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  • 1.1. The yolk proteins of hermaphrodite Dolichorhabditis sp. (Nematode, Rhabditida) are composed of at least three polypeptides: VT1, VT2 and VT3 with molecular masses of 175.2, 107 and 82 kDa respectively.
  • 2.2. All three yolk polypeptides make up at least one native protein complex which can be resolved by PAGE.
  • 3.3. The yolk proteins are glycosylated and can be isolated by chromatography in Con A-Sepharose.
  • 4.4. Partial chymotryptic hydrolysis shows that VT2 in different from its C. elegans homologue, YP115.
  • 5.5. The main polypeptides synthesized by whole animals are the yolk components which are actively secreted in the incubation medium.

The nematode Diplenteron potohikus (Yeates) (Rabditida: Diplogasteridae) shows facultative parthenogenesis: males occur, but rarely exceed 20% of the population. When reared singly in monoxenic culture with Bacillus cereus the eggs always gave rise to females. When reared at 2–50 eggs per 5 cm Petri dish up to 16% developed as males. At higher densities the proportion of males declined. Male-determining properties could be transferred from old culture media to new media in an aqueous cell-free leachate of the old media. The effects of this leachate could be mimicked by several indole compounds though indoles could not be detected in the leachate by thin-layer chromatography. The addition of either indoles or leachate extended development time at 20°C by about 25%. Further effects attributed to the accumulation of the metabolite in old cultures were the inhibition of hatching of embryonated eggs, and the inhibition of the development of the posterior branch of the female reproductive system and its ovary. Both of these phenomena were reversed by transfer of the eggs, or the mature females to fresh media.
Such a pheromone-like substance may be of value in preventing the production of males when populations are small and the probability of finding a mate is low. Thus the production of males at times when their value is low is avoided.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy considers species boundaries from multiple, complementary perspectives, with the main objective being to compare the observed data against the predictions of the methodologies used. In the present study we used three methods for delineating species boundaries within the cosmopolitan nematode species Rhabditis ( Pellioditis ) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta . First, phylogenetic relationships among molecular sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 gene (COI), and from two nuclear regions, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D2D3, were analysed. Subsequently, multivariate morphometric analysis was used to investigate whether concordant molecular lineages were also morphologically distinct. When morphological differences were found, typological taxonomy was performed to identify fixed or non-overlapping characters between lineages. Interbreeding experiments were conducted between the two closest related lineages of R . ( P. ) marina to investigate potential reproductive isolation. This integrative approach confirmed the presence of several species within each nominal species: molecular lineages were concordant across two independent loci (COI and ITS), and were characterized by significant morphological divergence. Most lineages were also detectable in the D2D3 region, but were less resolved. The two lineages investigated in our study did not produce offspring. Our results highlight that classical taxonomy grossly underestimates species diversity within the phylum Nematoda.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 737–753.  相似文献   

Colchicine binding in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The [3H]colchicine-binding activity of a crude supernatant of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was resolved into a non-saturable component and a tubulin-specific component after partial purification of tubulin by polylysine affinity chromatography. The two fractions displayed opposing thermal dependencies of [3H]colchicine binding, with non-saturable binding increasing, and tubulin binding decreasing, at 4 degrees C. Binding of [3H]colchicine to C.elegans tubulin at 37 degrees C is a pseudo-first-order rate process with a long equilibration time. The affinity of C. elegans tubulin for [3H]colchicine is relatively low (Ka = 1.7 x 10(5) M(-1)) and is characteristic of the colchicine binding affinities observed for tubulins derived from parasitic nematodes. [3H]Colchicine binding to C. elegans tubulin was inhibited by unlabelled colchicine, podophyllotoxin and mebendazole, and was enhanced by vinblastine. The inhibition of [3H]colchicine binding by mebendazole was 10-fold greater for C. elegans tubulin than for ovine brain tubulin. The inhibition of [3H]colchicine binding to C. elegans tubulin by mebendazole is consistent with the recognised anthelmintic action of the benzimidazole carbamates. These data indicate that C. elegans is a useful model for examining the interactions between microtubule inhibitors and the colchicine binding site of nematode tubulin.  相似文献   

The fate of the known sterol precursor squalene 2,3-oxide was investigated in the free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus. The nematodes were cultured axenically in the presence of [4-(3)H]squalene 2,3-oxide. Radioactivity was found in the total lipids of the isolated nematodes. Essentially all of the radioactivity encountered in the total lipids was found in the non-saponifiable fraction. The components present in the non-saponifiable fraction were separated and isolated by t.l.c. Three labelled components were identified by a combination of t.l.c., g.l.c. and mass spectroscopy. It is established that P. redivivus has the capacity for biosynthesis of lanosterol. No labelled C(27) sterols could be detected.  相似文献   

A 34-year-old male living in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, complained of lower abdominal pain. Ileus was suspected based on his clinical history and symptoms, and a laparotomy was performed. Four sections of a nematode were found in a large eosinophilic granuloma in the intestinal wall, and were identified as the larva of a spiruroid nematode. This is the third reported case of a spiruroid nematode infection found in the ileum.  相似文献   

自由生活海洋线虫Chromadorina sp.的生活史研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
线虫种类繁多、分布广泛、数量极丰富,已鉴定的种类有2万多种,据估计其种类约在4万至1千万种之间。秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)因易于培养、生活周期短、细胞结构简单等,被广泛地用作生物学和毒理学研究的模式生物。1990年,Williams等将C.elegans应用于水域、土壤环境的毒理学研究中,Tominaga等提出了以C.elegans为模式生物筛选苯酚类和合成激素毒性和激素活性大小的简便实验系统。[第一段]  相似文献   

Proteases in the soluble fraction of homogenates prepared from the free-living nematode Panagrellus redivivus hydrolysed the amidated invertebrate neuropeptides FMRFa and FLRFa, and nematode FMRFa-like peptides (FLPs) KPNFLRFa (FLP-1-H), APKPKFIRFa (FLP-5-A), KNEFIRFa (FLP-8), KPSFVRFa (FLP-9), RNKFEFIRFa (FLP-12) and KHEYLRFa (FLP-14) in vitro. Results were assessed by analysing reaction components with RP-HPLC, UV detection at 210 nm and peak integration. Based upon substrate peak size, more than 90% of most of the peptide substrates was consumed after 1 h at 27 degrees C, but digestion was not complete even with a crude protease mixture. Two peptides, FLP-12 and FLP-14, were significantly less susceptible to digestion than the others. FLP-12 was the least susceptible of all sequences (71% loss; P < 0.0001), while FLP-14 was digested less (84% loss; P < 0.0004) than all but FLP-12. Product peak digestion patterns of FLP-12, a second nonapeptide (FLP-5-A), and FMRFa, incubated with aminopeptidase (amastatin) and serine endoprotease (AEBSF) inhibitors, demonstrated highly specific behaviours of each sequence to protease cleavage. Amastatin significantly (P < 0.03) reduced digestion of FLP-12 (54% loss) and FMRFa (61% loss; P < 0.0005), but had no effect on FLP-5-A. AEBSF had no protective effect on FMRFa but significantly decreased hydrolysis of FLP-5-A (77% loss; P < 0.0001) and FLP-12 (59% loss; P < 0.03). The combination of both inhibitors had additive effects only for FMRFa (34% loss; P < 0.0005). Further analysis of FMRFa digestion using peptides with D-amino acid substitutions demonstrated nearly complete protection of FdMRFa (2% loss; P < 0.0001) from all proteolytic digestion, whereas digestion of FMRdFa was complete. Results suggest that in addition to aminopeptidase and serine proteases, both deamidase and aminopeptidase P participate in neuropeptide metabolism in P. redivivus.  相似文献   

J. Pasternak  M. Haight 《Chromosoma》1975,49(3):279-298
DNA contents of nuclei at different stages of gonadogenesis, gametogenesis and embryogenesis in the free-living nematode Panagrellus silusiae were measured by Feulgen microspectrophotometry. Somatic nuclei of gonadal tissue in both males and females have DNA values that range from 2C to 4C. Relative DNA values identified meiotic processes during spermatogenesis. In the adult female, developing oocytes amass an amount of nuclear DNA in excess of the expected 4C equivalent. The chromatin of these nuclei is diffuse with varyingsized clumps of Feulgen-positive material. Throughout oogenesis maturing oocytes remain uninucleolate. — The extra oocyte DNA is distributed proportionately at each of the first four cleavage divisions; thereafter, its presence is not resolvable. — A standardized microphotometric comparison indicated that the amount of DNA in the unit genome of P. silusiae is about 0.1 pg. The oviduct oocytes accumulate about 3.6 pg DNA in excess of a 4C equivalent. The kind of DNA that builds up during oogenesis in this organism is not known.  相似文献   

M Haight  J Frim  J Pasternak  H Frey 《Cryobiology》1975,12(5):497-505
Approximately 75% or more of the L2 and L3 juvenile stages of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae survived freezing and thawing without loss of fertility. Optimum survival depended upon a combination of conditions: (1) pretreatment with 5% DMSO at 0 °C for 10 min, (2) 0.2 °C per minute cooling rate from 0 to ?100 °C prior to immersion into liquid nitrogen, and (3) a 27.6 °C per minute warming rate from ?196 °C to ?10 °C. Storage at ?196 °C for more than 100 days was without effect on viability or fertility. Some of the L4 (about 50%) and adult (about 3%) stages survive the routine freeze-thaw treatment. However, there was no recovery of either embryonic stages or embryonated eggs from ?196 °C under these standard conditions. Either very fast cooling (about 545 °C/min) or fast warming (about 858 °C/min) rates diminished survival of the L2 and L3 stages drastically.Scanning electron microscopy revealed that freeze-thaw survivors with aberrant swimming behavior had cuticular defects. In juvenile forms, the altered swimming motion was lost after a molt whereas as abnormal adults grew, sinusoidal movement resumed. In the L4 and adult forms the cuticular abnormalities lowered viability and fertility. It is concluded that survival of nematodes from a freeze-thaw cycle is contingent upon establishing specific cryobiological conditions by varying aspects of the procedure that gave high recoveries of L2 and L3 stages.  相似文献   

Summary 1. This is the first record of occurrence of a free-living nematode,Pelagonema obtusicauda Filipjev, inside the colonies of the bryozoanElectra pilosa (L.).2. As many as 26 nematodes were recovered from a singleE. pilosa colony.3. The nematodes attained sexual maturity and many females harboured well-developed eggs.
Eine Notiz über das Vorkommen vonPelagonema obtusicauda, eines freilebenden Nematoden in Bryozoen
Kurzfassung In Zooiden der marinen BryozoaElectra pilosa (L.) wurden zahlreiche Exemplare des freilebenden NematodenPelagonema obtusicauda Filipjev gefunden. Die Nematoden besiedeln offensichtlich die noch jungen Kolonien, in denen sie auch zur Fortpflanzung gelangen. Die Art der Beziehung zwischen den beiden Organismen bedarf noch weiterer Klärung.

Peptides of the FXRFamide family, where X = M, I or L, are broadly distributed among invertebrates. Two such peptides were purified and sequenced from the free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus. Immunohistochemical techniques localized FMRFamide-like material in several regions of these organisms, including the nerve cords and, most prominently, in paired groups of cells located caudally to the base of the pharynx. RIA determinations gave an estimate of 2.8 nmol immunoreactive peptide/g of an acetone extract of P. redivivus. Four sequential HPLC purification steps, followed by sequencing by automated Edman degradation and FAB-MS, led to the identification of Ser-Asp-Pro-Asn-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-amide (SDPNFLRFamide) and Ser-Ala-Asp-Pro-Asn-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-amide (SADPNFLRFamide) as members of the FXRFamide family in this nematode.  相似文献   

选择沙漠常绿灌木丛枝霸王(Zygophyllum dumosum)群落及群落间的开阔地带采样,研究土壤线虫和原生动物的种群大小、物种组成及营养结构.本研究共获线虫29属,裸变形虫33属90种;在所获各类原生动物中,鞭毛虫和纤毛虫均为食细菌类群,而鞭毛虫个体数量最多;在沙漠生态系统中,土壤湿度被认为是影响生物活性的最重要因素之一.然而,本研究显示:土壤湿度对线虫和原生动物是否重要取决于这些动物对土壤湿度的生理生态适应能力;土壤线虫和原生动物的体型大小、生活史策略和活动能力与土壤湿度的有效性相关不显著,但它们对微生物和微小土壤动物区系间的相互作用有重要影响,在干旱生态系统中,这种影响能够显著改变土壤生态系统短期的养分循环.本研究还表明,土壤线虫和原生动物种群间的关系主要取决于两者营养类群组成的变化.  相似文献   

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