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The social organization of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus;Colobinae) was studied in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Central Indian Highlands, for 2300 hr (1980–1985), in a mosaic of moist deciduous forest and anthropogenic meadow. The langur population density was 46.15/km 2 and the mean troop and band sizes were 21.7 and 14.0, respectively. Of 14 troops, 13 were one-male and 1 was trimale. The population adult sex ratio was 1:2.5. The majority of female sexual solicitations was directed toward the harem male. The birth season was December to May, with an estimated gestation of 171–224 days. A review of langur reproductive seasonality suggests that breeding throughout the year is confined to those populations able to exploit human food sources. Mortality during the first year of life was 40%, including infanticide. A significant positive correlation was found between the age of an infant at death or disappearance and the mother’s subsequent interbirth interval. Five cases of social change are described, including female transfer, one-male to multimale change, troop formation, and gradual and rapid replacement of troop males. Takeover-associated infant killing by band males, in an undisturbed moderate-density population, supported the sexual-selection/infanticide hypothesis but not the social-pathology hypothesis. However, it could not be directly confirmed that an invading infanticidal male gains a reproductive advantage. The male tenure of harems was estimated to be 45 months.  相似文献   

During fieldwork in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Central India, in 1980 an adult female hanuman langur (Presbytis entellus) was observed with the forearm of a dead foetus protruding from her vagina without evidence of uterine contractions. It is likely that a transverse lie or oblique malpresentation with consequent foetal arm prolapse occurred during labour with subsequent impaction, uterine inertia, and foetal death. The female disappeared from the troop over the following 18 hr, presumably dying as a consequence of the complications of the malpresentation.  相似文献   

A population of langurs (Presbytis entellus)at the Rajaji Wildlife Sanctuary in northern India was investigated for 1820 hr throughout a 10-month period in 1978. Data were collected from four bisexual troops and the adult males that ranged outside of bisexual troops. Most (60%) of the observation hours occurred with a main study troop from which social and ecological data were collected. The langur population at Rajaji shows pronounced birth and mating seasons. The population density is high (ca. 80/km 2), with about 75% of the adult males living outside of bisexual troops, which typically are large and multimale. Males outside of bisexual troops occur in small all-male bands or as isolates. Relations between bisexual troops and all-male bands are characterized by relatively low levels of aggression, and members of all-male bands are able to associate with bisexual troops for prolonged periods during the mating season. As a result of these associations, nontroop males are about as successful as troop males in achieving reproductive access to troop females. These associations between bisexual troops and all-male bands occurred with a minimal amount of agonistic behavior and without mortality or injury to troop females or immatures.  相似文献   

We censused Lemur catta within a 1 km2 study area at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, during the September–October birth season for 19 years between 1963 and 2000, a total of 290 troop counts (266 with age and sex). The non-infant population was 155 in 1972–5, fell to 105 in 1985, and rose to a maximum of 282 in 1997, while troops increased from 12 in 1972–1985 up to 25 in 1998–2000. Local density varies between habitat types from 1 per ha to ca. 6 per ha. Troops fission at ca. 15–25 individuals, or 6–10 females. Adult sex ratio has no apparent correlation with fissions, birth rate or survival. Birth rate falls steeply with number of adult females, from 80–100% in 2-female troops to about 50% in 8–10 female troops. The penalty for large troop size is greater in the dense, rich areas, but nonetheless troops there are also larger. One-year-survival does not vary with troop size, and is lower in the sparse, dry zone. Troop size is too large for optimal birth rate, but fissioning to much lower size might make troops too small for optimal adult survival, given the intense intertroop competition. This reflects Sibley's (1983) conjecture that troop sizes may not reach stable optima. Rainfall per lemur-year (beginning Oct 1) varied from 265 to 894 mm. Drought followed by rain can eliminate >90% of a cohort, especially in the dryest zone. Possibly this results from fruit failure in years following drought. It is unknown whether food supplementation of some Berenty troops is dangerous for the forest, or helpful for an isolated and vulnerable ring-tailed lemur population.  相似文献   

Data on intermale social relations and troop membership changes in one Nepalese high-altitude population of free-ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus)are reported here. Data were collected from six troops by three observers and cover 32 months of observations. The predominantly multi-male troops indicate an alternating pattern of exclusions and introductions with gradual adult male replacement. Takeovers and infant killing were not observed. Analysis of adult social behavior records show qualitative and quantitative differences in intrasexual relations, with primarily agonistic social contacts occurring between males. Agonistic encounters between females and between males differ in frequency of occurrence, types of be-haviors used, cause, and consistency in direction of threats between individuals. Individual adult male frequency of interaction with females and immatures varied significantly, with the majority of these interactions occurring between the dominant troop male and other troop members. Data indicate that intermale dominance is a major factor in determining male access to fertile females: This appears to be achieved by either directly excluding males from the troop or effectively “controlling” their inter-actions with troop females. Data from these studies are compared with data from other Presbytis entellusinvestigations. Review of these data suggests that intraspecific variability in intermale social dynamics and type of troop male membership change are correlated with the percentage of nontroop males. It is suggested that environmental pressures resulting in social crowding can be critical in determing the occurrence of takeovers in some populations of Presbytis entellus.  相似文献   

H. J. Young 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):461-466
Summary Genetic neighborhood size and area were estimated from pollinator movements over 3 years in a scarab beetle-pollinated clonal herb, Dieffenbachia longispatha (Araceae) at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. This species was characterized by low densities of reproductive individuals and asynchronous flowering within the population. The pollinator flight distributions were characterized by relatively long mean distances between consecutive visits to inflorescences (83 m) and movements to the nearest neighboring inflorescence in the appropriate phase of flowering. Pollinator movement distributions between consecutive visits to inflorescences were significantly leptokurtic in 2 of the 3 years. I calculated neighborhood sizes incorporating the levels of kurtosis and found minimal estimates of N e to be 227–611 ramets and neighborhood area to be 88 000–180 000 m2. The three beetle species that made 94% of the visits (Cyclocephala gravis, C. amblyopsis, and Erioscelis columbica) varied in their flight distributions and in their contributions to the estimates of neighborhood size. Cyclocephala amblyopsis exhibited the greatest degree of kurtosis in its movement patterns, and neighborhood size based on its movement was large relative to N e calculated from movement distributions of the other two beetle species. Long-distance movements of C. amblyopsis (>300 m) accounted for 68% of the neighborhood size.  相似文献   

A survey of the population of the black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) present at the Mayan site of Palenque was conducted during 2000. A total of 911 man/hours, spread over 112 days were spent surveying the 600 ha area of pristine forest at the site for howler troops. We detected the presence of 136 individuals of which 131 were members of 20 troops, the rest were 3 solitary adult males and 2 adult males travelling as a pair. Ecological density was estimated at 23 individuals/km2. Mean troop size was 7.0 individuals and it ranged from 2–12 individuals; 60% of the troops were multimale. All sighting of howler monkeys were in evergreen rain forest and 75% were in trees ≥20 m in height. The reported densities and mean troop size are higher than those reported for the species in Guatemala and in central Quintana Roo, Mexico. The vegetation of the forest contains tree species reported to be used by species ofAlouatta in the Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Leguminosae, and Lauraceae plant families. Protection of a large perimeter area (ca 1700 ha) around the archeological site by the Mexican government ensures the conservation of the forest and of the black howler monkey population present at the site.  相似文献   

Counts of 61 baboon troops (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at four localities in the Drakensberg mountains confirmed earlier reports of a small mean troop size. This troop size of 22.49 animals changed neither with latitude nor elevation. Data from two of the sites suggested that population density increases from south to north, while a working assumption of 2.5 animals/ km2 allowed us to set the population size at 7,540 animals, living in 335 troops. Both the adult sex ratio of 2.07 females/male and the immature/ adult female ratio of 1.17 were unaffected by troop size. Repeated counts from nine known troops revealed that the population is at equilibrium. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe the population structure and ranging patterns of a troop of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) based on a study conducted between November 2002 and November 2003 in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, China. The troop comprised several 1-male units and an all-male unit. Opportunistic censuses revealed that there were ≥112 individuals in the troop. The adult sex ratio (male vs. female) was 1:3.7. The ratios of adults to immatures and infants to adult females were 1:0.7 and 1:2, respectively. Via a grid system, we estimated the home range of the troop to be 18.3 km2, of which 7.4 km2 was the core area. The subjects exhibited distinct seasonal ranging patterns. Their movement across the home range was extensive in spring and restricted in autumn. In addition, reuse of quadrats was highest in winter and lowest in spring in comparison with other seasons. The daily path length (DPL) varied from .75 to 5 km, with a mean of 2.1 km. Seasonal analysis showed that DPL is significantly shorter in winter than in spring or summer; however, there is no significant difference between the DPLs of spring and summer or those of spring and autumn. The monkeys occupied elevations 1500–2600 m above sea level; the annual mean of altitudinal range is 2137 m. Contrary to early studies that reported Rhinopithecus roxellana migrates to lower elevations in winter, we found no evidence supporting a seasonal altitudinal shift. Using the highest troop count and home range estimate, and considering the extent of range overlap between neighboring troops, we calculated the population density and biomass of Rhinopithecus roxellana to be 7.2 individuals/km2 and 68.3 kg/km2, respectively. The temporal and spatial distribution of food resources may be the most important determinant of ranging behavior in Rhinopithecus roxellana, though understanding the relationship between resource distribution and seasonal range use may require further investigation.  相似文献   

The feeding and ranging patterns of a troop of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus, Colobinae) were studied in Kanha Tiger Reserve, central Indian Highlands for 1850 hr (1981–1982), in a mosaic of moist deciduous forest and anthropogenic meadow. The location, size, and species of each tree within the 74.5-ha troop annual range was known and the phenology of all tree species was sampled. According to scan sampling, the troop spent 25.7% of the daytime feeding, with range use concentrated on an island of dry deciduous forest. Whereas adjacent troops occupied only the periphery of the focal troop's range, all-male bands occupied its center, especially during takeover and infanticidal attacks. The troop consumed items from 60 of the 67 species of trees and woody climbers available; mature leaves (34.9% of feeding time), fruits (24.4%), leaf buds (10.6%), flowers and flower buds (9.5%), young leaves (3.6%), insects (3.0%), and gum (1%). The monthly utilization of fruit, open leaf buds, and flower buds is correlated significantly with their abundance, and the troop spent significantly more time feeding and less time moving when consuming mature leaves. Comparison of tree dispersion and langur ranging patterns suggests that the distribution of the most important food trees is a major influence on their range use.  相似文献   

Data from 24 wild populations of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)in south Asia are used to test hypotheses seeking to explain variation in troop structure and the incidence of infanticide. The occurrence of infanticide is associated with a one-male troop structure and not with a high density. The density, predation, and economic-advantage hypotheses, as explanations for the occurrence of one-male and multimale troops, are not supported by the review. However, the monopolization hypothesis is not contradicted; the number of adult males per troop is significantly correlated with troop size and with the number of adult females per troop. Therefore it is suggested that a one-male troop structure will arise if a male is able to monopolize a group of females, a multimale troop if he cannot. One-male troops may predispose to infanticide because of high variance in male mating success and high intermale competition between groups rather than within troops. If female dispersion determines troop structure, it is speculated that females could manipulate males to form a multimale society if the advantages in terms of infant survival and intertroop conflict exceeded the costs in terms of not producing infanticidal “sexy sons.”  相似文献   

Life history data are presented for a population of vervets, Cercopithecusaethiops sabaeus, in Barbados, West Indies. The data were obtained from two habituated troops and from vervets captured during a large-scale trapping program. Individuals of known age from one troop were weighed periodically, and separate growth curves generated for males and females. The mean weight of captured adult females was 3.3 kg; that of adult males, 5.3 kg. The average age at sexual maturity is estimated at 34 months for females and 60 months for males. Vervets give birth throughout the year, but most infants are born between April and July. The average interbirth interval following a surviving infant is 11.8 months. The mortality of juveniles is heaviest between birth and 2 years of age and decreases thereafter. Males emigrate from their natal troops at sexual maturity and one incident of a juvenile female emigrating is reported.  相似文献   

Maroon leaf monkeys (Presbytis rubicunda) were studied at the Orangutan Research Conservation Project study area at the Tanjung Puting Reserve in Central Indonesian Borneo for approximately 15 months in 1974, 1975, and 1977. Over 250 observation hr involving 300 encounters with the monkeys were logged. Troop size ranged from three to eight individuals in the nine troops surveyed with only one adult male being present in each troop. Home range size varied from 0.33 km2 to 0.99 km2 and correlated with troop size. Forty-six different food types were observed eaten by the maroon leaf monkeys; of these foods, 52% consisted of fruits, 36% of leaves, and 12% of flowers.  相似文献   

I studied the process of adult male replacement and social change in two one- male troops (B20 and B21) of hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)at Jodhpur, India. Male-male competition lasted for about 6 months before the successful takeover of one troop (B20). During that period, five adult males from three neighboring bands (AMB7, AMB9, and AMB10) and a resident male of a neighboring troop (B21) were involved in taking over the troop. The latter male also copulated with six females during his interim residency, which suggests that he may have opportunistically maximized his mating chances with females of a neighboring group. During an intertroop interaction, a 14-month-old female infant of the other troop (B21) was fatally attacked by an adult female of the first troop and the infant eventually died. The attacker may have taken advantage of the disorganization created by male-male competition, perhaps to eliminate a future food competitor. In addition, the first troop gained an additional feeding area from the other troop’s range; it included a sleeping site and a waterhole, indicating that territorial fights during social instability may have led to the expansion of the winner’s resource area.  相似文献   

Golden langurs (Trachypithecus geei) are an endangered species in a limited area of Northeast India and Bhutan. They are confined to a forest belt in western Assam between the Manas River in the east, Sankosh in the west and Brahmaputra in the south along the Indo-Bhutan border. Due to habitat destruction, their populations are restricted to fragmented forest pockets, especially in India. We compared data on an isolated population of golden langurs in the rubber plantation of Nayakgaon in the Kokrajhar district of Assam, May 2002 with an earlier census in 1997. We counted a total of 52 individuals in 3 troops in 2002. The average troop size is 17.3 (r = 7–26). The ratio of adult male to adult females is 1:3.16. Of the total population 9.6% were adult males, 21.1% were adult females, 17.3% subadult males, 7.7% subadult females, 19.2% juveniles and 25% infants. In 1997 Srivastava et. al., recorded 38 individuals in 5 troops with an average troop size of only 7.6 . Apparently troop fusion has occurred. The increased population is encouraging.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) is one of the major diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Adult plant resistance (APR) to powdery mildew is considered more durable than resistance conferred by major race-specific resistance genes. The objective of the present study was a better understanding of the genetic basis of APR in RE714 by means of QTL analysis of several resistance scores along the growing season. A population of 160 recombinant inbred lines obtained from the cross between RE714 and Hardi (susceptible) was assessed for APR under natural infection conditions during 3 years and a genetic map with whole genome coverage was developed with microsatellite and AFLP markers in this population. Two major QTL on chromosomes 5D and 6A were detected each year, and 6 minor QTL were detected only in 1 or 2 years. The QTL on chromosome 5D was detected during all the growing season each year and its R 2 value varied between 8.5 and 56.3%, whereas the QTL on chromosome 6A was detected at 1–4 scoring dates in the 3 years, and its R 2 value varied between 6.1 and 20.5%. The two QTL explained between 24.4 and 52.1% of the phenotypic variance for AUDPC, depending on the year. The models including QTL and cofactors in the composite interval mapping explained between 29 and 72% of the variance. The molecular markers linked to the two major QTL could be used in marker-assisted selection for adult plant resistance to powdery mildew. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We observed three cases of troop extinction and two cases of female fusion in the wild population of Japanese macaques on Yakushima Island, Japan. Troops P and T decreased in size relatively slowly over a few years until each troop consisted of only three monkeys. Several months later, the remaining adult female of P merged with the adjacent troop S, followed by the remaining female of T. S subsequently also decreased in size and disappeared about 2 years later. In the early stage of troop decline, the mortality rate of adult females was as low as in a growing troop, but the birthrate was quite low. In the late stage of troop decline, the mortality rate increased and the birthrate remained low. An important factor leading to troop extinction may be an increase in population density and the resulting increase in intergroup competition. During the period when P and T declined and ceased to exist, the range of the adopted troop shifted to cover their previous ranges. In the fused troop, there was no severe aggression directed towards the immigrant females or harassment from residents of the adopted troop and there was affiliative social interaction between the immigrant females and resident members. These results agree with previous reports on female fusion: it occurs when the shrinking group consists of one or no adult member, and the immigrant females are not at a severe disadvantage in their adoptive group. A possible benefit for immigrant females is to avoid disadvantage of one-adult group in conflict with conspecifics. A possible cost for immigrant females is transfer to the other troop or to unfamiliar area or both. The cost to transfer to another group may not be high because the members of the adoptive troop are relatively tolerant to immigrants. The cost to transfer to unfamiliar range may be minimized by immigration to the troop whose range shifted to the immigrants' former range.  相似文献   

Field studies of the Sunda Island leaf monkey,Presbytis aygula, were made in the montane forests of West Java at an altitude of 1,400–1,800 m between September 1976 and August 1981. The troop size ofP. aygula varied from 3 to 12 animals and the population density was about 35 animals/km2 in Patenggang and 11–12 animals/km2 in Kamojang. They were organized essentially in one male troops, though the troops in the Patenggang area usually consisted of only an adult pair and its offspring. Home range size was about 14 ha in Patenggang and about 35–40 ha in Kamojang. Some of those ranges overlapped with each other. The differences between these two areas were considered to be the result of recent habitat destruction and human impact in Patenggang. Animals spent more time in resting than other activities during a day.P. aygula in Java, consumed mainly leaves, eating less fruits and other parts of plants. Troop cohesion was tight, but social interactions between troop members were rather infrequent. The patterns of intertroop encounters and vocal sounds were described.  相似文献   

A study on population dynamics of wild Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Kenting, southern Taiwan, was conducted from March 1985 to August 1990. At first, only one monkey troop was studied. It fissioned in 1987 and both of the daughter troops have been observed since then. Total number of animals increased from 10 to 29 over the years, but the sizes of individual troops have never been more than 20. Seasonality in breeding has been detected: copulations were concentrated in the period from November to January and 75% of all the 28 births occurred between April and June. Time of birth by parous females without offspring from the preceding year was earlier than that of lactating females. Young females gave their first births at 4 or 5 years of age. Total birth rate over the study period was 0.8 infant per female per year. Hunting was the main cause of death while natural mortality rate was low for the animals. There was only one adult male in each troop for most of the time. Troop males in the two daughter troops have been replaced two or three times in the three years by some solitary males that moved around in the area. The reproductive parameters of Formosan macaques in Kenting were found to be more similar to that of rhesus monkeys than to Japanese macaques. And a case of higher reproductive success in a high-ranking matriline was reported.  相似文献   

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