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Previous studies have shown that NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) plays an important role in the detoxification of menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, also known as vitamin K3). However, menadiol (2-methyl-1,4-naphthalenediol) formed from menadione by NQO1-mediated reduction continues to be an unstable substance, which undergoes the reformation of menadione with concomitant formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hence, we focused on the roles of phase II enzymes, with particular attention to UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs), in the detoxification process of menadione. In this study, we established an HEK293 cell line stably expressing NQO1 (HEK293/NQO1) and HEK293/NQO1 cell lines with doxycycline (DOX)-regulated expression of UGT1A6 (HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A6) and UGT1A10 (HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A10), and evaluated the role of NQO1 and UGTs against menadione-induced cytotoxicity. Our results differed from those of previous studies. HEK293/NQO1 was the most sensitive cell line to menadione cytotoxicity among cell lines established in this study. These phenomena were also observed in HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A6 and HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A10 cells in which the expression of UGT was suppressed by DOX treatment. On the contrary, HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A6 and HEK293/NQO1/UGT1A10 cells without DOX treatment were resistant to menadione-induced cytotoxicity. These results demonstrated that NQO1 is not a detoxification enzyme for menadione and that UGT-mediated glucuronidation of menadiol is the most important detoxification process.  相似文献   

A direct involvement of the antioxidant enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) in neuroprotection has not yet been shown. The aim of this study was to examine changes, localization and role of NQO1 after different neuronal injury paradigms. In primary cultures of rat cortex the activity of NQO1 was measured after treatment with ethylcholine aziridinium (AF64A; 40 micro m), inducing mainly apoptotic cell death, or oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD; 120 min), which combines features of apoptotic and necrotic cell death. After treatment with AF64A a significant NQO1 activation started after 24 h. Sixty minutes after OGD a significant early induction of the enzyme was observed, followed by a second increase 24 h later. Enzyme activity was preferentially localized in glial cells in control and injured cultures, however, expression also occurred in injured neuronal cells. Inhibition of the NQO1 activity by dicoumarol, cibacron blue or chrysin (1-100 nM) protected the cells both after exposure to AF64A or OGD as assessed by the decreased release of lactate dehydrogenase. Comparable results were obtained in vivo using a mouse model of focal cerebral ischaemia. Dicoumarol treatment (30 nmol intracerebroventricular) reduced the infarct volume by 29% (p = 0.005) 48 h after the insult. After chemical induction of NQO1 activity by t-butylhydroquinone in vitro neuronal damage was exaggerated. Our data suggest that the activity of NQO1 is a deteriorating rather than a protective factor in neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

We have studied changes in plasma membrane NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductases of HL-60 cells under serum withdrawal conditions, as a model to analyze cell responses to oxidative stress. Highly enriched plasma membrane fractions were obtained from cell homogenates. A major part of NADH-quinone oxidoreductase in the plasma membrane was insensitive to micromolar concentrations of dicumarol, a specific inhibitor of the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1, DT-diaphorase), and only a minor portion was characterized as DT-diaphorase. An enzyme with properties of a cytochrome b 5 reductase accounted for most dicumarol-resistant quinone reductase activity in HL-60 plasma membranes. The enzyme used mainly NADH as donor, it reduced coenzyme Q0 through a one-electron mechanism with generation of superoxide, and its inhibition profile by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate was similar to that of authentic cytochrome b 5 reductase. Both NQO1 and a novel dicumarol-insensitive quinone reductase that was not accounted by a cytochrome b 5 reductase were significantly increased in plasma membranes after serum deprivation, showing a peak at 32 h of treatment. The reductase was specific for NADH, did not generate superoxide during quinone reduction, and was significantly resistant to p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. The function of this novel quinone reductase remains to be elucidated whereas dicumarol inhibition of NQO1 strongly potentiated growth arrest and decreased viability of HL-60 cells in the absence of serum. Our results demonstrate that upregulation of two-electron quinone reductases at the plasma membrane is a mechanism evoked by cells for defense against oxidative stress caused by serum withdrawal.  相似文献   

Functional roles of putative helix 8 in the carboxy-terminal tail of the human histamine H3 receptor were investigated using deleted and alanine-substituted mutant receptors. While the deletion of the carboxy-terminal tail did not decrease the total expression level, surface expression, or ligand binding affinity, the agonist-stimulated cAMP response, [35S] GTPγS binding, and MAPK activation were totally abolished. The receptor lacking the carboxy-terminal tail also failed to respond to an inverse agonist, thioperamide, suggesting that the carboxy-terminal tail is involved in the regulation of receptor activity by changing G-protein coupling with the receptor. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that hydrophobic amino acids in the putative helix 8 such as phenylalanines at position 419 (F7.60) and 423 (F7.64) or leucines at 426 (L7.67) and 427 (L7.68) were important for the agonist-induced activation of H3 receptor. Substitution of F7.60 also resulted in a receptor that was less responsive to inactivation by the inverse agonist, implying the existence of an intermediate conformation that can be either activated or inactivated. Our results suggest that hydrophobic interface of putative helix 8 is important for the regulation of H3 receptor activity, presumably by stabilizing the helix to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), a key regulator of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism, induces HDL remodeling by transferring lipids between apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins and HDL, and/or by promoting lipid transfer between HDL subparticles. In this study, we investigated the mechanism as to how CETP induces the generation of lipid-poor particles (pre-β-HDL) from HDL, which increases ATP-binding cassette transporter 1-mediated cholesterol efflux. This CETP-dependent HDL remodeling is enhanced by the CETP modulator dalcetrapib both in plasma and isolated HDL. The interaction of dalcetrapib with cysteine 13 of CETP is required, since this effect was abolished when using mutant CETP in which cysteine 13 was substituted for a serine residue. Other thiol-containing compounds were identified as CETP modulators interacting with cysteine 13 of CETP. In order to mimic dalcetrapib-bound CETP, mutant CETP proteins were prepared by replacing cysteine 13 with the bulky amino acid tyrosine or tryptophan. The resultant mutants showed virtually no CETP-dependent lipid transfer activity but demonstrated preserved CETP-dependent pre-β-HDL generation. Overall, these data demonstrate that the two functions of CETP i.e., cholesteryl ester transfer and HDL remodeling can be uncoupled by interaction of thiol-containing compounds with cysteine 13 of CETP or by introducing large amino acid residues in place of cysteine 13.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest that N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) blockade by MK-801 decreases tumor growth. Thus, we investigated whether other ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) antagonists were also able to modulate the proliferation of melanoma cells. On the other hand, the antiestrogen tamoxifen (TAM) decreases the proliferation of melanoma cells, and is included in combined therapies for melanoma. As the efficacy of TAM is limited by its metabolism, we investigated the effects of the NMDAR antagonist MK-801 in combination with TAM and its active metabolites, 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHTAM) and endoxifen (EDX). The NMDAR blockers MK-801 and memantine decreased mouse melanoma K1735-M2 cell proliferation. In contrast, the NMDAR competitive antagonist APV and the AMPA and kainate receptor antagonist NBQX did not affect cell proliferation, suggesting that among the iGluR antagonists only the NMDAR channel blockers inhibit melanoma cell proliferation. The combination of antiestrogens with MK-801 potentiated their individual effects on cell biomass due to diminished cell proliferation, since it decreased the cell number and DNA synthesis without increasing cell death. Importantly, TAM metabolites combined with MK-801 promoted cell cycle arrest in G1. Therefore, the data obtained suggest that the activity of MK-801 and antiestrogens in K1735-M2 cells is greatly enhanced when used in combination.  相似文献   

The lack of secure therapies for hyperpigmentation disorders, without serious adverse effects, and the latest reports relating melanogenic disorders with development of neurodegenerative diseases, encourage the continuing search for new drugs for the treatment of such disorders. In this sense, the plant kingdom is an important source of bioactive natural products with great potential for the research and development of new therapeutics. The present study evaluated the anti-melanogenic activity of the natural methoxylated chalcone, 2′,6′-dihydroxy-4′-methoxy-3′-methylchalcone (Triangularin, T), on diphenolase activity from mushroom tyrosinase and on murine B16F0 melanoma cell model. In addition, molecular modelling studies were carried out in order to understand the inhibitory activity observed. T showed a potent anti-melanogenic activity being more active than kojic acid (KA) on tyrosinase isolated of both sources and on intracellular tyrosinase. Molecular docking studies displayed important interactions between T and the active site of tyrosinase. Our results suggest that T may be useful for the treatment of hyperpigmentary disorders.  相似文献   

An acidic phospholipase A2 enzyme (NnPLA2-I) interacts with three finger toxins (cytotoxin and neurotoxin) from Naja naja venom to form cognate complexes to enhance its cytotoxicity towards rat L6 myogenic cells. The cytotoxicity was further enhanced in presence of trace quantity of venom nerve growth factor. The purified rat myoblast cell membrane protein showing interaction with NnPLA2-I was identified as vimentin by LC-MS/MS analysis. The ELISA, immunoblot and spectrofluorometric analyses showed greater binding of NnPLA2-I cognate complex to vimentin as compared to the binding of individual NnPLA2-I. The immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy studies evidenced the internalization of NnPLA2-I to partially differentiated myoblasts post binding with vimentin in a time-dependent manner. Pre-incubation of polyvalent antivenom with NnPLA2-I cognate complex demonstrated better neutralization of cytotoxicity towards L6 cells as compared to exogenous addition of polyvalent antivenom 60–240 min post treatment of L6 cells with cognate complex suggesting clinical advantage of early antivenom treatment to prevent cobra venom-induced cytotoxicity. The in silico analysis showed that 19–22 residues, inclusive of Asp48 residue, of NnPLA2-I preferentially binds with the rod domain (99–189 and 261–335 regions) of vimentin with a predicted free binding energy (ΔG) and dissociation constant (KD) values of ?12.86 kcal/mol and 3.67 × 10?10 M, respectively; however, NnPLA2-I cognate complex showed greater binding with the same regions of vimentin indicating the pathophysiological significance of cognate complex in cobra venom-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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