxin were studied. The kinetics observed depend strongly on the concentration of oxidized viologen. Therefore one must conclude that a relatively stable intermediate is formed after the reduction of flavodoxin. The midpoint potential of the intermediate state is -(480 +/- 30) mV, and is hardly dependent on the pH between 7 and 9.2. Due to a conformational change (k2 approximately equal to 10(5)S-1) the intermediate state decays to the stable semiquinone form of flavodoxin. The delta G of the conformational change at pH 8 is about 29 kJ mol -1 (0.3 eV). This means that the upper limit for the pK of N-5 in the semiquinone form will be 13. The activation energy of the conformational change is 43 kJ mol -1 (0.45 eV). The reaction between methyl viologen radicals and the semiquinone of flavodoxin can be described by a normal bimolecular reaction. The reaction is diffusion-controlled with a forward rate constant of (7 +/- 1) X 10(8) M -1S -1 (pH 8, I = 55 mM). The midpoint potential of the semiquinone/hydroquinone was found to be -(408 +/- 5) mV. A consequence of the intermediate state is that flavodoxin (Fld) could be reduced by a two-electron process, the midpoint potential of which should be located between -440 mV less than Em (Fld/FldH-) less than -290 mV. The exact value will depend on the delta G of the conformational change between the fully reduced flavodoxin with its structure in the oxidized form and the fully reduced flavodoxin with its structure in the hydroquinone form. The conditions are discussed under which flavodoxin could behave as a two-electron donor.  相似文献   

Assignments for the 137 amino acid residues of Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin in the reduced state have been made using the sequential resonance assignment procedure. Several hydroxyl and sulfhydryl protons were observed at 41 degrees C at pH 8.3. Spin systems were sequentially assigned using phase-sensitive two-dimensional-correlated spectroscopy and phase-sensitive nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. Spectra of the protein in H2O and of protein preparations either completely or partly exchanged against 2H2O were obtained. Use of the fast electron shuttle between the paramagnetic semiquinone and the diamagnetic hydroquinone state greatly simplified the NMR spectra, making it possible to assign easily the 1H resonances of amino acid residues located in the immediate neighbourhood of the isoalloxazine ring. The majority of the nuclear Overhauser effect contracts between the flavin and the apoprotein correspond to the crystal structure of the flavin domain of Clostridium MP flavodoxin, but differences are also observed. The assignments provide the basis for the structure determination of M. elsdenii flavodoxin in the reduced state as well as for assigning the resonances of the oxidized flavodoxin.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the [Fe]-hydrogenase from the anaerobic bacterium Megasphaera elsdenii has been cloned and sequenced. The gene is monocistronic, in keeping with the protein being a monomer. The translated protein sequence (484 residues, M(r)=53 kDa) comprises a small 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin-like domain and a large domain containing the catalytic site. Comparisons with other [Fe]-hydrogenase sequences, including two of which the crystal structures are known, show that the M. elsdenii protein is among the smallest of these enzymes and provide useful indications regarding the basic structural core common to all [Fe]-hydrogenases. It is, nevertheless, to be noted that the genome of Thermotoga maritima encodes a putative [Fe]-hydrogenase that would consist of only 301 residues.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a real-time Taq nuclease assay (TNA) to enable the in vivo enumeration of Megasphaera elsdenii. METHODS AND RESULTS: Megasphaera elsdenii YE34 was phenotypically characteristic of the species and had 16S rDNA sequence similarity of 98% to previously described isolates. Calibration of the number of cells of M. elsdenii against the cycle threshold of fluorescent dye release gave a straight-line relationship with a correlation coefficient approximating unity. The specificity of the assay for M. elsdenii was confirmed by performing it against a panel of 24 heterogeneous, mainly ruminal bacteria. Megasphaera elsdenii was not detected in ruminal contents from a pasture-fed steer but was readily detected 2 and 50 h after the probiotic introduction of the bacterium into the rumen. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time TNA has provided a sensitive and specific means of enumerating the M. elsdenii population in rumen contents. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Megasphaera elsdenii is an important lactate-degrading ruminal bacterium that has been selected for probiotic use to prevent acidosis and enhance starch utilization in grain-fed cattle. The assay developed in this study provides a tool for determining the ability of probiotically-introduced M. elsdenii to establish useful populations in the rumen.  相似文献   

Both of the thiol groups of Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin have been cyanylated using 13C-enriched cyanide. This chemical modification increases the dissociation constant of the apoflavodoxin-flavin mononucleotide (FMN) complex from 0.4 nM to 2 microM. The thiocyanate carbons of the cyanylated cysteine residues in apoflavodoxin had 13C chemical shifts of 109.4 ppm and 112.2 ppm, which were replaced by signals at 115.5 ppm and 109.6 ppm when FMN was bound. The signals at 109.4 ppm and 112.2 ppm due to the cyanylated apoflavodoxin were unstable at 28 degrees C, and they were slowly replaced signals at 114.5 ppm and 115.3 ppm which are attributed to an inactive form of the apoprotein, which does not bind FMN. At alkaline pH values or after prolonged incubation at neutral pH, the signals at 114.5 ppm and 115.3 ppm were replaced by signals at approximately 171 ppm. On the basis of results obtained with model compounds, the signals at 171 ppm are assigned to the 2-imino carbon of the 2-iminothiazolidine ring formed by the cyclization of the appropriate thiocyanate group. After determining the chemical shift of the thiocyanate carbon of model compounds in a range of solvents, we conclude that the thiocyanate carbons will have a minimal chemical shift of approximately 109 ppm in apolar solvents which do not contain hydrogen bond donors. In water, a more polar hydrogen-bonding solvent, the chemical shift increases to approximately 115 ppm. We also conclude that the chemical shift of a thiocyanate carbon can be used as a probe of its molecular environment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inositol polyphosphatases (IPPases), particularly those that can hydrolyze myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (Ins P6), are of biotechnological interest for their ability to reduce the metabolically unavailable organic phosphate content of feedstuffs and to produce lower inositol polyphosphates (IPPs) for research and pharmaceutical applications. Here, the gene coding for a new protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-like IPPase was cloned from Megasphaera elsdenii (phyAme), and the biochemical properties of the recombinant protein were determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of PhyAme is similar to known PTP-like IPPases (29–44% identity), and the recombinant enzyme displayed strict specificity for IPP substrates. Optimal IPPase activity was displayed at an ionic strength of 250 mM, a pH of 5.0, and a temperature of 60°C. In order to elucidate its stereospecificity of Ins P6 dephosphorylation, a combination of high-performance ion-pair chromatography and kinetic studies was conducted. PhyAme displayed a stereospecificity that is unique among enzymes belonging to this class in that it preferentially cleaved Ins P6 at one of two phosphate positions, 1D-3 or 1D-4. PhyAme followed two distinct and specific routes of hydrolysis, predominantly degrading Ins P6 to Ins(2)P via: (a) 1D-Ins(1,2,4,5,6)P5, 1D-Ins(1,2,5,6)P4, 1D-Ins(1,2,6)P3, and 1D-Ins(1,2)P2 (60%) and (b) 1D-Ins(1,2,3,5,6)P5, 1D-Ins(1,2,3,6)P4, Ins(1,2,3)P3, and d/l-Ins(1,2)P2 (35%).  相似文献   

M.c.d. (magnetic-circular-dichroism) spectroscopy was used to study the magnetization properties of the haem centres in cytochrome c oxidase with magnetic fields of between 0 and 5.3 T over the temperature range 1.5--200 K. The oxidized, oxidized cyanide and partially reduced cyanide forms of the enzyme were studied. In the oxidized state only cytochrome a3+ is detectable by m.c.d. spectroscopy, and its magnetization characteristics show it to be a low-spin ferric haem. In the partially reduced cyanide form of the enzyme cytochrome a is in the diamagnetic low-spin ferrous form, whereas cytochrome a3--CN is e.p.r.-detectable and gives an m.c.d.-magnetization curve typical of a low-spin ferric haem. In the oxidized cyanide form of the enzyme both cytochrome a and cytochrome a3--CN are detectable by m.c.d. spectroscopy, although only cytochrome a gives an e.p.r. signal. The magnetization characteristics of haem a3--CN show clearly that its ground state is an electronic doublet and that another state, probably a spin singlet, lies greater than 10 cm-1 above this. These features are well accounted for by an electronic state of spin S = 1 with a predominantly axial distortion, which leaves the doublet, Ms = +/- 1, as the ground state and the component Ms = 0 as the excited state. This state would not give an e.p.r. signal. Such an electronic state could arise either from a ferromagnetic coupling between haem a3+(3)-CN and the cupric ion, Cua3, or form a haem in the Fe(IV) state.  相似文献   

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