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Joachim Preisser  Ewald Komor 《Planta》1991,186(1):109-114
Uptake of sucrose into vacuoles of suspension cells of Saccharum sp. (sugarcane) was investigated using a vacuole-isolation method based on osmotic- and pH-dependent lysis of protoplasts. Vacuoles took up sucrose at high rates without the influence of tonoplast energization on sucrose transport. Neither addition of ATP or pyrophosphate nor dissipation of the membrane potential or the pH gradient by ionophores changed uptake rates appreciably. Generation of an ATP-dependent pH gradient across the tonoplast was measured in vacuoles and tonoplast vesicles by fluorescence quenching of quinacrine. No H+ efflux could be measured by addition of sucrose to energized vacuoles or vesicles so that there was no evidence for a sucrose/H+ antiport system. Uptake rates of glucose and other sugars were similar to those of sucrose indicating a relatively non-specific sugar uptake into the vacuoles. Sucrose uptake was concentration-dependent, but no clear saturation kinetics were found. Strict dependence on medium pH and inhibition of sucrose transport by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (PCMBS) indicate that sucrose uptake into sugarcane vacuoles is a passive, carrier-mediated process.Abbreviations FCCP carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - Mops 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - PCMBS p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid - PPi pyrophosphate This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The technical assistance of H. Schroer is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Previous reports that whole cells of Methylophilus methylotrophus oxidase exogenous NADH have been investigated. Essentially identical rates of oxygen consumption were observed following the addition of methanol or NADH to whole cells. Both activities were inhibited by EDTA and hydroxylamine, but not by HQNO, and exhibited similar pH optima. Analyses of the reaction stoichiometry with NADH as substrate showed that the expected amount of oxygen was consumed, but also revealed acidification (instead of alkalinisation) and no oxidation of NADH. Further studies showed that commerical NADH is contaminated with ethanol which is oxidised to acetic acid by the low specificity methanol oxidase system present in this organism. The oxidation of exogenous NADH by whole cells of M. methylotrophus reported previously is therefore spurious.Abbreviations EDTA = ethylenediaminetetracetate - HQNO = 2–n-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline-N-oxide - DEAE = diethylaminoethyl  相似文献   

The oxidation of NADH and accompanying reduction of oxygen to H2O2 stimulated by polyvanadate was markedly inhibited by SOD and cytochrome c. The presence of decavanadate, the polymeric form, is necessary for obtaining the microsomal enzyme-catalyzed activity. The accompanying activity of reduction of cytochrome c was found to be SOD-insensitive and therefore does not represent superoxide formation. The reduction of cytochrome c by vanadyl sulfate was also SOD-insensitive. In the presence of H2O2 all the forms of vanadate were able to oxidize reduced cytochrome c, which was sensitive to mannitol, tris and also catalase, indicating H202-dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals. Using ESR and spin trapping technique only hydroxyl radicals, but not superoxide anion radicals, were detected during polyvanadate-dependent NADH oxidation.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from the apical segments of Cuscuta reflexa exhibited blue light-sensitive PM-linked NADH oxidase activity and increased rate of Ca2+-uptake in presence of NADH in dark, which was also stimulated by blue light. Contrary to marginal inhibition by Con A treatment, the ATPase inhibitors significantly inhibited the Ca2+ uptake by the protoplasts both in dark and under blue light. The Ca2+-calmodulin antagonists, W-7 and calmidazolium, also inhibited Ca2+-uptake by protoplasts under similar conditions. The state of PM polarization was monitored by the fluorescent dye 9-amino acridine. It was observed that PM-linked NADH oxidation caused hyperpolarization of the membrane, the exposure of which to blue light resulted in membrane depolarization. The presence of Ca2+-calmodulin antagonists or Con A treatment completely abolished the blue light-induced membrane depolarization. It is argued that these actities at the PM, having some glycoproteic components, are functionally closely involved in blue light-induced signal transduction in Cuscuta  相似文献   

A novel oxidase activity of external NADH was found in mitochondria of a streptomycin-bleached mutant and the wild strain of Euglena gracilis. In contrast to higher plants the oxidation of external NADH in mitochondria of E. gracilis is sensitive to rotenone and yields the same phosphorylation efficiency as the matrix pool of NADH. Simulation of this activity by the classic complex I of the matrix side of the mitochondrial membrane, as a result of preparation-generated artefacts, is excluded. The external NADH-dehydrogenase activity is bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane with its active side facing the cytosol. State-4 enzyme activity is only slightly influenced by pH in the physiological range, whereas state-3 oxidation indicates an optimum in the physiological pH, as expected from a limitation by the ATPase. The external redox potential of NADH does not control enzyme activity. The results are discussed with respect to the metabolic status of the cells at the time of harvesting.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-starved sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovic) cannot absorb NO 3 or NO 2 upon initial exposure to these anions. Ability of the plants to take up NO 3 and NO 2 at high rates from the beginning was induced by a pretreatment with NO 3 . Nitrite also acted as inducer of the NO 2 -uptake system. The presence of cycloheximide during NO 3 -pretreatment prevented the subsequent uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 , indicating that both uptake systems are synthesized de novo when plants are exposed to NO 3 . Cycloheximide also suppressed nitrate-reductase (EC and nitrite-reductase (EC activities in the roots. The sulfhydryl-group reagent N-ethylmaleimide greatly inhibited the uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 . Likewise, N-ethylmaleimide promoted in vivo the inactivation of nitrate reductase without affecting nitrite-reductase activity. Rates of NO 3 and NO 2 uptake as a function of external anion concentration exhibited saturation kinetics. The calculated Km values for NO 3 and NO 2 uptake were 45 and 23 M, respectively. Rates of NO 3 uptake were four to six times higher than NO 3 -reduction rates in roots. In contrast, NO 2 -uptake rates, found to be very similar to NO 3 -uptake rates, were much lower (about 30 times) than NO 2 -reduction rates. Removal of oxygen from the external solution drastically suppressed NO 3 and NO 2 uptake without affecting their reduction. Uptake and reduction were also differentially affected by pH. The results demonstrate that uptake of NO 3 and NO 2 into sunflower plants is mediated by energy-dependent inducible-transport systems distinguishable from the respective enzymatic reducing systems.Abbreviations CHI cycloheximide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - NiR nitrite reductase - NR nitrate reductase - pHME p-hydroxymercuribenzoate This research was supported by grant PB86-0232 from the Dirección General de Investigatión Científica y Técnica (Spain). One of us (E.A.) thanks the Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucia for the tenure of a fellowship. We thank Miss G. Alcalá and Miss C. Santos for their valuable technical and secretarial assistance.  相似文献   

The compartmentation of solutes in suspension cells of Saccharum sp. during different growth phases in batch culture was determined using CuCl2 to permeabilize the plasma membrane of the cells. The efflux of cytosolic and vacuolar pools of sugars, cations and phosphate was monitored, and the efflux data for phosphate were compared and corrected using data from compartmentation analysis of phosphate as determined by 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results show that sucrose is not accumulated in the vacuoles at any phase of the growth cycle. On the other hand, glucose and fructose are usually accumulated in the vacuole, except at the end of the cell-culture cycle when equal distribution of glucose and fructose between the cytosol and the vacuole is found. Both Na+ and Mg2+ are preferentially located in the vacuoles, but follow the same tendency as glucose and fructose with almost complete location in the vacuole in the early culture phases and increasing cytosolic concentration with increasing age of the cell culture. Potassium ions are always clearly accumulated in the cytosol at a concentration of about 80 mM; only about 20% of the cellular K+ is located inside the vacuole. Cytosolic phosphate is little changed during the cell cycle, whereas the vacuolar phosphate pool changes according to total cellular phosphate. In general there are two different modes of solute compartmentation in sugarcane cells. Some solutes, fructose, glucose, Mg2+ and Na+, show high vacuolar compartmentation when the total cellular content of the respective solute is low, whereas in the case of ample supply the cytosolic pools increase. For other solutes, phosphate and K+, the cytosolic concentration tends to be kept constant, and only excess solute is stored in the vacuole and remobilized under starvation conditions. The behaviour of sucrose is somewhat intermediate and it appears to equilibrate easily between cytosol and vacuole.Abbreviation NMR nuclear magnetic resonance The very cooperative help by Dr. J. Reiner with the 31P-NMR measurements and the technical assistance by D. Keis are gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie.  相似文献   

Among various metal ions of physiological interest, Cu2+ is uniquely capable of catalyzing the oxidation of NADH by H2O2. This oxidation is stimulated about fivefold in the presence of imidazole. A similar activating effect is found for some imidazole derivatives (1-methyl imidazole, 2-methyl imidazole, andN-acetyl-L-histidine). Some other imidazole-containing compounds (L-histidine,L-histidine methyl ester, andL-carnosine), however, inhibit the Cu2+-catalyzed peroxidation of NADH. Other chelating agents such as EDTA andL-alanine are also inhibitory. Stoichiometry for NADH oxidation per mole of H2O2 utilized is 1, which excludes the possibility of a two-step oxidation mechanism with a nucleotide free-radical intermediate. About 92% of the NADH oxidation product can be identified as enzymatically active NAD+. D2O, 2,5-dimethylfuran, and 1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2]-octane have no significant effect on the oxidation, thus excluding1O2 as a mediator. Similarly, OH· is also not a likely intermediate, since the system is not affected by various scavengers of this radical. The results suggest that a copper-hydrogen peroxide intermediate, when complexed with suitable ligands, can generate still another oxygen species much more reactive than its parent compound, H2O2.  相似文献   

Margaret Thom  Ewald Komor 《Planta》1984,161(4):361-365
Kinetic analysis of the Mg2+-dependence of tonoplast ATPase from suspension-cultured cells of sugarcane showed that the enzyme activity increased with increasing magnesium concentrations till 1–3 mM and then decreased consideably for higher concentrations. This kinetic could be explained by the assumption that MgATP2- is the substrate of ATPase: MgATP2- concentration increases with increasing concentration of magnesium till, at high concentrations of magnesium, Mg2ATP is formed. No evidence for a direct role of Mg2+ as activator or inhibitor was found. These data corroborate previous findings that MgATP2- is the sole substrate of the vacuolar ATPase of sugarcane (Thom and Komor 1984). High concentrations of ATP seemed to inhibit the ATPase. This result, however, could be traced back to interference of ATP with the Fiske-Subbarow method of phosphate determination. After adjustment of the test conditions, inhibition by ATP was no longer found. Reported data for ATPases of other plant materials, showing inhibition of enzyme activity with high magnesium or ATP concentrations, might be explicable in a similar way.Abbreviation Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane+Sulfonic acid  相似文献   

In order to estimate photosynthetic and respiratory rates in illuminated photoautotrophic cells of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.), simultaneous measurements of CO2 and O2 gas exchange were performed using 18O2, 13CO2 and a mass-spectrometry technique. This method allowed the determination, and thus the comparison, of unidirectional fluxes of O2 and CO2. In optimum photosynthetic conditions (i.e. in the presence of high light and a saturating level of CO2), the rate of CO2 influx represented 75±5% of the rate of gross O2 evolution. After a dark-to-light transition, the rate of CO2 efflux was inhibited by 50% whereas the O2-uptake rate was little affected. The effect of a recycling of respiratory CO2 through photosynthesis on the exchange of CO2 gas was investigated using a mathematical model. The confliction of the experimental data with the simulated gas-exchange rates strongly supported the view that CO2 recycling was a minor event in these cells and could not be responsible for the observed inhibition of CO2 efflux. On the basis of this assumption it was concluded that illumination of carnation cells resulted in a decrease of substrate decarboxylations, and that CO2 efflux and O2 uptake were not as tightly coupled in the light as in the dark. Furthermore, it could be calculated from the rate of gross photosynthesis that the chloroplastic electron-transport chain produced enough ATP in the light to account for the measured CO2-uptake rate without involving cyclic transfer of electrons around PS I or mitochondrial supplementation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Kd permeability coefficient The authors thank Drs A. Vermeglio and P. Thibault, Dépt. de Biologie, CEN-Cadarache, St. Paul Lez Durance, France, for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Splenocytes, derived from mice that had been immunized with protoplasts prepared from suspension cultures of root cells of Glycine max (L.) Merr. (SB-1 cell line), were fused with a murine myeloma cell line. The resulting hybridoma cultures were screened for the production of antibodies directed against the soybean protoplasts and were then cloned. One monoclonal antibody, designated MVS-1, was found to bind to the outer surface of the plasma membrane on the basis of several criteria: (a) agglutination of the protoplasts; (b) binding of fluorescence-labeled immunoglobulin on protoplasts yielding a ring staining pattern with prominent intensity at the edges; and (c) saturable binding by protoplasts of 125I-labeled Antibody MVS-1. The antigenic target of Antibody MVS-1, identified by immunoblotting techniques, contained a polypeptide of relative molecular mass (Mr) approx. 400000 under both reducing and non-reducing conditions. When the antigenic target of Antibody MVS-1 was chromatographed in potassium phosphate buffer, the position of elution corresponded to that of a high-molecular-weight species (Mr 400000). These results provide the protein characterization required for the analysis of the mobility of Antibody MVS-1 bound to the plasma membrane of SB-1 cells.Abbreviations D diffusion coefficient - Mr relative molecular mass - PBS phosphate-buffered saline (8.00 g NaCl, 1.15 g Na2HPO4, 0.20 g NaH2PO4 per 1 L, pH 7.2) - TPBS phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.5% Tween-20 - TX-100, TX-114 Triton X-100, X-114 - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

The kinetics of the uptake of [3H]gibberellin A1 (GA1) by light- and dark-grown suspension-cultured cells of Spinacia oleracea (spinach) have been studied. Use of nonradioactive GA1 and gibberellic acid (GA3) show that the uptake has a saturable and a nonsaturable component. The nonsaturable component increases as the pH is lowered at a fixed concentration of [3H]GA1 and is probably caused by non-mediated diffusion of the uncharged protonated species of GA1. The saturable component is not the result of metabolic transformation or to GA1 binding to the cell wall and is suggested to represent the operation of a transport carrier for which GA1 and GA3 are substrates. Auxin, abscisic acid and a cytokinin did not alter the GA1 uptake. The Km is approx. 0.3 mol dm-3 at pH 4.4 in light- and dark-grown cells. The Vmax of the carrier is higher in the light-grown cells. The optimum pH for the carrier at a physiological GA1 concentration (3 nmol dm-3) was pH 4.0, with no activity detectable at pH 7.0. Both saturable and nonsaturable components were decreased by protonophores indicating that the pH gradient between the cells and the medium may be a component of the driving forces for both types of transport. Both the permeability coefficient for the undissociated GA1 and the ratio V max/K m for the carrier are lower than the corresponding values for the indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid carriers studied in other species.Abbreviations and symbols ABA abscisic acid - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - P permeability coefficient  相似文献   

The host-specific phytotoxin victorin (HV-toxin) stimulates mesophyll protoplasts of susceptible but not of resistant oat (Avena sativa L.) to produce an amorphous, ethanol-insoluble extracellular material which stains with Calcofluor white and aniline blue. Over a 24-h period incorporation of [14C]glucose into ethanol-insoluble products is maximally stimulated by 60 pg victorin/ml, whereas at 6 ng/ml initial rates of incorporation are higher but the protoplasts collapse. The extracellular material produced in response to victorin is solubilized by cold 4.4 N NaOH and by commercial laminarinase and pectinase. Incorporation of [14C]glucose into cellulose (material resistant to Updegraff's acetic-nitric acid reagent) is stimulated as much as incorporation into other wall polysaccharides, but cellulose constitutes less than 15% of the total victorin-stimulated incorporation. Synthesis of ethanol-insoluble material that can be digested by pronase, i.e. protein, is inhibited by victorin above 60 pg victorin/ml. Formation of extracellular polysaccharide is stimulated at concentrations of victorin which cause almost complete inhibition of protein synthesis, indicating that de-novo protein synthesis is not involved. Preincubation of protoplasts with inhibitors of RNA or protein synthesis prevents both extracellular polysaccharide synthesis and cell death in response to victorin. Although previous studies have indicated a link between calcium and the action of victorin, several compounds which interact with calcium do not influence this response to victorin.Abbreviations EPS extracellular polysaccharide - SCM 0.5 M sorbitol +10 mM CaCl2+5 mM 2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid (Mes), pH 5.8 This paper is dedicated to the memory of our teacher and colleague, Martin H. Zimmermann (1926–1984)  相似文献   

The exchange of O2 and CO2 by photoautotrophic cells of Euphorbia characias L. was measured using a mass-spectrometry technique. During a dark-tolight transition the O2 uptake rate was little affected whereas CO2 efflux was decreased by 40%. In order to differentiate eventual superimposed O2-uptake processes, the kinetics of O2 exchange resulting from brief illuminations were measured with a highly sensitive device. When the cells were exposed to a saturating light for short periods, the rate of O2 uptake passed through a series of transients: there was first a stimulation occurring 2–3 s after the appearance of O2 from water-splitting, followed 30 s later by an inhibition. These two transients were reduced 80% by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)1, 1-dimethylurea (DCMU), indicating that they relied on the linear transport of electrons in the chloroplasts. The first transient (stimulation of an O2 uptake) was little affected by mitochondrial inhibitors such as antimycin A and oligomycin or the uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) but was increased in presence of KCN. When spaced flashes (2 us duration; 100-ms intervals) were used instead of continuous light, this transient was almost suppressed indicating that it was dependent on the saturation of some component of the chloroplastic chain. The second transient (inhibition of O2 uptake) was present when spaced flashes were used instead of continuous light. It was markedly decreased by addition of CCCP and mitochondrial inhibitors (antimycin A, oligomycin, KCN) which strongly indicates that it relied on mitochondrial respiration. It is concluded from these experiments that illumination of the cells resulted in an inhibition of mitochondrial respiration, but the resulting inhibition of O2 uptake was hidden by the appearance of an O2-uptake process of extramitochondrial origin, presumably located in the chloroplast.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide mchlorophenylhydrazone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Rubisco ri-bulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase The authors thank Drs A. Vermeglio, P. Thibault and P. Gans for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Cortical microtubules (MTs) in protoplasts prepared from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) BY-2 cells were found to be sensitive to cold. However, as the protoplasts regenerated cell walls they became resistant to cold, indicating that the cell wall stabilizes cortical MTs against the effects of cold. Since poly-l-lysine was found to stabilize MTs in protoplasts, we examined extensin, an important polycationic component of the cell wall, and found it also to be effective in stabilizing the MTs of protoplasts. Both extensin isolated from culture filtrates of tobacco BY-2 cells and extensin isolated in a similar way from cultures of tobacco XD-6S cells rendered the cortical MTs in protoplasts resistant to cold. Extensin at 0.1 mg·ml−1 was as effective as the cell wall in this respect. It is probable that extensin in the cell wall plays an important role in stabilizing cortical MTs in tobacco BY-2 cells.  相似文献   

Two experimental systems were developed to study the uptake of sucrose by the dermal transfer cells of developing cotyledons of Vicia faba L. First, the in-vivo state was approximated by short-term (10 min) incubation of whole cotyledons in [14C]sucrose solutions. Under these conditions, a minimum of 67% of the 14C label entered the dermal transfer cell complex. Of this, at least 40% crossed the plasma membranes of the epidermal transfer cells. Second, a protocol was developed to enzymatically isolate and purify dermal transfer cell protoplasts. The yields of the transfer cell protoplasts were relatively low and their preparation incurred a significant loss of plasma membrane. However, the protoplasts remained viable up to 24 h following purification and proved to be a suitable system to verify transport properties observed with whole cotyledons. Using these two experimental systems, it was established that [14C]sucrose uptake by the dermal transfer cells exhibited features consistent with mediated energy-dependent transport. This included saturation kinetics, competition for uptake between structurally similar molecules, and inhibition of uptake by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and several other metabolic inhibitors. For comparative purposes, sugar uptake by the storage parenchyma of the Vicia cotyledons was also examined. In contrast to the dermal transfer cell complex, sucrose uptake by the storage parenchyma displayed characteristics consistent with simple diffusion.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid The investigation was supported by funds from the Research Management Committee, the University of Newcastle and the Australian Research Council. One of us, R. McDonald, gratefully acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. We are indebted to Stella Savory for preparing the ultrathin sections for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

R. Marx  K. Brinkmann 《Planta》1979,144(4):359-365
1. Respiration rates of broad-bean (Vicia faba) mitochondria were studied as a function of temperature. Arrhenius plots of all membrane-bound enzymes, as obtained with saturating substrate concentrations, revealed a break in the lower temperature range. That break was considered to indicate a phase transition of membrane phospholipids, characteristic for chilling-sensitive plants. A second discontinuity at 30°C occurred only with activities linked to energy conservation. — 2. The activation energies for the oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates differ between states 3 and 4. State 3 respiration of NAD+-linked substrates is the result a superimposition of two branches of electron transport, which can be separated by different sensibilities to rotenone. A characteristic temperature dependency of the respiratory control, as well as a shift of the low temperature break in the Arrhenius plot toward a higher temperature after state 4 to state 3 transition, are calculated to be caused by the superimposition of the two branches. — 3. The temperature dependency of the oxidation of extra-mitochondrial NADH and of succinate differs remarkably from that of the oxidation of matrix-NADH. It has been concluded that the rotenone-resistant oxidation of matrix-NADH and the oxidation of external NADH are mediated via different pathways with individual regulation sites.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - TPP thiaminepyrophosphate  相似文献   

Nucellar-derived cell cultures of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) proliferate as proembryogenic masses. By a change in the carbon source of the medium from sucrose to glycerol they are induced to undergo synchronous embryogenesis forming embryo initials that develop into globular embryos. The proembryogenic masses released glycoproteins to the medium. Exogenous addition of the glycoproteins to cells in glycerol-containing medium modified the course of embryo development in a dose-dependent manner. Addition of 20 g · ml–1 of glycoproteins blocked embryogenesis and resulted in an accumulation of embryo initials. When glycoproteins were added to cultures containing advanced globularstage embryos further development was suppressed. The inhibitory component of the glycoproteins was found to be a family of polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 53–57 kDa. While these proteins normally accumulated only in cultures of proembryogenic masses, they could be induced to accumulate in glycerol-containing medium by the addition of the glycoproteins. Thus, their accumulation was not a direct consequence of the type of growth medium used or the developmental state of the cultures. The results indicate that the 53-to 57 kDa glycoproteins could play a regulatory role in in-vitro embryogenesis in sour orange. The normal progression of embryo development appears to depend, in an obligatory manner, on the absence of these glycosylated extracellular proteins from the medium.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - PEM proembryogenic masses - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - 2D-PAGE Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We thank Dr. S. Satoh (Institute of Biological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan) for sending protein samples of the purified 57-kDa glycoprotein. This research was supported by a grant from the Charles H. Revson Foundation for Basic Research in the Life Sciences of the Israel Academy of Sciences. R.F. is a recipient of the Jack and Florence Goodman Career Development Chair.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed that results in the reversible permeabilization of the cell wall and plasmalemma of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root cells grown in suspension and callus culture. Cells in culture are treated with saponin (0.1 mg/ml) for 15 min at room temperature. They are then coincubated in separate experiments with fluorescent-derivatized dextrans (20–70 kDa) or fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G to ascertain the exclusion size of macromolecules capable of diffusing across the cell wall and plasmalemma into the cytoplasm. Following an incubation period of 30 min, it was observed by conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy that all derivatized macromolecules tested (20–140 kDa) could be incorporated into the cytoplasm, but not into the vacuole. This procedure did not appear to affect cell viability adversely. A normal doubling time was observed for these cells following the permeabilization procedure.Abbreviations FDA fluorescein diacetate - FITC-20 kDa, FITC-40 kDa, FITC-70 kDa dextrans fluorescein-derivatized 20-kDa, 40-kDa, and 70-kDa dextrans - IgG immunoglobulin G - kDa kilodalton Paramjit K. Gharyal wishes to thank the Nitrogen Availability Program at Michigan State University for financial support. We also thank Edwin de Feijter of Meridian Instruments for technical assistance in performing the confocal measurements. This work was supported by a grant from the U.S. — Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD project No. US-1384-87).  相似文献   

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