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To understand the mechanisms underlying ischemia-reperfusion-induced renal proximal tubule damage, we analyzed the expression of the Na+-dependent phosphate (Na+/Pi) cotransporter NaPi-2 in brush border membranes (BBM) isolated from rats which had been subjected to 30 min renal ischemia and 60 min reperfusion. Na+/Pi cotransport activities of the BBM vesicles were also determined. Ischemia caused a significant decrease (about 40%, P < 0.05) in all forms of NaPi-2 in the BBM, despite a significant increase (31+/-3%, P < 0.05) in the Na+/Pi cotransport activity. After reperfusion, both NaPi-2 expression and Na+/Pi cotransport activity returned to control levels. In contrast with Na+/Pi cotransport, ischemia significantly decreased Na+-dependent glucose cotransport but did not affect Na+-dependent proline cotransport. Reperfusion caused further decreases in both Na+/glucose (by 60%) and Na+/proline (by 33%) cotransport. Levels of NaPi-2 were more reduced in the BBM than in cortex homogenates, suggesting a relocalization of NaPi-2 as a result of ischemia. After reperfusion, NaPi-2 levels returned to control values in both BBM and homogenates. These data indicate that the NaPi-2 protein and BBM Na+/Pi cotransport activity respond uniquely to reversible renal ischemia and reperfusion, and thus may play an important role in maintaining and restoring the structure and function of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The human renal Na-PO4cotransporter gene NaPi-3 was expressed in human embryonic kidneyHEK-293 cells, and the transport characteristics were measured in cellstransfected with a vector containing NaPi-3 or with the vector alone(sham transfected). The initial rate of32PO4influx had saturation kinetics for external Na andPO4 with K Na1/2 of 128 mM(PO4 = 0.1 mM) andK PO41/2of 0.084 mM (extracellular Na = 143 mM) in sham- and NaPi-3-transfectedcells expressing the transporter. Transfection had no effect on theNa-independent 32PO4influx, but transfection increased Na-dependent32PO4influxes 2.5- to 5-fold. Of the alkali cations, only Na significantly supported PO4 influx. Arsenateinhibited flux with an inhibition constant of 0.4 mM. The phosphatetransport in sham- and NaPi-3-transfected cells has nearly the sametemperature dependence in the absence and presence of extracellularNa. The Na-dependent phosphate flux decreased with pH insham-transfected cells but was pH independent in transfected cells. TheNa-dependent32PO4influx was inhibited byp-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate,phosphonoformate, phloretin, vanadate, and5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)-amiloridebut not by amiloride or other amiloride analogs. These functional characteristics are in general agreement with the known behavior ofNaPi-3 homologues in the renal tubule of other species and, thus,demonstrate the fidelity of this transfection system for the study ofthis protein. Commensurate with the increased functional expression,there was an increase in the amount of NaPi-3 protein by Westernanalysis.


The correlation between dynamics and stability of icosahedral viruses was studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence approaches. We compared the environment and dynamics of tryptophan side chains of empty capsids and ribonucleoprotein particles of two icosahedral viruses from the comovirus group: cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) and bean pod mottle virus (BPMV). We found a great difference between tryptophan fluorescence emission spectra of the ribonucleoprotein particles and the empty capsids of BPMV. For CPMV, time-resolved fluorescence revealed differences in the tryptophan environments of the capsid protein. The excited-state lifetimes of tryptophan residues were significantly modified by the presence of RNA in the capsid. More than half of the emission of the tryptophans in the ribonucleoprotein particles of CPMV originates from a single exponential decay that can be explained by a similar, nonpolar environment in the local structure of most of the tryptophans, even though they are physically located in different regions of the x-ray structure. CPMV particles without RNA lost this discrete component of emission. Anisotropy decay measurements demonstrated that tryptophans rotate faster in empty particles when compared with the ribonucleoprotein particles. The increased structural breathing facilitates the denaturation of the empty particles. Our studies bring new insights into the intricate interactions between protein and RNA where part of the missing structural information on the nucleic acid molecule is compensated for by the dynamics.  相似文献   

We present here the first insights into the organization of proteins on the RNA in the U5 snRNP of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Photo-crosslinking with uniformly labeled U5 RNA in snRNPs reconstituted in vitro revealed five contacting proteins, Prp8p, Snu114p, p30, p16, and p10, contact by the three smaller proteins requiring an intact Sm site. Site-specific crosslinking showed that Snu114p contacts the 5' side of internal loop 1, whereas Prp8p interacts with five different regions of the 5' stem-loop, but not with the Sm site or 3' stem-loop. Both internal loops in the 5' domain are essential for Prp8p to associate with the snRNP, but the conserved loop 1 is not, although this is the region to which Prp8p crosslinks most strongly. The extensive contacts between Prp8p and the 5' stem-loop of U5 RNA support the hypothesis that, in spliceosomes, Prp8p stabilizes loop 1-exon interactions. Moreover, data showing that Prp8p contacts the exons even in the absence of loop 1 indicate that Prp8p may be the principal anchoring factor for exons in the spliceosome. This and the close proximity of the spliceosomal translocase, Snu114p, to U5 loop 1 and Prp8p support and extend the proposal that Snu114p mimics U5 loop 1 during a translocation event in the spliceosome.  相似文献   

We present here the first insights into the organization of proteins on the RNA in the U5 snRNP of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Photo-crosslinking with uniformly labeled U5 RNA in snRNPs reconstituted in vitro revealed five contacting proteins, Prp8p, Snu114p, p30, p16, and p10, contact by the three smaller proteins requiring an intact Sm site. Site-specific crosslinking showed that Snu114p contacts the 5' side of internal loop 1, whereas Prp8p interacts with five different regions of the 5' stem-loop, but not with the Sm site or 3' stem-loop. Both internal loops in the 5' domain are essential for Prp8p to associate with the snRNP, but the conserved loop 1 is not, although this is the region to which Prp8p crosslinks most strongly. The extensive contacts between Prp8p and the 5' stem-loop of U5 RNA support the hypothesis that, in spliceosomes, Prp8p stabilizes loop 1-exon interactions. Moreover, data showing that Prp8p contacts the exons even in the absence of loop 1 indicate that Prp8p may be the principal anchoring factor for exons in the spliceosome. This and the close proximity of the spliceosomal translocase, Snu114p, to U5 loop 1 and Prp8p support and extend the proposal that Snu114p mimics U5 loop 1 during a translocation event in the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Protein-RNA interactions in the subunits of human nuclear RNase P.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A yeast three-hybrid system was employed to analyze interactions in vivo between H1 RNA, the RNA subunit of human nuclear RNase P, and eight of the protein subunits of the enzyme. The genetic analysis indicates that subunits Rpp21, Rpp29, Rpp30, and Rpp38 interact directly with H1 RNA. The results of direct UV crosslinking studies of the purified RNase P holoenzyme confirm the results of the three-hybrid assay.  相似文献   

The rat sodium/phosphate cotransporter NaPi-2 is a 70 kDa polypeptide (p70) for which eight transmembrane segments have been predicted. We have shown that p70 exists predominantly as p45 and p40 fragments which are linked by disulfide bonds. In this work, the p40 fragment, corresponding to the C-terminus of NaPi-2, was purified from renal brush-border membranes using non-reducing and then reducing column electrophoresis followed by enzymatic deglycosylation and SDS-PAGE. The N-terminal sequence obtained for this fragment, VEAIG, indicates that the formation of p45 and p40 arises from the cleavage of p70 between arginine-319 and valine-320. In order to determine the membrane topography of NaPi-2, brush-border membrane vesicles were digested with various proteases and the transporter-derived proteolytic peptides were subsequently identified by Western blotting using N- and C-terminal-directed antibodies. Our results lead us to propose an alternative topographical model in which p45 and p40 possess three transmembrane domains each and indicate that the processing site of p70 for the generation of p45 and p40 is localized in a large protein core facing the extracellular milieu. This localization of the cleavage site indicated that NaPi-2 could either be processed intracellularly by vesicular proteases or extracellularly by secretory proteases or by brush-border membrane ectoenzymes.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage lambda cIII gene product has a regulatory function in the lysis-lysogeny decision following infection. The availability of a set of cIII expression mutants allowed us to establish the structure-function relationship of the cIII mRNA. We demonstrate, using defined in vitro systems, that the cIII mRNA is present in two conformations at equilibrium. Mutations that have been shown to lead to cIII overexpression were found to freeze the RNA in one conformation (structure B), and permit efficient binding to the 30 S ribosomal subunit. Mutations that have been shown to prevent cIII translation cause the mRNA to assume the alternative conformation (structure A). In this structure, the translation initiation region is occluded, thereby preventing 30 S ribosomal subunit binding. By varying the temperature or Mg2+ concentration it was possible to alter the relative proportion of the alternative structures in wild-type mRNA. We suggest that the regulation of the equilibrium between the two mRNA conformations provides a mechanism for the control of cIII gene expression.  相似文献   

Mutations in the apically located Na(+)-dependent phosphate (NaPi) cotransporter, SLC34A3 (NaPi-IIc), are a cause of hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria (HHRH). We have characterized the impact of several HHRH mutations on the processing and stability of human NaPi-IIc. Mutations S138F, G196R, R468W, R564C, and c.228delC in human NaPi-IIc significantly decreased the levels of NaPi cotransport activities in Xenopus oocytes. In S138F and R564C mutant proteins, this reduction is a result of a decrease in the V(max) for P(i), but not the K(m). G196R, R468W, and c.228delC mutants were not localized to oocyte membranes. In opossum kidney (OK) cells, cell surface labeling, microscopic confocal imaging, and pulse-chase experiments showed that G196R and R468W mutations resulted in an absence of cell surface expression owing to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention. G196R and R468W mutants could be partially stabilized by low temperature. In blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, G196R and R468W mutants were either denatured or present in an aggregation complex. In contrast, S138F and R564C mutants were trafficked to the cell surface, but more rapidly degraded than WT protein. The c.228delC mutant did not affect endogenous NaPi uptake in OK cells. Thus, G196R and R468W mutations cause ER retention, while S138F and R564C mutations stimulate degradation of human NaPi-IIc in renal epithelial cells. Together, these data suggest that the NaPi-IIc mutants in HHRH show defective processing and stability.  相似文献   

The bacterial CRISPR endoribonuclease Csy4 has recently been described as a potential RNA processing tool. Csy4 recognizes substrate RNA through a specific 28-nt hairpin sequence and cleaves at the 3′ end of the stem. To further explore applicability in mammalian cells, we introduced this hairpin at various locations in mRNAs derived from reporter transgenes and systematically evaluated the effects of Csy4-mediated processing on transgene expression. Placing the hairpin in the 5′ UTR or immediately after the start codon resulted in efficient degradation of target mRNA by Csy4 and knockdown of transgene expression by 20- to 40-fold. When the hairpin was incorporated in the 3′ UTR prior to the poly(A) signal, the mRNA was cleaved, but only a modest decrease in transgene expression (∼2.5-fold) was observed. In the absence of a poly(A) tail, Csy4 rescued the target mRNA substrate from degradation, resulting in protein expression, which suggests that the cleaved mRNA was successfully translated. In contrast, neither catalytically inactive (H29A) nor binding-deficient (R115A/R119A) Csy4 mutants were able to exert any of the effects described above. Generation of a similar 3′ end by RNase P-mediated cleavage was unable to rescue transgene expression independent of Csy4. These results support the idea that the selective generation of the Csy4/hairpin complex resulting from cleavage of target mRNA might serve as a functional poly(A)/poly(A) binding protein (PABP) surrogate, stabilizing the mRNA and supporting translation. Although the exact mechanism(s) remain to be determined, our studies expand the potential utility of CRISPR nucleases as tools for controlling mRNA stability and translation.  相似文献   

Membrane-spanning proteins contain both aqueous and membrane-spanning regions, both of which contribute to folding and stability. To explore the interplay between these two domains we have designed and studied the assembly of coiled-coil peptides that span from the membrane into the aqueous phase. The membrane-spanning segment is based on MS1, a transmembrane coiled coil that contains a single Asn at a buried a position of a central heptad in its sequence. This Asn has been shown to drive assembly of the monomeric peptide in a membrane environment to a mixture of dimers and trimers. The coiled coil has now been extended into the aqueous phase by addition of water-soluble helical extensions. Although too short to fold in isolation, these helical extensions were expected to interact synergistically with the transmembrane domain and modulate its stability as well as its conformational specificity for forming dimers versus trimers. One design contains Asn at a position of the aqueous helical extension, which was expected to specify a dimeric state; a second peptide, which contains Val at this position, was expected to form trimers. The thermodynamics of assembly of the hybrid peptides were studied in micelles by sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation. The aqueous helical extensions indeed conferred additional stability and conformational specificity to MS1 in the expected manner. These studies highlight the delicate interplay between membrane-spanning and water-soluble regions of proteins, and demonstrate how these different environments define the thermodynamics of a given specific interaction. In this case, an Asn in the transmembrane domain provided a strong driving force for folding but failed to specify a unique oligomerization state, while an Asn in the water-soluble domain was able to define specificity for a specific aggregation state as well as modulate stability.  相似文献   

The role of poly(A) in the translation and stability of mRNA   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Local secondary structures in coding sequences have important functions across various translational processes. To date, however, the local structures and their functions in the early stage of translation elongation remain poorly understood. Here, we surveyed the structural stability in the first 180 nucleotides of the coding sequence of 27 species using computational method. We found that the structural stability in the 30–80 nucleotide interval was significantly higher than that in other regions in eukaryotes and most prokaryotes. No significant correlation between local translation efficiency and structural stability was observed, suggesting that this structural region has undergone selection pressure directly to maintain high stability. Furthermore, ribosome was blocked by this region, providing an opportunity for co-translational regulation. Remarkably, in eukaryotes, we found that mRNAs with higher structural stability in the 30–80 nucleotide interval tended to encode the secreted proteins. Overall, our results revealed a previously unappreciated correlation between structural stability and protein localization.  相似文献   

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